How to properly save finished images in Photoshop? How to save a picture in Photoshop for various purposes: primarily a photo, clearly and without wasting color How to save a work from Photoshop

Hello, fellow readers of the Start-Luck blog! In connection, Andriy Zenkov and my practical knowledge of web design. Today we’ll talk about these keys themselves, without which your site will never open the door to the world of browser bookmarks (and even for a web developer, it’s so important to mark your favorite pages with a “star”).

The language is, as you might have guessed, about the images. Choose a bright photo on - only half of it is right. After processing, colorization, text overlay and other manipulations, a new problem is brewing on the horizon: how to save images in Photoshop?

Let’s say you’ve created a website about domestic animals and are sure to give them a great photo gallery. Bah - and you no longer see a design without charming menu icons that look like paws. What about the section with funny animations, how to lift the spirits of site guests?

With this in mind, you adjust all the images below, save and ... save what you need. The pixels can be driven in firmly into the “paws”, and you can look at the pictures in Russia without tears. Photoshop is automatically moved to the list of programs in your favorites, and you let yourself know the right person. What's the matter? You can do everything on your own by finding out the secret in my head that I will always get rid of.

The saving algorithm is shown in the optimal capacity in their format. I don’t want to go into details about what is classified as raster and what is classified as vector. Most of all, you can change them in a couple of clicks. I have already written about this in one of my articles, sharing with readers to change image formats.

Analyzing sites that are rich on the Internet, I noted one important detail: all graphic elements are presented in very few universal formats, at a time when the creation of others is completely forgotten. What kind of stink is that?

Main groups depicted in web design

Graphic content on websites is intelligently divided into three categories.

Collages and photographs

The JPG format is typical for them - literally, it is the most widespread on the web. These images are displayed in a small size, which allows them to be displayed in a website design without being afraid of excessive interference on the pages. For example, one and the same landscape, saved in JPG and PNG, means different:

Icons, buttons and banners

For these design elements, the shortest option is PNG. It allows you to edit an object and save images without a background, replacing them in a further “layout” site. I would recommend this format for images that cannot boast of a magnificent palette. For example, we create a document in Photoshop and - the name of the site:

We save images in two formats and equalize the results:


GIF is used for creating animated images that are made up of two or more balls. You can earn money not only with the help of Photoshop, but also. I would call this format very tasty, the fragments, when saved in this way, can easily be obtained in a rich way. Luckily, I have a life hack that will give you animations with minimal pixelation. Intrigued? Read on!

Pokrokov's saving instructions image

Let's start with JPG: it makes it very easy to edit a photo without wasting data. For this purpose we press “File” - “Save it”. When pressed, you can quickly use the key combination Shift + Ctrl + S:

In the window you will see that “File type” drops down and the JPEG row is selected. Be sure to follow these steps:

From the list that appears, you can select the PNG row, thereby resolving the task for yourself. However, I recommend saving images with a clear background in a different way.

The window opened. Your task is to go to the item PNG-24 in the drop-down list of selections, and check the boxes in the “Prosority” and “Cherguvati” rows:

Increase your respect: leaving a checkmark shortens the time for attracting images on the site, and at the same time increases your attention. If you are not interested, emboss “Save.” In the drop-down window, select the file path and press the button again to remove the PNG images and how you can upload them to the site!

The animation is saved through the same menu item, except now you need to select the GIF option in the drop-down list. There are a large number of parameters and simple words can be used or sent. Not varto! Just set the parameters that I use:

We supply pouches

Working with graphics requires a steady, thorough beginner without getting hung up on one or two areas. Yak buti? In due time, he became a useful sign for me dialing in five mini-courses from the “Photoshop Master” project. From them I have gleaned more than one byte of valuable information.

The material is presented in an accessible form and cost-free. This is a great alternative to studying at computer academies and searching for the necessary lessons on the Internet.

That's all. Don't forget to subscribe to VKontakte group and updating the blog for a huge portion of fresh and interesting articles.

This is Andriy Zenkov. See you again!

Those who are new to Photoshop are wondering why there are two types of saving their work - “Save As” and “Save for Web & Devices”? In addition to graphic formats, a whole list appears... About this and below.

Let's get started with graphic formats. Let's look at the most extensive of them and for some situations they are most suitable.

PSD (Photoshop Document)

PSD is Photoshop's proprietary format, it's a business card. There are simply no excuses, since: it supports the “loose” structure of ready-made or not completely graphic robots, clipping paths, information about channels and the changes made in them without wasting space during multiple resaving.

