Internet on the “Super” tariff from MTS: description and how much does it cost? Tariff plan “Super MTS Change tariff plan for Super MTS

Tariff plan "Super MTS"- a simple and useful choice for people who want to reduce the number of calls in the middle of the border and in the middle of their region. With a tariff plan, you can call cost-free and free of charge to all MTS numbers in your region, from the first second and without additional charges. Reshta service - similar to the operator's base prices.

Switching to a tariff plan

If you don't understand, how to switch to Super MTS For better nutrition there are a number of different commands:

  • For new subscribers, add the Super MTS package and activate it. No additional information is required. The packages are sold in the company's showrooms, mobile phone stores, and other retail outlets;
  • For regular subscribers, a number of steps are presented for the transition:
    • USSD team* 888 # allows you to use the required tariff plan with any MTS tariff;
    • SMS notification with text 1124 to number 111. Additional confirmation of the notification will be required;
    • through the subscriber’s special account by selecting the secondary menu item.
  • on just go to "Super MTS" Possibly, by calling the operator at number 111 and having lost the application for changing the TP.

Please note that in some situations (for example, when switching from more cheap offers) additional payment may be charged for the switch, so the amount of money sufficient for the execution of the transaction is due. The system will be ahead, since the transition will be done for a pittance. In other cases, changing the tariff plan for subscribers is free of charge.

Return to the old tariff

For whatever reason, Super MTS does not control the client, it can be replaced with another one. If you were on the current TP before the transition, the system allows you to turn to the new one. If the tariff is too old, the company will offer you a choice of one of the new proposals. The transition is constructed in the same way.

The mobile operator MTS has expanded the tariff, with a daily monthly fee, and a cost-free payment in the middle. This tariff plan is called “Super MTS”. You can operate or receive calls from the subscriber and have the ability to access the Internet and write SMS notifications. Before connecting, you must carefully read the tariffs.

Tariff "Super MTS". describe

The tariff called “Super MTS” is ideal for these clients, as it gives priority to live streaming and produces a low volume of clicks. In addition, it is obvious that there are a lot of telephones in the middle of the MTS network and there is little communication.

The tariff plan includes a monthly subscription fee in order to control those services that can be connected to the SIM card and will not be completely costly for the client. Therefore, it is important to read the description of the “Super MTS” tariff and make decisions about the connection after becoming familiar with it.

The tariffs are based on the current situation:

How to activate the Super MTS tariff

You can switch to a tariff plan under the name “Super MTS” using the quickest methods available to the MTS company. They are told:

  • dial USSD command: * 111 * 888 * 1 # and click key;
  • transfer to the MTS call center;
  • transfer to the operator number 0890;
  • c, where you can carry out activation yourself.

How to enable tariff

If a subscriber has decided to subscribe to a tariff plan, it is recommended that he choose one of the company’s separate methods. They are told:

  • Entering the USSD command from the mobile device: * 111 * 8649 # and click key;
  • sending SMS with text 8649 to company number 111;
  • After authorization, you can independently change the tariff;
  • number 0890, where the operator assigns this function to the client;
  • in the MTS company salon.

The ability to save on money

Complete information about the “Super MTS” tariff allows you to obtain information so that the company’s clients have the opportunity to connect to the additional function “Call freely on MTS Russia 100”. Once the service is activated, the client will receive 100 free cash for calls across the border in the home region, as well as for calls to landline numbers. Before that, the subscriber will give 100 bonuses to MTS numbers in other places. What is needed for this step:

  1. Tariff fee when connected is 3.50 rubles.
  2. The fee for one doba is 3.50 rubles.
  3. The connection fee is already included in the payment for the first purchase of the option.

Before activating a tariff plan, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the prices set for the new one. This is to protect the subscriber from further problems due to written-off charges.

Additional services for the Internet

In addition to the benefit of these calls, the client has the ability to enable direct savings options when accessing the Internet. To services that are valid for the tariff without Internet via MTS:

  1. "Internet-mini", Each client receives 7 gigabytes per month for 500 rubles, the connection is made through dialing the combination * 111 * 160 # and the click key.
  2. "Bit". This option is suitable for those clients who rarely surf the Internet, but regularly log into social networks to check notifications. Behind the scenes, a koristuvach takes 75 megabytes per download for 200 rubles per month. You can connect to the service by dialing * 252 # and the click key.
  3. "Internet-maxi" provides the subscriber with 15 gigabytes of traffic in addition and unlimited nightly. The monthly payment is 800 rubles. The option can be activated via * 111 * 161 * 1 #.
  4. "Internet-VIP".According to the given price option with additional Internet traffic, the client receives 30 gigabytes and additional unlimited access to the global network for 1200 rubles. You must enable the option by entering * 111 * 166 * 1 #.
  5. "Superb." Behind the “Superb” service, the subscriber receives 3 gigabytes of traffic for 350 rubles. Activation is carried out by entering the offensive command: * 111 * 628 #. It is also possible to log in and after successful authorization, enable the selected option to increase Internet traffic.

