How to create competent internal linking. How to create an internal link in a VKontakte group or group How to properly create an external link

Russian lazna is a great way to recover from all the everyday problems and improve your body and soul. And as for how complete the bathing process will be, first of all lie in the internal lining of the lake, so that it is comfortable and meets all the needs of the ruler. Further in the material with photos and videos we will talk about how to create a bath in the middle, and what materials can be used in this case.

First of all, it’s good to say that the process of internal finishing includes external finishing, starting with laying a vapor barrier and ending with folding and installing furniture and decorative elements. If you have good skills, you can quit all the necessary work on your own, otherwise, rather than quickly get the services of professionals.

Healthy materials

Any internal work in the laboratory begins with the process of selecting suitable materials. Enhancing the lazna with wood is one of the widest options, especially in steam rooms. However, for this location there are a number of boundaries, so that in this one you can put something other than leather material.

It is connected with the use of steam rooms - the increased level of moisture and high temperatures. In such a microclimate, a number of materials begin to become toxic and harmful to human health.

To process the steam room, the following types of materials can be used:

  1. pine board As the temperature increases, tars begin to appear, which can become dangerous for humans.
  2. Chipboards: fiberboard or chipboard. In addition, with high humidity, such materials begin to swell, and they begin to smell of toxins that enter the warehouse of glue bags for their fermentation.
  3. linoleum It is also very good at detecting toxins, and it is also very good at rotting and rotting.

And the axis of the construction of the hole in the middle of the dressing room and the room in the back can be entirely made from such materials. An apron covered with pine planks would be especially comfortable. The stench will add a light pine aroma and a fresh Russian flavor to the room.

Optimal for decorating walls in the sun, in the steam room, with modrina and linden. It is important, of course, that it improves resistance to elevated temperatures and moisture, and is even durable. However, through such a marriage, it is possible to vikorize linden wood.

Wood for cladding a walkway with your own hands is better than stoovovat near the look of the lining. Such lightweight panels can be manually attached, are breathable and can be easily replaced at different times of the day. And the fragments under the ball of the lining will be insulated and can be used as a practically ideal material for processing the steam room.

Lazne processing technology

For any materials, the everyday life of the lazne was not changed - the processing is based on the same technology. Although I still want to get to know the nuances of the process before starting the robot, it’s important to get to know me.

During the work, you need to stick out from the bottom to the top, so that you can reach the ceiling.

The need for vapor barrier is directly related to the type of bathhouses in Vikoristan. So, if the middle of the walkway is lined with wood, then a vapor barrier barrier is not needed, as the wood “dies.”

If the axle is fixed, then vapor barrier is required if special ventilation openings are not provided. If you ever have an emergency, it would be best to consult with the officials regarding this matter.

Upgrading the swimming pool with ceramic tiles

The main advantage of the tile is its functionality and low wear resistance. It is optimal for lining the underlay in the dressing room or in the dressing room. It is durable, not susceptible to high temperatures, does not collapse, and is easy to look at. In addition, tiles allow you to create an original interior.

Tiles can be divided into two categories:

  • with glaze, like enameling;
  • without glaze.

Ceramic tiles for the garden should be glazed, the fragments will be better able to withstand fluctuating temperatures and humidity, and are unglazed.

Remember, it is better to cover the area with tiles with a short textured surface, which will protect against hammering and allow injuries to disappear.

This rule must be applied before covering the walls, as condensation will accumulate on them. Be careful not to get stuck or fall in.

Another point when choosing tiles for a walkway is the base. It is important to use the material with a smooth base so that it adheres tightly to the substrate and will not cause color expansion.

Behind the mold, ceramic tiles for the lounge can be square, rectangular, or folding geometric shapes. Prote, for the most part, it’s better to stick on a straight slab and lay it in the easiest way.

Before purchasing materials, it is necessary to determine the exact quantity required for cladding. And you need to buy 5-10% more material for felling, trimming or drying.

