Zrobiti visionary background online. Replace a white or plain background with a background online How to create an image in png format

Sometimes it is necessary to enhance the image in order to remove the elements from which the background will be visible. In these situations, it would be handy to capture PNG images, saving the sagacity of insight.

This statistic is clear, How to gain insight in Photoshop.

file creation

The first croc is the result of the file. To do this, open Adobe Photoshop and go to the “File” menu ( File) At the top of the page, select “Create” ( New).

Then at the “New document” window ( New Document) Create a file of the required size, and reconfigure so that the document is set to 72 pixels per inch ( fragments of the assignment file for Wikoristanny on the web). And also, why did you choose the meaning “Prosorium” ( Transparent) In the drop-down list “Instead of background” ( Background Contents).

* Before you create a PNG with transparency in Photoshop, you need to clarify what application you are using to create the image in the background for the site, so the document size is set as follows: width 3000 pixels, height 1730 pixels What are the recommended sizes for beautiful HD image:

Once you have set the parameter values, click “OK” to open the new document.

Then in the “Shari” panel ( Layers) Check out what you are doing on the visible ball, and not on the background one:

Once you have completed the creation and are ready to save the image, in the selected version of Photoshop, in the “File” menu ( File) You can choose one of the following options:

Photoshop versions earlier, lower CC 2015:

We immediately recognize How to create clear images in Photoshop, Which version is earlier than CC 2015. These versions have the “Save for Web” method ( Save for Web & Devices), To save and optimize PNG images for use on the Internet. To quickly use this method, just go to the “File” menu ( File), and further - “Save for the Web” ( Save for Web & Devices):

Then, in the window, select PNG-24 from the menu that displays the possible values, and then scroll down to select the “Visibility” option ( Transparency) І « Convert to sRGB» ( Convert to sRGB). This confirms that the images will have a clear background and the color mode will be converted to sRGB, the recommended color space for the web.

fields " Image size» ( Image Size) Automatically store the values ​​you specified when you created the file. If you want to change the file size before saving, you can do it at once.

Photoshop version CC 2015:

Before that How to create photo clarity in Photoshop, You need to know that with the CC 2015 version, the “Save for Web” option ( Save for Web & Devices) In the "File" menu ( File) Designated as Legacy (outdated). І replaced by a new option “Export” ( Export), which provides identical functionality with greater savings in a smaller file size and in a smaller capacity. To quickly access the “Export” option, click on the “File” menu ( File), and then - " export» ( Export As).

Note: Adobe has previously promoted the “Save for Web” option ( Save for Web & Devices) In Photoshop CC 2015, it is available via the File > Export menu ( File>Export) Either with the correct key combination Command + Option + Shift + S (for Mac) or Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S (for PC):

Then, in the window, select PNG from the menu, then “Format” appears ( Format) And go to select the “Serendipity” option ( Transparency) І « Convert to sRGB» ( Convert to sRGB).

Hello everyone, my dear friends and readers. Every day I write articles on my blog, and obviously every day they need a picture. To do this you have to look for special images on the Internet. Ideally, there are images with a clear background. This makes it much easier for the robot, as the stench fits perfectly into the picture without any obvious objects.

It happens that you know what an awesome image, if it came to a dark theme, but there is a dog like that, with interesting objects and background. And what then? Need good graphics? No way. And just today I’ll show you with satisfaction how to create a clear background for a picture in Photoshop using simple methods.

You can marvel at my article, where I wrote about those. This method is suitable for our mark (you also see the object and transfer it to a new document on a clear background), otherwise I would be glad to use it myself for such complex visions. For the primary visualization of things not needed by the background (that is, the creation of the clear-sighted), we will use more simple methods.

Before you begin the main work, open the image and try to crop it until the element fits in it. It will be easier that way, come on. It’s not easy for Tim to be more timid. Just take it and change the cordon.

Creation of a new document

If you are planning to start working from scratch, then start by telling us so that when you create a new document, you have a clear background. Why create a new document and after setting all the parameters, you must install "Prosorium background". And then we operate in normal mode

Charming stick

With this tool, it is best to clean up the background, whether it is uniform or has a similar structure. For example, I took a photo of a girl on a motorcycle. As you see, there is a white aphid, but we need insight ourselves. Then we crack our fingers and begin to work everything step by step.

If you think that the background is visible either too little or too much, then play with permission. The larger the color, the more similar pixels are stored, since the tolerance is minimal, then exactly one color will be seen, and if you increase it, then more colors will be included in the range , which are close to this color.

Just remember that such images need to be saved in the format PNG, Otherwise, the insight will be ruined and you will again have a white background.

If the background is very different and it is clearly visible that getting permission will not help, then you are quicker than others, for example, or rather laso. Before the speech, I had already shown the price.


The background can also be erased. Yes, yes, yes. Just don’t forget to remove the lock from the ball, otherwise instead of clarity everything will be painted with a white color.

The process is absolutely boring. It is also necessary to pick up the harshness normally, and move calmly, without drowning the element itself, in this type of leopard. In any case, this option cannot be turned off. Is it today?

This is a simpler method, but the tool itself "Background Gumka". One, more simply, so that the background and element differ slightly in color and density. That’s why I took a photograph of a tiger, which is scouring the aphids of the sky. Advanced option.

Well, at the same time, I won’t forget about another eraser. Select from the same group of tools "Charivna gumka". Once again I marvel at the admission. With such a composition, a high level of tolerance can be set, so 80-90 .

