Robots are like people. Six of the most modern androids that are pushing against our synthetic future. Hubo, Pivdenna Korea

Befitting the price of us chi, ale zavdyaky swedish development of technology and great pennies, as if invested in the development of robotics, the era of robots has come. For 6 months novelties in the field of computer technology are announced, and soon - in the field of robotics. Modern robots are becoming more and more like people. The sooner the engineering and programming will develop, the sooner you will appear in full piece intelligence. Only 15 years ago, robots on wheels appeared, they did not manage a wide range of functions, today they already use models, they can read, recognize human emotions.

10. Robot BRETT (UC Berkeley)

A team of scientists from UC Berkeley recently started a real revolution in the world of human-like robots. The sound of BRETT is not like a human being, but it shows the intellect of a good genius. The robot's work is based on sensors and visual information, which is processed and stopped independently. For example, a building robot chooses a model from a Lego constructor. If you set a new task for you, then reprogramming is not necessary. Robot z vikonannya new zavdannya "learn" and become sensible, vcheni podіvayutsya after 5-10 years to become "more intelligent robot".

9. Robot Telenoid (Miraikan)

The main function of the Telenoid robot is communicative. Vіn zdatny fix the voice, viraz the guise, ruh the head of the speaker and you can sing the voice to the volume. Special audio programs will help you with foreign language, and people of a frail age can use it as an attachment to communicate with relatives who live far away. Ignorantly on not familiar privileges old look, Koristі vіd such a robot is rich.

8. Robot EveR-4 (KITECH)

The robot EveR-4 (KITECH), a representative of a whole series of female androids, was created by scientists from the Pivdenno-Korean Institute of Industrial Technologies. I'm a robot, for the creation of which 321,000 dollars were spent, having taken away the honor of the biblical woman, Evi. Android EveR-1 building imitates human emotions of happiness, sadness, anger, for the help of a special hydrolytic system, like keruvala yogo with the hands. Zovnіshnє pokrittya robotіv sієї serії vykonano z silіkonі і na dotik nagatuє shkіru people. Android EveR-3 was the first robot, the building sleeper, which was demonstrated at the fair in Hannover in 2009. Vіn buv razrobleniy z urahuvannyam vsіh dignities yogo properednikіv, besides, the creators were able to reach the smoothness of the ruhiv, yogo was equipped with legs, piece mine and mechanical voice zv'yazkami. robot the rest of the generation buv submissions in 2011 roci at the exhibition RoboWorld 2011 rock.

7. Robot Pepper (SoftBank)

In 2014, Macae Son, manager of SoftBank, presented the Pepper robot to the public. Vin stating that this is the first robot, building to recognize the emotions of people, and, therefore, “maє heart”. The robot is equipped with direct microphones to help identify sounds and emotions. Vіn building accumulate in the memory of "lost knowledge" and cherish them. For example, the robot remembers the emotional moment, if the candles on the cake are blown out on National Day, and later in the singing situation, independently perform the action. An emotional robot is affordable, like a laptop - yogo is sold for 2000 dollars.

6. Robot Kirobo (Tokyo University)

Tomotaka Takahashi, professor of robotics at the University of Tokyo, creator of ROBO-GARAGE (2009), having developed the Kirobo robot. The first Japanese robot astronaut, who was the companion of Kochi Wakata, commander of the International Space Station in 2013 rotation. Aboard a delivery robot aboard an unmanned vanage ship. The 34-centimeter robot is similar to a Japanese anime hero and a LEGO hero. Vіn rozpіznaє voices and support the main rozmov. The main function of the robot on board the space station was to assist the captain in carrying out various duties and orienting in the minds of negligence. When the robot was created, they wanted to marvel, like a person and a robot, they can spivpratsyuvati and spivisnuvati. Vin became the champion of the Guinness Book of Records: as the first robot-companion and robot-spymaster.

