Mobile Internet 7 rubles for additional access. Miy Tele2 - description of the tariff. How to activate a tariff plan

This plan is the best option for those who prefer to stay in the middle of the world and moderately surf the mobile Internet. The Tele2 tariff “my Tele2” has nothing special, but at the same time everything is necessary. Let's take a look at his report.


This is a Prepaid plan with a written-off subscription fee - 7 rubles. / Dobu. It includes:

All traffic that you will not encounter during the growth period will be transferred to the coming month.

On “My Tele2” the parameters of the tariff are as follows: unlimited in the middle of the network, 5 GB of Internet, cost-free traffic to social media and instant messengers, as well as Zvooq and Tele2 TV add-ons. You can switch to a new plan by command (costless) * 630 * 1 # or on the operator’s website.

How to switch to my Tele2 tariff

There are two ways to switch to “My Tele2” if you are already a subscriber of its operator. The first is to change the plan from a special account on the site. The good news is that you can select the settings for yourself even before the transition - add packages of services to the Internet, enable additional options.

Tele2 tariff “My Tele2”, how to activate the plan without having to sign up for additional settings:

    1. Open the home page of the operator’s website. Then log in -
    2. Click on the “Menu” button.
    3. Click on the “Tariffs” button in the section "Mobile call"(Liva parta vikna).

  1. In the “My Tele2” row, click on the “Connect” button.
  2. At the end you will see a notification about what subscription fee you will pay when switching to this plan and click “Connect” again. We press it to confirm the transition.

Another and the best way to activate the My Tele2 tariff on your phone is the command * 630 * 1 # . This works on any devices, including simple push-button phones. The Internet is not required in this case, the visibility of the signal from the steel connection is sufficient.

Vikonannya dodatkovyh finessing before the transition

How to conclude the transition, having previously completed the adjustment for yourself:

    1. Let's look at everything behind the instructions, but in step 4 it is not stamped “Connect”, but on the name of the product.
    2. On the next page, under the name, there is a button “Adjust ...”. Kilkoma on it.

  1. Set the required values ​​for Internet packages and services, indicating the required options.

  • Printed on "Prodovzhiti".
  • A new page will open, where there will be a short description of the “My Tele 2” tariff + how much to pay per month, and a button “Connect now”. Kilkoma on it.

You can change the tariff for My Tele2 from your phone following these instructions, completing all steps through a browser, or through a mobile add-on: “Menu” - “Tariffs and services” -"Everything..."

Select required - “Go”.

Restore respect: If before the transition a change is made in the minds of this service, then the principle of collecting subscription fees will also be changed. It would not be proper to write off, but it would be a shame.

How to connect my Tele2 tariff to Tele2

For those who have not yet used the services of this operator, there are also two ways to connect. The first one is on the company’s website, with the ability to customize the tariff for yourself. How to switch to the Miy Tele2 tariff without setup:

  1. Open the main page, click on the inscription “Online store” at the very top of the page, click on it.
  2. Go to the “Tariff” tab.
  3. In the “My Tele2” row, click on the “Buy Sim” button.
  4. A color scheme will appear at the bottom of the window with the inscription “Reservation number” and a white button “Make a reservation”. Kilkoma on it.
  5. We fill out the form on the page, since the combination of numbers in the number is correct, embossed on "Form a contract". If not, click on “Change”, select the appropriate one and complete the registration.

With advance adjustments

Here the story goes like this:

  1. We go to the online store on the operator’s website and go to the section with tariffs.
  2. Embossed on “My Tele2”. On the next side there is a button “Adjust ...”, indicating everything that is needed and clicking on “Continue”.
  3. Enter the contact number (the manager will call you if necessary).
  4. This means “Remove new”, if you want to change your SIM card with a new number, or “Transfer your own”, if you plan to transfer your number to another operator.
  5. We have completed the formalization of the contract.

additional information

And now there is detailed information about the My Tele 2 tariff. First of all, about the services that are paid for the subscription fee. There is a single bet on calls when you are in your home region: 1 rub. 95 rub. / Hv. throughout Russia and home region. And for calls on roads in Russia there is a fee: weekends 2 r. / Hv. at any number in the middle of the country, and all entrances are without costs.

