Yak open the gallery in WordPress. Adding photos and image galleries in WordPress. Installing and Russifying the NextGEN Gallery plugin

27 Spring 2012

How to open a simple image gallery on Joomla - 3.8 out of 5 based on 4 votes

Simple Image Gallery (SIG Plus) allows you to easily integrate a gallery of photos on your Joomla site in any way.

Vaughn is also maє additional possibilities Also, they allow opening large folding galleries, as long as the area is larger than the limit. Chain just the Gallery The image is a garnished image and a wonderful tool for managing and displaying an image is practical for any website on Joomla.

You can see the design at the "Nalashtuvannya Gallery" section. We will add more visually to the enemy, and we also have to install an additional plugin for the lightbox. Then you can display the image in a fancy lightbox.

You don’t want to go viral, just write “Skip”. Pislya tsiogo activates a non-stocked lightbox. Then we turn to the side of the photo gallery, where the viconati is now set up. Change the text and insert it on the side where you want to display the image.

You can see if the plugin is not transferred to English mov... Tim is not the least, it’s even more simple at Vikoristan’s in my knowledge and practice with many topics.

Krok 1. Installation of Prosty Gallery image

  • Download the package from JoomlaCode.
  • Isnu only one spoofing file for Joomla 2.5, which includes both a plugin and a module.
  • For version 1.5, there are two extensions. If you are victorious 1.5, then reconnect, you downloaded both the plugin and the module. Sigplus module (mod_sigplus) є upgrades to the sigplus plugin, which allows you to open the sigplus gallery in the module position without any activation tags. For the whole installation of plg_sigplus is required, in the іnshom vypad, see if there is a pardon.

Croc 2. Remove plugin

  • Go to Expansion> Expansion manager, add and install the package.
  • Go to Extensions Manager> Plugin Manager and activate Content - picture gallery - sigplus plugin.

Croc 3: Configuratio

  • Click on the name of the plugin to display the control configuration.
  • The base folder is here. For zamovchuvannyam won will be installed in / images /. It’s easy to forgive, but the best stone for the road to picking up photos.
  • Reshta opts_y turn on to finish the list, all of which may be displayed before your gallery will be displayed. You will have a chance to experiment, to trim the ones you want. Guided by the showmaster of Misha to the field tricks to give you great and lecture tales, which are guilty to help you with food.
  • Change over, as you have tried the offense of the gallery layout if you experiment.

Підбірка z NN pluginless photo gallery plugins on WordPress

Then you know the rest of the posts about tech blogs, as you are about to revise and introduce the recommended gallery plugins. Yak you can bachiti, you can install a picture gallery in a relatively small Zusilli. Tim is bigger, it’s better to come for my collection. For example, if you are playing with the club party, you can see the rest of the photos for the club festival.

The easiest way to open a gallery - tse shlyakh. You can vikoristovuvati yogo in the seemingly or on the side, just insert the gallery. Just download "Dodati file". On the left menu, browse "Create a gallery", then go to the "Gallery" window. Now all the photographs of our media library are mine. To add a picture to the gallery, we need to click it, be it a picture, like you want it. At the bottom of the window, the image will be inserted into the gallery.

  • Є a number of additional additional functions. The stench is also of the opinion of the fairy tale.
  • Functions about yak singing a lot of photographs, є Yakist Piktogrami (miniatures). Vona can be installed in the range of 1-100. Chim is the number, tim is more beautiful. However, if the quality is very high, then the tse, the better for everything, will be recognized as trivial.
  • Іnsha rіch, yaka infused vidkіst - tse keshuvannya. You, melodiously, would like to be able to use the function for the hour of testing, ale vona is required by extending your website.
  • Tag activation is another feature that you can use. Інші gallery vikoristvoyut the same tag naming. If there is a conflict with the plugin, you can turn around here, change the word, as you activate in the gallery, if you contribute to the article.

I didn’t give you a title, signature, alternative to the text, but I’ll describe the photos of your gallery, guilty of growing at once. Not only vipadoks, but rather big brown. In addition, as you have selected all the images in your gallery, you can browse the gallery. Natisnіt "Build a new gallery".

Dedicated to: Here we can see, those who are guilty of the photographs of our gallery will be placed before the general images, or, sooner, will be placed before the medical children. Stovpts: at a number of menu items we can have a number of hundred in our gallery. By sending a selection, you can insert the gallery into our post or on our side by pressing "Insert gallery".

