Five myths about charging your mobile devices. How can a car charger discharge a battery? How can you charge your smartphone using the car's cigarette lighter?

It’s also unfortunate that since mobile phones have come into existence, charging the battery of a mobile phone has been a huge pain in the ass. Today you can charge your mobile phone as quickly as possible. One such place is a car. One of the main advantages of charging your phone is the ability to keep your smartphone in the active mode without draining your battery and safely enjoying your capabilities, without being afraid to run out of low battery power until the end of the trip. Thus, if you have a used phone, charging it from the cigarette lighter will help maintain the level of charge, preventing it from running low.

Another advantage is that the phone does not turn on during the journey. In this case, the battery charge will not only decrease, but will also increase. We will allow you to use your smartphone on this day.

Another important aspect of the ability to charge your phone while using a cigarette lighter is when the battery charge on your phone is at a critically low level, and you don’t mind using your phone. Then exercise becomes just a warrior for you. This is especially noticeable in any emergency situations, for example, on long trips.

Short duration of car charging for mobile phone

Incredibly, car charging is a convenient and manual function, which can be used today with skin water, because its advantages are unparalleled. However, every motorist knows that charging a phone cannot go unnoticed for his car. Just as every coin has a reverse side, so this speech has its own side.

First of all, by charging your phone using a cigarette, you can ice up the tachometer needle. This means that when charging, the demand for the engine of your car increases, which means more money spent on gasoline. This is especially noticeable if the phone is already actively vikorist during the hour of travel. In another way, this mode of using the phone has a negative impact on the electrical wiring system of your car, affecting the whole world. Thirdly, if you turned off the car, turned on the fire, or removed the key from the battery, so that, for example, you could continue to listen to music, and did not connect the phone to the cigarette lighter, then now the energy to charge the phone is drawn from the battery, chi" yogo.

Today's phones have opened up a lot of new possibilities for motorists.

The most obvious thing is that your smartphone doesn’t have to have a navigator. A host of cost-free add-ons allows you to use the gadget as a full-fledged on-board computer, monitor traffic jams, get directions and view information about car services. People have already appreciated all the advantages of charging a smartphone, but have lost only one nuance: how to properly charge a phone in a car?

Car chargers

You can charge your smartphone in the car using an additional car charging adapter for cigarette lighter with one or more USB outputs. Through this interface you can also charge a portable battery and other devices with this connector.

To avoid short circuits, gadget breakdowns, or getting out of trouble with your car, manufacturers recommend purchasing only original accessories. If you keep it in the charging box and the power cable, you can use it more or more tightly, or less tightly.

Try not to save money and buy bright accessories from popular brands. Please also consider supporting the required version of Quick Charge.

They have gained popularity due to their versatility and practicality in any device. When choosing this, it is important to expand the necessary capacity so that the battery can be used for charging the device. The widest and optimal capacity of “power banks” is 10,000 mAg. In practice, such a battery can fully charge a Samsung Galaxy S7 three times.

Car radio

Today's cars are equipped with radios. By connecting your smartphone to the radio via a USB cable, you can not only listen to music, but also charge your phone. The charging speed, although not high, can be used in case of urgent need.

When choosing a solar battery, it is important to consider which device will be used. For phones, sufficient indicators would be a voltage of 6V and a power of 4W. Everything you need to independently prepare a charger for a solar battery can be found in radio stores. Please note that the battery allows you to charge your smartphone only during daylight hours and get enough battery life. This method is more suitable for geeks and lovers of experiments.

How easy is it to charge your smartphone in the car?

It's easy to charge your phone in a car, but it's important to use all possible precautions. Charging gadgets in a car violates the rules of operation of the vehicle and can damage the phone’s battery. The use of unclear charging devices and adapters can lead to local seizure.

It is recommended to charge your smartphone only with original and reliable accessories and in the special presence of a user. Another handy, mobile and universal charging method - external batteries.

We live in the 21st century, in a period of globalization and the incredibly advanced world of high technology. Some smartphones and tablet PCs become more powerful than a regular computer, the screens become highly separated and show movies in HD quality. The memory of gadgets is already hundreds of gigabytes. And the axis of technology for the production of lithium-ion batteries is still in place and it is important to improve any global changes in this area.

Children have often heard comments from their fathers about how they can’t charge the phone while it’s charging, or the father has to protect his child by putting the phone on charge at night. We would like to develop this myth and inform you about the necessary functionality and rules of operation of lithium-ion batteries of your gadgets.

