New functions of special capabilities in Word. The purpose and main capabilities of MS Word I would like to inform you of the combination that will make it easier to work in Word

Word for Office 365 Word for Office 365 for Mac Word for the Internet Word 2019 Word 2019 for Mac Word 2016 Word 2016 for Mac Word for iPhone Word for Android phones Word for Windows Phone 10 Mensche

Use Word with your keyboard or screen reader to view, navigate, and move between different features. We recommend that you use Screen Reader, JAWS, and NVDA, but may also be able to work with other screen reading programs that do not meet standard standards and methods with special capabilities.


From whom was it separated?

    Wi-Fi access panel and the title row at the top of the screen.

    The main area is instead located under the stitch and in place of the document. In addition, there are additional areas that can be opened on either side of the main one instead of or below it.

To switch between the main elements of the display, press the F6 key until you hear the phrase “String tabs, Document name, Open area name or “Row”, obviously.

To go to the Quick Access panel and header row, press the Alt key once. You will feel: stitch tabs. Then press SHIFT + TAB until you see the option you want, and then press ENTER to select it.

To navigate through the tabs of a page, press the left or right arrow keys until you see the name of the desired tab or item, and then press the ENTER key to select it. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts to move around the tabs of a page.

To move from tab to page, press the TAB key once. You will feel the name of the first option on the page. To move between options on a page, press the TAB key until you see the option you want, then press the ENTER key to select it. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to easily select parameters.

To move to a row, press the up and down arrow keys until you see the name of the desired tab or item, and then press the ENTER key to select it.

Transition between manifestations

Getting to know the document

Porada: To quickly move the focus to the first moved shape, such as an image or text field, press CTRL+ALT+5. Then use the TAB key to move between shapes. To return to the original navigation, press the ESC key.

Vikoristannya scan mode

To move the text of a document, press the scan mode in the screen reading mode. With the help of the screen speaker, press the Caps Lock + Spacebar keys.

In scan mode, you can use the up and down arrow keys to navigate through the document, as well as to move between paragraphs and other elements. The on-screen reader reads the formatting of the text, and then the paragraph itself.

Vikoristannya to the reading mode

Reading mode Word contains components optimized for reading text, including for reading out loud.

    Turn it on reading mode, press ALT + W, F keys.

    To switch to full-screen reading mode reading modes, press the Alt key, and then press the TAB key until you see the name of the desired tab, and then press the ENTER key to select the desired item.

    For the vikoristan function reading out loud press ALT + W, R keys in reading modes. To access menu items for reading, press the TAB key until you see the option you want, and then press the ENTER key to select it.

    Note: To get the best results, you may need to turn on the screen reading function first. reading out loud.

For additional help areas navigation You can quickly navigate between the headings and search results of a document.

    To seal the area navigation, press ALT + W, K keys.

    To move focus from the main image to an area navigation, press the F6 key until you hear the “Navigation...” notification.

    Vikonite one from the other, pointing them lower.

    • To move to the desired heading, press the Up or Down Arrow key until you see the desired option, and then press the ENTER key to turn the focus to the document at the head feed in the desired location.

      To vikoristovat search field in the area navigation, press the arrow up until you hear the phrase “Search, document”, enter a brain search and press the ENTER key. You will feel: “the coming result.” To switch between search results, press ENTER until you reach the desired option.

Change in scale

Zoom in to see more detail in the document, or resize it to get more pages per change in size.

    Press the ALT + W, Q keys. As you use screen reading, you will notice the Zoom or Zoom dialog box.

    Press the TAB key until you get to where you need it Vіdsotkovy value, and then enter the percentage value, or move the arrow up or down to change the percentage value.

    Press the TAB key until you reach the button OK, and then press the ENTER key.

Wikoristanny search

To quickly know the required parameter or select the song, use the text field Search. To learn more about the Search feature, see the article on how to search for information you need in Office using Search (Microsoft).

    Open the presentation, document, or spreadsheet where you need to click on a song or see the required element. For example, in an Excel spreadsheet, select a range of items.

    Press the ALT+Q keys to move to the field Search.

    Enter keywords for the activity you need to sign up for. For example, if you need to add a list of markings, enter markers.

    Use the down arrow to select the desired item from the search results.

    Then press the ENTER key to select an item or option.

Additional information

Use Word for Mac with the keyboard and VoiceOver, which uses Mac OS's on-screen reading capabilities, to see and navigate between different items.

Do you need information about how to start working in Word, other than using screen reading as an aid? Get to know us.


    New Office 365 features will become available to prepaid Office 365 subscribers around the world, so your program still has these features. To get the most out of new features, become a member of the Office Advanced Review program.

    This article is shared with you if you use VoiceOver - Screen Reader for MacOS. To view additional information about the VoiceOver wiki, div. Pos_bnik za podkov roboti s VoiceOver.

    To view additional information about screen reading capabilities, see. An article about the screen reading feature in Microsoft Office.

From whom was it separated?

Navigation for headaches

To navigate through the main data in Word, press the F6 key (forward) and Shift + F6 (backward). Focus moves to the forward areas of the main phenomenon:

    Area “instead of document”

    The page tab is currently selected

    Wi-Fi access panel

    I'll stand in a row

    Navigation area (included)

Navigation by page tabs

Line tabs are the top row of the Word menu. To go to the page tab, press the F6 key until you see the name of the thread tab on the page, for example “Head”, “Selected”, “Tab”. To move between tabs, use the left and right arrow keys. To see the tab, press the space key. A page with the specified tab will appear below it. Information about how to view the selected page can be found in the page navigation stat.

Below is a list of the most extended tabs and activities from them that can be clicked on each of the tabs:

    Format and verify text and numbers.

    Inserted table, small figures, figures and diagrams in the document.


    A selection of FreeHand painting tools.


    Select a topic, adjust the spacing between paragraphs, and then add a padding or border to the navigator.


    Adjustment of fields, orientation and size of the page.

    Add some juice, wine and some extra cherry juice.

    Create mailing stickers or a document that you can send to many people directly from Word.


    Checking the spelling and special capabilities of the document and working closely with other experts for additional notes and notes.


    Select due, for example druku layout, adjust the scale of the page and open your learning options.

Page navigation

After navigating to the right tab of a page, described in the section Navigating Page Tabs, press the TAB key to go to the page and view its commands and options. Press the SHIFT + TAB keys to move to the return direction. Press the space bar to select the required option, or press the F6 key to exit the pages.

Porada: Using shortcut keys to access commands and settings on the skin will often become faster. Additional information can be found in the Word Keyboard Receipt Statute.

Transition between manifestations

In addition to the main Word manifestation, the following phenomena are often victorized:

    When you open the Word add-on, it will be placed on the front page. On the front page, you can create a new document, view templates, open the original document, and deny access to information about the cloud record.

    To navigate to the Start menu, press the F6 key until you hear the phrase "file button" and then press the space bar. You will hear: “Open new and recent files.” Press the TAB key or the Arrow key right-handed or left-handed to navigate through the menu. To see a fragment, press the space key.

    The "add-ons" menu contains additional menus and commands, for example, for editing text and formatting tables. To move focus to the program menu, press Control + Option + M, and then press the Tab key until you see the desired menu.

    For example, at the menu " file"You can create a new document, open the original document, save, share or link the file you are currently working with, and access Word options. To open the menu " file", press Control + Option + M. Press the Tab key until you hear the phrase "file", and then press the Spacebar. file Use the up and down arrow keys to navigate. To open the menu tab, press the right-handed arrow. To select, press the PROB key.