For calls to phones in other countries, please do the following:

Additionally for the My Tele2 tariff, a description of prices for weekend notifications:

kudi Variety 1 pc.
SMS to home region RUB 1.95
SMS in Russia RUB 1.95
MMS in Russia 6.50 rub.
SMS to international operators RUB 5.50

Now you know everything about the My Tele2 tariff and at any moment you can switch to a new one.

Restore respect: For those who do not receive the Internet package included in the subscription fee, there is the “More” option. The voucher is activated automatically after the paid traffic has been exhausted: the subscriber is given additional packages of 500 MB, 50 rub. kozhen (the subscription fee for the service is debited at the same time). A total of 5 packages can be activated. To register as a service, send the USSD command * 155 * 412 * 0 # .

Watch the video review:

The steel operator Tele2 is currently implementing a large line of tariff plans, covering a wide range of insurance plans for its entire audience of customers. Present in this line is a package such as “My Tele2”, the name of which is closely related to the name of the operator’s self-service system. And today we expect this proposition to rise in the minds.

A short description of the “Miy Tele2” tariff

Perhaps, when forming this tariff package, the Tele2 accountants were deliberately targeting the target audience of current cashiers with their stylistic services. And they gained respect for the fact that today the need and possibility of permanent access to the Internet from their mobile gadget comes to the forefront for people. The tariff itself can be called an ideal and economical choice for young people, as, unfortunately, telephone calls and, what’s more, information, vikoryst are rarely enough.

And in order to understand why this proposal is ideally suited to this segment of Tele2 customers, we present our report below.

How to activate the My Tele2 tariff

You can switch to the “My Tele2” tariff package, in combination with any other tariff, in several different ways. You can choose either option:

  • Buy a SIM card with a tariff;
  • Enter USSD on your smartphone keyboard * 630 * 1 #;
  • Call the telephone number;
  • Get the same price as the service tariff for the special account “My Tele2”.

More details about the Miy Tele2 tariff

As part of the discussed proposal, Tele2 subscribers should be aware of the following:

  • Subscription fee: 7 rubles per day;

Depending on the region, the amount of the subscription fee may vary. Zokrema in Moscow - 7 rubles per day, and in St. Petersburg - 8 rubles. Check the amount of the subscription fee on the official website of the operator by selecting your region!

  • Calls to telephone numbers of Tele2 subscribers: cost-free and unlimited (both in the home region and to subscriber numbers in other regions of the Russian Federation);
  • Making calls to numbers of third-party operators in the connection area: RUB 1.50. for Khvilina rozmovi;
  • Making calls to numbers of third-party operators outside the connection area: RUB 1.50. for Khvilina rozmovi;
  • Calls to phone numbers in the CIS countries / Europe and the Baltics / other countries: 30/49/69 rub. for Khvilina rozmovi;
  • Providing calls to satellite phone numbers: 240 rub. for Khvilina rozmovi;
  • Sending text notifications: 1.50 rub. for one SMS (regardless of region);
  • Sending multimedia notifications: 6.50 rub. for one MMS:
  • Sending text notifications to numbers of foreign operators: RUB 5.50. for one SMS;
  • The rate of exit calls when traveling around the country: 2 rubles. for khvilina, we can speak directly (within the framework of the measures of Russian operators of the Stilnikovovogo connection);
  • Mobile Internet: 5 gigabytes of quota (per month), included in the subscription fee.

The descriptions clearly confirm once again that this “imprisonment” tariff is directly related to subscribers, which will be urgently required in mobile Internet traffic. It is noteworthy that with a maximum of 5 gigabytes, within the framework of the offer, service extension will automatically be requested, and the quota will increase by 500 megabytes for an additional 50 rubles.

5 GB. Internet traffic must be subject to a hefty quota for such a low-volume package, which will be sufficient for most average subscribers. This fact can also be confirmed by the fact that within the “My Tele2” tariff, subscribers can use social networks and instant messengers (Viber, WhatsApp) with the traffic controller enabled. In addition, if there is no traffic for a month, the quota will no longer be transferred to the next month due to the tariff plan.

The tariff "My Tele2" is divided according to the recommendations of the customers of the Moscow region. The operator provides uninterrupted communication in the Tele2 network and free chat in social messengers in Russia. The subscription fee for using services is 7 rubles / item and is debited from the account today.

