We install, update, and correct settings. We install, update, and fix Net framework 3.5 latest

".Net Framework"- this is a special software platform, behind which a non-personal program is written for the Windows operating system. To run such programs, it is necessary that the .NET Framework be installed on your computer.

On this page you can freely download the required version of the .NET Framework installer. Also, you can learn about the functions of the .NET Framework, system tools and instructions for installing and correcting bugs associated with its operation on different versions of Windows.

Entry Everything you need.Net Framework

So what? Net Framework? Microsoft .Net Framework- A software platform has been developed, which is used for the development of daily software. Architecture « .Net":

  • Allows distributors not to spend an hour on the interaction of the cured product with the medium in which it will be involved (either hardware characteristics, capacity, OS features or other technical aspects of detail).
Take all the nuances of creating a comfortable work environment for programs or software on yourself. Net Framework
  • It is possible to work with a wide range of programming and an additional set of special algorithms, which gives the creators of add-ons the ability to change practically any known principle behind the program code of their PZ.
In other words, .Net Framework It becomes the basis for running programs on different operating systems, giving end users the ability to use any programs associated with this component, regardless of the characteristics of the computer or other device.

System benefits for optimal work. Net Framework

Vimogs to hardware components for normal work .Net Framework The settings are low, so the component should be used on the weakest computer. Further information in this section is intended primarily for cob-growers.
More people can go to the section where you learn about.
Your computer type requires:

  • Processor by frequency 1 GHz and more;
  • The amount of RAM is no less 512 MB;
  • Minimum amount of space on a hard drive size 4.5 GB.
The .Net Framework may have many versions that have been released since Windows XP, but there have been no major changes in the component architecture. Please note that the package version is .Net Framework, on which this same program was developed again(2, 3, 4 ) version on your computer.
Therefore, for maximum efficiency with the maximum number of additions, it is necessary to install all possible variations of this component.
This does not mean that new libraries will be supported by older operating systems.
However, in order to install the required version of the .Net Framework, you will need to upgrade to a new version of Windows.
We recommend that customers install Windows 10.

Operating system capacity: x32 (x86) or x64

Discharge capacity your operating system (if necessary) you can check "Vlastivosti" computer.
Malyunok 1. The system capacity is determined.
This information will be required to install older versions .Net Framework.
The new libraries are compatible with OS of both capacities (x32-x64).

The remaining version of the .Net Framework is available for installation on your OS

Ostannіy .Net Framework, which can be installed on all OS (except Windows XP) by hand, - This version is 4.7. Before installing the component on your computer, check that the version you need is not integrated into the OS for getting ready, having become familiar with the available information:

  • Windows XP. Integrated version – 1.0 SP2;
  • Windows Integrated versions – 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2і 3.5 SP1;
  • Windows 8 chi 8.1. Integrated versions 4.5 і 4.5.1 Suitable for these OSs;
  • Windows Integrated version – 4.6 or 4.6.1 due to the installation of updates.
Regain respect!

Latest versions of .Net Framework Do not remove all the libraries that were previously available in older versions of the .NET Framework.
This means that in order to run certain old programs or games, you will have to install the old(!) versions of the .NET Framework necessary for their work.

It is also necessary to remember: installed libraries cannot be removed by standard means of the operating system itself.

How to install the required version. Net Framework

Let's assume that you needed an earlier version of the component to run the song program.
The software itself informs the customer about the availability of the required version on the OS .Net Framework, bringing out the window every day with mercy. The butt of such a message is pointed at the little one below:

Figure 2. Example of information about the required version of the Net Framework.
In this case, you just need to select the required version of the component for your OS (of course, up to capacity) for additional special installer, which comes in two types:

  1. Online (web) The installer will download all necessary files .Net Framework From Microsoft servers it independently unpacks the encrypted data. Requires an Internet connection.
  2. Autonomous (povniy) The installer will already have all the libraries required for a complete installation .Net Framework without an Internet connection.
There are no other important considerations. With the new stand-alone version of the milling component, when installed, it crashes even less often, so when you search for a message, you will most often be aware of the new one. For a quick transition to the required version, turn around and click on the header with the name of the component you need.

Download Net Framework 4.7 (including versions: 4.6.2, 4.6.1, 4.6, 4.5.2 and 4)

For the moment (Zhovten, 2017) version .Net Framework 4.7є the rest. Download this component completely spares due to the need to use lower versions:

  • .Net Framework 4.6 (4.6.1 і 4.6.2 );
  • .Net Framework 4.5 (4.5.1 і 4.5.2 );
  • .Net Framework 4.
You can download the .Net Framework 4.7 from our website by directly sending or from the official Microsoft website dedicated to the version of the component 4.7, where you can also get acquainted with additional information (system features, interconnections) o)
Version 4.7 Supported by the latest OS of any capacity (x32-x64):
  • Windows 10 Creators Update (integrations);
  • Windows 10 Anniversary Update;
  • Windows 8 Chi 8.1;
  • Windows 7;
  • Windows Server 2016, 2012 and 2008.
If a component does not install or functions incorrectly, please review the section: .

