How to insert music into a video. How to add audio and video tracks to Sony Vegas? Sony Vegas how to add audio

Good day. Today we’ll talk about sound editing. Sound plays an important role in a mysterious film. Each film contains a sound support, which includes dialogues of the characters in the film, sound and noise effects, as well as a musical soundtrack. At home, you can also create a film to replace the clear sound supply. Sound support is created directly from the Vegas program. Some sounds and noise effects can be created using special programs called sound editors. Also, the Sony Vegas Pro program, in addition to tools for editing the sound system, contains filters that are used for sound correction and the creation of sound effects. Therefore, in most cases, when creating a sound system, you can do without external programs.

Changing the thickness of the audio file

First, let's see what the sound track on the panel is Trimmer(Pidrizannya). Sound file on the Trimmer panel of views as an amplitude-frequency graph. The greater the amplitude of the graph for a particular section of the file, the greater the density of that section.

After adding an audio file to the editing board, we can adjust its volume. To adjust the depth of the recording, use the “Vol” and “Pan” steps. "Vol"- to increase or change the thickness of the track, "Pan"— regulation of the balance of the volume of the left and right channels.

Most often, when editing a film, it is necessary to change the volume for a specific segment of the audio track. Adjustment of the intensity on the song section of the track is carried out for assistance ominous density.

See the required track. Select menu command Insert/ Audio Envelopes/ Volume(Insert/ Zvukova obginalna/ Guchnist). A dark tone will appear on the sound track, which is accompanied by a horizontal line of blue color that runs through the center of the sound clip.

Changing the thickness after another can be done in this way. Key frames are created on the line below. Between two key frames, you can change the shape of the line that flows, thereby reducing or increasing the intensity level at a given time. To do this, the key frame needs to be moved up or down. When you move a key frame down, the volume at this point decreases. As the key frame moves upward, the thickness moves up.

Now let’s take a closer look at the process of creating soundness on the singing part of the track:

  1. Place the cursor of the current editing position on the head of the clip.
  2. Place the mouse pointer on the crossbar point of the line cursor for the current editing position of the line that ends on the road so that the pointer looks like a hand with a double-directional arrow.
  3. The girls click on the mouse. The designated point will have a key frame with a square marker.
  4. Move the cursor of the current editing position a little to the right.
  5. I'm going to click the mouse again. This point will have another key frame.
  6. The third and fourth key frames can be created in the same way.

We created several key frames on the audio track along the clip.

7. Now let's move the plot that goes between the other and third key frames down, reducing the intensity at this plot hour to a minimum.

The shape of the border between the first and fourth key frames will change.

All the remaining chaos in the singing field has been created. Let's analyze it. Between the first and the other key frames, the line goes sharply downward, which means that the intensity decreases during this period. At the interval between the other and third key frames, the line of the abdomen runs along the lower border of the track, which means that the thickness at this interval is minimal. Starting from the third key frame, the line goes uphill. The intensity at this point moves forward and reaches the output value at the fourth key frame.

Other audios are available

The offensive appearance of the original Mute. Insert/Audio Envelopes/Mute. The whole world trumps the sound. These key frames can be arranged either at the very top or bottom of the track. The top position sound is turned down, the bottom sound is turned down. In this manner, stretching the track, you can turn on and turn off the sound on the singing sections.

There in the menu press Mute and press Pan. Chervona line - tse zagalna balance. The middle position ensures that the sound of both channels remains equal. The greater the point, the greater the intensity of the sound in the left channel and less in the right. The lower the point, the lower the volume of sound in the left channel and the greater the volume in the right.

Sony Vegas has a lot of software. Rich in its great functionality. And one more, and even more important possibility, is the addition of audio and video tracks. I’ll talk about adding audio and video tracks to your project, and how to do it today.

Those of you who have worked with the Photoshop program, singly, heard about such a speech, like balls. Where the bottom ball is, the top ball is placed on it. One more ball for now. In this way, you can make a pie that consists of many balls. I achieve an unexpected effect.

