How to open the notification history in Android 7. How to view the notification history in Android. Vbudovanie magazine notification in Android OS

The system is notified with an extremely important task: to promptly inform about the key topics that you follow for additional programs that are being tested. If you find a new SMS notification, or the site you are reading is updated, with proper adjustments, the system will immediately notify you about it. However, keeping track of information can be difficult, especially with a large number of active programs. One careless touch of a finger - and important information (and then immediately) irrevocably knows from the igneous flow even before you get up to look at it. In such situations, you are unable to check the programs manually, wondering at the availability of the log notification in Android. It’s true, it’s just that I’m tired of this magazine, and I need to know where to joke. In addition, all recent messages can be viewed in a third-party program.

Vbudovany magazine

Android has a simple, but not entirely obvious, way to display the history stored in the system. To speed up the process, build an axis:

  1. Place your finger on the desktop and go to the “Widgets” menu.
  2. In the list of available widgets, click on the settings shortcut and drag it to the desktop.
  3. From the menu, select “Journal notification”.
  4. Open the notification log behind the same icon on your desktop.

Regain respect: seriously Android versionsі installing their programs(such as Launchers, for example) the arrangement of the lists in the instructions of interface elements can be changed.

As soon as you open the notification magazine, read the list of items you need. It is difficult to say exactly for what period and how many messages can be found here. Known in Android Marshmallow, I am on the lookout for dozens of units that were found for the rest of the loot.

It is clear that the standard log in Android is far from ideal. This is just a list of the names of the programs on which the information was found, sorted by date. There are no details about the place to be reported here. And the real shortcoming: the reprint magazine does not allow you to quickly move to the program jelly after pressing a notification on the output page. Fortunately, all these exchanges do not apply to programs from third-party vendors.

Another supplement

The cost-free Past Notifications program displays up to 2,000 remaining notifications at once with full text instead, groups them behind adjuncts, and introduces a number of manual functions for working with the data that is displayed.

After installation, the Past Notifications button appears on the notification panel, which serves to Swedish access before history. By clicking on it, you will open a list of information about the date, time of need and short term for each of them. Here you can also look at other notification texts, delete notification selections, or add programs to the black list so that the system ignores any information contained in them. Stay especially before speech, as long as you can block annoying messages from Play Store and other “noisy” programs.

The vascular section for clarity displays information on groups coming from supplements, such as stench. Having clicked on any notifications here or in the ungrouped list, you will immediately move on to the program-dzherel - the ability that does not appear in the magazine. In the remaining, third section you will find programs added to the black list and you can immediately unblock them if necessary.

The program is not well adjusted. Past Notifications allows you to select a number of visible notifications from the list and display icons in the row and buttons on the dashboard. The add-on displays advertising, otherwise you can get it for 30 UAH by purchasing the paid version in the settings. Another nuance is the intensity of localization. There is little text in the program interface, except for translations from the English machine with a lot of corrections.

Vbudovane in Android zasib To display the story, the information does not compromise on information content and ease of use, so it is difficult to consider it as a full-fledged magazine. Ale Past Notifications is designed to compensate for the shortcomings of the system and become a red note during the hour of work with the history.

The panel is an invisible part of any operating system. Android OS was not the culprit. These messages display all the inputs for the device, which also includes information about the acquisition or updating of programs. In the midst of the great number of such information, it is very difficult to keep track of and become very important for you. Therefore, to maintain the cleanliness of the notification panel, you need to know how to turn on notifications on Android.

Information on input options on the Android operating system

Regulating whether notifications are turned on or off has become easier after the release of Android 4.1. Now you can just go to the “Customization” menu, select the “Add-ons” item (or “Add-on Manager”) and the “All” tab. From the list that has appeared, go to the program or play, in view of the leaking windows you want to wake up. To do this, you need to tap on the add-on that you select and uncheck the “Enable notifications” item, after which the system will display a window where you will need to confirm your choice. This method of working on the notification screen has changed with the fifth update of the system.

Once you have done so, you have made a number of changes to the system. The notification panel opened. She became naughty, determined and even tame. Let's marvel at what innovations have brought us New version And how to deal with them.