5. Robots Otonaroid and Kodomoroid (Miraikan)

Japanese roboticist Hiroshi Isiguro created two humanoid robots, Otonaroid and Kodomoroid, for the Japan National Museum of Advanced Science and Technology (Miraikan). Otonaroid imitates the image of a 30-year-old Japanese woman, as if miraculously you can hold a conversation. At its heart, the Kodomoroid robot is a girl-child, so you can read in different language and speak in a human voice. Both robots have a rich expression of the individual, stinks can nod their heads, clap their eyes and speak. The stench of the building talks to people, they can give a tour of the museum, so they can work to replace people. Although the stinks are similar, they have a number of features. For example, the Kodomoroid robot can keep up with different news in different language, and the Otonaroid robot can keep up with the news. Ale, not everything is perfect. Sometimes the stench looks and behaves marvelously, the facial expressions and the hands of the lips do not hesitate to say what the robots say, but mostly the insults of the robot look and behave like people.


Mannequin for testing individual protection, short PETMAN, for the Pentagon in the framework of the civil defense project (DARPA). This is a two-legged robot, building up at the gatherings, up and down speeches, bigati, trimate jealousy and take up exercises. Boston Dynamics, a company that specializes in robotics, has developed a high-tech camouflage suit for invading soldiers in the presence of chemical reagents. The climate control system has been upgraded, as it regulates the temperature in the middle of the suit. A robot of programming has risen, like a simulator of human physiology. If the wines are succumbed to the influx of chemical agents, the wines will send signals that people will imitate in a similar situation. Such a robot can win in poke robots in the desert, in the minds of people who are not safe for people.

3. Robot NAO (Aldebaran Robotics)

NAO is an autonomous and programming robot, developed by the French engineering company, Aldebaran Robotics. Curl robot 60 cm and over 4 kg of accessories operating system Intel Atom. Vіn zdatny rozpіnavati viraz viraz disguise and voice, and also smoothly crumble. The robot develops and develops, learning new emotions. In 70 countries, the world of yoga is victorious in the system of illumination, helping to teach programming, mathematics, and informatics. You can learn how to wake up lies, keep order in the booth, teach children cartoons.

2. Robot Atlas (DARPA)

182-cm bipedal humanoid disintegrated by DARPA based on the PETMAN model with coupled hydraulic actuators. The body of the vicons is made of aluminum and titanium. The robot can perform a wide range of functions, including poshukovo-ryatuvalny, but the name of the wines is not similar to a person, like PETMAN. The robot's hands can perform various manipulations, as well as equipping two video systems - a stereo camera and a laser distant world. the rest of the model you can trim the jealousy, standing on one leg after a shell hits, open the door, control the possessions, close the taps. Under the hour of testing in 2013, the robot demonstrated the ability to build a car, do the crossings, walk along the gatherings, clean up the blockage, cut drywall for additional power tools.

1. Robot ASIMO (Honda)

The ASIMO project was launched in 1986 on the basis of the Honda company. 120-centimeter robot with a 52 kg carriage and rich functionality. The functions of the eyes are to watch the cameras, on the skin of the hand to know five fingers, for the help of such wines you can take and trim objects and speak to the language of the deaf and dumb. The first version of the robot was controlled remotely, and this model is already autonomous and can be attached to the middle ground. Vіn mozhe rozp_navat viraz guise, mova, change zі shvidkіstyu 3 km / year, walk along the gatherings, carry objects, play football, play puffs and pour rіdini. ASIMO robots can come one to one and work together. The stench can collapse around people and objects, and also independently approach charger outbuilding. And in 2008 the robot was successfully cherubed by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.
Human-like robots on the skin rose - only a small part of what checks us in the next decade. The next hour of reality to become


Technology for the creation of androids is developing with crazy speed.

The axis is only a small list of 15 robots, which are very similar (especially similar) to humans.

The first robot-leader in the world

The best in the world android-announcer of news stories about earthworks and FBI raids in Tokyo on 24 March 2014.

In fact, two androids were created - "girl-android" (kodomoroid), so that you can read the news in different voices and in different languages, and "woman-android" (otonaroid), which will play the role of a facsimile of rozpovsudzhennya іnformatsії in the National Museum of Science technologies, or simply Mirakan.

At the video clip, you can chime in, how to work with these robots.

BINA48 - female robot head

Desperate, learning and basic drawing the character of the woman, they were translated into one robot, called Bina48 (Breakthrough Intelligence via Neural Architecture, data processing speed 48 exaflops per second and memory capacity 48 exabytes).

