How to enable monetization in VK. How to make money on a group in contact (VK): Povne kerіvnitstvo

We offer to your respect case, records by one of our pre-payers. Everything was simple and sensible, but pributkovo. Go about the monetization of the group in VK.

On the back of the head, this people did not have a penny. Dosvid is also minimal. However, the presence is stronger for a distant development.

By itself, the case, as it were, gives the possibility of understanding: some speeches, it would have been possible to lie on the surface, can be stuck in order to bring majestic greed.

Otzhe, nadamo people of their own roar about those, as you have gone far to achieve success.

Let's remember the deficit!

I often put a question: in order to instill no special evidence in whom I can’t?

It is necessary to be aware, first of all, that at the moment there is a deficit and to fill in the deficit, to monetize the result.

Moreover, while some of the speeches are banal, the stench is entirely relevant.

In the skin of us, singly, they are those in which we are well chosen, rather than rich others. Make a list of such topics for yourself on a piece of paper.

Let's use them to try to know the largest public in vk and analyze their content. As a matter of fact, a cicava sphere and for promotion, a talented person has taken on the qualities of a leader, and a rather big income can be earned on this.

In the distance, the project is impossible without good content, which is the basic basis for any kind of public.

Without an editor - n_yak!

Someday I will come to know about the unreality of everything, one by one.

Tim who knows how to earn money on the VK group, you need a helper in an hour. As business goes uphill, the number of projects grows. Through the constant change of problems and references, as it is necessary to virishuvate in term order, there is no time to generate new ideas. And even the same idea is the basis for the development of this kind of commerce.

That needs an editor, who is responsible for the content. Yogo can be boldly called the intercessor of the director. It goes without saying that the editor's obedience is serious, the evidence is great. Obviously, the salary is due, but it's good.

I had a lot of propositions on the work of the editor in my blog. Some of the boys are already engaged in the sale of groups in contact and promotion. Alas, that impassioned pidkhid hasn’t been right up until now to my eyes.

How can I get in touch with such an editor, who can get a five-plus, ready to pay him a good penny.

I especially know the lads who earn money for 100k, moreover, the editors stink of only one nasty project. Moreover, it is even more promising. And the people who started as a robot and an editor or a helper, but at the same time became full partners of the project.

Yak bi was not there, additional content is always in short supply. Tі, who satisfies the hunger of the building, moan.

In fact, everything is not as smooth as one might think when reading this case. As I said, choose the area in which you groaned and in which you are more or less chosen.

It goes without saying that the language is not about bullshit spivtovaristvo - as if there is a business-quoter - run by an incompetent leader, de editor will charge 5k per month of work. Find out about the cost of the project in a fair way.

How to become an administrator of a cool public?

How to get such serious public in the admin? There is an important special person here. It is not necessary to fill the personal of the clerk with blessings about the power to work and a good salary. Such comrades should be ignored.

Let's write a report on the butt.

I'm into sports. And if I ever had a chance to start from scratch, I started it like this.

What would I do?

Father, on the project, which I can name - Friend Dihannia, I signed from a long time ago, if there are only 10K pre-payers there. It can be said that in my eyes the development of this project (and the creator of Vadik, as a leader) was seen. It's already a great startup.

Vadik himself told me that the income of yogo administrators is from 50 to 100k shhomisyatsya, despite the fact that there is nothing overdone stink. Just practice normally. The quality of personnel is only through those that our people are lazy for their nature, they can’t even hurry to practice ...

So, the new leader has a shortage of good spivrobitniks. Vіn kazhe, scho ready to pay navit more, like a fellow person, who can really be trusted. Thus, for example, Sasha Storoshchuk became Vadik's partner today.

I, zvichayno, bachu, like a bunch of bazhayuchih pratsyuvati on this project. Ale, are you ready to stink in return? Abo it is necessary for them to pay only for those who stink about - are they so good and good?

I would be embarrassed to create my business from scratch, I would become an editor for Vadik, so that I could stir up a new project with him and become a full partner.

Yak bi I became an editor

And to get into the redaction, I definitely would not have written youma in a personal. Just by setting the bi with an offensive rank:

  • pererahuva bi in the list of the coolest and most popular athletes;
  • having stylishly designed a bi-personal side;
  • having added 1000 friends (it is possible, as an option, to prepare a side with 5000 friends and re-register on yourself);
  • putting the bi adequate to the special photo;
  • having filled the wall with thematic posts.