    Close the menu file and turn around and press the ESC key.

    At Vykni " Word Options"You can deny access to Word settings, such as AutoCorrect and Stretch options.

    To open the window Word Options, press Command + Coma (,). Press the TAB key to move the window. To select an option, press the space key. The Settings dialog box opens. To go to the Options dialog box, press the TAB key or the arrow keys. To see a fragment, press the space key.

    To close the window Word settings Then turn around and press the ESC key.

Getting to know the document

When you open a Word document, the focus is in the together area. Once you've moved the focus from the area instead, press F6 until you hear the phrase "Change text" and then place the cursor on the document. There are a number of ways to move between areas together.

Vikoristannya keys.

A complete list of keys for navigation can be found in the statistic for obtaining keys in Word.

When the focus is on the text of the document, press the keys Control + Option + Shift + Down Arrow to interact with instead:

    To go to the beginning of the document, press the Command+Home or Fn+Command+Left Arrow keys.

    To move one word left or right, press Option + Left or Right Arrow.

    To move one paragraph up or down, press Command + Down Arrow.

    To move to the front insertion point, press Shift + F5.

    To force interaction instead, press Control + Option + Shift + Up Arrow keys.

Use VoiceOver to translate the rotor, scroll to navigation or select items

You can navigate VoiceOver features such as rotor translation, express navigation, or select items to jump directly to an item. For example, you can go straight to the heading or send it to a section.

    To open the rotor, press Control + Option + U.

    To open the selection of elements, press the keys Control+Option+I.

    To activate Express Navigation, press the left and right arrow keys.

A report on the various functions of VoiceOver can be found in the VoiceOver handbook.

Selected navigation areas

You can quickly navigate from one page to another using the navigation area, which opens up from the main text of the document.

    Press the F6 key until you hear the name of the current tab, for example, “Head, selected, tab.”

    Press Control + Option + Right Arrow until you see the phrase “view, tab,” and then press Control + Option + Spacebar.

    Press the TAB key until you hear “Navigation area, accepted, ensign.” To expand the navigation area, press CONTROL+OPTION+SPACEBAR. You will feel: “Bichna panel, the area is in ruins.” Focus moves to the navigation area.

    Press the keys Control + Option + Shift + Arrow up until you hear the message “Not shown, line”.

    To move focus to the navigation area, press Control + Option + Right Arrow until you hear the phrase "Bank panel, task area," and then press Control + Option + Shift + Down Arrow.

    Press Control + Option + Right Arrow until you see the phrase “document sketches,” and then press Control + Option + Shift + Down Arrow. You can tell VoiceOver to tell you how many sides a document has and which side you are on.

    To move between pages, press Control + Option + Down or Up Arrow until you reach the desired side, and then press Control + Option + Spacebar to move to the desired section.

Focus moves to the text of the selected page.

Additional information

Try Word for iOS with the keyboard and VoiceOver, a native iOS screen reader, to see, navigate through, and move between different items.

Do you need information about how to start working in Word, other than using screen reading as an aid? Get to know us.


    New Office 365 features will become available to prepaid Office 365 subscribers around the world, so your program still has these features. To get the most out of new features, become a member of the Office Advanced Review program.

    To extract additional information about touch input in Word for iOS, div. Pos_bnik koristuvach Word for iPhone on touch devices.

    This article is transferred to you if you use VoiceOver - for screen reading, use in iOS. To view additional information about the VoiceOver wiki, div. Universal access to Apple products.

    To view additional information about screen reading capabilities, see. An article about the screen reading feature in Microsoft Office.

From whom was it separated?

Navigation for headaches

The basic Word application includes the following basic elements:

    The top row of the menu contains parameters such as " Shut up", " behind-the-scenes access"і" file".

    Toolbar for changing document formatting options, such as bold font, Armchairі list, appears at the bottom of the screen when an editable item is selected in the area.

To go to the top row of the menu instead of a document, left-click until you see the phrase “file”. To select “Top Menu Row,” click left and right until you see the option you want, and then tap the screen twice.

To get to the Stitch menu, go to the top row of the menu, swipe left until you see the phrase “Show Stitch,” and then touch the screen twice. You will see a menu tab on the page currently selected. To change tabs, tap the screen twice, swipe left or right until you see the name of the tab you want, and then tap the screen twice. To go to the page menu, swipe your finger left or right until you see the desired option, and then touch the screen twice to select it.

Transition between manifestations

In addition to the main Word manifestation, the following phenomena are often victorized:

    Menu " file"What to do with such parameters as Saved copies, Exportі signet.

    To open the menu " file

    Tribute just a joke, which allows you to review the results of a document search.

    Schob vikoristovvati manifestations Search, swipe left until you hear the word “Shook,” and then tap the screen twice. Enter the search word using the on-screen keyboard. To cycle through search results in a document, swipe left until you see the phrase “upcoming search result” or “previous search result,” and then tap the screen twice. To exit the mode just a joke, swipe your finger with your right hand until the focus moves to the document, and then touch the screen twice.

Getting to know the document

To analyze the text of a document, swipe your finger right or left until you feel VoiceOver speak the current side, and then tap “instead.” Swipe up or down to change the navigation mode in the screen reader, such as headings, paragraphs, lines or words, and swipe your finger right or left to move around the screen.

You can also choose how to move the document by sliding your finger up or down on the screen. For example, if you select the “Words” option, then when you drag your finger across the screen, the cursor moves from one word to a document on another.

To scroll through a document, swipe three fingers up or down. When you lift your fingers from the screen, VoiceOver tells you which side you're on.

For additional help to the regime page layouts You can increase the volume of text on the page, edit the text and add notes on the small screen of your phone. Swipe left or right until you reach the button Layout of the page, and then touch the screen twice.

Using VoiceOver from an external keyboard

If you use VoiceOver with another external keyboard and want to use keyboard shortcuts, you need to turn on the mode Swedish navigation. To do this, immediately press the keys with the right-handed and left-handed arrows on your external keyboard. VoiceOver tell you about those Swedish navigation disabled. To soak again Swedish navigation, press the arrow keys again.

The associated keys can be found in the associated keys statistic in Word.

Additional information

Use Word for Android with the keyboard and TalkBack, the Android screen reader experience, to see and navigate between different items.

Do you need information about how to start working in Word, other than using screen reading as an aid? Get to know us.


    New Office 365 features will become available to prepaid Office 365 subscribers around the world, so your program still has these features. To get the most out of new features, become a member of the Office Advanced Review program.

    To extract additional information about touch input in Word for Android, div. Pos_bnik koristuvach Word for Android.

    This article is transferred to you if you are using TalkBack - screen reader for Android. To view additional videos about the TalkBack wiki, div. Special features of Android.

    To view additional information about screen reading capabilities, see. An article about the screen reading feature in Microsoft Office.

From whom was it separated?

Navigation for headaches

The basic Word application includes the following basic elements:

    The top row of the menu contains parameters, such as Saving and closing, Vidminaі menu.

    The area instead of the document that appears at the top of the menu takes up most of the screen.

    Toolbar "Swedish" for changing document formatting options, such as full-fat, Armchairі list. It appears at the bottom of the screen when an editable item is selected in the area.

    The page menu appears at the bottom of the screen when needed and contains a number of tabs to accommodate various tools.

To go to the top row of the menu instead of a document, left-click until you see the phrase “menu”. To press the "Top Panel" button, click left and right until you hear the name of the required element, and then touch the screen twice.