Video and Sony Vegas programs also have the ability to add balls. Only balls here are called stitches. Audio and video tracks. І are insured for both additional video and additional audio.

Why do you need to add audio and video tracks?

One of the favorite and one of the broadest effects of cinema is the superimposition of one video on another. The butt of this trick is the ghost effect. Then a haunting object appears in the room, a sight simpler than it seems. It’s clear, the looker miraculously understands that this doesn’t happen. Ale tse kino. And everything is here.

In order to achieve this effect, the editors blend the two fragments. І achieve the required effect. Previously, it was important to earn money, but now, with the help of Sony Vegas, you can earn money.

How to add a video track to Sony Vegas?

Zagalom, I finished explaining at length what this is all about. Well, it’s true, everything is very simple.

4 ways to add audio and video tracks from Sony Vegas.

Let's get started, create a new project and upload a couple of files to the timeline (to learn how, you can follow the lesson - How to import video into Sony Vegas Pro - 4 ways)

First method.

Finally, right-click on the files that are on the timeline, right-click to open the context menu and select the Insert video track command.

An additional track has appeared.

Another way.

Right-click on the track title. The same menu will appear as in the first method.

Third way.

Go to the Insert menu and select the Insert video track submenu. See the result.

Fourth method.

Well, the fourth, simplest way. Just press the keys Ctrl+Shift+Q. That's all.

How can I delete a video track?

Now, how do you need to delete the video track? Go to the free place on the unneeded track, select the context menu by right-clicking and select the item – Delete Track.

You can add audio tracks in the same way, just replace the Insert Video Track command and select the Insert Audio Track command. Or just press Ctrl+Q.

If you want to add an audio or video track to your project, adding it is very easy, but the possibilities that adding tracks provide are simply limitless. What kind of ability does this give? This will be known another time.

Well, now, that's it. Until new zustrich!

There comes a time in the life of every video editing enthusiast when not only video effects, but also audio, begin to appear. how to change the audio track. However, it is not necessary because the sound of the video makes it unnecessary and needs to be replaced. Or I would like to add a special piquancy to the series, for example, the effect of the moon, the assembly hall, the appearance of the room, and so on.

The Sony Vegas video editing program is not otherwise suitable for this type of work, but it can be easily mastered by a beginner.

Well, today's lesson will be dedicated to editing Sony Vegas audio tracks. And we will look at some of the main basic techniques.

1. Replacement and replacement of the audio sequence.

This technique is required in order to replace the original audio with something else (for example, instead of the drunken trills of guests, cheerfully substitute Verka Serduchka’s hit or simply delete it).

We open the project, attach it to the new required video fragment and drag it into the work area. If you drag this video across the work area with your mouse, you will notice that both the video and audio go together seamlessly. And you won’t lie down because you will pull with your bear by the video piece or by the audio piece.

It is obvious that you will try in this situation using the additional button DELETE If you delete the audio track, then you will delete the video together with the video. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to “roar” the video and audio. To do this, click on the video and press the “ U " Then, having sipped the video again, you will notice that it is already collapsing next to the audio track. And after that we simply see it and put it behind the banners.

2. Change is equal to sound.

This technique helps to smooth the sound from loud to quiet, when at a certain moment the sound needs to be muffled or at the same time raise its volume. So, for that we go to the menu items Insert ->AudioEnvelopes ->Volume or vikory hot keys Shift+V.

Then we turn to our video, or more precisely to the audio track that belongs to us. For the bear's subdued clicks, we put marks in these places, so we can adjust the sound.

Then, pressing and swaying icons, you can raise or lower the volume of sounds. Listen, what happened?

You can also have this effect, which I call Let's hear it." It transmits the sound audio either from the left speaker or from the right one. For this we go to the menu items Insert ->AudioEnvelopes ->Pan or we press the keys to burn Shift+P.

Once again, on the audio track, we put marks in several places if we want to preserve the audio effect.

I, as in the first episode, using additional marks, we adjust the audio and drop it to “ lve ear", and de - on " right vuho».

