How to open the pages file in word. How to open Pages files in Microsoft Word. Programs that serve the PAGES file

Since you are the master of not only the Mac, but also the computer on Windows, then, of course, you are faced with the problem of opening documents in the format. Pages in Microsoft Word. As a rule, the value of money varies widely, but there is one universal method, the implementation of any loan you have no more than a few pieces of equipment.

To start making a copy of your document, nothing is wrong. After that, transfer it to your computer (as you don’t want).

Right-click the file and click “Rename”. Here you will see the same expansion of “pages”. Without changing the name of the document, change the extension to .zip. No, I will not archive your last file.

It’s easy to save your file with new extensions! Now you can go to Microsoft Word and select the required document in the “File-Open” menu. In this case, you will not be able to convert pages into .doc or .docx.

Please note that the file contains tables or other formatting considerations, which may prevent problems. You can also contact them at the same time when converting a document using additional third-party programs.

On the other hand, converting a Word file from Pages can be simpler for the rich. To do this, go to the "File" menu and select "Export".

For materials

Pages is a file that is used on Apple devices and the Mac OS operating system. This article is widely reviewed. Let’s take a look at how to open Pages.

Zagalny description of the format

Pages should definitely belong to the category of text files. Created in the Apple Pages page layout program, which allows you to create both basic text documents and rich pages. Rich backers may include:

  • text information;
  • including illustrations, diagrams, graphs and tables.

It is important to convert the Apple file into Windows-formatted text documents and images.

Documents are created either from an empty container or from a template. The Apple Pages program is included in the iWork software package - an analogue of the Windows office software package. This complex also includes accessories for creating presentations and tables. Next, we’ll look at how to open extended pages for additional Mac and Windows operating systems.


To open the Pages file on an Apple operating system, use the Apple Pages program. This PZ is just a confirmation of nutrition, how to open the pages. The document to be opened can be located on your computer, Apple's online storage system, iCloud Drive, or a file hosting service (for example, Dropbox). In addition, Apple Pages runs on connected servers.

For correct operation, you need to open pages with the version of the program in which document you created.

Advantage: iWork is just as popular among Mac OS users as Microsoft Office is on Windows, so there is no need to spend a lot of time searching around without opening Pages when you have an Apple device at your fingertips.

If the power supply runs out, please open it using Apple TextEdit, a text processor available with version 10.3 of Mac OS. It also works in xml, html, rtf formats.

Nedolyk: Opens simple text formats, but does not save changes to them.

Windows OS: 1 way

It’s amazing, there are no ways to open the “Apple” format on Windows, or even on Mac.

You've been denied and don't know how to open the pages? Follow these instructions:

  • make a copy of the file (this is not necessary, but it is recommended to do so so as not to waste the original file);
  • click on the file and select the context menu (right mouse button);
  • select the item "Rename";
  • view all information in the file name after the dot - the one where the extension is indicated;
  • write instead of the new extension – zip;
  • Save your money.

Now you have an archive file with a document in pdf format. Unzip it using WinRar or another archiver and open it through a browser or other security program (for example, Adobe Reader).

Also in the archives there may be content in the archive containing a large number of images in jpg format.

Some ways:

  • The document can be read using this method, but cannot be edited (I would like to be able to convert pdf from doc or txt, since there are no pictures in it and change the content in other formats);
  • The formatting of the output document may be difficult.

Windows OS: 2nd method

If you are wondering how to open the pages, and do not want to delete all your actions, but rather click on the “Open” button, try the Ez Freeware Free Opener program. This is a functional security program that displays low formats, including pages.

Free Opener does not have Russian language, but the interface is clear and English.

Not much, as in the previous method, because you won’t be able to edit the file.

To go around, ask the person who sent you the file to save the document in an accessible format. Apple Pages has the function of exporting to Windows formats, including doc and pdf.

Summary of the PAGES file

Based on our records, there is one file type(s) associated with the PAGES extensions that is the most popular among all formats such as Apple Pages Document. The most extensive knitting supplement - LibreOffice, released The Document Foundation. In addition, different programs allow you to view these files. The main part of these phases is classified as Text Files.

