Zovnishnya do-it-yourself antenna for iota. Do-it-yourself external antenna for iota Self-closing antenna 4 g

LTE is new for the people, I will first estimate logically what the standard has implemented, then let's move on to reading the literature. The main power of technology is the improvement of the security of the transmission of information on the Internet. With the test LTE robots in Bishkek, the bandwidth rate was 20 Mb/s. That is why there is a limit of installations, so as not to overwhelm merezh. Cheers, at the exit station (the beginning of the 90s of the XX century) LTE without getting into digital. The protocol is absolutely super-specific 3G specifics, the style operators were deliberately advised to recognize. A group of companies, which is not honored to introduce LTE, extended the first option, while Yota began to cover Belarus with a new standard, if not - the Russian Federation. Can you make an LTE antenna with your own hands? Surely so!

LTE standard, LTE antennas

It is unique to keep up to three LTE. Let's just guess the facts: the speed is more advanced by the methods of coding information, by the method of modulation. The polarization mayzhe is sing-songly linear, vertical (typically of a stilt tie). Frequencies accepted by LTE, which are always practical. Thesis stands for Russia. Ask your provider for the hvilya (channel number) beforehand, then start constructing LTE antennas. Today, leather stylnikovy operator is moving. In the Astrakhan region, they distribute LTE on two or three antennas. Frequencies for all raznі, zmіnuyuyutsya figures by region, on the right to quote until the call becomes the fastest and cheapest.

It is brought to the attention of newcomers: for the frequencies of operators in LTE, і tіlі і radio firms zavzhdi ide war. The range does not rely on nothing, the firm goiter is to pay. Powers are aware of a large number of operators in LTE - leather charges. It’s not new that the great enterprises are huddled with rations and hoarded with chimal sums. For what to pay for LTE, it’s easy to say, I guess, on the right it looks like this:

  • Radio broadcasts to the people. Bezperechno bringing fact. Reduce immunity, provoke the filth of self-confidence, raise body temperature. The person feels absolutely ill;
  • As such, the organization is guilty of taking control, so that the people of the community are not disproved. Otherwise, the population becomes more sick, nothing good will happen. Committee є GRKCh, as a report, read on healthy thematically look around the borders. The organization is engaged in the distribution of frequencies.

Please note that contributions that are paid by LTE providers, other radio channel providers, do not bring a great profit (please read the editorial staff, as if you have mercy). A penny pays for the labor of people who need to pay salaries, medicines, admissions... The state of the great income from LTE does not take away. It’s not necessary to be surprised, so you don’t get carried away by spying operators on one LTE antenna. Range of chimals.

However, today it is shown how to build an LTE antenna, how to catch everyone. Come, zvichayno, sweat a little. It is recommended to read the literature, the book by Kharchenko K.P. 1969 roku release for UKH antenna. The name, perhaps, otherwise, apparently, annoying readers can be enchanted and read the whole practice (free pdf, djvu versions).

The features of LTE antennas are interchanged with sizes. For GSM tezh fit. WiFi lie higher. The LTE antenna is playing the upper channels of the TV channel, as if it were flared up, so that the temperature became stable (rotate 90 degrees).

How to get a good LTE antenna

A self-contained LTE antenna can be as powerful as a shear. It is recommended to be more obedient. You know, deaks are put up to the bіkvadrat trochs of the beast. Absolutely gift. In the book of Kharchenko, he writes: with a good design of the virus, the building takes a whil with an overlap of the range in 2 - 2.5 times. Let's now let's see what LTE is on the territory of Russia. It’s too much to think… to take away different frequencies, let’s go to Wikipedia, so as not to carry out a serious follow-up, we can try to determine the parameters of the technical task.

