Utility for updating Kaspersky without the Internet. Kaspersky Software Updater - Search for updates for installed programs. How to update Kaspersky Lab programs for help in securing files

Make sure your device is connected to the Internet. It is necessary to ensure updates and check the licenses of the programs that are being updated.

  1. Download and unzip the archives from Kaspersky Update Utility 3.0 MR2 for Windows.
  2. Run the graphical version file UpdateUtility-Gui.exe.
  3. Please read the License Agreement and the Kaspersky Lab Privacy Policy carefully. Set the proportions and press Accept
  1. Please read the Kaspersky Security Network Wiki Policy carefully. Install ensign Wikoristat Kaspersky Security Network and press Accept as appropriate with all points.
  2. At the main window of Kaspersky Update Utility click Program.
  3. Select a program group and set the proportions opposite the programs that need to be updated. Press OK.

  1. Press Parameters.
  2. Then enter the folder for downloading updates. Press OK.

  1. Press Launch And wait until the end of the engagement.
  2. Upgrade to Kaspersky Lab programs for additional help in securing files.

How to update Kaspersky Lab programs for help in securing files

Dad has an update, as you indicated in the settings, the Updates folder will be created. Use Kaspersky Lab programs to remove this folder for updating. You can open private access to it or copy it to your personal account.

How to update programs locally without an Internet connection

  1. Unlock access to the Updates folder.
  2. If you have installed Kaspersky Lab programs, select the Updates folder as required.

How to locally update the program for additional help

  1. Copy the Updates folder to your laptop.
  2. Connect it to your computer.
  3. If you have installed Kaspersky Lab programs, specify how to update the Updates folder on your computer.

Kaspersky Software Updater Allows you to keep the current security program installed on your computer.

You should scan the system for the presence of outdated potentially damaging programs, adding a list of necessary updates in the results in order to protect your computer from any possible malicious attacks. Updated support programs can be installed with just one click.

Kaspersky Software Update allows you to automatically control updates to the latest releases of Adobe Flash Player and Adobe Acrobat Reader. You will never miss important updates for installed Java software and the most popular browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera, as well as VLC Media Player.

Main features of Kaspersky Software Updater

Scanning: checking the system for the presence of potentially leaking programs.
Report: the result of checking with the list of remaining updates necessary to keep the installed software up to date.
Simple update: updating software for a personal computer with just one click.
Simple and intuitive interface: smart and simple interface. Everything you need and nothing extra.
Automatic check scheduler: no need for memory. Just select the day and hour of automatic scanning and opt out of regular alerts.

Kaspersky Software Updater is a cost-free program for searching and updating software installed on a computer in the Windows operating system. Software security updates are an important function of maintaining the efficiency and security of programs installed on a computer.

Updates to programs include not only the addition of new functions, the elimination of problems, but also the elimination of problems associated with the safe program. It’s no secret that malicious people are trying to steal “dirts” from popular programs. That's why manufacturers are trying to regularly release “patches” on their programs in order to neutralize the harmful spills of programs from the side of evildoers.

There will be special software updates. The paid versions of popular antiviruses have modules that keep up with important updates that will improve the security of your PC.

Kaspersky Lab has released a cost-free utility, Kaspersky Software Updater, for searching and updating software to improve the overall security of your computer. The Kaspersky Software Updater program runs on any computer regardless of the installed antivirus.

Kaspersky Software Updater supports nearly 100 of the most popular programs. You can find a complete list of programs that we support on this website. At regular intervals, the utility checks for updates for programs that are supported.

Kaspersky Software Updater can be downloaded from the official Kaspersky Lab website. The program works in Russian language.

download Kaspersky Software Updater

Install the Kaspersky Software Updater program, and then launch the program on your computer.

After launching, the main window will open with the software Kaspersky Software Updater.

Kaspersky Software Updater installations

To enter the settings of the utility, press the “Gear” button (Customization), which is located in the lower left corner of the program window. Select the language you need from the “Customization” window.

Adjust the search mode to update:

  • New search - search for successful updates for installing programs
  • Quick search - search for important updates for installing programs

Adjust the layout of the search update: frequency of the search, day of the year, hour. The search for updating for PP depends on the frequency of occurrence: manually, daily, on weekdays, on weekends, once a week, once a month.

Regardless of the settings for the layout, you can run the search update manually at any time.

Select the checkbox next to the item “Remove notifications about new products and special proposals of Kaspersky Lab” so as not to delete these notifications.

Software updates with Kaspersky Software Updater

In the “Kaspersky Software Updater” window, click the “Search for update” button to start the software update process.

The databases are updated initially, and then the search for the update is completed. You can search for updates to show the search results at a given time (button “Zupinity search and show results”).

After the update search is completed, the Kaspersky Software Updater program window will display the results of the search. On my computer, the utility detected updates for two programs: CCleaner and Adobe Flash Player.

Updates for Adobe Flash Player are labeled as "important updates". This means that the vendors have closed another security release for Adobe Flash Player.

Opposite the skin program there is a button where you can select “Update” or “Turn off”. To disable their programs, you will not need to update them.

To update all programs at once, click the “Update all” button.

During the hour of operation in automatic update mode, at regular intervals, after an update has been detected for supported programs, a notification about the discovery of an update will appear in the Windows notification area.

Run the installation of Kaspersky Software Updater for registered programs.