How to recognize the surplus of hvylin і traffic?

Customers often want to lose track of all other information, as well as traffic on the MTS SIM card. Therefore, they need to know the number of the Super tariff in 2018, which is used to check excess traffic and save money for storage.

The MTS company has developed the ability to revise the surplus on the SIM card: * 100 * 1 # and press the click button, after which the client retrieves detailed information about the country of his account.

The company "Mobile Telesystems" has a long history of occupying a place in the sphere of tariff plans. Providers are creating new proposals to improve the quality of their services. Becoming a new subscription without a subscription fee Super MTS tariff. This type of tie is ideal for those who economically tie up in the middle of the border along the home line. In fact, the subscriber only pays for what he said. Let's take a look at the data, performance, features of work and tips about this tariff plan. The prices shown are for the Moscow region.

The main advantage and peculiarity of the tariff plan is the absence of a subscription fee and a small list of connection options.

Let's take a look at the report:

  1. Installed one-time value per megabyte.
  2. All input calls to the number are free of charge.
  3. Twenty khvilins of the first rose in the middle of the border are not charged.
  4. It is possible to reset the tariff anywhere in Russia.
  5. The subscriber must install another service or sign up for a new subscription.
  6. Low prices for purchases in all directions, as well as for subscribers of other mobile networks.

The main point for a customer service provider is to immediately turn off unnecessary services. They can quickly deplete your phone balance, without the subscriber's knowledge. For whom is it necessary to vikorist? Special office, mobile add-on " My MTS"Abo" Internet assistant».

Packages MMS, SMS, Internet

Text browsing has low ratings:

  1. Sending one sheet in the middle of the home region of Varto 1 ruble 50 copies to numbers of Russian operators.
  2. There is a contract for inter-personal correspondence 1 ruble 95 copies
  3. The price for sending text notifications to other countries is set 5 rubles 25 copies
  4. MMS is equipped with one fixed price in all directions, and the same price 9 rubles 90 copies

Prices for Internet traffic are available:

  1. Internet at the tariff " super MTS»Mai standard rate in size 9 rubles 90 copies per 1 megabyte.
  2. On the day of koristuvachevy it’s getting better 20 megabyte per 25 rubles for additional
  3. If there is no internet connection, you can enable the option “ bit"Abo" super bit».
  4. If you look at national roaming, then the first package is available in the penny equivalent of the warehouse 45 rubles

Payment is deducted from the balance of the mobile device after the first connection to the Internet.

Variety of calls

Tariff plan " super MTS»Be visible, as most of the known connections of MTS. In such a situation, telephony can practically survive without costs. If it is necessary to remember that as soon as calls are made for the other Internet in other regions, then the risk of problems increases sharply.

  1. At the internal boundary of the MTS, calls operate without problems.
  2. If Rozmova is more worried 2 hvilin, then zbir become 1 ruble 50 copies
  3. When making payments to subscribers connected to other operators, the balance will be 2 ruble 50 copies
  4. Moscow and the Moscow region are converging 2 ruble 50 copies

Stars can see that 20 For example, calls to phones in your home region and local numbers are not paid for. These are the best solutions for budget-conscious people who rarely get confused on the phone. The connection for them can be without cost. At other times, calls are paid - you can’t forget about that.

Calls to other numbers in Russia are expensive at this rate. You need to pay for the goods 14 rubles If you ring in the middle of the border on the edge, then the ringers are put together 5 rubles in Khvylina. International subscriptions are paid at high rates, which is expensive for the subscriber.

If we compare this tariff plan with the current provisions that are looming in the minds of the subscription fee, it is clear that the number of options in “ super MTS»Visoka. If you need to save money, then this tariff is the shortest choice.

Additional options

When adding to the tariff plan " super MTS"The package includes a bonus of additional options that will help you with your current phone.

  1. roaming to international calls.
  2. Alerts about missed calls.
  3. plastic bag " SMS Smart" Let's reach out 15 Every day, users can send text messages absolutely cost-free.
  4. Additional Internet line bit. Vikoristannaya traffic lasting a month to 3 megabytes option " Mini Bit"Bezkoshtovna.
  5. Surfing beyond the borders of Russia.

