Methodical monitoring. analytical activity in libraries. Free services Library services Their classification

Methodical monitoring- this is a system of changes in library reference. There is a need to provide information about the activities of libraries, analysis of which allows us to judge the quality of their work; about innovations in the library service and their expansion across libraries.

The sense of methodical monitoring lies in the constant monitoring of changes and the emergence of new information about the activities of libraries. The objects of methodical monitoring are:

Dynamics of indicators of library activity;

Rukh of library personnel;

Revealed and expanded library innovations;

Documentary stream at the library reference.

Methodical monitoring. Analytical activity... _________ 343

Promptly extracting these data, keeping an eye on their dynamics allows us to evaluate the level of library activity and, on this basis, develop methodological recommendations for thorough library work or measures Library

In order to obtain information about the work of libraries, there is a variety of library documentation (readable, planned, information, etc.); materials of meetings, conferences, seminars of library workers; publications from local periodicals etc.

However, the main method that allows you to extract and analyze data is thorough knowledge of the work of the library and/or structural subdivisions (filies, branches), padded Their activities. In view of the review of library work as a method of control based on the principle of “penetration without delay”, the tasks of a smooth implementation of library work practice through the identification of innovations, analysis and assessment of strengths and weaknesses and activities. The work is accompanied by consultation and practical assistance to the library team and is carried out, obviously, in advance of the library's care, which is being done.

The information can be frontal, if the work of the library (or the management of libraries) is involved in all areas of its activity, and thematic, if it follows the direct direction of the work of the libraries. The quilting can be carried out either by one specialist (usually a methodologist) or by a team, which usually includes specialists from different branches of the library, who carry out the quilting.

The direct connection of methodologists with libraries is not only for the purpose of facilitating their activities, but also for providing methodological assistance, participation in library visits, training and/or її practice of a specific innovation.

The preparation of the library will require careful preparation, which begins with the development of a plan for its implementation. The plan includes nutritional components, objectives, terms of implementation and methods.

The main method of quilting is method without middle guard behind the work of librarians. Along with this, methods of studying library documentation, conversations with librarians and readers, and questionnaire surveys are explored. All these methods are complementary to each other, and are mutually exclusive.

The collected factual material is subject to analysis and evaluation, based on which evidence can be obtained about the progress of the library’s work, about the successes and shortcomings in its activity. The bags are presented to the editor, with special respect for the innovations revealed in the activities of the library; essential deficiencies are identified, their causes and methods of elimination are analyzed. Finally, specific recommendations are given to improve the library's work.

Methodically ensuring library activities

The flow of information that comes from libraries, information about their work is accumulated in the information base of methodical monitoring, in the information-sounding device, which allows you to quickly enter and then obtain the necessary data.

The accumulation of data in a methodical monitoring system forms the basis of comprehensive statistical tables and various files: the socio-economic profile of the service region; library coverage; library personnel; library innovations.

Along with traditional card indexes, databases are compiled that include “electronic dossiers” on the skin library (details; factual data about its activities, including statistics; information about personnel, and innovation), as well as sub-statistical indicators across libraries, It will gradually improve. , factual and library information about innovations and their expansion across libraries Automated IPS, connecting information about all objects of methodical monitoring, allows you to follow all library parameters edematous system and changes in it to make methodical decisions.

The basis for making such decisions lies analytical activity, A direct analysis will be carried out on the work of libraries and the measures of libraries. On this basis, there is a methodical influx into libraries by methodically ensuring their activities, developing methodological recommendations, consulting and methodological assistance to libraries, etc.

The analysis of library practice includes the identification of substantive and typical data from the collected factual material about the activities of libraries. It is his responsibility to keep the library's work up to date, to identify specific shortcomings in its activities, and to develop practical recommendations for improved library practice.

Analysis of library practice is an analysis of library work in the aggregate, methods and results of activities. New methods of quantitative and analytical analysis are used. Kilkis analysis Library practice revolves around methods derived from library statistics 1 .

Zavdannya clear analysis They aim to evaluate the totality of the facts of the library’s activities, and beyond, individual facts, to bring about new developments in its practice. It helps to sort through the mass of accumulated facts, to strengthen the main points, to sort out the occasional and insignificant ones; see specifically, in the robot library.

1 Div. section “Keruvannya library”.

Consulting and methodological assistance to librarians ________________ 345

A clear analysis of library practice uses a variety of methods. Among them, the most extensive are the methods of structural-functional analysis, in which the object of study is viewed as a system clearly divided into parts, and the functions of the skin are determined; analysis by analogy, in order to equalize the facts of the activities of libraries; cause-inheritance analysis, which makes it possible to reveal the interaction of facts, to show how one fact (cause) flows into another fact (effect). The use of different methods of analysis makes it possible to thoroughly examine the phenomena of library practice and evaluate them. An important stage of analytical activity is systematization The factual material, which conveys the apparent ordering of low facts, is not grouped. One of the reasons for this transition is from the immediate analysis of data to their systematization and their presentation in statistical data, diagrams and graphs.

Another means of analytical activity is the compilation of text reports and surveys of library activity. The stench can permeate all areas of library work and activities.

Look around are divided on the basis of information about the work of libraries, materials from first-hand knowledge of their activities, library documents, materials from local periodicals and other information ї about the work revealed by methodical monitoring. The surveys contain the most typical facts about the activities of libraries, and the best evidence about other libraries. The achievements and typical shortcomings are discussed, their reasons are revealed, and specific recommendations are made for further work of libraries. Recommendations, developed within the framework of analytical activities, to establish a scientific-methodological program for obtaining the results of analysis from thorough library practice.

The basis of methodical security is the analytical activity of libraries - methodological centers, and qualified methodological recommendations require analysis of existing library practice and the level of work of libraries.

At this time, the analytical activity of methodological services recognizes serious difficulties associated with the sharp reduction in library reporting and output information from libraries. This situation is particularly urgent to pose the problem of methodical monitoring - a system for monitoring changes in the library and, first of all, to ensure the outgoing flow of information about the activities of libraries, How can we judge the zeal of their work, and, in a different way? , about Innovations in library reference and their expansion as libraries progress

Wanting to understand “methodical monitoring” only to enter library practice, try the incentive systems for monitoring the work of libraries and change the stump for a long time, they have been working methodically. The objects of such a process were library frames, displays of library work, and places of their purpose. Its results were displayed in the latest I I 11 mental tables, surveys of the activities of libraries, and other types of card indexes: the socio-economic profile of the service region, the library network, and current personnel. in etc. However, this is still not enough for operational monitoring of changes and activities of libraries.

The sense of methodical monitoring lies in constant vigilance for changes, for the emergence of new information about the work of libraries and about library innovations. Based on the methodical practice and task of methodically ensuring the activities of libraries, one can see the following objects of methodical monitoring:

Dynamics of indicators of library activity;

Rukh of library personnel;

Revealed and expanded innovation;

Documentary stream at the library reference. Efficiently retrieve these data, be careful about

Their dynamics make it possible to evaluate the level of library activity and, on this basis, develop methodological recommendations for the thorough operation of libraries.