Skin mobile operator does not help competitors. LTE antenna KR - 14 - 2050 - JG, the gain coefficient becomes 14 dB in the range of 1900 - 2200 MHz. SWR is not higher than 2. Well? Now take a look at Kharchenko's pratsy, level the biquadrat with the store antenna. Do you still think that it is not necessary to take anything with your own hands? There will be problems with the connections, the possession of free access to the outside antennas. To smoke modems (okrema rozmov), shukati and other methods of obtaining possession. What is good at the Kharchenko antenna, the weather can be carried out clearly. Let's take a look at the structure.

In the tenth portal VashTechnіk zgaduє good word of Anteni Kharchenko. Let's try again...

Let's talk about otrimaniy virib. The right antenna of Kharchenko is covered with triple contours. Introduced little ones of the original 1969 rock, I guess, the author will not mind the screaming destruction of copyright. Like bachite, it is prescribed to expand the amount of time for the maximum amount of wheezing (minimum frequency).

As for Kharchenko, the overlap coefficient for the stock range is close to 2 (up to 2.5). Nowhere in the region will the SWR be higher than 2. Respect respect, stand upright. Polarization will be horizontal. Kharchenko proponuvav vikoristovuvaty design, catchers telecasting, the authors want to attach zv'yazok. Put the biquadrat on the side.

How to close the contours, to put it neatly, the author calls to show ... From the little next: the upper maximum square is transformed into a smaller lower one, and navpaki. The middle one flickers on itself. On the contact maidanchiks, three circuits are taken by a bus, so that the cable is powered. Viplivaє s baby, according to the text, zero explanation. Having taken it with the readers, we go to the random system, we don’t like the innocent food ... Axis scho in the distance z'yasuvati.

Power supply for designing LTE antenna Kharchenko

According to the theory, it is not easy to know from the book, the diameter of the frame can become 0.016 - 0.02 of the maximum longevity. For TV broadcasting frequencies, the SRSR became:

  1. 1 - 5 (49 - 100 MHz) channels: 120 - 100 mm.
  2. 6 - 12 (174 - 230 MHz); channels: 34 - 27 mm.

Conducting a significant diameter of the cut is smooth, it is necessary to change the round conductor to a flat one. Significantly increased the sailing capacity of the antenna, which cannot be called a positive factor, the preparation has become more complicated, the air has increased, the materials have become coherently available. Three contours will stop. Good news: working with frequencies of 750 MHz and more, 6 mm in diameter, the skin is removed (to clean the PV). Another good call: they knew how to carry out the installation. Nevidomy, the author, tried to rewrite the book of the little one, having described the process on the site http://chegdomyn.narod.ru/meny/radio/ant-xarchenko.html. Free domain, 99% volume, information distributed by a hardcore enthusiast.

The authors were filled with rewriting the little ones, adding a couple of words: from the sides of the mounting plate, two round plates are laid, on which the drіt is soldered. On the kutah (6 pieces to go out in large numbers) the frames are tangled with metal smugs. Schodo trajectory Mali ration. Vicone the little one, don't have mercy. It is not accepted to isolate the cross-section of the dart, the antenna cord is not required.

Do-it-yourself antenna for LTE was broken. Just wait, they wrote to a special eye, which Antena Kharchenko is called with his own hands. Today's WiFi lovers are widely interested in construction. Sometimes they are placed near a plastic case, covering the seam with silicone sealant, we buy it from a plumbing store.

The mobile Internet is still programmable to the home one in security. Do not always subscribers to stay at the stable coverage area. If the signal is weak, the speed of the interest of the sides will be low. One solution is to connect the antenna to the USB modem. You can either buy it, or work it out on your own from handicrafts.

Some devices require an antenna for the modem

Antenna to fix the mobile Internet, as if there were two on the signal icon, or one went off. Complementing the external antennas can capture the signal there, when the antenna cannot be built in. As if there is no sound signal, it is immovable, so that the call of the antenna will appear powerless in your mind.

On bagatioh modems є roses on the side for connecting the cable to the external antenna

As a matter of fact, the speed is less of a problem - it’s more rich, better for everything, the reason is that the operator’s base station is overwhelmed by requests from subscribers. Navigate as you install the antenna, the speed will not increase. In your case, it is recommended to change the operator or try to direct the antenna to your company's flag.

