Injecting a mobile phone into a healthy presentation. The impact of mobile phones on people's health. Violations of mobile phone batteries

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Kerivnik: Skakunova G.M. teacher speech therapist. Place of Vikonannya: Municipal Educational Establishment “Solenivska Secondary Zagalnosvitnya School”. Author: Ruslan Skakunov, 4th grade student. Topic: "The infusion of a steel telephone into the human body."

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My work understands how a cell phone affects healthy people, including the child’s body, and how unsafe it is. Recommendations for students at our school should be made using the correct telephone number.

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As a result of studying this problem, the following tasks are set: To become aware of the spectrum of the harmful effects of a cell phone on the human body; Analyze the level of mobile phone use in a healthy adult person. Let's look at the possibilities of reducing the negative impact of a mobile phone by following the rules of using a phone.

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For the highest level of assigned tasks, the following methods are used: search, research of scientific research, compilation and alignment of data, registration, questionnaire testing.

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Relevance. In this century, the speed of transmission has increased even more. The thick knit makes it easier for people to live in different parts of the world. Nowadays, any kind of information - letters, sounds - can be transmitted to the help of an electrician, on which principle the operation of the telephone is based.

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Advantages of mobile communication. Pure sounding movie; The presence of external noise and the effect of a metallic voice; The transmission speed can reach 153 Kbit per second.

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Security for mobile phones. Research into cell phone influx has shown that the antennas that receive and transmit cell phone signals generate electromagnetic interference that can penetrate the human brain. However, evidence that this is due to the development of swelling in the head has not been revealed. The British Cancer Institute, based on public investigation data, has issued a ruling on pouches: the use of mobile phones does not increase the risk of brain cancer.

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Mobile phone is that baby. However, the use of mobile phones is especially noticeable in children, which is due to the insufficient development of their immune system. The child’s brain is in great pain, because the brain cells of the baby have begun to develop and absorb the necessary information, and the brain cells of the brain and brain are swelling, increasing blood flow, and The fire screams of the movement of the blood pressure and the shortening of a number of red blood cells.

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Guarded against others. Experts to please children and children between the hours of using phones, fragments of their brain and nervous system are still in the process of molding.

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The most popular place to wear a telephone. It is important to remember that Skoda does not only talk on a mobile phone, but also lets you be in a swarm of pants. And they are taught to wear them on the inside of pants, jackets; people carry phones in their bags; Some children choose to wear a mobile phone on their neck or belt.

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Criteria for discounting a mobile phone. Since the mid-90s, the norm of permissible human consumption has been actively promoted, expressed in the intensity of the electromagnetic energy (W) that falls on 1 kg of live energy - Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), which may range from 0.28 to 1.5 W / kg. The lower the SAR, the safer the phone for people. Today, this norm is now being introduced for the obligatory entry in the passport of a mobile phone.

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Visnovok. In my work, I don’t definitely rely on the power supply: How does Skoda put a cell phone on a healthy person? Even though I haven’t had a single thought yet. But I appreciate that it is necessary to recognize and explain to the boys and dads that such a problem exists, and to each of us we can make demands on simple side-by-side visits. You can't buy people's health for a pittance. Therefore, we recommend learning about the rules of using a private telephone and telephone etiquette.

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Rules for the use of mobile phone numbers. When buying a phone, be respectful and show respect for the capabilities and design of the phone. Please note the SAR values ​​as indicated in the instructions. Do not hang the phone on your neck, put it in your bag and do not rub it in your stomach. Children and toddlers need to limit the time they use their phones. In order not to harm the health of people when disposing of waste products, strengthen such products by deciding to dispose of them and submit them for recycling using the method of recycling valuable materials.

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Telephone etiquette. Mute your mobile phone if the radio communication may interfere with the safety of other people's lives. Stay away from your mobile phone while traveling. Mute your phone or put it on silent mode at shows, movie shows, concerts, museums.

What kind of arguments can there be for this version about the unnecessary influx of telephones on people’s health? This is the thought of a group of people from Great Britain and Scandinavian countries, which revealed the risks of using a mobile phone under the supervision of Finnish woman Annie Lakola. Vaughn, before speaking, is one of the leading followers of the world in the sphere of protection from the revolution. Thousands of people have suffered from brain cancer. In the same way, 3.5 thousand healthy people were tested, and the skin of ten of them was treated with Stilnikov over 10 years. The investigators came up with a new rule: talk with your mobile phone no more than twice a day. Otherwise, there is a risk of earning a plump brain in five to ten years. Argue about the wasteful influx on people’s health.