In order to separate records, it is necessary to obtain library documentation (data, planning, information, etc.); materials of meetings, conferences, seminars of library workers; publications from the city | periodic friendliness.

The main method that allows you to extract and analyze information is thorough knowledge of the work of the library and/or its structural subdivisions (filaments, branches, etc.), padded Their activities.

In addition to verification, the main way to control the activity of libraries in the system is methodical, careful study, and the development of library work practices by identifying innovations, analyzing and evaluating strong weaknesses of its activity. The uniform is provided to the team; library of advice and practical assistance 26

to be carried out, obviously, for the next year, the library library will be cleaned up. The quilting looms on the surface:

Identify innovations in the activities of the library in order to incorporate them and expand them throughout the libraries;

Identify shortcomings in the library work, establish their causes and ways of eliminating them;

This means what methodical assistance the library will require and provide assistance.

Libraries can be frontal, if the work of the library is analyzed across all sections and directly from their activities, and thematic, if the work of the library is related to their nutrition and those.

The most interesting are thematic covers, which are especially valuable when they smell in a large number of libraries. For a reasonably well-thought-out plan, uniform for this type of library and its participants, thematic elaboration makes it possible to explain the work of the rich libraries with the same topics.

The advantage of a thematic approach lies in the fact that it allows you to get to know in more detail the work of the library and provide specific assistance. However, it would be nice to stick around with thematic quilts and not get caught up in the work of the library. Therefore, in practice, methodical work is based on thematic and frontal quilting. thought.

In practice, there are different approaches to selecting libraries for quilting. Some methodologists respect that through this method they can select libraries that can

the lowest performance robots. We are motivated by the fact that such libraries will most require methodological assistance.

Another approach is to first select libraries that can< ре шис показа­тели работы, что позволяет судить о среднем уровне работы библиотек конкретной сети. При этом однако упускается из виду, что одной из основных целей обследования является выявление передового опыта. Разумеется, что логичнее искать этот опыт не в отстающих и средних, а в лучших библиотеках. По уровню работы передовых библиотек можно судить и об общем уровне деятельности библиотек сети. Поэтому при выборочном обследовании низовых библиотек и филиалов целесообразно выбирать те из них, которые имеют наиболее высокие показатели в своей работе.

Before closing libraries, in addition to methodologists, it turns out that the most qualified library workers are the methodological center and workers of other libraries, especially with mutual libraries. Training can be carried out either individually by one person or by a group (team), which, in addition to methodologists, may include specialists from other branches of the library - the methodological center, as well as lower-level libraries Current

To ensure the integrity of the collection of materials, their analysis and formalization are carried out according to a separate plan, which ensures the completeness and consistency of the activities of libraries, it is easier to organize materials Iala, collected with various linden trees.

At libraries - methodological centers< оспшлиются графики посещений библиотек, в которых vk.i н.тастся, кто,

If, what kind of library does it use? Whose need to remember is that the quilting is the most extensive, and not only the meta-extension of the library. Extension can be carried out to provide specific consulting and methodological assistance, participation at the library entrance, implementation of a specific library innovation, etc.

Quilting will require extensive preparation, which includes:

Integration of the socio-economic and cultural profile of the area served by the library;

Collection of materials about the work of the library (plans, reports, evidence about forward development, etc.);

Selection and development of regulatory documentation, methodological and bibliographical references on the topic of quilting.

Based on the collected documents and materials, a library development plan is being developed. We have a theme and nutritional support, its objects and terms of implementation, methods and documentation that will be divided by the methodologist during the course of the library. For example, if a methodologist performs an analysis of reading forms, then the accompanying document for this procedure will contain a table of their analysis. The result of library service to the population will be a map-scheme of the distribution of stationary and non-stationary libraries.

In methodical practice, there are a variety of quilting methods. In addition, it is necessary to see the best method of absolute caution. The methodologist supervises the work of librarians present at

mass visits, m"< 1 ш i......п и......|ные пункты,

Vivchaet bezvezdno no police* ni..........whose fund,

looks through catalogues, card indexes, etc.

The value of this method lies in the fact that the methodologist can immediately get to know the work of the library and evaluate it. At the same time, there is an obvious limitation of the feasibility of this method. The methodologist can ensure the activity of the library for a very short time, which does not allow the work of legalized information about its work.

Therefore, with extreme caution when compiling a library, the method of acquiring documentation is used. Documents are required to extract various information about the work of the library (statistical, thematic, etc.). All findings from the records are amenable to clear and complex analysis.

Based on the library’s documentation, the methodologist can create the documents necessary for collecting factual data and analyzing the library’s performance (for example, creating a questionnaire for the training of librarians and/or readers; collects readers' comments about the library's work).

p align="justify"> In case of necessity, the same method of conversations with librarians is used, in which the details of the library’s activities are clarified, the positive aspects, shortcomings and difficulties in their work are explained; the librarian's motives for specific situations. Education with librarians can also reveal the level of their professional and cultural training.

Vikorists also use the method of roaming from readers. Such conversations are conducted with activists, members of the reading community, and also with library staff. The main goal is to understand the readers' thoughts about the work of the library, its fund and the pre-Victorian-library apparatus, about the general public.

All named methods are consistent with each other, mutually complementary and controlled by one.

The constraint begins with a basic knowledge of the work of the library, the minds in which it works, and the personnel warehouse. The methodologist speaks with the director and other library custodians to learn about the work plan and organizational and procedural documentation.

Subsequently, the consistency of the fastening is of no importance and is firmly established in the minds of the locals. As practice shows, it is more efficient to manage the structural sections of the library, being familiar with their activities directly.

With the proper consistency of the work of structural subdivisions, it is important to leave the specific minds of the library, cover the weekends of the branch, the day of work, the hour of the greatest influx of readers o. The methodologist should organize the meeting in such a way that, as much as possible, the primary work of the structural structure will not be disrupted. For example, to get acquainted with the work of the service department, a year is required, leading to internal work and a year of the smallest influx of readers. With the greatest flexibility, the methodologist can be less careful without relying on the work of the librarian.

Information about similar processes that take place in various sections of the library (for example, information

bibliographical services, masoin robot etc.) must become a methodologist

Therefore, the collections begin from the library fund, since the warehouse itself plays a large part in both the work of the library and the nature of the library's work.