How to see 3G / 4G antennas

Anteni (as purchased, and self-sufficient) podіlyayut sparsely seen fallow in іd kіlkoh pokaznikіv. Just talk about the method of installation, є room and street antennas. Remain more effective, to that stench is practicable in the open space, de least reshkod. The stench is coming for quiet subscribers, who live far away in the world.

Room antennas are not as effective as street antennas

Behind the receiving signal, the antennas are divided into wide-range and wide-range. The first functional - the stench of the building to receive a 2G and 3G signal, if, for example, 4G is not caught.

Antennas can also be divided into direct, all-straight and sector. Stop two and see the building to catch a signal in a row in a bunch of cherry blossoms. Another difference is the size of the MIMO antennas - they are fully equipped with two antennas at the same time, so they can receive a signal from one or the other, and also transmit a signal to the modem at the same time. The stinks of buildings increase the speed of up to 100 Mb/s.

The MIMO antenna essentially has two receivers, which is why it is efficient

Fallen in the presence in the antenna of the substation, I will add active and passive ones. Passive, de-powering is silent, not so shortening the signal of a mobile fence, as active, but if you don’t need to plug it in to an outlet (power-wiring is working in an electric fence).

Preparation of antennas from a tin can

Plus tsієї samorobnoї antenna - accessibility. At the skin booth, you can find a white plaque - some kind of cavi, some gassed drinks. More shortly, schob she was cylindrical - without kutiv. The jar will be a "hearing appart" for hvil. The stench reaches the bottom and rises up in the sky. The results in the jar will have a standing stubble.

What is needed to work with a jar, so that an antenna comes out of it:

The minus of the method is that wine pidide is not for all moods, for example, if you live on the first or the other version and your house is far away from the city. She can help you, as the problems with the signal are not that serious. In this way, the antenna is easy to prepare, but not the flooring is effective, like, for example, Kharchenko's antenna.

A more foldable variation of the bank antenna - with a metal connector in the middle and a rod that stretches out:

Antenna from drotu

Another primitive way to strengthen the signal of the mobile measure, which is extinguished, is the middling drіt. It is necessary to wind the bottom part of the modem, where the internal antenna is located. Here, 20-30 cm of the dart of guilt will be left behind. Tsey vіlny shmatok viginaєmo - vіn may be perpendicular to the modem, then vertically. A modem with a self-contained antenna is installed on the weekend and connected to a PC for help.

Make a twist on the modem and straighten the cable vertically

Podovzhuvach can come right from the pidsiluvach – it’s also possible to help improve the displays.

Antena Kharchenko (biquadrat): simple instructions

Vcheniy Kharchenko propagated this model of a frame antenna in 1961. Vaughn vikoristovuvalsya as a primer for TV programs. The antenna is even more effective - it plays the role of a primach, and a subduer. It is wide-smooth, it increases the intensity of the signal up to 3 - 4 dB for the presence of the reflector and up to 8 - 9 dB for the reflector (metal panel, like a signal). When it's not important, it's 3G or 4G.

Minus їх in folding is prepared against the front self-contained antennas. However, for a reliable bazhannya, it is possible to turn into s її folded skins:

  1. The back of the head is prepared "vіs_mka" from a monolithic dart with a peretina of 4 mm 2. Squares mayut buti as much as possible. May be a readable symmetry. Sob її reach, before cutting, mark the dart with a marker. Let's put some pasatizhi on the rozmіtka drota. Now it is necessary to bend the wire under the cut 90 o. Whisk the cutter to reach the exact cut.

    To build up a symmetrical "big" from a medny dart

  2. Take an aluminum plate - tovshchina 22 mm. Zagalna area - 140 x 140 mm. The plate will be vidbivachem (reflector). Drill open at the center of the plate (drill).
  3. Close the top right in the center of the reflector on a 3.6 cm wide panel.

