Forum earnings on your VKontakte group. How much money can you earn on the VKontakte group? Earn a penny for helping a group! We create a group step by step: choose a topic

Good afternoon, new readers of the blog.

At the link, Vasil Blinov and today we’ll talk about those who earn money at VK. We will tell you how to earn money on VKontakte, we know how you can learn from them in a few days and already in a month or two to get a good income.

I will start from a small history about myself and about those that you will find in a new column on the blog about this social dimension.

A small announcement of a new section about VKontakte

As you know, mi (I'm that my team) already 2 years pracciuemo vіddaleno, zaroblyаєmo on their projects and it will rise in price. If I started to master the distance, I was swallowed by a book, in which I got to know the profession "Administrator of the VKontakte group".

This profession has become a start for me, I know a lot of companies, having helped me to lead VKontakte groups and developing my own in parallel, they brought me more than a dozen thousand rubles, wanting to think not so rich in front payers.

How to earn from VK

Let's move on to looking at the ways, let's find out how you make money on VKontakte.

As well as 99% of sites on the Internet, the main income of VK is from the sale of advertising. This is contextual advertising, as it is shown on the website and in the news. Companies pay tens of thousands of rubles to show their ads on VKontakte.

Mayzhe all popular groups, in any case, are conducted and promoted for the sake of selling and publishing advertisements in them. And on that, schob rozgoydat group before that, as if they bring good income more often, you can earn badly.

Therefore, earnings from VK can be divided into 2 types:

  1. If you create your own maidanchiki (spіlnoti), you will promote them and advertise them.
  2. If you practice remotely, helping someone to promote yoga maydanchiki for advertising.

Now let's take a look at the report on how these two types of income can be earned.

Earnings on your side chi group

I want to tell you right away that to promote your side to the big number of prepayers, to start buying advertising from them, is not a simple way to make money and you can’t do without a contribution.

Method 1. Sales of advertising posts

The most popular way to make money with VK on a group.

If you have a promoted side or a group, some content, even a lot of pre-payers (50,000 - 100,000, deposit more types of topics) and they are active: comment, like, share your posts, then you can earn money by selling ads post .

You need to force the picture and the text, like you, like a great post, post it in your public. Use official advertising exchange VKontakte where you can marvel at how many times you can place one post in popular cities.

Ale, in order to spend on the exchange with your sleep, you need an average of a month's worth of 30 thousand people. Judging by the price of the stock exchange, you can tell that the groups with hoardings of 30 thousand. Mayut have an average of 500-800 yew. participants

As long as you don't reach such a coolness, you can sell advertising without intermediary through special advertising exchanges at social networks. We are currying tsimi:

You can add a maidanchik to them out of 1000 participants. Just postage cost with such a kіlkіstyu not more than 5 rubles.

Method 2. Monetization by partner programs

Another vіdminny method to earn money from your group VKontakte - tse. I, advertising various products in VK for my partner messages, having earned more than one hundred thousand rubles.

As long as your public record or the group does not have a lot of pre-payers, you can’t buy advertising from you, but you can easily work advertising for other people’s goods or services yourself by connecting to your affiliate programs. From the sale at your request, you will take back your money.

I have a rubric on my blog, in which I tell about those, how I work with them and work for Casey with my income.

Sob was sensible, I will explain on the butt, how it works. For example, you read a book like a cicada, like you got it in an online store. A lot of online stores and affiliate program. They registered with it, made a partner request for a whole book and wrote a few words about it on their side or in the VKontakte group.

Htos having read this post and bought, having passed for the help of the post, this book. Let's get out of the cost 500 rubles. For the program, you will earn 10% - the income from the warehouse is 50 rubles. Buy 10 people - will be 500 rubles. Do you understand why it is interesting to take care of your own audience on VKontakte? The more you will have prepayers, the more you will earn.

Method 3. Sales of physical goods through a group

A lot of shops, cafes, etc. start their own groups, so that through them they get buyers and sell their goods. Deyakі navit, without looking at the site, create online stores on the possibilities of VKontakte.