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Until the development of the first steel telephones, the strength of electromagnetic interference permissible for humans was already included in the American (1992), European (1995) and Australian (1998) standards. The State Sanitary Committee of Russia developed such standards in 1995, and in 1998. The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Reproduction Protection (ICNIRP) made its recommendations.

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On the right is that the deadly signals of radio and radio broadcasts are practically not heard by people. What can we say about small doses, which are characterized by a non-thermal rush to the body.

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The influx of steel telephones was monitored on human models, which included the structure of the skeleton and soft tissues, heat and electrophysical parameters (thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity, electrical permeability, etc.). On mathematical models, the infusion was applied to the body and surrounding organs, blood and tissue.

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It was found that radiotherapy would change the protein structure of the toad and cause problems with the heart of the toad; Sometimes it slightly increases arterial pressure in a person, and also causes confusion and drowsiness; To improve memory in people, and at the same time to improve intellectual abilities in people. The results were often super impressive. There was no noticeable influx on the body, but it was not possible to bring about a turnaround.

Slide 7: Stainless steel phone in hands

Today, many schoolchildren practically cannot be separated from their mobile phones. It smells like wearing them on your neck, on your belt, and constantly praying. Moreover, a call can often be made almost during the lesson, which respects his teaching, including everyone. Just before the hour of class, some of the boys start asking for an “unexpected” message for the teacher to send SMS notifications. Sometimes you have to pick up your favorite “mobile phones” and put them on the teacher’s desk. The old phone is in the hands of a holder.

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But few parents and schoolchildren realize that a cell phone can pose a threat to health. Even in the press, you can often see statistics that are ahead of problems that resemble a “mobile phone.” Journalists talked about this topic with a lot of fakes.


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According to the words of the Russian Center for Electromagnetic Safety, the results have not been fully understood, but it is clear that electromagnetic vibrations flow into the brain after an increase. Therefore, if you suffer from epilepsy, it is not possible to use a telephone telephone, and if you are severely ill, the use of a telephone telephone can provoke an epileptic attack. For children and children under 16 years of age, the Fakhivtsi recommend not to let the phone reach your hands!


Slide 11: Using a mobile phone while using a car

It has been established that drivers who drive a car with one hand while holding a telephone in another handset reduce their respect. Rozmova's phone increases the risk of road accidents by 4 times! In many countries, including Russia, there are laws that prohibit drivers of cars (and sometimes cyclists) from using phones on the go, and this can be increasingly aimed at cars that are standing at the test or in front of the red signal light light. Koristuvannaya with a steel telephone at the hour of keruvannaya.


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Prote statistics show that telephones in cars are often used in everyday life, allowing you to immediately call for help in case of accidents. It’s also not worth forgetting how many people have a telephone in their hands, different earthquakes, collapses, etc., as long as people can telephone and report their location and where they are located.

How safe are mobile phones? We are well aware of the rapid influx of electromagnetic energy on human health. AMRT-tse dzherel electromagnetic coils, growths at the moment of growth near the radio-sensitive organs of a person - the brain and eyes. It is important that the prominence regularly affects the nerves, especially in those who are suspected of the 900 MHz range

On the right is that our brain absorbs a significant part of the electromagnetic energy as the phone transmits to communicate with the base station. As explained by the scientists in the field of radiobiology, the cerebrum, in this case, functions as a part of the antenna. Similar innovations have previously been tried on themselves by only professionals who deal with special equipment, devices and radio equipment, but their minds were special, including medical and medical equipment.

Meanwhile, a child’s brain is so sensitive that she is more amenable to using the phone than an adult. Children are tempted to bring the phone closer to their ear, even when they are older, and many people literally press it to the ear - even if they have a soft spot, it allows them to work. As a result, a weak child absorbs a greater amount of energy, which is dissipated by the phone. According to many scientists, children who constantly use mobile phones may experience negative changes in the structure of the brain cells. Symptoms include decreased self-esteem, weakened memory, impaired sleep and nervousness, increased mental capacity, a tendency to epileptic reactions and stress.

Thermal effect. Energy is absorbed by a person’s body, and it ignites the body and organs. This is the principle that the microchicken liver operates on. It’s true that the tension in the heating system is greater in stoves than in steel telephones. However, you need to know that the main function of your phone is to be located in the brain, which electromagnetic field is affected. As a result, the temperature of the surrounding areas of the brain increases. With prolonged swelling, this effect can be caused by a slight increase in the temperature of the ear.

