How to create your own case with the addendum. How to write a case that screams trust. What is “case release” and “sheet about success story”

Having developed a plan of action that, combined with a reliable business plan, will give your company advantages or benefits (or both), you present this business case to the people who make decisions.

Whose important document has all the facts that matter? action plan, including financial benefits for reorganization. Writing a business case will help you figure out problems and find out ways to decision, which had never occurred to me before; Project managers can exploit such a case to capture the investment advantage over other projects.

Instructions before writing a business case

christen problem You can rely on the help of your propositions, or the possibilities that your case demonstrates in order to gain profit. For example, “clients are afraid of grammatical concessions from our leaders and therefore do not take advantage of our services and do not recommend us to others”.

Describe there are problems with the details, including its scale and purpose. For example: “It is necessary to hire a professional editor to read the remaining versions of the stories before submitting them to clients. This will help to eliminate grammatical pardons. If the effectiveness of this review improves, hire more editors to read other documents.”.

Find out how your plan is to solve the problem and help you speed up the process; explain structure and hierarchy of the project(Report), guess alternative solutions. For example: The editor will report to the office manager, who, in his own capacity, will be responsible for providing feedback to clients. Or you can hire a local business school to read documents; If everything works out, you can officially apply for a job after graduation.”.

Sign up analysis of profitability and financial benefit according to your action plan. Here you have to show the reader the effectiveness of the investment in your proposition. For example: During the rest of the day, we spent at least two clients through those who received grammatical amends in our accounts. This cost us approximately XX XXX dollars (per month's profit). If we hire an editor, we will spend XXX XXX dollars on the river to save X XXX dollars there.”.

Poznaznante time framesyour project, so that the reader believes in the feasibility of his vision. Here you can find out the details of the project, the goals and key points. For example:“Candidates for the position of a professional office manager, and a professional editor. The beginning of the new frame will take place on site, and the planting harness will be tight from the start. “Throughout the next meeting, a special commission will evaluate the results of the project and the necessity of such planting.”.

Evaluate your plans, then provide information about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and pitfalls of your project. So show your readers what you (or yours have contributed) objectively consider the chances of success of the business model. For example: “We wanted to see the editor working in a job like consultant Joe, who had recently retired. If we don’t have a place to work, we can start an editor in the conference room and chat with him on Skype, until his desk is revealed.”.

Complete the business case Let's repeat the formulas problems and possibilities, on how to straighten out the plan of action. Rozstavte key points of your plan, think about it financial benefit and tell me vitrati, how to proceed, since the plan will not be blocked.

Write visnovki with a business case, as well as annotation until new. Then place this instruction on the beginning of the description of the case (you want to write it in the rest of the book). Here you need only the most important information from the completed business case and very little detail.

Publication of cases is included in the list of the most effective marketing tactics in the B2B sphere. It’s not surprising that such content is valued for those that describe the real evidence of a successful product and acts as social proof.

Therefore, if you do not have enough facts, it would be better to put away your writing until the very last hour. Otherwise, the reader will not believe the reports about an abstract client who, with your help, has achieved consistently high results. It is possible, of course, to “figure it out” on your own, otherwise it will be easier to turn you over to the audience.

Your case may be short and describe a broad problem rather than a highly specialized issue. This is not the type of content to be read just like that. The potential deputy manager “approximates” the described situation of wine. I would like readers to appreciate the well-written cases, which deal with a variety of non-standard problems and problems that rarely occur.

It is important to understand that cases are being written in the future:

  • show respect to your product and show it to you;
  • demonstrate in real life that the product actually works;
  • illustrate what results can be achieved with your help;
  • Convert the reader to a similar problem that you can help with;
  • Strengthen your competitive advantage so that the client switches to you over your competitor.

Keep this in mind and it will be easier for you to choose a title, write a abstract and create a structure for the text.