The sequence of laying ceramic tiles is as follows:

  1. Soak the tiles in water with a length of several strands, so that the glue flows better from its base. This minimizes wastage of glue during installation.
  2. Having noticed the difference between the entrance and the adjacent area, you begin to lay the tiles yourself.
  3. Apply glue to the leather tile using a notched spatula. Having pressed it to the base, tap the edge of the tile with a mallet so that the glue is evenly distributed and sealed.
  4. Crossbars will help ensure even seams between the tiles.
  5. The world needs glue to catch the glue. And if everything is dry on the surface and the tiles bunch up, the seams can be filled with a grout of your choice.

It is noticeable that ceramic tiles look good both on the base and on the walls. The mosaic looks especially beautiful and original. If you need to cut the cough when laying it, then special tools will help you with these tasks.

The final stage of processing the floor in the middle of the mill will be the selection of furniture suitable for the interior.

Correct linking on the site is one of the important points of internal optimization. It is not needed for the division of water between the sides, as you might think in the old way. The route through the site is to go through the koristuvach. And then lay them out in such a way that they come together smoothly until the end goal is achieved. How to earn it is revealed in a new post.

What is linking and what is it needed?

Relinking is the process of “stitching” the pages of the site for help.

The transfer can be internal or external.

Internal linking- this is the arrangement of posilan within one site.

Internal linking department:

  • improvement (the site becomes cleaner and more intelligent);
  • pages (search engines better understand the structure of the site - which pages go where, which ones are important);
  • increased relevance of pages (for the ranking of various key queries in the search system, it is better to understand, according to which queries the page is ranked in search).

The legacy of correct internal transfer is:

  • enhance behavioral indicators (increase the hour of being on the site, the depth of browsing, reduce the volume) and, therefore, “pull up” positions in search;
  • increase the conversion rate on the site (purchases, applications, subscriptions, etc.).

external linking- this is a distribution of messages from the official website to other platforms (websites, social media pages, catalogs, etc.). Do not confuse external linking with. If we talk about the current linking, we respect the current messages, and under linkbuilding we understand the increasing importance of entering into forceful masses.

External linking details:

  • give them access to relevant information posted on external resources;
  • vkazivka pershodzherela data (for example, when quoting or translating);
  • redirecting traffic to partner and affiliated resources.

External messages are sent to distributors, so they do not need to perform additional manipulations to switch to third-party resources. Moreover, search systems promote the ranking of sites that rely on reputable websites.

How to properly create internal linking

You can find a lot of different linking schemes - “ring”, “zirka”, “yalinka”, etc. In 2018, the linking is based not on mental figures, but on the core for the guides and, in the end pouch, lasnik resource (age These duties are carried out until conversion).

Collecting data for linking

If your site is already running every day and has collected a lot of statistics, information about clicks on messages can be viewed using the “Poslan Map” tool in Yandex.Metrica. You will see which messages are clicked on more often, and you will be able to recognize patterns.

Fragment “Carti posilan” Yandex.Metrica

If the site is new, “Map of Posilan” will not provide information. In this version, you can use the search suggestions of Yandex and Google, which are formed on the basis of the purposes for the customer's needs.

Let's look at the butt. Let's say you have an online hardware store. Do you want to list the details of your current models in the Smartphone catalogue? For whom enter the phrase in Yandex "Buy a smartphone" and select the list of hints. If you want to buy a smartphone, you should purchase inexpensive smartphones, Samsung and Xiaomi smartphones, popular models and new items with high confidence.

All “needs” are written down and, in essence, a list of pages where you can go and where exactly some of the correspondents will go. Unfortunately, if you don’t buy the product, you reject it, which means the site’s position will deteriorate.

I’ll manually collect a lot of tips. To simplify and speed up the work, you can use the “” tool in SeoPult. Select a list of key phrases, select search engines (Yandex or Google), region, rules and collection depth (maximum - up to level 3) and click the “Start search” button.

The finished result can be downloaded in XLSX format.

The pouch sound looks like this:

Sufficient information has been collected in order to understand the needs of customers and create clear linking.