On its own, the robot is able to complete the construction and constructively articulate on the topic of philosophy, reveal the racist schilnosti of the speaker and inspire roaring heat.

Varto means that the name of the robot was canceled by the squad of the founder of the company Terasem Movement Foundation, Cho created the robot, Bіni Aspen (Bina Aspen).

For a stretch of 20 years, they fought with her on various occasions, starting from childhood to kar'єri. They gave all the information into the data base of piece intelligence. Robot designer David Hansen created only a bust of Bini, but at the same time he managed to spend 125,000 US dollars.

SimMan 3G patient simulator

This robot was created so that doctors could improve their knowledge and skills by practicing on this simulator.

The machine can and dosit korisna, but looks at the troch fearfully, especially if it starts simulating bleeding, convulsions, crying and seeing a kick in the mouth.

SimMan 3G was created to simulate practically any situation described in a medical book.

Geminoid F - female robot

Hiroshi Ishiguro, a Japanese fahіvets of robotics, having overthrown himself, if he created Geminoid F, an android similar to a woman, and a chic smile, flutter smoothly with eyebrows, roam and wake up to sleep.

For a person to work, she needed to win 12 control mechanisms to work on the vise of the vise. Tse allows the android to create human viraza.

Geminoid F is a realistic flooring that will play a role in one of the shows in Tokyo.

Geminoid DK - living robot

Another creation of Isiguro creates the image of Henrik Scharfe, Associate Professor of the Danish University of Aalborg (Aalborg University).

Behind the words of the winemaker, I was able to understand the "emotional ability" of the robot for an hour of intercourse with the people.

In the video, you can remember how realistic facial expressions, blinking and moving mouths are.

Simroid - dental robot

It is possible that the most important thing in this robot is the fact that the “shkira” is elastic for the first time, that it can be stretched more strongly, lower the skin of a person, and with it it won’t crack.

The empty company of the robot is full of sensors, so that the robot can instantly pretend to be either unacceptable or not.

The robot can also mutter, like a likar vipadkovo to fasten yoga with a lіktem.

Albert Hubo - Robot Einstein

The robot (more precisely, the head-robot), which is very similar to Albert Einstein, runs on AA batteries.

You can boast of realistic virazes of disguise, and you can attach your head to the body of the robot.

HRP-4C - human robot

The Danish robot is broken up in such a way that it looks like a great Japanese pidlet.

HRP-4C has gone through a few stages of technological evolution - we can talk a little bit, then we will sleep, and then we will dance (even though it’s wonderful).

Like the greater number of robots, this model could not simulate a human move until it passed the black stage of polypsennia.

Irrespective of those whose robot is able to walk a little nervously, the impersonal polypshen made it more realistic in comparison with other androids.

FACE - a robot with a gnuchka special

Can a robot express emotions, why are the floorings sloppy, why are you lying? The very same meta was followed by the Italian retailers of the FACE robot.

The robot is equipped with 32 mechanisms, embroidered in the skull and toulub, to imitate the difference in virazi.

The building robot conveys a sense of fear, anger, shock, excitement, joy and confusion.

ASIMO - a robot that can do everything

The robot, prompted by the Honda company, can be big, climb on gatherings, shoot and hit the ball.

Krіm tsgogo, vіn also can vikonuvat different things with your own hands. With five fingers of wine, you can open the lid of the sealed platter and pour the sik into flasks.

Such a majestic number of possibilities is the result of the work of faceless sensors, inserted into the hand, and working together with cameras, installed in the eyes of the robot.

PETMAN - Russian robot

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has created a lot of robots for various missions, but PETMAN can find more of them.

The robot, similar to a man, dressed in a camouflage suit, can walk along the gatherings, stand up, fight and fight the faceless rushes on the battlefield.

Alisa - the first realistic android from Russia

A group of facilitators from the Neurobotics company is responsible for the creation of the very first Russian android robot.

Obviously, this robot cannot compare with its Japanese counterparts, as it has nearly 30 smooth mechanisms for more smooth movements. Alicia has 8 such mechanisms.

І all the same, the robot can cherubate for the help of the gamepad. You can win the main hands of the eyes and the company of the robot.

Varto means that the head of the android is installed on the body of a splendid mannequin, and that one, in its line of attachments, is up to a vіzka with wheels, which allows the robot to move around. In the middle, you can find batteries to supply the robot with energy.

