Experts "for kerm". Variation of powers: active radar detector and radar detector Chi allowed radar detectors

Russians, having risen in price with different countries on vehicles, are not opposed to breaking the basic rules of traffic on the roads. On the roads of Europe, the widest damages are: not fastened safety belt, driving in a drunken look, ruh on the color of the light head, which is fenced, and the most damaged - ruh with a twisted swidkistyu.

Deyakі єvropejski і kraїni for the relocation of swedkostі can be fined a large sum. One can see such countries: France, Belgium, Switzerland, Great Britain, Sweden, Italy, Finland and others. In these countries, the transfer of speed to 20 km / year, threatening the water with a fine of about 2000 euros. Most of our tourists stock up on radar detectors, which allow the installation of police radars.

The lands of Europe, where radar detectors are allowed

Nіmechchina is the most benevolent country after Russia, which can lie down until the age of radar detectors calmly. The state does not stop the deployment of radar detectors. In this rank, it is possible to increase the price of the roads of Nіmechchini with an anti-radar. For example, you can install an anti-radar, which is specially designed for the countries of Europe. Before them you can see: Escort Passport 8500 X50 Red Euro or Cobra RU 860.

To the krajn, which can be seen calmly to the radar detectors, one can see: Bulgaria, Romania, Norway, Turkey, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Albania and others. European and Baltic radars of the best practice in the Ku and Ka bands, in fact, changing the Russian cordoni, the entire band will need to be turned on, and the Russian band K and X will be switched off.

Cities of Europe, de fenced to install radar detectors

Penalty for vikoristanny anti-radar outbuilding, zaprovadzheniya in such countries of Europe: Finland, Austria, Belgium, Sweden, France, Switzerland, Latvia, Denmark, Lithuania, Spain, Poland, Ukraine and Luxembourg. Depending on the laws of these countries, policemen can choose not only anti-radar attachments at the water, but also a car, and they can also appoint a military officer.

Law Switzerland and France with such things as the fenced-in fittings, which indicate on police radars on the road. As such an attachment, you can be a navigator that can avenge the POI function. Peretinayuchi between these two powers, tsyu funktіyu vmknuti better.

The navigators can use the VG-2 function to override the detection of the radar detector in the car. Ale chi varto rizikuvati? Isn't it better to just follow the rules of the road?

In the meantime, the hot season is open, there are many people in searches of the suitability of new enemies in the car on the road. Europe is a popular destination for autotourism, which made it clear: mandriving people love European routes for good roads, small hauls, open infrastructure and impersonal places for air travel.

Ale, virushayuchi machine to the kraїn ЄS, do not varto forget about the suvoriy control over the rules on the roads and about the high fines for their damage. To avoid unacceptable incidents, many people take radar detectors with them on a trip, but in many countries of Europe there are many such devices.

In the company NEOLINE, ahead of the active season of high car prices, they told about tourists and prepared a handy map, in any good way it is clear that in some countries it is possible to use radar detectors without borders, and de stosuvannya is important for serious damage. Obov'yazkovo check your route before the trip!

Mayzhe be a way to Europe to lie through Belarus and Poland. The installation of radar detectors in these countries is different: in Belarus they are charged for the carriage for road safety, and the axle in Poland for the transport of accessories in the included station will have to pay a fine.

If your way lies on the pіvnіch, near the Scandinavian lands, then the radar-detector is more likely to turn off and tidy up: in Sweden and Denmark, it’s been fenced in victorious, whether it’s fitting a similar type. Damage is punishable by a fine, and I will build it for violations, but in Sweden you can get a conviction. Finland supports its farming lands by fencing on radar detectors, and in Norway their exploitation is allowed with small margins.

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In the Baltics, they don’t block the purchase of radar detectors, but their operation is illegal: as if the police officers show a working attachment to your car, you can forfeit it and write a fine. Estonian cordoners often chirp at the presence of a radar detector at the waters, which go all the way to the edge.

In the lands of Central Europe, people do not like outbuildings. The best laws are in France and Switzerland: if you put a radar detector in a car, then they will confiscate not only yoga, but also the car. In Austria and Germany, you may only have to pay the attachment itself (and pay a fine), and the axis of the Czech Republic may not have a radar detector - there are no fences on such an attachment.

