Traffic 4g. Mobile Internet of the fourth generation. Protection of personal information

The need to access the Internet from any place to the telephone has long ago become a part of the everyday life of every person. And if there are no problems with calls, then if you are connected to 4g mobile Internet, you need to find out which operator is the shortest.

First of all, it is necessary to explain which is better than the other. The importance lies with the video, the other type of images, cards are more popular, and HD videos can be watched online. First of all, it is important to watch HD videos and attract more attention to pictures. However, for now, the accumulation of the first thing, rather than the other, is due to the upcoming process, which is more technological and will eventually be present in all places of our region.

So, mobile 4g ​​internet: which operator is the best?

Rotation of operators


Its main advantages:

  • between the places there are no difficulties with access to the mobile Internet;
  • At this time, Megafon is aware of the most important problems, and beyond the borders of the city - special base stations will be located in sparsely populated areas;
  • high fluidity, regardless of the place of overuse.

Minus the trace means not the least amount of versatility.


Choose if you plan to use the mobile Internet in the area or at a slight distance from it. It’s a plus for the fact that its quality is cheaper, Megafon’s is lower, and the speed between places is good.


The main plus of MTS is that there are no tariffs. For the values ​​of liquidity, the price is not equal to others. Ale from minus traces mean:

  • high price - the cheapest option today;
  • Low income in sparsely populated areas.

Tilo 2

The main disadvantage of Tele2: it has fewer base stations in the region, which can cause interruptions and re-code when using the mobile Internet. Ale up to the pluses, secure the trace:

  • high fluidity;
  • low varity.

So, when choosing which mobile Internet operator is better, Megafon should be named the leader. On the bottom row there will be MTS.

The best smartphones, modem, router

Having become an operator, which one is more suitable, you need to know. The current market for gadgets is booming with its wealth and variety of choices. As of today, there are 6 leading smartphones on the list: LG, Huawei, Samsung, Meizu, ZTE, Nokia.

The power supply is the same: with a 4g mobile Internet, which operator’s modem will be better to choose? Such a modem is significantly different from one that supports 3G. MTS has 3 options for devices with 4 G support, Megafon has a great choice, just like Beeline. The choice of the best decision lies with the operator at a specific location. Everyone's level of skill is approximately the same. A model without any connection to them costs more.

The awesome mobile internet just works. And yet, there is a difference between the Internet and the Internet. This can be indicated by the symbols 3G, 4G, LTE - if you don't know, you'll understand the difference. Richly, melodiously, chuv, 4G is better than 3G, why? We will try to provide further information about 4G here.

I know that my smartphone supports the 4G network, but the gadget does not connect to them. Why can you have a buti on the right?

If you know for sure that you are in a 4G coverage area, then you may be near your phone on the right. On iPhone you can turn on 4G in settings. Go to the "Cellular data" item, then go to "Data settings". Make sure that the LTE remixer is turned off.

On Android smartphones, you can select the border mode in the settings in the “Dartless Measurements” section, then – the “Mobile Measurement” item, then – “Primary Measurement Mode”, where you need to activate the “4G/3G/2G” option.

Another problem may be that your Android smartphone can use two SIM cards at once. Apparently, there are two options for inserting a single SIM card. However, only one of them will provide a connection to the mobile Internet. The solution is simple - follow the instructions to place the SIM card in the other place where it is assigned to your smartphone.

4G is short for the English fourth generation (fourth generation). This is intended for many fourth-generation mobile communications technologies that remain today. The most expanded 4G technology is the LTE standard. Whose senses LTE and 4G are synonymous. The 4G standard was created to create a mobile Internet that was faster than 3G. Through a number of fates, 3G technologies came to replace 2G.

What is the compatibility of 3G and 4G?


Through a 3G connection you can both make a phone call and connect to the mobile Internet - which is not possible with any smartphone. However, with MTS calls via 4G reveal a new level of voice transmission capacity, although not all smartphones support it. For this purpose, you need a gadget with the VoLTE function - a list of smartphones that are constantly updated, with it. Calls via 4G are already available for MTS subscribers in more than a hundred Russian regions - their list is here. While 4G communications are not available to everyone and not immediately, all 4G smartphones will immediately operate on 3G networks and use 2G networks - so that you can make telephone calls in the future.


For mobile Internet users, the main thing is that the 4G Internet is higher than 3G. What does this mean? Browser pages on your smartphone or tablet will become available in less than an hour, you can watch videos via the Internet in the shortest possible time, the picture in your mobile online games will not be visible until the very next moment.