Screen lock

With the arrival of the update, customers noted that all notifications are displayed on the Android lock screen. We won’t talk about the simplicity of this ability. It’s obvious what manipulations you can now do:

  1. When you click on the input information window, a supplement will appear.
  2. Clean up unread notification All you need to do is swipe in any way.
  3. Pull down the notifications window and it will give you a more advanced version that displays additional information and functions.
  4. By placing your finger on the window, you will be able to open the context menu with options.

Now these buttons allow you to do more, not just increase or change. This menu has added new options and possibilities, which, no doubt, will be useful to anyone who needs it. You can switch between alert modes:

  1. “Don’t be turbulent” - all outgoing fortune-telling and notifications will be silent.
  2. “Important” - You will remove unnecessarily important messages from programs, the list of which can be adjusted. Once you're done, check out the settings tab. You can change the hour of the work mode. Moreover, there is a special tab that allows you to customize this mode as much as possible.
  3. "Everything" - standard robot device

For more detailed regulation of information windows, just go to the section specifically provided for this section. It can be found in the “Customization” menu of your device. Here you can, for example, receive notifications, open the notification option for programs, change the list of blocked applications. It is also possible that in the menu adjacent to the program you can select the following command:

  1. Do not show notifications about these programs, thereby completely avoiding notifications about the programs.
  2. Or show them at the top of the list, even if you can remove the most important notifications.

Setting up the notification panel is sufficient. Varto give them a lot of respect.

Now you have learned how many opportunities to open up in front of the pros, as you have begun to develop knowledge “below yourself.” And if there is an unread notice, you know how to pick it up.

You suddenly “waved” the unread notification from the curtains to inform your Android smartphone Do you have a tablet and are now worried that it might contain important information for you?

Don’t worry about it - in the Google operating system there is a notification log for Android, it’s easy to deny access to anything. Today I will tell you how to earn it.

And you can earn money for an additional system widget that you need to install on the desktop of your smartphone or tablet.

For this, follow these simple instructions:

1. Go to the program menu of your smartphone or tablet, to the “Widgets” tab and find there a widget called “Shortcut Settings”.

2. Click on it and drag it to one of the work tables of your device.

3. In the window, select the item “Log notification”

That's it, now on your desktop there is a shortcut for accessing the Android notification magazine.

Now, in order to see the notifications you saw earlier, you just need to click on this shortcut and you will see them latest list According to the specified date, time and additional information, the stench can be detected (screenshot at the header).

Your current smartphone helps your friend not to miss every important notification, informing you about a new notification in the mail, in social media, that you can enter SMS and do not receive calls, and so on. If your phone is locked, the information will be displayed on the screen. With the help of this function, you will be able to urgently meet your needs in the future. Well, there are such information that should not be displayed on the screen of a smartphone, as they stink and are confidential or simply not recognized for other people’s eyes.

To avoid unforeseen situations, you will need to configure your phone so that all notifications do not appear on the dark screen, or only from programs that you have selected manually. Let's take a look at the report on how to enable and disable streaming notifications on Android devices.

Connection options let us know what they are

This is a problem, it’s early, it’s obvious that the koristuvachs have a lot of problems with different programs. These programs may simply be of interest to you through constant advertising or regular system notifications, which may be of interest to you. Such notifications can be turned on so that you don’t have to worry about them during work hours.

Method 1: Apply to the skin

If the version of your operating system is larger than the shed, then it will be slightly different:

  1. Go to the menu "Additions" and go to the section "Everything".
  2. Find from the list necessary program and go to the service menu.
  3. Press or turn off skin program alerts.

This option does not matter additional installations additions, and is the most popular among the kistuvachs due to its simplicity.

Method 2: HeadsOff Add-on

If you need a way to easily and quickly access the push notification function, then you will need this no-cost supplement. HeadsOff can not only enable leaky notifications for the entire system, but also for certain programs without requiring root rights. To start vikorizing this program, vikon the following:

  1. Get HeadsOff on your device. Please note that the program is intended for robotic work operating system 5.0 is better.
  2. Open the program and go to the section "Access to notification" And instruct in the row HeadsOff to put a proportion and click on the button "OK".
  3. To read the text of the notification, go to "Nalastuvannya", then press "Show text" And be named an ensign there.

