What is avg on PC? A review of AVG Anti-Virus and AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition. What kind of "beast" is this?

Today it is important to work on a personal computer without an Internet connection. And since there is a connection with the light web, it means that there is a threat of infection with various viruses. They can cause damage to the software and / or hardware of the computer, revealing features, including confidential data, from the data of your authority, with the help of some criminals, they can cause wrongful damage to financial well-being Stannyogo. To protect against such threats, use anti-virus programs, which are very important these days. How can I choose from them for vikoristan on my computer? Let's try to help you with your nutrition by looking at a representative of such software - AVG antivirus.

Zagalnye Vidomosti

There is no cost (AVG Free AntiVirus) and two paid versions (AVG AntiVirus and AVG Internet Security), which differ from each other in functionality. All versions were developed by the Czech company AVG Technologies and continue to occupy a significant place in the market of similar software.

Why do stinks appear one after the other? Is it possible to choose a cost-free version of the product to protect your PC from virus attacks? Let's try to get involved in these foods.

Free antivirus AVG

According to the fakers, the set of functions of the costless version of the AVG antivirus allows you to ensure reliable basic protection of the operating system of your PC. Particularly noteworthy is the advantage of this antivirus product, as it reduces the consumption of system resources. It reliably protects against viruses and Trojan programs, and its database is updated automatically. It will help ensure safe browsing and file sharing, chatting, playing game programs and watching movies. AVG antivirus for Windows 7, as well as for Windows 8.1 / 8 / Vista / XP, works in both 32- and 64-bit versions of these operating systems.

The benefit of a cost-free antivirus is the fact that this product is the result of the work of a great company with a decent number of counterfeiters organizing data protection. AVG offers paid versions of its products, for which it collects revenue.

Just because the software product is cost-free, this does not mean that it is more dependent on the computer. Even the anti-virus technologies found in both the paid and free versions are absolutely identical, but the anti-virus databases are regularly updated.

Expanding the cost-free version of the program is, rather, an advertising technique for the manufacturer. Insurers know that customers want to add a paid version of the company's product because they have a wide variety of options. And they will want to cancel its additional functions and technical support of the generator. And in reality, this advertising technique works effectively.

However, the basic protection of your computer will be entirely ensured by the version of AVG Free AntiVirus, it will also have all the technical support and additional functions, for example, antispam and a firewall. The same is true for daily protection of your penny transactions.

Antivirus - trial version AVG

We looked at the possibilities of using a free version of antivirus software. AVG is also offering a trial version of its paid product AVG AntiVirus Pro for one month without payment. You can also run promotions that provide a free license for AVG antivirus on the market.

Varto get involved in such a promotion and end up using it. As a result, you can use the full version of the AVG (antivirus) program for a lifetime without any costs. Registration of such a trial license is required for a period of 374 days from the moment of installation on the computer. This proposition can only be implemented during the first installation of this antivirus on your computer.

Pokrokov's installation instructions

Before installing the downloadable version of the AVG antivirus program, please uninstall all other similar programs. Otherwise, your computer may be unstable.

  1. On the official website that promotes AVG antivirus, select the option for free downloading.
  2. You will secure the installation file.
  3. Check for completion of your request and launch it.
  4. The installation wizard that opens will guide you through all stages of setting up and installing programs. You select Russian and press “Next”.
  5. You accept the license from the license area.
  6. Important! When choosing a product (the basic version is offered free of charge or a trial for 30 days), select the first one - the basic protection, and set the switch on it.
  7. You will automatically see a unique license number in the pop-up window, click “Next”.
  8. Choose express installation - the best option for virus protection.
  9. If your computer is not working properly, you will see a notification about your incompatibility with the system's capabilities. You can see further installations. It’s better to continue to live.
  10. Be careful during the installation process, which involves a lot of quills.
  11. You will be notified that the software installation has been completed.
  12. Once the anti-virus program is open, the virus database will begin to be updated.
  13. After whose appearance he wrote that he was a thief of thefts. You can check the Windows system by scanning it by clicking on the control panel button.

