Identifier of housing and communal services. How to find out the code of the housing and communal services payer for the address: features and description

The next section of the “Administration” tab is information about payment details. The section available after granting the representative of the organization the access right “To work with the system’s suppliers”, as well as to the manager of the organization, which has been given the status “Administrator of the organization for internal combustion engines of housing and communal services” in the ESIA.

Here you need to indicate the details of the account which management organization accepts payments.

Payment details of the UO - this is information about the credit institution, specifically the departmental structure of the UO using the method of payment for residential premises and the CU, as well as the OGRN, KPP and BIC of the credit institution, the number of the department rakhunku.

If you have one rozhrakhunkovy shell, it is necessary to indicate only yogo. There are a number of different structures for different buildings, or in the management there are “leaders” of the HOA, who have transferred their management functions, and for the skin HOA there is an open-ended structure, All the different sections on which the Company plans to accept payments will be located.

Since the MA is engaged in activities that are not related to the management of the MKD, and has opened different departments to carry out such activities, it is not necessary to enter these details.

There is no need for bank accounts of the UA. To add a new account, click the “Add new payment details” button. A page will open where you can add data to the bank.

If the identifiers of payment documents from the internal combustion engine are required, the obligatory fields “Period” and “Receipt Type” may not be filled in.

Let's take a look at the connection with which one can get involved.

To secure the identifiers of payment documents assigned on the website of DVS ZhKG, you must go to the “Data exchange with DVS ZhKG” form, select the exchange type “Payment documents” and go to the “Vanture of identifiers” tab:

Identifiers of payment documents are registered on the website of the internal combustion engine of housing and communal services after successful access to the file “Videomosti about payment documents” in a special account. The file “Videomosti about payment documents... Result” is saved. You can import this file in the special account of the internal combustion engine housing and communal services - Result of importing/exporting files:

You need to find the required file and click on the down arrow and select “Save downloaded file”:

We support the savings document:

The processing status will be set to "OK", and the "Payment document identifier" field will be set to an identifier.

This identifier is retained by the program.

In the open window “Exchange data from the GIS Housing and Communal Services” you can select the Directory, search for a folder, and delete this file:

Note: You cannot select the file itself, you just need to specify the folder where the file is located.

After you have indicated that we need a folder, we click on “Vikonati search”:

The table section is filled with data from the file:

Please note that the fields “Period” and “Receipt Type” are not filled in – these fields are not required.

This information is due to the fact that the information for the period and type of receipt for a special purpose is not included in the Register of statements “Payment documents, subsidies in internal combustion engines of housing and communal services”.

Let's go to this register and check the data.

To do this, go to the “All functions” menu (details about this menu are described in the instructions):

We know the register of statements “Payment documents, transactions in internal combustion engines of housing and communal services”:

We open our eyes and carefully select for a special purpose. In this case there is a special rakhunok “l/s No. 2011067057”:

No data on this particular item was found in the registry.

In order for the data to be displayed here, it is necessary to re-contract the collection of information about payment documents in a special manner for the required period (in our case – the year 2018).

Note: You just need to animate the file, on the GIS Housing and Public Utilities it is not necessary to animate it again

After the registration, we will check what data has appeared in the Register:

Dani showed up.

Now let's go back to selecting identifiers and search again:

Bachimo, all stations have been filled. You can save identifiers:

This identifier is also recorded in the register of records “Payment documents, subsidies for internal combustion engines of housing and communal services”:

It consists of two parts: the first, the hidden one, which can be accessed by all individuals after completing the registration procedure on the resource. This part allows the citizen to find out information about the government’s living quarters, his company, and also to pay for the money that was found for the citizen, to pay for utility services, using a special office.

Another part of the information can be changed and changed within the scope of their competence by those individuals who have been identified and authenticated in the ESIA, as well as by organizations (including ii, HOA) and representatives of the authorities of the sovereign power and budgetary sovereign funds.

It is logical to assume that since a citizen who uses GIS has the opportunity to pay for utility bills directly in the system, then operators who accept payments can also access it.

It’s so effective - operators who accept payments from utility services provide access to internal combustion engines of housing and communal services.

As a rule, the system operator places the GIS overflow of functions available to clients. Next, everything should be stored in addition to the information on the platform of which the operator saw its replacement, in the special register.

