Why won't Windows 10 start on the computer. Chi is not zavantazhuetsya Windows after installation of updates. Change parameters in autorun

After a major update, the Windows 10 system is cyclically re-advanced on the cob. And itself, after the adoption of Windows 10, they write: try to restore the previous version of Windows ... Update the previous version of Windows ... Get excited, get started, get connected, restart and renew the same picture.

try usunuti

There is no way to get into safe mode using F8.

Having taken advantage of the Windows 10 installation disk and running system updates

having tried to speed up with the tools "Windows recovery for an additional point of recovery" and "Troubleshooting, which are important for Windows".

Ale otrimav podomlennya about those that the system is not selected.

Enable the launch in safe mode via the command line.

bcdedit / set (default) safeboot minimal- for offensive zavantazhennya in safe mode.

team bcdedit /deletevalue (default) safeboot - for skasuvannya zavantazhennia in safe mode.

Ale, the system saw the notification “Do not enter into the data of the configuration of the entanglement. It is impossible to know the power supply of the system attachments »


More than anything, with the upgrade, the configuration of the BCD driver was lost.


Also, in order to update the configuration of the advancer (BCD), it is necessary to install from the original Windows 10 installation disk (either the replacement disk or a specially prepared advance flash drive) and enter the command line window: select System update -> Diagnostics -> Command row. More screenshots.

Run diskpart:

Show the list of disks in the system:

Choose a disk on which Windows 10 is installed (as there is only one hard disk in the system, the index will be zero):

We show the list of distributions in the system:

Significantly expanded EFI, it is possible to expand for 100-450 MB and may use the FAT32 file system. Remember the letter and index assigned to the EFI partition and the partition with the installed Windows 10. Since there are no letters in the EFI partition, it is significant that the EFI partition is assigned a drive letter:

assign letter = V:

We complete the work with diskpart:

Let's go to the catalog with a zavantazhuvachem ( boot) At the attached distribution. Depending on the situation, the catalog can be found in different folders. Need to know the folder boot. As a rule, you can go to it using this command:

cd /dv:\efi\microsoft\boot\

For help utility bcdboot.exe re-create the BCD repository by transferring the files of the capture medium from the system directory:

bcdboot C:\Windows /L ru-ru /S V: /F ALL

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that you have divided Windows, you can use a different letter, you can use it in diskpart.

Rezavantage computer.

New operating system. There may be updates to the interface. Call to the new one, it's far from skinny. Prote at once support Windows 7 is attached. І koristuvachs have to switch to "high" and "top ten". It doesn't matter that the new operating system is often plagued by crashes and malfunctions in the robot. Why is it so robust that people don't start Windows 10? How to solve the problem? Rozіbratisya in tsikh food we lie far. In fact, as if following the current instructions, the thing can be taken away once and for all.

Dzherela vsіh bіd

Windows 10 not working? Such a phenomenon may have impersonal reasons. І often it is problematic to detect them.

In practice, problems with starting the operating system are blamed on:

  • a few drivers;
  • conflicts of possession;
  • the absurdity of "zalіza";
  • virus infection of the PC;
  • visibility on the computer of the great obsession with information;
  • processor switching;
  • system failure;
  • critical pardons;
  • poshkodzhennaya obladnannya.

It is problematic to find the correct cause of the failure. Chi does not start "Windows 10"? What work? All deposited in a specific situation. Below we will look at the most wide-ranging options for the development of pods.


Too bad to complain that they won't run "Windows 10" after the update. Similar situations are expected to be settled, but none of them are insured. "Microsoft" deliberately releases updates that cause problems with the launch of operating systems.

How to fix the situation? As if "Windows 10" does not start after the update, it will happen either to deactivate the OS, or I will reinstall it again. The first option is the most acceptable.

How to update Windows 10 as follows:

  1. Rezavantage computer.
  2. For the hour when the machine is turned on, press F8.
  3. Click on the "Diagnostics" menu item.
  4. Go to the nadbudovi "Vіdnovlennya".

You can just sit and check while the operating system itself picks up. As soon as all necessary manipulations will be carried out, the computer will be reset. Dalі OS is guilty of bude zapratsyuvat on povnu force.

System upgrade

But sometimes similar ones do not help. Koristuvach still has a black screen when Windows 10 is taken. What is the work?

Koristuvach can choose the point of origin of the entire operating system. This technique is effective in case of failures associated with updates. Wines are not suitable for critical pardons.

Also, to enable Windows 10, you will need:

  1. Turn on the computer and at the moment of system capture, press F8.
  2. Go to "Diagnostics" - "Additional parameters".
  3. Choose a point of inspiration.
  4. Pochekat kіlka khvilin.

All rescheduled croki check the operating system for the selected date. Start the process of taking away all the sprat of whilin, but sometimes it will be brought to checks more.

Shvidke solution

Why won't Windows 10 start? Sometimes the cause of this is the very primary systemic failures. The stench is leading up to the fact that the koristuvach bachit

How to fix the situation? First of all, the corruption of the coristuvach is to blame - re-vantaging the operating system. For example, turning off and turning on the computer. If the reason is a system failure, Windows will start up successfully.


Chi does not start "Windows 10"? With this problem, a lot of coristuvachiv stick together. In some cases, when the operating system is occupied, the screen is black, but the sounds "behind the scenes" are strange.