For such a tariff plan, the operator has created a special service “ Zero on MTS", Yaka conveys 100 per day for transactions with other MTS clients. In addition, you can activate a number of services that reduce the risk of calls and notifications. For example, service " Call freely on MTS Russia 100" Vaughn nada bezkoshtovno 100 khvilin na dobu. They can be redeemed in bulk by subscribers in the middle of the MTS network. In any case, it doesn’t matter in which region the number is registered. It also includes calls to local phones and home regions.

All services require payment of a subscription fee. You need to know this when the option is activated. If you don’t want to spend money on SMS notifications, then there are other cost-free methods that we use in other respects.

How to activate the Super MTS tariff

Switching to tariffs on your own does not present any particular difficulties. There are a number of ways to ensure smooth and manual connection.

After switching to a new tariff, in any of the above ways, you will receive an SMS notification about the successful transition.

How to enable Super MTS tariff

The subscription to the tariff is similar to the same plan of action as the subscription to the tariff. If you change the tariff, you will receive a notification on your phone number, and your current tariff will be disabled.

  1. go to MTS website and select your preferred tariff. Find connection methods and short commands in your mind. Send a command from your phone.
  2. Install and take a look mobile app. Authorization must take place automatically. The phone number is assigned to the installed MTS SIM card. On phones in addition " My MTS»Open section« available tariffs»And change the tariff by entering the necessary terms.
  3. Go to the MTS website. Go to special office. In the section " Tariffs and services»Find your tariff. Connect it after completing all the instructions.
  4. Make a call for a catless operator number, Appointed vische. Make sure to contact the operator and explain the procedure for the transfer. You will need to provide your passport details.
  5. Open your office or branch of MTS, And ask for help about changing your tariff plan to enable “Super MTS” tariff. Don't forget to take your passport or ask for your number to change your tariff.

Super MTS tariff - added proposition. It is due to its increased popularity among clients. Many subscribers have already decided to switch to a new one and appreciate all the benefits.

The operator's skin program is covered for a specific audience. This way, the company wants to cover the needs of most clients and provide a consistent option.

For whom is the plan suitable?

  • Don't make too many phone calls.
  • The main calls are made in the middle of the border.
  • You don’t need a great number of people.
  • There is no need to mix it without limit in the middle of the border.
  • There is no need for mobile Internet.
  • You deny access to the world wide network through the local option.
  • You don't have to pay a subscription fee.
  • The program completely satisfies the basic requirements.

The plan can be applied to a number of clients. These are creations for people, like the crumbs, and friends and relatives also profit from the services of the operator. Then you can effectively protect your cats.

Super MTS tariff plan: description

Super MTS is a good option for wealthy clients. Today the program is one of the most popular for the operator. How do you think about it?

  1. Without a subscription fee, you will be denied access to the program.
  2. There are no mobile Internet packages.
  3. Daily free SMS. One message will cost 2 rubles.
  4. There are 100 hvilins in the middle of the border.
  5. After purchasing the package, calls to MTS Moscow numbers will cost 1.5 rubles per dial.
  6. Clicks on other operators - 2.5 rubles.

A cost-free package with a tariff plan costs only 100 units. After completing this, you will have to pay for the clicks to install the parameters. The availability of full-time unlimited service in the middle of the border will not be feasible for wealthy clients.

It is important to remember that the program is worth 0 rubles.

The client gains access to the package without a subscription fee. If people don't use phones that much, then this plan is perfect for someone else.

Calls to numbers of other road operators - 2.5 rubles. There's more to it than other programs. Therefore, it is necessary to think before attaching a proposition.

Internet package per day. For people who are actively pursuing the world's borders, this fact will become insignificant. You can also directly connect the services of Bit and Superb.

For a small sum you can get access to the Internet.

The operator has serious packages, but they will cost more.

Once you have looked at the Super MTS tariff description, you realize that the offer is lower. It is suitable for interconnection with nearby subscribers, who make a few calls in the middle of the border. For other clients, it is better to choose a different program to connect to.


Before proceeding, it is important to know that the program is closed in a number of regions. The company is gradually releasing these plans from the warehouse. Substitute this:

  • The operator updates its plans. The company aims to introduce the most profitable solutions for subscribers.
  • The tariff includes no customers. They have found other programs that are suitable for brains.
  • The company wants to increase sales of other plans.

It is not a fact that the client can switch to the tariff. How can you verify what is happening in your region? necessary:

  1. Log in to the operator's portal.
  2. Go to the section with tariffs.
  3. Look at the exact propositions.
  4. Since there are no programs among them, they have been moved to the archives.

It is important that connecting to closed plans is impossible. They can only be accessed by subscribers who joined before the end of the term of this proposition. If the program is in the archives, then you will have to look for another option.