Shvidshe means more expensive. So?

For those who use all MTS tariffs, there is no difference in the type of technology you connect to the mobile Internet. 4G is not cheap and not expensive. It's just shvidshe.

Why is it important for me to understand the difference between 4G and 3G?

In order to make the right choice when purchasing a new gadget. It is important to show respect to those who support work in 4G networks. Only such a device can provide high speed mobile Internet. And luxury is your comfort, your hour.

However, almost all new gadgets are released with the help of 4G - for good measure. For example, you can buy a high-end smartphone for less than 4,000 rubles.

Do you know what...

Finally, here are some facts about 4G.

  • The first commercial 4G market requested from Sweden in 2009.
  • Subscribers of Internet networks in rich countries pay more for 4G Internet, less for 3G Internet. The logic is that more daily restraint gives more fluidity and more possibilities. Russian operators, please, do not charge additional tariffs for mobile networks of different generations.
  • On Android smartphones and iOS gadgets, 4G connection indicators look different. The first guy has written 4G. The other has LTE.
  • The MTS company was the first among all Russian operators to launch LTE measurements in all Russian regions. You can find out about the coverage of 4G limits on the operator’s website.
  • 5G levels will definitely be noticeable, and they will be much worse than 4G. In 2019, MTS launched its first test zones around the corner.

4G connection is required for high-speed mobile Internet. For this fourth generation, a mobile connection is no longer necessary for the daily rhythm of life, but important is fluidity, warmth and security when going out to the limit. But it is not yet possible to communicate with the axis - Voise over LTE technology for Russian operators is still limited to single models of smartphones. Therefore, 4G/LTE is still only a technology for the Internet. In principle, the speed of data transmission and the stability of this network is such that you can safely call through any personal messenger.

And with 4G you can comfortably watch streaming HD video on your smartphone or tablet, hold a video conference, and also quickly download “important” files. Therefore, 4G is suitable not only for repairs and routine maintenance, but also, most importantly, for completing various work tasks.

How does 4G technology evolve from 3G?

Headliness is all about flexibility. LTE itself will be so advantageous for most subscribers. Theoretically, you can get up to an impressive 150 Mbit/s for your Internet connection. Such benefits open up new possibilities in the context of, for example, Internet television.

In practice, this figure is significantly smaller – 30 megabits is even higher. These plans will significantly surpass the 3G standard, which, in the best minds, can provide – and theoretically – data transfer speeds of 42.2 Mbit/s.

This is a headache because the skin can be affected by the “unbreakable eye.” However, for lovers of technical nuances there are still a lot of advantages. Thus, LTE is being differentiated from 3G by agro-rhythms of coding for the hour of information transfer. In fact, these algorithms themselves allow you to achieve higher speeds.

You can add a frequency range that includes 3G and 4G to one more daily capacity. Persha operates at frequencies of 900 MHz and 2100 MHz. On the other hand, Russia has three bands: 800 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2600 MHz. The first signals in Russia began to be in the 2600 MHz range. And in early 2014, Tele2 launched the first LTE service at a frequency of 1800 MHz, replacing part of the voice range.

What does 1800 MHz mean?

This figure is simply light at the end of the tunnel for those who choose to use mobile Internet in their premises. A radio signal at such a frequency is more widely distributed and penetrates the walls of the building more quickly, even the “starting” standard for Russia LTE-2600? This will ensure a decent level of attraction. As a result, 4G is “caught” by those subscribers who previously had no control over such satisfaction – in basements and around the place. In this same frequency range, Tele2 launched 4G again.

Moreover, such a range is a wonderful bonus for users of various Apple devices – iPhone 5, iPad 3, iPad mini. They, for example, do not support the range of 2600 MHz or 800 MHz, but can operate with 4G frequencies at frequencies of 1800 MHz.

How can I find out what my 4G smartphone supports?

Before purchasing a device, you can familiarize yourself with its specifications. Call the virobnik black and white write, which supports your LTE device, otherwise the future ruler will be satisfied with the little ones. It’s trivial, but still, you can also find out about 4G support for your device from your sales consultant.

If you already have a smartphone and don’t need to change it, you can also read the instructions that came with it, or find out about its specifications on the Internet. Everything can be found there.

Please remember that a smartphone is not the only thing you need to use mobile LTE. Remember about the SIM card, which is also responsible for supporting 4G. Only having “connected” these two parts, if you are in a 4G coverage area, you will be able to see all the benefits of really fast access to the limit.

How much traffic does 4G Internet handle?

