How to take revenge on people who know your phone number? You can't leave out the phone number

Approximately 10 months ago, we posted an announcement on as a contact for my spare mobile number, which is more likely to be used for an international call. The goloshennya lived for a month or two. Then I'll hit them with blocking through a re-posting test (Lighthouse - I don’t have the right to re-distribute on Avіto znyatė I’ve been stunned. But why didn’t I sell the goods and want to try sample number 2?

However, irrespective of the total number of pieces (contacts are not visible from that hour) the axis is already uncommon rіk, like my other number is terrorized by spammers with links with absolutely, vibatch, idiotic advertising propositions. Call from medical centers and beauty salons. Perhaps, the very same pawn vvazhayut for better koristuvatisya similar to the death of people, violating their rights to freedom of private life. There is no real connection in terms of the audience's peretina.

Given numbers (until all - mobile Megafon) I corny add “Black List +” as an addendum, because I don’t have any other options to fight with them. Hiba change the number. Remaining call buv vіd medical center. I'm on the street in Moscow, but for the sake of fun, I said to the panel:

“... I immediately change over the cordon and pay for your inconsequential call for a small penny, what can I do for you?”

Approximately in the middle of the tirade, the pannochka interrupted me even more in a robotic voice:

"... all the best to you, goodbye."

Compensate "roaming call" tsya medical unit did not bother me. I want rahunok for their services, singsongly, buv bi duzhe "roaming", and separation - for new program. Approximately, like in dentistry.

Why is it like that?

Avіto deeply don't care about your special life and phone numbers, if you happen to be sent to the smіtnik. More than that, having bought a SIM only for the timchas vikoristannya on Avita, you then attach the attacking Vlasnik to the godless spam call. Tezh not good - not only do you need to think about yourself?

Phone numbers of sellers on Avito are published with open access. It doesn't matter what the stench is masked under the picture. For the parser - choosing numbers for spammers - it is enough to understand simple logic and the stench will be converted into numbers. So it is, as it has not been practiced for a long time and the standard captcha.

For the sake of the fact that Avito is a maidan after watching and sitting on a new bag of “stingy people, like paying two girls” (the left part of the auditorium), out there for some kind of separation from the side of shakhraiv (for example, to steal pennies from Oschadbank cards ) and/or spammers.

How do spam calls work?

For "cold calling" on a selected basis, call centers are most often victorious in the distance, like stupidly (in the direct meaning of the word) slacking off behind the back of a broken scenario. Scenario for the call-center, if I ever had to fold it myself. Not for spam, don't think for an online store. But there is only one logic.

The Mind Manager program folds like a pyramid map, which starts with a connection when calling and expands fallow in the power/recovery scenario. Ide її logic, similarly to my programming: if they powered it - it’s like this, otherwise it’s an attack on dialogue. Here Rozmov can be fixated. Here, “there’s no call at once on the job, call back later.” I don’t know anything, to the point of speech, and I don’t know about it :).

Ask yourself the titka that I call you impenetrably, “do you have my number?” marno. The script will have a prompt: your number is selected by selecting the computer. Try іz tsim sperechatisya. As if you are trying hard - they will just say goodbye to you. Until the next time. Layatisya marno - I repeat, the titka is impenetrable and st_yka to stress. It’s unlikely that you’ll get away with it – as the script is written correctly – there’s no such turn of events. You don't have to tell those that are not in the script, so you will start to ride on the bed in hysteria. Better save your nerves and take everything calmly. It is possible to remove your number from the list of calls on the future, but in 90% of cases it does not help. Tom:

How to fight?

Mayzhe n_yak. Less likely to be great companies, if you really know what CRM is (Russia has so many more vines and it’s unlikely that the stench will come to you from Avito) and understand that it is better to give a calm client, perhaps, to a future client. Others are just to get you and far away. So it's simple:

a) Do not send a valuable phone number to Avito. It is also necessary to stock up on a time-based SIM-card or a virtual IP-telephony number with call forwarding.

b) Even though the number is all the same after spending a spam phone call, use the “black list” add-ons, everything is not forever - maybe in an hour they will give you the same in peace. The only one who calls more often is koristuyutsya Timchasov mobile numbers chi numbers are always assigned differently. Therefore, try to still live according to the principle of paragraph a).

c) Another option is not to be corrupted by the servants of Avito and similar “reminders” of the principle. To the point, do not spend too much.

You can take revenge on people in a different way, but if you know only your phone number - food for those who are practically inseparable. However, even though it is small, it is still possible for some inaccuracies to occur on the skewed side. Axis only children should be careful, even if it’s possible to charge the messenger for IP or yogo number.

How to take revenge on a false-minded person who knows his phone number?