They trade in clothes, various accessories, self-contained goods (for example, embroidery, embroidered shirts and other speeches) and earn more than 20-30 thousand rubles. rubles per month.

Earlier, through the VK group without risk, that deposit. They advertised the goods in the beginning, they knew the purchase, they took an advance payment, they paid more money for the goods, they ordered, they paid for the goods and they delivered them to the purchase, taking away the glasses. It was easy to sell goods 2-4 times more expensive.

They stopped busying themselves, if they started to rise in price, it was simply not physically possible to accept the goods and deliver them to the purchase.

Method 4. Advertising your services and projects

Similar to the method of selling physical goods. Through VKontakte, you can contact clients and give them your services. For example, apartment renovation, repair of computers and office equipment, organization of weddings, photo shoots.

Even if you give us services far away, even more. For example, creation of websites, design, writing of articles, teaching and more. The group will not only be a way of attracting new clients, but also a wonderful portfolio that I create to trust you.

At once, be a successful business, the project may have its own public on VKontakte.

You didn't hesitate? Aja for all the sleeps, it’s worth chasing. Publish content, write new things, create designs just fine. We pay pennies for those who stink on VKontakte. Tsezh can be vvazhat zarobіtkom at VK.

Earnings on VKontakte, right away

Let's take a look at some of the main types of activities, which you can learn in a very short term and start earning up to 3,000 rubles per day on vikonannі tsikh zavdan.

Method 5. Administration of VKontakte accounts

Quite a good and stable way, as I already said on the cob of the article, I started it myself.

Keeping one project in mind costs 5,000 rubles per month with 1-2 years of employment per day. In public accounts with millions of participants, admins earn from 20 to 50 thousand. The regions of Russia have great salaries, but you can use even the stars, but only the Internet.

Method 6. Writing posts with a group

The administrator is a universal profession. Ale є okremi see the robots. Htos specializes only on the joke and the creation of posts in the group. Write texts, pick up pictures and publish them behind the back of the plan.

For the writing of cіkavih texts, as they will bring value to people, pick up a lot of likes, repost and get new payers to sleep, the kerіvniki are ready to pay good pennies.

You can also know how to write content in a group. Salaries of content managers, as in administrators, can be up to 5,000 rubles. To deposit in the quantity and quality of the vikonan roboti.

Method 7. Design of bedroom

Another kind of work, on which you can earn bad money - the design of a well-known looking group (avatar, menu) and branding posts.

If you are a creative person and volodiete graphic editors, or if you want to learn how to practice, then this is the best way. The variance of the design of one bedroom is priced at 1,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Method 8. Fahivets z advertising

Well, in the normal way, which I do, you can use fahivtsiv, like doing advertising and selling (posting to the audience, making personal headlines and otherwise).

  1. Zvichayna, if they bathe and spread out posts.
  2. Targeted (contextual) advertising.

My honed boys, like professionally, are engaged in setting up targeted advertising and the boys, like they are engaged in PR (advertising) of various projects on VKontakte. Deshcho raznі direct, but the essence is the same - zaluchennya clientіv that sale.

I don’t know for sure how many stinks they earn, but they’re still there, so that the price of the rivers will rise in price with different countries (Indonesia, Thailand, India, too).

Earnings from VK for schoolchildren

May there be a sensational report about a couple of methods for earning pennies on VKontakte. Only I vvazhu їh zovsіm neprospektivnymi and drіb'yazkovimi, on vіdmіnu vіd vyscheopisanikh, de є even though the prospect and development, there's only a penny. Schoolchildren in the intestines vitrati can be fed.

Method 9. Clicks, reposts, likes and comments for pennies

Establish special exchanges for earning money and promoting profiles in social networks, on which you can earn small pennies, just win, like: likes, reposts, overpay thinly.