A similar phenomenon indicates problems with a video card. Bring it on її and replace. After that, the operating system will be restarted. You can take the computer to the service center and report your suspicions. Meister to reconsider the practicality of the video card and to help fix the problem.


Does a black screen appear when Windows 10 is locked? This can also be done through a bad BIOS update. The only correct solution is the choice of parameters.

It is possible either for the additional BIOS menu, or for the additional pressure on the special jumper on the motherboard. The simplest solution is to install batteries in the computer. To finish the wine її for a few seconds and insert it back.


Windows 10 won't start? The black screen keeps popping up again and again? Help start in safe mode. This option is good, as the reason for the failure is in the drivers.


  1. Restart OS.
  2. Press F8 and go to the diagnostics menu.
  3. Select "Additional parameters" - "Promotion parameters" - "Re-advantage".
  4. Press on F4.

From i all. After the overhauled manipulations, the automatic launch of the Windows 10 safe mode will be performed. With this help, you can see the drivers, as well as fix the OS.


How buti, how koristuvach suspects that his computer is infected? Bring the OS to the presence of viruses. However, if the system does not take off, it will not be so easy to build it.

For instilling ideas into life, the coristuvach is guilty:

  1. Go into safe mode "Windows 10" with the latest drivers.
  2. Launch antivirus.
  3. Scan the system.
  4. See all potentially unsafe objects. Clean up infected files (as possible).
  5. Restart OS.

If everything is set up correctly, then the computer will be charged. Not much of a similar receptionist is those who often have viruses to destroy the operating system. The first time you remove them, you will have to reinstall Windows.

Register for help

Does a black screen appear when Windows 10 is locked? Kozhen koristuvach can get stuck with pardons of the system registry. The stench is to the point that the OS is not zavantazhuєtsya. Tse dosit an unacceptable presence, but after it you can turn around.

Bazhano speed up with additional software. Learn about the CCleaner program. For help, it will automatically clean up and update the PC registry.

You will need:

  1. Run Windows 10 in safe mode (with drivers).
  2. Launch CCleaner.
  3. Click on "Analysis", then on "Cleansing".
  4. Open the "Register" tab.
  5. Click on "Revision".
  6. Dochekatisya completed operation.

As practice shows, once the registry is updated, it will be possible to re-introduce the operating system like "Microsoft". Dosvіdcheni koristuvachі zdatnі skoristatisya commanding line for instilling ideas in life.

Inconsistency and conflicts

Windows 10 is a completely new operating system. It sticks with the inconsistency of the old possession. To that, when the OS is occupied, a black screen will appear. In some vipadkas on the new one, you can sing a text with a pardon. Vіdpovіdna wrote to help you determine what is in conflict with you.

It doesn’t matter to figure out what to do to fix the problem, replace the stupid attachments. Bazhano install "Windows 10" on a new computer. I choose "Zalіzo", like є summіsnym zі zgadanim software security. Such a similar variant of the development of the subdivision does not require a coristuvach.

too much

Windows 10 won't start? The operating system works and is taken care of properly? In this way, I happen to scan the computer for the presence of viruses. Can't you? Then it is necessary to clean up the registry. All one PC galmuє? Yakshcho koristuvach vpevneniy in the tightness of the computer, happen to take care of OS adjustments.

Call out to start up to the next manipulations:

  • turn on "Dispatch manager" and in the section "Autostart" turn on the main program;
  • vidaliti all zayve software security;
  • look for old and non-required files (to clear the cat);
  • defragment the hard disk (you can clean up and update the registry).

As a rule, everything helps to speed up the computer's work. And then the operating system will be zavantazhuvatisya and you will be able to drink the koristuvach more quickly.


We explained why "Windows 10" does not start in that other way. We are far away from dealing with the main mass of troubles and malfunctions. Now the decision of the assigned task is not to be troubled.

In order not to go out to find out why the black screen in Windows 10 is the reason, you have to bring the computer to the service center. There the car is welcomed in the shortest terms. Since there are no important data in the OS, you can save the install disk and reinstall the system. This is one of the most effective methods.

And so, you spend the evening at the computer - play, chat, walk around, and Windows quickly pick up your commands. Everything is visible! Idyllia! However, it’s not good to think that it will be so. Know: Windows is available for you to trick you. Won't just check the moment, if you get nazdozhenut yakіs terminovі right, schob ... show you the muzzle. More precisely - it is impossible to get carried away.

Zbіy zavantazhennya Windows is a sight of greatness, but according to the law of vileness, it will ring out if you need a computer. So that the situation did not catch you knowing, it is important to prepare for it ahead of time. Let's talk about how robust Windows 10 is not zavantazhuetsya, why is it necessary and what is the fault of the mother of the leather coristuvach, to solve this problem as quickly as possible.

Why won't you be vandalized

P Rіchіna unloadability "dozens" are software and hardware. Programs related to the extensions (poshkodzhennyam) zavantazhuvalnyh and system files and / or vodpovidalnye for the launch of the distribution of the registry. They usually have wines:
  • Installing one more operating system in another branch of the accumulator (the new OS replaces the old one with its own).
  • Experiments with disk partitions - squeezing, merging, filing, formatting and more. A typical pardon, just like the last of a similar one, is "" (systemic zavantazhuvach squeezing).