As a result, all functional capabilities become available to the common people immediately. If the registry does not have such entries, the functions will be blocked. Lishe Once the required data has been received to the registry, the operator will receive further updates..

In order for the payment acceptance operator or the paying agent to renew the data in the internal combustion engine, they only need to ensure that the data is located in the system registry, and then upload their own electronic copies of the data to it and other necessary Data for confirmation is again important.

Respect! new items that are removed in the internal combustion engine of the gastrointestinal tract, between hours, and, as a rule, are applied after the end of the period for which the smell was seen.

Ale stinks can be treated earlier due to current reasons:

  • vdguk;
  • the one who, having gained new importance, will be inspired by them;
  • the re-importance of the koristuvach, in whose name the actions were carried out, will end;
  • there will be daily and necessary substitutes for such important things to work;
  • It will be revealed that when submitting an application for a grant, the applicant carefully reviewed information that does not indicate effectiveness.

What should I do with my 18-digit code?

At the beginning of working with the system, there are a lot of new terms, and the phrase “payment document identifier” can be added to them. What can we understand under these concepts and what kind of storage parts are there?

This is information about the payment receipt that is transmitted to the GIS and looks coded in a special way have your own information about:

  1. Identifier of housing and communal services.
  2. The payment document itself.

The outer expression of the identifier itself is made up of eighteen elements, which are based on their numerical and alphabetic characters.

The first thirteen categories correspond to the identifier of the housing and communal services, the fourteenth is signified by a hyphen, the numbers from the fifteenth to the eighteenth are the document number in the ULS in this order: the remaining digit is the sign of the document, month (the assignment takes up two digits at a time) that number document of this month.

Where should I take it?

With this, what is meant, we got along. It’s a matter of time, a completely natural diet: where can you find out?

It is consistent with the norms of this legal act of the person who received the koshti, which may be straightened out to the victorious goiter of the person who handed over the koshti, before the postmaster.

Dovidka! Before such demands, a fee was paid for the labor of living quarters and communal services.

An agent who has accepted money is obliged to insure it in a special rozhunkovy voucher.It will be necessary to pay the citizen's receipt, which will transfer the money.

Please respect that, above all the Duma, what is taking shape, organizations that deal with loans are not related to paying agents.

At DVS housing and communal services, agents are registered in the same way as payment operators
. Any additional information they provide must also be subject to the availability of the data in the registries, and cannot be delegated until the proof is confirmed.

The term on which such important things are seen, as well as the understanding of the internal combustion engine, the bindings taken on by the agent, and the substitutes through which the new important things can be applied (including pre-line), do not have any essential meanings in relation to the position of the boards Southern operator.

With the development of information technologies, it has become possible not only to obtain information about the living unit, but also about those who control it.

The GIS system, which is actively being used in the housing and communal services sector, encourages its employees to gain a wide range of functionality for searching the necessary information, as well as otherwise related to housing and communal services, and It is important to be able to pay for services from the system.

About those that contain payment documents, how they are identified and who has the right to accept payment - this is stated in this article.

As of June 1, 2016, all representatives of the housing and communal services sector will be able to register and post information about their activities in the electronic system of the DVS housing and communal services. There is not enough time until this moment, and yet one is deprived of food without food, so one has to worry registration in the system and placement of data in it. Today we will share our joys with you to entice special shells on the internal combustion engine housing and communal services.

Yak tse robiti

After this click, the window “Removing the information for the address of the booth” will appear:

Complete the rows and press the “Undo list” button. When a code appears, just save the required code.

Number of a single special account for the internal combustion engine housing and communal services

Then a dialogue box with information about the special order will appear:

Porada: it’s better to start a database right away unique numbers and single facial frames (Excel), because This data can be vikoristovat richly.

How to add a template to your website

In order to attract filling template to the website of the GIS Housing and Communal Services, you need to check the upcoming actions: go to the special account, open the “Management Objects” tab, then - “Special Accounts”, then - “Get Information”, select “Career Organs” zatsiya", press the button "Add file" , and then – “Import”. All is ready!

How to check the status of a template

The status of the template can be checked by opening the “Result of file import/export” tab in a special account. You will see a list of all the templates that you have already added to the site. It is important that the status of the template can and should be checked, since on the site it is indicated that the file has not been processed, and only in the middle of the requested document it will be indicated that the changes have been made.

