Trust the apple extension. Apple Two-Factor Authentication

The function of additional re-verification of coristuvach to control everything, try to enter the public record of the distillation program: find out how to correctly vicorize and how to enable two-factor authentication in Apple ID on your apple device.

One of Apple's flagship achievements pidhіd to security and privacy policy Koristuvalnytsky information. Two-stage authentication is one of the modern methods for reaching the maximum level of reliability of the entrance to the oblique record.

The company has such a technology to test for verification of the gadget’s data sheet when you try to enter physical record. Bagatorіvneva autentifikatsіya є 100% guarantee that access to the system will only be your mother.

Principle dії. The difference in robotic authentication and verification

The function of bugator-internal authentication is activated, which automatically protects the physical records from hackers and unauthorized penetration by other coristuvaches. Only the Vlasnik of the identifier can be entered, even the system vimagatime to introduce two types of data:

  • Password for Apple ID;
  • Digital code, which will be issued on all approved accessories - vin є proof of legal authorization.

Butt: You tried to log in with any browser or client program. For this purpose it is necessary to enter login and password. After passing the authorization, you will not spend until your personal record - it is necessary to additionally enter a code that confirms the authorization of entry.

Required code Applies to all gadgets linked to Apple ID. Enter the numbers for iCloud Authentication to gain access to your profile. The visual scheme of the robotic function is presented in a small way:

After the first correct entry of the code, the entry of numbers will no longer be prompted after the next turn on of the software. Reauthentication less likely to be needed in a few vipadkas:

  • Under the hour of skidannya nalashtuvan;
  • Upon re-entry.

Also, post-introduction of digital codes and language for functions, which may move the steps of security - change the smart phone, the removal of system parameters and others.

Verification and authentication. What is the difference?

It is important to differentiate understanding two-stage re-verification і two-factor authentication , shards of stench may go down, ale, different zmist.

Revising bula was implemented and implemented in gadgets in 2015 roci. The main meta option is additional control. Recheck available, starting from IOS firmware 9.

Authentication - Ce extensions of the reverification option. Apple extended the function and added new security management systems to it. Zokrema - to the work of misfortunes. The principle of work with cards is applied at designated "safety" points.

The skin of a person regularly sees you yourself, so on the map you can definitely select a small dot, from which you can easily win authorization. As soon as the entrance is vikonano beyond the borders of these points, on the trusted extension, I will immediately receive the code of reverification and warning about the possibility of the attacker.

As a matter of fact, authentication is smartly more automated and more advanced method of ID control. The verification task is to correct the code for the trusted gadget, and the authentication of the other device analyzes the device’s intelligence and ahead of the checklist about the possibility of insecurity.

Wimogi functions

Bagatorivneva Authentication is broken for new gadgets:

Witnessing Authentication

Allow no more authentication advanced code access. Confirmation of roztashuvannya is not possible. Read the instructions:

  • For the help of a desktop browser go to the side gloomy hell
  • Log in to the system– enter login and password;
  • Dali instruct the access code in the text field, what are the indications on other gadgets;

  • Press a key "Permit" at the vіknі, scho to appear on the mobile device;
  • Let the browser automatically redirect you to the koristuvach side. Anything not included in the trusted list, click on the mobile gadget "I trust which browser" and press on "Continue";

  • After a successful entrance, press on the tile "Nalashtuvannya". Vaughn is smashed on head side desktop version of iCloud Another option for entering the nalashtuvannya is to select the name of the koristuvach at the top right corner. Give the list what you see, click on « iCloud settings» ;

  • At the vіknі, press on the key "Management". The won was roztashovana after the name of the sergeant of the oblіkovogo record;

  • You will then be redirected to the Apple website. The new window needs to log in by entering your login and password;

  • Go to the window with an oblique note and press on the tab "Safety"-"Change";

  • Find a field "Enable Authentication" and choose yoga. Next, confirm the confirmation of the password for the additional input of the password, which will be sent to the trusted attachments.

