Presentation on the topic “Local computer networks”. Presentation from computer science on the topic “Local computational measures” Entertain without harm Presentation on the topic of local calculations

Presentation on the topic "Local computer networks" from computer science in PowerPoint format. This presentation for schoolchildren in grades 10-11 talks about hardware and software for securing local computer networks. Author of the presentation: Ayini Oleksandrivna Makarova, 10th grade student.

Fragments from the presentation

Local measure unites a number of computers and allows users to efficiently use computer resources and connect connections to peripheral devices (printers, disks, modems, etc.).

  • Peer-to-peer local network with line bus topology
  • Peer-to-peer local network with star topology
  • Local network based on server
  • Local network segments connected by a router

Hardware and software for the security of wired and dartless lines

  • In wired local networks, computers connect to each other using an additional cable. The cables are connected to Ethernet-type adapters that can ensure data transmission speed over a local network of 10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s or 1000 Mbit/s.
  • To connect to a local network of laptop computers, wireless connections are often used when data transmission is carried out using electromagnetic circuits. In dartless local borders, an access point is installed as the central border device. Drone-free Wi-Fi-type connections can ensure data transmission speed up to 54 Mbit/s, and this speed can cover the number of connected computers and the distance to the access point.

1 slide

Local and global computer networks MBOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutov Kur'yanova Olga Oleksiivna

Thumbnail" src="" alt="MOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutov Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна Автор: Види мереж Локальні Г.. ." title="Municipal educational institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна!}

3 slide

Municipal educational institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv Kur'yanova Olga Oleksiivna

Thumbnail" src="" alt="MOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна Автор: Призначення ЛЗ Обмін фа..." title="Municipal educational institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна!}

5 slide

MOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutov Kur'yanova Olga Oleksiivna Author: Appointed LZ File exchange between merchants Efficient access to illegally accessible resources: more disk memory space, printer, scanner, security software, etc. Municipal educational institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv

Thumbnail" src="" alt="MOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна Автор: Види локальних мереж Про..." title="Municipal educational institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна!}

7 slide

MOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutov Kur'yanova Olga Oleksiivna Author: Types of local networks Peer-to-peer computers are equal. In total, no more than 10 computers Merezh based on the server One computer is specially designated for saving files and programs of Municipal Educational Institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv

Thumbnail" src="" alt="MOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutov Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна Автор: Загальна схема з'єднання..." title="Municipal educational institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна!}

Slide 9

MOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutov Kur'yanova Olga Oleksiyevna Author: The basic scheme for connecting computers at a local network is called a network topology. All networks will be based on 3 basic topologies: bus ring K Rim of basic topologies The beginning of topologies: tree-like porosity tied to the MOU.

Thumbnail" src="" alt="MOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна Автор: Кільце Сигнали передаю..." title="Municipal educational institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна!}

11 slide

MOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutov Kur'yanova Olga Oleksiivna Author: Kiltse Signals are transmitted along the ring in one direction and pass through the skin computer. Advantages: ​​Disadvantages: The cable does not have a strong end and does not require a terminator The skin computer amplifies the signals transmitting them to the next computer When one computer goes out of tune, the entire measure of MOU ZOSH No. 6 is used by M. Reutiv

Thumbnail" src="" alt="MOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutov Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна Автор: Об'єднання комп'ютерних..." title="Municipal educational institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна!}

Slide 13

MOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutov Kur'yanova Olga Oleksiyevna Author: Unification of computer networks Regional networks - unification of computers within one region (city, region, continent). Corporate networks – connect computers of one organization in different countries and places that protect them from unauthorized access (for example, MicroSoft Network). The global computer network combines many local, regional and corporate networks and includes hundreds of millions of computers (INTERNET). The Internet (translated from English – between the borders) is a gigantic worldwide computer network. Their purpose is to ensure that anyone has constant access to any information. Municipal educational institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv

Thumbnail" src="" alt="MOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutov Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна Автор: IPv6- нова версія про..." title="Municipal educational institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна thumbnail" src="" alt="Municipal educational institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutov Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна Автор: Постійне підключення..." title="Municipal educational institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv Kur'янова Ольга Олексіївна!}

18 slide

MOU ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutov Kur'yanova Olga Oleksiivna Author: Permanent connection Asynchronous access via telephone line (ADSL) - high speed of information transmission (512 kbit/s), and high availability of time roboti. In Russia this method is still only developing. Synchronous access to the visible channel - the linking channel is visible, ensuring the full speed of the work (from 64 kbit/s to several Mbit/s). For a private buyer in Russia, the road is a happy one. Connecting through a local connection to a booth or area does not require high costs, but there is an exchange of information that is being downloaded. For transportation of this service (traffic) - additional payment. Municipal educational institution ZOSH No. 6 m. Reutiv

Local computer networks

Vikonala: Khrushchova T.O. student of 10th "A" class

Verified by: Pospelova G.V.