But everything is guilty, but it is crushed, so that you can promote confidence.

Then we need to put together a garni text to avenge the proposition. It will be necessary to think carefully and take care of everything, so that it will be quick. You can write to write that the interview is taken specifically for Do4a. Golovne, that it didn’t look like an advertisement.

We inform the sportsmen, who have a prepaid base, for example.

As if everything was done correctly, you will come again. Three athletes, having praised the proposition, practically gave:

  • We add non-banal nutrition (not like they ask for in a skin interview, but something unique);
  • The interview was beautifully designed;
  • Proponuemo our result in the news public Do4a;
  • It’s close to the day (or, maybe, but less).

If you didn’t take a novelty, you can ask it in a personal: what you need to add, correct, or add.

Complimented? Mean good. Ready to come new. First, create a partnership in contact, and then you need to learn how to practice.

And so a couple of tizhniv.

Just practice and they will take you!

How to add 10 posts, you, better for everything, ask yourself. Well, otherwise, there’s a sense of raising up with Vadim in a personal: what else can you overpower, what can you add / correct in a robot.

Upevneniy, scho you will be taken to work, as if everything is rushing on the equal footing. A great plus in such interviews - ce їх reposti tіmіynimi special features, from which you took them. And tse suttvo to promote the popularity of the project.

And if you, nareshti, become an editor, it doesn’t mean that it’s time to relax. Develop steadily, be creative, guess new headings and so on.

3 editors in partnership

Learn step by step how to monetize a group in VK.

The butt to finish is simple and banal. Well, I would vchiniv something like this. Whether it be for a young man, it is important to regularly work on himself, to break through and fight against the line more strongly.

І all obov'yazkovo viide!

And the axis is another Cicavia case with the management and monetization of the group in VK. Yogo is introduced to us by Akhmedzhan. Vіn pochne tell yoga from a small story about yourself.

How do I become an editor

Hello! As if in the evening I was sitting in a sports public and rapt minds that it would not be nasty to become an editor and prepare for good quality content. So schob, as much as possible people tsim zatsіkavilos.

From the other side, it was also clear that the most important articles about sports eating and training are yesterday. More original is needed.

I had one idea for me. I didn’t have an hour or opportunity to create a good public meeting. Ale, I wrote the propositions to the administrators of the number of spo, in which the number of prepayers reached from 5 to 10k.

I os me far away to pick up a public for myself. True, I didn’t get to know the same, and I didn’t get away with a lot of rude pardons:

Without ads and do not think about the promotion and monetization of the VKontakte group

Important moments for the development of public

However, I made one correct deed, as it paid off all the past pardons.

Through one I found out about the closing club, which is called the Wolf's Club. Having bought access to the tudi and vivchi deyaki course on how to properly conduct spivtovaristvo.

The axis of the moment and by me from tsikh courses were educated:

  • Advertising, no matter how trite it sounded, is the engine of progress. The correct advertising policy will help you to increase the amount of pre-payers.
  • If you want to create a group in VK for making money, you need cool content. And for yoga training, you need to explore the topics of public and even love. I, for example, having come up with the heading “Nutrition for the Zirtsі”, in which one could read the cіkavі speeches, voiced without intermediary, by those who are the ace in this topic. I regularly, for example, interviewed Denis Gusev, the star of fitness -

The public is richer in a more popular format, lower in the traditional group. Public Vkontakte is getting bigger and bigger, but it's not surprising, even though it's a working way to monetize VKontakte. Today, the public makes money on the placement of advertisements, and, for the great rahunka, the same income was lost. On the right, that advertising can be cost-effective, it can also be advertising for other publics or partner programs. The same message is the main source of monetization on VKontakte, so other publics are advertised in the first quarter in order to increase their audience and promote partner messages. And what is a partnership effort? Let's give an example.