The system of two-step authentication is governed by such a rank, schob maximally secure coristuvachіv vіd usіh mozhlivih sprob evil. For the same reason, for the complete inclusion of the option, the retailers transferred the need for power supply to the power supply, which you indicated.

Only after entering into text fields correct prompts, you can deactivate the option.

Confirm your statement:

Trusted outbuildings

Changed device- tse be-what kind of Apple. One win - all gadgets can be bound to one ID. The same for the principle of attachment bonding, the creation of a group of trusted outbuildings.

You can't authenticate with an add-on that isn't part of your Apple gadgets group. Pratsyuvati s dvuhtapnoyu autentifikatsiєyu may be less than one vlasnik, tablet, computer.

Transfer of trusted outbuildings - here is a list of all models of gadgets, on which a digital code will be sent to confirm the entrance to the Apple ID or the program. You can see this translation at the addendum at the Devices deposit.

Trusted numbers

Trusted numbers– the whole list of operator numbers style tie, on which you need a digital access code for authentication. Advice may not come only to text look, but in the form of a ring in the form of an Apple robot.

In the process of the first establishment of a bagator_vnevoj autentifikatsii, it is necessary to specify, if only one real phone number. To add the number, you need to enter it in the confirmation field. How to confirm enter the code that you have received on the number, at the window.

The SIM card with the linked number may be inserted on the trusted device. Otherwise, no verification code will come.

What data should be remembered?

It is important to remember that two-step authentication- the whole complex of diy, directed to the protection of your data. For full functionality you need to remember or write down the following information:

  • Login and password in oblіkovogo record;
  • Custom code for software- digital access identifiers, which you independently set for your oblique record;
  • Master Key– the value of the letter and digits that are automatically generated when the option is enabled. You will need a VIN in that case, so you will have access to all trusted numbers and devices.

Obov'yazkovo close the main key and move it to a folder on your computer or another add-on. Also, the code can be written to a USB flash drive or arkush paperu. Take care of these data in such a rank, so that no one could know that vikoristati universal key.

So, radimo vikonuvati timely updates trusted numbers. If you have changed your SIM card, do not forget to enter data about the new number with your Apple ID. In another case, access to the identifier may be intervening.

Follow the physical safety of your devices. Do not deprive your smartphone without the sight of third parties and use a fingerprint scanner to unlock the gadget. It is important to protect yourself not only against a virtual evil identifier, but also against unauthorized access of other people from your phone / tablet.

Feature enhancements

Activation of the function is less than a sprat of fluff. As a result, you will take away the additional security factor, which is to protect data in the memory of the annex, installed programs and in a gloomy shovel.

On iPhone and iPad

Follow the instructions to enable authentication on your iPhone:

1 Open the window on the phone;

2 Go to iCloud field;

3 Click on an item "Password»;

4 Select "Install 2-factor authentication";

5 Enter the code that will come to the trusted attachment and complete the installation. Write down the universal key on your nose.

On MacOS

On Mac OS, two-way authentication is available only on the El Capitan version and latest firmware operating system:

1 Come to the window systemic improvements ;

2 Click on the iCloud field that start the data editing mode of the oblique record;

3 New window Click on "Safety". Then the system prompted to enter the password from the identifier;

4 Click on a key "Set up authentication" the yak is stashed in the lower part of the window. Confirm the digital code that will appear on all devices linked to Apple ID.

Alternative otrimanna podomlenya

Otrimuvati kodi access m not only on trusted outbuildings, and y at the service "Know iPhone". You can set this parameter in on Apple patches ID (Security - Correction of access codes). As a result, the code for verification comes not only on trusted devices, but also.

In this way, in one day you can control the attempt to enter the suspected account and review the access code. This option works only with authentication. It is not possible to recheck a robot with cards.

Perevagi bagator_vnevoj autentifikats_ї

Whether Apple ID saves not only information about attaching attachments, but also data credit cards special information koristuvachiv. In the darkness, someone else takes scans of documents important information, theft can lead to irreversible consequences.