3. Particular audio effects

Sony Vega has its own set of audio effects that help enhance the sound of the video. To find them, go to the menu items View ->Plug-inManager .

Our gaze finally reveals an impersonal audio effect of some kind of relish.

To select one of them, you need to use your mouse to drag the messages to our audio track and set the necessary characteristics.

4. Improved sound

To “stretch out” the audio (as expressed in English - slow motion), you need to select the desired video, if necessary, “edit” the parts that can be edited (for which you click on the video in the where you need to make a “cut”, and press the “ S"). And then the required material is removed.

And then we squeeze the key CTRL And we pull the video by the edge, thus stretching it. You are satisfied with the handling and the sound.

This is a lesson in preparation within the framework of the no-cost basic course “How to Independently Create a Masterpiece from Home Video”, you can subscribe to:

  • Enter your name and your EMail in the right column of the blog and click the “Switch course” button;
  • clicking on the confirmation.

I hope that the lesson will be useful and you will definitely improve your video editing skills.

And today I have everything.

I wish you success and see you soon!

Sound is an invisible part of any film. The film contains a sound support, which includes music, characters' words, and various effects. All these warehouses convey to us the mood, and the inspiration of a boring and unimportant film becomes richer, less barvy and state-of-the-art, but without sound. Program Sony Vegas There is great potential in processing and editing sound. We overreact the main ones:

1. Possibility to create projects both with stereo sound and with extra sound in 5.1 format.

2. The ability to select an unlimited number of audio tracks with different compression and formats.

3. Possibility of extinction ( FadeIn/FadeOut ) as it is during the processing of video files.

4. Ability to mute audio tracks.

5. The ability of the skin to set the level of thickness.

6. Possibility of selecting sound effects for real-time processing.

7. Possibility of defining peripheral lines from node points to edit adjacent sections of audio tracks.

8. Ability to output sound from non-personal formats.

All the simplest operations that are performed when editing video files are also the same for audio files, so you don’t need to look at them. The most important step in audio editing is managing the lines that are being cut. The original line is a horizontal line extending throughout the entire sound track, which operates behind other key points. Using this line, you can change the volume of not only the entire sound track, but also other sections. To add audio to the audio track, you need to click on the menu command Insert / Audio Envelopes / Volume . Let's take a look at the butt of the original line for editing the sound track section (Fig. 2.19). The section of the sound track where it is necessary to reduce or increase the volume can be seen by key points. To place the cursor on the line that ends up on the ear of the plot, click the right mouse button on the context menu and select the command “ Add Point " A little further to the right we add one more point. Similarly, when performing this operation, two control points are added at the end of the edited section. As a result, a section of the audio track is selected, which can be pulled up or down to increase or decrease the thickness at this point. Analyzing the line on the edited section, you can notice that between the first and the other key points there is a sharp downward movement, which means that the intensity is gradually decreasing. Between the other and the third control point, you go through the lower boundaries of the sound track, which means that the volume is still the same and reaches its minimum. I, find that between the third and fourth key points the line goes uphill, moving upward and reaching the output value at the fourth key frame.

Rice. 2.19. Original thickness line

Cream of low thickness in Sony Vegas Show: mute the sound Mute it is oblivious to the balance of sound Pan (Fig. 2.20). Key points are first rotated either at the very top or at the very bottom of the sound track (the top position of the sound is down, the bottom is down). The key points of the balance envelope, however, can be moved depending on the direction, but in its middle position it indicates the same level of sound of both channels, and there is a difference in either increasing or decreasing the sound of one channel ( The greater the point, the greater the zeal for the sound the left channel and less so the right channel, and so on).

Rice. 2.20. Originally connected to sound and always balanced to sound

Sony Vegas program Allows you to draw the original lines manually. To do this, you need to move the cursor on the line that goes around and press the key Shift , after which it will turn into an ovine. By holding down the left mouse button, you can draw a curve that can be adjusted to move the control points.