MBOU "ZOSH No. 20"

m. Novomoskovsk, Tulsk region.

  • Local measure
  • Merger adapter
  • Operating systems
  • Functions of local network

Local boundary diagram of local boundary structures

Local measure

Peer-to-peer local network with line bus topology

For home local networks that included 2-3 computers, a topology is used to connect computers linear bus.

In this case, all computers are connected to one cable, and the printer is connected to one computer.

Peer-to-peer local network with star topology

U peer-to-peer local networks with a star topology All computers and printers are connected to a hub or switch to ensure data transfer between network devices

Local network based on server

To increase productivity, as well as to ensure greater reliability of saving information at any time, a powerful computer is available for saving files and add-on programs.

Such a computer is called server, A local measure– according to the server arrangements.

Merger adapter

Fringe adapter – special board (connection of computers at wired local fringes)

The main function of the tether adapter is the transmission and reception of information from the tether

Operating systems

Operating systems may introduce limits that make it easy and quick to prevent your computer from connecting to a local boundary.

Current versions of operating systems

Functions of local network

A local network connects computers installed in one location or one location. For example, school computer classes


Office 22

Office 16

Office 12

  • Ugrinovich N.D. Computer science and ICT. Basic rhubarb: handy for 10th grade/N.D. Ugrinovich.-9th view.-M. : Binom Laboratory of knowledge, 2012.-213s-: ill.




Local measures (from the English local - mіscevy) - systems that are formed from closely spaced computers, which are most often found in the same room, in one cabin or in closely spaced cabins.

The most important characteristic local measures:

  • speed of data transmission, that
  • speed of data transmission, that PC connects for additional high speed adapters

(transmission speed = 10 Mbit/s)

  • high-speed digital line connection will be fixed
  • local measures are easy to adapt, flexible

When directly connected to a PC

There are 2 types of interaction:



Direct access:

All actions follow the command Direct connection Maystrom Direct connection from the last windows of the dialogue Direct connection.

Preparatory operations:

installation of software components Client, Protocol, Services;

installing a service for accessing files and printers in the Microsoft network;

ensuring access to more resources;

Please indicate in the windows some from computers, and some leading; port, which is used for communication; login password.

value as resources of the PC server that take part in the exchange;

connections from the client computer to information resources.

Remote control:

Main synchronization system on. at your place:

1) connection of stationary and portable computers. A stationary computer is responsible for being a master, and folders that contain unnecessary files are separated;

2) copying files from a stationary computer to a portable computer to the Briefcase folder;

3) transferring a portable computer from a stationary one and away from editing files in the folder;

4) reconnecting the portable computer with this stationary computer, from which the output files were initially copied into the portfolio;

5) open the Portfolio folder and select the Portfolio/News command.

For files changed on a desktop PC, the progress will be shown, after which you need to select any of the next steps:

update on a laptop PC;

updating on a desktop PC;

Skasuvannya be-any update.






Soi d Yes type " zirka ".


When connected to the “zirka” type, it is easy to detect a problem with the boundary.


The connection is not always reliable, the fragments coming out of the way of the central node can lead to the edge of the border.

Soi d Yes " hot tire ".


With the "fire bus" topology, the result is that the surrounding computers do not reduce the entire gap to a single point.


It is even more important to find out if there is a problem with the cable; if the cable (one for the entire network) is broken, the operation of the entire network will be destroyed.

Soi d Yes type " ring ".


balance of importance, flexibility and ease of cable laying.


physical boundaries and the length of the boundary.

Soi d Yes " snowflake ".

Since the business takes up a lot of overhead, then a scheme may be stuck in it " snowflake " , In which there are file servers for different work groups, there is one central server for the enterprise.