Casey is not at all obligated to take revenge on the numbers on the symbols. Most often, the deputy is assigned to the Vikonavian department to improve the work processes, in order to get things done and adjusted. Such evidence is no less valuable. Because you don’t have a lot of results from working with a client, you shouldn’t be convinced of working on the material. Axle butt.

How to write a new case for 6 kroks

Lesson No. 1: Select a show project

How can you tell that you have “ripened” a topic for your case? Ask your colleagues some food:

  1. Do you have a satisfied client and good results from your work with him?
  2. Wouldn't you be against publishing the case?
  3. How urgent is this problem, as we believe? How is it important for readers to learn about the ways of achieving this goal?
  4. Perhaps, have you discovered a new design for your product?
  5. Do the results of robots really contradict? Why show the stench of your product from the visible side?

If you would like to firmly confirm one of these points, you can proceed. Before speaking, sometimes a good case is not necessarily a success story. It’s important to recognize your concerns and describe ways to correct them with no less confidence. Therefore, anti-cases are immediately profiting from popularity.

Lesson No. 2: Collecting data

Several problems may arise here:

  • The deputy may not make contact;
  • You may not want to publicize the numbers, so call me.
  • I don’t know what data needs to be given.

How do we define these problems:

  1. We understand that in 99% of cases the case is not needed by the client, but by us. So I’ll stop by establishing communication. Our Customer Success Manager or Support conducts regular audits of the project to adjust the service so that the client gets maximum results. It is important to gradually encourage communication so that the sound can be heard until it is heard. Once we have reached the point where the client is completely satisfied and makes contact easily, we are encouraged to write a case.
  2. Golovne, don’t succumb to the complacency of “painting” everything yourself - this is how you get a truly “fantasy” case. Most companies are willing to publish their opinions if you require confidential information. Or replace the absolute numbers with data showing the dynamics of growth of indicators. If the client is not able to understand the numbers, you can make a compromise - not remember the name of the company in the text.
  3. To our knowledge, some clients simply do not understand that the words they say can be illustrated with numbers or the dynamics of a graph. From whom we ask for access, for example, to Google Analytics or definitely allowed for the publication of screenshots and reviews. We select this data independently.

If all the problematic aspects are resolved, you can fill out a special questionnaire. It’s good if you have a lot of food for such purposes and they can only be changed a little, depending on the specifics of the project. The axis, for example, the Ringostat template is the basis, which is supplemented with nutrients unique to a specific project.

Lesson No. 3: Write the text

It’s like saying: “The eyes are afraid, but the hands are timid.” You have collected the information, and now you need to organize it. It’s easier to do this if you already have the structure of the new text.

It is necessary to blindly copy this diagram, otherwise copy it - the reader will get the benefit of the power supply from the case. You can write this in the form of a response, but you need to emphasize that your response is on top and you are not just “spreading water.”

We won’t be amazed at how to write and format expert texts in your various fields. Good stock - Casey. We recommend reading what you write about it. Although the information is in English, it is very colorful and simply described.

In addition, please ensure that the text is published on your blog or on an external resource. What type of feed will be made? At first glance, the buyer already knows about your product and is loyal from now on. On the other hand, you need to write material that is as proactive as possible, but will “chill” the audience, who may not even know about you and are profiting from the services of your competitors. The axis is similar to the portal, which is written together with partners.

Lesson No. 4: Check and update

Ozhe, the text is ready. Now you need to check:

  1. The main thesis is grounded in facts. For example, which formula makes you more trustworthy? “The client began to miss fewer calls” or “LETS online store reduced the number of missed calls by more than 3 times from 24.6% to 6.9%.”
  2. You are presenting the numbers correctly. In the case of the induced butts, they could have been rounded, otherwise they would not have become timid. When you write a case, it is best to include clear numbers. It has been verified that as proof of the importance of people, the figure of 24.6% is overestimated, lower than 30%. But at the same time, do not overdo it, the numbers in the format are 87.56% or 47561, making it difficult to understand the information. In addition, if you change any indicator, it is more likely to be less 100%, instead of the word “heights” it is better to use the word “razy”. For example, the increase is not 150%, but 2.5 times.
  3. It appears in the case of screenshots, graphs, infographics to confirm your words and numbers.
  4. Breaking the text into subparagraphs and meaning blocks makes it easier to absorb information.
  5. Be more objective when presenting information and your case is more like obvious PR. Describe not only the successes, but also the improvements that occurred in the robotic process. Write not only about yourself, but also about the tools and partners who helped you achieve your goal.
  6. This is a new post on a reputable website or the website of the client himself. So the reader can follow the instructions and see for yourself what project you were working on.
  7. We will present the results of the case to the departments. Since the first goal states “increasing sales by 50%,” you will want to read about it yourself.
  8. Your text doesn’t sound like a dry sound, the kind you want to have fun with. Remember that storytelling is known to increase loyalty. Your goal is to tell your potential client the success story you need, and not to follow up on the first phrases with a stream of boring facts.
  9. Whether the text has quotes or the client’s comments. They can’t be eliminated forever, but there is such a possibility, or better yet, victoriousness. From now on, we are encouraged to include the “live” promotions of our clients in our case studies. Vaughn calls for more confidence and is easier to read, without being a separate statement of facts.

Don’t forget that by publishing a case, you are positioning yourself as an expert, and you will be rated as such.

Croc No. 5. Let's get a collective mind

Sometimes, to write a good case, you need to get other people to help you spot the shortcomings:

Show your partner agency or client the finished text. It is important to discuss edits in writing so that there are no complaints about the material you published. This plan has a manual Google Docs, in which you can give other contributors access, the ability to comment and edit text.


Let's figure out what is needed for a case that is truly trustworthy.

Remember that no matter how valuable your information may be, no one wants to read a dry list of facts. And the smut - the case is responsible for misrepresenting useful information for the reader, and not being a waste of time for your company's PR.

The case is there. The case is here... And the unexplained minds that only people came to freelancing, sat and thought - what is this? Everyone should be shy, can you please me? If only you could understand what it is...

What is the case and the next thing to write?

The case is a detailed description of the work on the project. This is the sound of the free form, which is written with the method:

A) show that you are capable of doing what you do;

B) show successful (or unsuccessful, as is also practiced) projects that are being worked on;

C) boast about the success of a new trick or a new approach to work and show how it works;

On the right is that it is most often impossible to “compromise” the services of a freelancer. Well, of course, the designer can show the painted logo on his portfolio, the retailer can take screenshots and the date of sending on his website. The axis is there, proof of their mastery, you can see their work (and then try to make sure it’s not stolen).

What about, for example, website marketing specialists, marketers, agents, how do they set up contextual advertising? And not only – cases can be written by everyone who performs the same services. Find companies that do repairs.

A detailed description of the work, with photographs and videos, is a strong social proof, confirming that you can effectively do what you say.

Where should I place it?

That's all right. Ale call casey publish:

On your website there is a “Portfolio” section. This is for those who cannot show off their work in such a manner. I would always recommend writing short cases to everyone. Goodbye to the designers. Don’t show bare pictures, but write down how you worked on the project. It will be better.

Various online agencies often operate their website. Statti - statti - case. For variety, and to show what they really mean.

On other sites with the method of self-promotion. Call, these are great professional appearances. For example, marketers of all stripes are trying to sell their cases on Cossa. Sometimes it's useful. Sometimes it’s no longer so. Another plus is that you can get some comments from your colleagues.

Is it possible to place the same case in two places at once?

Well, try it. It is unlikely that the magazine will accept your publication, as it is already in the vastness of the border. And upload the axis to the website and duplicate it according to social measures - in the future, be kind.

I understood. Now to the point – how?

Not all thematic cases are written in the same way. There are a lot of quiet ones that I have read - very weak. Sometimes it’s funny to read, especially for a newcomer who is clearly swimming in the topic. I wanted to boast, but something went wrong... All of this is just a shame, because he himself indulged in favors and spoiled this as a feature...