To the list of countries, which allow you to use radar detectors on your territory, Albania, Romania, Turkey and Bulgaria are also included (for your mind, that the attachment does not matter).

How can a dashing water save your pennies without running into a fine for transporting cash? The most obvious option - change your voices and strictly follow the rules - is not suitable for everyone. Someone who cares for better swears by modern technology: install a radar detector or a radar detector. In order to travel calmly along the common roads and still run into a fine, leaning behind the cordon.

So, setting up the victoriousness of these fittings in different lands is a matter of concern. Here you can calmly use not only detectors, but also anti-radar detectors, which allow you to go overboard, but here be some similar attachment to the law. Let's take a short look around, walking around with a map of the world.

In our country, officially fenced, there are only a handful of fittings that create transitions for outbuildings, that designate security. Buying an anti-radar from Minsk (itself an anti-radar, not a detector) is more convenient and, according to our laws, stupidly. And from Russia and Ukraine there are no fences either for radar detectors or for radar detectors.

Prote, varto viїhati for the cordon in another straight line, and the situation is changing dramatically. Practically on the entire territory of the European Union, similar outbuildings were fenced not to be installed, but to be transported from a packed sight. Tse stosuetsya th of our closest "European countries". In Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the radar detector is stunned by law. And the axis, for example, in the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, the situation is similar to ours: it is possible to beat the detectors, but not radar detectors.

Okremo varto indicates the situation in Nimechchyna. In RuNet you can find information about those that the German government wants to use detectors and distribute free water to them. If it was like that, it was booming, now it’s near Nіmechchinі, like it’s possible all over the continent, it’s been fenced, whether it’s fittings, like they can pick up radar frequencies. Of the great European powers, such extensions are still allowed to win only from Great Britain.

And the axis of the American police really wants to win the radar detectors. The skin state has its own laws, but in the most important territory, it is completely legal. The legality of any type of extension in Canada is also subject to the laws of a particular province.

In Asia, everything is simpler: the majority of powers (with the vintage of Malaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and others) do not defend any such equipment. And why not lie in the “civilization” waters. Apparently, in China and especially in India, chaos is happening on the roads, and the axis of Japan and Korea is much larger. Prote, radar detectors are allowed in all these powers.

Vykoristannya priladіv, yakі allow "fighting" behind the radar - the occupation is ambiguous: zvіdsi і razne stavlennja podіdnoї tekhnі. Whether it be for a young person, perebuvayuchaya on the territory of the country, it is necessary to strictly follow the її laws - it will be corny for your health, and for your gamantsya!

Whether the thematic-technical community has its own "firm" problems. Those who like to peck the neophyte, who carelessly call the trigger a trigger, and the experts in radar detectors, always troll quietly, who in the old way call these attachments "anti-radar". Movlyav, the radar-detector is just a little bit ahead of the traffic police ambush, and the anti-radar is an active igniter, so that it can lead to the “days” having a direct shift on the ether, which is important for you. In fact, it’s the same, if you want to add to the terminology in this way - it’s purely a matter of speed, more than 99.9% of all outbuildings, which are the same as auto-cladding, you should fit the same type. You can call them scientifically radar detectors, or call them vulgarly radar detectors - the essence does not change, and everyone understands.

Right radar detectors, active suppressors or “jammers”, as they are also called - richly dosit rіdkіsna and richly in what it is napіvmifichna. Few of them are rich in profit, and even less for the quiet who happened to be greedy with them. Let's see the veil of the "taymnitsa": everything about the active anti-radar-jammers "Kolesam" forum about radar detectors Volodymyr "MONO".

How did everything start? Well, you know, from Russia?