Antivirus for Android

These statistics show that the activity of viruses directed on mobile systems based on Android is steadily increasing. This is due to the growing popularity of such systems. Retailers of anti-virus programs for computers are offering to users of Android-based mobile devices not only the cost-free AVG antivirus, but also the version of AVG AntiVirus PRO with a trial cost-free term license nom for one rik. It’s not just the antivirus, but also a rich third-party system that will protect your phone. It has the ability to encrypt data, a security system, if you have lost your phone. It also protects against theft, phone blocking and much more. The peculiarity of the program is a slight waste of system resources and storage of the device.

The main window of the program displays information about the security of your computer (Fig. 4.44).

Small 4.44. AVG program interface

Green color means that everything is in order. If some protection component does not work, or the anti-virus database is outdated, the color will change to red. In addition, a large button will appear in the center of the window, which promises to correct all imperfections in the protection (Fig. 4.45).

Small 4.45. Button for canceling pardons

There are several tiles on the screen with firewall components (Firewall is only available in the paid version of the program):

computer; . web;

Lich. tribute;

Ate. mail

Components can be turned on, turned on, and the parameters of their operation can be changed. To configure, click the mouse button on the required component, for example Computer (Fig. 4.46).

Small 4.46. Possible actions with computer components

To turn to the main window, use the button

In addition to the tiles of the components of the program, in the main window of the program there are buttons that are connected to the screen and located under the tiles (div. Fig. 4.44).

Boost your productivity. It appears that within an hour of work, various system errors (old files) accumulate on the computer, which will not damage the computer, but will improve its performance. By pressing this button, you can scan your computer for the presence of such files and messages (Fig. 4.47). If, having familiarized yourself with the results of the analysis, you want to correct everything and press the appropriate button, you will be asked to start the program, because for the first time all the tasks will be without cost, and you will be asked to ask for pennies for your work.

AVG Mobilization. To protect your mobile phone with the Android operating system from viruses and malicious attacks, a version of AVG antivirus has been released. Press this button to go to the site where you can download the AVG Mobilation add-on.

I'd rather like it. Click this button to open a window advertising paid antivirus features.

More from AVG. I’ll show you the first two buttons again (Boost Productivity and AVG Mobilation).

Skanuvati. Scan your computer for viruses in different variations.

Onovity now. Click to start updating the anti-virus databases manually.

Small 4.47. PC Analyzer window


Customization in the program is divided into two types: simple (Parameters) and advanced (Additional parameters). In this case, Parameters duplicate the main interface of the program with minor additions.

To open the settings, click the button parameters in the upper right corner there is a program window (div. Fig. 4.44). At the menu parameters(Fig. 4.48) you can:

Start scanning;

Update anti-virus databases;

Go to information about viruses;

Buy the paid version.

Small 4.48. List of antivirus parameters

Let's take a look at the additional parameters item in the report (Fig. 4.49).

Small 4.49. Additional parameters

Get into Additional parameters You can also use the protection components (click on the component and select parameters). In this case, you will need to adjust the settings in that section (submenu) to reach the selected component of the mixture, which you can add manually.

Apparently the main points of adjustment are necessary for most backers. In the first place, the stench will be due to the components of zakhist.

In Fig. 4.49 you can see that all the settings are grouped together.

Computer protection, email protection, website browsing protection, Identity Protection They are responsible for the components of protection. Initially, they contain optimal parameters for effective fight against viruses. If desired, you can add any parameters or, for example, delete them.

Scanuvannya. AVG Antivirus Free provides one standard set of parameters for four types of scanning, in which the user himself determines which of them will be used during the scan (Fig. 4.50).

Small 4.50. customized scanning

The more parameters are involved, the more careful verification, and the time and resources required for such scanning will be much greater. However, the fewer parameters are selected, the faster the verification process will pass, but the reliability will decrease. Restore your respect: the retailer has set the optimal settings for the skin type of scan. The only thing that can be added is to set the ensign Enable scanning of a significant device in the Scanning of a significant device item. Looking at how many computers are infected by violating other people's unverified important sources of information, which will not be corrected.