As a rule, this format is chosen when the work is not yet completed, or because you want to preserve the consistency of the final operations, in addition to the elements placed on the balls, effects, etc. However, the size of such a file is much larger than that of a similar image, saved in “jpg”. About nogo pіde movа dali...

JPG (JPEG, Joint Photographic Experts Group)

The most advanced image format required. I’m not afraid to say, but in this case, most of all expensive photographic equipment is saved, both by simple amateurs and by continuing “stuck” amateurs. Professionals also work differently, but mainly at the final stage of creating photographs, since their photograph at all stages of processing more than once switches from one graphic format to another. Pictures in the “jpg” format can also be an absolute advantage in the vastness of the world.

I would highly recommend this format. If you are saving the photo itself, as well as a bright color palette, then safely select “jpg”. Just remember that “jpg” does not have any bearing on the versatility, and as you continue to resave the image, it will gradually move around, so every time you transfer it to a new algorithm, it will be constantly compressed “clean up” the picture type of colors available. Once you save the end images in “jpg”, you won’t be able to edit them anymore.

The brightness of the picture in the “jpg” format is controlled, and in close connection with the “type” of the picture. The more space you have, the more tickets you get from the Wikine image, which in turn means less than the size of the saved image. The race to save money in the space occupied on the disk does not pass without a trace and the images lose their attractiveness - noise appears, especially on the cordons of color transitions, fine details (hair develops, fine lines, etc.)

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

The Danish format is easy to use if you are working with a file with an uncritical color scheme, then you will need to use 256 colors. In connection with the “gif”, I would recommend using it for images in which painted elements are presented primarily in one color, without gradient colors (black, green, blue, horn, etc.). True, you won’t spend anything as you will save your image in the 8-bit “png” format, as described below. “Gif” also encourages insight, but again, to save money from misuse. Together, this format is a single method for creating graphic animation.

PNG (Portable network graphics)

There are two options for saving in the “png” format - in 8-bit and 24-bit format. This operation can be done through the menu File> Save for Web & Devices...

Briefly about whatever it looks like.

“Png (8 bit)”, just like “gif”, contains only 256 colors, which is also the most unsuitable way to save photos. 8-bit “png” is optimal for images with gradient transitions, fragments of the front calculations in this format algorithm The compression is more loyal to video. Just like “gif”, 8-bit “png” promotes clarity, but is no longer suitable for creating animation of pictures.

"Png (24 bit)" is equal to the 8-bit version, as well as "jpg" and "gif" have one important thing - the only one who can save the same clarity as "gif" and "png (8 bit)" While the data is limited to two values ​​of transparency - clear / non-clear, then in the 24-bit version a larger number of intermediate values ​​are transferred. This skill is mainly required in the field of web design. You’re unlikely to need the kind of work with pictures in everyday life.

And more .. All converted formats, behind the “psd” label, can be opened in any standard window and displayed on the Internet without any problems.

And now a bunch of words about saving methods introduced in Photoshop. Well, File> Save As ... To save transfers in “psd”, this is the only way, in the same way you can save in “gif”, “jpg” and “png (24 bit)”, but you can go as far as this type of saving. at the end, if you don’t care about the size of the end picture.

The saving method via the File> Save for Web & Devices menu... however, is not suitable for the “psd” format, but with other formats the operation goes like clockwork. The main advantage in this type is the ability to fine-tune the brightness of the output image, and therefore control the file. There is also the option of first reviewing the result of saving the image while selecting the optimal compression parameters. And it’s also important to use the “gif” format - the saving method File> Save for Web & Devices ... you can save the gif animation of the image!

Working with a graphics editor Adobe Photoshop It’s already been 5 years since I learned that not everyone knows about the importance and need to properly save images. Having turned to the Internet, I really don’t know up-to-date and correct information on this topic. For these reasons, I have become more knowledgeable about nutrition and want to tell you How to properly save images.

Who needs to know what's next?

Everyone who works with a graphics editor does not have to rely on Adobe Photoshop. Illustrator, artist, graphic designer, web designer, interface designer, photographer, student, schoolchild - by learning how to properly save images that change the size of the file, you save not only your own time, but someone else’s time.

About what kind of language?

For the cob, one word is clear:

Vikorists on the Internet, you spend an hour - a lot of hours

The popularity of sites on the Internet is not instantaneous and takes time, but for many years of being on the Internet you have called someone. Acceptable average speed 3 seconds, De 2 of them fall on the desired image. Illustrations, interface elements, photographs, advertising banners, PDF presentations, or putting a picture of a cute cat in a file size will require an hour for the browser to display the image on the screen.