Monetization of VKontakte for additional partner messages

It is acceptable for you to have public references to books (lovers of reading, lovers of science fiction, etc.). You register as a partner in an online store that sells books and denies the ability to publish affiliate offers. The largest online bookstore that has its own affiliate program LitRes. Like a person, like a person who came at your request to make a purchase, then you can take up to 20 hundreds per book size. This is the scheme of monetization of VKontakte that is practically used today with goods. But the target audience is important, even recommending books to the public, which has nothing to do with this topic, there is no sensation. Yogo audience tse netіkavo.

Also, there is a possibility of monetization on direct advertisers, and in this case, the theme is necessary. For example, a local public, where they would like to advertise their own advertising to a local company. Especially, as your public will become one of the most popular. In places with populations close to one hundred thousand, advertising in public with a number of payers in the region of 20-30 thousand can bring up to 2-3 thousand rubles per post.

The topic directly contributes to the growth of income and even strongly influences the minimum audience necessary for this income. If you have a public, in which banal quotes are published, then here the most significant earnings are made in the form of 70-100 thousand prepayers. If the topic is too rich, then the digits can be even more pronounced.

In general, the monetization of the public Vkontakte is accessible to the skin, but it is necessary to protect those who have no easy pennies here. So don’t copy other people’s ideas, you won’t have a crow and a lot of payers.

Modern Internet projects allow you to earn pennies without being dependent on your favorite rights. In the rest of the years, great popularity is gaining ways to make money on the Internet, based on the principles of monetization of virtual maidanchiks.

For all that, monetization stagnated only in relation to personal websites. Today, information platforms have made a serious breakthrough in this directly, having secured the opportunity for earners to earn money on any personal web maidanchiks. So, having gained a wide breadth of the way of earning money, a kind of victorious as the basis of the virtual maidanchiki of social networks.

Sotsmerezhі in its stream position development give to registered coristeers not only the possibility of mutual cooperation one by one, but also a wide range of tools for the implementation of a bootleg Internet project. As a rule, all platforms of social media promote to their participants the possibility of registering a special consciousness.

From this point of view, the most important rank is the social network of VKontakte, the tools that allow you to create virtual maidanchiki of various types. In addition, the social media Vkontakte is characterized by the most high indicators in terms of their riveting significantly outweighs the value of similar Internet services.

Introduction to earnings Vkontakte

It is not so easy to make money on Vkontakte, as you know all the key principles of work on the sides of this web service. First of all, it is necessary to say that the principles of monetization can win any number of different types of virtual maidanchiks.

  1. the special side of the koristuvach;
  2. personal side of the koristuvach;
  3. community group.

If the administrator hadn’t prepared a plan, it would be necessary for him to register a special account on Vkontakte, oscillki all diї, connected with the management of the virtual maydanchik, zdiisnyuyutsya for the help of the official record of the koristuvach. Here you can immediately say that you can earn money on Vkontakte with the presence of guilty suspense.

Irrespective of the fact that the functional is close to the borders, richly corystuvachіv danї sotsmerezhі vvazhayut to better monetize their special side, and not svіvtovaristvo. As a rule, such a monetization option is considered to be particularly popular with a high level of popularity in the market. This doesn’t mean that the cross-border clerk cannot monetize his side, however, in order to achieve a high result, he will need more and more time to spend.

As for the set of available tools, for the help of which you can improve the monetization of the profile recognized for the core business, then there are faults in the region - the special sides are not promoted by advertising exchanges, and their urization functionality significantly improves the front process of paying new ones.

A more simple way to earn money on Vkontakte can become a monetization of profit.

At the current moment, the Vkontakte website is able to register two types of combinations. The type of personal page transfers the adaptation of a special appearance record of the coristuvach under the title of the design of the bedroom.

Regardless of the name of this type of maidanchiki, a lot of webmasters win the personal side as a complete alternative to the group. The monetization of the personal side is accompanied by more simple development processes, and this type of data is optimally suited for ordinary coristuvachs.

The other type of spіlnoti, which is a transfer in the social media Vkontakte, is called a group. Such a variant of the maidanchik can have more functionality - there is a wide range of options, both for pushing the bed, and for managing it. For the most part, the monetization of the Vkontakte group is carried out by a great working team.

Given the fact of the exchanges, that all the work of the group's management as a whole and in part are deposited in the storage warehouse, at the same time, as in different personal situations, part of the work can be transferred to the warehouse of the payers. In simple terms, the Vkontakte group is the most superior and most powerful type of sociality, the lowest personal page.

