What is a data center in a real world? How to wake up the power data center If the data center is vikorist

International trunk operator communication

One of the key providers of international data transfer.
Provision of IP transit services and communication channels to international and local Internet providers.
Organization of virtual private networks (VPN), Internet access and other connection services for large and medium-sized enterprises from various industries; banking structures and financial institutions, as well as government organizations
Wide coverage - 28 countries, 3 continents - and significant presence in Converging Europe and Russia.
The capacity of the barrier through which large amounts of international traffic passes is high.
There is a high demand for direct connections to large data centers and international traffic exchange points.

The largest Internet provider in Moscow

Wide coverage area - approximately 70 areas for corporate clients and 27 areas for individuals.
Innovative technologies – constantly improving the strength of its services, increasing the complexity of servers and channel capacity, and is willing to introduce innovative technologies, allowing its subscribers to use new possibilities for work, repair, implementation and development.
Starlink promotes its subscribers by providing them with a new generation of Internet. The company was the first in Russia to actively connect its clients to Merezha using the new generation IPv6 protocol.

Types of data centers

All data centers can be intelligently divided into several types:

  1. Great data centers have their own environment, specially designed to accommodate the brightest minds. Call the channels that connect the servers.
  2. Average data centers should rent a platform of a small size and channels of a small width (the width of the channel depends on the Mbps throughput).
  3. Other data centers are located in non-located locations. In extreme cases, vikoryists have a bad bones, and also receive a minimum of services.

Structure and description of the data center

A typical data center consists of information infrastructure, which includes server ownership and ensures the basic functions of the data center - processing and saving information; telecommunications infrastructure will ensure the interconnection of elements to the data center, as well as the transfer of data between the data center and the data center; engineering infrastructure will ensure the normal functioning of the main systems of the data center. Engineering infrastructure includes precision air conditioning to maintain temperature and moisture levels within specified parameters; uninterrupted and guaranteed power supply will ensure the autonomous work of the data center when the central power supply is disconnected, as well as promote power supply; fire alarm and gas fire extinguishing system; access control and management systems.

Data center operators provide clients with additional services through superior knowledge and automatic detection of various types of attacks. Teams of qualified accountants continuously monitor all servers. It is important to note that data center services vary greatly in price and number of services. To save data, backup copying systems are used. To prevent data theft, data centers use various physical access systems and video security systems. Corporate (household) data centers typically have a larger number of servers within a specific organization. The equipment is mounted on special stands. As a rule, the data center accepts less equipment for placement Steak vikonanny, then in cases of standard sizes, mounted for mounting on a rack. Computers in desktop cases are not suitable for data centers and are rarely located in them. The data center is a room, on top of which there will be, as a whole, what is located between or in the immediate vicinity of the node, the connection or the point of presence of any one or several operators. Electrical, ventilation and fire-extinguishing systems in the data center are subject to increased reliability and redundancy. Obviously, there may be a transfer of physical protection and a special regime for access to technological applications. Some countries have special standards for the location of data centers. Russia does not yet have such a standard; data centers will be equipped accordingly to the best of our ability. sporud zv'yazku. Based on the American (ANSI) standard TIA-942, which carries recommendations for the creation of data centers, and divides data centers into types based on the level of reliability. In fact, TIA-942 is accepted throughout the world as a single standard for data centers.

Data center services

  1. Virtual hosting. Allocating the limited part of the disk space, processor time, and RAM to the virtual client. Great data centers are expected not to provide such a massive service through the need to provide technical and consulting support. When using virtual hosting, one physical server is shared among countless clients (hundreds and thousands). Each client is not guaranteed to see the resource, but is limited to the maximum. Clients cannot configure the server much. Virtual hosting has two main advantages: low complexity and ease of website management. For these reasons, virtual hosting is important for private individuals.
  2. VDS hosting - Delivery of a guaranteed and limited part of the server (part of all resources). An important feature of this type of hosting is the division of the server into a number of virtual independent servers, which are implemented in software.
  3. hosting – Server rental (Dedicated). The data center leases a server of various configurations to the client. It is important for large data centers to specialize in these types of services themselves. It is important to ensure that the data center grows as well as the traffic flow.
  4. Server location (Colocation). Hosting the client's server on a Maidan data center for a fee. It is possible to determine the energy efficiency and thermal imaging equipment that is placed, the throughput capacity is connected to the data transmission channel, as well as the size of the rack.
  5. Dedicated area visible. In some cases, data center owners see a portion of the technological areas for special clients, usually financial companies, which are subject to safety standards. In this case, the data center provides a single visible zone, secured by communication channels, electricity supply, cold supply and security systems, and the client himself creates his own data center in the middle of this space.

Merezheva infrastructure

Today's communications to the data center are most often based on measures from the local IP protocol. The data center houses a number of routers and servers that handle traffic between servers and external world. For reliability, the data center uses different connections to the Internet for an additional variety of external channels from different ISPs.

These servers in the data center serve for the operation of basic Internet and intranet services that are used throughout the organization: mail servers, proxies, DNS, etc.

The border security level is supported by: border screens, IDS systems, etc. Systems for monitoring traffic and other programs are also used.



  • Description and photographs of one of the data centers of the Yandex company
  • Project Blackbox (Russian), SUN.com (English)
  • A collection of basic standards from the everyday life and operation of data centers
  • Arkush of Russian top leaders in the business of commercial data centers

Div. also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Marvel at the “Data Processing Center” in other dictionaries:

    data processing center- a center for processing and storing data in the Consolidation data center, a complex of engineering and technical capabilities that ensures secure centralized processing, saving and storing data, services and add-ons, as well as computing infrastructure...