From my double knowledge I can say that the income from VK is entirely real and can bring indiscretions and additional income, or to replace the main job.

All the ways, except for the rest of the two, I respect as good ones, and I recommend that you try to do something else, in parallel with them, win, develop your own special sides and skills.

In the upcoming articles, in this column of the world, everything is about the creation and promotion of their projects on VKontakte. Subscribe to the blog update and follow the news.

If you have lost some food, then obov'yazkovo put them in the comments. Good luck to all and great earnings!

You know what you can earn on the group at VK, how much you can bring pennies and how you can work to increase your income. Read about those who create a group, so that they bring a surplus.

23.03.2018 Andriy Kushchov

In order to save a stable and high income, it is not obligatory to go to the office and do business offline. One of the most accessible and most popular types of online business is the creation and insertion of VKontakte sides.

How to create a group, promote it and make money on it - read the article.

VKontakte - a miracle maidan for making money

Advertising on the Internet is not cheap. The great one will drink on it and continue growing. The traditional business does not advertise its brand in social networks, and online stores win over as importantly as a source of additional traffic.

Admins of great publics earn millions of rubles. The cost of one advertising post is 50 thousand. rubles, or more.

On the screenshot you can see how many posts one post is in the most popular publics. Alece is not a boundary. The rules of Vkontakte allow the administrator to publish 5 advertising posts per day - 3 through the official advertising exchange and 2 for a special household with an advertiser.

Most professional administrators can create a small number of publics, the skins of which bring a stable income.

Create a group of Yaku, to take a surplus

Choice of topics - the first order of business. Vіd tsogo deposit success and profit. The theme may be a cіkavoy for you, that your future audience. Just for such an approach, you can create and publish civic content, for the sake of which you subscribe to your public side.

There are three main themes – rozvazhalna, zhіnocha and business topics.

Rose theme

Sides dedicated to humor, films and TV series are the most popular. The stench is gaining a rich audience. The stench sings to advertise goods of a wide range - a year old, gadgets, sneakers, eyepieces, etc.

Zhіnochiy herd

Women are the most active audience of the Internet. It’s easier to sell it, advertising on the sides with a woman’s theme is more expensive.

In addition, such maidanchiks are easier to pass through - women join up to sleep more often for people and become more active in them.

Business topics

History of success, posts for motivation and inspiration for entrepreneurs - that topic is relevant for the human segment of the coristuvant social services.

So maidanchiki protrude folded, and then people, older than 20 years, enter into them. This platform-promoting audience is a guide for advertisers, so they are ready to pay for placing their ads in such groups.

Among the administrators of public publications of popular topics, there is a lot of competition. It will not be easy to unwind and expand the competitiveness of the competitive industry - on the chain a lot of time, zusili that pennies.

How to earn money on a group at VK - instruction manual

In order to start earning, it is necessary to be assigned to the topic, create a public and do some research. The skin from these stages is nevertheless important and prima facie in a positive and creative way.

Namagatimemosya rose in the skin s punctures.

Krok 1. Choose the topic and analyze the competitors

The choice of those is the most convenient and important task, in the event of a successful deposit and possible income. The skin directly has high competition.

Selected topics include:

  • analysis of competitors;
  • audience analysis.

High competition is not a reason to look at the topics that you need to click on. Analyze instead of your competitors. Most of them will be of low density - the greater your chances. You are convinced that you can do more better than your topic. Possibly, if you think of a unique idea, it will be even better.

Krok 2. We create that reminiscent group

Fallen, as chosen by those, a side or a group is formed.

Group є vіdkrituyu or closed svіlnotoy, in which people get together for interests. For example, fishing enthusiasts exchange their secrets, write letters about the success of sailing on water and share their stories. Most of the promoted groups are active on the sidelines.

Public - all public sides. There is a bigger official and unified format – posting of memes, novelties, music, movies, life hacks, recipes, stories, materials for facsimiles, instructions, video clips and others.

