Search for key words. A look at cost-free programs for taking positions Position verification service in Yandex

TopSite is a program for checking website positions in search engines (Yandex, Google, To verify positions, you can add multiple domains, and within one domain you can split them into groups. Positions are collected selectively or individually for all domains. Request collection can be done via Yandex XML, XMLProxy or directly from Yandex and Google. You can also configure the collection of positions in the background throughout the day.

Main functions of the program:

  • Selecting a site's position in Yandex and Google, as well as
    Support Yandex XML, XMLProxy (paid or 100 cost-free checks per day)
    Support Anti-Captcha (Antigate) and ruCaptcha.
    Verification of positions with the regulation of the region (Yandex and Google). It is possible to select a region (Russia, SND, Europe, America, Asia, Africa, etc.) for both Yandex and Google.
    Competitors and relevant pages for skin searches are selected
    Automatic checking of positions on the site throughout the day
    Generate graphs, feedback and export data from CSV or HTML side with customized output
    Clustering of queries by Yandex and Google
    Collection of basic, phrase and precise frequencies
    Selecting frequencies only for mobile devices
    Possibility of aligning the position of the site with a forward revision
    Information about changes to relevant pages
  • How to check a site's position using the TopSite program

    Initially, setting up query collection is not as intuitive as you would like. I just want to add the domain name and start collecting, otherwise I’ll get out of the way for two kroki. Varto has to understand once, because then this nuance no longer resonates.

    In the list of projects, press the right mouse button and select “Add project”. We enter whatever we want, so that our project is called.

    Now, in the Query Group block, you need to maintain as many groups as you want for your queries. Grouping queries is necessary if you have optimized a couple of pages and need to monitor queries on each side. If you don’t need anything, and you want to collect all the drinks in one go, just give the name to the group.

    Next, press the “Add Write” button (1). When adding key words, you can enter the frequency in the entry (perhaps we copied the data from Wordstat.Yandex). You can also add keywords by clicking the right mouse button on the main window (block 3) and clicking the “Insert” button.

    That's it, wash it down. Don't forget to add the region in which you will check the positions of the view and the domain to click on you. Now we press “Start review” and in a few seconds our positions are taken away. The fluidity of the collection is hostile.
    The axis of development with the development of programs is the assigned position of the site in Yandex and Google:

    Yandex XML: 200 keywords per text.
    Yandex: 120 key words per khvilina (1-2 captchas).
    Google: 150 keywords per captcha (1-2 captchas).
    Mail: 80 key words per text (3-4 captchas).

    And also with the help of SERPParser, but I couldn’t reach such a low number of captchas with such speed. Position selection can be done cost-free through Yandex XML limits for the limits of your sites or for a fee using the XMLProxy service (the XMLProxy service itself provides everyone with a cost-free 100 checks per day, which can be obtained from TopSite). But in fact, limits are not a problem and you can take positions absolutely cost-free. We just put the program in the “Auto-check” mode, set it up in the collection settings through Yandex search, set pauses between queries to search for more, and that’s all. TopSite itself verifies throughout the day your entire pool of requests absolutely cost-free without wasting money on captchas. It is permissible from the 8th morning to the 20th evening of the position collection program for us to verify 1440 queries without captchas with a pause of 30 seconds.

    The program for searching sites for keywords also collects the visibility of the site and all other domains that appear behind your queries in the Yandex and Google search systems. As a result, we select a list of real competitors.

    Є updated schedule of changes to the position of the site for skin care.

    In addition to the main function of mass collection of positions, TopSite has the ability to cluster queries such as Yandex or Google. Tobto. The program searches, however, for different domains based on a skin query and, after adjusting the level of similarity of results, combines or sets queries to different groups. To switch to grouping mode, you need to click on the button, add our entries in the main field and click “Start verification”. The numbers in the green squares indicate whether you want to enter one group or whether you need to separate them on different pages.

    Well, the TopSite bonus program also serves to select keywords for the site and can extract keys from Wordstat.Yandex. If you turn on the “Recursive” function, then after the first collection of queries, the program will automatically continue through the entered keys in Wordstat and then search for them. We select a region, insert a query, filter for stop words, set the minimum collection frequency and start.

    For those who provide SEO services from running websites, you can generate ads in Excel or in HTML format. In this case, the format itself is displayed in the .html view, so you can customize your food.

