Log code for Windows 7. Look for Windows Vista

The Windows Vista operating system carefully and effortlessly monitors everything that comes with it. Absolutely all actions that are called categories are consistently fixed and divided into different categories. The Look at the Pod program (which, as you know, is the MMC tool) can be thought of as a magazine that scrupulously monitors a woman’s presence on the surface. It records who enters and exits the booths, how trades are carried out between the locals, who is separated from them and fights with them. In other words, this is a clear picture of how alive the budinok is.

A similar function is provided by the new program. A look at the approach, which is used to replace old ones, is intended for diagnosing and identifying problems in the operating system that users may not have guessed about.

All events in the system are recorded in special system logs. The Review program allows you to view, archive, and delete these magazines. How can you get started with this program? The main purpose is to identify the problems that have arisen and the reason for their appearance. If the device becomes faulty, the hard disk becomes jammed, the program constantly freezes, or other actions become unacceptable, information about the application will be recorded in a separate system log. Then all you need to do is run Viewer and retrieve all the latest information from the system log.

You can launch the Lookup program using one of the following methods.

  • Select a team Start>Control Panel, click on the message The same maintenance system, then on sent Administration and you will find that they have been sent Look at it again.
  • Another way for the impatient: enter the command in the command row eventvwr.

Guess what, besides clicking on the button Start, you can click the command row window by pressing the key combination . Also, do not forget that to use all the capabilities of the tool, review the required administrative access rights.

At any time, the window will open, shown below.

  • View information from multiple system logs.
  • Create filters to see the settings you are adjusting.
  • The ability to create a task that automatically ends with a song.

Let's take a closer look at the window, show more. The window is divided into three panels. On the left panel Look at it again There are a number of folders presented for setting up settings, logs and prepayments. The central panel contains a number of submenus, such as і Universities recently looked at each other. Zrestha, on the right panel Dii You can select songs, for example, create settings or connect to another computer.

Panel allows you to quickly identify all important events recorded over the past year, day, and week. The skin type can be opened to find out detailed information about the skin. The panel gives a general picture of what is in the system, and to find specific information, go to the bottom of the page.

Fragments of the program View under the wiki page to view system logs, click on the icons in the folder view і Logs of accessories and services on the left panel to open the list of available magazines. Let's take a look at his report. In papa such magazines are presented.

  • supplement. This log is generated by programs, including installed programs that come with Windows Vista and operating system services. Those who are likely to be recorded in this journal should be stored under a specific program.
  • Safety. This magazine has overhauled the attempts of users to log into the system (far and near), as well as activities related to illegally accessible resources, such as creation, change or deletion of files or folders.
  • Setting up. The entries in this magazine are created when the program is installed.
  • System. System prompts are generated by Windows and installed components such as device drivers. The log should be checked manually to identify drivers that have become faulty when Windows starts.
  • Forwarded subdivisions. From which magazine you can find the contents collected from other computers at the same time.

In papa Logs of accessories and services You can find records for several program services. While other magazines contain hidden entries, in this magazine you can find information about the operation of specific programs. Return to the Microsoft subfolder, which, in your case, has a Windows subfolder. In this folder you can find entries for many different Windows Vista components present in the following folders.

Any OS with a graphical interface is based on platforms. However, there is no need for software support for such operating systems. The floor is the outer stone of the entire infrastructure. This means not only the interactive actions of the operator, but also the results of various system processes that occur through the eyes of the system operator who presses the buttons and clicks on the keys.

These are created by the architecture and creation of the administrator or developer. In our article we will look at the classification of software in Windows, the methods of their logging and review, as well as methods of working with them.

The interface for viewing what is in the system is called the “system log”. Entries in the log are created as a result of the actions of programs or servers that are reserved by the OS as platforms. Apparently, not every action is recorded in the magazine. For whom is it rich?

For example, oversizing the mouse by one pixel will also give rise to a software fault and could potentially result in an “operation”, which, in essence, is expected - such events are not included in the log. And the forward axis of the safety system is recorded, which makes the information critically important.

Windows allows you to fine-tune the list of critically important system faults. Until the end of the day, you are free to decide what to protocol yourself, and you can do without information. To give you information about the process, we will review the steps of standard operations from the log:

  • Look at the list again.
  • Filter the list by song criteria.
  • The creation of “triggers” in reaction to processes in the system – this is what is called “subscription”.
  • The reaction assigned to the type is different.

How to get a look?

To look at the magazine instead, you need to launch an additional program. Try it like this:

  • Go to the "Start" menu => "Control Panel".
  • Select the "Administration" section.
  • In this section, click on the name of the “Review” component.
  • The program will start with a characteristic appearance - the so-called “equipment”. It is equipped with a visual interface for our protocol.