  • Unqualified manual editing of the system registry.
  • Vykoristannya different "cleaner-twikalok" for speeding up and beautifying the system, like "vipadkovo" change the registry keys for starting, patch files, etc.
  • Incorrectly got up Windows updates or turned off the PC during the installation of the update.
  • Viruses and antiviruses. Do not be surprised, the rest can bring shkodi no less, lower than the first, as if they were thoughtlessly victorious. It’s all the same to take pills without parsing, spodіvayuchis, scho among them appear appropriate.
  • Zbіyni drayrivіv pristroїv. Entanglement in such situations is interrupted by the blue screen of death, sometimes from the assigned driver name, which calls out the problem.
  • "Kostrubat" add-on in autorun. Zbіy at tsimu vіdbuvaєtsya on pіznіh stages of zavantazhennya - shortly before the appearance of the working table.

Hardware reasons for not starting Windows 10:

  • Changing the order of experimentation of vanishing noses in the BIOS (the computer searches the zavantazhuvach windy on the system disk, but, for example, on flash drives).
  • Connecting a disk to the wrong port on the motherboard, on which one was used earlier - as a result, it became impossible after the hard disk was removed and re-installed in the computer. Appears pardon INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE on the blue screen of death.

  • Incorrect or filthy connection of the system accumulator. It often appears that you get "" (system vanisher unavailable) on a black screen. Inode - zupinkami, restart, BSoD'ami at any stage of zavantazhennya.

  • Incorrect operational memory. Like in case of problems with the disk, it manifests itself as re-engagement and blue screens at any stage of launch.
  • Vihіd z ladu elementіv vіdeopіdsistemy. Windows can be zavantazhuvatisya when you do it, but don’t beat it, because the screen will become black. Sometimes about those that the system is zavantazhilas, you can only recognize by the characteristic sound.
  • Other problems of setting up, for example, the mother's board, peripherals, etc.

Get ready for the best

Since 80-90% of Windows 10 failures fall due to software failures, today's article is devoted to methods to deal with them.

Also, to ensure the normal launch of Windows, the computer needs to be taken on Wednesday. If Windows 7 was previously installed, then you know that the middle system itself is installed on the disk at once with the main system. І to appear in it, you need to open the menu of additional methods of attraction (having pressed after turning on the computer F8) and go to the section « Usunennya malfunctions».

At the “ten”, the middle of the anniversary is also є, but so the hour of the її zavantage in the windows of Windows 7 noticeably changed, the interval, if you can call up the exciting menu, also becoming richly shorter. The chance to hit the button you need at the same time (more precisely, F8 and Shift) is only in one case: as the system is installed on a hard drive to the MBR standard and in the power settings of the PC or laptop, the option of a smart start is enabled. If the system is to be installed on an SSD or a hard drive to the GPT standard, you will need a more advanced wearable.

For emergency recovery of Windows 10, it is optimal to mount on DVD or a flash drive or an official distribution kit, moreover, there is the same bitness as installations on a PC. As an alternative, you can vicorate an exciting package of utilities MS DaRT 10 (Microsoft Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset for Windows 10 ).

MS DaRT distributions (in the past they were called "ERD Commander"), officially expand only on paid subscriptions, it's hard to know them in the community. For example, on torrent trackers. Windows 10 images are available for download from the Microsoft website.

Like a butt, I will win the home release of the “tens”, recordings on an exciting flash drive, the shards are all necessary in the new year.

Let's go to Windows 10 Wednesday

In times of blockage, the “ten”, as a rule, tends to be self-confident. If you want to give up, the coristuvach does not take away any reminders, just starting the computer is three times better. In case of failure, a reminder may appear on the screen, as in the screenshot below, but more often it will be just “Malevich’s square” with the cursor, or without or the blue screen of death with a summed smiley.

The variant of the crash, shown on the screenshots, can be quite pleasant. Pressed, " Additional parameters»You will spend on Wednesday, installed on a hard disk, and you won't be able to boot into it from a normal wear. But we can see a more important change, if the system does not show the everyday sign of life.

Connect your nose to the computer, re-advantage, and install it with the first advanced add-on.

Vіkno, yake you will be the first after zavantazhennya from a flash drive (DVD), you will be asked to choose a new system. Like a Russian call, press " far».

Next, you will be asked to proceed to the installation or Windows update. press " System upgrade».

On the screen" choose dії»Press« Poshuk and troubleshooting". Axis vi and on the mist.

Parameters for updating the launch of "dozens"

At the distribution parameters of the update (screen " Additional parameters”) There are 5 updates:
  • Renovation of the system. When you select this option, the standard Windows utility is launched rstrui.exe, Assigned as - system voucher for one of the saved control points.
  • Reinforcing the image of the system. Starts the master of winding Windows from a backup copy, created by the authorities of the OS.
  • Reinforcement when interested. Correction of pardons of lucrative files and distributions.
  • command line. Allows you to run various system utilities.
  • Turning to the front selection. Upgrade to the previously installed version of the OS in different ways, as it was upgraded to Windows 10.

Return to checkpoint

At the return to the recently created control point - a shortening of the first aid for all types of systemic failures, including if you do not know their cause.

By clicking on the first item, it starts up, better for everything, you already know the renewal utility. Do it for them to select the date and hour, if you want to work it out, and follow the instructions on the screen.

In order to speed up this option, it is necessary to have a presence in order to save one control point and properly operate the system update function. If the rest of the bula was turned on before the crash, skip this part and try other methods.