When getting to know the fund, respect for its warehouse, completion, selection, purification of outdated literature, correctness of appearance, and care for safety are ensured. In this case, the methodologist actively selects documentation (thematic-typological acquisition plan, acquisition files, documents of the general and individual areas, etc.). These documents are obtained for extraction from them and further analysis and evaluation of statistical data. The correctness of the development and execution of planning documentation is immediately apparent. The method of direct donation of the library collection, especially the fund with open access, its organization, arrangement, and publication, is being developed. The fragments of the fund, presented on the shelves, are far from being completely collected in its warehouse, the fragments of the most widely read literature are transferred to readers, the methodologist adds the warehouse to the collection of the collection according to a systematic catalogue.

When familiarizing yourself with catalogues, respect for their organization is maintained, the rules of bibliographic description, the correctness of classification, and the nature of editing are observed. As a rule, such training is carried out through labor and pain.

The methodologist's decision about the formation of the fund will be clarified with the members of the library and readers, in the course of which their thoughts on the merits of its completion are revealed. It is clear that the work of the library, like all other activities of the library, is carried out in the presence of librarians, who carry out the work of completing, organizing and supporting the library fund, which allows me to clarify and reports that are drawn from documents, and at the same time consult librarians

With the support of the library fund, respect is paid not only to statistical indicators (the amount of published literature, the total volume of the fund), but also to the work with the library staff. In this case, it is important to learn not only from the instructions, but also from the work to eliminate them.

When getting acquainted with the catalogs, the completeness of the library collection in them is selectively analyzed, the relevance of the collection of cards for literature, the accuracy of the placement of cards, the relevance of seeing new headings, etc.

When training a reading methodologist, a series of comprehensive documentation is used to extract statistical information from the method of further analysis (the number and stock of readers and book readers, reading, That is also), the vikoryst method of selective analysis of reading the reader’s forms or powerful sheets.

The quality of an individual's work with readers is assessed with utmost care when the methodologist supervises the librarian's work with readers and records their progress. Obviously, there was a need to be careful to clarify this in conversations with librarians. The methodologist will judge the efficiency of serving the readers based on their results.

Instructing the departments and branches of the stationary library to provide service to the public library, the work of the super-service libraries (library buses) and library collection points is offended. In this case, it may be advisable to choose library items that work in different minds (for example, in the library and in the community).

When working with readers, they are immediately provided with their advanced bibliographical and informational bibliographical services. It is clear that there is a proof-bibliographic apparatus, card files, and an archive of final proofs. The files of information services are looked through, the content of bibliographic and information materials prepared by the library is analyzed, which is being compiled.

Particular respect is devoted to the organization and the promotion of library and bibliographic knowledge. In this case, according to the developed type of juhumentation, the methodologist uses the method of extreme caution (for example, for the services of readers in the bibliographic department, the library will be responsible for Iographic literacy, too), as well as conversations with readers about the relevance of their research, bibliography and information services .

In the hour of closure of the mass library, the methodologist widely follows the method of extreme caution. Due to the possibility of being especially present at mass gatherings, this leads to the initial propaganda of literature in the library. Obviously, documents are obtained that characterize the mass work (protocols of reading conferences, programs of thematic evenings, texts of literature surveys, diagrams of book exhibitions, etc.). Details of the preparation and conduct of mass visits will be clarified through conversations with librarians and readers.

The methodologist gets to know the activities of the clubs and discusses the interests of the librarian who is present at their activities and meetings, and discusses with the teachers and participants.

The activity of the reader is also monitored (plans, minutes of the meeting). The methodologist trains library activists, advises them on the support of the library and general control over its activities. At the same time, with the active activity of the asset, the methodologist is concerned with how the library works with the asset, gets him for the help of the library, instructs, wants, etc.

Since the library is a methodological center, it is understood that it provides methodological assistance to libraries. In this case, it is important to become familiar with methodological documentation (methodical assistance plans, methodological materials, information about library development, initial plans and programs for improving the qualifications of librarians, etc.), and It is easy to provide a library or file, to which this central library provides methodological assistance.

The methodologist should not only attend classes, but also take part in their activities.

Be aware of the organization of library management and the work with personnel: the visibility and clarity of planting instructions, planning and

the standardization of library work, the visibility of organizational and procedural documentation and the methodologist to become familiar with the staffing of librarians (based on background, experience, etc.), determines the reasons for variability.

Particular respect is given to the way librarians advance their professional and educational excellence. The methodologist develops the initial plans for the educational training, attending the classes and taking part in their conduct. The professional and under-the-radar level of librarians is clarified in the course of developments with them, which may be of an undisturbed nature and do not turn into an occupation for the librarian. At the hour of meeting with librarians, the methodologist is obliged to show maximum kindness and tact.

The methodologist also reveals how the library interacts with other libraries, cultural institutions, public organizations, scientific and scientific research bodies, etc. With this method, the methodologist develops coordination plans, communicates with the library director and structural department workers. If necessary, together with the director of the library, who is responsible for these libraries, establish the organization with which the library has no interrelations, or with which interrelations are necessary It’s worth mentioning.

When adding a library, the methodologist does not just clean up the library, but also provides it with advisory and practical assistance. However, such assistance does not have to be paid to the woman who wants to work as a librarian. The main task of assistance is to teach librarians and advanced methods of work.

Collected under the hour of study, the actual material is recognized by analysis and evaluation, based on which information about the progress of the library’s work, about the successes and shortcomings of its activities.

Padded pouches are available at the bottom. It defines the topic and term for carrying out the quilting, the re-insurance of the library, and the individuals who took part in the quilting.

Further, the reader talks about the positive things that are in practice a well-stocked library. In this case, special respect is shown for the innovations revealed in her activity; the essential shortcomings are indicated (as they are detected); Their causes and methods of elimination are analyzed. The same work was carried out by the methodologist within an hour of completing the library (additions, consultations, practical assistance, etc.).

Finally, a comprehensive assessment of the activity of the library and proposals for improving its work are given. Propositions should be given in a concrete manner, based on the real terms of carrying out this or other work.

The confirmation of the closure is passed on to the director of the library. One copy of the proof is kept in a methodical section of the library that was created. The methodical department collects and saves evidence and other materials to libraries, regardless of which branch of the library - the methodical center has been strengthened.

Padded bags are discussed at the library meeting of the padded library team or at the meeting with the director, as well as at reading meetings. The boss will be informed of the results at the hour when the library is closed.

The accumulation of evidence from the library collection coincides with the discussed results of the methodical branch,

In the course of this, a DARK analysis of quilting techniques is carried out. The method of requesting is to systematically maintain contact with the library, to help it in a positive way.

Regardless of those who are limited to one of the main forms of methodological assistance to libraries, librarians' arrival of a methodologist to the library is often assessed to be low compared with other forms of methodological assistance.

The reasons for this position lie in the fact that the assessments of librarians reflect an objectively clear uncertainty between what the librarian wants to see when preparing a library by the methodologist, and what the methodologist gives . Librarians find the greatest value in library guidance by providing information about what's new in library references and providing practical assistance.

