System helpers for 3d max. Vector texture maps. Pіdtrimka new nalashtuvan Iray and mental ray

For sure, at the office, Autodesk is delighting us with a new spring 3d max. It is called as a whole traditional rank - 3ds Max 2016. After 6 years of subtitles on two versions - just 3ds Max and 3ds Max Design - it turned out to be turned upside down. The program is the same again, but when installing, it is suggested to select the settings - "Classic" for modeling and animation or "Design" for visualization of architectural scenes.

A short look at the main innovations can be seen in the upcoming video.

Obviously, these tools have already been tested on 3ds Max 2015 coristuvaches and recognized as accessories for the offensive version. So what's new in 3ds Max 2016?

Camera Sequencer

A feature that is available for subscription for 3ds Max 2015 editors at the Extension 2 warehouse. Do you need to change the view animation of the scenes.

Dual Quaternion skinning

Another innovation, I have already tried the 3ds Max 2015 pre-payers with another extension package. It helps to optimize the character's grid for an hour of adjusting the animation.

OpenSubdiv support

And the price of the innovation appeared earlier - at the Extension 1 warehouse. Plus, the CreaseSet modifier for quick control smoothing areas.

Enhanced ShaderFX

Appeared in 2015 roci, now announced a revised version.

Autodesk A360 Rendering Support

Dark A360 Rendering without Intermediate in 3ds Max2016.

physical camera

Created jointly with V-Ray retailers, in which there has long been a physical camera for flexible adjustment of the exposure.

Pіdtrimka new nalashtuvan Iray and mental ray

There is a whole list of such improvements:

  • Iray Light Path Expressions - the ability to split elements on the ball for clarity in post-processing.
  • Iray irradiance render element support - allows the gnuchishe to improve the illumination of the scene.
  • Iray section planes - ability to "look" inside the model.
  • Light Importance Sampling (LIS) - speed up the visualization of folding scenes.
  • Ambient Occlusion render element with GPU boost.

Max Creation Graph

The new editor allows you to create custom modifiers. Learn how to whom Bulo is not bad!

XRef renovations

Polypshennia in Scene Explorer and Layer Manager

Why do the stench itself turn around, the docks are not clear, but everything is one and the same.

Design Workspace

I'm new to the Extension 2 feature. Allows you to quickly switch between different interface options for the convenience of working with different projects.

Improved import support for Revit and SketchUp

I'm redoing improvements for Extension 2.

template system

Extension 2 had a price. Gathering a list of custom scenes-templates, so you can add on to specific projects.

Alembic support

This standard is supported by Extension 1 for 3ds Max 2015. The cache system allows you to view the folding animation at the viewport without hitches.

Autodesk Translation Framework

Ability to import animation from Invertor.

Multitouch support

Controls in 3ds Max on touch screen. Will it be handy?

Mali user-requested features (SURFs)

A set of other corrections and improvements on the number of observers:

  • pause rendering
  • Remove missing maps
  • Convert Units on Merge
  • Selection preview
  • OpenType Font support in Text
  • Cut tool improvements
  • Smoothing group visualization
  • Assign Renderer is one of the top Option in Render Setup

Naskіlki tse important - show the hour.

System Help 3ds Max 2016

From the past fate, the stench mayzhe did not change:

  • Operating system - 64-bit Microsoft® Windows® 7 (SP1), Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 Professional. Vlasniki poppies cry again.
  • Rich nuclear 64-bit Intel processor or AMD.
  • Working memory- Minimum 4 GB, 8 - recommended.
  • 6 GB free space on disk to install.
  • Misha with a ring.

The 3ds Max® program has the latest set of functions for 3D modeling, animation, simulation and visualization, requested by engineers, designers, artists, web designers and just 3d lovers.

3ds Max 2018® secures access to new, efficient tools, increasing productivity and simplifying workflows that allow more efficient use of foldable components in high-density buildings.

Need SuperIntensive for 3Ds MAX 2018?!

Do you want to do 3D design and animation?

Looking for a course on 3d modeling of apartments, cottages, dachas?