"Miy Tele2" - description of the tariff


  • The “Miy” tariff is being transferred without cost to Tele2 subscribers. The rate of calls to other operators in Russia from the “Home” region warehouse is 1.5 rubles per coin. As the hour increases in price between the Moscow region, the fee for incoming calls is not charged, and the tariff for outgoing calls to all phones in the Russian Federation is 2 rubles / xv. Hi-line service for subscribers of SND regions will cost 30 rubles, European and Baltic regions - 49 rubles, international operators in Asia, America, Africa, Australia - 69 rubles. All roaming trips outside the border are subject to roaming tariffs.


  • There is no need to overpay for the SMS package on the My Tele2 tariff, since the operator offers cost-free traffic in mobile apps and social services. Using standard technology for transmitting text messages in Moscow will cost 1.5 rubles per SMS, sending one MMS - 6.5 rubles. Messages to phones in other countries - 5.5 rubles per piece.

Internet traffic

  • A 5 GB Swiss Internet package is charged on the first day of the calendar month in the territory of all Russia. Excess non-corrosive traffic can be spent in the upcoming growth period. The only service is the creation of voice and video calls through the mobile add-ons Viber and WhatsApp: packet traffic is analyzed. Signing up for Tele2 Zvooq and TV is only relevant in the “Home” region, otherwise you won’t be able to get by without purchasing additional traffic.

The write-off of pennies is made at 00 00 00 for the sum on the subscriber's balance. If the surplus is low, the basic units are connected at a single rate for outgoing calls and SMS (1.5 rubles), and access to the Internet is blocked.

How to connect | switch to the “Miy Tele2” tariff

The initial subscription fee (7 rubles) is debited when switching to the My Tele2 tariff plan. If you have subscribed to one of the Tele2 tariffs during the current month, then the cost of transfer to the warehouse is 150 rubles. The tariff can be changed according to one of the following options:

To become a Tele2 client, you can add a starter package with an established tariff at one of the company’s representatives (if you have a passport). If you transfer your number from another Russian operator and subscribe to the “My Tele2” tariff, you must draw up an agreement. Activation of the tariff takes up to eight business days after subscription.

How to add and check traffic on the “My Tele2” tariff

You can find out exactly how many megabytes you have lost and the term for updating packages on the “My Tele2” tariff using the command: * 155 * 0 #. To continue traffic on Tele2, there is no need to carry out additional operations behind the wheel. By purchasing an Internet package, an option is activated that includes 500 Megabytes for 50 rubles (maximum quantity - 2.5 GB / additional). Activate the additional auto extension service - combination * 155 * 310 #.

Competitors to the Miy Tele2 tariff in Moscow

Let's take a look at the current tariffs with the possibility of paying for communication services in Moscow.

The “Megafon Unlimited” tariff plan from the Megafon company allows subscribers to give up uninterrupted access to the Internet in their home region and almost anywhere in the territory of Russia beyond certain areas. The tariff will be applicable primarily to active Internet users in 3G / 4G format on smartphones and tablets.

Description of the “Megafon Unlimited” tariff

The tariff pays a monthly subscription fee, the amount of which varies depending on the region. For example, subscribers from Moscow and the region will pay 20 rubles, and from the Krasnodar region - only 11 rubles for the same period. On the official Megafon website you can view information about the amount of subscription fees for a particular region.
  • Subscription fee - 20 rubles per add

When connecting to Megafon Unlimited for the first time or switching from another tariff, the subscriber’s account will be debited for the first 7 days of service. In this case, the subscriber gains access to Internet traffic in the amount of 7/30 per month. Starting from the 8th day, the tariff will be changed and on the next day, the subscription fee will be charged daily.

The minimum advance payment when connecting is 160 rubles, the connection itself is free of charge.

The package of services within the Megafon Unlimited tariff plan includes:

  1. 250 calls to Megafon numbers and other operators in your home region. You can purchase a package of cost-free goods both in the region where you subscribe to the tariff, and elsewhere in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. 200 SMS to numbers of all operators in the home region, including Megafon. Cost-free SMS can be sent in your region and at a higher cost throughout Russia.
  3. Unlimited mobile internet.
  4. Unlimited calls in the middle of the meeting.