    Close the antenna behind the help of wooden sticks from the sides

  4. Open the clamps at the reflector, put the structure on the bracket (take out the satellite dish). Now it is necessary to solder the cable, passing it behind the back through the opening of the plate.

    Antenna lead the cable to the modem

  5. If the modem can be connected to an antenna, connect the cable to it through an adapter.
  6. If there is no rose, take three pieces of copper foil. Zrobіt kovpak vіdpovіdno to razmіrіv modem. Close the cable on the kovpak (you need to solder it) and put it on the attachment.

    If you don’t need a pink antenna, use a mid-plate to fix the antenna on the modem

  7. After connecting the antenna, set the signal - turn it, the docks do not take the maximum result from the view of the number of deposits. The stench seems to be at the company's program I will add or your provider, as it will be installed on the computer to establish the connection. Try to expand the antenna under different cuts, for example, under 45 pro or 70 pro.

Video: how to prepare a Kharchenko antenna

Other options for self-contained antennas

Ideas for self-contained antennas can be like this:

  1. Drushlyak 4G. The skin in the booth has a simple aluminum drushlyak. It is necessary to fix the USB holder on the handles of the dishes. Until the new connection is made, the modem can be placed between the stakes of the bowl. We force the drushlyak to the base station and catch the signal.

    You can strengthen the signal for the help of a great fool

  2. Satellite antenna 3G/4G. If you have an old satellite antenna, let it go. The signal will be strengthened significantly, the shards of the antenna will be street. Take the converter from the rods. Install the modem on which location. Obviously, you need to connect USB - gently stretch it to the modem and plug it in. Now point the dish at the operator's window. For customization, it will be necessary to properly wrap the plate in order to achieve the maximum effect.

    Click on "Vimiryati" on the site

    If you need a simple antenna, for the preparation of which you don’t need special skills that knowledge, build a dart or a can antenna. You can also take the option with a drushlyak or an old satellite antenna. For more information, there are more foldable ways - Kharchenko's antenna or "Podviyne Kilce".

Іsnuyuchi merezhi mobile zv'yazku vikoristovuyutsya not only for zdіisnennya dzvіnkіv and transfer podomlenya. The beginning of the digital method of transmission for the help of basic measures, the transfer of data is also possible. These technologies, depending on the level of development, are designated 3G and 4G. 4G technology supports the LTE standard. The speed of data transfer to be deposited depending on the specific features of the link (which is determined by the operator), theoretically reaching up to 2 Mb / s for a 3G link and up to 1 Gb / s for a 4G link. All designated technologies are more efficient for the presence of a strong and stable signal. For which most modems transmit the connection of external antennas.

3G antenna type "hvilovy channel"

At sale it is possible to use different options of antennas for improving the quality of the receiver. The 3G panel antenna is becoming very popular. The gain coefficient of a similar antenna should be close to 12 dB in the frequency range of 1900-2200 MHz. A similar type of building addition will also improve the 2G signal strength - GPRS and EDGE.

Panel antenna 3G

Since the greater number of other passive outbuildings is more important, there can be one-way directing, which at the same time will increase the signal that is received, allowing you to reduce the level of crossover from the field directives and rear. In such a way, to instill in the minds of an incomprehensible reception, you can raise the signal to an acceptable value, thereby increasing the speed and transmission of information.

The working range of the 4G meshes is practically extended with the range of the forward generation, not to blame for the daily deployment of different antennas for the 3G 4G LTE meshes. For whatever technology, antennas can be installed more closely to the maximum data transmission speed.

Even more zbіshiti svidkosti priyomu and peredachi і danih allowed new tekhnologiya, scho vikoristovu razdіlnі priymachі and peredachivі in odnіy smuzі frequencies. The design of the basic 4G modem is based on the use of MIMO technology.