Download Net Framework 3.5 (including versions: 3.0 and 2.0)

You can get acquainted with additional information and enjoy .Net Framework 3.5 on the Microsoft website or upload your library with one file from our website for additional submissions.

NET Framework is evolving, and new versions may include many of the components that were previously present in earlier versions.

This is due to various reasons: some components could be outdated and no longer relevant, or new, more advanced components of the Framework could come to replace them. Some older programs may require the same old components that are present in new versions, which requires installing one of the older versions of the MS .NET Framework. Version 3.5 Already includes newer versions of libraries (there is no need to strictly download them):

  • .Net Framework 2.0;
  • .Net Framework 3.0.
This component is great with any operating system that is not used by Microsoft, including Windows XP. Installed .Net Framework 3.5 In most cases, you can run and ensure normal operation of any old program or game. However, if you are concerned about problems with this version of the component, please refer to the information in the next section.

Pomilki when installed or robot. Net Framework

If not installed or updated correctly .Net Framework may cause malfunctions in the component. Which section contains information about the various issues that you may encounter at different stages of the library library? ".Net".Right now you need to download the official utility from Microsoft called ".Net Framework Repair Tool", which in automatic mode will help you troubleshoot a problem with a component. You will find instructions for this program below.

.NET Framework Repair Tool will find out more problems

According to the Microsoft website, this utility has problems when running and installed or updated, whatever the version. .Net Framework.

Microsoft .Net Framework Repair Tool (online version). | 1.22 MB The utility is designed to identify the most common problems during the operation or installation of the .NET Framework, as well as their automatic removal.

It's a pity "Repair Tool" does not support Russian language. However, all the processes that occur in it are simple and intuitive. The appearance of the koristuvach is:

  1. Press the button periodically "Next";
  2. Please wait for the confirmed changes.
The program tests the system at several stages.

Once an amend is detected, actions will be taken to remove it. After confirmation, you must ensure that the utility is completed and restart your computer.
3. Testing process using the Microsoft .Net Framework Repair Tool.
At the start of the grinding system .Net Framework will be corrected, and you will be able to reinstall the required version of the component (as this process has previously had problems).

If the problem recurs during the installation or operation of a component after the program has stopped, please refer to detailed information about the specific fixes described in the following sections.

Fixing installation update .Net Framework 0x80070643 on Windows 7

Pomilka 643 tied up with a job Renewal Center. The blame goes to the worst of Windows 7 users. Respect!
It is recommended that you begin the activities described below only after familiarizing yourself with the program in chapter: .

Yakshcho "Repair Tool" did not detect a problem, restart the track renovation center Windows for additional ready-made programs written specifically for website or follow the additional algorithm of commands that you can create on your own following the instructions below.

The code in both versions is however new.

The program was created exclusively for ease of use: with this option, you won’t have to carry out daily manipulations manually. Next, we will describe the manual method for restarting the system update.

Please follow the following instructions carefully:

  1. Create an empty text document and copy the following code into a new one:
attrib -h -r -s %windir%\system32\catroot2
attrib -h -r -s %windir%\system32\catroot2\*.*
net stop wuauserv
net stop CryptSvc
net stop BITS
ren %windir%\system32\catroot2 catroot2.old
ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
ren "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\application data\Microsoft\Network\downloader" downloader.old
net Start BITS
net start CryptSvc
net start wuauserv
  1. Save file with extension ".bat" ;
  2. Run the created program as administrator name.
on baby 4 You can look at another croque.

Malyunok 4. The file is saved with the extended ".bat".
Now you can only restart your computer and perform the installation again .Net Framework.

Washing when the platform is installed.

This problem occurs when the installation fails .Net Framework 3.5.Before completing the actions described below, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the section: . Pardons 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, 0x800F0907 In most cases, problems are detected when installing the .NET Framework 3.5, if the operating system has a security update installed KB2966826і KB2966828.

This is due to the fact that Windows updates may not be tested to work or interact with the .NET Framework 3.5 installer.

MS distributors came from the fact that customers will receive new, more current versions of the Framework, and the .NET Framework 3.5 installer itself will be updated before these changes, and do not support these changes in policies and security mechanisms, and carry a stench.

To use Net Framework 3.5 (and below) on new operating systems, you must:

  1. Timchasovo viknuti "Windows Update Center";
  2. viluchiti KB2966826і KB2966828 through the standard “Install and view programs”;
  3. Restart your computer and install again .Net Framework.
After installing the component, you can re-enable automatic updates.