Everything is stored as a subscriber. However, absolutely all operators unanimously say that with the launch of 4G traffic, their traffic is growing at a geometric progression, only to gain profit. For example, Tele2's sales are steadily increasing by 15-20%. According to the company, Kuzbass already has more than a quarter of all mobile data transmitted through the operator's network and received via 4G networks.

The difference between traffic can be the subscriber's tariff, which determines how much data can be collected. Such a device with LTE support must keep track of how many people sit on the Internet and why Merezha vikorista.

Why catch 4G?

It's simple: you can mess with the 4G limit there, but you can't. This is called the LTE coverage zone. Kuzbass has a fast mobile Internet in all places, as well as in adjacent territories, including villages.

Operators are gradually expanding the coverage and capacity of the 4G network in the Kemerovo region. As a result, the likelihood of acquiring data from her increases. Companies do not forget about the popular Kuzbass ski resort of Sheregesh, as well as the highway, which is where motorists so often end up. As far as the highways, things are not very good there with the Swedish Internet. More precisely, practically there is still no 4G anywhere.

How to choose a premium tariff for 4G Internet?

You can choose a tariff for Internet surfing by answering two simple questions: “How much?” What's up?". The first thing to do is to clarify how much you are willing to spend on a thousandth addition to your salary - paying for the tariff. Every operator explains how to include calls and SMS in addition to the Internet package.

Next you need to check that you will need 4G internet. If you want to view pages in Merezhi, as well as read news and mail, then tariffs with minimal Internet traffic packages are available. For those who like to watch videos on YouTube or Instagram, as well as for storing “important” files, it is imperative to choose a tariff that will give the most mobile traffic.

How can I replace 4G Internet with broadband Internet access?

Wide-range or high-speed Internet access (Broadband Internet) is essential for rich people with access to the Internet. Its main advantages: stability and high speed of data transmission. But there is a “fat” minus – “pretty” until the place where the cable is removed from it.

Nowadays, it’s time to work with broadband internet access that is weaker than the old LTE network. That's why 4G is gaining such momentum, including in Kuzbass. Prote experts confirm that they say that 4G Internet will soon completely replace broadband Internet access.

How much traffic is needed to download a movie from an HD box over 4G Internet?

A movie is important in different ways for the HD-capacity, but in Merezha you can find movies that will take up more than a few gigabytes on your mobile device. If there is a valid 4G Internet signal, such a file can be downloaded for a fee. However, there is a different approach - the subscriber may be disappointed with the need to watch a film of greater value, which, as a result, will be more important. Which one will have to spend all 4 GB, or 8 GB of his traffic.

You should also think again about choosing one or another Internet tariff. In addition, you can gain respect for the promotions carried out by operators. And also: Tele2, when purchasing a branded smartphone with 4G support, gives away the same 10 GB of Internet as a gift. In fact, there are a lot of films at high speed and hundreds of years of Internet surfing. Or you can install the “Tele2 TV” add-on, whose traffic does not cost any inclusions in the mobile Internet tariff package.

How much does 4G cost?

Anitrox. There is no fixed fee for subscribers for Internet surfing on 4G speed. Heads up - promptly pay the subscription fee for the tariff, get a 4G coverage zone, as well as a mobile device and SIM card. Reshtu develop technology. There, if 4G is not available, the smartphone itself switches to 3G.

For new Tele2 subscribers, there is a good news for an immediate renewal of the subscription fee. For the first 3 months of subscription on the “My Online” and “My Rozmova” tariff plans, Internet traffic is collected as the client pays a monthly subscription fee. So, for example, on the My Online tariff plan, the subscriber will have 16 GB instead of 8 GB. So here’s another life hack on how to get rid of the cost-free Internet. Don't make noise.

I will not reveal the great secret, but I will say that with the advent of the fourth generation, the mobile Internet, having created a great surge, has finally overtaken the home Internet. I especially noted that I no longer dare to reach public Wi-Fi because there is a 4G icon on my phone. LTE makes it possible to watch multimedia content at maximum speed and connect with friends and family via video calls without image pixelation. Obviously, this type of connected table is still large-scale, but at least at a great place wines come to sit actively. In Moscow, this service is represented by several providers, and we decided to conduct small tests and collect a few statistics.

For testing, we needed several new smartphones with LTE support. If Huawei fragments are one of the drivers of LTE development, then select the Huawei Ascend G6 model (look). This device is clearly suitable for the role of a mid-range solution with the support of LTE and high-speed performance. The device is particularly well-known for its inexpensive and well-designed solution. The firmware on all devices was installed as before.