The advantage of panel antennas is unparalleled - their low price and faulty superiority. There is practically nothing in the design that can be shaped when falling from a great height. The only weak spot is a high-frequency cable, which can be broken in the place where it is introduced into the case. In order to continue the term of service, I will add, the cable is guilty of butiyno fixings.

To increase the throughput of the channel, the communication between receiving and transmitting data is divided into a signal processing method, if the reception and transmission is carried out by different antennas.

Get respect! Zastosovuyuchi LTE MIMO antennas, you can increase the throughput building by 20-30% when working with a simple antenna.

The basic principle is the use of interoperability between antennas.

Electromagnetic winds can be the mother of all kinds directly across the surface of the earth. It is called polarization. Basically, vertically and horizontally polarized antennas are victorious. To turn off the mutual injection between each other, the antennas are polarized to cut 90 gr. To make sure that the earth's surface is compatible for both antennas, the polarization plane of the skin is shifted by 45 degrees. good earth. In this order, as one of the antennas can polarize 45 gr., Insha, obviously, 45 gr. Shchodo one one zsuv warehousing nebhіdnі 90 gr.

Mutual expansion of antennas

On the little one, you can clearly see how the antennas are flared up like one of the same earth.

Important! Antenna polarization can be the same as at the base station.

While for 4G LTE technologies, the support for MIMO locking is at the base station, for 3G communications with a large number of attachments without MIMO, operators are not in a hurry to introduce new technologies. On the right, in the case of MIMO 3G, the add-on is more practical.

Rules for installing antennas do not vary by magnitude. Golovna umova - the changeover between the client and the base station. The tree, which grows, dah susіdnої budіvlі or, scho sche rіrshe, power line, serve as overhead screens for electromagnet hvil. The higher the frequency of the signal, the more extinguished will be to make the expansion of the radio wave on the way.

Fallow in the type of fastening of the antenna can be installed on the walls of the bud, or fixed on the drawers. Є two vidi antennas MIMO:

Monoblocks are already placed in the middle of two structures, installed with the necessary polarization, and the separation is made up of two antennas, so that it is necessary to creak a little, the skin is to blame for them, but directly to the base station.

All the nuances of installing a MIMO antenna with your own hands are clearly and reportedly described in the accompanying documentation, or rather, consult your provider in advance, or ask a representative for installation, paying a small amount, or taking away the full guarantee on the robots.

There are no principles of folding with independent preparation. You need to learn how to work with metal, smart trimming in the hands of a soldering iron, and care that neatness.

Unauthorized Umova - suvore dotrimannya geometric obsyagіv vsіh, without blame, warehouse elements. Geometrical dimensions of high-frequency extensions are due to trimming with accuracy to a millimeter and more precisely. Be-like vidhilennya lead to the loss of showings. In the fall, the coefficient of strength, increase the mutual communication between MIMO antennas. Zreshtoy zam_st silennya signal will be guarded by yogo weakening.

It's a pity, the wide access has wide access to exact geometrical dimensions. Like vinyatok, the materials are based on repetitions of the same factory designs, as if they were not copied from the given accuracy. That is not enough to put great hopes on the schemes, descriptions of the methods that are published on the Internet.

From the other side, even if it is not necessary to be stronger, then it is vikonana independently, with the additional significance of expanding the MIMO antenna, all one will give, although not great, but a positive effect.

The versatility of the materials is not high, and spending an hour for the obviousness of a beginner is also not too great. Until then, no one cares about trying out some options and choosing the ones that are acceptable for the results of the test.

In order to build a MIMO 4G LTE antenna with your own hands, you will need two absolutely equal sheets of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.2-0.5 mm, and rather a one-sided foil-coated screed. One of the sheets is for the preparation of the reflector (vіdbivacha), and the other one is for the preparation of active elements. The cable for connecting to the modem is due to mother opir 50 Ohm (such a standard for modem control).

A television cable cannot be twisted for two reasons:

  • opіr 75 Ohm vykliche inconvenience from modem inputs;
  • great tovshchina.

It is also necessary to confirm the difference, as it is the fault of exactly confirming the difference on the modem.