    Data processing center for the management of priority national projects- a data processing center, an information-technological and software-technical complex that will ensure the automation of procedures for forming, maintaining, saving and promptly submitting to different groups of correspondents again and reliably... ... Official terminology

    modular data processing center (DPC)- [Intent] Parallel texts EN UA Data Centers are hot topic these days. No... ... Adviser of technical translation

    Zv'yazati? Underground processing center for data processing at the Grizinkalns park near Rizi (Latvia), and is the responsibility of the operator... Wikipedia

    - (mobile data center) or container data processing center (container data center) (container data center), a data processing center located in a specialized transport container located in the middle of a new information complex ... Wikipedia

    dynamic data processing center- Dynamic data processing centers are the concept of a new generation of hardware and software architecture. Our main principles are the provision of services for terminal suppliers and guaranteed satisfaction about the market... Adviser of technical translation

    Internet data processing center- A company that provides hosting services for computing platforms and simple Internet services with a wide range of expanded services. Data center topics (data processing centers) EN internet data… Adviser of technical translation

    - (MCD) specialized mobile premises located in the middle of a complex of information, telecommunications and engineering infrastructure, connections to communication channels and purposes for saving and processing information, as well as data... Wikipedia

Mainly, information is provided about already implemented data center projects, as well as about advanced technologies that will be introduced during its creation. I want to know about the preparation of the choice of data center, the knowledge of competent preparation of technical specifications for the new one, and also the nutrition about the effective selection of all the possibilities of laying out the data center. To the best of my ability, I will try to clarify the report and nutrition.

The area of ​​the document that has become stagnant is the amount of food that can be seen

This document is intended to provide a complex of necessary information for accountants who are involved in the creation and operation of data centers, servers and machine rooms.

The document shows:

  • Problems that appear at the stages of design, operation and operation of a data center, as well as possible rises to these problems
  • Recommendations are made regarding the use of current standards, and a short description of them is also given.
  • The main problems during design and the problems that appear during operation are identified, their consequences are shown, as well as possible ways to eliminate the problems and most problems.
  • Rules for the creation of successful IT projects must be carefully established
  • The most important benefits are revealed to the main elements of the data center, and, if possible, the reason for this may be explained due to their neglect
  • Understand the main trends in established data centers and the statistical data of foreign and Russian data centers

This is not an all-encompassing document, and within the framework of one document it is impossible to consider the main elements that arise at the stages of installation, design, commissioning and operation itself. Therefore, I will try, as far as possible, to highlight the key moments of the entire life cycle of the data center, to give special respect to the nutrition, as I have best described in the literature and the Internet. Since the actions of the food did not take away the proper clarification of the stench, they do not cease to be important, even more so, because the actions of them, as will be shown, will continue to give up for ancient reasons.

First of all, I’ll try to clarify the number of facists for whom the document will be oriented. There will be representatives of organizations that do not build a data center, but they are hoping to encourage it, representatives who have decided to create a data center, but do not know what to pay attention to when writing the technical specifications (T)3 and how to choose a partner, fa the people who were the data center, However, they become dirty during its operation. ensure the stated characteristics and reduce costs. And it is also certain that the document will be useful to owners and data center distributors in order to understand the problems of their clients. If you want a document and more information, what happens when selecting a data center, its design, and operation, otherwise there will be no instructions in the document to select one or another equipment, and refer to both the constant use of both these and other technologies. On the right is that new technology, solutions and technologies appear quickly, often, in essence, leading to the introduction of certain non-network changes or the implementation of long-known solutions, but on a new technical level. Remember - Knowing a few principles makes us aware of the impersonality of particulars " Based on this, I will first try to learn about the principles of design and operation of folding computing systems, which are best suited for data centers.

In order to discuss the problems associated with the operation of a data center, it is necessary to understand certain terms and understand what a data center is. So I’ll try to understand the very term “data center” right now.

Meaning of the term “data center”

It is now becoming fashionable to talk about the creation of data centers. The company, which respects itself, declares that one of its specializations will be a data center or data centers. Encourage companies to focus on positive activities, winning projects, etc. etc.

Let's try to figure out what data center is considered to be just a good server room, and also what kind of data center authorities allow it to be called a data center. So let’s try to understand that the execution of certain types of work in the daily data center requires special respect and can be protected without wasting money. Analysis of everything allows not only to create a clear data center, but also You will benefit from saving and processing data when dealing with other projects.

How to get angry Wikipedia That Data center or else center saving Tributes (Data center/TsKHID) - this is a specialized facility for hosting (hosting) server and communication equipment and connecting subscribers to Internet channels. Another name for the data center Data center(English version) data center).

Respect : Whenever the term “” is used in a document Data center", which means that a document is quoted or recited, and the term itself is being cited, and not the term " Data center».

In reality, such an interpretation at least does not reveal the whole essence of the data center. Significantly closer to the same interpretation, “The data center is the basis (or part) for any complex solutions to save, process and distribute information data from the IT infrastructure, which allows you to secure your and functions that satisfy the specified criteria.”

Please note that at the designated data center it is not possible to reinforce the visibility of the hosting and the Internet, because They may be effective, but their presence is not critical for the data center. It appears that, as the data center formulation is refined, it is most consistent with the data center concept laid out in the Standard TIA-942. I would like, in my opinion, to clarify the formula. Data center - Tse budinok, yogo partina, or budivel group for those who are stuck... "read further in the text. Because it may be clear that with the implementation of a data center with duplicating subsystems of a territorial data center, there will be differences between several units. It is advisable to develop a set of organizational procedures and steadily engage in personnel training. This is not so important, because Varto does not understand that the data center is a complex of engineering solutions, such as the provision of necessary services and the availability of qualified personnel.

Historically, data centers (the name data center appeared later in Russia) grew from the great server IT companies in the 90s. This clear change brought about the emergence of client-server technology, the emergence of new cabling standards and the emergence of hierarchical data storage management. The main risks of the data center were formed before 2000, when data centers were already required for the development of Internet servers in organizations, which may be possible with their support, as well as the security of work in their computing centers of databases of various organizations Oh, they have grown.

At this time in one St. Petersburg there are more 30 Data center. In reality there are more of them, because The activities of the organization constituted their own infrastructure, which falls under the concept of a data center.