Scanning the expanded shell allows you to carry out verification through the context menu.

In the Layout group you can customize the schedule for which AVG Antivirus Free will scan your computer, update the anti-virus database and the program itself (Fig. 4.51).

Small 4.51. planned scan

Planning your scan is even easier. This operation consists of three points based on three tabs:

Layout - set the hour of rechecking;

Parameters - select verification parameters;

Place - determine what you plan to check (disk, folder, file).

With the layout, the update is even simpler. In general settings, activate (or deactivate) the settings and specify the required hour.

Some files of AVG Antivirus Free can be identified as unnecessary and access to them can be restricted. To properly process the required files in such fields, add them to Vinyatki (Fig. 4.52).

Small 4.52. blame

The virus hub is the place where all viruses detected on a computer are isolated. You can adjust its size and possible actions with the objects placed in it (Fig. 4.53).

If you haven’t adjusted it as well and the program has started to run rougher, turn back the initial settings: click the For washing button in the lower left corner of the Additional parameters window.

Small 4.53. Adjusting the Virus Synthesis


To start scanning, click the Scan button in the main window of the program (Fig. 4.54). To select another verification option, press the Scan Options button, which is on the right hand side of the Scan button.

Small 4.54. scanning parameters

The option of a scheduled Rescan is available to you: Scheduled Scan, as well as scanning of adjacent files and folders.

Since scanning takes up to an hour, you can arrange to turn off the computer after scanning is completed. To do this, in the Parameters window, click on the supplied Additional scanning parameters and in the window set the proportionality. After scanning is completed, turn on the computer (Fig. 4.55).

Small 4.55. Additional scanning parameters

It’s really easy to check the file or folder. To right-click on the selected object, select the command in the context menu Scan for help AVG. It seems that the settings for this type of scanning are in the menu Parameters Additional parameters Scanning Scanning expanded shell.

Please note that it is acceptable to use the program. A user-friendly interface, wide customization capabilities and, most importantly, high reliability allow you to use AVG Antivirus as a full-fledged computer protector.

AVG Antivirus is one of the world's leading antiviruses that provides security and protection from online threats. This security program will protect you from viruses and dangerous messages.

It turns out to be painless everywhere and wraps its clothes in the best possible way. The lack of other available no-cost antiviruses does not contribute to its popularity and contains functions not found in other antiviruses.

This catastrophic protection from harmful programs seems simple, but in the background there are complex processes in order to protect you. This software runs on Mac, Windows and devices. Linux and iOS version is not available.

Characteristics of AVG antivirus

Millions of people around the world are using this antivirus to protect themselves from harmful diseases. Sign up and take away:

  • Scan all games, add-ons, programs and files.
  • Increased speed of the device, having seen the problem, will improve the work of the device.
  • The energy saving function allows you to increase the operating hours of the battery (depending on power consumption).
  • Delete unnecessary files and save space to increase storage capacity.
  • Find your device through Google Map, where you spent it.
  • Please receive special files.

Features of AVG AntiVirus FREE 2018:

  • AVG Anti-Virus FREE will scan all programs, games and security programs to protect your device from erroneous messages.
  • Scanning browsers and websites to protect against threats.
  • Closing all settings on the device will improve productivity and ensure greater fluidity.
  • You will need to clean the device from files that are not really necessary.
  • One of the amazing features is that “Theftie” will send you a photo of a person who is trying to unlock your device without letting him know about it (for Android).
  • Devices will be blocked automatically. Devices will be blocked if the SIM is replaced or removed (for Android).
  • Clicking on the protection saves you from cheaters and spammers.
  • The AVG PC function allows you to run your computer for up to three hours.

System aids for installing AVG AntiVirus FREE 2018:

Download AVG Antivirus free of charge:

Download the remaining version of the antivirus x64 and x86 bit to install AVG on Windows OS from the office. website.