You can also use search hints to link similar queries that appear under the search results.

These queries are available in the Yandex.Wordstat service (right column):

To collect similar queries, use another SeoPult tool - “Collection of association phrases”. It works in a similar way to the tool for collecting sound cues, discussed above.

Why did we go into such detail when collecting phrases? On the right is that, without any reasonable need, the robot’s work on the transfer does not make any sense. If you arrange the messages randomly, chaotically or, inadvertently, “knock around”, there will be no clear transitions through them.

Methods of internal linking

You can set up cross-linking on the site in a variety of ways - please send below typical examples of arrangement between the pages of the site.

Golovne menu

These are direct messages that are located on all sides of the site. In the horizontal menu, go to the “About Us”, “More Payment and Delivery” page, etc. It is not recommended to go to the main page, since you will see on it the message from the logo and/or title of the site.

The message sent to the current page does not need to be active (for example, if you went to the “Contacts” page, then when you click on the “Contacts” menu item, the page does not need to be re-enabled). In addition, do not browse more than 7 times in the menu, otherwise you may be confused with the information you receive.

Product menu (menu catalog, category)

Two menu views

When placing a message in the product menu, pay attention to the following points:

  • Wrap up only the most popular sound drinks (for example, the front ones may be brown, light, orange, etc., but you have found that the most irritating colors are white, black, and black orno-bіli - the same color varto is indicated in the menu. , then the site will be inexplicably used, which will lead to a deterioration of behavioral factors);
  • Avoid spam in the names of the sub-items (for example, in the “Woodrooms” section there is no need to name the sub-items “Modular Wardrobes”, “Small Wardrobes”, etc. To get the point across, only indicate the descriptive characteristics - “Modular”, “Small”. Koristuvachi i So you understand that I’m talking about hallways);
  • Add pictures to the names of sections (this will help to enhance the visual identity of the site. Never replace text with pictures - the names of items and sub-items are to ensure the appearance of the text, which is understandable for sound systems).

updates : Entrust all the work on internal optimization and website promotion to the facists. All tools are in one place. Launch a campaign in three clicks. Automatic budget allocation. Rose stitch!

As a rule, recommendation blocks are victorized in. Here you can display similar products (smartphone 1, smartphone 2, ...), related products (headphones, charger, ...) or popular products from different categories. Do not try to develop complementary positions chaotically without any logic - but you will not give the desired result.

Products can be advertised based on the browsing history - in which case the rate of clicks on submitted items increases.

Recommendation messages can also be placed on the side of the catalog section to clarify the customer's request. For example, those who are in the “Tables” category can go to the subcategories “Desks”, “Computer tables”, “Stools”. Once again, this method allows you to expand the foldable and large menu of the catalog in the left sidebar.

For informational sites, recommendation blocks look different: here it is important to get contributors to look at new pages with content. Therefore, blocks with useful posts, recent news, the most popular pages, the most commented articles, etc. are created.

tag bath

Leather goods can be described by different parameters, which cannot be included in the menu. For example, the wardrobe can be brown, made of chipboard, 100 cm wide, 50 cm deep. In order to simplify the search for products and navigation on the site, create tags - posted on a special page, on which products are grouped in a given category.

Perhaps you will notice that everything can be stored in filters. So, it is possible and necessary to work out - all possible characteristics can be put into the filters. However, the filtering results are not indexed by the search robot, so the most popular way is to write a trace and then refer to them for additional tags.

Example of tags on the category page

Tags are also suitable for informational sites - similar articles are linked to them. Put in the tags only those drinks that are the most popular (div. Most, that means it will drink). Otherwise, you risk visually ruining the side. Get your balance right.

Contextual linking

These messages are placed in the description part of the page (for example, in statistics) and lead to other pages of the site. Such messages are rarely displayed in product cards, which may lead buyers away from them. And the axis on the main side in the categories of stench is entirely riverine. For example, in the “Laptops” category you can refer users to an article with basic information about how to choose a laptop.