Shodo Standard TIA-942 It is necessary to note that the document reports on the power supply of the engineering subsystems (mainly in the form of presentations) before trying to select the power supply for a specific project for the data center, by identifying specific tasks, Food appears immediately. The TIA-942 standard introduces the concept Rivniv TIER. The standard considers that the levels are connected with different levels readiness (terminology TIA-942 ) infrastructure owned by the data center. All their peers indicate a high level of readiness, and also clearly call for advances in the expenditure of infrastructure. In fact, the TIA-942 Standard divides (classifies) data centers only after equal reliability (someone writes equally accessible, but this term is similar, but still in the same term “ reliability»).

Data center classification

The very concept of a data center is not very informative, because all data centers differ in size, and in the plants placed in them, to what extent they can secure their main functions. The same basic functions of different data centers may be influenced by different functions depending on their orientation.

If you look more closely, you can see a lot of criteria based on which you can divide data centers. Basically, these criteria themselves will be the initial ones for the functioning of data centers, and these criteria will not encourage the set of any authorities that allow you to see a single group of data centers.

You can divide data centers for:

  • The purpose, or more precisely, is to divide them into public and non-public (the term “corporate” is often used) data centers;
  • Reliability of saving data (to be more precise, for the totality of reliability and availability).

There's still a lot going on around the group Catastrophic Centri Obrobki Tributes (CTsOD) ta « trash data center" The name "trash" resembles (English) trash- smittya) – especially in small data centers, where cooling is achieved without natural wind exchange.

Such “smart” data centers do not match the benefits of data centers, but are less expensive, environmentally friendly, and renting server racks is much cheaper.

Everything is clear about the situation with large and public data centers, and the approach to design is different. Even if there are problems with the data center under itself, the organization knows very well what key controls are needed and where they can be saved. This demonstrates the possibility of sampling for data centers. In public data centers, everything is more complex and if you want to eliminate certification at the data center in order to increase the number of your clients, then, at a minimum, the obligatory recommendations will have to be canceled.

If we talk about reliability, then we need to start by looking at the term “Targeting for the Widow”. It is not a fact that the system, once one of its elements goes out of order, will stop functioning. If, when one element of the system goes out of tune (transition from a useful state to a non-productive one), the system becomes unproductive, then it seems that it has become Vidmova. Since, after all, the system has lost its usefulness, it seems that it has become sbiy. The moment and frequency of occurrence of failures and errors are described by the methods of the theory of reliability and are not discussed in this document. One thing about what you need to remember, let alone analyze diagram The reliability of the system and the available data about directing the digitally imaged skin of the warehouse part to the device can speak about the level of availability and efficiency of the entire system. Part (%) of the hour lasts for a long time, if the system is in operation and/or idle (% Uptime and Down time), completely interconnected with each other. The period of downtime is a summary display of downtime according to fate. These terms are often used when discussing different areas ( Tier) Data center. Ale This digital expression is not correct for different countries, because The difference in capacity indicators among data centers of the same level may be significant. In the obvious place of the document, it will be shown that all the figures that characterize the period of downtime at different levels of data centers are like the evil one, and it is not really possible to rely on them. To put it briefly, the distribution of the most characteristic data from different regions of data centers can be summarized in a simple table.

Data center class (Riven)

Most characteristic of rice Basic rhubarb has low moisture resistance For reservations With the possibility of parallel implementation of preventive robots High moisture resistance
Slow to the point of disruption to the normal course of work, both planned and unplanned. This includes power distribution systems and cooling of computers, and may or may not be subject to false power supply, power supply or generator. If there are DBZ or generators, then there are single-module systems and there may be a lot of single points of view. It is important that the infrastructure be improved to ensure the continuation of work from scheduled maintenance and preventive repairs. Terminological needs may be required more often than not. Troubleshooting during operation or temporary operation of the infrastructure components of the facility interrupts the normal operation of the data center. Є superfluous components, a little less capable of disrupting the normal course of work during planned and unplanned activities, below the basic data center. In this category there is a false pipeline, DBZ and generators, this project has a rating of N+1 (Need plus One), which means a single-flow route across the entire area. Maintenance and repair of critical power lines and other parts of the facility's infrastructure are essential to the data processing process. Allows you to carry out any planned activities of the facility’s infrastructure without disrupting the normal operation of the technical features of the machine room. Preventative and scheduled maintenance, repair and replacement of components, addition or replacement of components that affect productivity, testing of components and systems, etc. are carried out prior to scheduled activities. It is necessary for the mother to have sufficient effort and different capabilities to simultaneously carry out the task on one way and at the same time carry out repairs and testing on another way. Scheduled actions, such as repairs during operation or fleeting components of the facility’s infrastructure, still interrupt the normal operation of the data center. Level III facilities are often designed with the prospect of increasing resources to Level IV. There are a number of active paths in the area of ​​electricity and cooling. Ensures movement of the visibility stage through the presence of 2 routes. A number of routes will be provided with electricity supply to all types of computing and telecommunication equipment. It is necessary that all computer and telecommunications equipment have a few power inputs. The device continues to function as long as one of the power inputs is turned off. The ability and availability of the facility's infrastructure to allow scheduled activities without disrupting the normal operation of critically important activities is being improved. The visibility of the functionality also ensures that the infrastructure of the data center will be able to hire one scheduled platform (or floor) of the highest capacity without any legacy for critically important attention. There are two distinct BDZ systems, in which the skin system has N+1 reserve.
Type of resource acquisition company Medium and small business. Data center for servicing internal processes of the company Medium and small business. The data center operates in the "5x8" mode Companies that serve both internal and external partners in the 7x24 mode Global companies provide their services in 24×365 mode
Type With sousids It's okay to stand
Number of power supplies 1 One is active, the other is standby Two active

For example, I indicate the availability of the system, the time the system is in non-operational condition (on the river). There is nothing to understand about the numbers, because I have already said more, the distribution of indicators of availability on the river can be great within the boundaries of one level.

Availability, %

I stand for an hour or so.
DOWNTIMEna rik), godina

Solutions to ensure reliability

Without redundancy, generator, and backup input
Without redundancy, generator, or even backup input
With partial “cold” reserves, without a generator, or without a reserve introduction
Between the “hot” reserves of the most important parts and the “cold” reserves of almost everything else, the availability of a generator and backup input
With “hot” reserves of the most important parts and “cold” ones of other parts, with a generator in the “hot” reserve and a reserve entered into the “hot” reserve.
99,999 5.26 hv. Beyond the reservation of everything, the presence of two routes (links) is often duplicated.