They join the groups for the sake of sharing, and subscribe to the sides for the withdrawal of the original and basic information.

After the creation of the profile, it is necessary to insert an avatar, if necessary, create a menu and a page.

If you think the avatar is unique, check with the designer. Do not steal from competitors at the same time - it is fenced by the rules of VK. Content may also be copyrighted. Remember: your task is to be better for your competitors.

Krok 3

Passing is the most complicated process. Vіn vіmagає vіd vlasnik storіnki povnoї samoviddachi i chimalih deposit.

To open up a public, you need a contribution - without them it’s impossible. Once the group is formed and the content is posted on the cob, start її pushing through.

There are two main ways to get pre-payers victorious:

  1. Targeted advertising - using targeted tools.
  2. Advertising with the partners of competitors - mutual promotion of paid posts.

Dodatkovo vykoristovyte contests - the stench helps to catch up with the payers. For example, you have a group of fishing enthusiasts. Play at the side of the wobbler, the cord or dial the hooks. One of the minds of the contest is the repost of the entry and the overpayment. The method is low vitrate, but effective.

Krok 4. We choose the method of monetization and the minimum income

You can take a profit from the Maidanchik from VK in the following ways:

  • monetize traffic independently - sell your own products or push an offer for a CPA model, taking a high commission for sales of other people's products;
  • re-posting other people's posts - this way is stable - regardless of the success of the advertiser and you charge a fixed fee.

Dosvіdchenі adminіstratori vikoristovuyut obyvva methods. Even though advertisers do not have to advertise themselves, independent monetization of traffic is allowed without wasting income.

You can earn skils

Dokhіd to deposit depending on the rich factors - the number of prepayers, their activity, the subject of capitalization, the purchasing capacity of the audience. VKontakte, thousands of groups. Most of them are zanedbany and inactive.

The earnings of administrators are constantly being reviewed. No middle number. Some people earn 100 rubles per day, and some - 50,000 rubles per planting.

A lot of prepayers are not a show off. The main criterion for assessing sleepiness is the activity of front payers. What is the display, then the price of publication for the advertiser is higher.

3 main rules to earn more

Most of the administrators know the failures for the very reasons - the wrong pidkhid to the point, the violation of copyrights and the wrong pidkhid to the right.

In order to earn more money and not allow typical pardons, you should know the main rules, dotrimuyuchis vyob'yazkovo achieve success.

Rule 1

Spilenota VKontakte vymagaє vіd adminіna povnoї vіddaї, especially at the cob stage of yoga.

So that the reader does not get bored and does not leave you, it is necessary to regularly publish cited materials. It’s necessary to shukati, to make it public and to publish it - at the same time it’s possible to spend a lot of time.

The activity of the audience should be stimulated by experiments, contests, live discussions.

Navіt yakscho you have є raskruchennoy spіlnota, pіdhіd before the robot is not guilty of changing - prepayers can always go to competitors. Keep expanding. Professionals create and lead dozens of groups - they must bring income.

Rule 2. Create awesome content

Low level content is the right path to failure. Better not publish anything, lower publish filthy stats, look at your photos.

Stealing from competitors is also not possible - your group will be banned, and it will be clear to the payers who lied to whom. It is enough for the administrator of the public-competitor to deprive you of one skarga for the support of VK and confirm the fact of plagiarism, so that you are blocked.

We have released a new book "Content marketing in social networks: How to get into the head of pre-payers and kill your brand."

Today VK creates hundreds of new songs. As a rule, these Vlasniki think of one thing - better pick up your target audience and start earning pennies. To the point, social networks have long since turned into a standard tool for promoting the sharing and exchange of special photographs on an alternative source of income. Dali rozpovimo, how and skіlki you can earn on the Vkontakte group.

How to build a competitive edge

Earnings on VK groups are most importantly on advertising - the publicists of the public and the group otrimuyut propositions from the patrons, house with them about the price and post commercial posts. With this, practically everything can be advertised - from online stores to about 40 selective goods.