Reinforcement in case of interest

This option effectively helps in different ways, or the removal of files, for example, when installing an additional OS to the next partition of the disk after Windows 10. And also with the advanced formatting or other manipulations with the “Reserved by the system” partition.

command line

Before the command line itself, it doesn’t change anything, but it does give the ability to run other tools. So, with the help of our help, we can open the Windows Explorer to see the installation process (the letters of the expansion in the middle of the update and do not sound when the system is normal), run the system file pardon repair, the registry editor and the utility utility.

Even though the checkpoint and auto-saving at startup (the first and other options) did not give the required result, the console utility often helps BCDBoot. You will rewrite the attachments distributed “Reserved by the system” and copy them to the new advanced files from the Windows directory.

For the correct operation of BCDBoot, it is necessary to specify the partitioning of the Windows folder on the hard drive. To be recognized, you can speed up the utility diskpart, Ale, I care that it’s better to work through the conductor.

Otzhe, schob drank in the explorer, vidkriemo command line and run in nіy notebook ( notepad).

Perebuvayuschie in notepad, go to the menu " file", Viberemo" vіdkriti»I go to the folder« whole computer". Next, let's go through the partitions of the disk and it is significant, in which of them the system catalog is located. My butt has disk D.

Then we turn to the command row and follow the instructions:

BCDboot D:\Windows

Catch your respect, you may have a different path to the system papacy.

For 80% of the startups, there is enough, so that the “ten” could start normally. Ale, in about 20% of cases, the command was not correct - it does not open all of the interesting files. In order to help the utility a little bit, before following the instructions in the command line, it is necessary to format the reservations of the advanced division (in my case - drive C) in FAT32. You can also use diskpart for help, but I know what is better - through the explorer.

Two next console commands re-arrange the vanishing records of the entire storage unit (MBR) and system partition (VBR). Їх stop for solving problems with running Windows on disks to the MBR standard.

Whack the commands one by one in this order:



As soon as you vipadkovyte їх on the GPT disk, nothing terrible will happen.

In a number of cases, problems with launching are blamed on the failure of not vanishing, but of the main system files, for example, after a virus attack. As you, perhaps, you know, there is a special utility for fixing them in Windows Sfc.exe. So the axis, the start of the command line її tezh can be launched in the middle of the renewal.

The command to search and repair pardons for stolen system files in the middle of the update looks like this:

sfc /scannow/offbootdir=D:\/offwindir=D:\

parameter offbootdir determines the distribution of the main investigative division (in my butt, as you remember, the disk D), and offwindir- the way to the system papacy.

Vikoristovuyuchi command line, you can repair and pardon the registry of an unbootable system. Ale, on the front of the previous instructions, it is necessary to know exactly what to correct and how to pardon the records of the guilty to look normal.

Zupinyatisya on pardons registry, scho prizvodzhennya Windows 10 to failure, I will not, because the topic is a great article. I will describe only the methodology for launching the editor regedit.exe in the middle of announcing and filing in a new file in the registry, so that you have the opportunity to correct a pardon, you know about it.

Otzhe, to start the editor, we write the word in the command line regedit and pressing Enter.

You know that this utility already has a present register, but not the one that is needed. In front of us is the ruling register of the medium of innovation, and the main system is to blame us.

To get started in RegEdit, files in the Windows 10 registry are visible in the left half of the editor's window HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_USERS, Open the menu " file»I click item« Zavantageti kushch».

At the window of the explorer, so that we can see the next, let's go to the folder D:\Windows \System32\config(Your drive letter may be different) and choose the required file.

Files without extensions in the \System32\Config folder - and є warehouse parts (study) of the Windows 10 registry. Main framed.

Ladies of the bush, be aware of them (you will be timchasovim, as long as you do not vivantage) and press OK.

Next, I split it up, into which we occupied the bush, and the axis of the wines is in front of us, available for editing. My application has a registry file software, Which I changed in time to soft_win_10.

After making edits, we will go back to the editor menu " file»I press on« vivantage living booth».

Turning to the front selection

This way of renewal is available for a non-trivial hour (10-30 days in the fall due to licenses) after updating Windows 7 or 8 to "tens". It is possible only for the sake of saving files in the older OS, as they are placed in the Windows.old folder.

If the selected files are rotated before the earlier installed, the special files of the koristuvach will become short-lived, but everything that is broken after the update will be skewed.

Reinforcing the image of the system

Restoring an image from a backup helps to turn the system back up in case of any malfunctions, but the problem is that it is practically impossible to create anything.

As a matter of fact, you are blamed for the rules and happy volunteer to have a fresh backup copy, select an item from the list of parameters of assignments on the screenshot,

Specify the program of renewal of the place of saving the image and follow the instructions.

All data given by the non-original OS will be replaced by reference copies from the archive. Like in this warehouse, there are files of the koristuvach, so it will also hit.

Far inspiration!

Over time, the system will be zavantazhuvatisya all the more and more. If you ever bring it up, the inclusion procedure will take more than an hour. Ale є ways that allow її speed up.

Causes of long-term interest

Whether it be a robot with a system of calls її zabrudnennya. Obviously, the computer tries to clean and repair itself, but it's always impossible to work. Causes, through the process of zavantazhennya too long, there are differences:

  • fragmentation of the disk, on which all signs for corystuvach and system files are found;
  • a small amount of free space on the disk;
  • nesumіsnі dodatki, the launch of some of them is important given to the system;
  • a large number of add-ons in auto-advantage;
  • zabrudnennya registry;
  • outdated drivers;
  • infected with viruses;
  • breakdown or zabrudnennya physical components of the computer.