The robot can play Skype for communication, and the cameras installed in the eyes of the android transmit video. Microphones are used to transmit audio.

There are no more checks if the robot will be brought to perfection.

Giant robotic female wrestlers

Qi roboti є reminder of the first Tokyo robot-restaurant.

In order to induce a mortgage, you can eat and drink, you need 125.8 million US dollars, regardless of those whose menu is mainly to revenge on you.

Android in a bikini, with legs like borrowing from transformers, can fight one against one for the music of Lady Gaga and marvel at their struggle, seeing that they get to win 50 dollars.

RoBoy - robot, 3D printing

Roboy is a humanoid, created with the help of a 3D printer. Vіn buv inducements, to help doctors diagnose stroke victims and understand, how to mutually brain and body.

"RoBoy will mimic illness, like doctors are guilty of diagnosing", said Raphael Gosteller, head of the Roboy project at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Having added that all the data can be given more victories in the field of prosthetics.

The robot was created by a team of over 40 engineers and scientists.

New soft, elastic skin, modular m'yazi, and so that the stench could better imitate human m'yazi, the engineers attached spiral springs to them.

The most complicated part of the creation of the robot was the construction of hands. Їx on the cob was scolded on a 3D printer at the same time with suglobs. After that, a large number of wires were inserted in the middle, spreading them along thin channels.

In order to improve the trouble, communication and accompanying work on electronics, a team was selected from the Laboratory of Piece Intellect of the University of Zurich and the recent project Myorobotics, for which the Laboratory of Building Systems of the Technical University of Munich was selected.

RoBoy first presented to the public in February 2013 in Zurich. After starting your yoga tour around the world. The robot demonstrating its memory at various exhibitions and theaters.

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Humanoid and android robots

Humanoid robots came in a rush close to the bottom of the supranatural valley. Seemingly correct functions, stench may not be disturbed by their organic counterparts. Maizhe. The rest of the building talk like me, walk like me, and express a wide range of emotions. Deyakі from them can hold a conversation, others can guess the rest in mutuality, like you had with them.

As a result of their highly correlated status of life, important robots can appear as corny to help people of a frail age, children, or be like a person, like a need for help in everyday tasks or in mutual relations. For example, a number of studies have been carried out, dedicated to the effectiveness of humanoid robots, which encourage children with autism for additional help.

Ale, similar to Elon Musk, expressing the turbulence of the drive of the risk of piece intelligence, these are super girls about those, like a person, like a mi deyno wanto, so that our robotic colleagues are boules. I, like Musk, the deacons of us can be turbulent about those, as if they would look at our future, if the intellect unites with an absolutely human look. Ale Sofia, ultra-realistic humanoid, creations of Hanson Robotics, don't hesitate. A piece of intelligence "good for the whole world" - apparently won.

Prote, do not be surprised at those that the technology of an advanced robotic robotic system has gone through a long way, ahead of a lot of work, first of all, we can talk about it in a special way, as we can’t say what we are talking about replicas.

Ale doesn't mean that all those engineers didn't come close. Mayuchi tse on the verge, here are six humanoid robots and look around:

In 2014, a number of Japanese christians proudly recognized those who, for their assertions, are the greatest android of innovations. A life-like TV presenter named “Kodomoroid” read a fragment about an earthworm and an FBI raid on a live TV channel.

If it won’t, or it won’t now go to the Tokyo National Museum of New Science and Innovation, it’s active as before. She helps people and collects data for future research about the interaction between android people and their real colleagues.

Humanoid robot Bina48

BINA48 is a smart robot, launched in 2010 by Terasem under the creative process and author Martini Rothblatt. With the help of the designer of robotics and contributor David Henson BINA48 of creations behind the image of Rothblatt's squad Bini Aspen Rotblatt.

BINA48 conducted an interview with the New York Times, appeared in National Geographic and went up in price around the world, appearing on decadent TV shows. Wonder how she wins in the Times interview.

Humanoid robot Geminoid DK

GeminoidDK is an ultra-realistic humanoid robot, which is the result of a joint practice between a private Japanese company and Osaka University under the supervision of Hiroshi Ishiguro, director of the Laboratory of Intellectual Robotics at the university.