The entry in the form “Without reservation” is not to say about those who, once out of the way, will be cleared of the agreement and the removal from the postal owner of the block that has been recognized. The presence of damaged spare parts reserves and a decrease in the value of the MTTR indicator (average hour for repairs) also significantly contributes to an hour of downtime.

Another important thing is respect. The data center will be the maximum level of the minimum level of one of the warehouse parts. On the other side there is a trace of memory that Not all recommendations from standards are obligatory, and if you know exactly what and how their damage results, then you can further protect during weekdays of the data center.


Retailers often fight to improve the energy efficiency of data centers, such asIt is assessed as a correlation between the external pressure and the IT-equipment, which has long struggled for the ability to increase the operating temperature. The idea is sound, and the real term is the service of the majority of computer equipment in data centers 3-4 years ago, I would like to note that equipment that demonstrates energy security should be replaced sooner, however, with proper technical service. After this, the equipment is replaced, and the most critical programs are transferred to another new equipment. An increase in the temperature in the room by a few degrees does not really affect the ability to achieve this term, but rather reduces the cost of cooling, thereby increasing energy efficiency.There are trends for certain classes of data centers to further increase the permissible temperature.

Therefore, it is even more important to know about those Why do the Standards include both other possible and what will happen if they are adapted to the standard, even if they are different?. All this can be discussed without analyzing other parts of the data center. It is also necessary to take into account the food standards that regulate the storage parts of the data center, so that one does not notice the stink alone, and the standards are adjusted. Therefore, the next section will be devoted to the standards and their capabilities.

Vimoga standards for data center warehouse parts

First of all, there is a need to be recognized as strong, some standards need to be violated, and, most importantly, it’s possible to “destroy” them more quickly and forcefully. At the very beginning of the head, I’ll add a very seditious thought. It is necessary to know the standards so that they can be violated as needed. More precisely, it is arranged to work with benefits for your specific data center Higher or lower, lower than the standard up to the data center class you have selected. Having written this series of ideas, now I will definitely have to write what is called a “reasonable” standard, which will allow any trace of data center development to be achieved. Ale...ni - not everything is so simple. Documents that proudly bear the title “Standard...” are, in fact, most often documented by the group of experts who created this Standard. Until availability (%UP TIME) or else I'll be idle for an hour (DOWNTIME) The recommendations are not directly related. The development of new standards effectively allows you to paint these indicators, but according to the size, then the same place is covered with darkness. On the right, it is practically impossible to take into account all the factors that contribute to changes or increases in these indicators, and it is no longer possible to remove data from all the equipment you have purchased specifically for your data center. Why bother? In advance, having prioritized the data center that is being created, try to take one of the standards as a basis and try to achieve it as accurately as possible.

In my opinion, you need to start searching for something that is consistent with the Standard beforehand. TIA-942 « Telecommunications infrastructureData Processing Center". The first version of the standard was published in 2005. Here we detail the details of constructive structures, energy supply, heat dissipation, safety control, reliability, maintenance and commissioning procedures.

At the beginning of 2010, the corporation Building Industry Consulting Service International Inc. (BICSI) published a new standard 002-2010 : Data Center Design and Implementation Best Practices. Tsey standard BSCI 002-2010 reflects the increasing complexity of the arrangement of computing centers and the needs of companies and organizations in general, including energy, mechanical engineering and telecommunications when designing the infrastructure of a computing center.

Which standard is better to show off? What is the difference? How do you get certified? The same standards as other organizations. For example, the main responsibility for certification according to the standards of the Uptime Institute (Institute for Uninterrupted Processes) is those that are certified by the facsimile organizations. The results were based on their standards. In mid-2010, the Uptime Institute released another standard “ Operational Sustainability(Operational stability)” regulating the operation services. The service itself did not last until service TIA-942 . I want all the benefits to the Standard TIA-942 ta standard Operational Sustainability It is already possible to accurately formulate the requirements for the data center, but in practice, the alarm systems of new computing centers most often rely on the TIA-942 standard. On the right is that the skin from the standards is formed by a different organization and in many details one type of one is distinguished. Moreover, in the opinion of the Uptime Institute fachists, their order of equal availability is in no way functionally related to the TIA-942, they evaluate the availability of computing centers to support the driving ability in the minds of accidents and incidents. To avoid confusion, the Uptime Institute advocates indicate equal availability in their Roman numerals I, II, III and IV. It is difficult to complete and certify the data center. How to go to the site Uptime Institute(website http://uptimeinstitute.com) then at the end of May 2012 the IV Riven will actually be ensured (not only the documentation was created using technical means in the new, but the level of operation) only 1 center, certification of the object on IV Tier was carried out for 6 data centers. Certification of documentation for the construction of Tier IV data centers was obtained for 22 objects. There are currently no Russian Tier IV data centers. Level III data center is not very rich. Take care outside For the third level in terms of “Operational Strength”, Vikonanna only needed 4 data centers. There are no Russian ones among them. The documentation and location confirms Tier III in 5 Russian data centers (4 - Design Documents and 1 Constructed Facility).

In 2012, the TIA-942-A Standard will be published, which will include changes and updates to the current versions TIA-942-1 and TIA-942-2. Unfortunately, the new version of the standard has already changed. The new TIA-942-A standard will no longer be used by those cable systems and will no longer be as comprehensive as the former TIA-942 standard. Tobto. important vin will regulate more than one cable system. The section on energy efficiency, above all, comes down to both the cable system and the use of the “green” data transmission medium – optical fiber.

Below is a summary of the main changes included in the production of the TIA-942-A project (based on the manufacturer's prior announcement). This information is shown in italics.