  • First myth. “Victory charging of another brand degrades the battery life”

As we know, the branded accessories that come with your device cannot harm your smartphone or tablet. And the axle and charging devices of unintelligent vibration can cause harm to your gadget.

Therefore, it’s not a good idea to buy cheap or no-name devices to charge your tablet. This type of charging will lead to the fact that the battery will take a trivial hour to charge, and in this way you will speed up the wear of the battery and cause it to go bad.

If you charge your Lenovo smartphone with a proprietary charger from LG, nothing bad will happen.

  • Another myth. “It is categorically prohibited to use a mobile device during charging time!”

This assertion is not true. Use your device as much as you want. Zavdati yomu shkodi trivalim vikoristannyam dosit vazhko. If you still rely on cheap “charging”, then frequently using your device will take away the little energy that accumulated when charging with an unknown charging device

It is unlikely that your smartphone will vibrate while charging. You can warm up even better. This happens especially often with smartphones that have only just been added and the battery has not yet reached its “wear” point.

  • The third myth. “Charging a smartphone at night significantly wears out the battery and damages the device”

In fact, the smartphone itself knows to work as long as it is fully charged. As soon as the battery in a smartphone is within reach of the hundred cell icon, special controllers supervise the charging process. Once your phone is charged, then its charge will not be affected by anything, even if it were lying in your chest or on your nightstand. It is not recommended to charge your smartphone at all times. Charge your phone from 40 to 80 watts.

  • The fourth myth. “Mobile devices will not require shutdowns or reboots”

Smartphones are such devices, without any importance to recognize everyday people. Machines are responsible for satisfying our needs almost immediately and forever. There is no way to get rid of your electronic lover. To ensure that your smartphone's battery lasts longer, it needs to be drained at least once. For example - at any time or when you go to the shower.

  • Fifth myth. “Do not charge the device until it is completely discharged”

This may have been the case in the past, but now the technology used to produce lithium-ion batteries allows you to charge your device even if it was only half discharged. If you charge your smartphone “to zero” for an entire hour, you risk that the battery in your smartphone, laptop or tablet will wear out quickly. The lithium-ion battery has a different number of charge and discharge cycles for the device. If you charge it too quickly, you will waste a lot of cycles.

Besides the importance of myths, I would like to tell you about one very important fact.

Remember! High temperatures ruin the battery of your mobile device!

This assertion is the pure truth. Tablet PCs, laptops, smartphones, universal readers are afraid of high temperatures. If overheated, the stinks may freeze. Although, such gadgets are no friend to low temperatures.

The permissible temperature of the battery in your device is between 10-20 ° C.

At high or low temperatures, the mobile device will continue to operate, and the battery life will significantly change.

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A smartphone in a car is an indispensable resource. Melodiously, the leather auto-vlasnik vikorist device in the navigator box. It’s useful to navigate manually in these situations, if you know the way yourself. The add-on shows traffic jams, the current traffic situation helps you take the shortest route, and also informs you about traffic cameras. However, when the navigator is used, the battery quickly runs out. By the way, you have a charger in your car.

Possible options for charging a smartphone in a car

1. Charging with USB outputs from a cigarette lighter or a 12 V socket, and not open. It is important to choose the original virus from the source for a number of reasons:

  • First of all, protect your phone from possible breakdowns and overheating;
  • Otherwise, Chinese parts may be unsafe for car components;
  • Thirdly, the original device has optimal voltage parameters and ensures complete charging.

2. An alternative option is to charge an additional car radio. Almost all current models of car media systems are equipped with a USB connector. Until then, you can connect your smartphone using an additional cable. In this case, the charging speed is low, but as an emergency option it may be entirely useful.

3. Outbreaks occur when the water overpowers the solar batteries. To recharge your phone, the optimal voltage is 6V and 4W. However, this is rather a useful experiment. In practice, the Sony panel will not charge the smartphone any more; it will drain the navigator. Until then, this design of the body works during the daytime.

Is it not safe to charge gadgets in the car?

Although it has suddenly become commonplace, in fact, charging the phone in a similar manner follows the operating rules of the TK. To avoid unwanted damage to both your gadget and car electronics, purchase only original accessories. Often, fragmented adapters and cables lead to local connection in the cabin.