IN: The history of the appearance of that wider radar-jammer was always a vuzkonisheva. In the 90s, active anti-radar jammers of the American production "Scorpion XP" appeared on the Russian market. The stench was effectively effective against our radars of the old generations of "Sokil" and "Iskra", the shards of the same vibrated hot and cold, but simply weakly modulated signals, as if it was easy to strangle, passing on the radar an overshoot equal to stronger, lower yogo hits in d car signal. Ale to recall the 90s, if the nature of the signals “Iskri”, “Scorpio” has changed, it has ceased to cope with it. The width of the qi anti-radar did not take away especially through the high price. And with the year and the name they arose - singing, clinging to the virobnitstvo.

How does the situation look today?

IN: The range of anti-radar-jammers surroundings, and those that are, or else, not effective, like, for example, an attachment with passive re-industrialization, for which there is no transmission shift, and two antennas - one receives a radar signal, and the other controls є yogo back, or effectively less frequently. For example, the last rock we watched was the Polish radar-jammer Blue Rider. Vіn dovіv their pratsezdatnіst, but not with a lot of radars. Attached mainly to low-voltage European radars, such as "Mesta", "Robot Multaradar" and similar to them, as if they successfully jammed from a distance of 200-300 meters. Ale, for example, against tripods "Kris" it helped badly, it did not help against "Strelka" with a folding-modulating signal and so on. As a result, I’ll build something that is absolutely effective, with which you can “swindle without worrying about fines”, bring it to the market for big pennies at once.

Before: Why? It would be better if you want to buy such a gadget for sure.

IN: There are two reasons. The first is a new generation of radars. Bagatiohs of them have more complex structures of signals, which are not interrupted by a simple shift: it is necessary to send the same signal to them, which will make the stench vibrate. Obviously, the radar compiler is guilty of adding to the new database of signatures, regularly changing it: even tomorrow the radar compiler will be upgraded, the firmware will be updated - and the radars will start working again, and the jammer will stop coping. Virobnik can improve the relevance of jammers, but for the stink of the mother, a wide promising market, like a radar detector of the forward type. And the market for zbutu jammers is superbly narrow, you won’t earn a penny there, and there’s nothing to motivate foreign pickers to keep a hand on the pulse of the numerical Russian possession of the radar.

Another reason is the radar segment, which is actively developing, as if it did not win over the classic radar Doppler principle with respect to the signal and acceptance of a broken vehicle. The stench works on the death of an average speed, on the analysis of video capture, and also, it is impossible to drown them out in principle.

On rich automotive Internet forums, they regularly destroy the creation of handicraft radar-switchers, discuss schemes. Self-sufferers viroblyayut piece by piece as an effective attachment?

IN: In the 1990s, self-proclaimed jammers, which pressed the Sokil-type radars, were chiming. And now the schemes of past fates and their modifications are made. You can make a clumsy transmitter at radar frequencies, solder the antenna-horn from a tin can, and at the cost of putting it in practice, or drown out the current radar, which works in a wide range of frequencies with a foldable modulated signal, don’t see ... And about those who want to today on the knee Having robbed the anti-radar with foldable processor keruvannya, with the base of signal signatures in memory, which recognizes the type of radar and changes it to the usual modulation of radio waves, I don’t feel ...

K: Tobto, in fact, the market of radar-jammers is in a deaf place, and look at such an outbuilding all the time is not varto?

IN: Unfortunately, it is. Chekati, scho to show up as an attachment, which is effective to rob your car "invisible", not to be brought. Deyakі prospects bachatsya hiba scho laser jammers. On the right, in order to find the best modern radar detectors of the forward-type type, it is already nasty to work on laser radars. That is why in this sphere there is a glimmer of life, there are laser jammers: the Croatian Laser Interceptor, the Taiwanese Antilaser, the German Blinder, and a number of others. Є models of radar-detectors with Escort laser suffocator. Deyakі z them cope with our leaders "LISD" and "Amata". Ale, again, the efficiency of these outbuildings is rich in why to lie down due to the possibility of virobnik to change in the algorithms of robotic radars, so as not to stand on the mission, that immediately release the updated software. Plus, for a functionally efficient work in a car, a buty complex of possession is to blame: a sticky radar detector, a laser jammer, a GPS informer with an up-to-date data base. Tse 2-3 gadgets, as it is necessary to carry with you, keep it up, take care of stolen goods ... It’s good to come to the visnovka every hour, it’s easier to travel, dotrimuyuchisnogo mode.

