Federal system for the contingent. About the collection of personal data by the “contingent” system. Promotion of AIS “Contingent” proceeds in three stages

Raptovo acceptance by the Sovereign Duma of 21 breasts immediately from another and third readings, unimportant on the activity of low Orthodox community and Fatherland organizations.

Draft Federal Law No. 1048557-6 “On amendments to Articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law “On the fundamental principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law “On education in the Russian Federation”, The creation of the state system "Unified federal inter-domicial system" is underway providing a contingent of students with basic and additional educational programs" - this is sabotage against the future Russia. This will pose a real threat to the lives of our children, our families and the national security of Russia.

For vehicles with owned and commercial structures, this unique digital code replaces the names given to people by Holy Baptism in honor of their Heavenly patron. Such an action is nothing more than a spiritual, mystical act. By accepting a vikoryst identifier, a person can replace his or her name with a combination of numbers, otherwise it seems to take on a new numerical name, inextricably linked with the very essence of humanity. For Orthodox people this is unpleasant. With the acceptance of SNILS, all problems begin. Let’s remember the words of Father Kiril (Pavlov): “Assigning numbers to people is, on the right, against God, sinful. The fragments, if God created people, He named them. The names of people are God's Will. For all the thousands of years that have passed since that hour, people have exchanged names. And now instead of the name of the person, give a number. Those, for what reason, do not take away doubt from the sinfulness and godless nature of this action. That brother does not need to share his fate, but in the world of possibilities, he will build his foundation.”

If the number assigned to a person is not less God-fighting and sinful, then the number assigned to a person is not less God-fighting or sinful!

The evil against the Primus appropriation of SNDLS can be written by Kozhen Hulk.

Although it is not surprising, Russia is trying to implement projects related to the need for global information supremacy, in which there are sovereign powers, and people are like goods. Tim, no less, is not yet too late to speak out against this godless law. Until the Lord is completely rotten.

In connection with the adoption of the unconstitutional law on the “Contingent of Students” system, we are guilty of putting pressure on the crafty actors who have threatened the rights and freedoms of the people, the lives of our children and support the foundations of the national security of our region.

The further introduction of the “Contingent” system is scheduled for 2022.

It’s impossible to relax at this time of year!

God willing, everything will come out, as from the unfortunate UEK, the issue of which the legislator cut off on the 1st day of 2017.

“Don’t extinguish the spirit. Do not belittle prophecy. Try everything, have a good workout. Keep away from every kind of evil” (1 Thess. 5:19-22); “Do not take your lot from the barren right by drink, but rather by squealing” (Eph. 5:11), - teach us the Word of God.

In advance, relying on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Strategy of National Security and the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation, we will turn to the Security of the Russian Federation and the FSB of Russia.

In another way, it is necessary to achieve recognition in such a way that by complying with the Federal Law No. 1048557-6 “On introducing changes to Articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law “On the underground principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation” and the Federal Law “On education in Russia” "Iysk Federation"" .

It is also worth remembering that the Russian Orthodox Church and the State-Legal Administration of the President of the Russian Federation are categorically against the primus of citizens until the adoption of any individual identifiers, automated collection, processing and processing of personal data, about confidential information.

Appearing in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation at the beginning of 2015 within the framework of the III Religious Parliamentary Meetings, the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirilo declared in the name of the facelessness of the citizens of Russia: “Victory is automated their methods of collection, processing and processing of personal data, especially confidential information, may be carried out on on a voluntary basis. It is impossible to completely promote this technology! Each of us can find ourselves in slavery to these technologies, under total control. And if for anyone my words do not immediately sound relevant, believe me, in any hour these words may become relevant for everyone of us. Therefore, by depriving us of the possibility of alternatives, we will forever deprive ourselves of the possibility of a way out of such total control.”

The Russian Orthodox Church firmly relies on the voluntary participation of communities in new forms of identification and authentication of identity and recognizes the right of people to benefit from new technologies, which is superb yogo religious and other conversions.