Super MTS tariff: tips and what to expect in 2020

The words about the proposition are bad. Naturally, there are both positive and negative comments. This is normal for tariffs. This program cannot suit all people.

Please check your needs before connecting. Since most clicks are generated on MTS, less than 100 cash is spent per month, then this option will become a viable choice.

People love shukati tricks in usoma. If you select links, then the only drawback of the proposition is the automatic connection of various services. It’s easy to get around this problem:

  • Log in to a special account or in addition to the operator.
  • Open the section with servants.
  • Shut down the application.
  • You can calmly pay for the tariff.

It is important to promptly check your service connections after activation. So you can quickly turn them on and turn off the additional overpayment.

How to switch to the Super MTS tariff cost-free

The company's transition between plans proceeds without any consequences. You won’t have to pay for the service of changing minds. For this purpose you can select a suitable program for further research.

Ale є obmenzhennia - cost-free transfer available once per month. If less than 30 days have passed since the last replacement of the plastic, then clients will have to pay for the service. False this fact.

How to activate the Super MTS tariff? A number of methods are offered to subscribers:

  1. Contact the contact center.
  2. Team.
  3. Special office.
  4. Addition from the company.

Contact Center

A call to the contact center is suitable for people who do not want to prank the team and create a special account. You will need:

  • Dial 0890.
  • Listen to the menu.
  • Select a connection with a fakhivtsem.
  • After switching to the telephone number, ask for help with the change.
  • The specialist will provide additional support.

All clients are now tempted by this option. Through high vantage, check the numbers up to 10 times. It's easier to make connections yourself.


Commands are a handy way to control the engine. With their help, you can quickly connect various services and activate the plan. Dosist diznatysya number zapu for further vikoristannya.

Dial * 111 * 8888 * 1 # and click. The command will reach the operator. Once the program has been changed, a message will be sent to your phone with the results of the operation.

Special office

You can perform the procedure in a special room. necessary:

  1. Open the operator's website.
  2. Login to LC.
  3. Log in.
  4. Go to the tariffs section.
  5. Find out the options for Super MTS.
  6. Activate on the site.
  7. You will receive a notification by phone.


The program is a temporary replacement for a special office. Many smartphone users need to quickly manage their accounts and get basic information. The add-on provides similar functions.

How to get started with the program?

  • Download it now from the official store.
  • At startup, authorization is automatically generated. It is the operator's SIM card that is installed in the smartphone.
  • Find the tab with tariff plans.
  • Look at the propositions in it.
  • Viberete Super MTS.
  • Click on the connect button.
  • There will be a replacement.

The “My MTS” add-on is equipped with a number of basic functions. Subscribers should be interested in this and vikorystuvat in the future.

How to enable Super MTS tariff

It is not possible to switch off the plan without any delay. The operator does not have the ability to deactivate the program directly. It is possible to replace the tariff with a different one. Therefore, it is necessary to know the appropriate proposition and make connections. Then there will be an automatic transfer of the correspondent to a new mind.

Daily tariffs from the MTS operator, which come with a small subscription fee, can be added to your interest.

The stench is especially noticeable for those who use tablets and smartphones. It’s good, if you hope for catless hvylini, traffic limit, SMS package.

In such situations, the performance of servants tends to be low. Moreover, such subscribers who do not provide such services seem unnecessary to them.

For such economical people, the Super MTS tariff is also available. There is no subscription fee, which requires the addition of a washbasin for service.

Description of the Super MTS tariff

We can say that the Super MTS tariff is aimed at people of advanced age, as well as those subscribers who can be called insignificant.

I have to endure periodic miscellaneous roses. Due to its features, the plan is considered one of the most popular options.

Such a choice will be good for you, since you will not have to pay for services that are unnecessary and unnecessary for you. You are not to blame for this situation if you overpay a lot for unimportant packages of services.

Even if you don’t have to pay a fixed fee, Super MTS subscribers will have to pay only for the services they actually earn. This is the optimal solution for those who rarely receive calls to numbers in their home region.

If there is a situation where you don’t like the tariff, you can always switch to another one and choose the one that suits you best.

So the Super MTS tariff for Moscow allows you to use cost-free calls on MTS in your home region, you can expect 20 cash per addition. If you call outside your home region, you may need the option Call free on MTS Russia 100.

Within this framework, 100 khvilins are provided for the event. You can activate the SMS Smart Package to receive cost-free SMS.

If you do not select additional options, then the tariff will not be particularly increased. This is a very economical option that allows you to spend at a minimum.

Talking about the options Call freely on MTS Russia 100, we can say that we are hoping for services for making calls all over the country. If you receive additional services, you will need to pay for all services one time, which may result in large expenses.