The test group suffered the same fate as seven of the airline operators Megafon, MTS, Beeline and Yota. The remaining participant is a newcomer to the market of steel bonding services, having developed one of the first in the 4G market. So, this is more of a virtual provider that belongs to Megafon, but it has its own LTE devices. The very appearance of this guest became the basis for conducting a test, the main sensation of which lies in the fact that 4G from “Megafon” and Yota in various speeches that have already occurred globally. This material cannot be called full-fledged testing of steel operators. There are a number of reasons for this:

1) The test was carried out only for the speed of data transmission, so as not to damage the capacity of the device. 3G robots are also not covered by insurance.

2) All measurements were carried out at different hours and days, which will be indicated by all characteristics.

3) In the localities, one point was victorious, and the distribution of all the measures is even more complex. So, by sunbathing, you can see completely different results. The testing was carried out based on the fact “here and now”.

4) At the remaining stage of testing, unfortunately, one of the testing resources failed, so this is not entirely true again.

However, without being surprised by all this, our experiment provided useful information about the nutrition of synthetic tests and measurements in different minds.

The same as we tested. The cycle is easy to complete. The sequence of actions will help if you yourself want to check the screenshots that we have uploaded. For starters, obviously, it is indicated by the positions on the map using Google Maps. This test verifies the number of lost packets, which indicates instability of data transmission. To test the output speed, we used the Iperf client by accessing the open server and entering the command “-c -P 10 -w 100k”. This command is to run 10 file uploads, looking at hidden statistics and speed. To analyze the input speed, we used the speed of “Khmara”. Of course, we have spent a number of times trying to secure files on Swedish servers, but in general it’s a headache - to find out a really working option. Without SpeedTest, there is no way to measure it, it will act as an indicator that indicates the level of measurement.

After multiple passes, we found that SpeedTest is quite suitable as the main indicator of the speed of the transmission. Of course, it’s not easy to believe in numbers higher than 60 Mbit/sec at the input, but since SpeedTest writes about 30 Mbit/sec, then it’s true. With outgoing traffic the situation is even different. In this case, everything depends on the provider and Yota saw that their SpeedTest and Iperf indicators were very different, indicating that in reality the provider is less than Upload, while the synthetic test shows high numbers. And other providers, with great “virtual” numbers, showed similar results to the combat department. Turning to the topic of downloading, in many cases we tightened up the situation, when the LTE speed indicators were very low, in a couple of places the experiment was carried out with 3G. Behind the pouches it was revealed that for the low-level indicator of the level of the fourth generation, they still cheated HSDPA from the treasured files of the great community. It turned out that Yota has tied up with Megafon. By the way, the indicators were very close to each other, but over time the harsh differences still do not allow us to confirm that the same base stations (BS) are being analyzed.

Below I will describe the skin from 22 points with short comments. The main indicators are screenshots from SpeedTest. To evaluate the personal bags, I will enter a 3-point rating, where a point will be given when the SpeedTest speed value is less than 10 Mbit/s, or when packet consumption is more than 5%. If you have a 4G operator, the point is set to 0. You can download the archives of screenshots from SpeedTest.

1. Start from the Richkovy station at the weekend evening. Yota and Megafon showed themselves really badly. The insults of the providers are small not only because of the Swiss price, but also because of the small wastage of packages in the amount of 1-2%.

2. M. Dynamo, Vezha Beeline's displays are obviously low, but they didn't cause any problems with the demand for HD content on YouTube.

3. M. Sportivna. "Beeline" does not care about the leadership of SpeedTest, showing a high waste of packages at a size of 6%. This part of the current tests was carried out in a stream of cars on the TTK (third transport ring), so there is a strong interest in measures.

4. M. Dubrovka. Yota showed a low level of competition, which means it showed good results.

5. M. Krasnosilska. All tests have shown excellent results.

6. Having worked hard to change the fast horse, we stopped at the place of Khimki on the street. Nakhimova. Here Yota and MTS showed themselves very weakly, with which they started to burn in the courtyards and could destroy the empty zone. Prote "Beeline" again showed the wastage of packages at 6%.

7. MKAD, 80 km. Beeline emerged as an outsider due to its low price, even without spending packages.

8. Dmitrivske highway, bud. 89. Zupinka have a snack. All participants saw over 20 Mbit/s, and Beeline added 3% to the cost of packages.

9. M. Vladikino. In this region, all providers showed little wastage of packages. The best performers were Megafon and Yota, which showed no weaker performance and spent over 5%. Possibly, there may be a lot of BS here.