    The TopSite program for checking positions is paid, the price is 999 rubles for a lifetime license. There is also a free trial version for 15 days for Windows and Linux. The author is steadily developing his project. On the forum of the author of the program, you can note that all the wishes of buyers are quickly realized. Now we ask that it be possible to vivantage groups of one domain at the same time and that it be possible to vikorize your proxies when collecting positions without any difference.

    Program website TopSite -

    I think most of my readers are engaged in the promotion of sites, either official or client. In order to monitor trends in search behavior, it is necessary to continuously monitor the positions of sites. It is, of course, easier not to do it manually, but automatically. Today’s post will be dedicated to looking at cost-free programs and services, which can help you remove the positions of sites that are leaking. I hope that the pastry will be as brown as possible for beginners.
    List of cost-free programs for taking positions.


    SiteAuditor- melodiously, the first program, with which the SEO expert is stuck. Created by the legendary Ashmanov, he will continue to cope with his tasks. The most praiseworthy feature is the “Site Visibility” function, which provides additional information about hundreds of inputs to the site that is in the TOP, as well as information about competitors by keyword. Before speaking, SiteAuditor is now being called an “SEO module” and put into the UMI CMS. It doesn't look any better.
    I don’t know what I can say about this as a minus, otherwise the program always requires you to update Flash and doesn’t work as quickly.

    The program is small and, compared to SiteAuditor, it works faster. SESpider allows you to take positions from a large number of sound systems, including such exotic ones as It is possible to import projects from SiteAuditor and Semonitor into the program. On the downside: it is not possible to register a region to Yandex (only Moscow, St. Petersburg and Ukraine are included).

    Majento PositionMeter

    Majento PositionMeter- Finish the new program, as it has honored me with its asceticism and simplicity. Pratsyuє shvidko, don’t tamper with the system. The function includes collecting positions in Yandex and Google, TIC, PR. Here you can immediately observe the dynamics of the growth/loss of positions and export everything to TXT or CSV. Є AntiGate, which is connected, Є Yandex.XML. Plus, use the wordstat scanner, which can check for entries in the style of “” and “! "It allows you to select a region. Zagalom nothing zaivoy.

    Seo Analyzer (hamele0n)

    Seo Analyzer (hamele0n)- Add a functional program, but with a non-manual interface. The actions I spoke did not understand: is it still possible to read regional numbers? What about authorization on Rambler? If you can save it in CSV, then what about Export Excel? On the plus side, you can see the parser of sound hints and the still non-functional module for checking messages for indexing.

    The order of the top is to finish the brainwork, the rest of the time at work The most popular site is for clients and Key collector for periodic checking of positions for up to thousands of low-frequency inputs. The data after the skin scan is saved in an Excel file based on the designated date.

    1. Value of one check: 0.05 rub.
    2. Sound systems: Yandex, Google, etc.
    3. Competitive advantages: the ability to seamlessly track changes in the position of 5 competitors, API, manual interface, personal branding and guest access for clients. There are several ways to replenish your balance: Yandex penny, paypal, bank card. Additional possibilities for stimulating return mails from Yandex Webmaster, indexing pages in search engines and information about traffic for your search list.

      1. Value of one check: 0.05 rub.
      2. Sound systems: Yandex, Google, etc.
      3. Competitive advantages: price ranges for being in the top for skin applications, connecting to a high-power domain and a current white label, including an API, the ability to identify competitors, branding and providing guest access for clients. In addition, please make sure to call your mail.

    1. Value of one check: free of charge (one-time purchase of software 1800 rubles)
    2. Sound systems: Yandex, Google, etc.
    3. Competitive advantages: Possibility of changing the position for a large number of requests for a very low cost of one verification. Possibility is determined by the order of words, expansion of the semantic core with the help of sound cues and statistical features. There are so many different functions that make this program indispensable when

    ) one of the key points is checking the site's position in search engines Yandex and Google. In order to perform these and other actions, it is necessary to continuously monitor the position of the key words in the skin's sound systems. Only very good statistics (sometimes it is possible to remove positions once every 2-3 days) can be analyzed on the site, focus your attention on words that have not yet reached the TOP, constantly analyzing their behavior in search results i. Roughly speaking, a graph (or table) with positions on the skin word that protrudes allows us to study the data of the sound systems to the platform and their reaction to the action, apparently to work on the steps and make the most of the entries. Hey, let's take a look services for checking site positions for words in Google and Yandex, We can simply divide them into 2 categories:

    1. Cost-free services
    2. Paid services for taking a position

    Cost-free services for checking website positions in search engines

    There are a lot of tools for taking positions, cost-free online services that can be set up to differentiate by depth of review, number of keywords, number of checks per month or day. But don’t be surprised, if you have a small budget, you can check with free resources or programs.