PAGES files are available on mobile device and desktop computer platforms, and can be opened on Windows, Mac and iOS. The popularity rating of the PAGES file extension is "Low", which means that these files are usually not found in most file folders of the user.

Please note that there is a lot more information to know about PAGES files; Below are some important details about these file types. If you are having problems opening these files, or would like to see more detailed information, please refer to the detailed information below.

Popularity of file types
File Rank


This type of files, as before, has retained its relevance and is actively used by developers and application software. If the original software file type can be transferred to another plan with a new version (for example, Excel 97 versus Office 365), this file type, as before, is actively supported by the current version of the software. This process of interaction with an old operating system or an old version of software is also known as " Gateway sumity».

File status
Side Remaining updated

File types PAGES

Association with the main PAGES file


Extension PAGES The file is mainly associated with Apple Pages, proprietary text processor and page layout of Apple programs. PAGES files can contain text, graphics, graphics, tables, etc., and can be created from scratch or a template.

Software programs that open Apple Pages Document:















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Troubleshooting while opening PAGES files

Common problems with PAGES filenames

LibreOffice is not installed

By clicking the PAGES file, you can open the system dialog box in which the notification appears. "This file type cannot be opened". Whose vipadka is connected with this, that LibreOffice is not installed on your computer for %%os%%. Since your operating system does not know what to do with this file, you will not be able to open it by clicking on it.

Porada: If you know of another program that can open the PAGES file, you can try opening the file by selecting that program from the list of available programs.

The wrong version of LibreOffice is installed

In some cases, you may have a new (or older) version of the Apple Pages Document file. not supported by the installed version of the program. In order to obtain the correct version of the LibreOffice software (or any of the other programs listed above), you may need to install a different version of the software or one of the other application software functions, above all. This problem most often occurs when working in older version of application software h file created in the new version, that the old version cannot be recognized.

Porada: Alternatively, you can remove the hidden version information from a PAGES file by right-clicking on the file, and then selecting “Authorities” (Windows) or “Open Information” (Mac OSX).

Summary: Most of the problems that arise during the opening of PAGES files are associated with the absence of the correct application software installed on your computer.

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Other Causes of Problems with PAGES Files

If you already have LibreOffice or other software associated with PAGES installed on your computer, you may still encounter problems when opening Apple Pages Document files. If problems with opening PAGES files still persist, it may be due to Other problems such as not allowing you to open these files. Such problems include (presented in order of least broad):

  • Incorrect messages sent to PAGES files in the Windows registry (phone book of the Windows operating system)
  • I’ll describe what I saw in Vipadkova PAGES file in the Windows registry
  • Incorrect or incorrectly installed application software associated with the PAGES format
  • Poshkodzhennya file PAGES (problems with the Apple Pages Document file itself)
  • Infestation PAGES We'll give you free money
  • Dirty and outdated device drivers ownership associated with the PAGES file
  • Availability of sufficient system resources on the computer for compatibility with Apple Pages Document format

Testing: What type of computing device is most often used for storing files?

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Day of the day

RAR archives can accommodate a large number of files, but the actual number is associated with the file until the name and available memory. With just 128 MB of RAM, millions of files can be compressed and archived into one RAR directory.

How to fix problems with PAGES filenames

For obvious reasons, it is installed on the computer antivirus programs possible, perhaps scan all files onto your computer, as well as every file on your computer. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, on this little baby you can see file my-file.pages, then you need to right-click on this file, and select the option in the file menu "Go get help AVG". When you select this option, AVG Antivirus will open, which will scan the file for viruses.

Sometimes the decision may be canceled as a result incorrect software installation What could be related to the problem that occurred during the installation process? This can affect your operating system Link the PAGES file to the correct application software, falling into such a title "file extension association".

Sometimes it's simple reinstalling LibreOffice We can solve your problem by properly linking PAGES with LibreOffice. In other cases, problems with file associations may arise as a result filthy programming software security a retailer, and you may need to contact a retailer to obtain additional assistance.