These problems are relevant for all versions of operating systems, and let's take a look at the solution for Windows 10. Krim tsgogo, animal respect for the change in the method of zavantazhennya, like allowing you to speed up the launch of the system.

quick interest

If you cannot pinpoint the reason for the full entanglement, follow all the descriptions and instructions for use. Once again, check if the speed of the launch has changed, so you know, what is the best way to get into the problem at once and help in the future, if the situation is similar to the new one.


A hard disc of breaking into memory chambers. Leather once, if it is recorded on a new one, the middles are fixed, if they are erased, they are called. Ale s an hour to go out so that the vilni and occupied middles start to grow uperemish. In this case, I should speak about disk fragmentation. It’s out of the question to reduce the speed of recording and reading from the new, so that the system starts to go more than an hour to search for the necessary information.

This problem is relevant only for HDD disks, SSD works for a different principle. But Windows 10 knows about it, that's why the optimization option for the skin type is a special option. You didn’t win any BV disk, win the next steps:

  1. Show the power of any partition of the disk by selecting the "Power" item in the context menu of the required disk.

    Check disk power

  2. Go to the "Service" tab, highlight the "Optimize" button.

    At the “Service” tab, click on the “Optimize” button

  3. Start analysis. After you finish it, you will know what will require the disk in optimization.

    Click on the "Analyze" button to start the disk analysis

  4. If the feedback is positive, start optimizing. Files designated for the koristuvach will not be read, but rather moved around the disk itself so that it would be easier for the computer to interact with them. The only change, remember, is the increase in the security of the enterprise and the work of the system.

    Click on the “Optimize” button to start the disk defragmentation process

Video: how to defragment a disk in Windows 10

spring month

A small amount of free time to bring to the point that the system will be able to complete even a great deal of data when entangled. It is also necessary to use a piece of unoccupied space for saving time files. There is no way to do yoga, it is important to bring the system. Therefore, change over to the fact that if you want 15-20% of the skin section is not taken. In the last article, there are a few programs that allow you to clean up the space from non-essential files automatically.

Clean up the place, as if the disk is overflowing

Enabling autostart of downloaded programs

Deyakі programs run independently, like only koristuvach to enter the system. Even though there are a lot of similar programs, but the stench is powerful, then on their launch there is a large number of system resources and, obviously, an hour.

Be careful not to tidy up the antivirus list from the list, because it’s always the fault of the launches.

Video: How to clean up an auto-enable program in Windows 10

conflicting programs

Programs that are mutually exclusive are called conflicting programs. In a situation, if two programs cannot work one with one, they rarely collide.

Warto remember about one smut rule - do not beat more than one antivirus. If you install two or more antiviruses at the same time, they will block the other ones more often, and reduce the productivity and protection of the system.

registry cleaning

The registry accumulates information about pardons, bit files and other obstructive elements. Clean yoga manually - a long and unsafe way. Therefore, in the last statute, the programs are repaid, the building is automatically created for you.

Video: how to manually clean the registry in Windows 10

Rechecking drivers

Depending on the presence of the correct drivers, it should be possible to determine the interdependence of the elements of the system. The drivers of the video card and the processor are added to the speed of interest. Perhaps, you have installed not the original drivers from the vibrator, but the universal ones from Microsoft. You can reduce the productivity of the elements.

  1. Fire up "Attachment Manager". Yogo can be known through the Poshukov system row.

    Open "Additional Manager" via the "Start" menu

  2. Look for a video card in the list, check for power. As in the row "Digital Signature" is assigned to Microsoft, wait for the next steps. If there is a common maker (for example, NVidia, Intel, AMD, etc.), then nothing needs to be done.

    Recognize the creator of drivers by marveling at the “Digital Signature” item

  3. Go to the tab "Vidomosti" and copy the ID of the owner.

    Find out "VD possession" to know the required driver in a new way

  4. For the copied values, you will find and download the drivers from the official site of the compiler.

    Download the drivers for the video card from the website of the virobnik

  5. Turn back to "Additional Manager". I want to select the video card again and start the driver update process.

    Tick ​​the "Update Drivers" button

  6. Choose manual installation, enter the path to an earlier downloaded file and check the installation is complete. Repeat the same for the processor.

    Enter the path to the driver and start the installation process

virus cleaning

Check the installation of the anti-virus and check again the check. Obov'yazkovo start in full, and not in a swedish scan. It will take more than an hour, but the result will be better. After the scan is complete, do not forget to allow the antivirus to erase the viruses it finds.

Check out the virus check of your computer

Breakdowns of physical components and their confusion

Possibly, the components of your computer are corrupted or out of date and it is no longer possible to launch the Windows 10 important thing. Ale back to back to the fact that the computer of purifications looks like a saw. Open the cap and turn it over, maybe, it’s so rich that it will overheat the components, and then, in your line, bring the system to an upgrade. Carefully tidy up the saws and turn them over, so that the system of pratsyuvati shvidshe has become.

Next clean the computer and the saw to protect the physical components from overheating

Activation of the swedish enticement

Windows 10 has a feature that allows you to speed up the cost of saving money to help change the way you save money. When the computer is turned off, it is more likely to zawantzhuvat part of the files into a special file, and when it is turned on again, it will send some sounds, which will definitely speed up the process.