To go to the Quick Tools panel, select an edit item from the document, then swipe right until you see the option you want, and then double-tap the screen to select it.

To get to the page menu, go to the quick view panel, right-click until you see the phrase “Advanced settings”, and then touch the screen twice. You will see a menu tab on the page currently selected. To change tabs, touch the screen twice, and then click left or right until you see the name of the required tab, and then click the screen twice. To go to the page menu, swipe left or right until you see the option you want, and then tap the screen twice to select it.

Transition between manifestations

In addition to the main Word manifestation, the following phenomena are often victorized:

    Menu file"what to do with the command "file", " save a copy", " Export"і" signet".

    To open the menu " file Swipe left until you see the phrase “file,” and then tap the screen twice. To navigate through the menu, swipe left or right until you see the item you want, and then tap the screen twice. To exit the menu, swipe left until you see "Done" and then touch the screen twice.

    Panel just a joke

    Schob vikoristuvati panel just a joke, swipe left until you hear the phrase “know,” and then tap the screen twice. Enter the term you need to know using the on-screen keyboard. To cycle through the results of a search in a document, swipe left until you see "Find Early" or "Find Farther," and then tap the screen twice. Close the panel just a joke, swipe your finger with your right hand until you are prompted to “close the search panel,” and then tap the screen twice.

Getting to know the document

To analyze the text of a document, swipe your finger right or left until you feel informed about those on the right side, and then tap “instead.” Swipe up or down to change the navigation mode in the screen reader, such as headings, paragraphs, lines or words, and swipe your finger right or left to move around the screen.

Useful to read touch gestures on the TalkBack screen

Word for Android enhances the Android reading experience from the TalkBack screen. When it is checked, you will see a description of the items you select or activate on the device. Before such elements there are commands, manipulations, lists and buttons, as well as instead of screens, menus and sliding windows in Word.

Vikoristannya global or local context menu

When navigating through TalkBack, two context menus are available, clicking to search for settings and settings. The global context menu contains commands that work through this process. The local context menu contains commands that appear under the selected element.

Additional information about the global and local context menu of the div. u statti Zagalne and local context menu.

Additional information

Check out Word Mobile to use Screen Reader, which is built into Windows' screen reading feature, so you can see and move between different items and move between them.


    New Office 365 features will become available to prepaid Office 365 subscribers around the world, so your program still has these features. To get the most out of new features, become a member of the Office Advanced Review program.

    To view additional information about screen reading capabilities, see. An article about the screen reading feature in Microsoft Office.

From whom was it separated?

Navigation for headaches

The basic Word application includes the following basic elements:

    Instead of the document that appears at the top of the menu, it takes up most of the screen.

    The command palette appears at the bottom of the screen and includes commands for creating and formatting documents, such as full-fat, Armchairі list Stitch tabs are divided into different sections.

To go to the top row of the menu from instead of a document, swipe your finger to the right until you see “file”. To press the "Top Panel" button, click left and right until you hear the name of the required element, and then touch the screen twice.

To go to the command bar, right-click until you see the phrase “Command Palette, Advanced Options,” and then touch the screen twice. You will hear the name of the currently selected tab. To change tabs, tap the screen twice, swipe left or right until you see the name of the tab you want, and then tap the screen twice. To navigate through the menu, swipe your finger left or right until you see the option you want, and then tap the screen twice to select it.

Transition between manifestations

In addition to the main Word manifestation, the following phenomena are often victorized:

    Tribute Backstage, what to do with commands to a file, such as Vidkrittya, Savingі signet.

    To open the window Backstage, swipe with your right hand until you hear the phrase “file,” and then tap the screen twice. To navigate through the menu, swipe your finger left or right until you feel the desired item, and then touch the screen twice. To log in to Vistavi Backstage, swipe left until you hear the phrase “turn back,” and then tap the screen twice.

    Panel just a joke, which allows you to review the results of a document search.

    To speed up the taxes" Search", swipe left until you hear the word "Search", and then touch the screen twice. Enter the term you want to know using the on-screen keyboard. Then "or "know before", and then touch it twice tap. To exit the search mode, right-click until you hear the phrase “close the search panel,” and then touch the screen twice.

Getting to know the document

To analyze the text of a document, swipe your finger to the right or left until you feel informed, to read from the screen by tapping the open side, and then the word “instead”. Swipe up or down to change the navigation mode in the screen reader, such as headings, paragraphs, lines or words, and swipe your finger right or left to move around the screen.

Additional information

Use the Word Web Add-on to use the keyboard and on-screen reading feature to view, navigate, and move between different features. We recommend that you use Screen Reader, JAWS, and NVDA, but may also be able to work with other screen reading programs that do not meet standard standards and methods with special capabilities.

Do you need information about how to start working in Word, other than using screen reading as an aid? Get to know us.


    New Office 365 features will become available to prepaid Office 365 subscribers around the world, so your program still has these features. To get the most out of new features, become a member of the Office Advanced Review program.

    To view additional information about screen reading capabilities, see. An article about the screen reading feature in Microsoft Office.

    The Word Web Add-on works in a web browser, so the same keys are different for the classic version. For example, to move to or exit the command area, instead of the F6 key, use the CTRL+F6 keys. In addition, such extended key combinations, such as F1 (Add) and CTRL+O (Hide), are assigned to the commands of the web browser, and not the Word Web Add-in.

    Tabs file", " Golovna", " Insert", " Layout of the page", " posilannya", " Review", "Dovidka", "Look", " Dovidkov's materials ", " Pereglyad The row with the buttons assigned to the selected tab is positioned directly below the row of row tabs.

    The main area is located under the stitch to accommodate the document.

    The row will appear at the bottom of the screen to display document statistics, such as the number of sides, number of words, text and scale.

To switch between the main elements of the presentation, press the Ctrl+F6 keys until you see the “list of Microsoft services”, the selected page tab, “editing area” or the number of the stream page.

To go to the heading, line tab or row, press the TAB key or SHIFT + TAB until you see the name of the desired tab or element, and then press the ENTER key to open it.

To move from the line tabs, press the CTRL + ENTER keys. You will feel the name of the first button on the page. To move between buttons on a page, press the TAB key or SHIFT + TAB keys until you see the name of the button you want, and then press the ENTER key to select it.

Transition between manifestations

In addition to the main Word manifestation, the following phenomena are often victorized:

Getting to know the document

Selected navigation areas

For further help navigation areas You can quickly and easily navigate between the headings of a document.

    Turn it on navigation area, press ALT keys + Windows logo key, W, K.

    To move focus from the main event to navigation area, press the Ctrl+F6 keys until you hear the “Close” notification.

    To move to a heading, press the TAB key until you see the phrase “headings,” and then press the ENTER key. To move to a heading, press the TAB key until you see the option you want, and then press the ENTER key to move the focus to the document at the head feed in the desired location.

Change in document scale

    To change the focus to the row, press CTRL+F6. You will feel the side.

    TAB until you feel the exact zoom level and “Zoom”, and then press ENTER to open the dialog box increase .

    When you hear the phrase “OK button,” press the TAB key until you hear a selection and zoom level.

    To select the scale in the views, use the up and down arrow keys.

    When you feel a part is needed, press the TAB key until you hear “OK”, and then press the ENTER key.

Vikoristannya pomіchnik

To quickly know the command you need, vikorist pomichnik. You can learn more about the assistant from this video: Vikoristannya assistant for the Swedish Vikonannya task for an additional task of reading the screen and keyboard(in English language).