Select a hard drive and folder for unpacking .NET before installation (the installer can select the drive itself, for example drive A:)

The installer of other versions of the .NET Framework selects the appropriate drive and folder at its discretion. It may be possible to make a non-obvious choice, for example, drive A:, or another drive that has no purpose for these tasks.
To get around this problem, just run the installation using the command line (div. Fig. 5): Malyunok 5. Installation of .NET Framework 4.7.1 from unpacking in a specific folder.

The creators of the dot Net Framework have worked hard! They have only Indians there, and it’s hard to write now, because it’s difficult to explain such collections of stupidity with adequate rational activity: the axis of power means installing dotnetfx35.exe itself.

Go to the support site - there are two messages: one means it’s very important for fans - just download the small downloader right away (dotNetFx35setup.exe - 2.7 MB), which then downloads everything else; friend - for those who understand simplicity - the POVNA type (New package .NET Framework 3.5). I choose the AGAIN version! I’m specially showing the language - “Russian” - so we’ve written all included books...

I'll entice you! ... maybe 250 MB.. Well, I definitely think it’s my fault ALL the time (though, to be honest, I can’t wrap my head around why, as a programmer, you can write something that can be stored in this GREAT file with a little EFFECTIVE code!!!).

I’m launching the AGAIN version... and... it’s less likely to entice!!! 70 MB! ... Comrades, Indians:)))) we may have more information about the word POVNA (full) version! I don’t think so anymore - I won’t download anything else - I specially turn off the Internet and run the installer again... The installer gets into hysteria five times, trying to create a link to the Internet))) Perhaps, the creators Statulator not familiar with the functions of verification of evidence Intermediate connection :)))) Having rustled the progress bar without any help, the installer as a result informs that EVERYTHING is secured! (without any Internet) ... why add some miles!? ;))))

The magical process of immediate installation has begun! ...i...

In the best traditions (I’m not pointing fingers at anyone) ... the installation ended in failure by 99%! ... of course, what appeared also prompted me to send a bug report to you know who :)))

Without bothering busy people with my unreasonable problems;))) by typing “Skasuvati” and... (no, I didn’t recognize anyone as a miracle writer) ... and it turned out differently (the creators of Windows will justify their name from the buyer It's clear!): It's clear that the installation was successful! ... yesssssssssssssssssssskuyu)))) I would say mutually exclusive.

And so, forgetting about one joke: when you start the installer, you can read the “License Content” in the window, only the RichEdit field, which contains the text of the item and you need to scroll with the scrollbar - the pad is not very deep, so you can press And once scrolling I won’t come to turn my head to the most disgusting lover of boring reading. You can assume that the authors already understand that no one reads these books)))

When you install the simply necessary package, the system disk will acquire additional Framework packages, including three, allowing IIS access.

The Microsoft .NET Framework is a digital platform that allows you to create, correctly launch and edit various programs and games, when creating certain parts of a particular program, they are written in different program codes. This platform is a digital middle ground, in which a variety of codes taken separately by programs are compiled into one transitional code, which is part of the Framework itself. Then the transition code is compiled into meaningful code for the same operating system as the add-on was expanded. For example, for Windows 7/8/10

You can install this platform in different ways.

  • Having installed the operating system, the update package also includes this platform.
  • Download Net Framework and then install it. (Official messages on our website)
  • Install as additional PZ under the hour of installation.
  • Automatically install Windows Update services for help.

There are episodes: As soon as the game starts up, the program on the screen drains the window of the window: “(having a program) makes it obvious. HI Framework. Please, download and install Net Framework 3.5 or higher.” It is impossible to launch this program without this platform. Just because you have Microsoft Net Framework 4.7 installed, this does not mean that you do not need older versions. You will need to install Microsoft Net Framework 4 and later versions. It is strongly recommended to install all necessary software on your operating system.

Select and install the required versions for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8,10

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

For 32 bit

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 for 64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 for 32/64 bit

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1

Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 for 32/64 bit

Obviously, version 3.5 is installed, which includes older ones, and version 4.7.1 (remaining at the moment)

We'll be happy to help you with your work, and we'll also help you with the installation of components and corrected fixes. Write everything in the comments, a little lower

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Microsoft .NET Framework- platform, fragmented by the corporation Microsoft to provide programs with a beautiful client interface that is easy to integrate and ensure secure communications. Speaking in simple words, Microsoft .NET Framework- this package of components, without any instructions, can be installed and operated correctly, including many popular programs, games, programs and drivers. Also note that the available version of the package is .NET Framework, does not replace the previous one, as all versions work independently as one. To overcome this difficult problem, it is recommended download and install All packages have been listed.