10. M. VDNG. Yota in this area is wary of wasting liquidity, in line with other operators.

11. M. Elektrozavodska. All demonstrated clear transmission of data. SpeedTest MTS showed high values ​​for the output, but the numbers were not confirmed at the terminals.

12. New day, new weekend, new evening. "Megafon" and Yota were pleased with the speed of the connection, and from "Beeline" they showed themselves to be even weaker, but not as bad as MTS, they were not pleased with the LTE connection at all.

13. M. Molodizhna. The test showed the least amount of MTS, but all the same price is more than 10 Mbit/s (the maximum declared speed of 3G is based on the specifications).

14. M. University. In this area, Megafon and Yota have noted insignificant package costs of less than 5% and low download rates. And the axis of output speed, however, turned out to be high, and here, as before, it is clear that Yota intends to upload up to 1 Mbit/s less often.

15. M. Varshavska. MTS goes beyond the limit of 10 Mbit/s. So, as prevention, 1 point is deducted.

16. M. Cherkizovska. Another black hole. Just like for MTS, so it is for Beeline. However, Megafon loses a point for its low income.

17. New day. Once again, everyday, and here we will reconsider the importance of the center of Moscow. M. Teatralna, the test was carried out after the presentation of Huawei Honor 6 (video) (so much so). This time Yota showed a change in speed equal to that of its opponents. MTS showed the wastage of packages at 3%.

18. M. Tverska. The faceless Internet users and corporations that sit nearby. All appeared either inferior or on the border. MTS and Megafon showed a loss of packages of approximately 5%.

19. M. Kitay-misto. “Megafon” appeared on the border, Yota was still close, but 11.5 Mbit/s, but still not 3G. MTS and Beeline performed miraculously.

20. M. Tretyakovskaya. This section of Beeline showed the highest, weak numbers in SpeedTest and wastage of packages as much as 27%. MTS will deduct a minus point for the border station.

21. The speck has gone. M. Kievska, Kievsky railway station, May peak. Beeline and MTS fit in without any problems, but the Yota and Megafon axis were easily damaged.

22. Kintseva point. Belorussky railway station. 18.00, peak time. MTS did poorly, showing low income and 14% of package spending. Others went in with a bang.

Apparently, the worst operators show bad results. The average speed in Moscow is close to 20 Mbit/s. Apparently, due to the great attractions of the metropolis, 4G measures are difficult to show all their capabilities. However, maximum fluidity is not so important, and the exact performance is entirely necessary for comfortable work.

As already mentioned, Yota itself, as a mobile operator, decided to conduct this test. A wealth of useful applications for unlimited internet from your operator. Alas, it’s a pity, there may be a loss. First of all, we have already figured out how to cut the speed of uploading, so that for rich people you can once again gain LTE benefits from the speed of downloading files. Otherwise, when distributing Wi-Fi to the Internet, the speed is reduced to 1 Mbit/s (this means that you cannot install a Yota SIM card for comfortable access to the Internet from other devices). The limit for unlimited traffic is 300 rubles, but you can’t buy it without a package of drinks, and the limit increases to a minimum of 440 rubles per month. There is little evidence of a specific tariff for tablets (iPads and devices that do not work and move a large diagonal will fit under the tablets).

At Megafon we subscribed to the Internet S tariff for 350 rubles, which includes 3 GB of traffic - which the average consumer will pay for free.

At the time of the cramp in the testing in the tariff “biline”, the “highway” tariff, Yaki Daj Ti 3 GB trafic for TI w 350 ruble, prote to the SIDYA DILE DIIH SOME “Chim Schwidshe, Tim Bezhtlatnih”, Yaka is not well -traffic It would be bad if they continued the promotion on a permanent basis, exposing themselves to competition from Yota. We purchased the “All for 900” package, which cost 30 rubles per download (5 GB of traffic, a package of calls and SMS are given).

MTS has two options for accessing the Internet: purchasing packages and using the BIT service. In our case, BIT will be inextricable through the exchange of Swiss day traffic. The cost of a standard 3 GB package is 350 rubles. The chairs are stacked and the absolutely unlimited “SuperBIT”, and there is a large number of borders. In fact, it will be good for those who do not until the end of the increase in traffic, giving the opportunity not to waste more.

Before choosing a payment operator, the following steps must be taken individually. It is necessary to check not only the tariff options and the type of services, but also special information about the work with operators, as well as information about people you know. So anyway, having looked at the 4G work in Moscow, we can say that the operators did a bad job of providing consumers with accessible and fast mobile Internet. It’s difficult to identify any one leader, but they all fit in, plus or minus. This growth is clearly still needed, especially in view of the increasing availability of LTE smartphones. Hopefully, the downturn in the economy will not derail operator plans until 4G rolls out in new places and more people can surf the Internet at high rates.