Schob vikoristati pomichnik for a search command, run like this:

    See the middle or range of middles you want to choose from.

    Go to the field assistant by pressing the ALT+Q keys.

    Enter the required command. For example, enter the word "markers".

    Use the down arrow key to scroll to the desired item in the results list and press the ENTER key to select it.

Additional information

Technical support for those with limited abilities

Microsoft is committed to ensuring that all of our customers receive the best products and services. If you are limited or have special needs, please contact the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk for technical support. Microsoft Disability Answer Desk contributors are familiar with a wide range of popular specialty options and can provide support in English, Spanish, French, and American Sign Language. Go to the Microsoft Disability Answer Desk website to find contact information for your region.

If you are a representative of a government or commercial organization, please contact the Disability Answer Desk for Businesses.

Note: This page has been translated automatically, so the text may contain inaccuracies and grammatical errors. It is important for us that this article should be cinnamon for you. Was the information in brown form? For clarity, also (in English).

Many of us work with Microsoft Word documents every day. Students can complete their coursework and dissertation papers, write abstracts and evidence, and whoever does not show their work without Word. This is one of the most important programs on our computers and laptops. But often we don’t get basic skills in working with Word. Even if we knew about all the secrets below, the work would have been even faster and simpler. This is a very useful thing, as the modern computer is guilty of.

How can we begin to be friends in any place of the arkush, without pressing too many times? Enter and pass?

It is necessary to move the cursor over the place of the head of the hand and do a couple of quick clicks: Word, arrange the rows, tabs and icons for the place as indicated. And this can be done only when the formatting symbols icon is turned on.

Any text can be translated directly into Word without copying it to the Internet browser.

Right from your document you can create a quick translation of any text. The database includes more than 40 words and three translation options. You can get started by clicking on the “Review” and “Mova” tabs.

Corrisna function for kerning

To maximize the font size, spacing between letters, and text size, use correct kerning. As an additional benefit, you can change the intervals between words and letters as you need. To speed up kerning, press the combination “Ctrl+D” and go to the Additional tab.

Prikhovuemo text

This is a function that allows you to add text that you can use only in the symbol display mode, so as not to interfere. If only you could benefit from such a thing! To do this, see the required text, press the combination “Ctrl + D” and then Enter.

The Document Inspector will help you check whether your document is compatible with previous versions of Microsoft Word.

This will help you avoid mistakes if you want to open your document on someone else’s computer, on which version of Word may be identical to yours. And this assistant can also run a check of the readability of the text for people with the same capabilities and identify the presence of power and data in the document.

How to edit PDF files?

Well, well, well, PDF files can be easily edited using Word. To do this, just go to the Constructor - Robot with tables tab.

How to insert video into a document?

It's so simple. To make your testimony worthwhile, insert a video file from the Internet into it. Just remember, the file does not save the video itself, but the screensaver that was sent to someone else. You just need to click on it, and if you have access to the video, turn on the video.

How to structure a great text for easy review of any element?

It’s easy to find key points in the text, revealing its structure. By pressing on the elements of the structure, you can burn or burn a part of the text that you need. To do this, click Perspective, and then Structure.

« »

A new version of the famous Microsoft office suite has long been released. The updated Word text editor has not been neglected either. This article contains instructions and we will look at the main innovations and changes in this component.

Cob of cobs

For those who have not yet heard the row menu of new versions of Office, it’s bad news: Microsoft intends to introduce them through them. It will only take a few days to work on such a line, as you will always get back to the old office. In Office 2010, developers have added even more respect to the page by significantly redesigning the start page and creating a “File” tab. She has all the settings and settings in Word.

The first item “Vidomosti” displays all the details of the document, as well as the parameters for protecting and interfacing work with it. The other one is “Ostanni”. Here all the remaining open documents are collected, and on the right side there is a list of places where they have been installed, integrations and quick access to the directory for storing files.

The third point is “Create”. This is a collection of templates, including various preparations: envelopes, questionnaires, resumes and much more. In addition to the supplied templates, the developer has the opportunity to find the necessary preparations on the official website of the company, specifically for which there is a search field on the site.

One of the most notable is the “Druk” item, which will greatly simplify the work with printers. All the main parameters of the server are placed on this page, so you won’t have to dig through a bunch of dialog boxes to find out the same settings. Everything is clearly laid out. The number of copies, printer selection, other settings - everything is visible.

The remaining item “Save and forward” is a new feature that was not present in Office 2007. Starting with the new version of Office, Microsoft decided to create the most user-friendly environment for transferring documents and creating documents from behind-the-scenes access. Now a number of people can work on one document - of course, this discovery is not new, but it still deserves praise. And transferring files to colleagues has become easier: automatic conversion from PDF, sending to the specified email address.

Possibility of text formatting in Word 2010

The new version of Word 2010 has significantly expanded the possibilities for formatting text. The main application is the creation of light text, the shaping of shade and image. This module was called “Animation Options”, which is very similar to the well-known Word Art, which was present in earlier versions, but also has significant significance. The text, before any type of animation - light, shadow, reflection - can be edited, as well as any other text in the document. Then the program recognizes it as an image, because it is the original text.

To complete one of these adjustments to the text, you need to see a section of the text, go to “Head → Font” and in the open tab find the letter “A”, visible in a blue color. In the menu that appears, you will be assigned one of the design styles, as well as the parameters for shade, light and display. These effects and their functions are similar to the same effects that could previously be frozen in the image.

Another enhancement to text formatting is the ability to format OpenType fonts. These fonts were developed by Microsoft and Adobe and have recently been restricted to professional programs. This help includes the ability to work with ligatures (a series of symbols formed between each other), as well as changing existing fonts. For this purpose, a special section has been created in the “Font” dialog box on the “Dodatkovo” page for customizing OpenType fonts.

Another concept has been introduced as stylistic sets. There are new options for editing fonts that affect the characteristics of characters - for example, their conciseness. By choosing one of the stylistic options, you change the font a little, thereby choosing the optimal and most suitable one.

Guided blisk

In addition to preparing a document, there are instructions for working with the Word text editor. In our version, the instructions were taken from the official Microsoft website and consist of several articles that can be combined with them. The text will be copied from the company's website. In Word 2010, the insert function has been strengthened; when you click on the insert label, you can quickly select the parameters of the object that is being inserted: save the output formatting, combine formatting, save only the text. If you press the Ctrl key after inserting, you can use the additional arrow keys to toggle the insert mode, which will immediately preserve the result. The Enter button confirms the selection.

All basic parameters for editing the text can be found on the “Head” tab. The first thing we created is to change the font of the text in the “Font” section to Times New Roman, and its size is set to 14.

Next, select the repeat interval. The “Interval” button is located in the “Paragraph” section and has an icon with several rows and two vertical arrows. The text is visible and pressed on this button, after which a list will appear consisting of numeric parameters for the interval between rows - set the value to 1.5.

To ensure that the text on the document flows beautifully and is not torn, it needs to be corrected. To format abstracts, articles and other documents, the main text is most often aligned by width. To verify the text, you need to see it and click on the “Verify by width” button, which is located in the “Paragraph” section. In this format, our text will stretch across the width of the entire side, and the right part will be equal.

To avoid damaging your skin too many times, it’s easiest to create a new style. For which we see a fragment of text, to which we have already set the necessary formatting, go to “Styles” and, having opened the entire list, find the option “Create a visible fragment as a new express style.”