This very regulation is given by the State Legal Administration of the President of the Russian Federation: “In any form, we will allow people to use electronic personal identifiers, automated collection methods, processing and processing of personal data, special confidential information “inacceptable” (speech from the State Legal Administration of the President of the Russian Federation to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill - Sheet dated January 22, 2014 No. A6-403).

The docks in Russia are ruled by representatives of the “fifth colony” and their overseas rulers who pass anti-constitutional, anti-human laws, and deputies and senators, don’t hesitate, automatically sign them!?

As it pleases the Lord, in the near future the representatives of the Rukh “For the right to live without IPN, special codes and microchips” and the “Union of Orthodox Lawyers” will prepare various reports that will require sending for the indicated address ami.

Valery Pavlovich Filimonov, Russian writer, specialist in cybernetics and control systems

The Ministry of Communications has acted as the deputy of the Unified Federal Inter-Departmental System for the formation of the contingent that is responsible for the main awareness-raising programs and additional illumination programs (federal segment of the IV “Contingent”) new communications of the Russian Federation in the sphere of the Ministry of Light and Science of the Russian Federation. It is the responsibility of the two ministries to coordinate behind the scenes the activities of the system. The Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation is responsible for the creation and support of the federal segment of the IS “Contingent”, its technological security, coordination of interdepartmental electronic communication and technology the main operator of the system. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is responsible for the methodological and methodological security of the federal system.

2016. Change of legislation for the creation of the system

Putin passed the law on creating a school education system

On June 29, 2016, Russian President Volodymyr Putin passed a law that passed the creation of the “Study Contingent” information system in the Russian Federation, as reported on the Kremlin website.

Explaining his decision, the President stated that federal law may prescribe the transfer of specific information that will be processed in the system. In addition, the culprits are the designated individuals who have access to these data and their responsibility.

For the practice that has developed in Russia, food about the warehouse and the protection of data from Galuzian information systems - this is the share of legal acts, which are registered, according to the founder of the “Academy of System Analysis”, scientific director of the Center for Urbanism Paul Itecha of Peter the Great Alan Salbiev.

This plan, of course, has nonsense that the president wants to include these norms in the text of the law, like Alan Salbiev. – If the most protected systems are vulnerable, then maximum guarantees are needed, since we are going to protect the heritage, the future of our state. Like many experts, I support the president’s decision, which was dictated by protecting the interests of children. It is absolutely logical that we would like to update the norms of the law with more expressive theses about those who will manage personal data, what method and what kind of storage of data will be used. The President did not trust the by-laws, which could then be quickly changed, but wanted to bring this up to the law itself.

According to the expert, one of the reasons for what happened was the change of policy in the Ministry of Education and Science at the very end of the project’s implementation. This led to the fact that the department’s priorities began to change, the approach to organizing a digital lighting platform, the introduction of digital technologies, and the beginning of intensive work with the presidential administration Istration. “It is clear and logical that there will be a need for adjustments to the very ideology of the “Contingent” system,” says Alan Salbiev. But suddenly the positions of the department, which had changed, could not be changed, as a result, the president revoked the law.

In addition, before the “Contingent” there were no large-scale rumors in full swing, says Alan Salbiev. As a result, many public figures do not have all the information that is important.

The expert predicts that in the near future the necessary amendments will be made to the law, and the “Contingent” system may be fully implemented before the spring of 2017.

We are glad that the adepts and kids have begun to realize that the new generation is acquiring information in a different format and requires different approaches to illumination. It is impossible to secure this approach without a digital ecosystem. Without it, the lighting system cannot be considered competitive,” says Alan Salbiev.

On January 23, 2016, the Federation Council praised the law on creating an information system for students and sent it to the President of the Russian Federation.

The State Duma praised the law on the creation of the “Contingent of Students” information system

On January 21, 2016, the State Duma praised the third, residual, readable law, which conveys the creation in the Russian Federation of the information system “Study contingent”, in which there will be information about students, its success and awareness and organization.

The bill may come into force on June 1, 2017, and the “Study Contingent” system may be formed “stage by stage according to the terms established by the Russian Federation, but not later than June 1, 2022.”

2015. Creation of the system

The federal system for training schoolchildren has been created

For example, in 2015 the system was created. The Ministry of Communications and Communications and Megafon signed additional acts on the implementation of robots, including an act on the readiness of the federal segment of the system before being put into industrial use.