Therefore, one should not forget that the main method of compilation is not verification, but analysis of the library’s activity, on the basis of which it is established what specific methodological assistance it will require. On this basis, methodological manuals and recommendations are developed, and the qualifications of librarians are improved.

The flow of information that comes from libraries, information about their work is accumulated in the information base of methodical monitoring, in the information-sounding device, which allows you to quickly enter and then obtain the necessary data.

For methodical practice, it is important to:

Creation of an information base for methodical monitoring, so that the leaders can extract their food bills and collect methodologists;

Cumulation of these reports in a methodical center;

Pobudova sound machine, which allows you to quickly enter and remove necessary data from the system.

The main focus of these problems is the creation of an automated database, which includes an “electronic dossier” on the skin library (its details; statistical data about its activities; information about personnel; factual data about Both the robot and innovations are also constantly updated statistical indicators According to libraries, factual and library information about innovations and their expansion in libraries.

The ideal is to create such an IPS, which provides a unified record of all the objects of such monitoring, allowing you to keep track of all the parameters of the library system and changes in it to make both operational and predictive methodological Yeshen.

The basis for making such decisions is analytical activity, aimed at analyzing the development and activity of both neighboring libraries and library management. This is based on the methodical infusion of libraries into the work with the method of methodically ensuring their activities, development of methodological recommendations, prompt consultation and methodological assistance to libraries, etc.

Libraries - methodical centers to carry out analysis both on the basis of thorough knowledge of the work of libraries and library measures, as well as indirect transfer of existing, planned, information and other documents Current

Analysis of the activity of libraries and library systems allows you to evaluate the level of their work and identify positive

and the negative aspects of activity, identify ways to eliminate shortfalls and reduce work

The analytical activity of methodological centers and the innovative advancement of their organizational role in the scientific field of work, the adoption of the most optimal solutions and the development of prospects for further thoroughness of library records. The results of the analysis are based on the long-term planning of methodical activities of libraries, on the preparation for libraries of various methodological aids and recommendations, on approaches to improve the qualification of the library edematous personnel.

Analysis of library practice includes:

Identification of the content and type of the collected factual material about the activities of libraries;

establishing the place of skin fact in the underground system of library practice;

Verification of the facts of the installation of connections between boxes.

The main goal of the analysis is to see from the mass of collected factual material about the activities of libraries that are truly advanced and expanded today. The analysis can lead to clear conclusions about the value of library information, to practical recommendations on how to maintain this information in library work. An important part of the analysis is the identification of specific shortcomings in library practice.

Analysis of library practice - this is an analysis of the entire work of the library in its entirety, methods and results of activities.

When analyzing the place of work, the main attention is paid to the active nature of the activities of libraries, to the connections of their work with people, in place of work with those who interact, in the overall complex of library activities.

Prote the topic is such that even though she has again responded to tasks such as standing in front of the library, it also means the responsibilities of her work. The theme is reflected in the entire range of activities of the library, in the various methods and rational organizational forms of work it uses. Therefore, in the hour of analyzing library practice, it is important to analyze the themes of the library’s work, and the ways in which it was involved in its activities.

Analysis of methods can reveal in what specific forms the work of the library is expressed, what paths it takes to set the task, and open the system of its work. In this case, it is important to identify the peculiarities of the library, which results in the commonality of stagnation in the practice of various forms and methods.

The most important place in the analysis of library practice is occupied by the analysis of the results of the work, since only on this basis it is possible to make further findings about those who have advanced evidence that deserves to be expanded throughout and library boundaries. In this case, it is important to establish a connection between the changes made before library practice and the results achieved.

In modern library practice, there has been an increase in the use of quantitative and explicit analysis methods.

A comprehensive analysis of library practice revolves around methods derived from library statistics. The diverse activity of the library is revealed in different numerical indicators (absolute, absolute, average), which characterize the library on both sides. These indicators are of unequal value for their purpose and place, and, therefore, for their significance for the analysis of library practice. Some of them record the facts of the library's work. Others will work with the library during the period and reveal a lot of other facts.

Statistics, analyzing historical indicators, establishes connections and repository of research findings of library practice and in this way identifies trends and developments. Based on average statistical values, it is easy to establish facts, it is easy to learn new and advanced, rare and broader ones. Subject to statistical rules, it is possible to speak with certainty, on the basis of a selection of facts, about all of its totality.

A thorough analysis of the library’s work is not only to compare the same type of backward indicators with the planned ones, to reveal their dynamics, but also to show the interconnections of different backward indicators, their flow one on one. When analyzing library practice, it is necessary to look at the absolute, average and average values ​​of the data in order to compare one value with another; Figures taken from the analysis of some quantities must be verified by figures taken from other quantities. For this reason, it is possible to make an objective assessment of the library’s activity, and to generate detailed findings, which are the result of a quantitative analysis.

Kilkіsniy Analiz diynosti biblioteki, the vice of the vice of the dittle of that serpent, about reaching the results, arise, arise in the bibliotechnic practitioners. It allows you to identify advanced libraries that have achieved the best results in their activities. For the analysis of library practice, we can only briefly analyze the activities of libraries. There is a need to analyze both the methods of library practice and the results achieved.

The evidence of library practice lies before us of its clear nature. If we had always been operating with extraordinary indicators for the entire investigation of the process, many individual facts that could be of particularly progressive significance would have been left unmarked. The difference that goes beyond the boundaries of the “statistical average” usually indicates the emergence of something new. To identify these clearly new findings, both statistical and statistical methods are necessary.

A large-scale analysis and the results of library activity are completely insufficient. This robot cannot be assessed solely for the number of books it has seen or the number of mass visits it has carried out. There are several indicators that indicate the nutrition that has been collected, that has been achieved, and the impossible dates of which are different, less important nutrition - as has been achieved. Therefore, a thorough analysis can give the correct objective conclusions, even if it comes with a thorough and comprehensive clear analysis.

A clear analysis makes it possible to evaluate both the totality of the facts of the library’s activity and

This is a unique, individual fact that represents something new in library practice. Its task is to sort through the mass of accumulated facts, to consolidate the main ones, and to sort out the occasional and insignificant ones; see specifically, in the robot library. The most important task of clear analysis is to clarify the facts of library practice and reveal their meaning.

The complexity of explaining the facts of library practice is associated with the richness of its phenomena. This implies the need to consolidate the totality of distinctly different methods of analysis, carefully marking the object of study.

p align="justify"> Structural and functional analysis is of great importance in the analysis of library practice. In this case, the object of treatment is considered to be a system, clearly divided into a warehouse, and the functions of the skin are determined. So, the practices of holding reading conferences are analyzed in addition to the elements of preparation and carrying out a mass visit, their place and significance for the reading conference as a whole.