2 Computer networks: defined Computer (calculation) networks - a set of hardware features and software algorithms that ensure the connection of computers and other devices and allow them to exchange information price between themselves and other devices of the group.

3 Computer networks: components Components of a computer network: computer hardware, communication and cable system (communication lines and devices connecting computers to them), software operation system, network programs (programs for security for information exchange) information

4 Computer networks: designation A global computer network (wide area network, WAN) is a network that connects computers, separated from each other at a distance, which allows for high transmission speed. Local area network (LAN) is a computer network that unites computers within a small physical area (one location, within one enterprise, or extended orders). Small distances ensure high transmission speed

5 Local networks: main capabilities A local computer network will provide: a portion of expensive resources (printers, files, software, etc.) and easy access to them; reduced access to information (for example, the distribution of databases; access to information on disks and border folders);

8 Local networks: classification according to the method of sub-resources Peer-to-peer network – a network where all computers are equal (there is no single device for managing and saving data) and can share the same resources one; Network server (client/server network) – a network with a visible computer, which includes functions of saving personal data, organizing and managing interaction between client computers; tobto. Computers play different roles. One acts as a server that supplies resources and services, while the other acts as a client that supplies these resources and services. The mix of resources is resource-oriented and resource-oriented

9 Local networks: continuous analysis of network architectures Advantages Shortcomings Peer-to-peer networks Ease of installation and configuration No network administrator required Daily centralized scheme for search and data access Exit the harmony of one computer does not affect the effectiveness of all Merezhev’s measures, security will stagnate overnight to just one the resource controls all powerful resources It is your responsibility to remember the password to access each resource No additional software is required other than the operating system When connected to a resource, there is a sharp drop in productivity Good for 5 -10 koristuvachev and demonstrates the benefits of an inexpensive solution

10 Local networks: an up-to-date analysis of network architectures Advantages Shortcomings Server networks Centralized management of security and access to resources The output from the server affects the effectiveness of all measures, even to the point of failure News Correspondent memory only requires one password for access A network administrator is required for support to scale up to Coristuvach Increased productivity due to the need for specialized hardware and software High server productivity

11 Local networks: device names Merezhev (local) computer name – unique computer name in the network (up to 15 characters); The local name is logged in to identify the computer on the lower level, within the local organization dimension. When a unique computer address is created on the Internet, the local computer name is connected to its domain. Merezheva Im'ya koristuvacha – unique im'ya koristuvacha at the merezha; The security guard's password is a unique combination of symbols that allows the customer to be identified. A work group is a group of contributors to a local network who have equal access rights to its resources. The group consists of computers, among which data is most often exchanged. Your computer needs to remove storage resources (for example, files and printers) until you need to establish new access.

12 Local network in the Internet Information Center Names of computers Teacher526 Teacher _1, 526_2 … 526_10 526_1, 526_2 … 526_10 Names of teachers user526_1 user526_2 … user526_10 user526 j526 26 Work groups 519, 520 … , 520 … 527

13 Edge operating systems and their capabilities Functions of edge operating systems: correctly link all computers and peripheral devices; coordinate the functions of all computers and peripheral devices; secure access to data and peripheral devices from theft. Applications of multiple operating systems: Unix Linux Novell/NetWare Windows family, etc.

14 Merger operating systems and their ability to operate Windows family of systems will ensure: account registration while managing access rights to files, folders, disks, printers; spilne vikoristannya folders and programs; drawing by robot of a hemlock printer; planning work groups and exchanging messages with Outlook Express; Reception and forwarding of faxes without detection to the fax modem.

15 Measured operating systems and their capabilities Access rights to the resource: right to new access; declaration about reading; the right to change (record, create folders and files, delete); Declaration about Vikonanny; password access. Modern office programs allow you to actively manipulate the limited capabilities of operating systems (for example, MS Access, MS Outlook)

16 Local boundaries: basic concepts and meanings Protocol (fence protocol) – a set of rules by which computers communicate at a boundary. To ensure mutual communication, computers must use new protocols. The most popular protocols: TCP/IP, NetBIOS, NetBEUI The basic standard that describes the transfer of data at barriers, etc. on the Internet, є TCP/IP protocol (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)

17 Local networks: basic concepts and meaning The TCP protocol is a transport protocol that ensures guaranteed transmission of data regardless of the route to the receiving node. TCP breaks the information into portions (packets) and numbers them IP delivers service information with sender addresses to each portion and ensures delivery of all packets

18 Local networks: basic concepts and meanings IP (Internet Protocol) is a standard that describes the addressing system on the Internet. IP addresses (Internet Protocol Address) are a 4-byte double number that is assigned to each computer and allows it to be uniquely identified. The address format is, for example, a sequence of 4 tenth numbers is written (each of them is represented by a byte in the address, which ranges from 0 to 255). The 1st, 2nd and 3rd numbers are addressed to the boundary, the other numbers are addressed to the computer of the measure.