Would you like to present your ideas to the patrons from the striking detail and realism?

Do you want to control all the details of 3d animation and direct videos with goofy effects?!

What is required for the course 3Ds max 2018?

For Koristuvachiv-pochatkivtsiv:

The course is based on CGI theory, registration with Autodesk spyware and 3ds MAX 2018. Step by step, in an intensive manner, mastering the basics of the program, listening to learn how to create 3d projects and visualize them. In order to take it easy, repeat the lessons of the course and complete the task on your computer, which will allow you to have the minimum help of 3ds max 2018.

For additional correspondence:

The course starts from the introduction of the new version of 3ds MAX2018 to the previous ones. Then the knowledge of the ear is systematized, and the beginners of the work with the program are perfected for the additional creation of projects from the development of different strategies. The basics of work are being explored from the gloomy infrastructure of Autodesk360. Intensivnіst vikladu to lie in vіd іvnіa znán svіznachаchka.

Everything you need is your dream to master 3Ds MAX 2018. Everything else is at the Lustdorf Training Center.

Wimogi to computer for 3Ds MAX 2018:

Operating system:

Microsoft® Windows® 7 (SP1), Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1 and Windows 10®

to access online content and services from Autodesk


64-bit model like Intel or AMD

Graphic subsystem:

Bazhano discrete video nVidia and ATI

Working memory:

2GB and more for comfortable work

Disk space:

5GB disk space

Attachment of the statement:

Vkazivnik Misha, maybe graphics tablet for transparency

Advances to 3Ds MAX 2018 course

Intensive - we save your hour! Instead of revisiting the anonymous and varied videos, you will systemically play 3Ds MAX 2018 with a live speaker, making it hard to select videos and supporting materials for the course.

Food, please! The skin is occupied by the course due to the maintenance of nutrition and hearing difficulties. “If you don’t have any food, I stink,” is the famous phrase of the Vikladach in italics “Lustdorf”.

Individually or at the Group! Individual - the course means the hour and the schedule to take up according to you. And in a group (3 groups) you get more fun and a little bit cheaper!

From simple to complex! The steps of the initial focus and the consistency of the follow-up methods are increasing step by step by stretching the course. And the quality of sprynyattya reaches the vicons of impersonal butts.

Distribution! One of the obvious advantages of the curricula is Rozklad. Wait a minute, think for yourself independently and sequentially, the subject of the task is not easy. Zavzhd є reasons, yakі vodvolіkayut in іd meti pіznannya. This problem is solved by the layout of cursives. Individual occupations allow you to take an hour for you, but for the day, the listener of ob'yazkovo takes the necessary portion of knowledge that is right, plus a charge of optimism!

R_k passed, sn_g again tane, 3ds Max was updated - everything is still the same. Designers check for a short time as a gift for a gift new version Max, spodіvayuchis, scho pratsyuvati with him will become even more beautiful and more fun. We wonder what the enchanters from Autodesk prepared for us once.

Vector texture maps

Previously, in 3ds Max, a support for vector textures appeared, which can be visually applied to raster textures high clarity for any kind of closeness to the object. Available selected files in formats Adobe Illustrator(*.ai), SVG (*.svg, *.svgz), Pattern (*.pat) and all PDF (*.pdf).

Animation natovpu

The new Populate tool is now available on the Graphite Modeling Tools panel, with assignments for animating a large number of people. Garniy tool as for the realism of the scene you need a human goosebump.

Additions to the system of particles

The new part of the system of particles Particle flow - mParticles allows you to simulate different natural phenomena, zіtknennya particles more protruded equal.

Acceleration dvigun Nitrous

We are obliged to promote the geometry of the projections in the windows more quickly, lower earlier. Dobre s new video card you can check. Also rendering of shaders in DirectX 11 is now supported.

Satisfying prospects

New tool Perspective Match, to see the number of non-handed points, so called Vanishing Lines - pairs of lines of coordinate axes for viewing the perspective of photography.

2D pan and zoom

The option allows you to attach the geometry to the background of the window, so that the stench does not rise when panning.