What functions are included in the website. Templates for creating websites. Remote node administration

Vikno authorities website

In this window, the authorities set the identification parameters for the website. For the IP address of a node available in your window, you must set up TCP/IP configuration for the node on your computer.



Koristuvach can enter the server name. These names will appear in the structure area of ​​the Internet Services Manager (HTML).

To configure the IP address, TCP port number, SSL port number and host header name, click the button Dodatkovo.

IP addresses

In order for the addresses to appear in this field, you must first select them in the computer's computer panel. To view additional information, go to the Windows documentation. Because no specific IP address is assigned, this site will be matched to all IP addresses assigned to your computer and not other sites, resulting in the site becoming a standard web site.

TCP port

This indicates the port on which the service is located. Port 80 is identified. You can replace this value with any unique number for the TCP port. However, this number must be forwarded to clients, otherwise their requests will not be sent to the server. The port number is obligatory; You cannot leave this field empty.


Not demarcated

By selecting this option, an unlimited number of one-hour connections are allowed.

Limit number

Select this option to limit the maximum number of one-time connections to a node. Enter the maximum number of connections allowed in the expanded field.

Time to wake up

Time interval in seconds when the server connects an inactive client. This allows you to close all connections, since the HTTP protocol cannot close connections.

Allow support for secure HTTP connections

The regulations allow the client to maintain connections to the server instead of re-opening the client's connections upon each new request. Violation of this mode may result in a reduction in the server's speed code. Support for open standard connections has been disabled.

To keep a journal

Select this option to assign the log to the log website that records information about merchants' activities, and select the format for the log. After enabling the log, select the format from the list box Stream log format. Try these formats:

  • Microsoft IIS Log File Format. Fix format ASCII
  • NCSA format. NCSA - National Center for Supercomputing Applications; fixation format ASCII
  • W3C log file format extensions. The settings are in ASCII format, which is selected according to instructions. This format is necessary for processing processes.
  • Logging ODBC. (Only available with Windows 2000 Server). Recording format for logging in the database.

To instruct the creation of new log files (for example, selecting or resizing the file size), as well as to configure the W3C or ODBC format, press the button Powerful.

To speed up the completion of laboratory work, you can copy data via the clipboard to create a page with frames p. 2.3.1, 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 from a file with methodical inserts.

2.1.1 Create and design web sites to create a web page. For whom it is necessary to quit the command File 4 Create 4 Single-sided Web site, Select an option in the dialog box Single-sided Web site. Then go to mode Move on(Tab at the bottom of the Front Page window ) , then click on the name of the index.htm file in the center of the screen. Then, follow the steps below, selecting Little 1: enter the text after the character, place the pictures. To create a logo and name for the store, you can quickly use WordArt.

To create a new look for your home page, you need to quickly use the command Format4Font, in which you need to select the color of the font and typeface. Then you need to save the side.

To create a side page with frames included in Tiny 2 in the transition area, see the index.htm file and click on the command File 4 Create 4 Other page templates, at the dialog box that appeared Side page templates vibrate the tab Frame side, then select a template Stunned and shocked, and press the button OK. Then go to the page editing mode, then click on the button Create a side in the skin frame.

Malyunok 1 Butt home page

To decorate the side of the top frame (Figure 2), insert a table with one row and three columns. Then place the babies at the end of the table, then move them between the columns according to the size of the skin of the babies and align them in the center. Then right-click on the table and select the command in the context menu Power table.. In the group of elements between set the table cordon size to zero so that the cordon becomes invisible.

To write menu items on the left side of the page with track frames, create a table that consists of one column and several rows. Each menu item is written to the table row.

On the right side of the page with the frames, enter the text in the proper format.

After whom it is necessary to quit the team File4Save,to save all new pages. The skin will be protected under its own skin. The side that is being saved will be visible with a blue frame. For example, for the side of the top frame the name should be given as baner.htm, for the left - mnu.htm, for the right - text.htm, and for the side with the frames - the name is start.htm. As a result, the side with the frames is to blame, presented to baby 2.

Figure 2 Butt of the folding side with frames

After creating the first page with the start.htm frames, the following pages will be printed, which will contain information about each of the menu items located in the left frame.

Note. Data that is located on web pages that are created can be transferred by quick commands on robots with a clipboard from the electronic version of methodical insertions on FrontPage installed on computers.

Create a new page according to the mode Constructor post such information.

We learned about the main window of programs, menu commands, the standard toolbar, and looked at the obvious templates and tools for creating Web pages and Web sites. Now you can open the creation of the Vlas Web site.

In this section you will learn about the placement of text information, headings on the Web page, learn about the formatting of characters, paragraphs, and shortcuts for formatting list information.