If you want to start earning more money on the VK public, you are responsible for being aware that it is one of the most competitive markets. So, first turn to a specific administrator, the advertiser looks through dozens of options, choosing the most promising of them. Because of the diversity of the public sides, they gave the priority to your own, it is necessary to give respect to the upcoming aspects:

  1. Select thematic directly. The topic can be spicy and known to a wide range of people - the most likely to deposit potential income. The most popular are women and rozvazhalnі spіlnoti, quotes, as well as publics dedicated to running a business, the basics of marketing.
  2. Name the avatars for the child. Spivtovaristva with rich and unforgettable names select a large audience.
  3. Filled with content. Post mayut buti not only tsikavimi, but regular. On the next day, publish about ten records, moreover, finish at a different hour. Having posted all the content at once, you will indulge yourself with some revisiting, likes and comments.

The first time to bring the first surplus, public vimagatime in the form of you deyakyh material contributions. Zokrema, I'll have to pay for yoga promotion that pushing. Pochatkov meta, as if to be placed in front of the skin creator of sleepiness - I want to pick up one or two thousand prepayers. How can you rob:

  1. spread the word about mutual entry on special maidanchiks (the butt of the most popular of them is Avito)
  2. exchange mutual PR with third-party publics
  3. solicit advertising from great communities from a great audience
  4. win special services for recruiting prepayers (for example, VKtarget and Sociate).

The public can win for otrimannya pributka, as only the first ten thousand coristuvachiv join the new one, and you can start picking up close and repeat a thousand revisits. Dali rozpovіmo about all the work, how to earn money on the group in VK.

See earnings in VK on groups

At this hour, three dzherels are seen for earning pennies for VK help: publishing advertising posts, promoting affiliate programs, watching videos. So, you can take profits from the sale of spivtovarystva with a large audience that hooligans, the protse is even risky, which does not have to lead to a bad result.

Affiliate programs

Theoretically, the head of the council can launch an affiliate program, whether it be necessary, prote dosvіdchenі fahivtsі recommend to get a good deal if you want 500 prepayers per day. It is recommended to choose according to the subject, as well as the interests of the participants. So, for example, if your target audience is women, then the best options for affiliate programs are:

  • courses and webinars on education of children;
  • online stores of childish speeches and toys;
  • Please enter category 0+.

Also, they use universal programs, which can be placed in any public. Before them lie goods from AliExpress, Ozon,, etc.

Skіlki can be earned on the group at VK in such a way - fold food. All deposited according to the number of participants, their activity, the degree of radiation.

Publication of video recordings

Video placement is an effective method of making money on the VKontakte group, which brings a good income. The Vlasniks of quiet sleepers, whose audience has outweighed 15 thousand, will be able to speed up with him.

For the mother to be so passively earning an income, it is enough to publish a single video to the public. For a leather look, take 30 kopecks up to 1 ruble - the price depends on the theme. Earnings are directly proportional to the number of "live" prepayers, to earn money due to the activity of the audience.

You can find the visual propositions for video publications on such sites as:


The stench is similar in functionality and interface, and may be about the same price.

Advertising posts

You can start selling ads if you can transfer a thousand of pre-payers to the public. Prote the greatest will drink the great parties. Potential advertisers can be found on special maidan pages and portals. Finding and requesting them є:

  1. Sociate is the most popular service for publishing advertisements. May be smart and intelligent interface, may have the option of automatic placement of posts. We give full security, guarantee the payment of the vikonanih zavdan.
  2. Plibber is an advertising exchange, as it interacts with VK, and with other social measures. Rice is typical - all advertising posts are published manually, which is not very comfortable.
  3. VKtarget is a portal that is actively developing for mobile earnings for additional social benefits. Propositions about advertising on the new one are presented not so richly, prote tі, scho є, mayut indecent price tag.
  4. Blogun is a service that specializes in the placement and organization of advertising campaigns. Suitable for great public sides of commercial and female directness. Propositions for rozvazhalnyh maidanchikiv are presented in the obmezheniya kіlkost.