Megafon provided the Ministry with a distribution kit for the software for the federal segment of the system, output codes, an album of screen forms and the necessary documentation. The deputy paid the contractor 35,760,000 rubles.

Select a contractor

The tender participants split into pairs. Peremig "Megafon"

Megafon moved, having established a minimum price of 35.76 million rubles (the initial price was 67.5 million). It is important to note that the text of the technical part of MegaFon’s application is practically identical to the similar text of the Bars Group application, right down to the smallest detail of the subsystem structures. This could be a reason for discrediting the results of the tender at the FAS, says the TAdviser consultant, close to one of the tender participants.

The structure of the collection subsystem, storage and verification of data from the technical application to Megafon has been confirmed

The structure of the collection subsystem, storage and verification of data from the technical application "Bars Group" has been confirmed

Trilank system architecture has been presented, application to Megafon

The Trilankov system architecture has been proposed, the application of the Bars Group

The technical parts of the applications from Rostelecom and Skhod are also consistent with each other.

Analytical module, application "Right away"

Analytical module, application to Rostelecom

Megafon decided to comment on the situation. "Bars Group" could not provide comments to TAdviser.

FAS does not turn off the call of postal officials

Having become familiar with the information about the competition, the FAS told TAdviser that avoiding parts of the technical propositions can be one of the signs of wisdom, otherwise it is not possible to work on this basis.

The FAS is ready to examine in detail the rules of every single application, representatives of the antimonopoly service added to TAdviser.


The development of the first draft for the federal segment of the interdepartmental system (including the analytical component of the federal segment) is given approximately one month (work starts at the end of November and ends before the 15th of April 2015).

During this period, the contractor is responsible for obtaining information about the interaction of the federal segment with the regional segments of the interdepartmental system of subjects of the Russian Federation from the example of 10 pilot regions, within the framework of the government contract.

In addition, it will be necessary to develop prototypes of services for the interaction of the federal segment with the systems of the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Migration Service, the Pension Fund, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Health and the Federal Service for Education and Science, as well as test the interaction of the system with the high-lighting segment.

The key objectives that the specialists of the companies “BARS Group” and “Netrika” (acting as subcontractors) focused on were integration with various data sources, the interaction of the federal segment of the system with already fragmented regional segments. Prototypes of services for the interaction of the federal segment with the systems of the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Migration Service, the Pension Fund, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Health and the Federal Service for Education and Science have been developed, and the system has also been tested for interaction with the public education segment. Great respect was paid to the productivity of the system, which daily collects large amounts of data, the ease of administration, the design and ergonomics of the interfaces of the portal of the federal segment of the IS “Contingent”, which is used by the military personnel of many Russian departments .

Problems faced by the system

The creation of the federal system, officials hope, will allow for the development of “low-pressure problems, the development of external, professional and additional education”, leading to “increased efficiency and efficiency in the adoption of management decisions and bodies the purpose of effective interdepartmental electronic exchange of information."

The designation "PO of Russian Virobnitsva" was given as signed by the President in early 2015. It is true that the law has been gaining ground since 1st June 2016.

For the federal segment of the IS “Contingent”, including the portal, there are separate subsystems: administration, collection, storage and verification of data, management of data about persons, pedagogical workers and organizations, not regulatory and development information, integration with external systems,

Parliament tried again to introduce the “Contingent”, the law on the introduction of some kind of fate was revived Russian President Volodimir Putin. The State Information System (GIS) "Contingent" is not a database of all Russian children. Activities mean: the federal law has not yet been adopted, fathers can be informed by these data. Details - in the material Naperedodni.RU.

Last year, the share of the current juvenile Russian project was discussed at a meeting of the Illumination Committee in the State Duma. The deputies appeared not ready to withdraw the proposed bill from consideration and decided to call a special commission so that, with the participation of the fathers, they would prepare a favorable text for the law on the “Contingent”.