Non-thermal effect (informational). The process of testing a mobile phone on the brain. The essence of it lies in the present: telephones to the GSM standard transmit information in blocks of pulses of 8 pulses, generating a frequency of 217 Hz. Pulse blocks are combined into multiblocks, generating a frequency of 8.35 Hz, operating in energy-saving mode, the building equipment generates a third frequency - 2 Hz.

Scientific research by the Swedish National Institute has shown that people who use their phones for less than 2 hours a day experience discomfort and side effects. A study of 11 thousand volunteers showed that 84% felt the skin behind the ear was heating up.

Some active koristuvachs suffered from memory lapses; Beware of confusion, headache, fatigue; About a quarter of them have problems with memory; Half suffered from headaches; Nearly 65% ​​felt sleepy. A third of subscribers experienced increased concentration of respect during the hour of prayer and immediately after prayer.

Scientific research. Recently, Swedish scientists reported the results of another study: Increased use of mobile phones damages important parts of the brain that “responsible” for memory and memory before the present. The extinction of these cells itself characterizes Alzheimer's disease.

How to change the speed of mobile phones It seems that the greatest compromise is avoided immediately during divorce, so learn to reduce the hour of the communication session to a minimum. I'm sorry, a mobile phone is only used for communication, not for the exchange of important information or for further discussions. It’s good to know that you can find yourself funny or bad: if you are not satisfied with your discretion, try to take advantage of the other side – material, and get a more expensive tariff plan. In this situation, you may or may not learn to quickly get used to telephone calls, otherwise the stench will become destructive for your fellow.

When buying a standard phone, choose the one that has the minimum price of promotion. Since the phone has an external antenna, it is not possible to add power to it without a special need. In the opinion of some fakers, phones with a built-in antenna, as well as flip phones, are less dangerous for health, since they prefer to use the phone mainly on the back side, and not on all sides, like in devices from today antenna Shvidshe for everything, you have a sense.

The volume of broadcasting also changes with a different headset. The phone in this case is better suited to be placed in the upper garment or bag, but not in the pants (close to the reproductive organs) or on the belt, clothed around the neck. If you often travel in cars, then install an external antenna - so you change the color and color of the connections.

Please be careful not to conduct telephone conversations in these places, but it is important to establish a connection. Trying to find the base station, the phone increases the strength of the signal, fights against transcodes, and your brain loses more and more interference, less in places with a stable reception. The maximum tension occurs when the connection is inserted, so do not bring the tube close to your ear until the tension that is released changes - at least for the first few seconds.

At this hour, your phone is going offline, because, of course, you are not in a human profession, and you don’t hear important calls at night. A mobile phone that operates at night in sleep mode can disrupt sleep phases. If you use it as an alarm clock, change the functions - today, most phones use an alarm clock to set it to turn off.

Which phone should you purchase to ensure maximum security? The most secure phones are those of the GSM standard, so for special purposes this is the best option. Moreover, today manufacturers are increasingly realizing that it is more profitable to produce secure phones, and are releasing new models, the development of which is less and less impactful on our body. It’s not a good idea to rely on landline phones at all, but to choose them correctly and use them wisely.

Infusing mobile phones into people's health Authors of the project: Dorogin M, Mironova L. Kerivnik: reader of the Municipal Educational Institution Striletskaya Sosh Popova T.N Relevance to those: We no longer recognize our life without a stilnikov connection. Nowadays, it is important to talk about those whose ligaments are responsible for their negative impact on people’s health. Hypothesis: If the industry produces steel telephones, then they are not inexpensive. Meta: Excuse me, what is the ligament and antennae that convey, a wasteful influx on people’s health, or else we can’t be afraid of anything? Zavdannya:

1. Install the main electromagnetic coils.

2. Zyasuvati, how to pour EMF into your health.

3. How the stylonica ligament infuses the health of people and children.

4. How to protect yourself from EMV.

Tracking progress:

1. We guessed what the EMP is and the main elements of the EMV.

2. They explained how the EMF of the stilnikov ligament infuses a person’s health.

4. Vivchili, what type of inflow is the ligament of the stilnikov

A) for people’s health; b) for the health of the child.

6. Learned how to secure your EMB mobile phone.

What is EMP?

As we know, the core of the electromagnetic field is charged with a part that quickly collapses.