Crimea is represented by more portals and resources on the official exchange VK. Vaughn is available to all Maidan people, who are more than happy to change the badge of 20 thousand, cleared by various propositions.

Pokrokova instructions on how to earn money on the VK group through the exchange on the butt:

Services to collect a commission for the placement of advertising, that is enough to work with advertisers without intermediary.

How much money can you earn on the VK group?

Income depends on a number of low factors: the number of pre-payers, the degree of activity and irradiance, we will add to the coolness. A lot of advertisers marvel at the purchasing power of the target audience.

How much money does the administrator of the VKontakte group earn? Figures can vary, but the average salary is 15-20 thousand rubles. Admins of great public pages with a rich audience of thousands can charge up to 100,000 for one commercial publication.

It is noteworthy that the number of prepayers is not the main indicator of the success of the party. Zamovniki marvel at the level of audience and the average number of likes on posts. What is the activity of the public, then the variety of advertising content is higher.

Groups on VKontakte are created as if they were reporting information to coristuvachi, and also making money for them.

If you gain respect for the partnership, if you take a leading position, then you can understand that these resources are not just expanding, you need to work so that the master can save money on his earnings.

In order to spread the word, the administrator of the group works with various posting services, stops ads in groups and earns money on affiliate programs.

Reduction for readers

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I think that the masters of the group, if they can count the number of 200,000 contacts, can earn on their public from $ 100 per day, it’s even a good income, wages, that not everyone can boast of such an income in real life and team b more than virtual.

A skin person may have a job to earn money, but they don’t know how to earn money on a group, having created it from scratch. How does the group create that how її rozkruchuvat?

If you promote your public in a good way, then you can achieve a decent income, and what you need to spend a day.

How to make money on the Vkontakte group

1. Sociate - this service is even more popular with Vlasnik groups, because here it’s even more subtle improvement, the functionality of the service is to inspire newbies, but don’t say anything about a professional. If you get 3 paid advertisements for profit from your group, then you can earn decent money on it. What kind of advertising should be stored? Depending on the number of officials, zocrema: according to those groups, number of participants, according to the activity of prepayers, too.

2. Blogun - if a person first came to this resource, then you can work it out, it’s easy to make money on a given service, but if you get a report from a project, then it’s easy to work with it. Naygolovnіshe, schob public VKontakte, having given us the help of the project, then the earnings on the new one will be even more solid.

3. Plibber - to which services can earn everything, the shards can make a simple resource to work. Naygolovnіshe here - tse bazhannya pratsyuvati. Adding a group for making money on advertising is available in one click with a bear.

4. VideoSeed and Vibum - these Maidan people give the opportunity to earn money on video, for which it is enough to share with your Vkontakte group. Pennies get paid for watching the video.

As you can see, it’s not easy to make money in a group, it’s more difficult to do it, more koristuvachs signed up for the resource, and they were socially active.

It’s also your fault to remember that the development of a group (and also, great earnings) may not be as foldable as your victorious service

The service allows you to know the most relevant content and speed and simply publish it in the required set of groups.

I live! In these articles, we will talk about those, how to earn money from Vkontakte.

  1. You can earn skils: from 100 rubles per day
  2. Minimum help: happy.
  3. Chi varto get busy: so, only not likes .

General information about how to make money with Vkontakte

Social networks people rarely win for. Zdebіlhogo tse zasіb splkuvannya that "prosidzhuvannya" hour. Tsіkavі post, news, funny pictures - everything is tightening and taking away the opportunity to be engaged in chimos korisnіshim.

Ale krіm is just a stained glass for an hour for quiet, who is preparing a stained glass hour and strength for the price. And then you will have the opportunity to take a profit. You can earn some nasty pennies from Vkontakte, as you know well what to do, or you are ready to read it.