The site credits Huawei for submitting the Huawei Ascend G6 test.

  • SIM card, number, tariff

      To find out the name and official tariff, go to the Special Account and select the “Tariff” section or dial the no-cost command * 105 * 3 #

      You can change the tariff

      • on the website: select a new tariff, click on the “Switch to tariff” button on the page;
      • at the Megafon add-on or the Special Office.

      You can switch to any tariff other than the archive one. The transfer option is indicated on the page of the selected tariff.

      When changing the connection tariff within the streaming tariff, packages of content, SMS and the Internet will “burn out” and will not expire on the new tariff. The subscription fee written off will not be over-insuranced.

      The call has been sent. Thank you!

    • How to unblock the number?
      • If you run out of money for the storage and blocking number, top up your balance. The number is activated after the borg is redeemed.
      • If you have not used the number for more than 90 days, it can be blocked. To update your number, take your passport to the Megafon salon. If the number has not been transferred to another subscriber within an hour, you will receive a new SIM card with a different number.
        Find out how you can update your number by sending a free SMS with a valid SIM to Megafon on . At the notification, indicate the number you want to update, PIB Vlasnik.
      • If the number is blocked after using up your SIM card, you can get a free new SIM card with a new number by returning your passport to a Megafon salon.
      • Once you have set blocking, the number will be unblocked automatically when you select the day the blocking ends.

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    • How to get a new SIM card while saving your phone number?

      Return with your passport to any Megafon salon in the Home region, on the territory of which the agreement is established. You can get a new SIM card at no cost and use your number. The tariff and service fees will be exorbitant, there is no need to enter into a new contract for the provision of services.

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    • How can I save my number?

      The number is lost from yours, the balance is positive. If you do not log in with a number and do not activate the blocking service, then at least once every 90 days you will need to use the following services: outgoing calls, incoming calls, SMS sending, Receiving MMS, accessing the Internet. If you do not subscribe to services for more than 90 calendar days after calling tariffs for calling services and more than 180 calendar days after using tariffs for the Internet, a subscription fee will be charged for saving the number.

      Whenever a non-recurring service is made for any subscriber numbers associated with one particular account, more than 90 (ninety) calendar days in advance, the contract for the provision of services in part of that subscriber number is subject to termination initiate subscriber

      The amount of the subscriber fee for saving the number, written off and lines, for example, any contract for the provision of services, the connection will be disconnected, and the number can be transferred to another subscriber, as indicated in the description of your tariff. You can find it in the Tariffs or Tariffs Archive sections.

      If you do not pay for services for more than 90 days for a zero or negative balance of the Special Account, we agree to sever your initiative. If the number has not been transferred to other people, it can be confirmed by filling out a request in the Megafon salon.

      If you plan to stay away from your mobile phone for an extended period of time (more than 90 days), block your number.

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      • Speed ​​up the service Telephone codes of mobile operators. Enter your mobile number in the search row and click the “Check” button. The operator's name, connection and region are displayed next to the search.
      • Dial a command * 629 # . Then enter in any format the mobile number you need to verify. Information about the operator and region is displayed on the screen.

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    • How can I renew my contract or change my number?

      You can select a number at the time of the contract for the provision of call services or replace your phone number.

      Choose a beautiful number that is easy to remember in the online store or in the Megafon salon.

      The quality of the number depends on the class of the number: simple, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and the type of numbering: federal or local. A report about the number availability in the service description Select number.

      The service operates in two modes:

      • one-way: the one who is calling will feel the notification “The subscriber’s device is turned off or is in the security zone”;
      • two-way mode: the caller will receive an SMS with your new number.

      In any case, you will reject the SMS with the number of the person who called your number.

      The service does not work because the balance on the old number is negative or zero, and also because the old SIM card is blocked.

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    • What do I need to have the numbers of those who called?

      For this reason, you have the “Caller ID” service, which allows you to identify the numbers of those who are calling you. The service does not require a subscription and there is no subscription fee for it.

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    • Why didn't I give the number?

      The number may not appear if the phone has the AntiAON service activated. Also, the numbers of clients of other operators or Megafon clients of other branches may not be displayed.

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  • Services, options

      Speed ​​up in any manual way:

      • Go to the section "Backlogs of service packages" in the Special Account.
      • Open the section Surplus service packages in the Megafon program.
      • Customize the widget.