If you want to be sure to be secure with your secure information, win two-factor authentication. Function advantages:

  • One organization for the security of all gadgets from Apple;
  • Expansion of customization of keruvannya function;
  • Guarantees zahist vіd usіh rivnіv ta typіv evil.

How to apply for changes to the platform iOS 10.2 and more early versions, it is necessary to visconate like this:

1. Vidkriti in " Nalashtuvannyakh» split « iCloud»;

2. Select your Apple ID and go to " Password and security»;

3. At vikni activate " Two-factor authentication»;

4. Squeeze " Continue».

Verification of a trusted phone number

After the appointment, the appointment is higher, to appear in the window, in which case it will be necessary to indicate the phone number - the conversion code itself will be forced on the new day. It is also important to indicate that someone will be asked to confirm: if they see a text message or a telephone call.

How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication for Apple ID on Mac

To set up two-factor authentication, you need to have iCloud and OS X El Capitan (and newer) on board.

1 . Open the Apple menu and go to " Systemic adjustment", and then at" iCloud» ta « Face Record».

2 . Select tab " Bezpeka».

3 . Click " Turn on two-factor authentication».

4 . If you want to know that the two-step verification feature is already enabled, you should turn it off before activating two-factor authentication. Also, the Apple ID, created in versions of iOS 10.3 or macOS 10.12.4 platforms (as well as in newer versions of these operating systems), can automatically turn on the protection of two-factor authentication.

6 . First, remember to remember the password from your oblіkovogo record. In another way, it can be seen that data, being recorded or saved in any file, appear in third parties.

8 . Thirdly, do not forget to update the list of trusted phone numbers in your own time.

9 . It is also important to guard, so that attachments do not get into the hands of third-party people.

All you come in security can secure the maximum level of protection for the gadget and the information that is saved on new.

Coverage with a physical record of Apple ID

At your oblikovuyu record, you can correct data about the trust of the extension of that telephone.

Updating of reverified phone numbers

In order to win two-factor authentication, the database service may need one trusted phone number. If this number needs to be changed, then follow the vikonaty like this:

  • Log in to your Apple ID account;
  • Open the tab " Bezpeka» and click on the item « Reformation».

It is also necessary to indicate the correct phone number, next press " Add a revised phone number» and enter the number. You can confirm it by stating one of the methods: for additional rewriting of the code in the text message or a call. To delete the no longer current number, next click on the icon, restash the order with the number.

Looking back at trusted gadgets and managing them

You can review the information about gadgets that have gained the status of a misunderstood, you can in the distribution " Attached"At my Apple account ID. In the same place, you can find out about the information about these gadgets.

In times of need for revision, attachments can be removed from the list. If anything, you won't be able to access iCloud and other Apple Dotty services, but the docks won't be authorized again with the help of two-factor authentication.

Parts of nutrition and vіdpovіdі on them

What is the difference between Apple's two-step verification and two-factor authentication?

Є. Two-stage re-verification on Naraziє let's get old in the way of zakhistu. Vikoristovuyut її mostly koristuvachi, yakі do not think it’s possible to upgrade your “apple” gadgets or software security on them. Vidpovidno, two-factor authentication - the function is new and perfect, which will increase the level of protection to the maximum.

If you forget your password, what's the job?

Go to " Nalashtuvannya» Attachments, go to the distribution under the name iOS 10.3 and later versions, or to the iCloud distribution for earlier versions of the platform. There slid vibrati divided " Password and security”, the depositor of which will have the item “ Change password- click on a new one and enter a new password.

However, this option is less suitable for overturned gadgets. If not to enter until the number of trustees, then look at the side that vikonati is indicated there diї.

How can I, how can I put a twisted one on my hands?

Click on the button " Code not taken» In the authorization form, select the verification phone number, as well as the verification method (text notification, telephone call). The code can also be taken in " Nalashtuvannyakh» trusted gadget.