In this article, we try all the ways to make money on Vkontakte in the form of great likes and reposts for pennies to make money on a group.

How to make money Vkontakte

To close the food in a vіdrazu, it is negotiable to earn on likes.

On likes, reposts and intros, you can’t earn pennies to a group.

So you figured out that on vkserfing kshtalt services, smmok and similar ones, they make money all the time for such a job. I was asked to turn on adblock and was banned for those who have a list of groups attached to me, but I managed to look over the list of tasks and that kind of variety.

By registering on the smmok service as a “yakish vikonavtsya”, I can charge 21 kopecks for joining a group. There are about 15 propositions. Later, when I join all the groups, I take 3 rubles. An hour, like a stained glass window, about 10 hvilin. To know, to enter, to read the next task, about the whilin. At once 20 kopіyok for the quill. Don't hesitate to visit such sites.

Sites for making money in VK on likes, reposts and intros to groups will not bring you the right income, as you register as a vikonovets.

Earnings on a group of public on Vkontakte

About the creation of that monetization of the spіlnot rozpovidayut even in the very beginning of the social network of Vkontakte. At once spilnot millions, but successes are less than tens of thousands. See the idea of ​​the group, search the content (or work it yourself) and publish it. As if everything is right with you - the people are elected independently, with minimal advertising investments.

On advertising. , infobusiness, retailers and small companies are willing to buy advertising in public networks. It is cheap to do it (up to 1,000 rubles on average) and can be brought to real customers. In order to monetize profits and take back whatever money you want, your group may have 50,000 front payers.

The price of advertising should be based on the subject. Business-spilnoti are valued by advertisers more richly for rozvazhalni, to the fact that in the first place they get an audience richly folded. In order to make money on advertising sites, you can randomly chat with clients, or use the official advertising exchange in VK.

Conducting groups at social networks

This method is similar to the previous one, with less retail, so you can work with companies, if you want to. You will also need to publish new posts, get new payers and work on the old ones. But in such vipadkas everything is richly simpler.

You will have a clear plan, for example, 6 - 7 unique posts per day, 10 - 12 non-unique or just placement of comedy pictures and communication with the audience. Such services are needed more than once, even though the business in Russia continues to develop and go to the Internet. And social networks are much better suited to work with the audience.

The similar work is assessed as fallow in terms of folding. You can publish a meme or copy-paste a video for a day and spend 5-6 thousand rubles per month, or you can create content, work with short stories and pay for 15-20 thousand rubles. Obviously, the other will have a greater interest. A year later, the creation of creatives and cіkavih prepayers in posts is made simpler, and after an hour of labor they spend practically zvnyayutsya.

Passing wet goods and services

VKontakte can act as a Maidan for the promotion of a personal business or a special brand. Like a butt: you want to sell cute manual robots, but you need clients. Vkontakte hopes to create a special party, I’m assigned the sale of a sweetheart; small scale, stylized online store; group, in which it is possible to launch an advertisement like a post that sells.

This way of earning money will be foldable, less work with groups. Aje crim content, you need to create and push through your goods for service. Ale th reach will be significantly greater. Dosit to go to the village under the name "bezkoshtovny", schobchit a lot of companies, like working on the Internet, and pushing their goods and services.

Stream on Vkontakte

Stream - broadcasting for payers. Get a new way to monetize your VKontakte videos. You may have a special party or group. Best group. You see the idea of ​​streaming and you start yoga. Even after a lot of revisiting, they take online lessons, broadcasts of many sports events.

You can easily monetize broadcasts. You can do it in two ways: promote a donation service or sell advertising space. The first way is the simplest. You install the program, it allows the coristuvachas to force you pennies. So, a lot of people are defiantly forced to streamers with bad pennies to support the development of content. Tse miraculous way to earn money on video.

The second option is foldable, but to bring a lot more surplus. It is possible, you know, that logos often appear on some online broadcasts. Most of them for showing sports entries. These bookmakers, firms that work with binary options and other "sire" offices, like paying the streamer for those who publish their first hour of broadcasts. The price to lie down in the form of a hoarse audience, but it will rarely be lower, lower 1 - 2 thousand per broadcast.