Click on New and enter the name of our style in the window; if necessary, you can immediately edit it by clicking on the “Change” button.

Once the name has been entered, click the “OK” button, and our style will appear in the list of basic Microsoft Word styles. From here on, you can quickly cut down to different parts of the text.

To concentrate the reader's attention on a simple phrase or important word, they can be seen in the text using bold, italic and underlined text. These elements are displayed in the “Font” section, and the color of the text is immediately edited. In addition to the bold image of the text, you can see the main commands that are first written down in the instructions so that users can easily recognize them from the text they have already read. The red color signifies information from the category “Respect!”, so that the main benefits that can be earned by a foreigner.

However, editing the text has not yet been completed. We need to create marker and numbered lists in those places where they are needed. For this purpose, we see the rows that can be used to form a list of articles, and in the “Paragraph” section we press the “Marker” or “Numbering” button, which is exactly what we need. With that, we’ll finish editing the text and move on to inserting graphic elements into our document.

Inserting graphic elements

Whether any instructions are provided with explanatory pictures, our instructions are not a mistake. Therefore, we move on to the beginning of the document and, in order, begin to add new images that illustrate the actions that are being described. To insert images into the document, go to the “Insert” tab, the “Illustrations” section, and click the “Baby” button. A browser will open to help you select an image to insert. We log on to our computer and press the “OK” button. After this image will be inserted into the space where the cursor is moved.

The parameters of the inserted image can be changed at any time. The image is visible by clicking on the image with the left mouse button once and aligning it in the center. If the picture is visible, you can see black cubes in its corners, which indicate the possibility of changing the size. As soon as you pull the picture, you will change its size.

Once the element is visible, open the special tab “Working with Babies (Format)” to make all adjustments to the image. In the “Wrapping with text” section, you can select different options for wrapping the image in the text. In our drop-down you need to select “Top and Bottom”, and after the image you need to make an exit by pressing the Enter key.

Word 2010 has another useful function called “Image Cropping”, in which you can not go to graphic editors, but “on the fly” change the images, cropping those parts that are not to be displayed in the document i.

Also, the new version of the popular text editor has a monitor storage function. It is distributed in the same section as “Malyunok” and is called “Znimok”. Before starting the function, you must see the area of ​​the screen where you want to see it. After you “view” part of the screen, this item will be automatically inserted at the same place, removing the cursor. This new function is especially useful for folded instructions or explanatory articles, where you need to insert screenshots into the text. Our instructions will actively use this function and generate a number of such screenshots.

In addition, Microsoft added some graphic elements and called them SmartArt. There are ready blocks, diagrams, arrows, symbols of high level. If they are grouped correctly, you can create professional illustrations. We will use this function in order to enhance the interaction of elements and add a closed circuit to our instructions.

To do this, go to “Insert → Illustrations → SmartArt” and from the elements that have appeared, select the appropriate diagram. After pressing the “OK” button, this image will be automatically inserted on the side of the document where the cursor is positioned. For the skin surrounding the block there are fields that can be edited, which allows you to spend less effort on design, immediately starting to edit it. We write the text on the skin block, and the robot with SmartArt elements will be completed.

Headers and footers. Buti or not?

As in any case, instructions or other material, we must organize wine bars and create footers. Wines are needed in order to provide a description of a new term or an explanation of any definition. For example, in coursework and diploma projects for students, making wine and writing is the main mental design of their scientific work. We also inherit this principle and make a few wines in our text.

Let's say we have a quote that indicates that in the new version of Word it has become possible to change parts of an image - for example, remove the background. First we see the proposition that deals with this new function, then we go to the “Postal” section of the menu and select the “Insert wine” item. After this, for example, a wine appears at the sight of the number “1”, here you can describe the thought and enter the dzherelo. We would like to write that this function appeared only in the new version and was not featured anywhere before. Now you can note in the text that, for example, the little number “1” is added to the letter, which indicates the number of the wine. If you press the Ctrl key and click on a proposition, it will automatically be transferred to the wine. Using a similar procedure, you can turn back from the wine to the text.

Headers and footers are designed to display short information at the top or at the bottom of the page. Such information can be the title of the book, articles, author's name, etc. Our instructions show you how to create headers and footers for paired and unpaired pages. To do this, you need to double-click on the top empty area of ​​the page, so we will switch to the header and footer editing mode. On the panel, select the item “Different headers and footers for paired and unpaired pages.” Next to the text “header” in Word, indicate which group of texts should go to (paired or unpaired). On some pages it says “Short instructions for working in Word 2010”, and on unpaired pages it says “Taken from the Microsoft website”. You can enter the editing mode by clicking on the area that is located behind the boundaries of the footer.

It is possible to create a special footer for the first page. If the fragments are always on the title page, then the footer may be empty. Once the wines and footers have been created, we proceed to the next step - the creation of the place.

Everything is clear and in order

Once the headings have been created, the text has been formatted and the main elements of the vision have been created, you can begin to create the place. It is organized by literally two cliques. Select the “Posylannya” tab in the menu and find “Zmist” there.

From the provided templates, you select the appropriate one or edit the style to suit the document design. Once we have selected a template, the space will be inserted in the place where the cursor was located.

This is how the title page is created on its own. So, open “Insert → Title Page”. Here, as well as with the substitution, you can select a template. The advantage of ready-made templates is that they help save time and who don’t have to deal with formatting the text and drawing them up on archipelago, everything works automatically. As indicated by the name of our instructions, the authorship is the same. At this point our work is completed - the instructions are ready for use.


In this material we looked at the new features of Microsoft Word 2010, and also began to create a guide. Based on the evidence you have drawn, you can easily prepare a diploma, an essay or a book - all based on the analogy with the pointed butt. It is also necessary to have the Word 2010 text editor available from 1Soft's partners.

From a computer on the tee. Most useful Egorov A. A.

4.1. Possibilities Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is one of the largest and most powerful text editors today. Word, under Notepad and WordPad, is not included in the Windows warehouse, but is expanded to the Microsoft Office software package. The program has a large number of basic and manual functions. It is clear that it is simply impossible to consider them within the framework of one section - the programs are dedicated to the great volume of the book, in which all its possibilities are clearly described. If you want to learn Word thoroughly, I can recommend the book by Fyodor Novikov and Maria Sotskova "Microsoft Office Word 2007", published by the publishing house "BHV-Petersburg". In addition to Word 2007, we will look at Word 2010, which is included in the Office 2010 warehouse. In this section, we look at the basic, often used functions of Word, which will become the beginning of the future.

If you are a user of Word 2003 and earlier versions of these programs, then you will be able to access the first edition of my book, in addition, the section about Microsoft Word 2003 can be downloaded from my site

Especially for me, Microsoft Word is not just a program, but, dare I say it, it is designed for use. I write this book myself in Word and force the editor’s head by email. Everything is simple and manual - the program types the text, saves it in a separate file and downloads it from the printer.

Possibility Word:

Typing and editing text;

Correction of spelling and punctuation corrections;

Changing the font of the text, creating hyperpower and web pages;

Drawing tables, graphs and little ones;

Creation of templates for business sheets, business cards, various documents, etc.;

Finding the simplest formulas in tables;

? work with electronic mail;

Zlittya documents;

Protect the document with a password;

Delivery of the finished document and much more.

Word is now a program - it helps secretaries type documents, scribes write books, and journalists write articles. If you start with a middle-class initial mortgage, then you won’t be able to get into Word – it’s very easy to write an essay, coursework or dissertation in Word, then everything will be sorted out and put into a depository.