I can't access the public record, how do I get access to the new one?

Everything is elementary here: just click on the item “ Request a confirmation of a public record»At the authorization form. You will then need to indicate the phone number, which system sent the verification code. The process of processing information and confirmation of special features is carried out automatically and takes a few days. After completion, they will call you for the specified phone number.

How important is it to remember your dietary control?

Oskіlki system zasvіdchuєtsya svoobistosі koristuvacha vvglyadі entered їm password i code, Control nutrition and vіdpovidі on them zovsіm do not pour. The database saves power for two days, on the other hand, as a rule, it helps to turn the amount of account security. After the end of the term, the given data are seen.

Can you help support service to restore access to oblіkovogo record?

Ni. The acknowledgment service can explain the algorithm for acknowledging access to the oblique record, but it can’t confirm the person of the coristuvach.

How can two-factor authentication be used by the system?

  • For iPhone, iPad and iPod touch - either the iOS 9 platform or the latest version.
  • For Mac - not OS X El Capitan and the latest versions of the operating system, as well as iTunes 12.3 or new software updates.
  • For Apple Watch– the same watchOS 2 platform and further updates.
  • For PC with Windows on board - ce installed program iCloud for Windows 5 and iTunes 12.3.3 (or some fresh updates).

At the entrance to the oblіkovogo record appears rozashuvannya, as if it does not match the real

If you are trying to gain access to your oblіkovogo record from the new building, then the gadget will be superseded by the code from the assigned distribution of the new device. It can look like a real one, so the system assigns it to the IP address that is victorious. In this rank, I can give evidence about the measure, until I connect the coristuvach, and not about the physical education of the building.

If so, I’ll keep you informed about those who, in this oblique record, are trying to enter the new building, but if you don’t have to enter yourself, then it’s necessary to press the button “ Don't allow”, to block access to the oblіkovogo record.

Unfortunately, one of the best ways to defend Apple's technology is not bad. Some evildoers are given the necessary set of tools to bypass two-factor authentication.

You can do it with skin, be respectful.

Reader Dmitro writes to us:

Happy days of breaking my Apple ID. iPhone that has two-factor authentication enabled, switch to login mode. Guessing which Apple ID to bind to your Mac. Without becoming panicky, commit rash actions.

When I got home, fortunately, the laptop was not blocked, Zayshov on under his login and password, opened the "Know iPhone" and simply took the login mode.

The next day, the iPhone was blocked again, the problem was solved in the same way.

At the moment, the best way to secure an Apple ID is two-factor authentication. Vaughn appeared at the same time with iOS 9 and macOS version, which appeared overnight. Defendant of the transfer of the passage of the additional re-verification for an hour try to enter the guise Apple record ID. On the trusted extension, you will receive a confirmation code or SMS with a password.

The system should be stable and stolen, especially for the obviousness of a few trusted outbuildings.

Vipadok, like standing with Dmitr, є dosit tsіkavim і at once unreasonable. Malicious people seem to have been able to pass a two-factor check to enable blocking on my iPhone.

How is it possible

When you try zlamuvannya vikoristovuetsya similar scheme.

On the back, it is necessary to take away the appearance of the sacrifice. For whom it is possible to win a banal watchfulness, or the collection of data through special programs. It's not a secret for anyone that the deacons of the program can, including the personal data of the koristuvach.

If the victim's password is leaning on their hands, the attackers will get a copy of the yoga sim card. It’s easy to get it easy, you can add some documents, photocopies too. otherwise, to speed up the "help" of the spіvrobіtnik of the operator of the stіlnikov zv'yazku.

This way, a completely unknown person can have your login and password, as well as a working phone number. And that's all that is needed for passing two-factor authentication.

So, for the completion of everything necessary, it is necessary to spend a lot of time and effort, but with diligent equal preparation, everything is possible.

Now you can block any kind of attachment of the victim, not being able to live with anyone from your trusted gadgets.