If you have your own group, then, besides that, you earn extra money on pre-payers for publishing advertising posts, then you also take profits from their donations on streams.

Created by Vkontakte

Tse way for show. Mustaches, who were sticking out of the social network, succumbed to more additions. For the stink of stench, one often sacrifices oneself to mobile analogues and gradually loses popularity. Ale, to create that support for such a project, it doesn’t take a lot of strength and skills. To that programmer-pochatkivtsi and retailers can, with a small team, create additional supplements, improve yoga, upgrade, and bring pennies. It is important to go through moderation.

Earnings on the power side

This way of earning money is suitable for quiet, whose side may want to be a vag. Sound tse in the house people at quiet chi іnshih stakes.

On Instagram, making money on special pages has long been fashionable. There, it is easier to send comrades and servants, to those who are coristuvachi to paint a picture. Ale vkontakte tezh can vikoristovuvati approximately such a rank. It is sufficient to collect a large mass of pre-payers on the side of Vkontakte and know the advertiser who is ready to pay for an advertising post.

Like a butt, you can point Artemiya Lebedev. You earn 300,000 rubles on your side with Facebook for one advertising plant with 206,000 front-payers. But even if you see that extravagant specialty, it will be foolish to secure 300,000 rubles for earnings. A good advertising post of a blogger costs 20 to 100 tons.

You can earn skils on Vkontakte

If you plan to put likes, work reposts and subscribe to public for a penny, then you will not earn anything. Earn the minimum amount to spend in certain services and take money in money. Like stained glass for the whole year for a day, it’s not enough to go out. Likes rarely cost more up to 50 kopecks, reposts - about the same, and for joining a group you will be given 1-2 rubles.

If you create your own public, post a unique, original and original content, then you can monetize it badly. Advertising in the most popular publics costs 10 thousand rubles. Razrakhovuvati newcomer varto for 10 - 15 thousand per month after the fate of the work and the minimum investment.

Yakshcho you choose to lead a good side in the social. If you are a company, then you can also make money. The work of publishing unique content and periodic moderation is estimated at 5-6 thousand rubles per month. Bigger work with a selection of really unique, colorful and colorful content is estimated at 3-4 times more expensive: 15-20 thousand rubles per month.

If you can make us a great moderator, then you can’t spodіvatisya on a high income. The one for the earnings of the principle. Most people work on a voluntary basis, they pay 1-2 thousand per month for the banal cleaning of comments, keeping the group active. In addition to publishing posts, the payment is equal to the content manager of the group. And tse already the front point.

Income from other ways of earning is easy to figure out as a specific figure. Neither the program, nor the promotion of its goods and services through Vkontakte can not be brought up to the average value of payment. Keep everything in mind, according to the needs of your product, how you sell it and what you promote to your customers.

Who needs a robot on Vkontakte

It is not for nothing that it says “robot”. Earnings on reposts, likes and intros to the group can be safely brought to the category “play and forget”. Earnings at the merezhі - a planned work, only you happen to have a greater world to work with the flowers, creating your own, uniquely that cicava.

All income from Vkontaktі zavyazaniya either on the sale of bills, the creation of yakіsnih materials and the payment of the premiums, or on the management of your brand, the sale of goods and services. To that, in the first place, it is necessary to be active on the Internet, to be aware of marketing and promotion.

You can’t create a group without investing pennies in її promotion, and spodіvayuchis, scho in some hour to shoot out. At the beginning stages, you all the same happen to spin around, proponuyuchi to enter it, get new coristuvachiv and embellish them with great content. So it is self-evident and the management of the parties of companies in social networks.

For that very reason, in order to effectively practice and earn money, you need the following skills:

  • Knowledge of Photoshop (another graphic editor).
  • Creativity.
  • Please submit information.