Linking to a catalog section with info pages

If your store’s website has an information section, contextual messages included in the text help redirect traffic to commercial pages, for example, to product cards, etc.

Contextual linking of articles with catalog sections and product cards

You can also link different articles to each other (which we use in the posts of this blog), but it is important that they are related thematically and complement each other.

Navigation lantsyuzhka ("bread crunches")

Be sure to use this method of linking on all pages so that you can understand what you need to know, and maybe get back to the forefront.

It is better to use reports that show the entire route up to the front side, and not just the short side (if only the front side and the message “Back” are shown). Read more about the creation of bread crumbs in our newsletter.

HTML site map

This is the side where the message is posted on all pages of the site. It helps to understand its structure. This is useful both for correspondents and for enhancing the indexing of pages by sound systems. Follow the instructions for creating a site map.

The axis is very simple, as it should be carefully adjusted when linking:

  • vikorist only dofollow-post;
  • does not force relinking to comply with any rules - adhere to the principle of a healthy heart and core for publishers;
  • It is not recommended to use excessive linking from product cards (for example, to pages about delivery and payment), but this may lead the customer to the mark; place all necessary service information immediately in the card in a clear format;
  • be unique (if the side forces itself on itself);
  • do not put too many messages on one side (only the largest ones);
  • do not often try from the inside sides to the head;
  • the pages where messages from the main page are sent will be indexed;
  • Regularly check the site for “broken” messages (which lead to pages with a code edited as 200) and delete them.

How to properly create external linking

Webmasters are often afraid to rely on external resources, motivated by the fact that, according to external efforts, the “vague” of the pages flows and is negatively shown in the rankings. Sure, it used to be like this. It's 2018 - sound systems operate on the basis of individual intelligence, and for them, customer satisfaction comes first.

For example, in the current statistics of Yandex.Wordstat, we have set the output of the latest message. As a result, you do not need to go to the search engine, enter “Yandex.Wordstat” and click on the search message - you go to this service directly from the statistics. Is it handy? So. If you like the article, open Wordstat, go between pages, test the method described in the article and read further. And nothing “follows” behind these messages, but the axis of behavior officials, as a result, collapses.

Regardless of the obvious value of external messages, they need to be delivered correctly. Axis basic rules:

  • every external message must be original and organically fit into the context (in another case, search systems may reward that the message is posted on a paid basis, and impose sanctions);
  • If you are not confident in the site you are referring to, please submit it before sending - in which case searchers will not index it, otherwise users will be able to navigate through it;
  • do not disguise the message behind additional scripts;
  • Please note that the messages are clearly indicated in addition to the main text;
  • vikorist natural anchor (brand names, site URLs, custom anchors - “for sending”, “here”, “instructions”, “site”, “color resource”);
  • distinguish anchors with obvious commercial implications (with the words “buy”, “sell”, “price”);
  • For additional text, please let your users know that after clicking on the message, they will go to an external resource;
  • Be sure to carefully adjust your understanding of external messages in the new window - otherwise, behavioral displays will suffer.

As soon as you achieve these satisfactions, your efforts will only be a plus.

Relinking on the site is not an easy task

For the best results, it will be necessary to analyze queries, read the behavior of visitors to the site, and determine which pages and how they will be connected to each other. If it is important for you to retire independently, you can enlist support

Hello friends. Today I want to talk to you about competent internal linking of websites, and not just any websites, but specifically online stores. If earlier, when I was working only on my own informational sites, I would have told about content specialists, but while the guys in the studio are working only on commercial sites, and 80% of them are online stores.

All stores are unique in their own way: different themes, engine, structure, different aspects of a “handmade” site on the side of the leader. And on each site, decisions must be made, most often repeated from site to site. Today we will look at the most extensive linking options Among them, you will definitely find out what is new and cool for your online store. In addition, I have a stock of nasty tricks, because it’s not worth it.

I have described the linking option in detail, why it is important and how to implement it correctly. Well, for now, a little bit of crazy theory.

What is correct linking and why is it needed?

