How to see all queries in Yandex. How to clean the row of jokes

Ask what to enter into shukov row, For locks, they are stored in the browser cache and are announced when you re-apply, so that it takes an hour to search for the necessary information. In some cases, requests are stored on the server of the search system. To clear the rows of searches, it is necessary to clear the cache of the web browser, or to block the search system to save the entered words and phrases.


Google ChromeTo install the fence of the shock system automatically advance in row remember the previously entered words, and at the same time clear the browser cache, click on the icon with the wrench image on the viewer panel and select the "Parameters" command. In the "Basic" menu, in the "Poshuk" section, uncheck the checkbox next to the item "Remove Mittevyy Poshuk". In the "Additional" menu, click the "View data for web browser" button, and then set all available parameters, click and confirm clearing the cache and other data.

OperaIn your browser for the video, you need to press the Ctrl and F12 keys to open the dialog box "Setup". On the “Search” tab, enter the ensign order with the command “Enable prompts for the search”, press the “OK” button. Go to the "Extensions" tab and open the "History" menu. Press the "Clear" button in the "Disk cache" section.

Mozilla FirefoxIn the Firefox menu, select the "Adjustment" command and go to the "Adjustment" tab. Click on the active message "Clear your recent history". In the new dialogue window, select the hour interval, to see the history of drinking for the first hour and set the paraports for the items “Journal of forms and requests” and “Cash”. Press the "Clear at once" button to stop the changes.

Internet ExplorerIn a browser under Microsoft, open the "Powerful Watcher" dialog box from the "Tools" menu. At the “History of Review” section, press the “Visibility” button, select the points related to the inputs and confirm the changes. Press the "Parameters" button in the "Poshuk" section, select the prompt system for the default, and press "Turn on options" to block the search service and save the entered request.

The text row at the upper right corner of the window of the browser, the Firefox code, is named in a row for a search. It will ensure the possibility of carrying out a search in the world poke systems Oh. When entering a request in row If you ask, the Poshukov system is displayed in the left-handed list, and the results of the search are displayed in the right window window area of ​​the browser.


Press the "Start" button to enter the main menu of the system and go to the Firefox item.

Check the settings of the parameters in the display of the program. For whom, follow this way.

Click on the menu that you can click on the arrow icon to open the search for the selection of the search system. For locking in Firefox include: - Google - for a search in the Google system;
- Yandex - for a joke through Yandex:
- Ozon - for a search in the store;
- - for searching goods and services through;
- Wikipedia - for a search in the Russian Wikipedia:
- - for a joke through;
- Yandex dictionaries - for searching in Yandex dictionaries.

Select the need for the poshuk system from the list of requests.

Click on the trigger system icon and select the item "Management of trigger systems" to add the trigger system to the list.

Press the button "Modules for other trigger systems ..." to review the suggested options and select the one you need.

Be-browser saves history and Yandex browser is not blaming. You can look at history, see it again, or better drink it and turn on saving history.

How to marvel at history

In order to see the history of viewing pages in Yandex browser, click on the hash icon and select "History" in the menu, and then "History Manager". After whom the whole history is seen.

How to remove history

In order to see the history, it is necessary to hover over the required request with the mouse and zliva cursor, replace the favicon and click at the end. It's pushing on the new one, ticking the box for them. Now it is pressing “Visibility of selected elements”.

If you want to clear the entire history and ask for a song period, then press on "Clear history".

If something is seen anew, in which one can choose for a certain time, it is necessary to see all the sights. After all, it’s on the verge of “Clean up the history”.

How to turn on history

In order for Yandex browser not to save the history of requests, you need:

1. Click on the grate and select "Finish" in the menu.

2. At the “Protection of special tributes” section, “Nalashtuvannya vmistu” is on the press.

3. For whomever in the “Cookie files” section, it is indicated “Save data for all sites”. After that, just press “Done”.

If in the search system you often enter the same phrase for the search for singing speeches, the service will remember it and later it will be remembered at the same time as the others, adding it to a special list. Such a search engine has already come to be called “reasonable”, or “let’s joke with tips”, and such a system is victorious in many great search systems in the world, including Yahoo.

For example, the place of roztashuvannya panel zapitіv іstorії, sogodnі vzhe zovsіm іnshe. Let's know and change in the middle of this data.
The descriptions below of the instructions are not only for the Yandex browser, but for any other.

1. Login to your account

History is collected in Yandex only from those who are authorized on these services - for whom you need hot-b Postal screenshot yandex type.
- We enter our physical record(for example [Email protected]) І go to head side I.
Go and look at the button " Nalashtuvannya».

- By clicking on “Nalashtuvannya”, we select the item “ other adjustments»I embossed on the new one.

- Vіdkritu razdіlі vibirаєmo " Poshukovі inquiries».

We carry out a complex setting of the history of the search.
You have access to the function of navigating not a distant drink, but a simple guide. In such a rank, the request simply will not be shown under the hour of the introduction of any supplementary request in Yandex.

To get rid of the history of phrases, you need to be in your account and click on the item “ Clear history».