TIA-942-A conforms to the TIA-568-C series of standards based on the topology, terminology and core classification presented in the 568-C.0 standard, as well as the component specifications presented in TIA-568 -C.2 ta C . 3;

  • Add-ons, TIA-942-1 and TIA-942-2, included up to the TIA-942-A standard;
  • Grounding information has been moved from the TIA-942-A standard to the TIA-607-B standard;
  • Administration information will be moved to the TIA-606-B standard;
  • Most of the information contained in telecommunications cabinets and server racks, power and telecommunications cabling systems will be moved to the TIA-569-C standard;
  • External cabling information has been moved to TIA-758-B;
  • The boundary of up to 100 meters of horizontal fiber optic cable systems has been cut.
  • Category 3 and Category 5e cables are no longer prone to jamming in horizontal cabling systems. In the working version, the standard allows the installation of balanced torsion pairs of the Category 6 and Category 6A type in horizontal cable systems. Category 6 and Category 6A can be used in trunk cable systems;
  • The use of multi-mode fiber optic cables of type OM3 and OM4 in horizontal and trunk cable systems (multi-mode optical fiber with a core/shell diameter of 50/125 microns, optimized for operation with light cores based on lasers) has been praised xvili 850 nm). Cables of type OM1 and OM2 are no longer allowed for cable connection;
  • To connect one or two fiber cables, use fiber optic connectors of the LC type and multi-fiber connectors of the MPO type;
  • The data center topology includes an intermediate distributed area (IDA);
  • The section on energy efficiency has been added to the standard;
  • Added the terms “equipment outlet” (EO – equipment outlet) and “external network interface” (ENI – external network interface), according to the international standard ISO/IEC 24764.

Standard "Operational Sustainability" TIA-942 complements everything else especially for the part of data center operation.

The “Operational Sustainability” standard recognizes the capabilities that can be used to ensure the sustainability of data processing centers, as well as to minimize the risks associated with them. Apparently, the latest widely expanded Tier Standard: Topology regulates the technical parameters of the data center necessary to achieve the highest level of reliability. The peculiarity of the new standard for those who the human factor is at fault at a stable robot data center. This is of great importance, because there are hundreds of benefits associated with this factor within reach 70% , of which there are three more 40% connected with the damages of the operating services. In order to minimize these compromises, it is necessary to conduct targeted work with personnel, improve their qualifications, and conduct approaches to reduce the number of qualified personnel.

How to look at the standards of a corporation BICSI, it can be noted that this approach evolves from approaches to assessing the peer resilience of other organizations.

System for assessing equal durability and main sections of the standard BICSI 002 2010 . In order to remain firmly in the association, the developers set a standard to ensure the design and operation of data processing centers with a long-term perspective of their operation. Main sections of the document:

  • Data center planning
  • Vibir Maidanchik
  • architectural solutions
  • Building structures
  • Electrical systems
  • Mechanical systems
  • Fire extinguishing
  • Safety
  • Automation systems were
  • Telecommunications
  • Information technologies
  • Introduction to action
  • Operation and maintenance
  • Design process
  • Reliability

Therefore, before the standards for everyday data centers, it is necessary to note that all the developers of the basic standards for the data centers cannot say one by one in part and sent to the Standards when working on the basic levels of the data centers. Commercial data centers, due to their specificity, must meet (and must be certified) all the standards they took as a basis. Not all recommendations relate to the main concern of the data center - ensuring a given level of availability. Therefore, non-commercial data centers can sometimes be used or ignored. Tim more than anything certification is not only expensive, but does not directly contribute to the efficiency of the data center. After the implementation of the data center, it is still possible to make changes not only to the level of support, but also to other levels, trying to satisfy as many as possible from the standards to remove certification.

Uptime Institute has recently identified several similarities related to the different levels of readiness of the infrastructure owned by the data center (data center). In fact, they are connected with the level of availability, but it is more correct to speak about the equals of TIER, although the term “TIER” is translated as “Rhubarb”. Indeed, it is not without reason that I reveal the concept of “Riven” without introducing the digital characteristics of the level of data center availability. Digital research was based solely on the analysis of implemented projects. I am summing up the data from a document compiled by The Uptime Institute in their newsletter “Industry Standard Classifications Tier Def.” ine Site Infrastructure Performance).

Parameter / Class
Data center (Riven)

Low viscosity

High moisture resistance

Type With sousids From vessels It's okay to stand It's okay to stand
Number of power supplies 1 1 One active
other reserve
Two active
Pochatkova pressure W per m2 215 - 323 430 - 537 430 — 645 537 - 860
Maximum tension W per m2 215 - 323 430 - 537 1075- 1615 1615+
Uninterrupted air conditioning No No perhaps Є
Height of false beams in meters 0.3 0.45 0.75 - 0.9 0.75 - 0.9
415 488 732 732+
(for 2005 rubles 1000+)
Zagalnaya triviality of vids for the river 28.8 year 22 years old 1.6 year 0.4 year
Data center availability 99,671 % 99,749 % 99,982 % 99,995%
Term of commissioning (months) 3 3 - 6 15 - 20 15 - 20
The standard project was first implemented in 1965 r. 1970 r. 1985 r. 1995 r.

Zagalny vysnovok shodo vikoristannya standards:

  • The main consideration is to follow the TIA - 942 standard with other additions (for example, the "Operational Sustainability" standard;
  • The new TIA-942-A standard (launched on January 24, 2012) will no longer be as comprehensive as the TIA-942 standard;
  • When the data center is in use, it is necessary to adhere not only to standards, but also to a healthy mind, which allows you to completely protect without sacrificing the most required requirements;
  • Certification is most needed for a commercial data center, and the organization's data center can do this. Of course, since the data center is all built on the basis of standards, then all inputs according to the recommendations are to be bound;
  • Read, and, most importantly, understand which Standard is taken as a basis and why it will be necessary to speak out on the future development, it cannot be taken into account that you have completed the work with the standards. Before moving on to the next stage, it is necessary to re-read the old, good, true, and most important forgotten GUESTS - series 34. And it’s okay that they haven’t been updated a lot, and there is a report on the pre-project stages ій. They do not have the words “business process”, “processor approach”, which are familiar, but the concept of “information model” completely correctly replaces them. Therefore, especially at the stage of technical specifications, these documents will help you. Of course, you need to be creative and not follow literally all the recommendations, but read them carefully.