How is the monetization of the Vkontakte virtual platform controlled?

Without choosing any bi-variant of the maidanchik koristuvach, before all of them, you can get the key methods of monetization. At the current moment, it’s time for the coristuvachi to discuss the social measures of vicorist such methods of monetization:

  1. sales of advertising records;
  2. earnings on the posts of CPA-services;
  3. earnings on referral programs.

The main source of income for rich virtual maidanchiks is advertising. The main way to make money on Vkontakte, which is a transfer to the core of the social network. Such a way to earn money on uvazi sales of advertising records, which are placed on the sides of the administrator's bedroom. Such records are in the best way to lure new coristuvachs to the pre-payers, and it means that advertising sales will still be highly demanded.

Promoting advertising can be done as administrators of spіlnot, as well as spe- cialists of special parties, who can help keep the sales channel more clear. So, on today's day of sales of advertising records, it is for the help of special exchanges and direct favors. Directly please, as the most profitable option for both parties, the payment transaction in this case is carried out instantly and does not require payment of additional commission fees.

Please, if it is carried out through special advertising exchanges, give the maidan workers a full guarantee, however, such a service will help pay additional commission fees. Kerіvniki maidanchikіv Vkontakte can rank among the servants of the official and unofficial exchange.

Offending options may be identical to the principle of work, and the entire retail field is in the scope of the commission fee - the official VKontakte advertising exchange requires payment of high bills, a lower unofficial alternative. Finally, let’s say that the methods for selling advertising records can be found in the world only by the clerks of the spilnots - the rulers of special VKontakte sides, there is only an available option for direct sale without intermediaries.

How to make money on the Internet through social networks?

Earnings on the Internet for additional virtual platforms in social networks has created a new development for CPA-services. Earlier, the possibility of making money on CPA-programs was available only to website managers, but today such an option for making a profit can be won by any kind of koristuvach with an open side in the social media.

Monetization of this type means placement on the sides of the Maidanchik of special posts. Briefly, it seems that the administrator of the Maidanchik will take away a penny wine-city in that fall, if the participant of this Maidanchik passes through the CPA-possibility, after which he wins the song.

How can you win registration on the site, sing activity, formalization of the application and richly other (specific activities lie in the type of partnership maidanchik). The most popular CPA services in RuNet are platforms i. To speed up in this way monetization can be like the clerks of spilnots, so the lords of special parties.

No less popular method of monetization maydanchik є vikoristannya referral program.

Modern Internet services, as a rule, place a system of referral requests in their warehouse, for which there is an influx of new coristuvachiv. In the social network of VKontakte, the way to earn money, which is based on the placement of referral messages, can achieve high efficiency - the leaders of the parties with a large base of payers can earn a lot of sums of pennies, taking part in referral programs of web design projects.

So, for the rest of the hour on the sidelines of VKontakte, you can often get referral messages on the cashback service (,), as well as mobile projects for earning money (,). Coristuvachi, yakі have passed the registration on the placement of possibilty, to bring regular passive income to the administrator of the maydanchik. As for CPA-programs, not only administrators of splnots, but also custodians of special parties, can earn money on referral systems.


Ways to make money on the Internet, which are relevant for today, allow you to take profits for the help of your public records in social networks. Monetization of the virtual platform VKontakte can become an excellent option for taking profit.

Today earn VKontakte koristuvachі can not only for the help of personal knowledge, but also for the help of special parties. In this article, we reported on the key principles of Vkontakte monetization. On the basis of the submitted information, you can add a note about those who:

  1. koristuvachі can win the principles of monetization of any groups, personal storіnki and special storіnki;
  2. The most effective can be such methods of monetization as advertising sales, placement of CPA-posting, as well as participation in referral programs.

You will also be happy:

I will be vdyachny, so share this article in social measures:

Friends, hello everyone! Webmaster Oleksandr and the Anatomy of a Business project. What is the average wage on the territory of the Russian Federation at once? Once, I asked myself about the nutrition and virishiv vivchiti the current situation on the market of practice. It turned out that for the tribute to Rosstat, the average salary in Russia for 2013 was 30,000 rubles. per month.