Formally, what is sent from one side to another is already a link. Today we are wondering about relinking in the next key: relinking is sent or blocks are sent, which will help users of the site to find the required product or service more easily, and go to the required page. For search robots, linking a site helps them better index and re-index pages and correctly distribute static data between them.

The interests of clients during linking are a priority, It is not possible for buyers to show dissimilar products in a block of similar products, or in a block of related products when purchasing a refrigerator to show other refrigerators, or, for example, car tires. Everything must be done reasonably: conversion and sales come first, and SEO is only one of the channels for generating traffic. In practice, the benefit for SEO and for living people is great to eat.

Well, relinking should ideally be subject to the following requirements:

  1. Navigation assistance for guides;
  2. Accelerated and enhanced indexing;
  3. Transfer of static power supply to the required sides;
  4. It sounds like a melodious song, but it just doesn’t come to mind.

Rules for linking websites

Make sure to follow the rules when linking(Regardless of site type):

  1. Internal messages are not to blame for the rel = "nofollow" attribute. Otherwise, the axis on the donor side will rotate, but the Plus axis on the acceptor side will not, but will simply evaporate.
  2. The rel attribute = "nofollow" must be used in these cases, if the message is sent to a non-indexed page, or otherwise sent to the general public. Obviously, there is no need to force the robot to follow the instructions and waste an hour and your crawling budget for free. An example of such a problem can be seen on my blog: at the bottom of the post there is a block “What’s new on the forum:”, the message should be redirected to the url, which points to the remaining post in the forum top, which is not indexed. Ideally, such messages will wallow For more help JS, about those, I already wrote, the method as it works before.
  3. We are obliged to inform you of the news on the indexed page of the site, otherwise history will be repeated, described in paragraph No. 1 above.
  4. When setting internal messages, use unique anchors when linking tracks. More than anything, this rule can be posted in online stores only for the information section, as it is clear, and for instructions, which must be entered manually. Resolve messages from menus, blocks, filters, tags, etc. do not give in to dynamic change, which is of no use, because its meta is simply sent to people, which conveys static energy.
  5. There are no restrictions or recommendations for the number of internal messages on the site. I often ask, saying, I feel that there are more than 150 internal messages on the site, but it’s really bad, what should I do? I don’t know who told the stars about this information. But I know for sure that everything depends on a specific site and a specific situation. The most important thing that comes from this is the trustworthiness of the seller, and please do as much as possible to your site. If you have any doubts, just look at the sites of your main competitors, which are all similar in structure, navigation and other basic elements, you can adopt their successful conclusion.
  6. Internal messages must always be direct and strictly on the same page. This means that the transition by request is subject to a 200 OK response. I’m not talking about those whose messages are unacceptable, that’s obvious, but I’m talking about those who are not allowed to go without (and since there’s not a 301, but a 302 redirect, that’s a total disaster). It’s not uncommon that if you change the structure, or because of the layout designer (forgetting the slash at the end of the message, for example), internal messages go through a redirect, it’s even more difficult to post on the window. If you have skin pain, you would like to run your site crawler, for example, or any other tool.

I will be grateful if you tell me in the comments anything else for this section of your practice. Well, I’m moving on to a description of schemes and methods for linking online stores.

Page linking schemes for online stores

navigation menu

The first thing I’ll start with is an element that an online store cannot do without, and a website cannot do without - the navigation menu. Navigation can be horizontal, vertical, as it drops out, or even meta - access to all key sections of the site from any page, no matter where the user is located.

What to do with the menu, how to link from it, how to respond to requests, etc.? I especially appreciate that the surface elements of the site, except for the menu, are not protected by sound systems, or even weakly protected, since those present on each side and the type of their presence/presence change little.

There may be different options. You don’t need to go far, I’ll open 4 great online stores that came to mind first:,, and Let's take a look at the skin report:

On the Technosila website the menu is like a menu, they decided not to do anything with it.