- Requires a built-in library for programming and running programs on Windows.
- Improves the safety and productivity of your computer program.
- Required to run most Windows-based programs.
- Complete work with all versions of Windows.
- It is installed as a “primary” program.
- Go to the list of the most needed programs.
– A support for Russian language.

Few programs

- the output code is closed.

Deposits and additions


- The processor has a clock frequency of 800 MHz or is more powerful.
- RAM 256 MB or more.
- There is plenty of room on a 66 MB hard drive.
- Architecture with a capacity of 32 bits or 64 bits (x86 or x64).
- Operating system Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

Detailed information .NET Framework 3.0

Types of files supported: daily

Power file: Detailed information Control sums

File Name: dotnet.3.exe Directory: files.site/downloads/software/system/components/dotnet File Size: 50 MB File Modification Date/Time: 2012:12:21 13:22:42+01:00 File Type : Win32 EXE MIME Type: application/octet-stream Machine Type: Intel 386 or short and compatibles Time Stamp: 2005:06:28 18:55:01+02:00 PE Type: PE32 Linker Version: 7.10 Code Size: 3 Initialized Data Size: 9216 Uninitialized Data Size: 0 Entry Point: 0x5a45 OS Version: 5.2 Image Version: 5.2 Subsystem Version: 4.0 Subsystem: Windows GUI File Version Number: 3.0.4506.30 Product Version Number0:5 Flags: (none) File OS: Windows NT 32-bit Object File Type: Executable application File Subtype: 0 Language Code: English (US) Character Set: Unicode Company Name: Microsoft Corporation File Description: SFX Setup File Version: 3.0.04506. Internal Name: setup.exe Legal Copyright: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Original Filename: setup.exe Product Name: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 x86 Product Version: 3.0.04506.30 Type File: setup.exe Warning:

This article discusses the ways in which you can install (enable) the .NET Framework 3.5 and .NET Framework 4.5 components in the Windows 10 operating system

.NET Framework- a software platform, which is partly rich in programs and provides functional capabilities for launching these programs. If you are using a Windows operating system, the .NET Framework may already be installed on your computer. Zokrema, version .NET Framework 4.5 included up to Windows 8, version .NET Framework 4.5.1 included before , and version .NET Framework 4.6 included until

However the platform .NET Framework 3.5 does not install automatically with Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, and it is necessary to press it firmly.


What programs are needed .NET Framework 3.5 You won’t know this version on your computer until after installation, or when you first start the program, a dialog box will appear. Select from the notification window Introduce and install this component To install .NET Framework 3.5

How to install .NET Framework 3.5 from the Windows Components window

You can install .NET Framework 3.5 yourself from the Windows Components window.

This option requires an Internet connection.

At the window that has opened Windows components install ensign .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0), press the button OK

The process of installing the .NET Framework 3.5 component will begin.

It is not necessary to select children to activate Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) HTTP, as it does not provide any functionality required by the WCF script or utility.

After completing the installation process, press the button Shut up

If for any reason this method is not suitable for you, you can download the official .NET Framework 3.5 installer from the official Microsoft website https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ua/download/details.aspx?id=21(It is worth remembering that Windows 10 is on the list of supported systems, everything is installed successfully).

How to install .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 10 using DISM

How to connect to the Internet every day, platform .NET Framework 3.5 can be assigned to an additional member of the command line "System for servicing images, larynx and their management" (DISM), indicating the device (USB drive, ISO image or DVD) where Windows 10 is installed

To install the .Net Framework 3.5 component using DISM, enter the following command as administrator and enter the following command:
DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:F :\sources\sxs

De F – drive letter of the Windows 10 distribution (or the route to the unpacked distribution)

After about an hour the component .Net Framework Once installed, restart Windows to complete the operation.

Another installation method .NET Framework 3.5 in Windows 10, which you can vikoristovat, representations in statistics

How to install .NET Framework 4.5 on Windows 10

Windows 10 includes the .NET Framework 4.6, which is similar to versions 4.5, 4.5.1 and 4.5.2. In other words, if you have installed a later version, such as .NET Framework 4.6, you do not need to install previous versions, such as .NET Framework 4.5, 4.5.1 or 4.5.2. Likewise, if you have a later version installed, such as .NET Framework 4.6, you do not need to uninstall older versions, such as .NET Framework 4.5, 4.5.1 or 4.5.2.

If for some reason the system has .NET Framework 4.6 selected, you can simply enable it to install.

You can also download these components directly from the standalone installers from the official Microsoft website:

If for any reason the proposed methods of installation do not work, you can quickly find additional options that can help rectify the situation:

■ On the same page in the 3rd paragraph it is suggested to use the utility .NET Framework Cleanup Tool, which completely removes all .NET Framework packages from the computer. You can then correct the settings when they are re-installed. You will also need to know that .Net Framework 4.5 is already part of the operating system and installed on your computer