It is very important to write cases for those who naturally do not have writing talent. If a person cannot reliably and consistently put down his thoughts and actions, then there is no case, but it’s best.

No one likes photographs of the final result, because they don’t know why it all started and how it all worked out. Without context, naked photo of Marni. And your potential clients, honestly, don’t care what you earned there as a result for whom... They need to improve your approach. This is what you need to try to convey in your case: how you work.

You are welcome to show 3 stages of your approach:

1. How do you define the problem?

Invite the client to come to you on assignments that require the highest level of dignity. Otherwise, the situation, as you put it, does not pose a real problem. And your work is the problem, right? Explain how you completed the initial question in order to understand what problems the client is about to solve. You can include client interviews or interviews, and possibly night-to-night meetings. Explaining the process of finding a problem shows your knowledge and interest in the companies you work with.

2. How did you understand the problem?

How does the problem affect business? What kind of company is this, or is it just a headache? How important is this for the company, and what have they tried yet? By showing that you understand the problems in the context of the business, you redesign potential clients to respond to their needs, rather than promoting the same services for everyone.

3. How did you frame the problem?

What are the business goals and how do you achieve them? What will happen if I succeed, and what will happen if nothing comes of it? How did you get home with the client? This is the essence of your work, so try to clearly understand what you have done for business. Don’t forget to include feedback from clients in the case – those who are satisfied with the result of working with you.

What you need to carefully evaluate in your case:

  • How long has it been?
  • How much does it cost
  • What were the results

These three points must be clearly stated. For example: “Income increased by 20%” or “Conversion increased from 1% to 6%.”

Now, let's start writing? Before writing a case, you need to know exactly what kind of service you are going to advertise. If you have a track record of work in a specific job or the assignment of a specific service, that’s good. If you want to move to a new room or try out new services, it is not good to remove a number of projects, which you can view for less, less than the standard price, fee. You only need to worry about writing a case study and updating your portfolio.

You must pay specific attention to the skin type of services you perform, and whatever type of galusia you perform. For the developer, this can be the creation of programs from scratch (from ideas to development) or the reorganization of existing programs (conversion of tests and their transfer).

Thematic studies also need to describe the problems you encounter. Don’t include the negative aspects of the project, as long as you didn’t mess with them! Difficulties arise for everyone, and since you didn’t have any problems, I suspected.

A case with a description of negative evidence is the same case. And they often practice this by publishing “to others in science.”

Have you already written to Casey?

How to remove the trust of a potential client? Everything begins with your initiative. First of all, you show that the product or service effectively works for the authorities, and then the people rule, which is why they are a fool.

Indeed, we can say that you are increasing sales very sharply, and in terms of energy savings and the use of environmentally friendly materials, you are ahead of your competitors by a couple of light rocks. Alas, there is no word. What do you really need to win new clients? This is clear, irrefutable proof.

One of the best ways to prove your superiority is to create a case study that clearly shows how your product or service helped the client. How can you provide your potential buyers with information they can trust? A little bit of research will help you, how to write a business case.

Instructions for creating the case

Krok 1. Vibrate, put emphasis on

To give your accountants a truly valuable case to sell, you need to select a “candidate” - a situation that shows your business in the best possible light.

For example:

Knowledge about the product. The more people know about your product, the better. Sales managers are obliged to take into account information about the power of the product, the value for the future buyer, and the report case highlights their examples from practice.

Great result. The strongest cases are from companies that have achieved negative results. If your product or service truly helps anyone solve the problem and increase profits, then the potential client will quickly become infected with the bug and turn to you.

Unsatisfactory success. The tricks that come out of the dark picture will help to save potential clients from any doubts. For example, if a positive result came quickly or the effect appeared overwhelming, it was transferred below. Axis, for example, is a great case about the stagnation of retargeting.

● Name recognized. Great brands will help you increase your creditworthiness. How to describe it, for example, name the clients of “” in the descriptions of our services – .