Croc 4. Folder for photos

  • Go to Змісту> Media Manager.
  • At the bottom of the panel in the papa Media Manager, if you are in the thumbnail view, there is a field for opening a new folder. Enter new folders in the fields, and click the Create folder button. This is how we start a robot from simplegallery. Follow the path to the image at / images / simplegallery / ourpicture.png.
  • Now pick up Media Manager to switch to qiu new folder and add some photos.

Theoretically, we can now insert our text and publish it or a side at once from the picture gallery. However, if you don’t befit the announcement, and if you see it, you’ll replace 3 hundred, it’s not a problem. Just press on the picture according to your choice, and then press the "Change" button.

How can you see the same gallery in the new posts?

So, it is worthwhile in principle. For my sake, I will put the short code of the vigleadє by the next rank. You can just copy and paste it at any moment of your visit or at any time.

Yaka short structure

So the very structure of Shjorling is our art gallery. It is not possible to uniquely install a pre-installed plugin here. Bagato clientele often feeds me, as the stench can add or see additional images for the completion of the project. Go to the required side and the pressure of "Zminity".

Croc 5. Insert the photo gallery into the article

  • We inserted the gallery before the statty, vikoristovuchi figurines... The axis of the syntax is in the vicorian, with the folder in the middle:

(Gallery) simplegallery (/ gallery)

  • The yak axis will see your gallery in the name of the interface of your site:

You can easily manage zovnishnim viglyadom and be productive, if you want to insert the decal code, which expands to the primary tag. for example:

I have a list of the "Logotypes" store. Now go to the button "Add files". Here you can change the vibe of the image. Zagalom, you have є 3 bali left: give me the media, open the gallery and wiring. Now you can choose images from the media library or add new ones. We'll finish painting "Build a new gallery", and we have already opened our own gallery!

Now, you see the food: how do you see the picture? You will hit the gallery at once, you will hit the symbol of the olivtsya, natisnit. Call the gallery for the views of the viglady, so you can only vikoristovuvati with small indications and for additional plugins you can read.

(Gallery slider = boxplus.carousel) myfolder (/ gallery)

The writing of the tag is a subordinate rank, before the static display is converted into a slide show carousel. For applications and additional codes, if you can choose to use it.

Krok 6: Vikoristannya module

  • Go to Rozsilennya> Module Manager.
  • Press on the name of the sigplus module, which will be installed.
  • Change the main parameters, such as the ones you can find in the Plugin Manager. Give priority over plugin settings.
  • Viber the position of the module.
  • Develop module menu associations.
  • Save money.

For zamovchuvannyam you can stand on the offensive:. - How great images are visualized - Skips from them can be done one by one. - Vipadkové sortuvannya - a message on a multimedia file or an attachment. As a lightbox, a specific form is used for web design, for presenting photographs, images, video and other multimedia materials. It’s like an onslaught on the image in front of the front view, the side of blackouts and a great image is displayed.

slider revolution

There is also the possibility of transforming the image into a small number of "unregulated" submissions, and the scheme is called Mansonry. I should be more like that, look, so a lot of space can be taken care of, and you can look at the main speeches, pictures! Text, images and icons can be installed in slides through different balls.

  • The axis is yak tse vigladaє, if you publish the result in a basic position in one hundred percent.
  • Beast to respect, so once again the revised catalog, and the pictures are inserted automatically.
  • You can put a number of modules with different galleries all on the same side.

Visual composer

Here you can also find the list. A simple, altogether dull plugin for contact form. Simply, if you want to quickly import it, the backup plugin can make sense to save the streaming stand. For me, the best plugin for displaying similar names in the stati in bloos. Even simpler for a victorian and includes the ability to glance at related articles from images of statistics. Since the function is good, you can control how the analogous statistics are meaningful to you. An alternative is popular: one more wrap-around plugin.

Rating 3.88

Views: 28132

In all videos, it is easy to understand how to add pictures and photographs in the record and on the side. If you want to add the image to an already existing record, or else, then go from the tab "All records", in which you need to vibrate the option to edit the record. Also, let us give you an image so that you can write more visually. For a full slide, vibrate the place, put the cursor there, then press the button "Add multimedia", then go to the menu of added files. Everything you need to update - just drag and drop the file you need. It is also possible to lock the file from the computer with a special rank, behind the addition of the button "Viber file", or vibrate the file from the media library for the additional help of the "Library of files". Likewise, there is the possibility of opening a gallery of images, but more lectures, we will talk about the process. You can also ask a special picture for the skin record (miniature of the record), or enter the URL of the picture for additional information from the middle.