Project GIS "Study contingent" It is already being discussed about three years ago, at this time it will undergo testing in the Irkutsk, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Saratov regions, the Republic of Dagestan, Tomsk, Perm region and Kamchatka. In these regions, it is no longer the first time that the “pilot” regime is collecting data from fathers about children. The scheme is simple: when a child is sent to kindergarten or school, the father is given basic personal information - PIB, community, registration address, SNILS. Later, when the child starts going to school, data about her progress is entered into the system. This is available through " electronic maker", you can only go to the number SNILS. Also, the database is updated with information about the health and burial of the child.

The population was alarmed by the fact that access to the systematized data of the child was blocked. It is the administration of initial deposits and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Although the fragments of the father’s thoughts were not absorbed by anyone, the bill was successfully adopted by three readings and the Federation Council.

The president also doubted the validity of the decision adopted by parliament. Having concluded that this law is required to establish the transfer of specific records that are located in the federal and regional systems, as well as to determine the features that deny access to such records, and their related there is. The Kremlin explained that, in compliance with the law, Putin taking into account the enormous concern and respecting the need for further examination of the law with method protecting the interests of parents and children.

Speaker Derzhdumi sings that such a law is necessary, because " It is clear that there are a large number of databases in the field of information, and unfortunately, they are compiled on different platforms and are not fully protected, - Volodin said. - Creation of a hidden database on a single theft platform, as in my case, would be correct".

Those who respect the head of parliament correctly call the activities of large organizations direct violations of laws. People in the city are categorically against the collection of personal data. How it became clear Naperedodni.RU However, experts in the family sector are against allowing such a system to continue.

"There is no great need for such an information system. The skin department already maintains its own database, which allows them to clearly identify, for example, the Ministry of Health, the need for illumination; As many children as you will have in the first grade, you will also know the necessary information from clinics and registry offices, social service departments. We already have a lot of departments that collect the information they need for work, but there is nothing else to do massive and great work. If we understand that Information is the key to access to people, And access to this information is being denied by the vast majority of foreign powers, and we cannot be asked to say that if we want the foreign masses to deny access to our children, then, insanely, the reaction of the marriage will be definitely negative ",- shared her thoughts with Naperedodni.RU head of the inter-regional community movement "Family, khannya, Batkivshchyna" Lyudmila Ryabichenko.

Previously, the tender for the development of the "Contingent" was rejected by the service "Schodennik.ru", registered in Cyprus, Gavrilo Levi, who already has access to information about all students.

“The main point is that the information that is entered into the IS will be inaccessible to the citizens. We cannot control what is written about us, and we cannot regulate this process every day. A system of external control over the citizen is being created, a system of access to information about wow ". , as it happens spontaneously, without informing the citizen, as a result he is left absolutely helpless in this situation. We are creating a system in which everything will be written about us. don’t show me what was included there,”– added Lyudmila Ryabichenko.

In addition, the “Contingent” reads 23 and 24 articles of the Constitution.

Expert of the Batkiv All-Russian Support (RVS) Oleksandr Kovalenin This means that the President’s support for the bill on the introduction of internal combustion engines is related to this very issue.

“The President’s statement, “that the Federal Law may establish the transfer of specific information that is located in state information systems,” elaborated by him under the law, is not just the duty of the first person of the state, but as a guarantor of the Constitution before the agreement with the fundamental law For the Constitution The citizens are clamoring for the right to a special family prison(Article 23), the collection, preservation, collection and expansion of information about the private life of an individual without it is prohibited, and the authorities of the local self-government are obliged to deal with those who have violated this law - to ensure the integrity of private life(Article 24). In fact, the “Contingent” allows the collection of data about our children by any body that wants it. Zokrema, the guardianship authorities, who today do not have any legal grounds to look after children, except for fathers, who were “lost without care,” or else want anything else. This is about nutrition, not about the lighting system, but about the market for the morning of children, the regulator of which is care, - having informed Naperedodni.RU Oleksandr Kovalenin.

The creation of the system, as confirmed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, is aimed at benefit: to establish the necessary number of places in kindergartens and schools, to provide grants to gifted children. The RVS activist respects the fact that the “Contingent” infringes on the rights of students who stand up.