As I already knew, Word is included in the Microsoft Office software package. The software package is installed immediately, and during installation you can select the programs you want to install on your computer. Don't forget to select Microsoft Word from the menu - once installed, the program is ready for use.

There are several versions of the program - Microsoft Word 97, Microsoft Word 2000, Microsoft Word 2003, Microsoft Word 2007 and Microsoft Word 2010 - the other two versions are included in this section.

This text is a meaningful fragment. 3 Microsoft Office books author Leontiev Vitaly Petrovich

MICROSOFT WORD ...I love - which means I live - from Visotsky... I write - which means I work in Word - from our everyday reality... Chantly, there is nothing else so popular in the world programs, such as a Word text editor (at least it’s Windows, although Word is amazing

Three books Office 2007. Multimedia course author Medinov Oleg

Microsoft Word interface Well, now let’s move on from praise and honor to specifics. Launch Word... And don’t do anything for now. Just meditate (as they say at the Gathering) on ​​your dream-like appearance. And if your eyes start to ring, try to figure them out from a single picture around

3 books Word 2007. Popular self-reader author Krainsky I

The functions of Word and its capabilities Implemented in Word 2007, the capabilities allow you to complete complex operations with the formation and editing of text documents. The information that can be found using the additional text editor Word 2007 is briefly reviewed below. Creation

Books Abstract, coursework, diploma on computer author

1.1. Installing Microsoft Word Before you print the program, you need to install it. During the installation process, files necessary for running the program correctly are copied onto the computer, and changes are made to the system registry. How to equalize

Fundamentals of Informatics: Handbook for Universities author Malinina Larisa Oleksandrivna

1.2. Launching the Microsoft Word program There are many ways to launch the Microsoft Word program: Click on the Start command? Program? Microsoft Office? Microsoft Office Word 2007; click on the Word shortcut in the Quick Launch panel; Both click on the Word shortcut on your desktop. Respect! Shortcuts on

3 books Self-Teacher Robot on Macintosh author Skrillina Sofiya

1.3. Finishing work in Microsoft Word Microsoft Word programs contain the same elements as other windows in the Windows operating system, so you can finish working with the program in similar ways. There are a number of options for closing programs: press the Office button,

From the book With a computer on ti. Most useful author Egorov A. A.

Integration with Microsoft Word Once installed, MathType is integrated into the Word editor, adding its own toolbar and main menu item to the program window. With this help, you can work with the editor directly from the Word window. Moreover, MathType replaces the standard editor

3 Delphi books. Tricks and Effects author Chirtik Oleksandr Anatoliyovych

5.1. You can create Microsoft Word with simple little ones and diagrams directly from the editor

Video tutorial for creating an essay, coursework, or diploma on a computer author Balovsyak Nadiya Vasylivna

5.12. Graphic capabilities of Microsoft Word To insert a picture into the text, you need to place the cursor near the place of the document where the graphic object is located, and select the command Insert – Baby – Pictures (Fig. 5.21), which selects the standard picture from the file added to Word

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5.1.16. Use of Microsoft Word The Pages word processor allows you to open files created with MS Word. Moreover, there are no common problems with the Cyrillic alphabet, Mac OS X supports the fonts of the Windows operating system, for example, such as: Arial, Comic Sans Ms, Courier, Helvetica, Tahoma, Times New Roman, and Pages as an addition

3 books by the author

Section 4 Microsoft Word 4.1. Features of Microsoft Word Microsoft Word is one of the largest and most powerful text editors today. Word, under Notepad and WordPad, is not included in the Windows warehouse, but is expanded to the Microsoft Office software package. The program is great

3 books by the author

4.1. Features of Microsoft Word Microsoft Word is one of the largest and most powerful text editors today. Word, under Notepad and WordPad, is not included in the Windows warehouse, but is expanded to the Microsoft Office software package. The program contains a large number of brown

3 books by the author

4.7. Additional capabilities of Microsoft Word Microsoft Word can be called one of the most advanced text editors. Once you have switched over, there are no basic and manual functions for typing and editing text, creating tables and small ones. For additional help in Word you can also

3 books by the author

9.4. Managing Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel Tricks in Microsoft Word This section of the report focuses on practical applications of using the COM server of the Microsoft Word editor. The popular editor has a wide range of options that you can

3 books by the author

6.1. Features of Microsoft Word You can work with simple little things and diagrams directly in the Word editor. Working with ready-made little things in Word You can insert little things into a Word text editor document that were created earlier and saved in the form of adjacent files.

3 books by the author

Adjusting Microsoft Word View The Microsoft Word window is located in the menu selection menu View menu row Menu (Fig. 3.2). Small 3.2. Menu Row View Menu You will get the best basic view of the document when the Page Layout menu item is turned on and the Line item is selected. In any option you can

1. Introduction of the main standard text editors (introduction and saving of information).

2. Formatting of the document (change of font, size, image, view, color, scale, animation, character, small, paragraph).

3. Check the spelling.

4. Automatic transfer.

5. Working with tables and little ones.

6. Introduction of mathematical formulas.

7. Insertion of symbols, posylan, hyperposylan.

8. Creation of templates, selection of ready-made templates.

9. Document release function.

10. Creation of electronic forms.

11. Making notes and wine.

Basic elements of a text document

Word– a sufficient sequence is surrounded at both ends by service symbols (spaces and division marks).

Row– this is the sequence of characters between pages.

Paragraph– this sequence of symbols is divided between two .

Rules for entering text

1. Onslaught You just need a paragraph.

2. The text will be moved to another row automatically. The placement of the transfer occurs automatically. The placement of the transfer is assigned to a special team Service - Language - Placement of hyphens - Automatic placement of hyphens (for Office2003) or else Layout of the side - Placement of hyphens (for Office2007) .

3. It's not possible : carry out centering, insertion of paragraph indentation and filling in the text for additional spaces and .

4. It's not possible : number pages manually, specifying the page number per command Insert Side number . The title page is not numbered.

5. The heading is not a centered paragraph, for example, it should not be marked. When a title consists of many propositions, there is no dot after the rest. Hyphenations are not allowed in headings. The team is responsible for squeezing the transfer sign Format (or Golovna ) – Paragraph - Tab Positions on the page - Praporets Protect automatic drain transfer . It is advisable to “disintegrate” the title from the text. For whom is the command formed? Format (or Golovna ) – Paragraph - Tab Positions on the page - Praporets Don’t rip it off in the face of the future .

6. The complete text is formatted according to verity « in width" .

7. A pass should not be placed before division signs, but placed after them.

8. There is no space between the sign that is framed by: “ ”, (), and the text.

For example:

9. It is not allowed to add one first row to a paragraph on the front side and one remaining row to a paragraph on the back side (the “Fence of Hanging Rows” rule).

To remove hanging rows you need to enter the command Format (or Golovna )– Paragraph - tab " Positions on the page " - ensign " Fence of hanging rows ».

It is not allowed to transfer more than a few characters to the remaining row of the paragraph (less than a few).

it's not possible

11. It is not possible to differentiate the name of a single name from the meaning of the nickname. For this purpose it is necessary to create a non-extensible space (Shift+Ctrl+space).

For example, 10ºcm, IvanovºM.ºI.

12. It's not possible use the spacebar key to set the intercharacter line, and it is necessary for whom to use the command Format (or Golovna ) - Font .

13. It's not possible key establish an inter-row line, and it is necessary for whom to vikorize the team Format (or Golovna )– Paragraph .