Bіlі plyami in іstorії

So far, it is not possible to say 100%, as the evil-doers have fared away to get the appearance of Dmitri's tribute, as a victorious special supplement, like the same.

I didn’t understand why, for the obviousness of the login, password, and phone number, it was not possible to change the password for the Apple ID public record. Just a pardon and allowed to turn your device into a working station and regain control over the oblique record.

Yak be sure

In order to bring the evil to a minimum, it is necessary to follow the simple rules:

1. If possible, please change your login and password to your Apple ID, especially in public places.

3. At the same time, do not enter data at addenda and sumnivnyh sites for messages from lists and SMS.

4. If two-factor authentication is enabled, please specify at least two trusted attachments for capability.

The system zahistu may have one weak spot - a trusted phone number, which koristuvach is guilty of substantiating the obov'yazykovom order. The very same lazіvkoy and koristuyutsya evil-doers, like they may be able to quickly “clone” the need for sim cards.

Be drunk and protective, good luck!

Apple Hot News:

Passwords are not hackable, only lines. The recent massive round of cloud recordings from Yahoo only confirms the fact that more than one password - and it doesn't matter what kind of fault it will be in order - is not enough for nadiyy zakhistu. Two-factor authentication - those who promise to give such a defense, adding an additional level of security.

Theoretically, everything looks bad, that one is practical, sloppy, practical. Two-factor authentication really complicates the evils of a physical record. Now the attacker lacks vimanity, steal the master password. To enter before the oblikovogo record, you need to enter another one-time code, which ...

You repeatedly stuck with two-factor authentication, but you still don’t feel about it. If by entering a one-time code, which one was forced through SMS? That's it, okremy vipadok two-factor authentication. Do you help? Shiro kazhuchi, no less: the evil-doers have already learned to omit this kind of zakhist.

Today, we will look at all the two-factor authentication that is zastosovuetsya for the protection of appearances google records Account, Apple ID and Microsoft Account on Android platforms, iOS and Windows 10 Mobile.


Two-factor authentication first appeared on Apple devices in 2013. At the hour, change the coristuvach at the need dodatkovogo zakhistu it wasn't easy. At Apple, they didn’t bother: two-factor authentication (which took away the name of two-step verification, or Two-Step Verification) was victorious only for the protection of direct financial shoddy. For example, a one-time code will be required when buying a new extension, changing the password and for bridging with the support service on those associated with the Apple ID record.

Not everything went well. Serpni 2014 has become a massive round of celebrity photos. Hackers have been able to gain access to public records of victims and hijack photos from iCloud. Having sprung up a scandal, as a result of which Apple, in a Swedish order, expanded the support of a two-stage re-verification for access to backup copies and photos in iCloud. At the same time, the company continued to work with the method of two-factor authentication of the new generation.

Two-stage re-verification

For the delivery of codes, there is a two-step re-verification using the Find My Phone mechanism, which has a number of appointments for the delivery of push-alerts and blocking commands at the same time to enter or steal the phone. The code is displayed on top of the blocking screen, obviously, as an intruder in the distance of trusted attachments, you can take a one-time code and speed it up, I’ll add it if I don’t know the password. Such a delivery mechanism is like a weak Lanka.

You can also take the code from the SMS or voice call to the registration phone number. This way of antrohi is not safe. The SIM card can be taken from a badly stolen iPhone and inserted into any other attachment, after which the code is accepted. Nareshti, you can clone the SIM card or take it from steward operator for the added trust - this kind of shahraystvo at the same time has become simply epidemic in nature.

Since you don’t have access to a trusted iPhone, nor to a trusted phone number, then in order to access the public record, you need to type a special 14-digit key and with you ). If you waste your time, then you won’t give up a little: access to the oblіkovogo record may be closed forever.

How safe is it?

Yakscho honestly not duzhe. The two-stage re-verification was implemented rather badly and deservedly took away the reputation of the superior system of two-factor authentication with the help of gravity. grand trio". If there is no other choice, then a two-stage re-verification is still shorter, nothing less. Ale vibrir є: With the release of iOS 9, Apple introduced a completely new system of zahistu, which was given the simple name of "two-factor authentication."

