Filter the list of keywords. Filter for bad comments on VKontakte How to close the comment filter on Facebook

Often, community managers, SMM managers and bloggers use the “comment filter” function on their profiles and pages.
If you have been tormented by spam, or the number of haters on the blog has cost you a fortune, it’s time to get to know this function better.

How to turn off the comment filter on Instagram

Back in 2016, Instagram started fighting spammers and launched “comment filtering.”
“To ensure the safety of all our personalities, we can keep an eye on which skins we might lose ourselves in, without risking bringing criticism or image to our attention,” explained the creator and general director social measures"Instagram" Kevin Sister.
Some people are not in the know, others simply forget about those who, in the vastness of our border, need to “protect themselves” (until the appearance of the author’s disorientation arrives).

How to set up this function?

Click on the gear icon on your profile and enjoy the “Comments” tool.
To capture everything that can be removed from images, click on the “Automatic filter” section.
You can also create a list using popular words, phrases, numbers, hashtags and emoji. Just get them through the coma. Check to make sure everything is entered correctly: the tool filters the words exactly to the skin symbol. When filtering emoji, all comments that are included in the emoji list are displayed.

Comments will also be filtered on your live streams

How do I turn off the comment filter on Facebook?

His “fighter against models” is on Facebook.

Included "Filter of obscene language."

Here, as in the levels of complexity, the line: “high – medium – low” is the level of modernization of comments.

Facebook itself produces a list of bad viruses - on the statistics table there are money from all the successful traders in the Russian business segment (I would like to look at these statistics!).

Here you can add keywords that look like tears appear in your eyes.

For example, if you enter “http”, spam will automatically be sent to any comments from external messages.

How to turn off the comment filter on VKontakte?

To turn on comment filtering, click on this:

Go to the sleep room, go after the instructions "Sleep management" on the sleepiness side (under the photograph);

Activate the checkbox "Turn on the obscene language filter", to reduce the automatic acceptance of comments, to prevent the most abused obscene words and expressions;

Activate the checkbox “Highlight keyword filter” to automatically filter comments. Please redirect all the words that, in your opinion, do not have the right to appear in the comments of your page.

The words that are filtered may contain Latin, Cyrillic and spaces, and may also be short of two characters.

Usi Prikhovani Filtrum will be automatically pinking at the “magazine di” at the lalastubovanni of the Storinka, de in one consumer, be the admiral of the spiral, the word has reached the whim of that chip of the mosquito. Prihovane can be reminded that, for example, you should block the commentator who is harsh on the language.

Robot logic

List filtering module key words, as a module for generating new keywords, and under the interface element module “List of Keywords” and acts as an observer of all keywords that need to be found or have already been found before the father’s example "To the list." Before adding an instance of an element to the “List of Keywords” interface, all keywords go through the keyword filter (as the filter is indicated on the “List of Keywords” button on the menu panel). The filter is filtered (based on the rules specified by the user), whether the word is actually added to the list or not.

The filter allows you to set rules so that keywords can be added to the “List”. These rules are divided into two groups, which are summarized before filtering in the following order:

  • Permitted words(“Allow”) is a key phrase that is tested for validity, and must contain the allowed word. Allows you to effectively target phrases that you can select or search for in the current “List”.
What is the list of permitted messages? empty, all phrases that are fed to the filter input are respected as having passed the sieve permissible words, and are immediately transmitted to the server with the list buried drains.
  • Defended words(“Deny” and “stop words”) - the tested phrase cannot contain a stop word. Stop words can be surrounded by a number of phrases that can be added to the exact “List”, if the user does not have a complete set of allowed words, but knows exactly which words are not to be found in the “List”.

The key phrase “revenge” has been tested, be it a word in the list permissible words(or list permissible words empty) and do not place any food on the list buried drains, this phrase is included in the exact copy of the element “List of key words” (the original “List”, a filter that was customized by Koristuvach).

The filter is activated in the “List of Keywords” interface element instance panel. The filter begins to filter all the words straightened by “Magadan” into the “List” filter. Do not increase the filter until the words that are already in the filtered “List” are processed. For one-time filtering of a stream collection of data, the “List” button is assigned to the “List” button. Bring down the list of key words"(div.).


As was stated earlier, the filter is activated in the control panel of the instance of the “List of Keywords” interface element.

Filter interface with two main tabs: “ Tolerance"ta" Fence" Vony is being used to create lists permittedі buried drains obviously.

The skin tab (“Admission” and “Restriction”) allows you to manually renew the list of words, select words from external files or connect in advance the preparation of a database of permitted and restricted waters.

The header of the skin tab displays the number of words added to it.

List of filtered words

View the list of filtered words

To the list of filtered words, all keywords that did not pass filtering are removed. This and other filter minds are not satisfied. The list of available items for viewing from the menu filter, displayed in the menu panel of the “List of Keywords” interface element.

