Plugin for google chrome vk. VkPlugin - The program changes the styles and themes of "Vkontakte"

The VKontakte service has long ceased to be an exclusively social network, in which people get to know each other and communicate. The whole portal, which saves gigabytes of multimedia content in its own, but if it continues, it will be left with one of the best places for asking old and new friends, as well as bridging with them. Among the anonymous programs that expand the functionality of VKontakte, I want to see the VKPlugin - a program that interacts with popular browsers and makes it easier and more comfortable to work with this site.

Main features of vcPlugin:

  1. installing themes.

zam_st tedious white ashes With black text and blue details, you can insert one of the appropriate topics. The service of broadcasting a majestic selection of skins on various topics. Romance, nature, anime, beautiful girls, according to rock, computer games, Sports, space, creatures ... you can resurrect for a long time. Zagalom, I won’t be wise when choosing.

  1. downloading music.

Well, well, no matter what! The audio base of VKontakte is incredibly majestic, and here you can find practically all the songs, from the classics of the past hundred to just a few new ones. For help vkplugin you can download a song by pressing the button [vanage], Shcho roztashovuєtsya right-handed at the bottom of the name.

There are no limits on downloading, downloading, entering codes and transferring by calling messages. It's simple - push [vanage] and zavantazhennya pochinaєtsya in a second. You can take advantage not only from the list of audio recordings, but also from the walls, from the groups, the joke ... in the wild, the sound.

Krim music download service gives you the possibility of downloading a song to the site from a computer, creating albums from a song, and also editing a skin track.

  1. insert emoticons.

If you want to send a variety of smilies on VKontakte recently, you can expand the number of smilies. Smile Bar

  1. video download.

Crim downloading audio recordings service vkPlugin allows you to capture and look like a video. You can't help but rejoice that the instruction for the video in more vipadances does not appear to be a button [vanage], A list of formats available for downloading and quality. However, those videos, which were attracted to the site for a long time, do not choose the format and quality - they are determined by the current features of the site at the time of the entry of the video (simply seeming, it is the fault of the entire old site engine).

Download video in 1 click, just like audio. The instruction from the video can also be the YouTube button, which redirects you to the same site (which is obviously the same video). In addition, you can quickly upload a video to the site from a computer or look through the comments.

  1. full interface.

The vkplugin service offers a great number of opportunities, among which you want to see the most relevant:

  • the choking of photographs by the wheel of a mouse;
  • enabled bypass confirmation of the transition to zvnіshne possilannya. VKontakte will always allow you to go to another site for help away.php, but not let you go to the site, explaining why it is not necessary. Often, this side of the redirection from the koristuvachs calls out only unhandedness. For help in the plug-in and other functions, you can forget about it;
  • Swallowing non-essential blocks in profiles. Don't want to bachiti a block with video recordings? Dosit yoga just burn! At some point, yoga can be fired back;
  • adding friends in the "selected". This function allows you to turn on notifications about leaving important people online. Now it’s not necessary to update the side of your best friend or a kohano people, so that you can get a written message online - vkPlugin itself tell you about it;
  • change of the left block of the menu. For example, you can remove the word “My” from the rest of the paragraphs or replace these paragraphs with icons;
  • fermentation of the group in the column;
  • change the background of unread reminders;
  • notifications about the entry of people from bookmarks online;
  • displaying online-koristuvachiv on your side.

For especially tsіkavih special features є і ї ї ї ї ї ї yak:

  • seeing groups with friends;
  • displaying the age and sign of the zodiac;
  • rechecking icq to online (in different ways, as well as vin having entered your uin in the profile);
  • auto-rotation of novelties in groups.

The latest list of upgrades, obviously, more - all of them can be found in the upgraded programs.

What you need to know first and foremost to install the program:

This kind of software does not work well one by one (approximately like 2 antiviruses on one PC), it is better to include other programs (VKLife, VKsaver and similar ones). We can see > reboot the PC > install it into Plugin.

Those are the same as plug-ins for the browser. Before the vikoristannya vkPlagіn їх next, turn it on, and even more briefly - turn it off.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5
Vote: 3 For help cost-free program vkPlugin you can remember the design styles of your personal page in the social media "Vkontakte". The program works as a plug-in (expansion) to the browser.

Main features of the program
- Replacing the standard themes of Vkontakte on a theme to your liking. The program gives you the widest range of possibilities for customizing the styles of the page design (background, buttons, fonts, etc.). With help, you can change the design of Vkontakte again.
- The program to revenge the great collection of beautiful emoticons.
- Support for downloading music and video on high speed in good quality.
- Supported browsers, i.