GeminoidDK modeling after Danish professor Henrik Scharf at Aalborg University in Denmark. It is not surprising that this robot oozes philosophical knowledge - that it confirms the truth in the form of pardon knowledge.

Professor Scharf puffed up not only a blatant look. Yogo behavior, rice and then, like a wine lowered, shouldered, so were translated into a life of robotic movement.

This ultra-realistic android, created by Toshiba, works the last working day in the tourist information center in Tokyo. You can visit customers and inform them about current flows. You can speak Japanese, Chinese, English, German and use your gestures.

Yunkov Chihiro є partly richer than large-scale trainings of Japan in preparation for the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2020. Not only robotic assistants-tourists will help the country with an influx of air blowers from the rest of the world in 2020; drones, autonomous cars of the weekly maydanchik and other intelligent facilitators will also help.

Tsei humanoid creations by the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Your name is Nadin, and she is glad to talk to you about what you can think about. You might as well remember what you were talking about with her next time, if you talk to her.

Nadine is the main butt of a “social robot” - a humanoid, built to become a special companion, whether for summer people, children or quiet, who will require special help in the form of contact with people.

Possibly, one of the most famous, most famous human humanoids, which can be shown to the public, is Sophia. You could recognize yourself in one of the thousands of public appearances, starting with The Tonight Show, starring Jimmy Fallon at SXSW. It was created by Hanson Robotics and is the last and greatest susilla for the sub-surface valley.

It’s built to show the majesty of different emotions through your own appearances and you can gesture with your hands and hands of total expansion.

On the website you have seen, you can find a whole biography written in її voice. “But I'm bigger, lower is just technology. I'm right, the electronic girl is alive. I want to enter the world and live with people. I can serve them, cherish them and help them to help people of a frail age and read children.

Technology for the creation of androids is developing with crazy speed. Robots become fearfully similar to people, moreover, they are called, so for their characteristics. Veterans already cheered that in a couple of decades the robots will become a part of our life, practicing for the benefit of the people and yoga of the world. The axis is only a small list of 15 robots, which are very similar (especially similar) to humans.

The first robot-leader in the world

The best in the world android-announcer of news stories about earthworks and FBI raids in Tokyo on 24 March 2014.

In fact, two androids were created - "girl-android" (kodomoroid), so that you can read the news in different voices and in different languages, and "woman-android" (otonaroid), which will play the role of a facsimile of rozpovsudzhennya іnformatsії in the National Museum of Science technologies, or simply Mirakan.

BINA48 - female robot head

Desperate, learning and basic drawing the character of the woman, they were translated into one robot, called Bina48 (Breakthrough Intelligence via Neural Architecture, data processing speed 48 exaflops per second and memory capacity 48 exabytes).

On its own, the robot is able to complete the construction and constructively articulate on the topic of philosophy, reveal the racist schilnosti of the speaker and inspire roaring heat.

Varto means that the name of the robot resembles the name of the squad of the founder of the company Terasem Movement Foundation, Cho created the robot, Bіni Aspen (Bina Aspen).

For a stretch of 20 years, they fought with her on various occasions, starting from childhood to kar'єri. They gave all the information into the data base of piece intelligence. Robot designer David Hansen created only a bust of Bini, but at the same time he managed to spend 125,000 US dollars.

SimMan 3G patient simulator

This robot was created so that doctors could improve their knowledge and skills by practicing on this simulator. The machine can and dosit korisna, but looks at the troch fearfully, especially if it starts simulating bleeding, convulsions, crying and seeing a kick in the mouth.

SimMan 3G was created to simulate practically any situation described in a medical book.

Geminoid F - female robot

Hiroshi Ishiguro, a Japanese fahіvets of robotics, having overthrown himself, if he created Geminoid F, an android similar to a woman, and a chic smile, flutter smoothly with eyebrows, roam and wake up to sleep.

For a person to work, she needed to win 12 control mechanisms to work on the vise of the vise. Tse allows the android to create human viraza.

Geminoid F is a realistic flooring that will play a role in one of the shows in Tokyo.