Under the checkbox, the function “Save deleted file” is checked; the document will be saved in Excel format. The status of the object is indicated in the remaining section of the table, which is called Processing Status. If the background is red, then there are mercy. If you correct them without writing a program, you will have to check the entire table again. If the column “Procurement status” says “Ok”, then the table has been completed successfully.

Please be respectful - this way you will learn more about your rent problems! To find out about your electricity bill, you will need to contact the subscriber service of your electricity company, or gas, which is the same service for postal customers.

  • Get to the International Center without forgetting your documents. Spіvrobіtnik will introduce you to the hidden sum of the borg.
  • For a number of people who have entered the necessary information, you can find out about your debt at home by going to the website of the company you manage.
  • At "Derzhposlugi" it is not obligatory to enter the payer's code. Go to “Payments”, then “Payment for housing and communal services” and find the required item in the menu. Enter the information required by the site.
  • You can find out about your debt in the payment terminals of Oschadbank - be prepared to indicate your special account.

How can I find out the payer’s code if I don’t have a receipt on hand, and I don’t have access to the Internet? We present to you a number of simple ways:

  • Having received your passport and, in any case, a document about your authority, you can direct it to your Housing Office or other company - there you will be required to give this code.
  • If you are not allowed to leave the house, how can you find out the code of the housing and communal services payer for the address? Call the ЄІРЦ (Unified Information and Development Center) or QC. Be prepared to dictate your passport details and information about the place of registration, for which you need to recognize the code.

Method No. 3: find out online The easiest way to find out the payer code for the apartment address is through the Internet, either through a PC, or at home - through the same smartphone.

It's easy to do:
  • Go to the “Government Services” resource.

Payment document identifier

The number of the special account for payment of utility services is an electronic file of information that includes data on the technical characteristics of the living area, the number of specified features and the communication lines. All utility payments for the apartment must be sent to the housing and communal services center at the same location.

For consumption, a single number of a special housing and communal services section should be divided into a number of individuals. It’s nice, since the apartment contains a bunch of Vlasnikovs. How can I find out the number of the special housing and communal services department at the address and how can I help you check the rent department? Let's get along.

Do you need a special shell? The number of the special information stored in the housing development center includes information about the number of rooms in the apartment, their area, the type of bathroom (share or separate), about the water and sewage system, and about the electrical wiring.

Identifier of housing and communal services

On the page, enter your passport details, IPN and SNILZ number. A unique payment identifier will be sent to the confirmation sheet.


As soon as this information was removed, the legal and physical person showed up especially at the department, and the documents of the culprit were with him. Smells are necessary for filling molds. To obtain the details in electronic form, immediately register in the unified information system on the State Services website, entering the same data as in the written request.


Please send a letter to your place of residence with an access key. And after that you can apply for a unique identifier.

Please note that this service lasts for several years after the application. There is no need to provide any documents. Apparently, there is nothing special about the use of the identifier.
Knowing him is not important. For this there is no need to collect a bunch of documents and evidence.

How to find out the code of the water utility payer at the address: features and description

Payment of Borgiv Housing and Public Dop-eating Dop-Banking of the Elektron-Bank Krim Oshdbank, Yaky Podnogi Paying Paying Payments through the Servis online, Optical Opzih from the Bazhokhi Bankiyvsky organized. Advantages of re-insurance of rent through online banking at Svidkosti and efficiency - there is no need for self-service, work in a full-time mode without days off.
A simple way to find out about housing and communal services (for a current month, for a month or for a period of time) is provided by VTB Bank. Many electronic payment systems have ways to find out about the housing and communal services system. The most popular of them are Yandex Money and WebMoney. On the Yandex Groshey website, you can recognize the amount of money using the receipt code. The verification is carried out for any calendar month, and payment is made through Yandex electronic money, bank cards or payment (with the help of a separate receipt).