14. It's not possible draw up tables and columns in the additional “Painting” toolbar.

Structural elements of the side and their meanings

1) The main text (“bоdу tехt” is part of the text, it does not include headings, writings...), then rows, paragraphs, tables and little things.

2) The footer is placed in the margins at the top and bottom of the page and contains information that identifies the document (section number, document name, date, company brand...). The footer is placed after the command View - Footer (or Insert – Header and Footer )

3) A note - a note before the text, which can be either at the bottom of the page or at the end of the document. (Roztashovuyutsya between the main text.)

4) Side numbers.

5) Fields ( File (or Layout of the page ) - Side parameters , tab Fields ).

Control food

1. What methods of working with text documents do you know?

2. Describe the Notepad text editor.

3. What is the function of a text editor and a text processor?

4. Name the main functions of Microsoft Word.

5. Know the rules for entering the text.

6. What are the main elements of a text document?

7. Tell us about the meaning of the structural elements of the side.


H Zavdannya 1

1. Text editors:

3) Notepad.

3. In the window of any text processor, the title bar has expanded buttons:

1) close;

2) burn;

3) vidality.

7. Do not remove the footer:

1) the name of the document;

2) date of the document;

3) main text.

H Zavdannya 3

Insert missing words:

1) _________________ - a note before the text, which can be either at the bottom of the page or at the end of the document.

2) The header and footer is located on the _______________________________________ part of the page and contains information that identifies this document

3) _______________________ – when a paragraph is centered, for example, do not put a speck.

Zavdannya 4

Write the basic functions of MS Word.


H Zavdannya 5

Find the crossword puzzle “Applied software”

12. Size of text.

13. Koristuvach joins the computer to inform various...

16. Description of the design of the text; consists of the name and instructions.

20. Another name for the document bookmark.

22. Vertical flow characteristics of the document.

23. The function automatically corrects inconsistencies in the document.

24. The empty preparation of the singing acknowledgment document is ready.

Vertical power supply:

1. To inform you about the withdrawal sheet, you need to know the electronic...

2. Stand between the rows of the text.

4. Subsequent note.

5. Part of the text is visible.

6. One of the font types: vector or...

8. Mechanism for adding parts of the text to the document.

14. Context is not...

15. Text editor file type.

17. Scooping a bunch of diy.

19. Change the position of the text to the left and right margins.

21. Great looking program for Windows.

Zavdannya 6

Set the news:

Zavdannya 7

Robot skills using the keyboard.

  1. Open the text editor Start – Programs – Accessories – Notepad.
  2. Type one row at a time from the skin words of the great writers:
A) b) V) G)

Microsoft Word - character formatting

Formatting means designing the text according to any rules. This includes character formatting and paragraph formatting.

Character formatting – This means changing the font, size, image, type of change, color, scale, animation.

To format symbols, use the command Format - Font (for Office2003), Head – Font (for Office2007), when you open a window with three tabs: font, spacing, animation (Office2007 daily).

Tab " FONT"

1. List Font Allows you to select the font type to be installed on your computer.

2. List Armchair Allows you to set the image type: Bold, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic.

3. List Rozmir sets the character size in points (pt), where 1pt=1/72inch, 1inch=2.54cm.

4. List Color of text provides a palette of colors for symbols.

5. List Armchair Allows you to select the type of seating.

6. Armchair color It is installed only in that case, if you choose one of the types of support.

7. List Views :

q Recreational- Bike

q Double armchair- Bike

q Upper index- Bike

q Lower index- Bike

q 3 tons- bike

q Circuit- Bike

q Raising- Bike

q Drownings- Bike

q Mali great- Bike

q All are great- Bike

q Prikhovany– when adjusting invisible symbols of orders, the text will be underlined with a dotted line.

8. When you use the button " For the rest » All changes to the font will be consistent with the text.

9. Button OK » is set for the visible text fragment.

10. Button " Vidmina - for setting up parameters.

Tab " INTERVAL" mix the following components:

1. List Scale - allows you to select the scale of symbols until the height of the symbol, but the height of the symbol does not change.

2. List Interval – Select the interval between characters. Types of intervals: normal, increased, increased.

3. List Substitution – allows you to move symbols up or down by a few points.

4. Praporetsya Kerning – the intervals between certain pairs of symbols are changed. When kerning, the characters in words are distributed more evenly. Kerning is not adjusted for all fonts, but for such as True Type, Adobe Type Manager.

Tab " Animation» – select types of animation of font design. However, the desired animation will not work on the printer.

Microsoft Word - formatting paragraphs

Paragraph formatting– this means changing the structure parameters of the text, such as the alignment of rows in a paragraph, the indentation of the heart row, inter-row placement and indentation (in order to appear between paragraphs), numbering, marking, as well as insertion into pages.

For Vikonannya command Format ( or else Head) – Paragraph – the “Paragraph” dialog box appears with two tabs: “Inputs and intervals” and “Positions on the side”.

Microsoft Word – robot with objects


Note- this is the text that merges when the mouse is hovered over a new cursor and provides additional information about the information provided.

The note is set behind the following algorithm:

1. Vikonati team Insert – Note(for Office2003) or Review – Note(for Office2007)

2. At the bottom of the document window, a window will appear for entering text as a note;

3. enter the text and press “Close”.

After completing the insertion of the note, the text field in which to place the note will be typed.

Inserting characters

When typing text, it is sometimes necessary to add some symbol.

In the dialog box

a) on the “Symbols” tab, you must select the required font to insert into the symbol; for example, vikorystyuchi font

ü Arial - @ § ¶ & ♫ ♪ ♦ ♣ ♠ ☺ ☻ ♀ ♂ ▲ ▼;

ü Courier New - ???

ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲥ ﲨ ﲬ ﳉ ﳍ ﺋ ﺞ ﺶ ﻍ ﷲ ﲰ - Arabic letters;

ü Symbol - Ã Ê Ï Â

ü Lucida Console - Š Ť Ų Ż ǽ - Czech letters

ü Wingdings - " & * (_ a b c a b c d à õ

R / : D = ‹ P Q R G A;

b) on the “Special characters” tab you can insert symbols such as © § ¶ ®.

Using the "AutoCorrect" button, it is possible to organize the autocorrection of characters using the following algorithm:

1. select a symbol for autochange;

2. press the “Autozamina” button;

3. The “on” field will automatically display and select a symbol;

4. In the “replace” field, enter the meaning of the symbol to be replaced;

5. Click on the “Add” and “OK” buttons.

list- The sequence of paragraphs is numbered. To create lists, you need to see numbered paragraphs and enter the command Format – List (for Office2003) or on the formatting toolbar with the icon placed on the little one. For Office2007 visconati command Head – Paragraph and create a similar pictogram.