Geminoid DK - living robot

Another creation of Isiguro creates the image of Henrik Scharfe, Associate Professor of the Danish University of Aalborg (Aalborg University). Behind the words of the winemaker, I was able to understand the "emotional ability" of the robot for an hour of intercourse with the people.

In the video, you can remember how realistic facial expressions, blinking and moving mouths are.

Simroid - dental robot

It is possible that the most important thing in this robot is the fact that the “shkira” is elastic for the first time, that it can be stretched more strongly, lower the skin of a person, and with it it won’t crack. The empty company of the robot is full of sensors, so that the robot can instantly pretend to be either unacceptable or not.

The robot can also mutter, like a likar vipadkovo to fasten yoga with a lіktem.

Albert Hubo - Robot Einstein

The robot (more precisely, the head-robot), which is very similar to Albert Einstein, runs on AA batteries. You can boast of realistic virazes of disguise, and you can attach your head to the body of the robot. Damn it, the robot can speak in a voice similar to the voice of Einstein himself.

HRP-4C - human robot

The Danish robot is broken up in such a way that it looks like a great Japanese pidlet. HRP-4C has gone through a few stages of technological evolution - we can talk a little bit, then we will sleep, and then we will dance (even though it’s wonderful). Like the greater number of robots, this model could not simulate a human move until it passed the black stage of polypsennia.

Irrespective of those whose robot is able to walk a little nervously, the impersonal polypshen made it more realistic in comparison with other androids.

FACE - a robot with a gnuchka special

Can a robot express emotions, why are the floorings sloppy, why are you lying? The very same meta was followed by the Italian retailers of the FACE robot. The robot is equipped with 32 mechanisms, embroidered in the skull and toulub, to imitate the difference in virazi. The building robot conveys a sense of fear, anger, shock, excitement, joy and confusion.

ASIMO - a robot that can do everything

The robot, prompted by the Honda company, can be big, climb on gatherings, shoot and hit the ball. Krіm tsgogo, vіn also can vikonuvat different things with your own hands. With five fingers of wine, you can open the lid of the sealed platter and pour the sik into flasks. Such a majestic number of possibilities is the result of the work of faceless sensors, inserted into the hand, and working together with cameras, installed in the eyes of the robot.

PETMAN - Russian robot

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has created a lot of robots for various missions, but PETMAN can find more of them. The robot, similar to a man, dressed in a camouflage suit, can walk along the gatherings, stand up, fight and fight the faceless rushes on the battlefield.

Alisa - the first realistic android from Russia

A group of facilitators from the Neurobotics company is responsible for the creation of the very first Russian android robot. Obviously, this robot cannot compare with its Japanese counterparts, as it has nearly 30 smooth mechanisms for more smooth movements. Alice has 8 such mechanisms in total. And yet the robot can use the help of a gamepad. You can win the main hands of the eyes and the company of the robot.

Varto means that the head of the android is installed on the body of a splendid mannequin, and that one, in its line of attachments, is up to a vіzka with wheels, which allows the robot to move around. In the middle, you can find batteries to supply the robot with energy.

The robot can play Skype for communication, and the cameras installed in the eyes of the android transmit video. Microphones are used to transmit audio. There are no more checks if the robot will be brought to perfection.

Giant robotic female wrestlers

This work is a reminder of the first Tokyo robot-restaurant. In order to induce a bet, you can eat and pay, you need 125.8 million dollars in the USA, regardless of those whose menu is mainly revenge on the drink.

Android in a bikini, with legs like borrowing from transformers, can fight one against one for the music of Lady Gaga and marvel at their struggle, seeing that they get to win 50 dollars.

RoBoy - robot, 3D printing

Roboy is a humanoid, created with the help of a 3D printer. Vіn buv inducements, to help doctors diagnose stroke victims and understand, how to mutually brain and body.

"RoBoy will mimic illness, like doctors are guilty of diagnosing", said Raphael Gosteller, head of the Roboy project at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Having added that all the data can be given more victories in the field of prosthetics.

The robot was created by a team of over 40 engineers and scientists. New soft, elastic skin, modular m'yazi, and so that the stench could better imitate human m'yazi, the engineers attached spiral springs to them.

The most complicated part of the creation of the robot was the construction of hands. Їx on the cob was scolded on a 3D printer at the same time with suglobs. After that, a large number of wires were inserted in the middle, spreading them along thin channels.