      Widget is an element of the Megafon program. Special account. It’s not difficult to enter the program - the remaining funds, SMS, megabytes, balance of the Special Account are displayed on the screen of your smartphone.

      To use the widget, install the Megafon Special Account program on your smartphone/tablet. For Android OS, the program is installed in the smartphone's memory, not in the SD memory. Go to the settings of your smartphone and activate the widget.

      The external appearance of the widget is that a large number of extras that are immediately displayed on the smartphone screen are separated from the OS.

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  • Mobile Internet

    • What should you do if your mobile internet isn’t working and your productivity has dropped?
      1. Check your balance and top it up as needed. To check your balance, enter the command * 100 # or go to the Special Office. The Internet provides more of a positive balance. If you have recently renewed your account, check a number of emails so that the Internet will request a new one.
      2. Check out the excess amount from the package on the Internet. Open the Megafon program or go to the Special Account and in the “Services” section, select Service Package Reserves. When your Internet connection runs out, connect one of the options to continue your Internet service.
      3. Check whether you are connected to the Mobile Internet service by typing the command * 105 * 4 * 4 #
      4. Switch to the “Data transfer” mode. You can check this in the settings of your smartphone or tablet in the sections “Data transfer”, “Data connection” or “Mobile network” (names may vary in different devices).
      5. Restart the device (rot and dry).
      6. Turn off Wi-Fi on your smartphone/tablet (if your router is not connected to Megafon, Wi-Fi may be turned off).
      7. Move the SIM card to another device. Since the mobile Internet does not work in any other device, go to the nearest Megafon store with a document to identify the person to replace the SIM card. When replacing a SIM card, the phone number does not change, the service is provided without any costs.
        To find out the address of the nearest salon, open the Megafon program.
      8. If you are connected to the Internet via a modem/router: Reinstall the MegaFon Internet program, try connecting the modem/router to another USB port on your computer, and update the security software of your modem/router. You can freely download the remaining versions of the software from the Megafon online store. Find your modem or router at Catalyst and go to the “Files” tab.

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    • What is 4G+, how is it starting to be used and how is the transition from 2G/3G to 4G+ expected?

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    • How to replenish the rakhunok?

      Choose any manual method:

      1. Renew your account from a bank card or electronic card in the Payment section.
      2. On the main page of the Special Account, you can replenish your account, as well as the account of another Megafon subscriber, with a bank card.
      3. Set up Autopayment yourself in the Special Account on the website or contact a specialist at the Megafon salon for help. As a result, the balance will be replenished automatically from your bank card.
      4. If it is not possible to pay immediately, speed up the service of the Obligation Payment.
      5. Another Megafon subscriber can transfer money from his account for the additional service Mobile transfer. To send a message to another subscriber, quickly use the cost-free service Pay for me.
      6. If you are a client of Oschadbank and your bank card is linked to a phone number, enter the required amount in an SMS and send it to the number or speed up using the Oschadbank-Online add-on.

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    • How can you lose a connection with a negative or zero balance?

        You have already activated the Zero Problems service, where you can receive SMS, calls from the Home Region and call free numbers and 8-800 550-05-00 in Russia.

        The service is activated for free, there is no subscription fee.

        The service is only available in the Home area for 30 days from the moment of blocking. Roaming doesn't work.

        To make a phone call for insufficient balance, quickly call for a friend's call, and your friend will pay the rozmov. Dial " 000 "that subscriber number, starting from " 8 " or " 7 ", for example: 000792ХXXXXXXX.

        The service is no longer valid for calls to Megafon numbers.

        To secure your money at any time and continue using your mobile phone service, activate the Obligation Payment by typing the command * 106 # . The service is paid.

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        The report contains all the information about calls, SMS, MMS and access to the Internet with date, time, payment and price for the previous period. You can also find out information about spending in roaming.

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      • For what period can I view detail?

        You can capture a one-time item for one or a few days, a periodic item for a calendar month, or a short summary of all charges and payments for the month.

        Your details are saved for 36 calendar months (after termination of the contract).

        If you have activated the “Periodic detailing of accounts” service, then the details will be sent to your email once a month (approximately on the 10th day of each month). You can cancel the call for the next month after activating the service.

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      • You can remove this decal in the following ways:

        • freely in the Special Office or the Megafon add-on;
        • free of charge by e-mail;
        • by mail, service fee - 100 ₽ per month;
        • at the nearest salon, which has a stock of 50 ₽ per day for details.