Porada: Try upgrading LibreOffice to the latest version to make sure the latest fixes and updates are installed.

This may seem obvious, but often The PAGES file itself could be causing the problem. If you have received a file through an email attachment or have downloaded it from a website, and the process of downloading has been interrupted (for example, a connection to life or for other reasons), the file may be corrupted. If possible, try making a new copy of the PAGES file and try opening it again.

Carefully: A corrupted file can be caused by additional bugs from previous or existing faulty programs on your PC, so it is important that you regularly run antivirus updates on your computer.

What is your PAGES file? related to hardware security on your computer, to open the file you may need update device drivers, related to these possessions.

Qia problem Depend on the types of multimedia files, which lies under the successful release of hardware security in the middle of the computer, for example, sound card or video card. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to Update sound card drivers.

Porada: If you try to open the PAGES file, you will delete it notification about the cancellation, linked to the .SYS file, problem, it is clear that you can associated with faulty or outdated device drivers, what needs to be updated. This process can be made easier with the help of software for updating drivers, such as DriverDoc.

The Crocs didn't see the problem, and you are still having problems with the PAGES file permissions, which may be related to the number of available system resources. Some versions of PAGES files may require significant amounts of resources (eg memory/RAM, processing power) to run properly on your computer. This problem occurs often when you try to use old computer hardware and a new operating system at the same time.

This problem may arise if the computer needs to return from work, and parts of the operating system (and other services that run in the background) may You need to have a lot of resources to open the PAGES file. Try closing all programs on your PC, first opening Apple Pages Document. By maximizing all available resources on your computer, you will have the best minds to try opening the PAGES file.

Yakshcho vi vikonali all descriptions more details, and the PAGES file, as before, does not open, you may need to exit renovation of equipment. In most cases, perhaps with older versions of the device, the computational effort may be less than sufficient for most of the user's benefits (as you do not rely on a richly resource-intensive process sora, such as 3D rendering, financial/scientific modeling or intensive multimedia robot). In such a manner It is absolutely certain that your computer does not run out of unnecessary memory.(often called “RAM” or random access memory) is the file storage name.

Try to update your memory To find out how to open the PAGES file. Today, memory upgrades are completely accessible and very easy to install for a regular computer. Yak bonus vi, Maybe you'll get a huge boost in productivity under the hour, your computer will check other tasks.

Install optional products – FileViewPro (Solvusoft) | License Policy for protection of special information Umovi |

1 extension(s) and 0 alias(s) in our database

Below you can find the types of power supply:

  • So what? .pages file?
  • Yak program can be created .pages file?
  • Where can you find the description? .pages format?
  • What can you convert? .pages files to a different format?
  • What is the MIME type of connection? .pages expanded?

Apple Pages Document

PAGES file is an Apple Pages Document. Apple Pages This is the word, the word and the page of the application sent by Apple. This is part of the iWork productivity suite and running on the Mac OS X operating system.

A detailed description is available from the department

Program name: -

MIME type: application/x-iwork-pages-sffpages

Magic bytes (HEX): -

Row Magic (ASCII): -

Extension, connected with:

Other file types may also be subject to abuse .pages file extension. If you have some useful information about .pages expanded!

How can you expand the file with amends?

We found the following similar extensions in our database:

.pages File extension is often given incorrectly!

According to the jokes on our website, Drukar’s apologies were the most widespread of the past:

page (1)

Is it impossible to open the .pages file?

What do you want to reveal? .pages file on your computer, you just need to have all the other programs installed. Yakshcho pages Associations are set incorrectly, you can cancel the following notification about the cancellation:

It is impossible to open this file:

file: For example.

To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to abuse in order to open it. Windows can connect to the Internet to search for them automatically, or you can manually select from the list of programs installed on your computer.

To change file association:

  • Right-click the file with the extension you want to change, and then click Open from.
  • U Reveal with help dialog box, select the program you want to open the file or click Look around, so you know the program, whatever you want.
  • Select Get Vikorist to start vibran program, to open such a file, ensign.

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