However, there is a great number of plug-ins, which are often vicarious, to be made without baking. Not the ones who are not only posted on the cob page of the blog, but in the singing category, so you can manually adjust it in the editor at any time. Win will get you douzhe overwhelming zahist without zusil on nalashtuvannyu. Tse speed up the engagement of the site. The one who is writing the editorial statistics is guilty of the vicariously victorious headline.

For example, when curled up in the footer. Є People who want more than one image statty have included unappreciated images in other parts of the blog. Images that appear in a lightbox, look more noble and professional. The plugin will automatically display all images that are displayed in the lightbox assigned to the user. Bagato is the first to introduce the Z Boxes function.

Additional photos

In this vipadku, I just zavantazhuchi file from my computer. On my work table, I have saved the image in the extended JPEG, as I want to add it to my article. I just pull yo with a target at vіkno, and I will automatically win over hard disk to the server, files are stored from the WordPress site.

When you add a picture, you can give the picture a name and set the message to it, and also add a description if the picture will be displayed if the browser of some readers does not display the file correctly, or if they didn’t see it. It’s a good practice - I’ll describe it, if I’m not sorry to visualize a file, more and more resources, including those of great powers, will fix the victorious method.

For the additional plugin, you can open blocks of content, such as when you see it, and signify a widget. To keep clean vidzheti for a daughter. The site is housed by people who have been hijacked. The one who wants to blog, you may also want to earn a penny from your robot.

If you want to do without the plugin, you can try it. Surely, you are not guilty, you just get in touch and get up. A neatly clever way of looking at it can be just a good one, or even a good plugin of a site, in a good way, without cichs, and just become an important trainer. And do not forget: the axis is won. Krim about photographs, galleries are not present in most of the websites and blogs.

In the row "Virivnyuvannya" you can vibrate with the option "Zliva". Tse means that the picture will be angry, and the text will be wrapped around right side, You can also vibrate in the center (Center), or right-handed (Right). I choose the right-hander roztashuvannya.

We can also create a picture to your satisfaction. Tse means that when the tag is written according to the image, the reader will go according to the posilannyu, as it will be indicated in the nalashtuvannya. Here you can either choose to display the picture on the screen, or vibrate the display at the top of the screen on the other side. In addition, you can simply tell it to an address in the Internet, for example google.com, if you are trying to get on the reader, immediately go there. I select the option "Media File", which means switching to full-size image when pressed.

The relevance, as well as the number of active plugins, are the most popular. Not less important feature є hash gallery. As soon as you see the power supply with the hash in the sense of the power supply, then the onset of the power supply displays the lightbox with the images of the gallery. The "Gallery Manager" also needs all links to the gallery material in the menu settings in the "Design" → "Menu" section, so you can easily add galleries and classifications of galleries in any menu.

Nalashtuvannya gallery on WordPress

For the gallery you can import new images in the media library or add new images. Not long ago, the images are also available in media libraries for viewing in other content. In addition, in the case of koristuvachi є the ability to open an inventory with the help of a visual editor and manual text extractions, for example, for a glance at the gallery, the image of the contribution and the victorious field is set up. The items are available on the surface of "Redaguvati", you can find them in the gallery's nalashtuvanny.

I, nareshty, here you can vibrate the size of the image. Once a photo is linked to the server, WordPress automatically opens the thumbnail of your image, standard and great size given to the file, And also the picture. If you want, the settings for the skin type can be adjusted in the "Parameters> Media" menu. Then it is necessary to press the button "Insert into record".

The niggleness is just like me, and it is also available only with the "Gallery Manager". Comments are also available for galleries. Galleries can be categorized exactly by category, in key words, Podіyam, mіstsyah, periods, people and photographers. Obviously, the categories of the gallery did not go out of order and went out.

On the view from all the other plugins for managing the gallery, "Gallery Manager" is displayed in front of the broken templates in the gallery layouts. You will need to deprive yourself of a number of hundreds of images and size of images. Perevaga: Galleries are designed according to your themes and easily fit into your website design.