Spend more than an hour in the social media Vkontakte, less in the real world. So why not robiti perebuvannya in virtual world we cry? Unfortunately, in the settings of the personal page there is no possibility to remember the styles of the design of the standard themes.
As soon as you get tired of single-tone tones to Contact, the vkPlugin program will help you change the situation and transform your communication into a social network in a right way.

additional information
License No cost
System administrator: vkPlugin
Support OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
mov interface: Russian
Update date: 2016-04-25

Comments and comments: 7

1. Elenika 25.12.2012
And other koristuvachs will keep my side the same as I am? I tried similar programs before, but other times I didn’t notice any changes on my side. The new design styles were only visible from my computer.

Kind of any site, which you can download in your browser, display the HTML code of the markup and CSS styles formalized. All data is saved on the server and sent to the koristuvach's computer when you enter the site. In order for other correspondent contacts to get your page in a new design, you are to remember the design styles on the server. But it’s impossible to grow, because such a possibility is not conveyed by the VKontakte network itself.
All programs for changing the original look of personal sides change downloading styles directly in the browser on your computer. To that, all the changes will be visible only to you and no one else.

2. Polkovnik 26.12.2012
I don’t understand, as it’s already blocking the contact’s website of retailers in these programs, then why not introduce the possibility of improving the look of your side?
Let's call for a fee for SMS. I think a lot of people would be quick to be able to build their side of the government in front of others. Tim more in any way change will be commemorated whether it's someone on the other side, and not just the one who has the vkPlugin program installed.

In the same Live Journal, or in Lіvіnternet, be someone who can remember your blog old look its own side easily and cost-free.

3. Vladimir 26.01.2013
How can you see?!

4. ANNA 19.02.2013

After installing the plugin, on your side in the left panel at the very bottom there will be an item: vkPlugin.
Click on the new one and go to the "Change of design" section, everything is fixed there.

Video lessons on victoria vkPlugin software

How to remember the design of Vkontakte

How to greet the program

5. Luiza 27.06.2013
Super!!! Raju everyone is great!!! I've been good enough!!!

6. Dmitro 18.07.2013
having installed the plugin, everything was done well. 3 days have passed, it became through a new reminder not to virusha smiley zagali beard prescribe ..... Who else has the same problems, and how їх virishiti ?!

7. Oleksiy 16.11.2016
This plug-in is no longer supported by retailers, the official website is not working, and so they stopped using a lot of similar modules for, for example, VKbot.

Be careful in the measure under the glance of practical analogues, they are trying to make short-lived expansions to the short-haired ones. Get extensions for VK only from the official Google extension store, there you can also read reviews of real people.

VKPlugin (VKplugin) is a highly specialized plugin for integration with popular browsers. It helps to make it simpler, smarter, more efficient to interact with social security VKontakte.

Runet social network VKontakte occupies a leading position among analogues. The reason is the prosnuty functionality, the mass of positive features and the options are easily adapted for a wide range of possibilities. The entire overexploited spryaє impersonal virtual instruments. Given program- s x numbers.

Briefly about VKPlugin

Tse - the shortest way to video, photo, music, emoticons, themes and a lot of other things that VKontakte promotes. Just one click - and on your computer all the content in the richest assortment.
The plugin allows you to change the mood of the photo status, add audio tracks from the albums in full and koristuvachiv, as well as these songs. It helps to change the interface to the vlasnyy relish, looming in a special order over 20, polypshene is configured. All the stinks are under your control.

The program took a wide approach among browsers, perfectly communicating with Opera, Chrome and Firefox. After a new skin launch, authorization in the social media is not necessary.

The motto of the utility "Simplicity and high functionality" is well known in the available options. So, in addition, you have to turn it around on the individual side of the icon and change the menu items:

  • bistroposting;
  • change of design;
  • photostatus;
  • settings.

Vikoristovuyuchi I will need a button, I’m sure it’s fast, I’m going to give myself all the parameters and enter them in the official format. Wu Tsyumu - key perevaga VKPlugin, free download which is possible right with us.

Pluses of VKPlugin

There are also impersonal other pluses that make the utility collapse at the forefront:

  • majestic choice of topics (there is a good gallery);
  • zavantazhennya on a stationary PC or a laptop, whether it be music from VKontakte;
  • vibudovuvannya group i spivtovaristvo in 1 column;
  • selection of an individual background for non-critical follow-up;
  • indravka podomlen about going online friends and okoristuvachiv;
  • automatic entry into the mega-popular browsers;
  • about 30 unique emoticons to be added to the dialogues and on the wall;
  • free posting of photostatuses - both good and classic;
  • one-click video download to an individual PC;
  • attraction to media content on good clothes and in vіdminnіy yakosі;
  • Manually setting the side for the vlasny style - fonts, buttons, background and in.

VKPlugin for Yandex browser remaining updates program, to all lovers of Yashka, so you can download and install the VKplugin yourself.