Procedure for setting up a data center

It is not surprising that the greatest contribution to the success or failure of a future project comes from the cob stages. Search for world statistics in the IT industry Only one project out of 3 is successful. How to go harsher and evaluate the success of the project as follows:

  • Possibility of converting declared functions with the necessary space
  • viconati robot for planning hour
  • outside the project's primary budget
  • Number of emergency jobs at various stages of the project
  • There is no need to immediately begin work on the modernization of the project.

Everything will be even worse. Of course, under the definition of “successful”, spend no more than 20% of projects.

There were many reasons for the failure of the project. Here the policy is wrong (the policy itself, due to the fact that the highest quality of food comes with the most frequent compromises), lack of support for the project, lack of proper support from the organization’s planner, weak implementation of technical specifications As a result, there is a large number of unplanned work, a weak fate of the workers of the organization for which the project is being completed and -what kind of force majeure circumstances.

How practical is it that there is a danger of failure over every project, then what about the negative statements about dozens of successful projects from a number of companies? It is now necessary to immediately put everything in its place by defining the term “ Project».

Project(how to go to Wikipedia) - This is a unique (at the time of the operation) activity that begins and ends in the course of time, directly aimed at achieving the desired result/target, creating a unique product or service, when required to exchange resources terms, as well as to the extent possible equal to rizik. Chantly, this value can be forgiven for greater specificity. Projectthis is the totality of tasks, entries or subsequent jobs related to the achievements of the planned goal, what is its unique and unrepeatable character? . The main thing is that the project is unique from time to time (I would like for the people who will die). Therefore, all those things that the Vikonians say about a successful project are actually successful vikoristannyam, tobto. implementation of a ready-made solution. The number of successful implementations is significantly higher than the number of successful projects. And since programmers write any kind of complex program as a project, then the field of industrial infrastructure has the potential for advancement. It’s difficult to draw a line if the vikoristany develops into a project. For example, when a small software and hardware complex is being created for automation of any remote device, it is not a bad idea to work with the developer, because of the number of functions previously created both in the hardware part and in the set of programs, Those that are installed minimally are not worth it. And there may be chances for success. As a result, a significant number of new hardware features have appeared, the installation of a new folding software, and new features have appeared, which will not be lost within the framework of the implementation of advanced solutions, the creation of such a hardware-software complex as a project . Tobto. At the end of the project, the robots will be at the station for the first time, when the goals are important, the goals are unimportant, the tasks under nutrition are successful. Let me explain why I was so concerned about, in fact, terminological nutrition.

On the right is that there are 2 approaches to the conclusion of the work and their assessments. This is the approach of the Rozrobnik and the approach of the Deputy.

Rozrobnik, begins under the hour of implementation of the task from the Deputy:

  1. The idea of ​​stagnation has already been implemented earlier by the Resolver;
  2. If this is not possible, solutions tested by other companies may stagnate (most often, solutions recommended by the manufacturer or the manufacturer);
  3. Try to reduce the powers of the Deputy and, if possible, reduce them to the most standard solutions;
  4. If this fails at the first point, Rozrobnik is tempted to increase the hour of his work in order to earn money in order to accept his work;
  5. Try at the acquisition stage to concentrate on the strengths of the new project and capture your benefits and under-examination;
  6. Try to create a project as soon as possible and start a new one, or, in extreme cases, secure outsourcing yourself.

The approach of the Deputy is first characterized by:

  1. I’ll try to get the best value from the retailer and for less money;
  2. Try to change and clarify the points of the initial technical specification during the development process of the project;
  3. When the time comes, try to get rid of more documentation and find out the seller’s favors;
  4. The Deputy's staff will try not only to correct the findings during the approval process, but also to make appropriate changes to the project.

Therefore, it is necessary for Vikonavts to resort to the idea of ​​​​progress, instead of developing the project, which has significantly less chances for success. In general, the option is the most relevant, since the development of the project is carried out by a third-party organization. In fact, when an operationally complex project is conceived (and the data center itself will be assigned to such projects) from a third-party company, the participation of the Deputy's facilitators is necessary, at least in the early stages of the project. Indeed, no one knows as much about the data center as the Deputy's agents. Zvichaino, Zamovnik, I am at least responsible for the ability to control the development of the project, or more precisely, the information about the terms of the skin stages, the course of its development, and also not just take part from the captured project, but also take part from the written program uvan. In this case, it is possible to obtain a more precise formulation of the Tech. care, prompt nutrition, constant verification of the obtained result.

There are two options for completing the project to create a data center. The first one transfers the equipment to the self-loading project, and the other places the burden on a third-party contractor. In the pure mind, such schemes are rarely succeeded. Almost always, when such systems are installed, the entire work of the Vikonavts (or several Vikonavts) and the Deputy will take place. Ale everything comes up against the nutritionist who is working on the project. It would seem that someone other than Vikonavts would be given such rights, otherwise... The participation of the written TK at the same time of the Deputy (mostly Vіn knows all the possibilities for his data center) and Vikonavts (since you can’t get Vikonavts, then the Deputy can write the same TK as well and no one cannot be implemented) allows for flexibility in the negotiation process to obtain more precise information about the system that is being created, and about the software features that are responsible for stagnation. Tobto. the specialists who take part in the written technical specification disappear at the time of completion of its writing the most competent Some have specific benefits for the project, which is designed for a specific manager. I strongly recommend that the technical specifications be written thoroughly. Deputy for the development of great projects You can write one by one the front technical specifications, as much as possible for the purpose of holding the competition I'll look for Vikonavts in an hour. And the clearly written TK iz strusovymi between Vikonavets and Zamovnik will be the main document when capturing the data center, and the fragments based on the TK will be written “Program and testing methodology.”