        In Vlasny's office you can obtain details for the remaining 6 calendar months. Further information can be obtained from your nearest salon.

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      • Why may not all the information be included in the details?

        The subscription fee is debited upon completion of the subscription.

        To find out which subscriptions are connected, go to the Special Account, select the “Services and Options” section, the “My” section, where a list of connections will appear on your prepayment number

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      • How can I avoid prepayment?

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      • Can I listen to the recording of my telephone conversations?

        Megafon does not record subscriber calls.

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      • How do I set up call forwarding?

        You can set up or configure forwarding in the phone menu or in the Special Account. Please check the service page for setting up redirection.

        If forwarding is installed, it does not work, please check that it is not on your defense number or the correct number.

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      • To find out who called while the phone was switched off, while you were in the security zone, or while you were unable to respond, connect the Who Called service. You receive SMS messages about missed calls in the name of the person who was trying to call you. The SMS will indicate the number and hour of calls.

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      • What is VoLTE technology and what is needed for it?

        The service is available to Megafon subscribers at all tariffs, both in the Home region and in roaming.

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        • You have the Meni Called S service automatically activated. You receive notifications from the appearance of a missed call from people who were trying to call you at the appointed time and number of calls. The service is costless.
        • Connect the Who service by calling+. You will receive SMS about missed calls or voice notifications on automatic dialing. When “Who Called+” is connected, the “Men Called S” service will be activated automatically.

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    • Emergency assistance

      • How to call the emergency service?

        Single number for emergency services:

        1 - fire service;

        2 - Police;

        3 - Swedish medical assistance;

        4 - Emergency gas service.

        Emergency phone numbers:

        Shvidka medical assistance - ;

        Calls to emergency numbers are free of charge. You can get a phone if you don’t have a pittance, and you can dial a number on a phone without a SIM card.

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      • What's wrong, is the phone ruined?

          Block the number.

          Cost-free blocking term – 7 days. Then the subscription fee starts to be charged. All calls to numbers prior to activating blocking are paid for by you. If your phone has been stolen or wasted, please let us know about this. This is necessary so that the villain or person who found your phone number could not quickly turn a penny into your bank account.

          Get a new SIM card with your current number.

          Try to find the phone number.

          Go back to the police and file a theft report. Perhaps I can get your phone number.

          If you have used an iPhone or iPad, use the Search iPhone function to speed things up.

          If you have a phone running Android OS, use the search function to quickly install it.

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      • How can you protect yourself from shahrays?

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      • How do you earn a salary for superfluous situations?
    • Roaming

      • How can one earn a contract while traveling around Russia and the world?

        On the roads in our region, there is no need to earn additional money in order to earn a bond with servants. One mind - you have a positive balance.

        If you go to other countries, as well as to the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, where there is no Megafon network, you need to make sure that you have the “Roaming” service activated. This is required so that you can work as a contractor in the service of other operators.

        • 8 800 550-05-00 +7 926 111-05-00 from anywhere in the world;
        • Special office or add-on "Megafon";
        • Go to Megafon with your passport.

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      • The availability of services on roads in Russia may vary depending on the availability of your home region. You can find out more details in the Special Account, in the description of your tariff or through the additional cost-free command * 139 #

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        The Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol do not have Megaphone coverage, so check before traveling to ensure that you have the “Roaming” service activated. This is required so that you can work as a contractor in the service of other operators.

        How to find out if there are roaming connections on your number:

        • call the Support Service at 8 800 550 0500 in Russia or +7 926 111-05-00 from anywhere in the world;
        • write to chat with support in the Special Account or the Megafon add-on;
        • Go to Megafon with your passport.

        The type of services can be found on the page or in the description of your tariff.

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      • How to activate and deactivate roaming services and spend less?

        The simplest and most direct way is the Megafon mobile app or the Special Account. You can check your balance, enable or disable services and options, enter the details of your transactions and set up a chat support.

        In roaming you do not need to change your mobile Internet connection.

        Increase your respect!

        Different phones can interfere with the transfer of data in roaming. Go to Settings and make sure your mobile internet is enabled for roaming.

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      • Why is roaming not working on my mobile Internet?
        • They waste pennies for nothing. Check your balance and top it up if necessary.
        • The phone does not know limits.
          Try reactivating your phone and vibrating manually. Go to settings, find the item “Select settings / Operator”, select “Manually” or tap “Automatic”. Select a measure from the registered list. If your phone connects to the network, you will have access to the Internet.
        • In the settings, the phone is set to transfer data to roaming.
          Go to Settings and make sure your mobile internet is enabled for roaming.

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