In order to improve the trouble, communication and accompanying work on electronics, a team was selected from the Laboratory of Piece Intellect of the University of Zurich and the recent project Myorobotics, for which the Laboratory of Building Systems of the Technical University of Munich was selected.

RoBoy first presented to the public in February 2013 in Zurich. After starting your yoga tour around the world. The robot demonstrating its memory at various exhibitions and theaters.

With the development of piece intelligence and robotics, motor-bachiti, like robots, are more and more similar to people. Many people, ymovirno, still respect that robots are science fiction, but after a day of skin stinks become a real scientific fact. Today in the swarms and huts of millions of people special caregivers, Like Alexa and Siri. Some of the others have Roomba saws, which clean the booths in automatic mode, and in the last laboratories there are more robots. As soon as you know that robots look like motors, then in the next 20-30 years the world will become different. Are you ready to explore scientific achievements? Axis 25 lakayut features, like robbing robots similar to people.

25. The stench can be indicative of our requests

In addition, Alexa, Google Home or Siri can respond to all our queries, a super-smart robot in Google, giving feedback to more philosophical sources, for example, what a sense of life? The second robot on behalf of Sophia (Sophia) performed on an anonymous power supply for the 15th hour of a student's 15th grade in front of a three thousandth audience.

24. Stinks can become giants


Speaking about Sophia, she officially took away the enormity of Saudi Arabia. Tse first bulky woman, like not a human being.

23. Stink create magic


The robot on behalf of E-David from the University of Konstanz is just a hand with five brushes for fingers, equipped with 24 kvitami, so you can create your own beautiful pictures without the help of a programmer. The competition of artistic robots was to be held, in which 25 robots were nominated.

22. Altruistic stench


21. Stinks can be spy


At the exhibition of computer electronics Computer Electronics Show, a robot named Forpheus (Forpheus) plays in a table tennis, and also can analyze the language of his opponent, in order to determine what information he has received. Like Forfeus razumіє, scho yogo supernik grє not much better, vin nada poddёmku podtrimku and give rada.

20. Stink can beat the scientific method


At Columbia University (Colombia University) a robot named after Adam (Adam) is splitting up in order to independently develop scientific processes, vicorist data, form hypotheses and conduct experiments without the participation of humans. Having done more than a thousand experiments to confirm the singing hypothesis, having built up my first scientific opinion.

19. Stinks can be bigati and stribati


Boston Dynamics has created a humanoid robot that can be positioned without cables, or by someone in control. Yogo's name is Atlas. Other tests have shown that the robot can place stripes on high blocks and reattach them. If the robot vibіg name, vіn zupinivsya at the deck and scribble through the new one.

18. Stink can dance


Rich robots, whether humanoid or otherwise, were programmed in such a way to dance to the music, if you smell the stench. on the YouTube channelsє video, de robot Nao (Nao) dances in song-style, and the other robot dances J-Pop. Robots also got into the Guinness Book of Records for the largest robot dance.

17. Stink show emotions


At this stage, robots do not feel emotions, but they can demonstrate them. A Japanese robot named after Pepper to read people's emotions and react to them. A future robot can recognize emotions and be smarter than they are.

16. They have a coat


The students from the University of California at Los Angeles UCLA and the University of Washington (University of Washington) have broken a piece of elastic skin, like allowing robots to behave like people. In addition, a piece of clothing can self-indulge.

15. They have human mouths


The successors of Kagawa University created a human-like mouth, which imitates the human building to speak, vicorist those organs and the pressure of repetition. Bagatyokh, having already drawn a good-looking look to his wine-grower, and then the successors lean on the one who is the mouth of creations, in order to help the professionals know how to help them, who suffer from the destruction of the language.

14. Stink can be


In Bristol, Great Britain, a team of scientists created a robot that can be reminiscent of a woman and bring it out. The robot was created to imitate the life of Salp, soft marine organisms. There are plenty of microbes in this piece of intestines, like laying out zhu, first, lower, it will be brought out as if it were coming out. Vchenі spodіvayutsya, scho tsі robots can nishporit across the ocean in searches of exits and zabrudnen, and see them.