Behind the meaning is a special form of matter,

The main elements of the EMP The main elements of the EMP can be changed: 1. Electric transport (trams, trolleybuses, trains, ...). 2. Power lines (lighting, high voltage, ...). 3. Electrical wiring (in the middle of the building, telecommunications, ...). 4. Electrical accessories 5. Television radio stations (broadcasting antennas). 6. Satellite and satellite connections (translucent antennas). 7. Radar. 8. Personal computers. A situation has arisen of global penetration by electromagnetic fields of the entire population. We cannot detect or detect electromagnetic fields, but we must know that EMFs are constantly present in the office, apartment, and so on, so practically speaking. Stilnikovy ligament

  • The main elements of the telecommunications system are base stations (BS) and mobile radiotelephones (MRT).
  • The robotic system adopts the principle of dividing a given territory into zones, or “strips”, with a radius of 5-10 kilometers.
Electromagnetic fields of the Soviet Union At this time, Russia has more than 8 million commercial telephones and more than 30 million people live in the territories affected by the fires with a unique sound. This is the problem that plagues everyone. When a cell phone operates, its main components—the cell phone and the base station—create an electromagnetic field. I use a steel telephone, and a person who does not use a steel telephone, but lives near the objects of a steel connection, is in whose electromagnetic field. It cannot be said that the electromagnetic field of a steel telephone “passes through” the human body. When used on a mobile phone, the electromagnetic field penetrates the human body and is absorbed, first of all, by the tissues of the head - the scalp, ear, part of the brain, including the vision analyzer. The most sensitive systems in the human body are: nervous, immune, endocrine and state. The biological effect of EMF in the brains of the dry bagtotic fluid accumulates, as a result of the possible development of distant inheritances, including degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), swelling of the brain, hormonal congestion. EMFs can be especially dangerous for children. Stilnikov ligament and children's health EMF is especially dangerous for children. During the period of growth, the body is more sensitive to EMT, less mature, and already formed. At the International Conference in Budapest, Sweden and Sweden presented the results of their extensive experiments. At the International Conference in Budapest, Sweden and Sweden presented the results of their extensive experiments. They conducted epidemiological investigations and analysis of the influx of EMT of the ligamentous ligament on the development of swelling of the brain among 1617 patients aged 20-80 years. An analysis of the differences between these centuries-old groups showed the progress of the rhizics and the development of the swellings of 20-29 years. An additional analysis of the data showed that patients in this group began to develop stinal ligament as early as in childhood. These unique results show that cell phone use in children can increase the risk of developing brain swelling.
  • The diagrams show that the brain of small children is richly affected by electromagnetic vibration, the brain of an adult
Application form:

1. Do you have a mobile phone and what did you get?

2. The average difficulty of speaking on a mobile phone.

3.Why do you use a mobile phone:

a) for a call

b) for the connection and rozvagi?

4. How does a mobile phone affect your health?

Testing results:

  • In the middle of school, the average hour of education for juniors is 16 hours per day, for girls 22 hours.
  • This indicator changed in animals ranging from 2 to 180 cows.
Results of the questionnaire: Results of the questionnaire: What impact does it have on the human body?

A large number of adults and children, when using a mobile phone, voluntarily submit to electromagnetic damage to their body.

A situation has arisen of global contamination by electromagnetic fields of the population.

First, during the period of civilization, there was a massive, regular electromagnetic change.

How to protect yourself from the EMP Before organizing the protection from the EMP, you must: 1. select operating modes of moderate control, which will ensure a minimum level of damage, 2. place and time of stay in the zone of the EMP (protection from time to time), 3. designated I will fence off the zones with the advanced level of the EMP Remember!

  • It is most unsafe to use a mobile phone when searching for a border;
  • Do not use your old phone without any need;
  • Pray without interruption no more
  • 3 - 4 hvilins;
  • Do not let the device
  • children sang;
  • Do not charge your phone overnight;
  • Do not carry the phone near your pants or on the waistband of your chest;
  • When purchasing, choose a plain phone with a lower maximum pressure;
Visnovok: Visnovok A steel telephone predicts fire. As long as you play with them carefully, follow all the rules, you will bring value and joy.

Wikory resources:

  • N.S. Purisheva ta in. Physics 9th grade, M., "Bustard" 2009
  • K.E. Suorz “Non-primary physics of primary phenomena” T.2., M., “Science”, 1987

Thank you for your respect.

Good luck to you

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