You can achieve the same thing by typing mmc at the end of “Viscont” (from the same “Start” menu). This command is to launch the main interface for all snap-ins, in which case you will need to go to the “Console” menu => “Add or delete snap-ins” and click on all the snap-ins. With this version of Windows, everything works the same as in the previous one. Finally, you can click “Win” and use the additional keyboard combination “Win” + “R” - the result will be the same. You can show up for the bags of our manipulations like this:

Classification of OS

Next, we will classify journal entries according to their meaning for the accountant. Pods are divided into those generated by the operating system and those that come from add-ons and services. However, such a classification does not reflect the sense of the phenomena that are being recorded. The report of their grouping looks like this:

All data is saved in the popular XML format, which requires a shell on the desktop log file to read it. A thorough review of the Windows 7 system for files is as simple as possible, but it is extremely difficult. However, there is no need to do this, so the magazine for Windows 7 will work for us.

Recording parameters

The skin log entry of Windows OS contains a new set of parameters that characterize its power: an indicator of the importance of behavior, a special identification code, a level of criticality and many others.

These parameters can be applied to any type, but others are limited to other types. The journal has a menu with an anonymous option that will make it easier for you to work with your records:

Now you know how to open the search log in Windows 7 and what's in it.

Hello everyone, the topic of the article is how to admire windows logs. What are these logs that I think everyone should know, even if you are a newbie, then the logs are system subsystems that are installed in the operating system of both Windows and Linux, which help to understand what, where and when zrobiv Any system administrator is responsible for reading Windows logs.

A practical example of this could be that on one of the IBM servers, the disk went out of tune and, for technical support, I collected server logs so that they could diagnose the problem. The Pod View service is responsible for collecting and recording logs in Windows. This is a good look at the manual equipment for extracting system logs.

How to reveal the view

You can go to the Lookup snap-in as quickly as possible, suitable for any version of Windows. Press the charming buttons

Win+R and enter eventvwr.msc

A window will open under Windows, in which you will need to open the Windows Logs item. Let's go through the skin magazine.

The Addendums log contains entries related to programs on your computer. The log is written if the program is running, as if it was launched with a hint, then the same will be displayed here.

An audit log is required for understanding who and what has been generated. For example, you have lost access to the system or you have tried to deny access. All audits and successes are written here.

The Installation item, where Windows records logs about what and when programs have been installed or updated.

The most important magazine is the system. Everything necessary and important is recorded here. For example, you have a blue bsod screen, and the information you enter here will help you identify the reason.

There are also Windows logs for more specific services, such as DHCP or DNS. Look at everything :).

Let’s say you have more than a million items in the magazine Safety, singly you immediately put nutrition and filtration, so it’s masochism to look at all of them. If you look at this, the Windows logs can be manually added, eliminating all that is needed. The right-handed button is the Stream Log Filter button.

We ask you to enter rhubarb below:

  • More critical
  • Pomilka
  • In advance
  • Vidomosti
  • Details

Everything lies in the old joke, if you are looking for favors, then there is no sense in other types of information. You can then, in order to sound between searches and watches, enter the required device and code.

So how to get back your Windows logs is very simple, we think, we know, we believe. You can also clean up your windows logs:

Look at the Windows PowerShell logs

It would be amazing if PowerShell didn’t work, to display log files, open PowerShell and enter the following command

Get-EventLog -Logname "System"

As a result, you will see a list of logs in the System log

You can also work for other magazines, for example, Programs

Get-EventLog -Logname "Application"

small list of abbreviations

  • Event code - EventID
  • Computer - MachineName
  • Pod's serial number - Data, Index
  • Category of tasks - Category
  • Category code - CategoryNumber
  • Riven - EntryType
  • Congratulations - Message
  • Dzherelo - Source
  • Date of creation - ReplacementString, InstanceID, TimeGenerated
  • Recording date - TimeWritten
  • Koristuvach - UserName
  • Website
  • Pidrozdil - Container

Hello, friends! Let's take a look at this statistic Windows 7 magazine. The operating system records almost everything that it records in its log. You can check it manually for additional programs. Look at how it is installed right away with Windows 7. To say that there are a lot of recordings is to say nothing. It's dark. Ale, it’s hard to get lost in them, because everything is sorted into categories.

It’s much easier for the journal of the fakhivtsy and forgive the mercenaries to find mercy and correct it. Speaking easier, I don’t like it easily. In order to correct the problem, which is repeated, you will have to spend a lot of time searching and re-reading a lot of material. Sometimes you want to avoid non-standard behavior of the operating system.

In order for the operating system to successfully store the logs, it is necessary for the Windows Log service to run properly. Let's check whether the service is running. In the search field of the main menu Start search for Services

We know the service Windows log and we recheck Stan - Pratsyuєі Startup type Automatically

If this service is not running for you, then click on it with the left mouse and in the section, select the Startup type Automatic. Then click Run and OK

The service is running and the logs are about to start filling up.