  1. Open the "Control Panel", knowing through the row of the "Start" menu, and go to the "Electricity" block.

    Select branch "Electric Life"

  2. Click on the row "Dії buttons eating".

    Click on the button "Dії buttons of eating"

  3. Navigate to change inaccessible parameters.

    Open the section "Changing the parameters, as they are not available at the moment"

  4. Check the box next to the "Swiddy Start" function. Done, when the computer is turned on, it will start to get more swept up.

    Activate swedish start

  5. As a function of the day, it means that the hibernation mode is on. You can activate yoga through the "Command Row", run with administrator rights. For whom it is necessary to know її through the prompt row of the Start menu and, by right-clicking the mouse, select the item “Run as administrator” in the context menu. At the end, run the powercfg -h on command. Hibernation is activated, and the "Swift Start" function will become available for inclusion.

    Run the command powercfg -h on to turn on the deep sleep mode

Video: how to activate swidy startup in Windows 10

Programs for automatic optimization

As it was said more, deacons for optimization are better trusted by programs, their list is given below. It is strongly recommended only from the official websites of the virobniks.

Don't ever cheat with programs that promise to speed up your system, right away. Optimization is possible only with a one-time, and not a permanent insertion. Such programs only support the operation of the system.


The program is smart, bezkoshtovna and simple, after the launch it will be necessary to press only the "Analyze" and "Clear" buttons. For help, you can put in order not only the disk, but also the registry.

Advanced System Care

A cost-free program with an accepting design, for example, cleaning up the disk, registry and optimizing the system as a whole. The number of functions, as they won't, lie down in the boxes you ticked in the bottom block of the program.

With the help of Wise Disk Cleaner, you can quickly clean the system, registry and defragment the disk

Video: How to use Wise Disk Cleaner

It is possible to speed up the system acquisition in various ways. Golovne, know among them the one who solves the problem in your mind. With this varto, speed up with special programs, yakі take on a part of the work.

Problems with the affected operating system Windows 10 are blamed for various reasons. It will sound when there are hardware failures, or software pardons, for example, as if it were a hard case to uninstall the system file. Do not turn off and the possibility of infection of the computer with small software security. Let's take a look at the reasons for the impossibility of catching Windows 10 and the ways to overcome it.

Why Windows 10 doesn't get excited

Forgiveness, which indicates a malfunction in the robotic operating system, may be dekilka and all stinks manifest themselves in different ways:

  • after the completion of the advance, a blue screen appears, the system prompts the re-entry to restart;
  • a black screen appears: start talking about the presence of a serious hardware malfunction on the PC;
  • pardon codes are requested: it is recommended to write down the designated codes and learn from them information about the pardon and methods of adoption;
  • other inaccuracies.

As a matter of fact, the reasons for the impossibility of Windows 10 advancement are divided into two groups:

  • software reasons;
  • hardware malfunctions.

Reasons for not loading Windows 10 can be caused not only by failures in the system itself, but by component failures

software reasons

A lot of hardcore PCs often go as far as installing software products from unknown sources. Among such appear be-yaki unprotected websites.

Programs zavantazhenі z nevіdomih dzherel, often mіstya shkіdlivy code, which infects other files on the computer. It can lead to damage to the integrity of the installed software and system files, and, as a result, problems when the OS is invaded.

As you take advantage of software over the Internet, work only for stealing resources. You can do it this way by the next step: in the address bar of the browser, the type of the https protocol is obligatorily guilty. I'll show you that you're victorious in a safe way. Downloading files from such sites minimizes the risk of computer failure and damage to the integrity of the operating system.

Installing an add-on OS

Quite often, problems with Windows 10 zavantazhenny z'yavlyayutsya after the installation of another operating system. In this way, system files, spread on one and the same partition of a hard drive, can conflict one with one, which calls for a pardon when the OS is involved.

The presence of multiple operating systems on one outbuilding can often lead to pardons and problems when

It is significant that the presence of a number of operating systems can lead to the use of one of them. If you have an urgent need to install two or more operating systems at once, install them in different distributions. This way you can eliminate conflicts in robotic system files.

Sloppy work with hard disk partitions

A hard disk is a kind of basis for a personal computer. Itself here all the most important information is revealed: system files, data of the coristuvacha and addenda and a lot more.

With inaccurate or unprofessional work with partitions of the hard disk, it can be unstable. Fallow in the form of a specific problem, the coristuvach closes with the coming:

  • out of the fret of Winchester;
  • viniknennya pardons when working with a computer;
  • pardons when the OS is occupied.

If you don't have much urgent need to create an impersonal subdivision of a hard disk, then win alone. Tim yourself, you will change the risk of blaming problems with the operating system in the future.

Working with the system registry

Anonymous data is saved from the system registry of the personal computer. For example, after installation of programs or additional data about them, they are recorded in the registry itself. Here you can enter digital signatures, customize the robot with utilities and much more.

It is not correct to use the capabilities of the system registry to produce extremely negative results.

Whiskey software for changing the design

Often koristuvachі want mother garne design of the working table or try to optimize the work of a personal computer in any possible way. In cihs and other types of stench, they install additional software security.

Regardless of the fact that de coristuvach zavantazhiv utilities for registration, the stench can potentially carry Skoda. For a year, through these utilities, you can get stuck with the problems of taking over the OS.