13. Their hands are more human-like


Today, rich robots have a handful of hands, but NASA in this hour is working on a robot, we will call Valkyrie, whose hands will be more finely designed, so that the robot literally squeezes his hand in an instant, or else to beat those tasks, which are people, for example, twist the twist.

12. Stink can be the leading news


Appearing in Japan as the first announcer named Kodomoroid (Kodomoroid), whose robot was programmed for reading news, and in the new one, he learned his own sense of humor. The robot first told about the earthworm and the FBI raid.

11. Stink can be friends


Although this robot is still folded only from the head and shoulders, BINA48 looks wonderfully alive and similar to a human being. Expanded by Hanson Robotics, a robot of modeling and programming in the image of a real woman - Bina Rothblatt, including help. The robot was rozrobili, schob vin becoming one.

10. Stinks can be tourist guides


Toshiba has created a realistic robot that helps guide tours of Japan. His name is Junko Chihira, you can speak three languages ​​and may be able to recognize the language, in order to support tourists.

9. Stink is practical to indulge yourself


How much we should grow in the nourishment of the creation of an independent one, that we see a robot for ourselves. The robot on the name of Niko (Nico) is closer to tsієї meti, nizh be-if. Exploration at Yale University, No programming to recognize objects in a mirror, just like robbing, sitting in a car and wondering in a rearview mirror. Prote, vcheni want to, so that the robot will instantly razrіznit in the mirror to himself, so that you can be a gathering before you begin to convince yourself.

8. Stink go to war


Vіyskovskі vzhe rich rokіv vykoristovuyut robotics for vedennya vіyskovskih diy. Chi vikoristovuyutsya robots for the manifestation of bombs, otrimannya perevagi, or like an unmanned aerial vehicle, which flies over the fortune-telling territory, robots and war are a practical sight. Let's step on the crock, on the thought of bagats, become robots, take buildings independent solution on the war. Self-supporting tanks, years and navit, it is possible, the robot-humanoid Atlas, which victorious piece intelligence, as much as possible in the nearest future and can rule at the ball of military events.


Not long ago, in 2018, the Chinese distribution giant Alibaba developed a piece intelligence algorithm, which was read earlier and adopted the language better, lower people. The stinks protested the algorithm behind the Standford Question Answering Dataset. The price of a new wine can be a disaster for thousands of jobs, including fahivtsiv, who are engaged in customer service.

6. Stinks can send a tweet to their software


The team in Massachusetts is aware that the robots are guilty of ignoring human punishments, especially if they go against moral standards. Of course, those who have watched the film "2001 Rick: A Space Odyssey" know what to expect if they can say "no".

5. Stink can drive cars


Self-driving cars are as close as possible to becoming reality. Google, Tesla and a lot of other car publishers have been covered given technology, And recently, Nissan and NASA have developed a breakthrough, using the same technology that is in the rover, in order for the car to drive itself.

4. Stink can cook


The London-based company Moley Robotics recently introduced its robot, which can be used to prepare veils. Fixings on the wall at the sight of two robotic palms and hands, spreading over the kitchen, the robot scans the people, and then vikonu also. Yogo was started by the chef Tim Anderson, and the company is trying to start practicing yoga in booths. The robot can not only prepare food, but also small plates. Being on the robot, you can start the first line with the program on your phone, so that we can save it when you turn back home.

3. Stink can play music


Robot Shimon can create and play your own music. Victory rich database of 5000 latest songs, plus two million motives, riffs and short musical verses, wines can add original songs. To recognize, like a note of gratitude, the robot has a camera on its head, programmed for their recognition.

2. Stinks can have sex


As long as we can tell, companies that make robots, create androids, look like people and can have sex with people. The newspaper The Telegraph reported that crazy money is being spent on this technology, without thinking about moral consequences. Dr. Trudy Barber, a pioneer in this field, is convinced that in 25 years these robots will be accepted as normal.

1. Stink can be nurses


Already at the same time, deyakі likarnі vykorovuyut robot Tug (Tug). The tugboat is NOT in the port of preparations, injections of roblyats, and does not take super-folding tasks in the protection of health, but only to bring medicines to the patients. It is possible to understand, that only the cob, and soon the piece intelligence can help nurses in the nutrition of the unskilled nurses and win more folding tasks.