On the M. Video website, absolutely all navigation menus with categories and subcategories are closed in the noindex tag. There is a similar picture on the Eldorado website. Close the menu to noindex I just want to avoid spoiling the text warehouse, so that the menu doesn’t end up in a snippet on search engines, and so that it doesn’t respect the significance of the relevant page (although this doesn’t happen often). In this regard, I will add support for the noindex tag, but it is not appropriate that this tag is included only in Yandex, and Google ignores it, but then in Google it is more often taken as a snippet This is a description and problems with unclear scripts rarely arise.

On the DNS site in noindex, only the largest categories in the menu are closed (so it is true that noindex is vikorist and rel = "nofollow" for sending - of course, I don’t know), and global and father’s categories They are indexed. What's the point, tags are being vikorized on the DNS websiteі. These tags are not intended for global search, but are intended for indexing management for corporate solutions, for example, intranet. Perhaps the godly SEO experts working on this site misinterpreted the meaning and meaning of these tags.

Menu in the footer. You don't have to do anything with the menu in the footer, you don't have to close it at all, and you don't have to worry about it being posted on the technical side. What goes together is not appropriate, as it is implemented on higher-quality butts. Contact information, social media, and messages on important information pages may also be available: payment, delivery, about companies, etc. Duplicate navigation through product sections in the footer can only help if there are no more than 5-7 sections (as on the site, work is NOT required.)

Thickness is listed in the menu. It’s a lot to worry about the number of internal messages on the other side of the site, and with such menus as in Eldorado and M. The video is not at all surprising. What can you earn from it and what do you need? As an option: in the menu, display an incomplete list of categories, subcategories, subcategories, etc. And stick to the findings of only Father’s divisions. To make it clearer, I’ll show you on the example: take the Eldorado website, the “Electronics” menu item, in this place there are almost 100 orders at a time, and you can display only 6 (TVs, Computers, Telephones, Software, Photos and Videos and Automotive Products), then turn off children. But on the other hand, the sheer amount of detail gets confusing, so for example, you can immediately tell where fax machines, memory cards or headphones are running? I don't. So this option of “slimming” the menu will not always be stagnant, first of all, you need to be amazed at the eyes of your advisor (and respect him stupidly, as if it didn’t sound amazing :), and the hypotheses must be verified by an A / B test.

Based on practice, I can say that manipulation of messages does not give any significant results in SEO. I tried to clean up and add the message, I tried to close the message in JS - there was absolutely no change in positions and traffic.

Bread dough as an element of linking

The next invisible element of any website, and especially an online store, is bread crumbs. The richness of this element is difficult to overestimate, and they carry an informational and navigational sense: having admired them, one realizes in which division one can later move into the Father’s category, because by selecting the brand or category of the product.

It is easy to consider the content as an important element for linking, because in 95% of the occurrences in the content, the same categories and sections occur as in the navigation menu. In other cases, the criteria may contain messages sent to SEO filters with a specific category, which are generated by a related category of product with some power or characteristic. In this case, the message from the author allows you to index such filter pages.

With bread crumbs there are clear decisions, but not so much:

Indexation. I am absolutely convinced that there is no need to click on indexation for the additional help of noindex and rel = "nofollow". Having opened dozens of popular shopping sites, I still haven’t learned enough about protecting indexation.

Layout Mash the bread dough into a varto. This looks like a beautiful snippet on Google, although it is functional, unfortunately, it does not give anything. (As you remember, previously the navigation lanyard in Google used to have clickable messages, but at one point they became just text messages.) The markings are not reflected in the form and name of the navigation lanyard in Yandex. Let yourself begin to cry out on your own.

Availability of the streaming page in navigation. Parts of the feed, display or do not display the name / title of the streaming page, which is located on the navigation button. I appreciate that the name of the flow page may be displayed in the header in a large font below the breadcrumbs, and in the bread crumbs themselves, only Father’s categories are displayed without the name of the stream page.

My thought is subjective, and you decide for yourself what suits you best. Before speaking, on the websites of Technosila and MVideo there is no name for the product, but at DNS and Eldorado there is a name for the product present.