Clients as a competitor. The stories of the survivors who ultimately chose you will bolster your competitive edge and help others make the right decision to come back to you.

Lesson 2. Add participants to the case

To inform your company about an attractive case, ask the client to contact you before proceeding. Formulate your understanding of the case and plan your work schedule later.

The main reason why the process of creating a case tends to be delayed is that the client does not have a clear schedule or rights to access the required data (for example, a marketer does not have access to Google Analytics). Therefore, the first thing to do is to open a case, to create a basis for a new one.

To avoid delays, carefully check with the client company’s manager if you want to reveal to the rest of the world the results of your work with you. Then you can write a letter by e-mail to someone who is directly taking part in the project. Something like this:

"Good day!
We are glad to know that your care is based on what we have learned about you in the success story of our client. I am the manager of this case, Vasil Ivanov. On the supplement to this sheet you will find two important documents. Be kind, take a look at them, and we can send it to the robot. Please sign the first document, key data on the case, and send it to us before we start collecting information for the case. Participation will be confirmed.
Another document, a sheet about the history of success - this is a plan outline for the process of creating a case.
The case will take 1-2 days to prepare, depending on how quickly we collect and process the information.
If I accept your confirmation, I will find you an online tutor who can help us create a unique case. Could you remember him before the 7th of February?
I would like to get started and learn more about your successes. You can be brutalized by any kind of food.
Thank you, Vasily."

What is a “case release” and a “success story sheet”?

Let's finish with the release of the case.

Before you enter:

● clearly explain how you create a case and how to develop it;
● Information you are going to include in the case - names, logos, numbers, names, photographs, etc.;
● your intentions are for the client’s participation in the work with the case to be completely completed (and your client is ready to apply for the case on your website or share a return link with you; you can provide all contact information your client in your interests?);
● Information about the wine city. The location of this document can be changed depending on the size of your business, the scope of activity and what you are going to work with the prepared case.

Worksheet about the history of success

This is a plan-summary of this process. You need to briefly explain how the client will benefit from the development of the case and describe all the main stages.

● Accept. First, you need to identify internal benefits from the company's marketing team. After which it is our fault to send you a signed release. At this stage, you need to determine a time schedule that suits the needs and capabilities of both teams – yours and the client’s.

● Opituvannya. To ensure a more productive interview for a relevant business case, ask the client to take part from the telephone interviewer. This will give your team a foundation for the main interview, from which you can extract as much information as possible.

● Interview. Having filled out the registration form, you go to the client to confirm the interview. You can spend every day, a year or more. Meta interview – respond to questions about customer satisfaction with your product or service.

Re-verification of the blackberry. Once the case is formed, the draft is sent to the client so that he can date the folds and make corrections.

Final praise. After making all the necessary changes, the client checks the final version of the case and confirms the rest.

Once this plan begins to come into play, it is best to follow it together with the client. Send your message to the Google.Docs page where the case file is “live”. It will be a miracle if the client connects before the appointment.

Croc 3. Provide proper nutrition

Before the hour of telephone interview and main interview, it is necessary to provide not just nutrition, but proper nutrition.

To get started by phone you can ask:

● What are your goals?
● What kind of vikliks did you stick to the product?
● Why is our product different from our competitors?
● How did your company decide to do business with us?
● How have you achieved success with our product or service (with specific numbers, if possible)?

Remember that the hospital is being opened up so that you can provide strong nutrition, oriented towards success during the hour of the main interview.

The golden rule of interviews is to keep your food open.

If you want to write a different story, the “So” and “No” arguments will take you nowhere. Feed in such a way that the types appear wide, and you can supplement them with nutrients to clarify. The simplest cob for nutrition - “Describe, please…” or else “Tell me about...”.

To ensure that the interview gives you all the necessary information for a rich case (and it doesn’t last for a year), try to follow the plan.

Interview structure:

1. Your client’s business. The purpose of this section is to understand the exact goals and problems of the company and where it occupies its place.