"It's not just school success that comes from the system, but also information about troubles. All the "middle" twos. And those who are going through difficulties, having found them in their beginners, are unlikely to be able to catch up on your chances of mastering life. With the understanding of the above, evidence of social ill-being is accumulating, as those who are not guilty of the law go beyond the borders of the police department for those under age... It’s important that the child walks with a label from his “price” “Istyu” is the name of the portfolio. what was seen without any luck (!) by everyone who needs children for something - and foreign ones "thoughts behind their heads", and show business deals, and "potential aspirants", how to check with the bank "bank sirit" if you choose a child for them. Do we want children to be amazed without our knowledge? If you want to send your successful child somewhere for grants, you can submit applications for grant competitions yourself., Kovalenin added.

The threat to the national security of the country from the "Contingent" is considered Russian writer, expert in cybernetics and control systems Valery Filimonov.

“Obviously, the senators did not wonder how many unclean hands could be used to abuse the data for evil purposes! The national security of the land, directing to our poverty We already know how the “custody and incarceration authorities” operate in families that take children from their parents. tologs"? the ends of the world have not thought of such a thing - put on sale confidential information about all children - from newborns to students, about their parents and families. If we talk about world practice, then Unified data banks may be available on a regional scale. In England and other countries, initial deposits are kept on a local basis. Timing is no less, criminals constantly steal personal data, then use it for their own advantageous purposes. As a result of the "Contingent" system, we are talking about colossal threats to the national security of the country.", - Valery Filimonov said after finishing his thought.

The prospect of appearing “under the hood” of the “Contingent” is shouted by the fathers. Write about your fears of the stench to social media.

“The law on the IV “Contingent” has been adopted, now all data about the children of the Russian Federation (data from kindergarten, school, success, health, illness, chipping, honey eyes, blood type, residence addresses, education addresses, towns, sections) and their fathers iv They will gather and join a single database with access to it “whoever needs it”, except for yourself, especially if you don’t get it. we are being “quietly” tightened to the electrical station ", - posted on its page on the social network VKontakte" Evgeniya from Cheboksary (even before that, as a project of Putin’s inspiration).

“Do you know which law was praised? And in the future, in 2017, the personal data of you and your children will be affected. Are you ready to share special information about you and your children? Do you know who will have access to this information, how will they vikorist ?Everything has already been decided for us", - wrote Irina From Nizhny Novgorod.

Such questionnaires are available all over the world in schools.

Previously, the inhabitants of one of the “pollen” regions – the Perm region – were told Naperedodni.RU about the obsessive interest of schools in their health and financial status.

"The polls in the RVS show that there is a wave of all kinds of collections of statements, questionnaires - children at school are asked about those who do not at all worry about the social process, talk about wages and in this place the work of their fathers. We are talking about the high level of officials’ attention to reporting knowledge about our children, including the knowledge that we can give to our children. Collecting personal data is not required - the data must be registered where it is collected and for strictly specific purposes: school - from the school, medical - from the doctor, police - from the police. A person is obliged to trust the mother's ability to trust the skin service of marriage, for which it is necessary to guarantee that every "inter-domestic interaction" will not be assigned to her prison without her fear", - Oleksandr Kovalenin.

According to him, until the federal law is adopted, fathers may be subject to the disclosure of personal data. The application form can be found on the RVS website.

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Agency Ivan-Chai informs: Centralized information about all the children of Russia and their fathers through the “Contingent” system can reach the hands of private businesses and their chosen fathers. Evidence from the pilot regions has shown that the fathers are not aware of the data collected for their children and the family: access to the information base “Contingent” is not denied to the fathers.

There are plenty of reasons to once again destroy the theme of creating a single inter-departmental base “Contingent” for all children of Russia. Golovny - this is what IS “Contingent” with the project of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Communications, which seemed fantastic, turned into reality.

This confirms draft law No. 1048557-6 "On the development of the state system "Unified federal interdepartmental system for the provision of a contingent of students for basic and additional educational programs", which has been in the State Duma since the beginning of 2016 and has already been adopted What was read on June 10, 2016, and tenders were held in the regions , and lists from regions, and a single system website, and alarming information from healthcare professionals.