And now there is information for people who want to think about creating a supplementary income source. As shown by my numerical experiments on the monetization of the public pages of VK, to create a relatively small group, which consists of approximately 150,000 pre-payers in the same platform-promoting audience, to bring 25-30 thousand rubles to their master. Rub. in a month! Moreover, a job with such a project borrows no more than 3-5 years per day. Blame food: what is the purpose of working in a suffocating office? For me, the point is obvious.

TOP-3 ways to monetize "public"

And now let's move on to the right. At the moment, there are three main directions for monetizing the public side of VKontakte:

  • sales of advertising (distribution of commercial information on your side);
  • participation in partner programs;
  • sales of their goods or services.

Let's take a look at the skin in these ways. Okremo.

advertising sales

Might be one of the most effective ways to monetize. The best thing for me is the world of business in social measures. About the way to earn money, I recognized the coming rank. As I already said, at the beginning stage, I was engaged in online shopping. In front of me was the food: how to get new clients? I have gained respect on the public side in social networks. Having typed the phrase “human thoughts” in a row on VKontakte, I sang a great partnership with the same name:

I vyrivishiv dіznatisya, skіlki koshtuє advertising in tsіy spіlnotі. It turned out that from 1500 to 3000 rubles. in the year it is fallow in the minds of the distribution.

I know, I'm shocked. I can see and see not in a moment, what is so possible! After that, I glanced over 30-40 great sleeps here, and everywhere there were similar prices. Provіvshi nekhitrі razrakhunki, I came to vysnovka, scho sergeant of sleep, scho is made up of 1,000,000 pre-payers in a yakіsnoї audience, earning an average of 250 to 400 yew. Rub. in a month! Understanding, I have expanded my knowledge of the social network on the basis of the social network of VKontakte. At the moment, the total audience of these bills is 2,700,000 prepayers. About the development of my projects, I have elaborated in the article.

The main clients of your sleep:

  • online stores, yakі bazhayut luch kієntіv z social merezh. There are dozens of such shops at once;
  • various infobusinesses and business coaches;
  • other groups in social networks, as if they want to attract new payers, and then earn money by selling advertising.
  • poshuk "handles": Shukaєmo spilnoti z sumіzhnoї subjects, we go into them and we know the groups there, as already advertised;
  • Vkontakte advertising exchange: Advertisers will know you on their own. You can connect to the exchange through the internal interface "VKontakte" in the distribution of the "public" management;
  • advertising exchangeSociate- the oldest exchange, as a source of contacts and potential advertisers.

Affiliate programs

At the moment, there is a large number of affiliate programs, through which you can monetize your "public". The most important are two of them:

  • biggon- one of the largest partner programs in the Russian Internet. You will know a great number of various physical goods at your place, which are the best to buy in Runet at once.
  • Eviton- affiliate program of my friend. Vaughn is good! You can know a lot of goods from them, they are good at once.

Monetization of "public" for the sale of their goods or services

Velmy is straight forward. The income from the new one can vary much more. Let's take two options.

  1. Sales of goods in the information and promotional group. You create a project of a magazine type, for example, "Women's Secrets", and sell your own physical goods. It is possible to vikoristovuvaty kіlka models:
    1. sales through "one-pagers". You can read about it in the article;
    2. sales of goods through an online store based on VKontakte. You can read about it;
    3. creation of a wonderful online store.
    4. Sales of servants in the higher education group. This way is suitable for companies whose servants cost a lot. For example, you are engaged in logistical services for the delivery of goods from China and your average check becomes 100,000 rubles. At the first stage, you create a group, in which you publish unique content, for example, video lessons: how to choose a postal worker in China, how to organize the delivery of vantage, etc. At the same time, in a small amount, start spreading information about your services. To my knowledge, the company, using the vicorist method, earns up to 500,000 rubles. per month for small groups. The main trump card of these projects is itself in the LOYALTY of the audience!


I would like to have a visnovka, so that you would help yourself on the next meal.

  1. Chi befits you those with whom you are engaged, or, perhaps, it's time to start a new one?
  2. You want to earn money: 30 or 300 yew. Rub. in a month?
  3. How do you manage the possibilities, how do you give you life?

As a matter of fact, in the modern world the vital role is played by information. Remember: whoever gives you information, that city is light. The information is now with you. Yak їy order, virishuvati only to you!