Any text document can be supplemented with graphic images. Tse mozhe buti

1. a small library of images from a WORD text processor, which can be installed using the following algorithm:

§ select the command “Insert – Malyunok – Pictures (Clip)”;

§ select the necessary little one from the library of images of the WORD text processor;

§ press the “insert clip” button;

2. A small picture from a graphic file that can be installed using the following algorithm:

§ Place the cursor at the place where you insert the baby;

§ select the command “Insert – Malyunok – Z file”;

§ In the “Insert baby” dialog box, indicate the path to the file to be inserted;

§ press the “insert” button;

3. A drawing or a diagram created from autofigures that you can install in the “Painting” toolbar.

Formatting the little ones in the document

In order to perform operations with the little one or the autoshape (crop, manually place, format the text, create a rotation, etc.), you need to see the little one or the autoshape and enter the command: Format Malyunok (Format - Autofigure ). A dialog window with six tabs will appear:

On the “Colors and Lines” tab you can: 1. set a color fill for the assigned color palette; 2. select the type of filling with the ensign “napivprozory” (for the little ones); 3. select color, type and line width (for autofigures); 4. arrow shape (for autofigures).
On the “Size” tab you can set: 1. size by height and width (for babies); 2. rotation in degrees behind the year arrow (for autofigures).
On the "Position" tab, you can set a position for a small object or an autofigure for the text.
On the “Baby” tab you can: 1. set the crop of the baby, indicating which side and how many centimeters; 2. set the image color as follows: a) auto – display the current color of the picture; b) shades of gray – to depict little ones in gray tones; c) lining – display the little ones as watermarks (better for the background of the text); 3. adjust the brightness and contrast of the image.

On the “Writing” tab you can set writing fields located in small boxes. On the “Web” tab you can insert text that replaces it. Web browsers display text that replaces it when little ones are attracted to it.

Tables are used for ordering the data from which calculations can be carried out. Behind the additional table, you can create side layouts, arranging a fragment of the text and small pieces as needed.

To work with tables, use the command Table (for Office2003) or Insert - Table (for Office2007)

1. Behind the team Table - Draw a table – you can create a table of sufficient shape using an additional “olivet” tool, as well as creating a middle type

2. Behind the team

A) Table – Add (Insert) - Table - in the dialog box that appears, you must indicate

Respect! You can change the table shape (the width of columns and rows) manually by dragging the lines.

b) Table – Add - stops (left, right) – close to the cursor;

V) Table - Add - rows (higher, lower) - close to the cursor;

G) Table – Dodati - middles (About side by side).

3. Behind the team Table – Vidality - all the columns, rows, and middles are visible.

4. Behind the team Table - View – you can see everything where the cursor is inserted (be sure to use vikorystvuetsya in the drop-downs, like the daily mouse).

5. Behind the team Table - Combine the middles - You can pick one out of many middles. First of all, you need to see the food so you can eat.

6. Behind the team Table - Break up the table – you can select two tables from one table, starting in a row, where the cursor is positioned. For example: For a table with 12 rows, the cursor is placed on the 5th row. After the command Table - Break up the table appear in the table: first - 4 rows, second - 8 rows.

7. Behind the team Table - Headings – you can set automatic repetition of the title at the upper part of the skin side of the large table.

For whom:

ü see the table header;

ü Vikonati team Table - Headings .

After that, all pages of this table automatically begin with the same row, which is indicated by the heading.

8. Behind the team

A) Table – Recreate - U text – you can convert the table into text, you know the lines of the table.

b) Table - Redesign - Table - The text is converted into a table, for which you need to format the text correctly:

9) Behind the team Table - Sorting – you can arrange information such as text, number or date of increase or decrease. When the command is entered, a dialog box appears where you need to install:

10) Behind the team Table - Formula - You can earn deductions. When the command is entered, a dialog box appears where you need to:

a) near the field Formula After the "=" sign, enter a formula indicating the address of the middle, which is used for calculation. The addresses of the middles are composed of letters and numbers: B7, where B is the column number, 7 is the row number;

11) Behind the team Table - Automatic selection “You can create equal row heights and column widths.

12) Behind the team Table – Power of the table you can install:

13) Behind the team Format (Layout) - Directly to the text ― you can insert directly into the text at the meanings in the middle.

14) Behind the team Format - Cordoni and filling (Constructor - Namalyuvati cordoni) - can be used for marking middles

a. on deposit Cordon insert type cordon; type, color and thickness of line; vibrati viglad Horizontal lines behind the main button;

b. on deposit Zalivannya select the color of the book.

Columns may appear in newspaper articles, brochures and similar documents. To subdivide existing text into columns, you need to see it. To divide document parts into columns, see that part.

To make the process of creating columns more efficient, the dialog box opens. Columns What does it mean to follow the team? Format - Columns (for Office2003) or Page Layout – Page Options – Columns (for Office2007) or for additional icons
on the toolbar.

Then enter the width of the skin column at the vertical end Width. At the end Promizhok Enter the required interval between the first column and the right-hand column.

To add lines between columns on the side, set the ensign Rozdilyuvach.

Column opening methods


  1. Type text;
  2. See yogo;
  3. Vikonati team vikliku vikna Columns.


1. Vikonati command Dzvinka vikna Columns.

2. Type text.

To move from one column to another, you need to click Insert - Rozriv - Nova Column (for Office2003) or Page Layout – Page Options – Rozryvi – Stovpets (for Office2007).

In order to complete the work with columns and continue to write the text at full width, you also need to create a section on the side page: Insert - Rozriv - New section on the streaming page (for Office2003) or Layout of the side – Side parameters – Layout – Flow side (for Office2007).

Control food

1. How to set a note?

2. How to install wine glasses?

3. How to insert a symbol?

4. How to insert a list?

5. How can you place babies near a document?

6. What operations can be performed during formatting of small documents?

7. Are tables likely to be used?

8. How to create a table?

9. How can I remove a row from a table?

10. How can I add information to the table?

11. How can you combine a number of middles in a table?

12. How can you organize information in a table?

13. How can you calculate the table?

14. How can I set the header to automatically create on multiple pages in a table?

15. How can you create a table from a table?

16. How can I adjust the size of the middles in the table? (3 ways)

17. How can I view the table?

18. How can I change the information directly?

19. How can I change the cordon on the table?

20. How can I set a color scheme for the middle of the table?


H Zavdannya 1

Select the correct answer and mean it. Prime the tip.

1. Character formatting:

1) change the color;

2) change the image;

3) change the animation.

4. Can we call the upcoming text a table -

1) no, no list, dialing through clearings;

2) so, the table is lined up;

3) no, it's just text.

6. After the command Table – Table Authorities you can insert:

1) for centerpieces exact size;

2) for the fence row to be moved to the advancing side;

3) vertical alignment of information in the middle;

4) align and wrap the table according to the text in which the table is located.

8. You can use the Table - Sort command to order the data in the column - the names of the Zodiac signs in the order of their birth:

H Zavdannya 2

Formulate the meaning:

H Zavdannya 3

Insert missing words:

1) _______________________________ - this is the text that appears when the mouse cursor is hovered over it and that provides additional information about the information provided.

2) __________________ – This is a comment to the text, which can be either at the bottom of the page or at the end of the document.

3) __________________________ - The sequence of paragraphs is numbered.

4) Behind the team Table – Recreate- ________________________ – the text is converted into a table.

5) Behind the team Format― _______________________________________ ― can be inserted directly into the text in the middle spaces.

6) Behind the team Format - Cordoni and fill― is possible for the meaning of middles

a) on deposit Cordon install _____________________________________________


b) on deposit Zalivannya vibrati __________________________________.

Zavdannya 4

Set the profile.

Zavdannya 5

Set the sequence of actions.

Zavdannya 6

Significant type of virus:

In front of you, attach the text with different versions. In front of you, attach the text with different versions. In front of you, attach the text with different versions. In front of you, attach the text with different versions. In front of you, attach the text with different versions. In front of you, attach the text with different versions.

Zavdannya 7

Robot skills with keyboard

1. Open the text editor Start – Programs – Accessories – Notepad.

2. Type one row at a time from the skin words of the great writers.