Let's check the last hour, until now the system has not collected data about all the waters and can't see them. The procedure takes up to five minutes, no more.
Chi do not close the tab until the end of the walk. Previously, the phrase is given in a sing font:

After seeing the history, you need to confirm your day. To fight with the “Save” button, as if you were in the lower part of the settings page.

2. Visualization of sites in the search system

If you want to see the Yandex joke, not only ask for the text, then look at another method.

Sites themselves are displayed in a special drop-down line of the address row. How to tidy up:

1. Sign in to your Yandex account.
2. Vіdkrivаєmo dodatkovі nalashtuvannya like the last time.
3. Select the tab " Show frequently viewed sites". There is a charge, with an already visible tab " supply management».
4. Uncheck the box next to the item “Show / show sites».
5. I know, so that you can change your savings - confirm them with a special button “ save».

Let's take a look, how to marvel at the history in Yandex - the largest search system of Runet.

According to the official statistics, for the work of the global network, 70% of the SND coristuers use two main tools - the shokovik and the one-menu. Having offended the components, they can collect data about the koristuvach's views.

Tse means that in an hour you will be able to hit all the web sites and ask for any you have passed.

If necessary, you can quickly confirm all notes for the song period at the hour of the tab. Yandex collects absolutely all information about the appearance of sites, whether it is written down yesterday or otherwise.


Look and see in the search engine

This is how Yandex collects all the data of the core activity, in order to save a large number of requests for the creations of the My Know-It-Alls service. With this help, everyone who registers and authorizes can, for a few clicks, recognize everything you need.

To see a list of your views, correct:

  • As a result, it will appear in the window from the assigned login of the coristuvacha;

  • Since the story is attached only to your profile, there is no difference, from any browser you stink read. All data will be saved in the "My Knowledge" service. Click on the gear icon in the head window or at the input window;
  • Click on the "Other" item to switch to a new one, in which all services and options will be displayed;

  • Dali to know two points - tse "My knowledge" and "Nakashtuvannya joke". The stench is at the very bottom of the page;

  • Click on item "Nashtuvannya results poshuk" and at the vіknі, pervіrte, vіdznachenі chi ticks for appearance. So, the button is to blame, but the button is pressed "Record history". If such data is not available - the information cannot be seen, but detailed information about the reconsiderations can only be admired;
  • In the settings, find the key to go to "My Knowledge" and press on it;

  • Drinking in "Znahidki", you can sing everything that was read from your oblіkovogo record.

Storinka z usima zapami - tse powerful tool for analysis for corystuvach activity. You can not only search for options, but manually separate them by dates, but go back to the results. It's better to click on the new one.

Koristuvachi can export information from other attachments, process information from search for pictures, blogs and look at not only these, but also look at sites. Everything is worthy of making contributions to the left part of the window.

Create a search so that you know the required element better. For whom, speed up the scale of chronology, or text field. Turn on and turn off the recording of history independently, moving the button in the upper right part of the window. To see if you can ask for a web page of your collection, press on the cross of your name.

Also, in the settings of the coristuvachi, you can allow or save the savings of all your data. Take care that it will be created on the basis of your work with the system itself, as well as with Yandex.Market services.

So, in the settings, click on the Yandex.Market tab and in the next window, click on the "Clear" button. There will be data for the system, as well as all information about your search in the goods store.

Vidalennya danikh shovischa

Yandex is the leader among Russian search engines. Viewed from above global network the same content, the same information, as it is necessary for the coristuvach. And when typing any word, word-finding or food in a line-by-line row, focusing on them, you see hints - a list of popular drinks (from those assigned by those). More than that, if you authorize in the Yandex system (to log into your account), the viewers will be prompted, and also asked, as if entering the koristuvach directly.

All data is taken from the so-called Yandex search history - a virtual collection that is known in the account, in which they are fixed for the date and time of the search prompts and go to the website. But, as practice shows, some of them are respected, and some of them are not (for the sake of confidentiality).

If you don’t know how to visualize the history in Yandex and how to include data entry into the new one, and it’s important and necessary to write down the data, hurry up with the lower instructions. And all the problems caused by these settings will disappear by themselves.

How to clean?

2. At the upper right corner, click on the “gear” icon (profile options).

3. Select "Other settings" from the drop-down menu.

4. On the new side, go to the “My Knowledge” section.

5. To delete all entries, press the "Clear ..." button.

Respect! If you don't want the system to fix the data, in which case you should press the button "Record Record".

How can I see entries vibirkovo?

Easy access to the magazine

2. To enable prompts, uncheck the boxes next to the options "My requests ..." and "Favorite sites ...".

3. To see it in the magazine, press "Clear ...".

4. Save the changed options: click on the “Save” button.

How to make a joke?

You don’t want to see history, but rather write down the record and rob thin stitching just a joke, step closer:

1. At the menu to adjust the profile, select "Adjust the results of the search."

2. At the lower right part of the page, in the "Personal search" block, remove the paraportions of the functions, if you want to enable them (check the history, sites ... and so on).

3. Press "Zupiniti record" (included in the journal).

Have a comfortable stay with Yandex! Let me know everything!