Good day! Friends, did you remember that for the rest of the years the number of all the powerful publics and communities in social networks has increased in size and continues to grow far away? Moreover, as before, all the stinks were created for quiet and other objective reasons, which were not directly connected with the social barrier, then at once, the left part of all the stinks are created only in order to take profits from the front payers. It is necessary to indicate that, in the number of the rest, to lay down the income of the sack of sleep. And to that majestic role is played not only by competent creation, but promotion groupie. Shards for the creation of such a dzherel are necessary for income minimum deposit, I have told you about those, how to earn money on a group in contact, relying less on your knowledge and knowledge.

We create from scratch

First, if you don’t mind, how many pennies you can earn on the group in contact, I will tell you to start creating її. It is possible to protect the skin, who is registered in this social security.

In the presence of you, it will be necessary to call you not richly: sign up for public topics, Yaka bula was a great number of people, stimulated to subscribe to the group updates. I won’t go into detail about those, in this article, I’ll dedicate the shards to this food with a quick glance. I highly recommend yoga for the knowledge of everyone who seriously thinks about it, how to earn money in contacts on groups.

Having signed up for the thematic directing of the public, you will need to talk about yoga yakіsnomu decorated. Give free rein to your imagination, experiment, think about it, what the group's content is to blame for, so that more and more koristuvachs join it.

I want to turn your respect to those who far away have given graphic support (pictures) to the text, allow increase the number of followers your public. If you can find your birthplace for the group and file it correctly, then hundreds of thousands of payers will be safe for you.

we start to unwind

Well, shards create a public - only half, Discuss the hour itself. So that the partnership became popular, new coristuvachi entered into the new one, it was necessary to write about the song a lot of publications on the yoga wall. Tobto, a skin man, as if you would press on the open spaces of the public, you are guilty of pampering fresh and original content and want to subscribe to group updates. More about the rules and subtle promotions you can find out in the okremіy statt, assigned to this food.

Spin the pages and public VK for help Brobot

Popular ways to monetize your group

Options that allow you to earn money on VKontakte groups, faceless. I preach to you an overview of the largest and most popular, Yaki bring the most income.

Earnings on advertising

I look back at what not so long ago was introduced in the social services new ad placement system now, Problems like that, how to earn pennies in contacts, fell by themselves. Now your earnings and your due diligence will depend on how many pre-payers your group has. The more big and active followers you get in public, the more pennies you get.

Today, be someone who can turn to you, like a spymaster of sleep, with a business proposition about the placement of advertising in public. You dwell on the quality of such services and place a post on the wall of the bedroom. Viperedzhayuchi zapitanya about those, skilki koshtuє advertising in the group, I will say that її varіst can and is guilty of kolivatsya. About the price of placing posts, you will be housekeeping with a skin client individually. It’s a great pity that most of the patrons can’t think of a welcome announcement about those who have the most advertising in the promoted group, the number of payers in this group has exceeded 100,000 people.

For clarity and orientation, I preach to you price buttіz zaznachennyam tsіn i vіdvіduvannostі vіdvіduvannostі in pubіlі "typical miliarder".

Oskіlki rozrahunki for such lands are available through the system on kshtalt webmoney or Yandex.Money, not included risiki, po'yazanі z deceit. Neither you nor your deputy can be 100% convinced that an advertising post will be placed after an overpayment has been made, otherwise you will take a penny after publishing an advertising message. In order not to become a handcuff of such an unacceptable and controversial situation, you can connect before the operation mediator. In this type of yoga, you take on the role of an uninterrupted social measure. As a result, the price of advertising is significantly increasing.

As an option, you can add your group on the official VKontakte advertising exchange or on whether there is any other third-party service.

Top VK advertising exchanges

  • Sociate
  • Plibber

list of services

  • vktarget
  • v-like
  • vkserfing
  • Likesrock

Sweep on them the vіdpovіdnі zavdannya (in your type of publication tse denunciation and remembrance), and take it for a penny. The number of followers of such a pledge will lie in the number of followers in your public. For new leather, thousands of pre-payers, the price will be increased by 20-30 rubles.