To create a Web site, use the template quickly Single-sided website(One Page Web). This template is useful for exploring the possibilities that the FrontPage program provides to the developer. This template forms the structure of a Web site and adds one empty page to it, on which information is placed. In this case, there are no special requirements for design or formatting that stick out to the side. Everything we need can be placed on this page on our own.

To create a one-sided website, click on the following:

  1. At the menu File(File) select command Creativity(New), and then in the submenu that opens - the option Storinka or website(Page or Web). As a result, a panel appears in the main window of FrontPage Creation of a web site or node(New Page or Web).
  2. Select values ​​on the panel Website Templates(Web Site Templates). A dialogue window opens Template websites.
  3. In the field Indicate the launch of the new website(Specify the location of the new web) dialog box Website Templates enter the name of the website that is being created. For example, you need to name My Test_Web.
  4. Dvichi click on the icon Single-sided website(One Page Web). The process of creating a template begins. After about an hour, a created Web site (small 12.1) opens in the main window of the FrontPage program, which you can modify. Panel Folder list(Folder List) displays its structure, which consists of two folders _privateі images and pages index.htm.

Rice. 12.1.


For promotion, the FrontPage program reports that the first page placed on the Web site will be the home page. U The folder structure is saved under the names index.htm.

Two people click on the mouse on the panel Folder list(Folder List) to the file name index.htm. This empty Web page can be opened in the work area of ​​the FrontPage program. You can start before placing objects.

Placement of text on the page

The main purpose of a Web site is to provide information to a Web site that provides information on what to click on. In order for the information to be easily digestible, it must be submitted in the proper manner: you don’t have to suppress your monotony, but keep your eyes peeled. For which FrontPage provides the developer with the ability to format characters, paragraphs, which includes setting various font parameters, spacing between characters, entries, entries, displaying characters in small large letters, in the view Their and lower indices, too. For these additional features, you can see the most important places on the page and get information that is easy to read.

Microsoft Frontpage XP is a newly integrated shell for activating several web pages and entire web sites. If you are not familiar with our programming, you can, with the help of Frontpage, independently create your own website and publish it on the Internet. The Frontpage web editor will become a wonderful addition to the arsenal of an experienced Web designer.

Pobudova web-university

While you're at it, you'll get to know a new Microsoft Office add-on - the Frontpage website editor. You will learn how to create and modify the structure of a node. Listed below are the components and operations that can be seen in the activity:

  • master of web-university;
  • task list;
  • looking through the node's folders;
  • navigation;
  • reversal of hyperpower;
  • call;
  • color scheme of the node;
  • complete fields of the side.

A website is a collection of files in HTML format, placed at the father's office and linked one by one with hyperlinks. One of the web site files is considered the head file, it is the home page and is displayed in the user’s browser when connected to the web site. Other web-stories are displayed in the browser window in the world when you go to them for instructions. In addition to HTML files, the node's warehouse includes a set of graphic objects in GIF or JPG format, used for designing pages. With the development of browsers that introduce highly diverse extensions to the HTML standard, other file formats are increasingly appearing on web sites.

Web site creation

Frontpage XP is an integrated middleware that houses a web page editor, modules for managing the site structure, and tools for publishing the site on the server. With the help of Frontpage, a newbie who is not at all familiar with my HTML can construct a completely useful website. In the hands of an experienced developer, Frontpage is a powerful tool that allows you to create web sites of any complexity.


Frontpage XP has three separate modules - the page editor, the site builder and the web server support functions - combined into one integrated shell, which ensures easy access to all tools.

Web site master

To create a complete website, it is not enough to simply place a bunch of HTML files in one folder. A well-designed university has a well-thought-out structure. This facilitates the search for necessary information. Since you don’t have much experience working with web pages, the website master will help you to correctly compose the site, and you will lose the chance to fill the pages instead. In order to become a master, sign such actions.

  1. Launch Frontpage.
  2. Select the File command > Create ^ Storinka or website (File > New > Web). In the Manage Programs area, the New Page or Web window opens with a list of templates and masters that you can quickly use to create a web site (Fig. 3.1).
  3. In the New from Template section, click on the Web Site Template icon and in the Web Site Templates dialog box, click on the Corporate Presence Wizard icon.
  4. In the Options section, enter the name of the folder in which the site files will be saved (I use the folder C:\My Documents\My Webs\Corporate).

Rice. 3.1.