Healthy meals:
How long have you been in this business? How many health workers do you have? What goals do you set for yourself now?

2. The need of the ruler. To write a new story, you need some context. This will help you understand how to meet the client’s needs and your decisions.

Healthy meals:
What problems and goals led you to seek a solution? What would happen if you didn’t know the decision? Have you ever tried other decisions that you didn’t make? So what happened?

3. The process of praise decision. Find out how a client chooses to do business with you, and this will help you understand how this process works for potential partners.

Healthy meals:
How did you find out about our product and service? Who took the fate of the election? What was most important to you in evaluating the options?

4. Vikoristannya. Focus on how the customer gets started with your product.

Healthy meals:
How long did it take you to send a message to the robot? Did your expectations come true? Who took part in the process of propagation?

5. Decisions at home. In this section, it is better to understand how the client views your product or service.

Healthy meals:
What aspect of our product or service do you rely on the most? Who is the vicorist's product and service?

6. Results. At this stage, it is necessary to understand what kind of enemy (and absolutely deadly!) pouch is. The more numbers, the better.

Healthy meals:
How does our product or service help you save time and increase productivity? How does our product advance competitive advantages? How much did you improve the parameters A, B, C?

Krok 4. Give the case to a talented person

Now is the time to take all the information you have collected about how the client likes your service, and transform it - write a concise and meaningful business case.

Start with what? What should I include before the case, and what can I omit? How to structure the case?

1. Heading. Keep it short. Emphasize your greatest advantage.

2. Summary. Let’s get started – 2-4 propositions about the results of the work. Please supplement your resume with 2-3 points that demonstrate your success (you can use them in bulletins).

3. About the company. Introduce your client’s audience – a company or a person. Brief information can be taken from the company’s website or from its social media profile.

4. Clinks. 2-3 paragraphs about the problems and challenges that the client faced before he began to compete for your product and service, as well as about the goals that the company set for itself.

5. How did your decision help the client? 2-3 paragraphs that describe how your products and services solved the problem.

6. Client results. 2-3 paragraphs that convey that your product has a strong impact on the company or person and has helped achieve the goal set. Add numbers so that your deposit will be successful.

7. Additional illustrations, quotes. Choose one or two strong quotes that can be placed along the lines. Photos of satisfied clients or infographics can wonderfully complement your story.

When preparing your case, remember that the collected information needs to be conveyed in an accurate and concise manner. The case may be easy to read and understandable. Most importantly, do not forget to insert a link at the end before the end, so that the audience is less likely to learn more about your products or services.

P.S. Text of preparations based on the publication "How to Create Compelling Business Case Study: The Ultimate Guide & Template".

P.P.S. A little more interesting information on the topic in our blog.

Meals are usually provided by students who were first familiar with this term. However, this concept is becoming popular in business circles. Before that, as a response to questions about those cases and the application of their virtuousness, let’s delve into the history of a similar term.

Cases appeared

The first understanding appeared in 1924. Professors of the prestigious world have realized that the assistants of the leading rocks do not prepare graduates of current professions. The manuals and handbooks that are relevant at the moment have not yet been created, but the previous ones are already outdated. These professors also thought through business cases - current issues that graduates needed to address. For this purpose, Harvard asked business leaders, who gave briefings to graduate students. Participants at the seminars spoke about the real problems that their companies faced. After this graduate student, it is difficult to know the height of these problems. The peculiarity of such a tendency is that there are no correct evidences. You just need to know the optimal way out of the situation. In other words, solutions to cases are selected individually.

The innovation of Harvard professors turned out to be effective. The graduates who are already graduating are actually very similar to the present day. They knew the problems and departments of successful companies and could easily cope with the assigned tasks. In fact, solving cases by the student gave him real practice at the university. Therefore, since the mid-twentieth century, this method has expanded throughout the world.