Don't be fooled by "megabytes per second"

Better for everything, your Internet provider promises you 100 Mbit/s- this is an ingenious advertising move (read as: deception) that has generated a lot of attention, including the popularity of the site. I measured the connection speed with the server installed in Moscow, the result:

And the axis of interest in the site’s website is significantly lower:

How many images do you watch per day?

Dozens? Hundreds? As an active user of the Internet, I look at hundreds of images a day, and most of them are of high quality. How to change the choice of these images and obviously increase the intensity of attraction, you would like to 1 second, multiplied by 500 images per day, then we take about 8 drinks a day and 4 years per month.

4 years per month I will see if I am attracted to the picture

Everything you need to know about saving is pictured

Except for rare exceptions, there is no need to save the final result using the same method as PSD, In this case, additional information is saved in the file Application information From the date of creation and the name of the graphic editor to the weather and camera model.

Use the soft switch to set the luminosity to the desired value. 100 , Ale in the village 80 have fun visible brightness practically equal to zero, and the axis differs from the vase amazing.

To post an image on a website, send it by mail, save it in the dark, send it to messenger, etc., you need to use Vicory Save for Web.


JPEG - for depicting a large number of paintings and folding figures: illustrations, paintings, photographs.

PNG - for vector images or images that contain text, simple geometric shapes that are clear and small in number: logos, screenshots, stickers, icons.

Which quality should you choose?

For greater clarity, the optimal values ​​will be 80 For the simplest of people, it is not important to have a clear transition between quarters. you can put a value 60 .


The function includes an additional algorithm for reversing colors, it is recommended turn it on again, It's a shame if the details are important (for example, Pixel Art).

Convert to sRGB

Conversion of image colors to a consistent sRGB table.

sRGB is the standard for the Internet

Dozvil (Image Size)

The widest screen resolution is: 1366×768- for computer 720×1280- for smartphone. Please be respectful and do not save any more images. 1920 in width.


Interesting information, as I already spoke about. There is no need to provide additional information about the images as this will only enhance the file's usefulness.

Have you ever been amazed at the detailed information of a desired image?

Using this method, I was able to change the image twice.

Of course, there are rare faults if you may need detailed information or more detail, but in most cases the rules will be pre-verbal and protect hundreds of years.

Thank you, Vladislav.

Saved on the computer, and learn the remaining stroke - How to save a picture (image, photograph) in Photoshop.

The process of saving images is closely related to graphic file formats. There will be a lot of leftovers depending on the format you choose (improvement of clarity, file size and number of colors). I will not repeat and write about the skin format, since all this information has already been reported in the article dedicated to the victorious photoshop.

File - Save (Ctrl + S)

As a rule, this team is vikorist, if koristuvach showing the original images And is engaged in its editing. Having entered this command, Photoshop will update this file in the same format as before. You can say what Swiss savings However, we do not require you to adjust any image parameters.

If you created the image from scratch, then this command will work like this Save the yak.

File - Save your money... (Shift + Ctrl + S)

This command is the main one and is endowed with the absence of “folders”.

Having selected this command, you need to tell Photoshop where, with what names and in what format you want to save your photo. Why use the dialogue box:

The green arrows indicate navigation control buttons (to assign a place to save the file), and the blue arrow shows the menu for selecting the format of the current image. After this, click the Save button.

That's not all. Photoshop show one more vikno - parameters. Instead, this window will directly correspond to the file format you selected.

Most importantly, what can be adjusted here, so this image brightness. In the field with numbers, you can enter values ​​from 1 to 10, or select a text value in the drop-down list, or by number. The size of the file is displayed in the right half of the window.

The vibrancy of the image greatly affects its size, which means the vibrancy of viewing on the Internet and on a computer.

You are also presented with three different types of format:

  • Basic (“standard”) - this image is displayed on the screen through a contractor. This is the first way to display an image instead of a JPG file.
  • Basic optimization - images from optimized Huffman code.
  • Progressive is a format that will ensure a progressively enhanced display of the world’s attention to detail.

The saving process can be viewed from the other side - saving intermediate stages of work. For whom is it necessary? PSD format, The format of these creations is special for Photoshop.

Select from opens the list of window formats Save the yak So that you can rotate the photo again before editing, and save the entire palette of balls, all the filters and effects that you have frozen. Everything will need to be adjusted and supplemented again. .

The third way to save money in Photoshop

Click on the cross of this image (red arrow), if you want to close the image, otherwise you will lose yourself in Photoshop, or on the cross of Photoshop itself (blue arrow), if you want to completely finish your work.. Thank you!