Important! It is shown that between the active elements and the reflector it is guilty of winding up in the foil ball at the different foil material.

In addition, you need a small burr of a mid-sized dart of a zavtovshka of 1-1.2 mm.

One of the options for self-cooking

The structure has been prepared and can be placed in a plastic case. It is not possible to beat the metal, the shards of the antenna will be placed in an electromagnetic screen in such a rank and not practicable.

Get respect! The larger armchair is placed not up to MIMO antennas, but up to panel ones. The stench of the stench argues that one cable is connected to a simple panel antenna, and two are required to MIMO.

Having prepared two panel antennas, you can choose the separation option, do-it-yourself MIMO 4G antennas.

Podbivayuchi pіdbags, one might say, preparing antennas by their own hands - no more than an important thing on the right. In case of reliance on the whole, it is possible to take away the practical application, having saved a little of finances. It's easier to fix a 3G antenna with your own hands. In the distant future, where there is still no cover for LTI, it may be the only option to increase the security of the day.

The number of base stations for low-cost operators is constantly expanding. Vіdpovіdno up to thogo expands and the zone of coverage, zv'yazok penetrates navіt navіddalenіshi kutochki. Tim is not less, the places are being abandoned, the country is being covered with the weak - for such minds of the difficulties of voice calls and practically impossible access to the Internet. It's worth it and the new operator Yota, which hopes for a secure Internet Yota for LTE technology. In some remote areas between areas, the access security drops to zero - subscribers will have to overcome the problem of guiding coverage. We will try to solve this problem for you with the help of self-protective antennas for Yota.

Zovnishnya antenna for Yota allows you to strengthen a weak signal, where to go from the nearest base station, and increase the security of access to the border. The use of these antennas is relevant for quiet people who live in remote areas. We can see two tipi antennas:

  • Factory virobnitstva;
  • Hand made.

The first good thing is that the stench is prepared on the exact possession and can secure the wrongness of the coefficient of strength, which reaches 15-20 dB. Alternately, the variety of such antennas sometimes overturns all reasonable borders, although they don’t show anything collapsible stench - a banal grille and a primary part of the focus. At zv'yazku z tsim richly technically inserted subscribers vvazhayut for the best way to prepare Yota antennas with their own hands.

A self-produced antenna can enhance the signal from the base station and improve reception more stable. In okremih vpadkah modem pochinayut pratsyuvati navit there, de without vikoristannya antenna reception Yota and not poserіgalos. But in the process of creating antennas, there is one small difficulty for us - the majority of modems have no roses and no antennas. Otzhe, bring you to pay directly to the other pay.

Necessary material and tool

Designing LTE antennas like Yota, you need to use tools. Here we need a soldering iron, a set of twists, pliers and round-nose pliers, a sharp knife and a glue gun. Other tools are available if needed.

Of the materials necessary for the preparation of antennas for Yota, which are described in our review, we need a high-frequency antenna cable, a beer can (you can drink it, if you need a good reception), a parabolic satellite antenna is ready (without a receiver converter), cardboard, foil and an old saucepan (drushlyak, basin).

Bad antenna for 4G LTE modem type Yota - tse Kharchenko antenna. Vaughn є "vіs_mkoy" z_dnogo drotu, placed in the middle of a small metal or metal-plated vіdbivach (for example, from foil textolіtu). By preparing such an antenna, it is necessary to watch the expansion of the “big time”, speeding up the preliminary information from the Internet. It is also necessary to know, on a certain frequency, the movement is carried out (LTE of a lot of channels).

The short antennas of Kharchenko are those that do not require a cable to be connected to the socket on the modem case, which may not appear there - you will be able to pay directly to the other payment, having opened the case. The same stand for all other antennas, which are installed on the streets, except for modems.

Ale є th perevagi - antennas of a similar type are easily lifted to a great height, the tree significantly improves the signal.