Why does the system itself have weakness? First, one-time codes, delivered through the Find My Phone mechanism, appear right on the blocking screen. In another way, authentication based on phone numbers is not safe: SMS can be scrambled like a provider, or replaced or cloned by a SIM card. As well as physical access to the SIM card, you can simply insert it into another device and take the code on all legal bases.

So May is on the way, so evil-doers have learned to take SIM-cards instead of “spent” for additional authorizations. If your password was stolen, then recognizing your phone number is useless on the right. Confidence is being added, a new SIM card is coming in - all right, nothing more is needed to access your public record.

How to disable Apple authentication

It's easy to get through this variant of two-factor authentication. Є kіlka options:

  • rahuvati one-time code from the trusted attachment - unblock it not obov'yazkovo;
  • move the SIM-card to another device, receive SMS;
  • clone the SIM card, remove the code on it;
  • be speeded up by a binary authentication marker, copied from the computer of the koristuvach.

Yak zahistitsya

The defender for the help of a two-stage re-verification is not serious. Don't wink її vzagali. Replace it with a valid two-factor authentication.

Two-factor authentication

Another attempt by Apple to bear the official name "two-factor authentication". Instead, in order to change the front scheme of a two-stage reverification, two systems are used in parallel (in fact, within the framework of one outline record, only one of two schemes can be reversed).

Two-factor authentication appeared as a warehouse part of iOS 9 and macOS version, which appeared overnight with it. new method turn on the add-on verification for any case, try to enter the Apple ID record from the new add-on: on all trusted add-ons (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch that computer pid keruvannyam fresh versions macOS) instantly arrive interactive information. To remove access to notification, you need to unlock the attachments (with a password or a fingerprint sensor), and to remove the one-time code, you need to press the confirmation button in the dialog box.

Like the previous method, the new scheme can take away a one-time password like SMS or a voice call to a trusted phone number. However, in case of a two-stage re-verification, a push notification will be delivered in any case, and an unauthorized attempt to enter the official record of a coristuvach can be blocked either way from your annexes.

Additional passwords are being added. And the axis according to the access confirmation code in Apple was changed: if you spend your single iPhone at once with a trusted SIM card (for some reason you can’t restore it), to restore access to the cloud record, you happen to go through the right quest from pid hardness of the individual (і ні, a scan of the passport is not valid for such confirmations ... that original, which is called, "does not work").

Zate in new system Zahistu knew a place for a manual and audible offline scheme for generating one-time codes. For her, the standard TOTP (time-based one-time password) mechanism is used, which generates a one-time code in thirty seconds, which consists of six digits. Qi codes are attached to the exact hour, and the role of the generator (authenticator) acts as the trust itself. Kodi is obtained from over system fix iPhone or iPad via Apple ID -> Password and Security.

We will not reportly explain what TOTP is and why it is, but about the main details of the implementation of this method in iOS, like a similar scheme in Android and Windows, it still happens.

On the basis of the main competitors, Apple allows vicariously as an authenticator, including the addition of a wet brewer. In their roles, you can trust the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch under the protection of iOS 9 or 10. new) trusted status. If the authenticator is found to be compromised in Google, then click (and re-initialize) the status of the initial authenticators will be shown, the screens in Google have broken the single secret for initialization.

Naskіlki tse safely

In the case of the previous implementation, the new scheme is still more safe. Zavdyaki pіdtrimtsі from the side of the operating system, the new scheme is more consequential, logical and handy in victories, but it is important from the point of view of the radiance of the coristuvachіv. The system for delivering one-time passwords has also been completely overhauled; The only weakness of the Lanka, which was lost - delivery to a trusted telephone number, such a coristuvach, as before, is guilty of verification in the obov'yazykovom order.