Analysis with analogies is of great importance. alignment of similar nature and similar facts in the activities of libraries. Such an assessment can be carried out both on the actual material of the activities of one library, and on a number of libraries selected from practice. This method establishes the similarity or similarity of the following findings, their similarity to the given theoretical provisions and methodological recommendations. For example, in the application-induced analysis, the analogy is compared with each other outside the conference of readers, those hidden elements from which the stench is formed are identified, the system of importance is determined.

Causal-inheritance analysis is also important. It allows us to reveal the interaction of facts, to show how one fact (cause) feeds into another fact (effect). In our application, such an analysis will help to understand how the use of these and other methods of preparation and the conduct of the reading conference influenced these results.

The use of various methods of clear analysis to clarify the facts of library practice allows us to fully examine the facts of practice and evaluate them. The methods of complex and clear analysis are closely related to each other and mutually imply one another. Just as it is impossible to assess the performance of the library based on the numerical indicators of the date, it is also impossible to determine the date of publication of the library’s work based on other facts or its totality, without extensive analysis. Library. A sharp and clear analysis is two sides of a single process of analyzing library practice. p align="justify"> An important stage in the analysis of library practice is the systematization of factual material. Vaughn conveys the ordering of low facts, and their grouping from these sources, from which the analysis was carried out.

One of the reasons for this transition from data analysis to final systematization is statistical processing methods. The inclusion of these to a smaller number of facts revealed during the analysis process allows us to eliminate the impersonality of individual facts from the facts. The implications of such information are displayed in statistical data, diagrams and graphs and are the basis for further analysis.

Statistical data is carefully compiled by methodical centers using the method of clear and precise characteristics of the activities of libraries in the territory, which is maintained on the basis of statistical data of libraries. All results are obtained from the data, from the equal numerical indicators (aligned with the plan, with fate, etc.). In this case, both absolute and average indicators are used, which are given, as a rule, according to the skin library and sub-bag measures of libraries.

Statistical information also includes a text part (an explanatory note), in which various indicators and their dynamics are analyzed and evaluated, and specific propositions addressed to libraries are made.

Another part of the analytical activity includes the concepts that are quickly emerging, based on the developments and plans of libraries. A summary is given for the plan of a specific library or structural subsection (filial).

Laying out the plan behind the plan, the methodologist analyzes how correctly and specifically the task of the library is defined for the flowing river, how they are implemented, how their implementation is ensured, what is the effectiveness of the library , what are the fundamental shortcomings in its activity, as far as the plan is formed in a long way What's the sound? Finally, propositions aimed at the thorough functioning of the library are again issued.




UDC 002.55/.56:303.64:027.53

A. V. Gorbunova

Information and analytical activities

cultural information services and the history of the central libraries of the subjects of the Russian Federation: with evidence of the remaining fates

Information and analytical products and information services of centers for scientific information on culture and the central libraries of the regions of Russia. Groups of related analytical products and the level of diversity of information needs.

Key words: information products, analytical products, information services, information centers, information from culture and history, information needs, related information ii, central libraries, regions of Russia

Anna V. Gorbunova

Information and analytical activities of information center on culture and art of the central libraries of regions of Russia

Information and analytical products, information services of information centers in culture and art in the central libraries of regions of Russia. Target groups of consumers of analytical production.The level of information will require correspondents.

Keywords: information products, analytical processes, information services, information centers, information cultures and places, information needs, consumers of information, central libraries, regions of Russia

The methodical group of the NDC Information Culture RDB has been overseeing information and analytical activities in the cultural sphere for over 40 years. The first analytical materials about the work of Galusian libraries were created in the early 1980s. These were the results of the ten-fold everyday life of the system of scientific information from culture, which from the very beginning was based on the services of information from culture and history (SNIK) at the central regional libraries. Born in 1987 and in the 1990s. analytical findings came out, reflecting

new realities of the new and post-Eastern period. In 2009 The Russian State Library has published a review of “The State of Information Work from Culture and Science in Universal Scientific Libraries”1, which provides evidence of information and analytical work 2000s rocks. The published article contains additional data from written and oral research of approximately 40 central libraries of subjects of the Russian Federation (2013, 2015), analysis of publications (201 2-2015), from libraries from the website “Central Libraries of Subjects of the Russian Federation” : corporate full-text database for professionals »2, materials from other Internet resources3. Most applications are directed towards evidence, feedback, and feedback on the nutrition questionnaire “Identification of positive applications in the preparation of information, analytical, statistical and project materials for various directions of the activities of cultural foundations in regions of the Russian Federation" (2015).

Forms of participation of libraries in information activities. The most important foods that we wanted to focus on were the foods that changed the remaining hours of the discovery of libraries about forms of participation in information activities. It can be seen that, as before, the majority of libraries (about two thirds of those who took part in the study) are placed in the first place individually and in groups Information (one-time; DOR and IPI subscribers). In the meantime, all the third that has been lost, the first step is to create a resource base (funds, SPA in traditional and electronic form). On the third place, almost all libraries call for mass access to information and illuminating directness.

Then something new appears: actively engaged in various activities, more libraries began to isolate them from the resource base as an independent form (including the National Library of the Republic of Buryatia, the Leningrad OUNB, OUNB ta in.). I absolutely new updated since 2009. It has become those that many libraries are wondering how to define the form of granting access to official, third-party resources and services on the Internet. For example, the Samara OUNB promotes satisfaction of the information needs of corporate citizens, incl. in the virtual middle; National Library of the Republic of Buryatia - organizing access to remote research, foreign information resources, as well as government ones; National Library of the Republic of Dagestan - access to electronic databases.

Two libraries (the Ryazan OUNB and the GUNB of the Krasnoyarsk region) go further in understanding the role of Internet technology in their work: and place the work in social measures at the lowest level of information activity. The State Research Library of the Krasnoyarsk Territory describes it as follows: “Organization of activities in social settings: the library blog “Day by day, book by book”, 5 groups of the “VKontakte” library, incl. "Krasnoyarsk Stories" and "Book Extremes"

It’s impossible not to remember the powerful approach that the intercessor of the director of scientific and methodological work of the Krasnodar KUNB I promoted in the rejection of the evidence. I. Malevinskaya, who saw three forms: stationary, post-stationary (viewing points) and virtual (library website).

Individual and group information. In the first place, after the results of written training, individual and group information emerged. The demand of various groups of residents for information and analytical services for library assessments, which we collected in 2013, is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. The needs of various groups of students for information and analytical services for library evaluations (results of written survey, 2013)


Lawmaker Vlada 23% 27% 27% 23%

Vikonavcha Vlada 53% 17% 17% 13%

Install cultures 37% 37% 9% 17%

VNZ 36% 33% 10% 31%

PHI 33% 23% 23% 31%

Political parties – 27% 27% 46%

Religious organizations – 10% 23% 67%

Community organizations - 13% 27% 60%

Business - - 37% 63%

The highest figures are those of the Royal Empire, the founders of cultural deposits, and the Vishivs. In 2000, a new group of living analysts appeared (civil, religious organizations, business), but their needs, in the opinion of libraries, were, as before, small.