The psychology of a person can be very special - hate the stink of hello, and until the rest of the shokatimut the butler for punishment. It is possible to take revenge on the phony-cholovik yourself with a nasty, but carefully, so as not to waste it.

Achilles' heel is practically a human being - yoga car. The first thing you can do is to spread the word on various resources about її sales practically for no money. Not only that, the phone will be interrupted, but the self-esteem of the owner of the car will be given a majestic shkodi. For the appearance of a car, you can “sell” it for stuns.

At the tale of a normal person, I will bring the child into a non-traditional sexual orientation. If it happened to you, you can spread the word about your friend's jokes on other resources.

A lot of sites about sales of various resources for potency or sex toys ask buyers for a phone number to confirm the purchase. After calling on the phone of a fake without any similar goods, it’s just a flurry of calls.

To end up with a hard way to take revenge - play the role of a troll on some resource, and then give the phone number of the faker to the roaming opponents.

Axis of more ways to deceive falsehood:

  • you can torture a person with inexcusable calls through an auto-dial service;
  • through the alarm clock service, the victim can be awakened every day, no light, no dawn;
  • through the service of cost-free notifications, you can fill up the false narrator with an avalanche of SMS-alerts;
  • you will receive anonymous spam on your phone, so that you can connect extensions on sites to promote promotions, discounts, loans, etc.

How to avenge the wife's phone number?

Deyakі ways, recognized for cholovіkіv, after the introduction of deiky koriguvan, as a whole building to bring about a jealous and zhіnku. For example, you can find the woman's number on the resource, de show your servants of the "priestess of the kokhannya." However, with a flurry of unreasonable or sly calls, that SMS-spam woman, better for everything, quickly changes her phone number.

With great patience and vivikuvati, women can be revenged more thinly. For example, depict a secret shanuvalnik. Few women stand up to the onslaught of a romantic and stubborn cavalier, who, by hook or by crook, has obtained the number of a kohanoi and zasina with lyrical and introductory reminders. And listing, which has become intimate, can be demonstrated to people, to a friend, or we know the ladies.

How to punish people, knowing their phone, and not to go to the bathroom?

Zamyslyuyuchi pomst, next memory, deyakі ways are far from innocent. Behind the law it is not possible to disturb the night sleep of people, let loose scho slander, psuvati mayno, obrazhati. The legal platform can be used to collect evidence of counterfeit falsehood and file an application to law enforcement agencies. You can report to the police for vandalism, villainy, threats, reinvestigation.

And as a krivdnik not robbed of anything that you can present at the hearings of the court, in the case of the best way to get involved. Put yourself up to the gidoti tsієї lyudiny yak to the diy of a close-minded individual. And pomsta, svidshe for everything, to crush life itself. Aje a person, forge a boomerang, take away those that she herself can do.

This is how the Federal Law “On the protection of personal data” is applied.

Vіdpovіdno up to Article 7 of the Law - Operators and other individuals, if they denied access to personal data, do not open goiter to third persons and do not expand personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, as if they were not transferred otherwise federal law.
So, according to Article 9 of the Law, the subject of personal data makes a decision about the payment of his personal data and gives a year for their processing freely, by his own will, in his own interest. The year for the collection of personal data can be specific, informed and informed. A year for the processing of personal data may be given by the subject of personal data or by a representative, whether it is possible to confirm the fact of processing of personal data, which is not otherwise established by federal law. At the time of processing, it is possible to process personal data as a representative of the subject of personal data, the renewal of this representative for data processing as the name of the subject of personal data is reviewed by the operator.
It dawned on you that you didn’t give any.

Vidpovidno up to Article 21 of the Law in case of unlawful processing of personal data in the event of an illegal processing of personal data by the subject of personal data or by a representative or by the subject of personal data or by a representative of a person authorized by the authority to protect the rights of the subject of personal data illegal processing of personal data, which should lie before the subject of personal data, or secure blocking (as the processing of personal data is subject to another special, which is due to the instructions of the operator) from the moment of such termination, or the transfer of a designated transfer. In the event of inaccurate personal data being revealed in the event of a personal data subject being sent, or a representative, or on their request, or on the request of an authorized body, the protection of the rights of a subject of personal data , or secure their blocking (as the processing of personal data is subject to another special, as it is done on behalf of the operator) from the moment of such a blocking, or the removal of the designated request for the period of reverification, as blocking of personal data does not violate the rights of those legally giving you data .

Other. Return to the police authorities with a statement about the destruction of the criminal justice of a hundred people for Art. 128.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - Tobto, sewing of the fraud of hib, and the honor of the і gydniya individuals is subtril, - punish with a finish to the rosemic abyss obov'yazykovymi robots termіn up to one hundred and sixteen years.