Before: Do some cities have radar-jammers out of the law?

IN: In rich countries, install radar-detectors of the same type of fence, as you can already talk about active anti-radar detectors... construction, preparation, preparation, installation or operation of radioelectronic devices and high-frequency outbuildings". It is punishable by a fine of 500 to 1000 rubles from the rozmіrі from 500 to 1000 rubles from the confiscation of radioelectronic devices. Prote dіє podіbne more importantly against the systematically working stationary radio stations, that yakscho htos skarzhitsya on shkodi. There are no precedents for the appearance of jammers in the car and there is no further evidence of their illegal zastosuvannya, but it is very important to bring the victoria over the top, and the rare stench of the flooring, which punish the organs about them actually do not know. It’s easier with laser jammers, shards of radio devices don’t stink and don’t fall under any law. Vtіm, zakordonnі vіrobniki, vіdpravlyachi і iz zamovlennyam, zavzhdі call attachments "parking sensor" - no matter what kind of fireman.

Radar detectors have long ceased to be roaring. Practically a leather car driver sooner or later begins to think about adding to this outbuilding, with which the radar detector is often mistaken. Adzhe tse zovsіm raznі prіstroї, nezvjayuchi zvіshnіshnі similarity. Let's try to sort out in what one type of one radar detector and radar detectors and which of these attachments can be victorious on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Anti-radar in Russia (and in the rich European countries) fenced. I will add the essence of yoga to the name. Anti-radar blocking the signal that appears and at the same time simulating the indication of speed. For example, you see the street of the metropolis with a speed of 120 kilometers per year, and the police radar fixes that your speed does not exceed 60 km / year. You are satisfied, pravohoronets - no. Naturally, such an addition is fenced at vikoristan. Moreover, for their installation, you can pay with inaccuracies.

When it comes to radar detectors, the stink is less likely to fix the fact that there is a change in the other range. In other words, this attachment does not create a signal sent by police radars, but rather fixes its presence on the singing sight of the dzherel. The ranges can be K, X, Y, Ka and others, including Strelka. Zavdyaki radar detector can be penalized DIBDR for the transfer of speed. It’s enough to reduce it even more when you are close to the distance, depracyuє police radar. Attachment is not directing to those who want to deceive DIBDR, they carry in themselves a fundamental function: guessing about the dominance of the rules of the road traffic and the impermissibility of the movement of traffic on the roads.

In this article, we say something about radar detectors (if you want the word “antradar” to be used by motorists, it’s not enough sense to use the very term itself - let it be anti-radar). Modern attachments allow you to recognize the range for a few kilometers to the dzherel, which is more convenient - you can throw off your swedishness without going into an emergency galvanization. Depending on the model, different styles of notification: it can be a loud signal (beep) or voice - on vibir.

Today in Russia, there are unlimited options for radar detectors (radar detectors, in sensi): from the simplest and found to the most sophisticated. As a rule, the more expensive the radar detector, the greater the efficiency of the detection of radars. At once about those, the steps of the hibnyh spratsovuvan are lowered, which are even more important show-off. It is possible, if you choose to be careful with the design of the possession - in which plan, radar detectors may have good characteristics.

Nareshti, radar detector - not the same auto electronics, you can look at it for what it is. If you are going to buy such an addition, be prepared before the singing of the windows. So, obviously, you can buy a radar detector today and for 1,500 rubles, but if you need it, you need a lot of food. To the one who is inspired by the reliability and efficiency of the anti-radar, it is necessary to choose brandy that is not cheap.

De best buy radar detector

Today you can buy a radar detector from any specialized auto electronics store. Golovnya, first of all, you can buy in your shop, varto perekonatisya in yoga supremacy. For example, read about the new article on the Internet.

If you want to spare an hour, it's better to order a choice at online stores. Such online stores offer more opportunities to buy goods at any hour of the day. Plus, you can buy a radar detector without leaving your home or office, moreover, at an affordable price. What’s worth the rest, then the difference between a great store and an online store can be different. In online stores, the price is often lower for radar detectors, which is connected with savings on rent and windshield.