Menu that appears in items. Another ambiguous solution is the list of categories that fall on the same logical level. In any case, the sense is very similar to the navigation menu. The axle is a butt for you, which I took from the site

Or the axis is another butt

I don’t know how cumbersome and manual it is, but the decision rarely comes to fruition.

Another element that is trending everywhere is similar products and recommendations. This block is sent without being named and without any functionality - similar products, recommended products, related accessories, other products of this brand, etc. - assignments in pershu chergu for koristuvach. I mean a marketing strategy: another joystick for the console, a bracket for the TV, a stick for the bear - all to sell additional goods, and not for SEO.

This is a more formal way of linking. If we talk about SEO, then a more technical / algorithmic approach is required before setting up a message, one of such algorithms is circular linking.

Kiltseva linking

I don’t know who came up with the logic of the robot and the name of this algorithm. I wanted to think about what I came up with when I developed this algorithm for my sites, and then released two modules for DLE. But it turned out that everything was invented before us: on the Internet there are riddles older than my posts about linking and modules. Ale tse is absolutely not important at all.

The main purpose of circular linking is an even distribution of water between the sides of the same level. The main marker in this category is the ID of the page in the database. Then there is a final selection and placement of orders for goods that go before or after the flow of goods. For example, the skin side is placed on 10 front sides, and at the end of the straps it closes, tying the first and the last item into the strap. With this algorithm, the skin area without mercy removes a large number of input and output signals, as well as a large number of internal inputs. The entry from the index of the pages to the lanyard does not interfere with the algorithm, so we can do it for 10 pages. I think you have understood the robotic principle.

I have been working on modules for circular linking for my informational and important sites and checking only there, but theoretically cannot be used for any site with a large number of pages. My experiments yielded an amazing result: with this kind of linking I achieved 100% (and not approximately, but exactly, side by side) indexing of all pages for sites, using the module.

It is logical that we cannot talk about any similarity of pages or products, since the selection is simply based on the ID from the base. For this purpose, in the module I came up with an approach that would solve this problem - to select by id, either within the song category or subtitle. Therefore, it was possible to create the same type and similar messages without destroying technical capabilities - not just one large ring was created for the entire site, but a large number of rings within the categories.

As they say against online stores, throughout my entire life I have only owned one single store, where the circular linking is based - You can admire the butt by going to the page of any product and scrolling down to the “Other Products” block.

In order to preserve the similarity of goods, there was a separate exchange of goods from the foreign category. As you say, you can’t talk about the similarities. We have launched the site to complete the tasks in terms of seo-shmeo, a lot of different teams have been involved in this work (my team included), so I recommend it until the end.

In summary, I’ll say that this is a very dubious linking option for an online store and I’m unlikely to recommend it.

random linking

There is an even more foolproof option for linking, which I call “random linking”. Under this name you can combine a number of types of posting. The first option is pure double-linking, if there is a block in which the message will be displayed on N typed pages. The messages can be either dynamic, so that when each page is removed, the dialing is changed, or static, so that the random dialing is cached in the database when the pages are first withdrawn, and so on. The eyes appear when you step on them.

Another option is to link the pages according to the sounds of the transitions. As you remember, around the 6th volume there was such an HTracer script, which from the referrer mixed the page addresses and the search query, as the transition was received from the search system and saved in the database, then on the pages of the site a block with messages was formed, I they misplaced the keyword in the anchor, for what kind of transition from the search. A former module for DLE, it is called “Go” and has similar functionality. Inadvertently, search engines have filtered out sites that use a similar linking scheme, which is absolutely rightly regarded as search spam. I would like for you to find out a real example or take a screenshot, otherwise you don’t know the site with such a scheme among the Varez sites, not even about online stores.

You can come up with a lot of dubious schemes: a block with messages posted on non-indexed pages to speed up their indexing, a block with messages sent to pages that have a maximum/minimum amount of progress, using the method of pumping Their static way.