The number of queries on the topic of culture in the DOR, ІРІ, “query-query” modes includes all libraries that submitted questionnaires, including those in which there are no special branches and sectors Information from culture. Recently, the significant change in the number of cultural information has led to a reduction in the number of DOR and IP subscribers. The transfer of these functions to frontline managers with a wide profile is unlikely to reduce the need for too much information. Indirect evidence is limited to the number of libraries that support information support.

NDR in the regulations of the region. At the experimental arkushes, 2015. Each library did not directly provide information and analytical activities (Fig. 1).

Electronic presentations Analytical reports, reviews, reviews Thematic collections, dossiers Reviews, digests periodicals Bibliographic lists

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% Small. 1. Species warehouse of analytical materials (results of the 2015 survey)

A special group of information and analytical services are representatives of the legislative and imperial authorities. To the greatest extent, as shown in Table 1, the production of potteries and faculties of ministries and departments of culture. For their servicing, all types of information products are prepared, both traditional and new (for example, electronic presentations).

Traditional, which is aimed at constant monitoring of the flow of literature, overdoing its work, for example, Smolensk UNB: new addition to the library fund “For cultural practitioners, mysteries and creative people” ; lists of publications and current materials of the regional press; a systematic list of unpublished documents that have reached the SNIC Foundation.

About the active development of the information potential of libraries by government authorities in low regions, please note the following examples:

RESEARCHERS of the Krasnodar KUNB inform that a lot of work is being carried out by the sector for the Ministry of Culture of the region in preparing analytical reports, thematic materials on the issues of culture and mystery, and electronic presentations. In addition, 20-30 materials are urgently being prepared for the colleagues of the regional ministry. For example, in 2014 materials were prepared at the present time by the following topics: “Cherage of Kuban folklore”, “Kuban fair”, “Katerinodar Cinemas”, “Culture and mysticism of the 18th century. Catherine's Bali";

Ulyanovsk OUNB writes about training in 2014. 93 analytical materials based on input from the Ministry of Culture and Cultural Policy of the Ulyanovsk Region, the United Russia party, and other departments.

Monitoring of library supply in the region. In addition to the flow of information, methodological and information development of the central regional libraries is carried out by the Ministry of Culture and the Department of Culture, monitoring (monitoring) of the library measure. ioniv. An analysis of these materials shows that the trust in them as an organization that produces such work has grown significantly over the years (since the end of the 2000s).

Zokrema, National Library of the Chuvash Republic in our conclusions, we write about quarterly monitoring of such indicators: compilation of documentary funds; library staff, technical equipment, computer park, ensuring access to the Internet for public libraries of the republic; ensuring computer literacy by state libraries of the Chuvash Republic. Behind the scenes, analytical evidence is being developed regarding the organization of library services for the population of 21 districts and 5 towns of the republic.

National Library of the Republic of Buryatia since 2001. provides an analytical overview of contributions to the libraries of the republic. The library pays particular attention to the availability of library services (monitoring “Analysis of the relevance of municipal libraries of the Republic of Belarus to social standards approved by the Order of the Russian Federation ii"), informatization and development of library frames.

Volgograd OUNB provides the following information: “Protyagov 2014 r. As part of the campaign, quarterly statistical data forms are collected, and on their basis, “Statistical data on the activities of municipal libraries in the region for... the quarter... is created for the quarter.”<...>Behind the analysis of data for the river there are analytical publications - “Libraries of the Volgograd region in figures and diagrams” and 4 more, dedicated to various aspects of the activity of municipal libraries.”

To the honor of our colleagues from the Russian National Library, we would like to note that the activation of the activities of municipal libraries, the formalization of their results and the presentation of them to a wide range of library scientists served as a result of the library analytics competition that they held. The Chergovy competition started on January 1, 2015, and it is proposed to move from the form of an analytical review to an analytical conclusion. In this case, the Regulations on the competition are supplemented with carefully analyzed “Methodological recommendations for the preparation of a comprehensive report on the activities of municipal libraries of the subject of the Russian Federation.”

Creation of the resource base. The government's support for the creation of electronic libraries and other resource projects has led to an ever-increasing surge in the creative activity of libraries, created resources from culture and to our extreme directness. That is, in another world in this work, various library branches take part. Rich libraries have created

and operate information resource centers, which directly represent the technical and other side of this work. Analysis of the remaining publications and materials from the questionnaire shows that we are at the peak of our activity, and we would like to ensure that the shortening of government programs does not slow down the activity of the library swelling in someone directly.

Based on the data of the remaining experience, libraries for scientists of Galusian culture form the following information resources:

Specialized foundations and spas before them;

Manufactured and electronic catalogs and card indexes, databases (bibliographic, factual, evidence);

Thematic dossiers (online, in electronic form);

Electronic libraries and databases that include full-text information;

Other electronic publications;

Electronic presentations;

Virtual exhibitions;

Internet projects that include information sites, portals that present all types of electronic library products on pages.

For departments, cultural information sectors and the creation of electronic catalogs, collections, databases of bibliographic, factual and full-text information, it has always been the most important work. The songful development of this was directly rejected and remained in the rest of the rocks. It should be noted that here the most serious projects are being implemented in order to preserve and distribute regional information and prevent cultural decline.

For example, within the framework of the regional program “Available services in the Sakhalin region for 2013-2018”, the Sakhalin OUNB is implementing three projects. One of them is the multimedia archive “Writers of Sakhalin and the Kuriles” to form a collection of video films about the life and creativity of writers in the region. Two bibliographic databases, “Culture and Mystery of Vladivostok” and “Culture of Primorye” are supported by Primorsky KPB. The active work with the development of specialized databases of information significant for the region is continued by the KNOWLEDGE of the Bilgorod GUNB: the correspondents are given 7 databases: 4 bibliographic and 3 full-text. Among the bibliographic databases there is an analytical list of central and local publications, small-circulation and unpublished documents of the foundations of the culture of the Bilgorod region. Full-text databases – “Notes seen”, “Scenarios”.

It would be possible to bring up a lot of other applications, but it is more important to note that, unfortunately, there are not enough specialists created by libraries.

Named culture databases are presented on the Internet or in internal libraries. The smell will reappear, but not due to the modernization of software and technological features. In today's realities, there is too much unclear information in the Global Network, and many regional databases could find out the current location on the pages of library sites and sites, portals in cultural galleries.

Vidavnica activity. Particular respect at this stage deserves, in our opinion, the recent activity of libraries, which over the past 10 years has become an important part of the work of libraries. Yakshcho 2004-2005 pp. According to our data, 58 central regional libraries were engaged in this activity, then in 2013-2014. There are already 83 of them. The total number of people released in two years has approached 2 thousand. naimenuvan. Behind the topic, first and foremost comes culture, including library science, then history, literature, and fiction. For all other reasons in 2013-2014. A little more than 16% of the released vidans fell (Fig. 2).