    • An excellent, cost-free online tool that allows you to check the position of a site in search form. It allows you to check online up to 50 queries from Google and Yandex regardless of your location or location. Also, if you register in the service itself, you can freely cancel 500 position reversals. If you need to check a large number of requests, the service offers paid plans with good prices.
    • Site-Auditor is a cost-free service that will help you find out about the site’s position in search engines. True, you need to install it on your computer, otherwise the installation of the device and service works wonders. It also has other useful possibilities (verification, sending to the site, number of pages in the index and others). Read the report about this in the following articles. An excellent resource for quickly checking the visibility of your Internet lover :)
    • - an online resource for checking the visibility of your site in search engines. To verify, you need to “Register”, and then “Login” to your account account and then to the address shown in the photo: A very simple and intelligent tool. There is nothing complicated, everything is intuitive. Enter the domain, select the region and that’s it.

    • PanelWM is a wonderful resource. You can download from this web resource after you enter “Name” and “Post”. There is no protection from boots. There will be no regular passwords or paid promotional codes. This is absolutely free service. It comes in two versions: Auto installation, Windows version and standard script installation.
    • - in the no-cost verification mode, it allows you to work with 50 keys, the depth of verification is up to 100 positions and work with 4 sound systems. You can check it once every 2 days. It is possible to export to Excel and pdf.
    • - allows you to recognize the positions of 25 keywords per day from one IP address. Glibin – up to 100. You can select only 1 region and remove a short sound (Position and relevant side and all). It is suitable for a quick analysis in few words.
    • - a useful tool in alignment with the previous one. Exchange for doba – 250 reversals. There is also the possibility that your competitors will be surprised by your request. This option looks like this:

    Paid tools for checking site positions in search engines

    Tools that allow you to find out about the visibility of your web resource behind words for very little money. Let's take a look at the most popular ones: - the ability to recheck depends on the number of requests, the frequency of monitoring and the number of sound systems and calls. You can say that the system is even better and without major overpayments. is the first online tool that has started to make money. In the middle of the system there is its own currency - “coin”. Taking 1 position costs 1 coin. When you register, you will receive 1000 coins as a gift. 1 coin = 0.03...0.1 rub. With the help of complex mathematical operations, you can make it possible to reverse one word once a day for a month. The won is 0.9 rubles. up to 3 rubles (subject to additional amount). You can also analyze competitor statistics. User-friendly and user-friendly interface.

    A tool for the fast, free assignment of exact positions on a site in search engine systems like Yandex and Google for a number of search terms in the semantic core. The functionality allows you to check the search results for up to 100 positions, as well as display the URL of the page relevant to the search.

    Respect! Positions are reserved for the day. This means that until 00:00 the tool will not change the value of the queries assigned to the domain that have already been verified.

    Is it time to check the positions of the site?

    To promote the site, it is necessary to optimize the skin side for the most effective sound inputs, which is how to introduce the components into the range of sound systems. The list of queries for optimizing the site and for what reasons to follow is called the semantic core of the site. You can call him for help.

    When optimizing the pages of a site that is failing, it is necessary to take into account the positions behind the queries that it occupies in the view. To assess the visibility and success of a resource in our niche, it is important to assess the effectiveness of the site as a whole, including:

    • Submission to the site;
    • number of conversions (orders);
    • brand recognition.

    Advantages of our position verification service

    The main idea of ​​the tool is to quickly and efficiently take positions at the moment you need it. There is no need to use complicated intelligent systems, there is no need to pay a lot of pennies for those systems that take positions more often, you will be amazed at them, everything is even simple and manual:

    • Completely catless.
    • You can check up to 100 requests at a time.
    • Verification of up to 100 positions per view.
    • It is possible to recheck the positions of the regions.
    • The value of the relevant page request.
    • Active re-verification of competitors' positions.
    • It is possible to assign a subdomain to the site.
    • Zvedenya for TOP-1, 5, 10, 50, 100.