Enough An effective antenna can be taken from an old pan for 2-3 liters, an aluminum basin or a cardboard box glued with foil. Selecting the appropriate design, we place the modem in the middle and try to orient the antenna at the nearest base station.

If necessary, you can change the orientation of the modem in the middle of our handicraft winder - closer or farther away from the third back wall. Fastening is possible with the help of handy materials and a glue gun. The head of the antenna from the pan, or the box pasted over with foil, are those that we do not need to know about the modem itself, soldering to the new antenna cable. It’s better to think about those, so that the USB cable won’t be broken, so that it won’t break.

If the antenna is attached to the street, the modem can be wrapped in polyethylene. Zvichayna satellite antenna is also helpful us to evil that posili the signal from the nearest base station. The design is simple - we use an LTE modem like Yota near a plastic tube and fasten it at the focus of the antenna (where the converter is placed). After that, we direct the antenna at the bik base station and watch out for accommodation. If necessary, change the modem to the next one, increasing the maximum equal to the signal.

Chi can induce an antenna for Yota with a support? It will be even more important to keep the minds of the home minds, so that we need not only to receive, but also to transmit a signal - we need two-sided strength. Therefore, the greater number of antennas for Yota is based on the principle of passive signal amplification.

External antenna for Iota from aluminum cans

An aluminum can with beer can become a good antenna. Instead, you can go into the flask and victorious for direct confession, in parallel, being engaged in rozrobki. Dali zrіzaєmo at the can of the upper part, put її horizontally on the table and robimo in the wall of the holes - 38-40 mm from the bottom of the can. Ask for a modem and close it behind the help of a glue gun. It is connected to the computer and checks for the strength of the signal and the security of the connection.

Cream of beer cans; The depth of the can is recommended to be 15-18 div.

Reverifying the Yota signal

In order to reverify the signal, it is necessary check the service side of the modem at the address Here we can improve the speed of the signal, and we can also control the signal and the efficiency of the antenna. It was reported about those how to protest the swedishness of Iota we rozpovidali earlier in one of our surveys.

Today we are with you, anonymous anonymous, we will deal with important changes, and the most diverse Wi-Fi / 3G / 4G garmats. Recently, I spent a lot of money on Youtube to inform video bloggers under the nickname KREOSAN. It was served to the authorities to this video blog in a manner like a supercreative, so it is anonymous to torment doubts, but who can believe in the authenticity of everything? Let's start looking for food...

We are brutally in front of your respect, that the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwi-fi harmony was promoted by I. Panchenko on the forum lan23.ru more distant 2007 rock, but not a video, not a word about it in the description. Not a good shot for the suvori creosans, what's wrong, Carle?

True varto designate what is on the side of the antenna on lan23.ru in the description and in the picture below, the difference is different. Let's just say, what are the options for robot workers, but which one to choose from them? More than that, on the forum itself, you can know up to 3-4 different options for expansion. The very same Creosanian video has an armchair winking, on which a reflector of chimes with a side, and a video of wines without a side, which again generates songs of sumniv. A variant without a side on the back of the head was proponed by I. Panchenko, running it on a real link and bringing it to the tune according to the attachments, so move it in fighting minds. Vіn the same implementation of the video KREOSAN. To understand everything, you need to respectfully re-read everything discussed on the forum. And reveal your own cognitive dissonance anonymous, what a weak understanding of what was discussed on the forums (well, not fakhivets veins in the antennas of the low-frequency frequency!) So thank you KREOSAN "u, who alive added to the anonymous choice of option. When analyzing the model in HFSS, it is clearly seen that the antenna is to blame but without a board.