For the reader's reasons, this article is oriented, first of all, to the needs of predecessors and other leaders in the sphere of culture and light.

The activity of libraries has been especially intensified in connection with the development of new technologies, including electronic media technologies. This is very important in the context of analytical work, the creation of electronic data will require special skills in information and analytical work related to the structure of information, the establishment of connections between all cops see.

Starting from 2002 RDB will conduct a survey competition of electronic library products4. The remaining two competitions (2013 and 2015) are dedicated to electronic publications. In 2013 16 applications were received for the competition. In 2015 Regardless of those who faced their fate without Internet access, 26 applications were submitted. Most of the submissions to the competitions are based on regional themes, dedicated to certain aspects of the history and current state of regional culture. The current rate of competitions has reached a high level and once again confirms the growing number of libraries in the developed Internet space.

Rice. 2. Topics of current library products

Having clearly identified one of his performances as a participant in the remaining competitions, the director of the Central Scientific Research Center of the Ivaniv Region V. E. Kashaev, the electronic ones show advantages over the other ones: “The stench is voluminous, compact, hand-made, long-lasting; you can quickly update and renew the information provided to them”5.

Mass information. In the rest of the decade, libraries will actively develop websites in search of their optimal form. In this case, many libraries have created a very important work from a representative site to a full-fledged information resource. An unknown part of them has become the virtual proof service and other online services. By appearing on sites, start a dialogue in real time (sometimes it can be even intrusive). This, in general, is a positive innovation, and there is a turning point behind the minds of personnel optimization. In the pursuit of large numbers of displays, the serious analytical work of information subdivisions of libraries is increasingly emphasized.

As we noted in the 2009 review, libraries that successfully master current information technologies will no longer deprive them of developing official websites, but will take part in the development and creation of content on regional websites and portals from culture. Descriptions of these resources, for example, the universal electronic encyclopedia "Perm Region" and the portal "Cultural decline of the Smolensk land" continue to actively live in the border. In the meantime, they have received new projects and one of the most important of them is “Culture of the Arkhangelsk Region” of the Arkhangelsk ONB6. One of the main tasks of this project is “information security for the professional activities of cultural leaders.” This invention allowed us to become closer to the target audience, better understand their information needs.

In recent years, the importance of mass work has grown enormously. Whose policy is adopted by the Ministry of Culture and the RBA. Work from holding festivals, exhibitions, surveys and other mass gatherings should be carried out before the main indicators of the activity of libraries and government departments. In the “Model standard of activity of a secretly accessible library”, 2014. Cultural and educational activities are named as one of the two main directions for the development of libraries (in the order of library and information services)7.

It’s not surprising that in our 2015 year. In the data of many libraries one can see specific types of mass visits, considering them as independent forms of participation of libraries in information activities (Altaisk KUNB, GUNB Krasno Yarsky region, National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan, Ryazan OUNB etc.). As before, all participants in the training called information days, specialist days, literature exhibitions (library and exhibitions), as well as seminars,

lectures, discussions in the round table format. Updated with data from 2009, a larger number of complex entries are recorded. For example, the Altai KUNB provides up-to-date statistics for 2014: 162 visits – information days and specialist days, 276 – exhibitions, as well as the names of seminars, video lectures, etc.

Further, the library will increasingly take part from regional, interregional and national approaches and programs. As an example of the rest, it is enough to point out all kinds of events “Nothing at the Library”, “Nothing at the Museum”, “Nothing of Mystery”, “North Russian Library Day”, etc. to the role of culture in the life of a marriage, the preservation of cultural and historical decline, the development of a reading culture. It is necessary to note that all these operations involve the absence of warehouses and therefore require a great deal of analytical work from the selection of materials and their submission.

Based on the data from the 2015 questionnaire, on average the library takes part in 5-6 regional, interregional, all-Russian and international approaches and programs on the river. The most active robot was shown under this National Library of Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Tatarstan; Altaiska, Krasnodarska KUNB; Volgograd OUNB; Ulyanovsk ONB.

The investigation carried out confirms even more important the findings of T.I. Lapteva about the significant information activity of libraries in the sphere of culture and the necessity and necessity of its support: “Besides information from culture and mystery, then it is the most important The main thing, in the opinion of fakhivts, is a wide targeting, since this area is of interest to various audiences and peers. Connected with this is the need to validate (support, confirm) the importance of information services and, first of all, library information services for the implementation of various projects in the program and their insertion”8.

The collected materials are large-scale, focusing on the butts, revealing only a small part of the specific visits and libraries that took part in the experiment. Therefore, I would like to let all the participants of the training, for the sake of watching the Internet competition and the conference, as well as everyone, know who is most professional in doing their information work in the sphere of culture, that’s all in.


1 Status of information work from culture and mysticism in universal scientific libraries of the Russian Federation: overview/RDB; comp. A. V. Gorbunova, V. A. Kryukova, M. S. Kizlasova. - M.: Ris. holding b-ka, 2009. – 76 p.

2 Central libraries of subjects of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: corporate

full-text database for professionals / Fig. national b-ka. – St. Petersburg, 2015. – URL:

3 For example: Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Science Library. Information portal of libraries of the Chelyabinsk region [Electronic resource]. - Chelyabinsk, 2015. - URL: and in.

4 Informculture [Electronic resource] / Fig. holding b-ka. – M., 2015. – URL:

5 The share of the province is the share of the library / V. E. Kashaev // Modernization of the system of information and analytical security of the cultural sphere: materials of the VIII All-Russian Scientific Council for Information Services in the cultural sphere. -Irkutsk, 2013. – P. 59-63.

6 "Culture of the Arkhangelsk Region": evidence from the work of the Arkhangelsk Regional Scientific Library named after. N. A. Dobrolyubova: the creation of a regional information portal for culture / Zubova E. A. // To help libraries: information method. Bulletin / Vologda. region universal Sci. b-ka im. Babushkina. - Vologda, [b. R.]. - No. 51. - P. 76-81.

7 Model standard for the activities of illegally accessible libraries: recommendations for government authorities. authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal authorities. Vlady / Ministry of Culture Rіs. Federation. -M., 2014. – URL:

8 Distribution of information resources from culture and mystique in the cultural center of the regions of the Russian Federation / Lapteva T. I. // To help libraries: information method. Bulletin / Vologda. region universal Sci. b-ka im. Babushkina. - Vologda, [b. R.]. - No. 51. - P. 6-14.


Library and library services and the direct function of current libraries, which is subordinate, replaces the direct work of all other subdivisions of libraries, as well as the technology The initial processes involved in them shape the image of the library in the eyes of the population and, therefore, indicate its place in marriage and the sphere of social flow .

The basis of library and bibliographic services is the provision of various library services to library scholars.