Now we just need to press it onto the sky once. Wait, what happened? We no longer need to waste anything. Most of the sky has been shaved by one stamp.

Press the sky on the surplus to tidy it up. The tiger is guilty only of the clear-sighted aphids. Well, everything went according to the scheme. Clean everything up to clarity and save the image in the format PNG.

Well? Chi is not beautiful? That's it. Now you can use it for any collages or similar types of images. You can work in such a way that no one is heading for misfortune))). Well, that’s what your imagination tells you.

Well, if you seriously want to learn how to make beautiful, professional collages, then you’ll have to marvel course by Olenya Vinogradova, Professional in creating collages on this topic. The course is effective and looks like one step at a time.

Well, that’s why I say goodbye to you. I hope that my lesson today will be useful to you and will be useful for you. Don't forget to subscribe to the latest blog and share with your friends on social media. And I recognize you in my other articles. Before we speak, have you forgotten about the competition? Within a week I will announce the results. So let's hurry up! Well, I wish you success. Boo!

With respect, Dmitro Kostin.

It has been long overdue to write a short instruction on how to create a JPG and PNG image from a PSD. Most of this can be done easily, but the instructions are intended for those who do not use Photoshop regularly. For example, deputy assistants created a layout in PSD format (Photoshop).

Files are in PSD format, or Photoshop files. Then you need to first install Photoshop on your computer. I don’t recommend installing pirated versions to avoid introducing Trojans. Adobe is now offering a 30-day free trial period for its products. So feel free to check out the official version of Photoshop from the Adobe retailer website.

1. Open the PSD file

2. Make sure all the required balls are included. All versions are displayed in the “Balloons” panel; when turned on, the balls display an “eyes” icon next to the name. By clicking on this icon with a bear, you can move/disable the display of balls. If you do not use this panel, you will need to turn it on. To enable the display of the “Shari” panel: Top menu> Window> Balls(Or hotkey F7).

3. To export a PSD file to PNG format, you can use a simpler method, but it does not allow you to install additional settings. Please note that most often you will not need additional training. Then in the top menu select: File>Export>Swedish Export to PNG. The window for choosing a way to save the result file will immediately open.

4. The more “stuck through” method provides additional adjustment. Top menu: File> Exportuvati> Exportuvati yak.... The additional settings window will open. Here you can: select the format of the image you want to save (PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG), the ability to change the scale of the image you want to save. After making the necessary adjustments, press the “Export ...” button and select the saving path from the window.

When working with Photoshop, you can be upset by the background of the image. In Photoshop, the background of the image looks like a gray checkerboard, which means that the background is clear.

In this case, only the PNG format will enhance the visibility of the background, while the JPG format generates images with a white background. It is necessary to ensure that you are then going to vikorist this picture on the site for tasks, the background is in white.

I love you, dear readers of my blog!

Recently I needed tidy up the background I'm not particularly good with pictures or photoshop. I’ll tell you that I don’t have anything on my computer. (Well, that’s right, that’s what I can’t deal with).

Ale background from the pictures needed to be somehow tidied up, I began to surf the Internet, in search of the top of my task. There are really a lot of options, but I was wondering if it was easier)). I found a very easy and simple way to remove the background from a picture.

And so, let's get started. We need Photoshop, because I don't have any. I'm an online photoshop vikorist. It’s a really cool thing, I’ll tell you. And first of all, the picture is the background that we want to create insight into.

I’ll show you on the butt, this is the picture, we’ll tidy up the white background

Let's go to online Photoshop. I vikorized the axis PIXLR

Select: Select images from your computer.

Now on the right at the end "SHARI" you need to open the lock

Kilkoma on New Year's Day 2 times with the left button Misha, please check the box.

Now let's go to the panel, where there is no action, select a tool "Charming stick" and tolerance is set to 21.

That’s it, that’s it, if the picture doesn’t wash out the surface, there’s no leftover background, I click again on the spot because I want to get it. Then “edit” ---- “clean”. And so on until you have collected everything you need.

Very often, when I created vital leaflets or videos, I drank from food: How can I earn money? without knowledge photoshop?

Anyone who knows Photoshop will end up without a problem. However, not everyone has yet learned the correct program. How should we deal with it? Is there no way out?

In the future, it is important to make our presentations, greetings, and pages as enjoyable and professional as possible. I have already explained how to use the program for these purposes. We will help you create your pictures and you can use them to create your first impression.

And now I’ll tell you another secret: You’ll learn how to work with the baby’s vision today. Moreover, you can earn money absolutely cost-free and spend only 2 hours of your time.

Let's get started.

Find a picture that suits you. For the cob, there is no image on a non-rich aphid - for example, on a white one. Let's go to the service side. You do not need to go through a tedious registration procedure. Just click on the email to the online service.

You will see an axis like this:

Click on " Captivate images from your computer"Select the picture you have prepared. You can place it in a nearby folder in images. Or on the desktop, so as not to joke around for a long time. Click once on this picture and press" open".

The little one appears on the server side:

There are 3 ends on the right and in the middle of them there is a painted lock. Press the left groin on it twice. This is how the doors to a miracle are opened.

On the left side you see the panel " tools"One of them is that" Charming stick", Which is how fast it is going. Click on it once, and then click on the background of the image you selected on any empty place. A dotted line will appear next to the image.

The final step on the road before re-creation: press the button " Del"(View) on your computer. The background is in a cage. If not the entire area around will be covered with a cage, touch that area again with a charming stick and press the "Del" button

Finally, where will you be asked: “Save the image before closing?” "pressure" So".