Third. Zvertatisya before the court with a summons statement about the defense of honor and goodness and, obviously, about compensation for moral harm in connection with it, that you took away serious moral suffering through mischief, like having committed your man.

Art. 152 of the DC RF is established, 1. The citizen has the right to sue in court for slandering his honor, goodness and good reputation of the news, like the one who, having expanded such a video, did not bring the stink to the stench. Spilling can be broken up in the same way, in order to expand the information about the hulk, or in another analogous way. On the other hand, the protection of honor, goodness and business reputation of a hulk is allowed after death.

2. Vіdomostі, scho dishonor honor, goodness, or the good reputation of a hunker that is wider among cats mass information, due to the demand in the quiet themselves of the mass information. The Gromadyanin, who has the right to increase the number of public opinions in the field of mass information, may also have the right to publish his own opinions in the field of mass information themselves.

3. As a matter of fact, to dishonor the honor, goodness, or the reputation of a hulk, to be in the documents that go out of the organization, such a document is supposed to be replaced, or to be recognized.

4. At the vipads, if the VIDOMOSTI, Gange Honor, Gdnisty to the Silov reputation of the bulk, began to be widely brought to the Zima Zim Provincial, it is impossible to bring it to the nobody of the іnformas. the appointments of the vіdomosity by the way of foreshadowing. and reduction without any compensation prepared by the method of introducing into civil society the examples of material carriers, which should be avenged by the designated information, even without the reduction of such examples of material carriers, it is impossible.

5. Якщо відомості, що ганьблять честь, гідність або ділову репутацію громадянина, виявилися після їх поширення доступними в мережі «Інтернет», громадянин має право вимагати видалення відповідної інформації, а також спростування зазначених відомостей у спосіб, що забезпечує доведення спростування до користувачів мережі « Internet".

6. The procedure for requesting statements that damage the honor, goodness, or the reputation of a citizen, in other cases, the crime of appointments in paragraphs 2 - 5 of the clauses of the article, is established by the court.

7. Standing up to the wrecking officer when entering the court due to the non-conformity of the court decision does not require the same kind of dressing to be charged with the transfer of ceremoniality to the decisions of the court.

8. As if to establish a person, as if she had spread the windows, to dishonor the honor, the goodness, or the reputation of the hulk, it’s impossible, hulk, if such a way is widened, I have the right to go to court because of the application for recognition

9. Gromydyanin, pupportedly sewn willy, gang yogo honor, gydnisty to the abdominal reputation, and the orders of such vehmities were abo -to -the -senior vіdpovіdi, I may be the right of vimagati zbitkiv, the same compensation of such moral schools. 10. Rules point 1 - 9, the statti, behind the veneer, the position of the compensation of moral Skodi, can be a boti staging by the court to Vipadkiv Razpovyujnnya Behakyki about Gromyanin, ShO not Vidovo, Yakshcho, Takiyanin, the imprisonment of the Nonіdpovydniy was in mind, Lines of call prescription behind the notices that hang at the link with the widening of the significance of the statements in the databases of mass information, become one day from the day of publication of such statements in the special collections of mass information. 11. The rules of the article about defending the business reputation of a hulk, for the sake of blame, the provision on compensation for moral shkoda, obviously, to defend the reputation of a legal entity.

    The computer does not play any role. The voice is identified by the phone number. You can install another one of the same section, but only for a fee. With one phone number in the skin distribution, you can only be one without a cost of voicing, which is fine.

    Well, yakbi me it would be more necessary and I don’t need a lot of pennies for the furnace, then you can so insolently kill benzo, you know, you’ve been doing this right and at once I think so shy to that one who hasn’t been caught yet.
    Mlyn and at once a lot of things to steal electricity, water, gas, .... and so on.

    So, reality is not really real.

    Just put your number on the black list at the phone and from this number you will not be reached, but you will be notified if you receive a call from this number.

    not feeling about such a service.
    If you want to, if you want to, if you don’t have a moment to call you, then look in the special prog - so it’s clear. Install її on mobile phone, and just add any number to the black list. As a result, if a person calls from a mob, if he changes into a blacklist, then you feel at a vidpovidі - a signal that the line is busy.
    Sens is such that the program itself throws off the call. On the screen of the phone, you don’t remember the name. - don't call anyone.


    for taking out a loan, you need a passport, as well as for withdrawing pennies through a bank
    and for withdrawing pennies from an ATM, you need a pin-code of the card
    it’s just that without a passport, that pin-code can’t be entered into anything in Latvia

    And go to the girl and talk tactfully, why not share? Mi ta damn stars we can know

    if we were girlfriends at 12-13 years old... dialed .. called ... then music .. then babbled .. and then they called at the service for the children: DD and so it was bred ... tell about childishness: xDD