In principle, this option is good not only for earning money, but for the add new prepayers to your group. As soon as you understand, how to create such an advertisement in contact, the deputy officers will begin to vibudovuvatisya in the line for your services.

Correction requested to the participants of the conference

This is another unimaginable option for earning money in the social sector. Let's noticeably come the situation: we are about to zahid, If the organizer wants to request a forwarder to your public. It is quite obvious that it is impossible to grow wine without your help. To that end, I create a social network in contact with you, in the column “Organizers” write down your group and proceed to the mass promotion of the promotion. You see, you take away for such a disgrace to a penniless podyaku. Rozmir "thank you," I know again, I'll lie down in the number of your sleep and your audience.

Choose the target audience for your business with

Earnings on affiliate programs

I will not repeat myself for the devil's time and tell you about the virtues CPA-merezh, And I’ll say more, that this option of earning money is available and at the same time with VKontakte groups. As you know, you will need such services in your right:

  1. LEADS.SU - specializes in the field of services of a financial nature. The program allows you to work with the offers of advertisers in the service and pay you for those who received the necessary help on the website of the advertiser (advertiser);
  2. - not only over 1000 proposals for affiliate programs, but also the presence exclusive offers. You will not only have a special manager assigned to you, and moreover, at some point in time you can contact a direct advertiser;
  3. kredov - to be famous for the stability of payments, decent number of offers and wide modern tools;
  4. mastertarget - servіs, on which you can pay comіsіynі like for registration of goods or services, so for recording for a test drive or consulting. The service is reborn with a radically new advertising format;
  5. aleba - work with this service to allow you to work with professional analysts and a personal manager, use unique tools, segment your audience for higher conversions, and display detailed statistics on broken transactions online.

May have a space to earn money on partner programs of various services. Just choose a niche, in whichever way you choose, and go for it! If your topic is the creation and promotion of sites, try hosting affiliate programs. If you are looking for income without any contributions, you can sense the superiority of ATS partners - services.

For people who are engaged in active investing in the Internet, as much as possible, there will be forex affiliates or other projects, direct participants in such stinks (they can be hype, and they can be services trust management on the stock or currency market).

If you don't want to deal with sales on your own, you can use the opportunities of an affiliate network of online stores. Just post in your public message to the seller and withdraw the commission for skin repair surgery. Today's great popularity can be achieved by partner programs Aliexpress, Ozon and E96. Stop, before the speech, pay the commission in rozmіrі 10-20% from the sum of the broken purchase. So, if, according to your efforts, there was an increase in the amount of 10,000 rubles, then you can earn up to 2,000 rubles.

Earnings on goods, online store

A viable option for earning money can be the creation of a group, which works on the principle online store. For example, you bought a batch of Chinese years, posted new advertising posts in your public and started selling goods. Golovna skladnіst in this way - choice of delivery system and pay per order principle. Depending on how much your store will grow, you can earn 300-2500 rubles a net daily income.

Today it is even more popular to work to buy at wholesale prices in China, then to sell goods with the same nationality in the merezhi. You can post in your online store exclusively advertising products, or you can dilute the lines with informational posts, which will be relevant to your purchases.

How to earn for the sale of a group in contact

Another way to make money on groups is to increase the sales of the rest. So, you need to promote the public as much as possible, get a greater number of pre-payers to the new yakomog, and then put it on sales. On the price of your lot, you will add not only a few followers, but activity in the group. In other words, it is important for the buyers that the message was “alive” - there were active discussions in the new, people commented on the records, shared them on their sides.

To finish off a lot of businessmen in a merezhі rozkruchuyut groups less in order to sell them with a year. Once you understand the algorithm, you will soon be able to start earning great profits from such activity.

Other ways to earn money

It seems to you that you don’t get into trouble with the unwinding of the group, but don’t give you serious acceptance, don’t fall into the hands of the widows. For the quiet, who are effectively motivated in how to earn money in a social measure, there are such options:


In principle, making money on the VKontakte group is not as easy as it can be at first glance. It’s more folded to come up with and create such a public, like a buv bi tsikaviy great number of koristuvachs. If you set yourself a goal of creating original and non-repetitive partnerships, if you attract a wide audience, then you will not have any problems with monetization. Work hard for the robot and enjoy the results. I give you great profits and, like a dream, to swedish zustrіches!

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