Let's launch the Perevyad utility after quickly searching for me

The cleaning utility looks like this

There's a lot to customize here. For example, you can use the additional buttons under the menu area to either display the Left-handed Console Tree or the right-handed panel

The area at the bottom center is called the re-look area. It displays information about the current situation. You can select it by checking the corresponding checkbox in the View menu or by clicking on the cross mark in the upper right corner of the view area

The head field is located in the center of the mountain and is a table with subsections of the log that you have selected in the Console Tree. Not all people show up for their chores. You can add and change their display order. For which column, stamp it with the right mouse and select Add or delete columns.

At the end of what has appeared, add the necessary columns from the left field to the Selected columns column

To change the order in which the columns are displayed, the required column is visible in the right field, and using the Up and Down buttons you can change the rotation.

Kozhen stovets chain of power under. All this power was described well by Dmitro Bulanov. I'll take a screenshot. To make it bigger, press it onto the new one.

Installing all the columns in the table does not make any sense, but some of the key authorities are displayed in the overview area. If the rest is not displayed for you, then by clicking the left button of the bear on the floor in the adjacent window, you will receive your power

On the Zagalny tab there is a description of the correction process and methods of correction. Below, all the authorities have been collected and in the Details section, a message has been sent to the Web Administrator, for information about the correction of the order.


Key Management Service— sign up for the key service. Divided up for activation of corporate versions of operating systems. The magazine is empty, the fragments on your home computer can be done without it.

Magazines also exert their power. To see them, press the right mouse button on the magazine and select Power in the context menu

The authorities that have opened up, you learn from the outside of the journal, how to file the journal of its size and date of creation, change and when it is opened

The Enable logging checkbox is also checked. It is not active and cannot be collected. Having marveled at this option from the authorities of other magazines, it is also enabled and inactive there. For the Podia magazine, it is exactly in this situation and the magazine is not kept.

At the authorities you can set the Maximum journal size (KB) and select an action when the maximum size is reached. For servers and other important workstations, it is best to keep the log size larger and select Archive log when full, so that in case of emergency it can be resolved once a problem occurs.

Working with logs in Windows 7

The work is stored in sorted, grouped, cleared logs and created events that are configured for the ease of finding these and other options.

Choose any magazine. For example, Addendum and in the table in the center, click on the header of any item with the left mouse button. The items will be sorted according to this category

If you press it again, you will remove the sorting from the gate straight away. The principles of sorting are the same as for Windows Explorer. Exchange at the impossibility of visconati sorting more than one hundred percent.

To group songs by song column, click on its header with the right mouse button and select Group songs by this column. In the butt, the subdivisions are grouped behind the column Riven

In this case it is necessary to manually perform with the singing group. For example, with pardons. After grouping, you will be able to swallow and swallow groups. You can also work in the table by clicking on the group name. For example, Riven: Poperedzhennya (74).

To view further grouping, you need to click on the heading again with the right mouse button and select View grouping options.

Clearing the magazine

Once you have corrected errors in the system that led to the recording of entries in the log, you may want to clear the log so that old entries do not interfere with the diagnosis of the new computer. To do this, press the right button on the log that needs to be cleared and select Clear log...

If the window has opened, we can simply clear the log and we can save the file before clearing

Setting up manifestations

The configured sorting and grouping will appear when the View window is closed. If you often practice with ideas, then you can create a phenomenon that will set you up. These filters are saved in a specific section of the console tree and do not disappear anywhere when the view is closed.

To create a view, click on any magazine with the right mouse button and select Create a view to set up.

In the window that has opened, in the Date section, select from the drop-down list the range of hours for which we need to select categories

In the Rhubarb section, check the boxes to select the importance of the topic.

We can make a selection for the song magazine or magazines or jerel. We change the radio box at the required position and set the necessary checkboxes from the list

You can select song codes so that the sounds will or will not appear in the song you created.

If all the parameters presented are selected OK

In the window that appears, set the name and description of the configured appearance and stamp OK

For the butt, creating a submission for Amends and critical cases from magazines Supplements and Safety

This information can be edited and will not be lost anywhere when the View App utility is closed. To edit, click on the mouse presented with the right button and select the Stream filter to configure.

At the window, which has now opened, there are additional adjustments in the data.

You can draw an analogy with the settings for saving brains in Windows 7 Explorer.


In this article, we looked at the log of Windows 7. We discussed all the main operations with it for ease of finding information about errors and critical issues. And here the natural diet is to blame - “And how to correct the problems in the system.” Everything is very complicated here. If you have little information, you may end up spending a lot of time searching for information. Because the computer robot is hiding you, you don’t have to worry about it. If you want to try to fix it, watch the video below.

Also, using the following log, you can diagnose the problem of Windows 7.

I will be happy with any comments or propositions.