Don’t get too carried away with design programs for Windows 10 - most of all, the stench itself provokes problems when the system is occupied

Utilities that help improve PC productivity and optimize your robot can also harm ordinary buggers. It is not important to go to those that such programs are as simple as possible, and a large part of them is no longer necessary to make their own corrections in the registry and other system elements.

If you have run into OS problems through similar utilities, then to clean the registry, only check for CCleaner programs or similar ones.

bugs update

Updates for the Windows 10 operating system are released regularly. And sometimes the problem resolves itself in these updates. For example, if it doesn't come out with bugs, as a result of which the coristuvachi stick with pardons when the OS is occupied. Ale, it trapleyaetsya rarely, and Microsoft Corporation fixes faults promptly, issuing patches for updates.

Krym tsgogo, іsnuyut dodatkovі problems, in the form of some coristuvach not insured:

  1. You haven't received the completed installation. In such a situation, either at the onset of the start of the system, you will restart the installation, otherwise you will have problems when working with a PC.
  2. You should deinstall important files after updating. It can lead to an incorrect robotic system as a whole.

Problems in robot drivers

Key components of personal computers or laptops and drivers. All software products, which are supplied in the form of a distributor, will synchronize the work of the attachments. It’s rich in why, in the very sight of them, to lie down those, with a few koristuvachevs, will be handy to work with a computer. The appearance of pardons in this software caused great problems (for the fault of the drivers in the installation / conclusion of data).

Before pardons, the zavantazhennia of the operating system cause malfunctions in the robotic drivers only in the following components:

  • PC motherboard;
  • graphics adapter;
  • operational memory;
  • hard disk.

speedy software

Viruses, trojans and other kinds of sloppy software, apparently, do not promise anything good. Most of them make corrections in the installed files and exploit them for their own benefit.

When blamed for problems due to the interference of the operating system, do not forget about the most obvious reason for this - viruses and malware

Utilities of this type are often registered in the parameters of the autoloading of a personal computer and entered in the system registry. Through ce in the region it is foldable independently to install and install the shkіdlive PZ. In this case, it is best to win anti-virus programs.

To protect against viruses and other "malicious" it is recommended to win only licensed anti-virus products. The stench regularly otrimuyut novlennya, to that koristuvach bude plunders in a vіd-yakikh brought in base shkіdlivih programs.

It should be noted that the Windows 10 operating system can be protected against viruses, like, on the front of the previous versions, working effectively.

Addendums in auto-acquisition

Programs that are installed after the installation are installed in the auto-enablement distribution are activated automatically when Windows 10 starts.

hardware failure

Apparatus problems - the most negative option for the development of the future. On the right, in the fact that a large part of such malfunctions can only be repaired by a timely replacement of the component systems.

Regardless of the cause of the appearance of hardware problems, it is necessary to fix them more quickly, because All the details of the system are mutually related. For example, if the refrigeration system was out of order, then the PC manager can take care of the entire outbuilding.

Change the BIOS

BIOS is a tool for working with the hardware of a personal computer. Zavdyaki you can change the order of activation of computer elements and the functionality of parts, learn about the camp of components (for example, temperature) and much more.

As a result of changing the order of the entry of elements of the system with an incorrect order, it will increase the number of pardons when the Windows 10 operating system is invaded.

RAM problems

Problems in the working memory of a personal computer are characterized by the appearance of the so-called blue screen. To that, in which the problem lies itself, it is awkward in this way.

Operational memory is an important element of the entire system: time files are saved in it when working with a computer.

The appearance of the "blue screen of death" is a clear sign of the obvious problems in the operational memory

The main causes of faulty RAM faults can be seen:

  • mechanical failure of the element;
  • transferring the maximum amount of memory storage (system fees are exchanged in the RAM);
  • I'll make a mess.

Incorrect hard drive connection

The leather element of the personal computer is connected and synchronized with others for additional special cables - loops. Often, these failures or incorrect connections can be the reason for why the koristuvach sticks with pardons when the OS on your computer is occupied.

Most often there is an incorrect connection of the hard drive to the motherboard. About those who are your own type, you can easily recognize the coming pardon code: INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE.

Malfunctions of the system storage device

A large part of the pardons when the Windows 10 operating system is taken over indicates that there are problems in the installed storage device. The problem may lie in the fact that you have a victorious hard drive or a faulty connection to the computer.

Problems in the robot graphics adapter

The Windows operating system is a graphic element. Obviously, if you don't want to display the image on the monitor screen, you should be aware of problems in the video driver robot or in the case of a separate payment. About this problem, you can signal the BIOS, in the fallacy in the installed version.

Malfunctions of other elements

Pardons at the start of the Windows 10 operating system can appear for a number of other reasons. For example, if you have a keyboard turned on, the system will not start. Modern computers are equipped with such a rank that the stench is far behind, even before the OS is taken up, it is undeniable that they tell you about it.

The motherboard, as it seems, is the most important element of a personal computer and laptop. It literally unites in itself the functional possibility of all the installed elements. By itself, components are installed and connected to it. Let go of the okremikh elements, for example, a private or private bridge, you can call for a pardon when Windows 10 is occupied.

To prove faults in the elements of the mother board (for example, a pivnіchny bridge), if the OS is involved, excuse pardons

Living block - a detail, how to live with electricity, all installed components. Vlasnik PC cannot be launched, as the components in totality will outweigh the capacity of the life block. Prote pardons when Windows 10 is affected can be directly related to problems in robotic parts.