Please note that when updating your software, you need to close running programs that are currently being updated. For example, when you update CCleaner programs, you need to turn on the “CCleaner Application” notification area in order to monitor your computer while the operating system is running.

After the installation of the software update is completed, the Kaspersky Software Updater window will display the message “There are no updates available.”

Click the “Repeat search” button if you need to run a search update to install the program.

Visnovki statistics

The cost-free program Kaspersky Software Updater is designed for searching and updating programs installed on your computer. The utility regularly checks the availability of updates for installing updated software on the computer.

The guidance below is an additional method of updating, not the main one - vikorist it only in the same way as the computer on which it is installed Kaspersky Antivirus, no access to the Internet. This method of removing databases is impossible to ensure instant delivery of released updates and, as a result, support for programs in the country.

To update databases and modules Kaspersky Antivirus You can use a special update utility to launch the program manually from any other computer or from a flash drive ("flash drive") that connects to a computer that has access to the Internet.

When you first start the utility, the database and modules required Kaspersky Antivirus and released up to this hour, will be stored in a special folder, placed in the same folder as the update utility (the very first launch of the utility is trivial). When you launch it every time, this folder will only be downloaded to the entire database and modules. Only those that were released later than the previous launch of the update utility.

Camp on serpen 2012 roku obsyag bases Kaspersky Antivirus It takes up about 240 MB on the device. Use this information when choosing a flash drive to save updates. Over the course of time, the bases will become larger.

2. Short description of the work with the update utility

  1. Save the folder with the utility on a flash drive, connect it to a computer that has access to the Internet, and run the utility (file Updater.bat).
  2. After completing the utility, connect the flash drive to the computer with installed Kaspersky Antivirus Then configure this program to update from the folder with databases on the flash-carrier (folder Updates).

    Next, regularly connect this “flash drive” to any computer connected to the Internet, download new databases (then run the file Updater.bat) and update from flash installations Kaspersky Antivirus.

3. Detailed description of the work with the update utility

Krok 1. Download the update utility kit - file for_kav_13.0.0.3370.zip .

Croc 2 Unpack the download kit onto another computer that connects to the Internet, or on a flash drive that connects to a computer that connects to the Internet.

The next step to the folder with the utility is that there are no Russian characters (Cyrillic) or spaces!

Croc 3 Run the file from the unzipped folder Updater.bat(Press on the new person with the left mouse button).

After launching the file, the following window will open:

The appearance of such a window means that attraction has begun (go to the file Updater.exe, representations in the picture may differ from the route that appears in the window on your computer).

If your connection to the Internet is organized through a proxy server, add the proxy server parameters to the file for_kav_13.0.0.3370.ini. For whom should you sign these actions:

    • Find a file from your dad using the utility for_kav_13.0.0.3370.ini And then press on the new one with the left mouse button.
    • Find a block in the text Proxy Settings then enter the parameters of your proxy servers(replacing the meaning for zamovchuvannyam):
      • Addresses ( proxy_url);
      • Port ( proxy_port);
      • Im'ya koristuvach ( proxy_login);
      • Password ( proxy_pwd).

    • Save file for_kav_13.0.0.3370.ini close yogo.

Krok 4 If you know, open the file from the folder with the update utility. iupdater.txt. Check to see if you can erase the record (this means that the database acquisition was successful): Retranslation successful and update is not requested.

The entire current set of databases and modules has been downloaded to the subfolder Updates folders where you ran the file Updater.bat.

Krok 5. Get updated Kaspersky Antivirus z folders Updates, in Yaku they became obsessed with the new ones. For whom should you sign these actions:

  1. At the upper right part of the window, press the message Setting up.
  2. At the top of the window Setting up go to tab Update.
  3. There is a window on the right side Setting up at the block Startup mode and dzherelo update Click on the button Dzherelo update.
  4. At the window Update on deposit Dzherelo remove ensign for dzherel Server update "Kaspersky Lab".
  5. At the window Update on deposit Dzherelo Click on the button Add.
  6. Select the folder where you downloaded the database and program modules with the update utility (folder Updates Papa has updated utilities).
  7. At the window Vibir dzherela update Click on the button OK.
  8. At the window Update Click on the button OK.
  9. At the window Setting up Click on the button OK.

4. Additional information about the utility

  • If you have problems downloading databases/modules, please report the download process.

    Why open the file? Updater.bat To edit the row, add the command:

    -tf trace.txt

    For example,

    Updater.exe -u -c -o for_kav_13.0.0.3370.ini -tf trace.txt > report_kav2013.txt

    After saving your changes, run the file Updater.bat And after the utility is completed and the cleanup is done, send the transfer log (file trace.txt from the utility launch folder) Technical support serviceKaspersky Lab, having asked for yours My Kaspersky. Please write down the problem.

  • In the process of importing databases/modules, the utility was blocked by the system (in the file iupdater.txt showing up for a pardon record Process is terminated), then to remove the mess, download the following: download and unzip into the same folder with the library archive utility VCRT8.zip and run the utility again.
  • If you unpacked the archives with the utility on your computer, and not on a flash drive, you may have limited access to the folder. To do this, transfer the folder with the utility to a flash drive or the root of the disk (for example, C:).
  • Before starting the utility at the file name, report.txt The information was not overwritten, but added, open the file Updater.bat To edit the row, add another “greater than” symbol ( > ).