When you select programs that require merging notifications, you will select notifications with the program logo instead of the text of the notification.

Method 3: Invisible addition

Sometimes it gets stuck in such a way that you lose the assignment to follow a program that you didn’t recognize. Then you will need to do it like this:

In order to rotate the information, check the box in the same place as the one indicated. If you need to remove notifications from the panel, swipe the button or press the button "Clear".

Method 4: Lollipop

If you have a device with the new operating system 5.0 and above, then you can speed up the innovations - turn on the sound in the notifications or keep them quiet for the additional Lollipop. You can make changes on your smartphone like this:

  1. Press the volume adjustment button on the side of the phone.
  2. A scale will appear to change the intensity of the sound and three points from which you can select the required one.
  3. In the first mode, a notification is required, which is accompanied by a buzzing sound, and is indicated "Everything".
  4. Another option is called "Don't turbuvati". When choosing this mode, the message must be heard without sound.
  5. The last option is the most direct one, called "Important", but before doing this you need to set up notifications on Android.

In order to set up notifications and turn off system notifications, do the following:

  1. Open the audio settings and go to the graphics "Sounds of Remembrance".
  2. Open the section “Additional Advice”.
  3. Select the required program from the list and open it.
  4. At the point "Block" put the peremikach in.

If you need to turn on notifications on your device, then follow these steps:

  1. Go to section "Sounds of Remembrance" and tap on the graph on the locked screen.
  2. Find the item in the window "Don't show any awareness".
  3. Instruct the ensign to continue working with your smartphone.

This article looks at Push notifications on Android. Now you know what you need and how to turn them on and off. Such information is worth it important function From the point of view of advertising, they can be useful for businesses. It’s also important to take it easy on the fellows. If you are a wealthy business owner, this matters, and now you can solve the problem of leaking notifications even quickly, and without reporting any special efforts.

The Android Inode area is filled with moisture and is easy to clean without harming your skin. Since you have built this, you believed that you suddenly saw that it was more important, you will still be able to turn everything around. Stock Android users can erase notifications on their device based on Android notification history. For devices with a different device interface (for example, TouchWiz from Samsung), this approach may not be available, or it may be a solution based on add-ons.

How to revoke access to history on Android

The magazine will be the first to be released on Android 4.3 Jellybean and, as before, available on Android Lollipop, Android Marshmallow and Android Nougat. The notification log allows you to view recent notifications (in fact, you can view all system notifications) that are otherwise accessible through a practically secret widget. From now on, you will need to go into the retailer settings to unlock the widget on some phones. To unlock the retailer settings, go to your phone Setting up > About the phone and then press it several times Android version. After 3 or 4 steps, you will see an on-screen notification that informs you that you are now a distributor (a new section will also appear in the “Setup” menu).

How to update your notifications on Android

1. Press on the empty space on the head Android screens, and then press “ Widgets".
2. Swipe left or scroll through the widget menu until you reach the widget shortcuts adjustment .
3. Click on the widget until your home screens appear, and then drag it to the home screen of your choice.
4. To the one who showed up contextual menu " Nalashtuvannya" scroll down and tap “Magazine” inform" .
5. on head screens will show a shortcut inform the magazine. Just click on it and you will have access to your history.

Once you have entered the alert log, you will see active alerts in the white color and alerts that have been closed in the gray color. You can select the following alerts to go straight to the alert date.

Solutions based on supplements: history magazine updated

It was decided that it would be perfectly suitable for Android users, but we were disappointed that it does not work on phones with other customized Android interfaces, for example, on Samsung smartphones. Luckily, yes Corisna program, which will work on all phones, which allows you to effectively update and update your history.

Registration log of ikva eSolutions is a well-thought-out addition in which a log of successful notifications is saved (up to one day, otherwise you can pay for the lost history), from which you can also keep notifications or go to the program the message came out. . You can add songs to the black list of programs or specify those that need to be memorized. The sunshade is very brown, to tell you the full version.

Have you suddenly seen your story? How did you try to renew it? Let us know about it in the comments.