Apply filter filter

Below are examples of equal results from different filter configurations. The signs from the left to the right indicate the intermediate results of passing the placements at the first column through all stages of filtration. In the remaining column of instructions, the result of hitting the word that is filtered to the continuous “List” of keywords.

Butt without permission


at the filter inlet

Permitted words Safe words Result
bank Pass Pass Pass
banks Pass Pass Pass
credit bank Pass Don't pass Don't pass
Oschadbank Pass Don't pass Don't pass
VTB Bank Pass Don't pass Don't pass
bank website Pass Pass Pass
unpaid loan Pass Don't pass Don't pass

An example of permissible words


at the filter inlet

Permitted words Safe words Result
credit bank
bank Don't pass Not rechecked Don't pass
banks Don't pass Not rechecked Don't pass
credit bank Pass Don't pass Don't pass
Oschadbank Don't pass Not rechecked Don't pass
VTB Bank Don't pass Not rechecked Don't pass
bank website Don't pass Not rechecked Don't pass
unpaid loan Pass Pass Pass

One of the main functions of social measures is to bring together people who are interested in the same thing, whether or not they want to talk about the same topic in a special group. You can read this material, discuss the subject of the group, write comments and much more. And, of course, messages can contain inappropriate information, including obscene language. In order for the collaboration to function smoothly and smoothly, moderators must avoid inappropriate information. You can earn money in two ways - by searching and searching manually, or by using the comment filter.

What is a comment filter?

The filter is a special tool designed to make it easier for moderators and administrators to work more efficiently. It automatically displays notifications for keywords that can initially be found in the social network database (Matyuk’s Dictionary) or entered manually. To isolate the public from the mat, just turn on the output filter. We joke on the wall and in the comments with obscene promo and see it out. The dictionary of matyukovs was created by professional linguists of several languages, including Ukrainian and English. The fact of the sighting will be recorded in history. However, in this type of veiling, mating (by replacing certain letters with dots and other signs) will not be visible.

To reduce your risk of swearing and spam, you need to enter the keywords manually. Then the rhubarb will be increased.

How to connect this tool?

Connections to this tool are not available unless you have administrator rights. To do this, you need to open the “Comments” section in the management system, where the editing menu is available. To connect a secondary filter to the dictionary of swear words, simply check the box at the top. To connect keywords that must be entered manually, you must check the other box and enter the words through whom. A word can absolutely be a set of symbols, as many as possible per character.

Finally, it is important to say that this filter is a very important tool for controlling public posts with sensitive comments and a large number of repayers. The presence of unacceptable viruses will clearly detract from the industry. It will look nicer from the side and it will be more accepting of vikors to prepayers.

The “Comment Filter” option is available in the individual VKontakte group, and it can be enabled by any means. First of all, this tool will be a great help to those who have the ability to comment and discuss notes on the wall.

In fact, the VK comment filter is an automatic moderator that prevents the group administration from manually reviewing all unnecessary notifications. Unnecessary detection, other people's advertising and spam are primarily on the right for great and powerful groups, but clearing them takes a lot of time.

U tsіy step by step instructions On the site, we will learn to enable the comment filtering function, and we will also look into its possibilities.

Automatic filtering will remove a group of unwanted or obscene messages, and all other comments can be removed independently.

VK group comment filter: how to connect and configure

Croc No. 1

Let's go to VK's sleep management, then enable the comment filter functions, we'll go to the "Sleep management" menu:

Croc No. 2

From the “Customization” menu, select the “Comments” submenu:

Croc No. 3

Select the item “Filter comments” and set the first upper ensign (check the box). For this simple operation, we have already hidden most of the unnecessary information, which includes obscene and cheeky language.

It is significant that the VK dictionary was compiled by professional linguists and philologists of the 4th language, and therefore the use of ungodly and obscene phrases is highly effective.

This is how you set up a private filter (behind keywords), which includes a number of advertising phrases to prevent spam and unnecessary advertising comments.

Another filter is configured in manual mode, it contains unnecessary stop words, which are used for filtering (through whom).

For example, we enter into this filter the following words:

go ahead, come in, subscribe, admire, new group Subscribe

IMPORTANT: You must understand that whether a new word or phrase is added to the filter, clear the wall of all comments, which will take revenge.

The choice of stop words can be individual, so that the filter does not interfere with the normal operation of the group. It will be impossible for Vikorists to block words and phrases in comments, and before adjusting the filtering, they need to be placed very carefully!

Croc No. 4

After adjusting the filters, it is necessary to save the results using the “SAVE” button, otherwise all your adjustments will be lost, and the filters for clearing VK comments will never start working normal for a robot. Don't forget to type її before exiting the page.

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