Therefore, one of the main amends from Zamovnik is The question of the work of fakhivts is that they take part in the written technical specifications and the episodic part in the sketchy and working project of only university fakivts with the highest private power. Fahivtsi who take part in the work of implementing great projects culpable at the Deputy's office, at the department's office of complex robots. And they themselves may be acquired by all specialists from various directions. In this case, the managers of the complex department will be aware of all the “subtle” aspects of the project, and the project itself has a great chance of successful completion. Also, the defendants of the complex branch are guilty of taking the same fate from the captured Deputy Deputy, because Steadily the workers are constantly working, and they know all the problems.

Respect for the work that comes within the competence of a comprehensive department.

It is unbelievable to think that the desire for a complex branch will be limited to participation in great projects, of which Zamovnik has not a lot. Great projects do not emerge on their own. Every project involves its expansion, interaction with various subsystems, and making changes in connection with tasks that have reappeared. The most important foodstuffs in the world are those of complexists. There were no shortage of great projects ahead, and it was clear that Only stagnation of certain goods so that a large number of the Deputy's spivorotniks do not burn, can be repaired, bypassing the complex area.

Since we are passionate about the implementation of great projects, it is respectful that great organizations (for example, banks) or those whose specialization is related to IT, themselves carry out projects for the creation of their data centers.

Fitment of pouches following the stages of lining and folding of technical specifications

From the deposited item you can proceed with a quiet conclusion:

  1. Speaking about the creation of a data center, it is necessary to first prioritize those who are guilty of being satisfied.
  2. After establishing priorities, it is necessary to take as a basis one of the standards that you will achieve. (I would love to vikorystuvati TIA-942, but we must not forget that it does not see the power of operation.)
  3. All products meet the standard on a shorter or thicker surface and may be primed.
  4. To develop technical specifications, it is necessary to engage your own branch of complex robots (or its creation), because On your side you will need people who are personally involved in the successful implementation of the project and who will take care of all the work with Vikonavets.

As you noted, in this part I looked at the beginning of the writing of the TK, saying that it is necessary to write the TK carefully with Vikonavets, but did not write anything about the choice of Vikonavits. On the right is that the choice of Vikonavtsya is near and conspicuous. If the process of guessing is very short, then the choice is divided into 2 stages:

  1. The number of applicants for the top job of your specific data center.
  2. Analysis of the material provided by the companies and clarification of nutrition for special needs.

Simply call a few companies that will implement successful projects in this region and give them a TK in advance (such a TK can be given to the Vykonovtsya representatives). Then, candidates for data center positions are asked to prepare a small document that briefly describes all subsystems of the data center and the process of its operation. Rely on the replenishment of nutrition, the solution and the results of the special fusion of Vikonavts's choice becomes obvious. I -Shchedu for yourself: Yakshcho, with the specialty Zustichi, is all for cheap (Prinaimnі, it is valid cheaply, nіzh in the same) is not to have a reality of the realist, the wikonani firmia projects. In addition, often in actively complex data center projects, the acquisition of certain subsystems results in profit from other companies. In this case, it is important to know that one of the companies is a system integrator for your project, and all technical and other supplies depend on it. There is nothing to be proud of for the thorough implementation of the project. Otherwise, for whatever reason, everything will be like Raikin’s immortal monologue “Before Gudzik’s claims?”


Today, no one is surprised by the fact that the same company has a power data center. What is it, only a few practitioners of this organization know, but it is really necessary for any business that wants to achieve real stability. In other words, since there is a real need to ensure uninterrupted, scaled-up work of the company, if the IT infrastructure is essential to the stability of the work of the business, a data processing center is being built.

What is it?

Thus, with time, the development of information technologies is practical for any organization that is otherwise connected with information, the presence of a power data center. What's this? A data processing center, which is often called a data center in professional literature. From the name, you can understand that in such a structure there are various operations that directly lead to the processing of any information, the creation or generation of data, further archiving and taking care of files, as well as further transferring them to the user. In this regard, it is important to note that in addition to the increased functionality, there is also a safe reduction in data, as the data center suggests. What's this? Removing these and other files without harming the data and, perhaps, without the possibility of updating it, if you find important information that should not be leaked to third parties.

Can they stink?

Today there is a large number of funds available, including land registries, the Pension Fund and various libraries that are actively involved in collecting and preserving various information. ii. In this case, it is important to understand that such information, which itself generates business, for example, is collected by various pre-doctoral services. This also includes information that does not take part in business processes, but which is necessary for their implementation. Before such data, there are files of personnel services, as well as databases of cloud records of employees in various information systems.

Industrial holdings create specialized electronic archives for recording business tasks, saving documents and automating business processes. However, different organizations provide different types of information, and provide information about their processes. To accomplish such tasks, a data center is created. What is it, the system administrator knows, on whose shoulders ownership rests.

When is the data center being vicorized?

Problems associated with different times were solved with the help of various technical means. In the 20th century, electronic computing devices became the basis of everyday business, they took on most of the computing tasks, and the emergence of devices that save information has made it possible to I will get rid of paper archives, replacing them with compact, and at the same time accessible electronic ones. and stitch noses. Also, in order to accommodate the first electronic computing machines, it was necessary to have specialized machine rooms in which climate conditions were maintained so that the equipment did not overheat during the process of operation and o stable.

Server rooms and their features

With the beginning of the era of development of personal computers and small servers, the computing power of almost any company began to reside in special server rooms. In most cases, under such a room there is a room in which a household air conditioner is installed, as well as an uninterrupted life supply system to ensure uninterrupted operation of the equipment in normal operation. However, today this option is only suitable for those enterprises whose business processes are already dependent on the collected information and available computing resources.

What is the difference between a data center and a server room?

Behind the great arch, the current data processing center is an expanded copy of the traditional server room, and indeed there is a lot of capacity - a large number of engineering systems that support the continuous operation of the equipment, ensuring the necessary microclimate, as well as an adequate level of safety. But at the same time there is a whole low level of activity, which is the highest.

The data processing center is equipped with a complete set of various engineering systems, as well as specialized warehouses, to ensure the normal and stable operation of the company’s information infrastructure in the mode required for business operation.

Where is vikoristovuєtsya such possession?