Following the words of representatives of the field of education in one of the regions of Russia, in 2016, an interdepartmental meeting was held in this region for teachers of correctional boarding schools, educational institutions, and punishment services. the theme of developing the “Contingent” base for the education of children under 18 years of age. It was said publicly that the program is federal and will be launched in the localities through bidding. According to the words of the regional intercessor, the Minister of Education of the region of V., who, having carried out the meeting, the base has already been reserved for preschool education.

In this case, the specialists in the field of coverage of the region sing that the urgent distribution of information sheets has not been organized. However, they indicate the haste of the kernels: the linden-sickle plant in the skin must go through the beginning and before the first day of filling in personal data for everyone who starts in the system, until the end of leaf fall A base throughout Russia may be ready. The first step is to complete the completion of personal data, studies and initial plans. The program itself is quite comprehensive: it includes electronic journals/electronic journals. The prospect has a completely different appearance from paper noses.

The "Contingent" system has been used by the father.

On the federal level, the implementation of the IV "Contingent" system will be carried out Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the basis of the approved by the Order The concept of creating a unified federal interdepartmental system for the formation of a contingent of students.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs respects the fact that the creation of the AIS “Contingent” will promote the “effectiveness of making management decisions related to the development of child education, health protection, social security, and other areas those who want to work with children.”

(Illustration by Ivan-Chai)

The development of AIS “Contingent” proceeds in three stages:

At the first stage before the system of lighting organization the guilt is paid

1) personal data of the child
(PIB, date and place of birth, status, SNILS, community, details of birth certificate or other document identifying the person, registration address/actual place of residence/occupancy)

2) personal data of fathers/legal representatives
(PIB, date of birth, SNILZ, community, details of the document that identifies the person).

At another stage Additional special information will be included
(Data about health: health group, medical group, group and cause of disability, evidence of need in the adaptive program in the beginning, evidence of need in medical treatment),

It is noteworthy that they are creating an IS CONTINGENT that will place all their personal data on all 28 million Russian children and their fathers, not government structures at all.

What responsibility for the safety of data storage is transferred to various regional TOVs, VAT, ZAT, which, within the framework of private-state partnerships, transfer large amounts of personal data is unknown to anyone.

Chief specialist vul. Polovtsia, 2, 4 on top (4012) 65-63-00 (106)

[email protected]

X Illuminate the rhubarb: mid-professional
Diploma qualification, specialty/area of ​​training: Kaliningrad Technical College. Specialization - "Computing machines, complexes, systems and measures"
Remaining advanced qualifications: Baltic State Academy of Refinery Fleet, Faculty of Automated Carrying Systems. Specialization - "Automated systems for information processing and management", 2018.
Work experience (external): 20 rocks
Work experience at the Institute: z chervenya 2018 roku

The unified federal interdepartmental system for providing a contingent of students with basic lighting programs and additional background lighting programs (DVS “Contingent”) is broken down according to the approach plan (“road map”), approved by to the orders of the Russian Federation since February 14, 2015. No. 236-r.

The main document for the implementation of the system in the regions of the Russian Federation is the Order of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 2014. No. 2125-r.

Obligatory data that may apply to the regional segment of the EFMS “Contingent” can be found in the document of the Ministry of Information Technologies and the link “Unified functional and technical capabilities to the regional segment The unified federal interdepartmental system provides a contingent of students with basic lighting programs and additional background lighting programs." .

Purpose of the system:

  • automation and collection of current information about the actual and predicted number of students (contingent) in various types of civil defense;
  • creation and maintenance of an up-to-date unified register of civil defense of various types;
  • monitoring of registers by reputed representatives of regional and municipal lighting authorities;
  • collection of current information about the flow and success of students;
  • routing of data during the implementation of government service at EPSU about success in electronic form;
  • monitoring the light trajectory (migration) of students;
  • forming the necessary statistical significance.

Information materials

Presentation to the project
Unified information portal of the system
Technical support service
Information block on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Project passport
Presentation of the project on the website of the Ministry of Communications and Communications of Russia

Kill the zahist. Theft outline.

Technical support is carried out by specialists of the State Autonomous Installation of the Kaliningrad Region "Kaliningrad State Scientific Research Center for Information and Technical Safety"