Yak mi bachimo, for SWR< 2 антенна имеет очень широкую полосу пропускания. Это обуславливает ее неплохую повторяемость, что очень важно. Плюс к этому и другие существенные преимущества антенны, о чем пишет И.Панченко в описании. Антенна известна еще со времен исторического материализма и расово правильное ее название ribbed-string antenna, but we call it not "garmat". You can show one of the її options on the photo of the Radian moon-walker. At the same time, the "new generation", as if they do not remember the ancient times, they gave it the name Patch-Yagi. There may be "spadkovі" features of Uda-Yagi:

  • an endless set of options for expansions for given parameters, so the search for "actual", "residual" correct expansions is not sensible;
  • for a great number of elements, repetition falls, that is. dovgu "garmat" with a great number of directors and more 20 dBi and more without improving the accessories, you won't be able to work it out, you'll be better, but not better, but you can make it even more short, so you can prepare "super harmonica" with the number of directors more than 5 artisanal minds have no sense;

It is possible and here to present some claims, the type of which is set to be reconciled with I. Panchenko is not optimal, not ideal, not kosher, not Orthodox, etc., especially the practical implementation of harmony was not viyshla. Did you design ideal antennas? The antenna is just narrower than the harn, that's all. Tse is confirmed, before speech, without intermediary vimirs:

We would like to introduce you to your online harmonic calculator for pererakhonka on other frequencies.


Vіdstan h0, h1...h5 in the model are figured as if they were in the cob of one plate to the cob of the step, so as to take the right side of the reflector as a point in the direction of the reflector and collapse in a straight line of the remaining director. In such a rank, the stench is equivalent to standing between the axes of the plates.

Anonymous, you can put power, but why on the channel of KREOSAN "3G / 4G harmata" can one disk be less? M tezh do not know why, what stinks were cursing and de took razmіri. I suspect that they took as a basis that very "picture below" from the pershogerel, they guessed about it, scaled it up and saw it for their own. Your pardon is in the fact that in this design the side of the shoes is viscous, and if you clean it up, then the resonant frequency of the design goes uphill. The result of "3G harmat Creosan" due to the efforts may have a central frequency higher than the operating range. Until the speech of the forum on lan23.ru did not shrink (div. strength) and there the furnishing is discussed. Visnovok from the discussion - 3G / 4G garmata in the form of a creosan in a hot and a shot, ale "crooked". Navіscho us crooked harmony? Won't we need to fuck an hour for nothing? Same way. Rather, natomіst zvernuti respect for the wide-swallow Batwing.

Rozrahunok 7-disk harmat (as recommended for repetition) is added to our supplement for Android Cantennator. Tap on the QR code, so you came here from your mobile or tablet, or scan this code with your mobile, so you can see this side on the desktop monitor to go to Google Play to get excited. Don't forget to rate the program and leave feedback.

The specifics of the preparation and design of the antenna can be reportedly reviewed below. Significantly only, that the thickness of the plates can be changed in the range of 0.3..1 mm (the reflector is like a disk, which you carry, in short, take a tow, close to 2 mm), and the studs can be twisted no more than M6. However, the effect of a negative result will be much less, as you can see the studs and solder the disks on a steel or brass pin with a diameter of 2-3 mm (for example, on the welding electrode, as in the original selection). In fact, the stoking of studs with nuts is not the fault of video bloggers, but it was stoked richly earlier. I would like to marvel at the article of the "ushkuynik" for the help. Just with the nuts, I’m ready to manually attach the antenna according to the accessories (the amazing picture is better, the de garmata with the nuts is connected to the impedance switch). If you don’t have a lot of fittings, it’s better to use studs and nuts and work for the original article (possibility).

It is necessary to overshoot the antenna by 75 ohms on the numerical pass. You don't need to change it again, the 7-disk "garmat" with equal success works both on a 50-ohm drive, and on a 75-ohm one. Below is a graph of the SWR Wi-Fi of the 7th disk "harmony", rated for the Wi-Fi range, powered by an RG213 cable with a 50 Ohm bias and powered by an RG6 cable with a 75 Ohm bias with the "correct" connections. Like Bachimo, at the borders of the working range of SWR with both advantages, I don’t overwhelm two. On the cob of the article there is a graph of the SWR of the antenna, connected via connector up to 50 ohm drive.