Working with lines that go around is not the basis for editing sound in Sony Vegas . The program contains a large number of sound effects, which can only be used to alter the sound of a particular section of a sound clip, but also to give each clip a special effect.

Select two or more video files from the Project Media window and click the Media Properties button to display the Properties dialog box.

The following parameters can be modified for many video files:

  • Frame rate
  • Paul's order
  • Pixel related sides
  • Alpha channel and background color
  • Colorful space
  • Stereoscopic 3D mode
  • Exhausted/Corrected pumping

If the settings are not the same for all selected video files, (additional values) are displayed. If you do not change the adjustment, the values ​​that are changed are saved. Saving video profile settings for future automatic detection.

If you often need to edit the settings for a video file type, click on the Save settings before video profiles for the next button to automatically detect after editing the settings in the Properties dialog box. New settings are adjusted every time, if the file type is detected.

Record audio

Sony Vegas Pro 12 can record audio in either mono or stereo tracks, simultaneously allowing you to directly record audio channels and video tracks. You will reduce the productivity of your computer system and audio hardware. The audio is registered to the media file on your computer and available on the news page.

You can record an empty track, select a time, a song or a combination of a selection of time and time. You can also write down a lot of tricks for the story, so you can support a lot of versions of the story that you can create and edit.

  • Select a recording bucket before recording if you want to automatically add your recorded audio to the media bucket. To remove additional information from the div. "Sorting your media into bins"

To preserve recording effects with your registered files, create a package of effects with parameters for adjusting the recording effect and set the trigger until it becomes a non-operational effect. To remove additional information from the div. "Sorting your media into bins" and "Sorting Effects Podiya in real time"
- Press the Alt+Down arrow at the creation hour to move the editing cursor to the creation cursor.

When Record Broadcast Wave Format is checked in the Audio tab of the Preferences dialog box, Las Vegas Pro records wide-wave format (.bwf) metadata when recording .wav files. You can review this information about the "Grounds" tab of the Properties dialog box for the floor.

Included in .bwf value metadata Bindings by hour. This element indicates where the file was registered on the new page. If you import the registrations.bwf file, you will be added to the new page in the same place, starting with the registrations.

The initiator (Sony Vegas 12) and the initiator's message (unique identifier number) are also registered.

If the control is entered during audio recording, the adjustment of sound effects to eliminate inoperative plug-ins is displayed in the device () to indicate that automatic compensation for used fade-out is changed. Lantsyuzhki, as they cannot be used for live control, automatically bypass the modifications of the red one ().

Record audio

1. Connect the sound output to the sound card inputs.

2. Move the cursor if you want to start recording.

3. Select the Hand Record buttons on the records you want to record. The saved track is enabled for recording.

When a stitch is created, the entry meter displays the entry level. If input control is not specified, the meter displays the level of your input device. When the control is turned on, the meter shows the level of the input jet plus the track effect indicator.

4. Click the Record button on the Transport panel to print the recording.

5. To confirm the recording, click on the Capture button again or click on the Capture button on the Transport panel. Registered The Files dialog box is displayed.

6. Check out the Registered Files dialog box to confirm the file name and upload your registered audio. Click Delete or Delete All if you do not want to save the registered files, or click Rename to change the file name.

7. Click the Done button to close the Registered Files dialog box. Your registration file is displayed as a new item in the New Page, and the registration file is added to the Project Media window.

Bagatorizhkovy sound recording in Sony Vegas pro 12

Once a cycle has been specified for your project, the cycle will finish cyclically at the time of recording, and will be completed immediately when the cycle is completed before the cycle area starts. The remaining registered entry is installed as an active entry.

The area is created to indicate that the beginning and end of the skin should be taken from the registered file. These areas are not part of your project, but are not visible in a neat window.

To remove additional information from the div. "Vikoristanya Trimer" on page 150 and "Vikoristannya Take Yak Varianti"

Recording a new sample for audio audio

You can record a song in audio by selecting її. The record hour was marked by the widower.

Registered The Files dialog box is displayed.

Click the Loop Playback button on the Transport panel to record a large number of takes from the selected stage.