Now, when you try to log in to the official record, the coristuvach mittevo will take push notifications to all the trusts of the annex, and it may be possible to test. Prote when dosit shvidkih deya zlovmysnik mozhe otrimati access to oblіkovogo record.

How to disable two-factor authentication

As in the previous scheme, two-factor authentication can be hidden behind an additional authentication token copied from the computer of the host. The attack on the SIM-card can also be done, but try to get the code via SMS, all the same, it will be better to inform you on all the trusted outbuildings of the coristuvach, and you may be able to get the power to enter. And the axis to look at the code on the screen of the blocked add-on is no longer possible: to unblock the device and confirm the dialog window.

Yak zahistitsya

The new system's quirks are not so rich. Yakby Apple was supposed to add a trusted phone number to the language (and for activating two-factor authentication, one phone number would need to be verified in the language order), it could be called ideal. Unfortunately, the need to verify the phone number adds serious inconsistency. You can try to protect yourself, as if you are protecting the number, to which one-time passwords are sent to the bank.

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Two-factor authentication Apple ID - ce new technology security for the oblikovogo record, as a guarantee that access to it will be secure only for the sackmaster. Moreover, you know that the same symbols of the password from the public record are known, all the same, you cannot enter the system to replace the legal spy ID.

Robotic mechanism

The use of this technology ensures access to the public record, including the trusted devices - iPhone, tablet or Macbook. When you first log in to a new gadget, you need to enter two types of data - the password symbol and the verification code in a 6-digit format. Code symbols are automatically updated on these devices. After driving in a new gadget, zarahuyut to trust. Let's say that in iPhone presence, when you first enter the appearance on a newly purchased MacBook, you need to enter the password symbols and the verification code, which is automatically displayed on the iPhone display.

Keys for access to the form of password symbols are not enough, other types of verification are required, ID security indicator - numbers are significantly moved.

After the login is requested, the code will no longer be carried out on this device - until the moment when the exit is disabled and all information on the gadget is erased, otherwise it will not be necessary to change the password symbols (also with a security method). If you enter through the border, you can trust the browser and the next time you work with the same device, you don’t need to drive in the code.

Perevіrenі gadgets: what?

So you can not be a "apple" device - only iPhones, iPadi touch with operating version 9 or new, and also macbooks with operating Capitan or "fresh". The system of these gadgets may have but zdijsnenі enters from the zastosuvannyam 2-factor reverification.

Just briefly - the same device, about which Apple is known to know who to blame, and through which you can turn the person around by showing the confirmation code when entering another gadget or browser.

Checked phone numbers

Tse tі, yakі it is possible to win, so that they found confirming codes through text messages or dzvinki. You need to confirm if you want one number to access 2 factorization individuals.

It is also possible to confirm other numbers - a home or a friend / relative. If you don’t have access to the main one, you can beat them.

Rules for fixing

If the device has an operating system of version 10.3 and older, the algorithm will be as follows:

  • Go to the distribution of the patch, to the password point and security.
  • Press the section for inclusion of 2-factor identification.
  • Click on the item to proceed.

As on gadgets, the operating system is 10.2 or earlier, the steps will be offensive:

  • Move to iCloud.
  • Select your ID - number and transition to the distribution of the security password.
  • Click on the item to enable 2-factor authentication.
  • The onslaught of the continuation element.

How to disable two-factor authentication in Apple ID?

There is a lot of someone to chirp, that you can turn on this technology. Surely so. But remember, that after the cloaking of the appearance will be weakly protected - only with password symbols and with food.

To enable it, you need to see on the side of your oblikovy record in the edit point (at the security depositor). Then we will draw up a division of vimknennya two-factor identification. After the appointment of new secret food, the technology will be deactivated after the appointed date of the birth.

If I want to re-activate for ID without the knowledge of the legal authority, you can change your e-mail. Dali is necessary, as before, click on the section of the authentication label at the very bottom of the notification, which was earlier by e-mail. Posilannya will be active for two more days. Moving along them allows you to move forward on the security of ID and control over your appearance.