Without a clear and reliable antivirus, it is impossible to access the current Internet. Otherwise, you won’t even blink your eye when your computer is running a whole bunch of viruses.

One of the most obvious software products in this category, whose trump card is decent heuristics and the availability of a cost-free version, is AVG antivirus.

Developers of one of the most popular defense systems confirm that the new version has begun to scan the system faster and respond to new types of threats earlier. In the notes before the release of the new version, they said that Koristuvachev checks a lot of shit. Is it really effective that AVG 2014 antivirus is evolving from older releases to a radically new one, but is it all just a publicity stunt?

Respect for installation

It is very important that the latest version of this software is still “hanging around” on your computer, so it is easy to uninstall it. Before installation, you will be prompted to install a firewall (if you selected the Internet Security option).

If the addition takes away your positive response, then the company’s bar’er on the path of evildoers will be established. In addition to its essential functions, this tool will collect anonymous statistics about detected threats. Later data will be sent to vendors for the latest development of new anti-virus databases.

To ensure maximum security with AVG antivirus, immediately run a scanner to check the most vulnerable areas of your computer for signs of infection. After this process, you will be able to appreciate the new program interface. Before speaking, it is better to choose a double check, which guarantees the absolute cleanliness of the hard drive.

update scanner

Before speaking, the scanner itself, in its new role, generates the most hostility. And on the right, there is not only the fact that the current appearance of the programs has become more acceptable, but also the fact that the software has become effectively noticeable.

We would like to say thank you to the programmers, who, after the sheets of especially “satisfied” investors, carried out support and parallel calculations.

zakhist poshti

If it is important for you to verify encrypted mail traffic, then you will need to install Internet Security. In adjustments, you will be surprised that the number of postal service protocols available for verification has increased. Having really pleased us with the thoughtfulness that AVG antivirus had previously not spoiled us with.

Protecting children from unsafe information

Once you control your father, you can create your own long list of sites that your little troublemaker can deny access to. In addition, you can introduce a general dictatorship mode on your computer and completely block access to important media, local networks, and the transfer of old folders to your PC. It is understood that before such draconian attempts you will have to create a password so that your changes cannot be changed with a couple of clicks in the settings menu.

If you are hooked on all this functionality, you can try the AVG antivirus trial for a month without paying a penny for the program.

new firewall

The firewall has also been updated. Now you can fully adjust the work of both physical and logical devices that will ensure your navigation on the Internet. All the fine adjustments that were previously part of only the paid version are now available for free.

And also: it’s simply unreasonable to search for illegal keys for AVG antivirus at once, since the company regularly distributes cost-free licenses for the software.

Calculates the arithmetic mean of the set value that is placed in the song field of the query.


Avg ( viraz )

argument viraz This is a string expression, which means a field with numeric data, for which it is necessary to know the arithmetic mean, otherwise it will help to carry out the calculations. operand in expressed Can be a table name, a constant or a function (implemented or defined by the user, rather than another SQL aggregate function).


Significance, separated from additional functions Avg, And the arithmetic mean (sum of the value divided by their number). For example, you can tweak the function Avg, To protect the average delivery time.

function Avg Does not invalidate fields with Null values.

You can vicorista AVG in the expressed query and the power of the SQL QueryDef object or, when created, a set of records based on the SQL query.

apply it



Select AVG ([Price]) as Viraz1 z ProductSales;

It turns the arithmetic mean of all the values ​​of the UnitPrice field from the “ProductsSales” table and appears in the Viraz1 column.

Select AVG ([SalePrice]) as AvgSalePrice, AVG ([List]) as AvgDiscount with ProductSales;

Rotates the middle value of the “SalePrice” and “Discount” fields in the ProductSales table. The results are displayed in the "Augsaleprice" and "Avgdiscount" columns. The arithmetic mean of all "Saleprice" is rotated, where the "number" was sold over 10. The results are displayed in the "Augsaleprice" column tse".

Select ABS (AVG ([List])) in the AbsaverageDiscount section of ProductSales;

Rotates the absolute value of the “List” field and appears in the “Absolute Discount” column.

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