In Russia, processing with the help of such centers became required since 2000, when various banking structures, government bodies, and enterprises in the naphtha industry began to arrange such arrangements. Varto note that the data center first appeared in 1999, when they began to sue him for processing the declaration and evidence about the income of all the poor people of Moscow and the region.

Also, one of the first great data centers was the ownership, as Oschadbank was located in the center. In 2003, with the support of the Rostelecom company, the first republican data processing center was organized in Chuvashia, which was established in order to systematize archival data. Such devices were provided by various bodies of local government, and in 2006 a center was also opened, in which the processing of data to the center “Kurchativ Institute” was carried out. Unfortunately, the VTB-24 and Yandex companies also began to violate the government data processing center. Moscow, in this manner, quickly came to the point of achieving such a state of possession, like other great places of Russia.

De Varto install a data center?

Nowadays, a power data center is considered almost like a large territorially distributed company, especially in the case where the business has already been stored in the IT organization. Examples can be applied to communication operators, retail companies, travel and transport companies, medical installations, industrial holdings and much more.

A data center can be designated for the operation of a specific enterprise or be used as a source of insurance for the richness of its assets. Insurance for a richly owned data processing center provides a wide range of services, including business continuity, as well as hosting, rental and server placement, and many other elements. Data center services are most relevant for small and medium-sized businesses, as they can eliminate the need to modernize IT infrastructure, and ultimately eliminate the reliability guarantee And the service is of the highest quality.

Guaranteeing the success of the data center is the result of competent design

Proper design of the data processing center makes it possible to avoid serious problems in the production process, as well as to reduce wastage during operation. The structure of such a center is divided into four main elements - engineering infrastructure, software, and specialized equipment. In this case, the placement of such equipment during the installation is subject to a variety of standards, the main considerations of which are ensuring safety and reliability. In the western regions, serious and sometimes very important opportunities are established until the data center is close, you can see those who are at least at a distance of 90 meters from the borderline high the point to which the water reached within an hour of water for the remaining 100 years. achieving buva is far from being as easy as you might think at first glance.

Data center is deciphered as Data Processing Center. Most people still don’t know what it is. This time, it contains a whole complex designed to save servers and maintain them and ensure their uninterrupted operation. Most often, such centers are located near large buildings and include servers of large companies.

Their data center services are popular among young companies whose investors are foreigners. In Russia and the LIC countries, the popularity of such centers is still low, but behind the cordon the stinks are respected by the most prominent.

On account under the database

Almost every company has a database to optimize the work process.

This database can be stored in different ways, and access to it can be uninterrupted. However, various factors, for example, the temporary availability of electricity, or a software failure, can affect the speed of data processing, or at all times limit access to information.

Dovidka. At the center of the equipment, the minds will be protected, in which they work without interruption, without such failures in comfortable temperature minds. Which has the main responsibility of the data center instead of the server premises.


There are two types of data processing centers.

  1. Local. In this case, the location with a group of servers is under private authority and under private control. The server company independently hosts the data center at its location and independently services it.
  2. Commercial. Such centers are large-scale projects aimed at renting out the property to large corporate managers. Most often, companies profit from commercial services because, for these and other reasons, it is impossible to ensure uninterrupted operation of servers. It is more profitable for them to rent a processing center, ensuring that the information is reliably saved and properly protected.


In addition to the continuous operation of the property, the data processing center is responsible for allowing:

  • increase the reliability of saving information;
  • ensure the operation of all accessories on one installation;
  • mothers have sufficient space, required types of possessions;
  • reduce the cost of maintaining IT infrastructure.

Commercial data centers, instead of local ones, prevent the incorrect organization of the system, and also provide the opportunity to protect the redundant staff of accountants. In addition, there is no need to see one or more places for the work of data centers.

What is a data center when collecting special data?


The work of the data processing center will ensure high data density at great speed, thus not wasting details and preserving the integrity of this information. Server productivity is one of the main factors on which the company gains respect.

In addition, important functions of the data center as a server are:

  • the ability to pay great rewards in real time;
  • high level of ceramic;
  • permanent access;
  • has re-distributed the importance with the method of operational excellence of the business task.

Yak service

Companies that provide data center services offer a wide range of basic and additional services. This includes the rental of telecommunication racks, cabinets, video servers, colocation, virtual hosting and the possibility of using third-party platforms.

Important! The center is responsible for external security, ensuring access control and guaranteeing reliability.

In addition, An important factor in data center work is the importance of stable Internet channels and the visibility of traffic exchange points. Electrical life may be no less reliable, including independent electricity supply and diesel power plants.

Based on these factors, the data center as a service can be considered highly efficient and reliable, which allows for flexible infrastructure.

What is the information about the place of discovery and how to enter the address?

The company may send in any case it is necessary to provide information about the local knowledge of the database of information to reach the citizens of the Russian Federation (subject to change 152-F3 dated 07/21/2014 N 242-F 3).

You can send the document to the structure either via paper or electronically. Obvious signature of an authorized individual. The guilty party has the following information:

  • name (PIB) and address;
  • categories of data;
  • categories of subjects whose data is collected;
  • flow of actions from data, processing methods;
  • information about the presence of encryption techniques and their names;
  • Personal identity of the individual or the name of the legal entity, their contact details, mailing addresses, email;
  • date of the beginning of the tribute collection;
  • terminology;
  • Information about transcordon transmission (whether it is obvious or not) during the processing process;
  • Information about the local information database.

Completion of the remaining paragraph may contain information about the location of the database information with special data on the citizens of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to indicate the country and the exact address of the data center, since it is local, or provide information about Vlasnik to the center, since it is commercial. For another type, you need to provide the following information:

  1. type of organization (physical or legal person, individual entrepreneur or foreign organization);
  2. organizational and legal form;
  3. name of the organization;
  4. OGRN;
  5. Country and addresses of the local organization.

Important! It is necessary to indicate the place of saving personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation and beyond.

Rational storage of data centers will allow great companies to quickly spend time and money, ensure proper security of information and uninterrupted access to it. When choosing a local type of data center, it’s best to go through all the stated purposes, and when choosing a commercial one, it’s important to look at all the licenses that confirm the validity of the service.

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