  1. Click the OK button.
  2. At the first window of the master, click the Next button.

Another example is a list of the main web sites that can be included on a new website:

  • Home Page;
  • What's New;
  • Products and services (Products/Services);
  • Zmist (Table of Contents);
  • FeedBack form;
  • Search form.
  1. Deselect all proportions and click the Next button. The next day of the master is shown in Fig. 3.2 shows the type of home page. By setting and dropping the proportions of this window, you add or select various sections of your home page.
  2. Set all proportions.
  3. Click the Next button.
Six new windows of the master's dialogue will adjust the appearance of the side of the singing type (from those that were taken from another window of the master). Consistently calculate the skin tone and set the proportions for those components that need to be included before the website. The current rights of this activity are transferred to the fact that these six windows do not have the option of setting how to inform the master for cleaning.

Rice. 3.2.

  1. For ten years now, the master has been putting the finishing touches on all the sides. Set the proportion of this window in accordance with Fig. 3.3, then click on the Next button.

Rice. 3.3.

  1. Enter the company name again, the same name shortened to one word, and the company address. Click the Next button.
  2. At the next window, enter the company's phone number, fax number, webmaster's email address and support address. Click on the Next button, and then on the Finish button. The master generates a new website and opens it in task review mode with a list of actions that need to be completed to undo the completed node. The points of this change are shown in Fig. 3.4 were added by the master. There are over-insurance operations, with the help of which are responsible for replacing the formation of a web page. During the process of node development, you can manually add new tasks associated with this or another web site. You will learn how to step on the right. The list of tasks is always at hand, it is saved at once from the files of the web site and will not allow you to forget about an unfinished operation. To open it, just click the Tasks button on the mode panel.

It is clear that FrontPage is a special tool for developing web nodes. This program also has another important function regarding memory: FrontPage also supports websites.

How does FrontPage help your website? Here you can find a number of applications of the program's possibilities.

  • · Adding, renaming, deleting and moving files (without the help of Microsoft Windows Explorer)
  • · Fixed issues with special alerts, such as unnecessary hyperpower alerts
  • · Publication to the website

It is important to remember that these features are not available when you open or work with single HTML files. They are only available when you open the FrontPage website and work on it for a while.

Web vuzol FrontPage

The website is a group of interconnected web pages hosted on one of the HTTP servers (HTTP protocol. Internet protocol used for data delivery. Allows client program developers to capture text, pictures, sound and other digital data by entering URLs or clicking hyperpower.) on the Internet. Most websites show your home page as a starting point. The home page is linked to other pages through an additional hyper-powerful transition structure.

You can create a website that is located on disk or on the server. The web node that is located on the disk is called the download node on the local computer. The web that resides on the server is called the deployment center on the web server, such as Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), or on a virtual server.

Templates (Template. A set of advanced text and graphic formats, on the basis of which new web pages and web sites can be created. A page or website created using a different template can be adjusted and changed.) and master . food, and Then you can select options for creating objects such as a form or a Microsoft FrontPage web page to make it easier and speed up the creation of the website. well, in the structure of the robots, allowing us to concentrate In place. Templates and masters can be used to create an empty web page or a folding, multi-sided, interactive website.

The Microsoft FrontPage wiki for creating a website includes the following basic steps.

  • 1. Removing a service that provides access to web servers, a website's cloud record, or URL addresses (URL addresses. Addresses that indicate a protocol (such as HTTP or FTP) and the deployment of an object, document, web page, or Other resources on the Internet or intranets, for example: http://www.microsoft.com/.), for example, from the Internet Service Provider (ISP) (Internet Service Provider). Internet service providers are international, providing access to different countries, while others are limited to a specific region. or Web Presence Provider (WPP) WPP (Web Presence Provider). An Internet service provider that hosts deputy websites on its servers and manages the hardware and software necessary to ensure the availability of deputy websites on the Internet.
  • 2. Creation of the structure of the website using additional templates and masters.
  • 3. Adding instead.
  • 4. Publication to a website on the Internet.

To create a SharePoint site and configure it using Microsoft FrontPage, you need administrator rights, a cloud account for the website, and the ability to establish a connection with the server on which Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services is installed.

A website can be located on one or several subsidiary nodes. A subsidiary university is a website located in the middle of another website. A website that hosts child nodes is called a top-tier node. . How to submit a website in the form of folders to the directory that is located, and the subsidiary university will be presented as a subfolder that is located in an independent website.

Subsidiary sites may have independent management, development and access. However, on a subsite it is possible to display the list of shared access or the list of shared nodes.

Folders to a top-level website can be converted to subsites. Also, child nodes can be rearranged in folder subfolders. However, many website settings may be affected when such changes are implemented, such as overloading the navigation bars and settings associated with these pages. These parameters are used to ensure that the transition structure and data are saved for each website separately. In addition, the larger the website, the more time it takes to recreate the website in a subfolder or subfolder on a website.