This control work will examine: classification of services; reasons for the decline of paid services, as you can see; themed evenings and lectures.

Library services. Their classification

The service of readers at the library includes two main types of mutually related activities: documentary-information (issue of primary and secondary documents) and social-communicative (organization of inter-social Interpretation of readers by the librarian). It is directly aimed at donating to readers the totality of library services.

This totality includes three distinctly independent classes of services:

1. Documentary services, which result in the provision of primary and secondary documents to readers (provision of literature, bibliographical evidence, information notices, etc.) to readers. The correspondent goes to the library with a query, for which he wants to select literature on the topic that he wants to download, or a specific book, or a copy of the necessary article, or a bibliographical summary, etc.

2. Communication services for the organization of various forms of inter-social gathering of readers at the library (various kinds of mass gatherings, reading clubs, etc.). Koristuvach determines his duty to share the same fate with other library visitors.

3. Library service services, which are a necessary mental implementation of the service process and act in the form of providing readers with various skills from a variety of documentary and communication services.

Library service is the result of library activity (the basic effect of library work) to satisfy the information needs of library libraries.

The subject of library services can be: documents and copies; bibliographic information (lists, literature displays); fact and collection of facts; thematic digests and digests (fragments of texts from highly specialized documents, identified and arranged according to the logic of the reader’s query); consultations to make it easier for readers to independently search for information, work with traditional and electronic documents, etc.

The various information needs of library libraries are satisfied with various types of library services. It can be confirmed that library and library services are a system of interconnected library services.

The service is unique, unrepeatable, and the fragments from its creation are immediately shared by different people. In addition, it is inaccurate from the library medium in which it is found. Service can only be called a result that satisfies the needs of people.

In addition to library services, libraries are provided with other services as a result of library work, which is aimed at creating comfortable minds for readers to work with librarians. Before them, the service is in the wardrobe of the service, the table is the Bufeti for the Chitachiv, Kimnati Vidpochinka, Kimnati for the іndiydualns to occupy, Igrovi Kimnati, de Dorosli, can be laeled by Ditin for an hour to take the reading rooms of Toshi for an hour. Services for readers associated with their services are provided without costs.

Libraries provide the following services to patrons:

· Keep all necessary literature in one service point;

· Independently select literature from open access funds;

· Select literature for reading at home;

· Make an advance (a few years, days) request for literature (orally, in writing, by telephone) until the term assigned by the reader;

· Pick up literature directly at your work place in the reading room;

· Deprive the armored regiment of literature necessary for further work;

· Take a photocopy of the necessary texts, which gives significant (up to 20%) savings per hour for readers;

· Select literature in a negative manner (Heroes of the Radyansky Union of Socialist Pracia, disabled people and participants of the Great German War, etc.);

· Provide literature at one service point;

· Maintain literature from other libraries, internal system exchange and MBA;

· use equipment for reading microfilms, listening to sound recordings, etc.

This variety of services and their services in libraries is far from new. As a result, libraries in all countries began to use paid services. Therefore, as of today, library services are divided into paid and unpaid services. Prior to obligatory, cost-free library services, there is a need to:

· Retrieving information about the availability of a specific document in the library;

· Retrieval of information about the library collection warehouse through the catalog system and other forms of library information;

· Obtaining advisory assistance in the search and selection of information;

· Retrieval of documents from library collections, from reading rooms and on subscription.

Of great practical importance is the creation of a clear and comprehensive classification of library services. Based on the specifics of the information and materials provided to readers, they are divided into:

1. Services, the final result of which is the issuance of documents for timely procurement;

2. Issuance of copies of documents;

3. Evidence-analytical services: clarifying address evidence, thematic bibliographic lists and indicators, factual evidence, etc.;

4. Services related to the fund's contributions and the result of the library's educational activities (exhibitions, reading conferences, etc.);

5. Consulting services.

From the point of view of the service regime, library services can be one-time or provided on a permanent basis (exhibitions and indicators of new developments, IP).

From a perspective, these services may be supported by specific reading requests and initiative, trained personnel during the implementation of library and educational functions.

From the point of view of the resources available for the provision of services, services are differentiated based on the sovereign fund of the SBA and services from the receipts of the aggregate information resources of the marriage. The rest occupy a great deal of space, immensely expanding the capabilities of the library. However, most often library services are offered on a paid basis.

- delivery of books and magazines at home (5 copies of books, 5 copies of magazines) for 30 days (for readers without permanent registration in Moscow - plus magazines for 14 days);
- organization of stationary forms of servicing readers (transfer libraries based on schools, gymnasiums, VNZ);
- provision of bibliographic and factual evidence to readers;
- Helping readers with limited abilities in acquiring literature;

Internet room
- Internet access, electronic mail;
- scanning, recognition of the text;
- decomposition of information on a printer, photocopying (documents from the library collection);
- pre-legal system “Consultant Plus”, information and legal security “Garant”;
- thematic updates and consultations to find information, assistance in working with MS Office products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), computer-aided design systems and 2D-chair AutoCAD LT 2012 and others;
- WiFi;
- telephone advice for people with limited livelihoods to search for information via the Internet;

Electronic resources: Liters, “Presidential Library named after B.M. Yeltsin”, National Electronic Library; Electronic database of periodicals “EasView”;

Consultations on the basics of computer literacy for pensioners of the State Budgetary Institution of Central Public Health "Oleksievsky" North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow;
- practical advice for everyone;

Media library
- Review of CD-ROMs, DVDs,
- delivery of CD-ROMs, DVDs at home, three more than 5 discs to one reader for permanent registration in Moscow;
- independent development of interactive learning of foreign languages ​​and computer technologies;
- review of videos from the media library;
- listening to audio and music CDs;

Dovidkovo-bibliographic branch
- compiles library and bibliographical reports on various topics;
- advises on the search for information in library catalogues, electronic databases, Internet resources;
- It will be possible to once again ask remote journalists in the “online” mode (virtual confirmation) about the power of the economy, law and related sciences;
- If, for whatever reason, you cannot particularly view our library, as well as have immediate access to the electronic catalogue, we invite you to quickly access our virtual research service;
- You can find out about the availability of information from the fund that is relevant to you (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.), as well as about the availability of literature on topics that are relevant to you, nutrition, problems;
- we are engaged in research on various topics, but the priority areas are the nutrition of jurisprudence and economics, forming the fund of our library of profiling on these topics;
- Having deprived your food, you have the right to check for confirmation no more than your income (including force majeure);

Reading room (reader services are available here independently of the registration location)
- thematic selection of literature;
- targeted and bibliographic information;
- factual evidence;
- search the electronic catalogue;
- Type of books and periodicals, incl. English language, economics, business and law (card index of English language books);
- information about the presence of a book, newspaper, magazine behind the phone;
- selection of books and articles from periodicals, for writing abstracts, coursework, diploma papers and dissertations;