Appearing in Russia

In our country, due to the collapse of the socialist system in the nineties of the last century, the lighting system has been running for a long time. The edges are no longer there, but the auxiliaries of the SRSR are no longer there. The textbooks on the history of the CPRS with Lenin remained on the covers until the mid-nineties of the 20th century, without even mentioning other disciplines.

І less than paragraphs. Cases with management began to appear in leading businesses in our region. Today this method is actively developing in Russia. In addition, thematic case clubs are opening. The MDTU im club is especially popular among schoolchildren and students. E. Bauman, career center of NDTU "MISiS" and in.

What's wrong with Casey? Let's get down to the very core of the report.


Case (from the Latin casus) is a superordinate situation, a problem, the best of which cannot be found in the assistants. A more accurate interpretation of the term “casus” is a problem that will require versification, prototyping this term in Russian from English, in which the Latin word casus is interpreted as “case”.

Students are modeled a problem situation that is as close as possible to the real one, and they can find solutions. The point is that there is no correct answer. It’s not just the thought of the investors and the real way out of this situation, as the case will inevitably be taken away from life. Methods of merging, merging, collective discussion, etc. are evaluated.

Well, we explained what the case is, now let’s move on to the goals.


Regardless of the fact that those cases can be divided into one type, the modeling itself, as a rule, has the same goals:

  1. Verification of intellectual and analytical data of scientists.
  2. Developing the argumentation of your position.
  3. Strengthening resistance to a stressful situation.
  4. Introducing beginners to time management.
  5. Development of communication

Casey at the hour of conversation

This method is used in lighting installations. Today, many companies stand still at the hour of conversation. Every day, the job seller is less and less surprised at the applicant’s resume, job description, etc. It is enough to give the candidate a number of cases, and everything about the person becomes clearer from various papers and recommendations.

Of course, this does not mean that the light and evidence are not significant. Without them, you may not reach the stage of solving the case. At the very last stage, he becomes the supreme official at the hour of elections for the future. What is Google's plan as it separates its methods from case modeling. The smell is individual for the skin condition. As a matter of fact, the work will not help the candidate, as the cases cannot be processed. And the stench sometimes attacks you with its deceptive simplicity.

Attach cases

Let's point the butt. The company has encountered a problem with the effectiveness of the work of its sales staff. Three people are working. The first one works with 70% of clients, the second one with 20%, and the third one with 10%. With these indicators, the top sales person shows the other; protein only deals with regular customers. The third, however, works only with new clients, just as the first works with both new and existing ones. The task for the operator is to increase the sales plan and redistribute the flow of clients in such a way that the company generates maximum profits.

For the best results, you need to report the following meals:

  • What possible improvements can be made in this situation?
  • What standards can help the prospect of coloring the results of the work of the skin seller and selling the product?

Perhaps the first seller deals most effectively with new or established customers. Varto also try to change places with another or third seller. Tobto. the other works only with the new ones, and the third - only with the new ones. Perhaps they have a professional crisis and need to change the situation.

Other butt

At the planting of the kerivnik, the personnel management department will hold a meeting. The candidate necessarily has such a knack as the ability to identify the complexity and uniqueness of unnecessary conflicts. The following case is being presented: the general director insisted that the daughter of a young woman should be hired by the company. The first caretaker gave her the position of the secretary-assistant. The girl herself did not show herself in any way, did not like the company, and there was no anger in her until her career advancement. To what extent is there evidence of work in other enterprises?

In an hour of work, the main skills were receiving input documents, maintaining office records, and distributing documents into folders. Within a short time, the place of a dedicated document specialist was available. The general director insisted that this girl had taken advantage of her. However, there are a lot of other specialists in the workplace who deserve promotion. For which job, the applicant must make a choice: either go against the general manager, or deal with the dissatisfied team.

Perhaps the candidate will find an attractive option both for the general director and for the team. But the cases do not make the right decisions. Skin condition is individual.

There are not only business cases, but also cases in other fields: pedagogy, medicine, law. In a skin profession, it is possible to model a problematic situation.