Reduction of the authorities of the image

Otzhe, we bachimo our picture, yak virivnyana on the right side. Oskіlki I gave the signature to her, it can be displayed directly to the images, with any signature it can be displayed at any moment without going to the menu for setting the power of the picture. The picture itself can be redaguvati through the onslaught of the "Redaguvati" icon in the left upper codend of the picture. When the pressure is on to see the image editing window, it is possible to change the size of the Danish moment... Also, here you can change the type of display, the name of the image, alternatively the description and registration, in which case you can edit and use it.

For example, on the sides of the archive you can add a number of hundred, size of the image and a number of pixels in the gallery settings, so that the stench always looked like it was. The lightbox can also take revenge on the slideshow function. All images linked to your site will also be displayed in a lightbox.

Tse viznachaє, as koristuvachi can vikonuvati diy in the administrative gallery. The settings are not all changed, but more visible. You can cheruvati trioma galleries. Zrozumilo, lightbox pratsyuє without obmezhen. The smart interface allows you to quickly know your way, and the functional area is prompted to the management of the gallery. Dieter Pferdekamp writing.

From the depository "Dodatkovo" you can edit the URL of the image, if it is taken from the Internet, otherwise I will set the image by hand. As long as you can add the most powerful CSS-styles, you can add, or skasuvati, the CSS class for your image, or add the CSS code of the bazhany style directly to the "Styles" row. For example, if I want to create a round image, I will add in a row "Styles" power - " border-radius: 100%«.

In the galleries you represent, one of the testimonies of Dennis Hoppe is yak kraschy. You can browse a few galleries. Why can the stench be controlled by these people? The gallery will only recognize specific people, and only have access to the new, not to the other. The price would be even better and even more innovative. Todi our photographic group could independently preserve their image. Only the administrator marvels at how he can blot everything.

Kozhen koristuvach can set the style of the galleries, as you like. Tse can fill in the integrated management of the rights of koristuvachiv. Tse allow you to play, for example, the role of the koristuvach can be viconuvati yakі dії. Protest, the galleries of the first ones cannot be redrawn and seen. Koristuvach s roll "administrator" can give you a little bit more right. Win can, for example, redaguvati and see to upload.

In the row of "Power of the picture" you can vibrate the option to the cordon, either at the entrance to the right-hander or to the left-handed person, as well as from the top and bottom to the image. Krim tsyogo, in the column “ Dodatkov_ parameters posilannya "can be redressed. Now you need to save the settings behind the help of the "Update" button.

If you squeeze the button "Look over", you can hit the image with the open cordons. At the same time, if the reader is on the picture, then in the new contribution, or in the new window, there will be a new version.

Additional photo galleries

In addition to additional images, you can add a whole photo gallery - a collection of images for additional recordings or pages. Try to follow a similar scheme, for the help of drag-and-drop. One view is the same as the vibration of the "Create a gallery" tab, - and then drag the number of files into the pre-assigned field. If you see only images, you need them from the menu, if you want to vibrate with the option "I'll write them up until you write them." On the right side of the menu, you can edit the names, signatures and details to the skin picture ok, with all your changes will be saved in real time. In addition, if you enter all the necessary changes, click on the button "Create a new gallery". You can also change the order in which the pictures are displayed, just drag them over.

Then in the section "Nalashtuvannya gallery" I select the transition from the miniature to the full-size image in case of an onslaught. You can also vibrate the number of speakers with images. If you add all the necessary changes, click on the "Insert Gallery" button. The editor of the gallery is displayed at the viglyad of a blakit rectangle, here you can update the gallery at any time you wish.

For substitutions WordPress gallery In addition to being able to provide an image for the image, the investment is shown and shown in the miniatures of the little ones, but not by hand, but if we can change it. For example, I want to change the size of the pictures and in order to show them the size of the image file, for which I need to switch to the mode text editorі trohi modifіkuvati gallery shortcode:

parameter here link = "file" vkazuє, how, in terms of strength, we will be victorious to change the version of the image, and the parameter size = "medium" means, how to replace miniatures we will be victorious in the middle size of the image. You can wonder re-list parameters for gallery shortcode on ts_ystorintsi http://codex.wordpress.org/Gallery_Shortcode

However, before the post is published, you might as well want to take a peek at the front, as if the gallery was to be watched. If you don’t want to, you can make money and save the knowledge. The offensive video shows us,