The package of services is not included

The tariff package limits have expired

Once the package of free calls and SMS has been exhausted, the subscriber will pay 1.6 rubles per payment for calls to mobile numbers in the home region and 2.9 rubles for calls to mobile numbers other regions of Russia. Calls to Megafon numbers are no longer cost-free if the subscriber calls no more than 1,440 times. Rearrange this display smoothly, fragments of 1440 years of 24 years.

Features of the Megafon Unlimited tariff plan

Uninterrupted Internet traffic can be used in various regions of Russia. A number of republics, cities and regions are blamed:

  • places Sevastopol and Norilsk;
  • Republics of Sakha (Yakutia) and Crimea;
  • Magadan and Sakhalin regions;
  • Kamchatka region;
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
The cost of 1 MB of traffic in these regions of the Russian Federation is 9.9 rubles.

A SIM card with the basic “Megafon Unlimited” tariff is only available on tablets and smartphones. The installation of a SIM card on the router or modem and the distribution of wireless Internet via Wi-Fi via Bluetooth and USB have not been carried out. In addition, the operator has established a speed exchange for victorious file-sharing networks (torrents).

How to activate the MegaFon.Unlimited tariff?

To subscribe to the Megafon Unlimited tariff, you can quickly use the following methods:

  1. Return to the Megafon salon.
  2. Go to the “Special Account” on the official website, select the “Tariffs” tab and follow the instructions.
  3. Call Megafon's hotline number and follow the operator's instructions.
Obv'yazkova's reason for activating the tariff is the availability of a sufficient number of bills for the subscriber's account. Currently, the tariff plan is in the archives, so it is not possible to connect it.

How to activate the MegaFon.Unlimited tariff?

The tariff is activated automatically when you change the tariff plan. “Megafon Unlimited” is best suited for virtual dressers. If the subscriber only accesses the Internet an hour every hour, but plans to make a large number of calls, you should consider other offers from the Megafon tariff line.

For active users of the mobile Internet, the Beeline company is promoting the “Highway” service, whereby subscribers can save a lot on traffic. Moreover, you can activate the service on your phone, and then share traffic with two other devices (for example, a tablet and a router), which also use a Beeline SIM card.

The Line option "Highway" has a variety of options that vary depending on traffic, payment frequency (every day or once a month) and payment, so each customer can choose The most optimal tariff depends on your needs on the Internet.

Possible tariffs "Highway"

The price of one and the same tariff in different regions may vary slightly - all remain at the maximum speed and other officials. To clarify the price in a specific region, please call the technical assistance service at 0611. The table below shows tariffs for the capital and Moscow region.

The service is valid in all Russian regions, subject to a 1 GB tariff. Then, while in national roaming, Beeline subscribers, in addition to subscribers of other operators, can get access to a faster and cheaper Internet. In addition to who has an active service, you can additionally connect to the “Internet for everything” service, which allows you to sleep Other connected devices consume traffic. No money is charged for activating the service, but when additional devices are connected, a subscription fee (5 rubles per person) is charged, which will be debited from the balance of the main number.

Highway connection

You can enable this option by calling a special number or by using an additional combination of numbers and symbols. For those who are planning to connect to Highway for the first time, the operator has prepared a special offer - 7 days of cost-free Internet, after which the subscription fee in the warehouse is 7 rubles. per day for the amount written off for the rakhunka.

It is necessary to indicate the tariff and method of charging the subscription fee in the table by entering the USSD command and telephone number to activate the “Highway” function.

trafficvarityService connection Highway
1 GB0 rubles for the first 7 days
1 GB7 rubles per supplementor else *115*03#
1 GB200 rubles per monthor else *115*04#
4 GB400 rubles per monthor else *115*06#
4 GB18 rubles per dobaor else *115*051#
8 GB600 rubles per monthor else *115*071#
12 GB700 rubles per monthor else *115*081#
20 GB1200 rubles per monthor else *115*091#

How to turn on the “Highway” service?

To activate the “Highway” service, you need to call the phone number or quickly use the command *115*000# .

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What to do if the Highway traffic was wasted?

Within the bounds of the paid traffic, the subscriber has access to high-speed internet. Once the limits have been exhausted and 100 MB are lost, a notification will be sent to the subscriber. Once all traffic is connected, the service will be automatically connected."