How to fix software problems in Windows 10

Methods for the elimination of faults without intermediary connection with the causes of their appearance.

It is significant that there is a way, that it allows you to solve software problems without a hitch. Vіn polagaє vіdnovlennі system. When working with Windows 10, koristuvachi can “window” the system to the cob mill, taking all the files you need with it. For whom, enter the steps:

  1. Press the right mouse button on the “Start” shortcut and select the “Parameters” section.
  2. Find the "Security Update" parameter.
  3. Go to the "Innovation" tab. You need a sprat of options. You can turn the computer to the cob mill (for the possibility of saving the required files) or turn the computer to a more early selection. Choose the one that suits your mood best and press “Start”.

Descriptions of the method allow you to hide edits in the registry, find out about problems in the robot drivers, incorrect installation of updates and a lot of other things.

Viewing the OS from the selection menu

The skin is installed operating system creating a directory in which the main information about it is stored. With which OS, which were installed earlier, they are moved to the Windows.old folder. You can find out about problems with Windows 10 bugs by seeing the additional installed versions of operating systems and deformatting. For whom it is necessary to grind the foot:

Choose an operating system for remote access and confirm the request by pressing "Visuality"

Renovation of hard disk expansion

To solve this problem, you can use the same utility, which is in the front view:

  1. Run the standard search utility and enter it in the field "Disk recovery".
  2. Then go to the "Storage" tab and select the "Disk Management" option.
  3. To see new parts of the Winchester, deactivating the active one. Don't forget about the file system, as NTFS is to blame.

System upgrade

Call changes to the registry to be made only by software, for example, data, license keys and a lot more are recorded here. It is not recommended for unsatisfied short-term employees to make changes to the registry on their own, as it can often lead to malfunctions.

Most often, viruses are registered to the registry, and other times, software is written down. Detect and effectively remove them in addition to the best antivirus or Windows protection.

After an anti-virus scan, the problem is gone, you need to start the OS in safe mode. Vykoristovyte zasіb vіdnovlennya, yak allow you richer swvids and easier pozbutis in the face of arrogant problems. For whom:

Video: How to update Windows 10

View of the program change the design

Take care of the type of programs that change the design of the Windows operating system or work with the system registry (for example, check the remote or change some of the elements). Such programs are potentially unsafe. For their remoteness, add the following utility to the OS:

  1. Open the "Settings" section in the "Start" menu.
  2. Select the item "Additions".
  3. Scroll through the list and find out more software.
  4. To uninstall, press "Vidality".

Poshuk that usunennya malfunctions of incorrect updates

If you care that the problem appeared after the installation of the update, you can see the rest of the installations. For whom:

  1. Open "Settings" in the "Start" menu and select the "Upgrade and Security" section.
  2. Go to the "Innovation" tab.
  3. In the right-handed list, select the “Rotate to the front version of Windows 10” option.

The next time the system will automatically rotate the old data, and the rest of the installed updates will be deleted.

View of the shkidlivy PZ

In the event of a guilty pardon, after installing any utility, scan the entire computer with an anti-virus program. The procedure can take up to 10-20 minutes or more depending on the number of files in the system.

Such a method allows you to navigate through such shkidlivih programs, about the presence of which you did not suspect.

Change parameters in autorun

Even after the installation of the program or the hour of the procedure її іїї іїї іїї її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї є є є є є є є є є є cause vyniknennya problems іz zavantazhennyami operating system. In this situation, it is necessary to change the auto-advance parameters. Who needs:

Utilities appear here themselves, as they are launched at once with the operating system. You only have to see the suspicious program and press the "Turn off" button in the lower right corner of the window.

How to fix hardware problems in Windows 10

As mentioned above, problems with hardware causes of system unloading are often eliminated by replacing PC components. Let's look at all the possible options for malfunctions and ways to fix them:

  1. As soon as you change the order of the components in the BIOS of the computer, you have pardons when the OS is loaded, then sort the elements in this way: in the quality of the primary element, the accumulation of the accumulator is to blame, then bring the DVD-ROM, Floppy Disk and іn.
  2. Disassemble the system unit and turn it over so that the loops are connected correctly, the zocrema is visible to the hard drive. In times of damage, buy new SATA or IDE (it is characterized by a hard disk and motherboard).
  3. Reverse the integrity of the strips of operational memory. If the stench of evil or were connected incorrectly, then it is necessary to replace them. In some cases, problems will arise, allowing the cleaning of the connections - the place where the RAM is installed.
  4. As if the graphic elements are not displayed when the computer is turned on, it means that it is time to replace the video card. You can't replace it, and the cost of repairs is practically identical to buying a new part. If you can start the PC in safe mode (with driver support), then delete and re-download the drivers for the add-on. The procedure can be viconated by speeding up with the “dispatcher of annexes”. Open it and find the item "Video adapters". Click on the mouse on the name of the video card and activate "Power". Dali press "Update drivers" or "Vidality".
  5. In case of malfunctions of the mother's board, or the block of life, you will not be able to use the computer (for a rare blame). The problem is given to him only by changing the details.
  6. Faults associated with the robotic periphery can also be repaired by the replacement of outbuildings.

Professional beginners: easy to train, stress-resistant, practical, knowledge of Russian language, English - on equal reading of those. documentation

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