How to identify the special apartment compartment at the address

Selecting the value of the field “Global unique identifier of the booth according to FIAS/ID code of the booth in the internal combustion engine housing and communal services” To find the unique identification of the booth, you need to go to the website of the internal combustion engine housing and communal services portal ( · "Electronic Services" section » press the button “All services” ( · Select “Discover the code of the office in the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services” · In the form “Retrieving records for the address of the office”, fill in the necessary fields · Press the button “Remove” information about the classification code of the booth at FIAS / identification code of the booth in the GIS Housing and Communal Services" · The result will be available in the following: "Identification code of the booth at FIAS" and "Identification code of the booth in the GIS Zverta" I respect that the timekeepers have the address of the housing fund for donations at The portal of the GIS Housing and Public Utilities System and daily data from the FIAS will display the identification code of the booth at the GIS Housing and Public Utilities Service.

How to identify your special housing and communal services office by address

How to store it correctly? When payers make payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation, a payment order will be renewed. In addition to a unique identifier, you may have:

  • BIK will set the method through which the payment will be processed;
  • name of the bank, its legal address;
  • rozhrakhunkovy rahunok, for which the recount is carried out;
  • payment type (code);
  • Date of the operation.

Enter the number next to the unique payment identifier – 22 (field code).

Let us not forget that the payment is due promptly. In this case, enter 0 (zero) in this row.

In the "Accommodation" section you must enter the following information:

  • part of the payment, the amount of the part in % (which part of the tenant pays receipts for housing and communal services services) – values ​​​​are assigned from 0 to 100;
  • number of a special account (or another identifier of a roommate) - this can be duplicated from the “Basic Views” tab;
  • the address of the location (this is shown in the same color, so it is not necessary to fill it out, you need to write everything down for the address);
  • location number;
  • code for the booth according to FIAS (this whole thing is also seen in the same color, but you need to remember it first).

Sometimes in one area the facial tubes can be separated (sometimes two or three for one place), if the facial tubes are affected, it is necessary to respect and preserve the skin. There is no need to add a template to the already closed face shell.

Find the identifier of a single special account in Moscow

In this place there will always be a zero.

  • Numbers from 5 to 19. Indicate the document code in the submission system. Each payer is given his own special code, based on the current version of the document index.
  • Number 20.

    This number indicates which government authority is responsible for verifying the payment. Please complete the 19 digit code for insurance.

  • A unique payment identifier identical to the document index, except that the index consists of 20 digits.

    What will happen if you don’t include it? Submissions and other payments to the budget are processed automatically using the UIN number. Information about payments to the budget is transferred to a single database.

    If you enter the wrong code or do not enter it, the system will not recognize the payment and the money will not be reinsured.

Date of placement - Field type “Date” (DD.MM.RRRR), obligatory for filling in the form, since “The agreement is not publicly and publicly posted on paper or in electronic form” = “So”, and as criteria The search did not include “Sleep ID” and the group of fields “Social employment contract”. Processing status X The result of processing will be recorded in the processing description. This field is ignored by the System and will be overwritten after processing. History of changes to file 1. Changed the name of the field “Budinka code according to FIAS” to “Global unique identifier of the cabin according to FIAS/Identification code of the cabin at the State Information System of Housing and Communal Services” 2.

The “Occupier’s IPN” details indicate the identification number (IPN) of the person for which the fee is to be paid. 3. Payment ID Important Data about the ID is also registered and saved in the relevant registries of all important government organizations.

You can recognize a special shell in the following ways:

  • for additional help on the website “DerzhPoslugi”;
  • through telephone communication to the housing and construction company at your place of residence;
  • for assistance from Sberbank ATMs or the company’s electronic service via the Internet;
  • through various alternative methods of finding information: specialized sites, documentation about utility services/payments, etc.

As a rule, a special type is indicated by the labels “LZ” or “FLS”, which makes it easy to recognize the required dialing symbol.
Values ​​are entered manually or selected from the list (the list is formed when filling out the rows on the “Basic Gazette” tab). Placement addresses - String field. This field is not saved in the GIS LCG and is used to facilitate the identification of locations in the template.

It will be filled with sufficient values ​​at the discretion of the buyer. Group of fields “Addresses of the cabin, accommodation, room” Global unique identifier of the cabin according to FIAS / ID code of the cabin in the GIS Housing and Communal Services - String field in GUID format, will be filled in if the value “Business ID” is not specified dinka, premises, rooms, assignments GIS housing and communal services" Type location/block - The values ​​in the list that drop down are filled in if the value “Identifier of the booth, location, room, GIS housing and communal services assignments” is not specified for the location, room, block in the booths of the blocked forgetting.