19 Local networks: basic concepts and meanings Subnet mask is a code that is used in the TCP/IP protocol, which formats the IP address and allows the recipients of data packets to uniquely determine which part of the IP address of the packet sender addresses the network. – a computer of this kind. Each IP address class has its own submersion mask: IP address class Submersion mask A B C

20 Local boundaries: basic concepts and meanings In 1984. A new addressing system was introduced for the Internet, which sits on top of the IP address - the domain name system (DNS addresses). DNS is a hierarchical system of meanings, in which unique names are formed by combining in one place the names of several names, separated by dots: DNS (Domain Name System, domain name system) - this is a distributed database that is supported by TCP/IP add-ons, to establish a connection between node names and IP addresses. A domain is a collection of computers at the edge, united by shared names. For example, the domain appears on the Internet as Microsoft. A domain can include several workgroups.

21 The DNS server number can be obtained from the network administrator. The DNS server maintains a database, in addition to which the computer name is converted into a name that is used for connection to the network. DNS functions: assigning the IP address(es) of the host to its domain name; assigning the host's domain name to its IP address. If you have TCP/IP authorities, you can turn off DNS, which means using DNS when forming the computer name.

22 Local networks: basic concepts and meanings The WINS protocol (Windows Internet Naming Service, a Windows service for recognizing Internet addresses) is a system that ensures the conversion of network computer names into IP addresses and so on. The functions are similar to DNS, but are mainly located in local networks. WINS allows you to work with programs that use the NetBIOS protocol (multiple basic input-output system. Margin protocol, which provides MS-DOS with intermediate functions). NetBEUL (NetBIOS Extended User Interface, extensions of the NetBIOS interface) is a edge protocol that works with computer names, the same as TCP/IP with their IP addresses.

23 Local networks: basic concepts and meanings A gateway is a device (hardware or software) that ensures the integration of different types of networks that support different network protocols. Tobto. devices that enable robots to work with different protocols. Gateway number: (values ​​for each field - number from 0 to 255). A gateway is a necessary way of connecting one dimension to another. For example, it is necessary to connect a local network to a global network or to the Internet RIVSH Center

24 Local networks: basic concepts and meaning of URL (Universal Resource Locator, unification of resource indicators) – a set of rules for addressing a file to the Internet: protocol://domain/path/name. De protocol – the name of the transmission protocol (for Internet not http); domain - domain, tobto. A unique computer name that directly connects to the Internet and can configure server functions (this means a local network server or an Internet service provider). Domain name – from domains from different regions, because The Internet has a hierarchical structure. The greater the respect for the domain, the more right it is. The most important one is the name www (Web). The name of the top level domain means the region (ru, by, uk...) and organizations (com, net, gov, edu...). Name the domain at the obov'yazkov address. path – path to a file in the file structure of the server (Internet node), then. The sequence of folders marked with /. Name – file name (.htm or .html – extension)

25 Utilities for testing the TCP/IP protocol ping (checking the connection) – a command that allows you to check the connection with a remote computer (server) ping localhost ping ping ping tracert (assigned to the route) – diagnostic utility, What does the route of the packet to the node designated as the route for sending the control packet from the last hour of life mean? Allows you to configure the server and find out which routers you are connecting to. tracert

26 TCP/IP protocol testing utilities winpcfg (ipconfig) – a diagnostic command that displays all the details of the TCP/IP protocol configuration for a given computer; net view – you can view the servers available for your work group; netstat – displays active connections to your workgroup.

27 Computer network hardware components Network Adapter and Network Interface Card. Main functions: transforms transmission data intermittently; overpowers data to another computer; extracts data from measurements and converts them into a format that the computer can understand Internal connections