Linking from descriptions of categories/products

Another interesting activity, in my opinion, is placing messages from SEO texts in categories or product descriptions in other categories or products.

According to the first SEO description in categories The online store is not built for people to read, it is unreasonable to understand that only a SEO person can go to the site asking “buy a 4k TV” and click on the text, not the goods :) What’s wrong? Well, there is no cost for agents in the descriptions sent, and I don’t have any SEO benefits for the descriptions on the scale of the great site. I’m talking about SEO-value to those who have had the opportunity to put such messages in their work and I can say that the effect of them has never been avoided.

You yourself, once in a while, linking to the product description in an online store? I’ll describe it not in terms of characteristics, but in the text itself. I can’t think of such stores, but my colleagues helped me find a great copy - the Labyrinth bookstore.

Example from and

Anchor “books”, “that’s it”, “hour”! It's crazy, it just stops searching for the description, the names of the books and the link. So the links to the head and key sections were divided. You can walk around the site and marvel at the price.

Ce povna lighthouse. Navigating through such messages will be too awkward, and you will not get the “ala Wikipedia” effect - the messages are not contextual and it is not clear where they are leading. Before speaking, the same functionality is in the HTracer script, which I already guessed, after finding the necessary information about the morphology and linking the statistics one by one on the site. I tried it on my information sites, but to no avail, I wanted to firmly believe that it could have been working, then just at those hours (6 years ago), and not today.

Stop writing about gifts, vreshti-resht, I have to write about those that will bring a positive effect, and not just for the sake of it.

Linking from the publication of the information section

In practice, in any commercial topic there are no information queries that cannot be covered by categories, products, or other pages. And it happens that behind the hidden queries information articles are shown instead of product pages. Let’s highlight my experience with the theme of shops for adults (sex shops, as it turns out, we work with them a lot), just for fun, enter “vibrator” in Yandex and marvel at what you see. Sometimes the only option to get into the top is to create a clear information article on the site.

One by one, our clients followed this path. The entire catalog, categories and subcategories, filters and tags, product pages - everything was laid out and brought to perfection, with unique texts written on each side. In my experience, there simply wasn’t more to the site, I’m serious. But traffic doesn’t want to go to commercial sites. If I selected the SYNOPSIS, I did not delete the information queries, but clustered them and put them in a smaller group, resulting in about 50 topics for future publications. Since there were already sections of articles on the websites of former establishments, we immediately began to slowly remind him. To my knowledge, information requests began to appear in the TOP1-TOP3 of Yandex and Google. As a result, traffic on the site was increased to 700-900 per download, and only 15-20% of traffic went to commercial sites. Of course, we have linked articles on the relevant product categories and filters (no more than 3-4 posts in the publication).

There was a more clear solution that we accepted - to create contextual product information. These are the blocks where the most popular products from a specific category in the catalog were displayed. With price, name, rating, ability to put in a bag, etc. It turned out even more organic and cool.

Do not be surprised by all the steepness, the client’s business never became successful. This is already beyond the scope of this post, and it’s definitely a failure in no way connected with the linking that we’re talking about :)

And in our practice there is another butt, this time positive. For all categories of products, instructions for installation and inspection of the product are provided with characteristics and descriptions. Judging from the behavior, this story for buyers, they should read it, save it in pdf. Videos were recorded for the most popular news stories. Instructions are well ranked in search and generate transitions, knowing that we have placed product information on them. As a result, dozens of orders were processed per month from such sites.

With this in mind, I would like to remind you that you are afraid of linking not for the sake of linking, but for the sake of the main result - sales. So, Raja can’t masturbate to the anchor and a lot of internal messages, but for the most part :) Well, you understand...

Another good example of an information page with product informers and multiple links to Yandex.Market. I understand that focusing on Yandex in terms of SEO is even better, but then focusing on conversion and sales.

Tag for online store / seo filter

Thank you for tagging, removing or expanding semantics, SEO filters, etc. It’s all about the same thing - the creation of additional target pages for sound input (increase the bass input). Trend rock is 3-4, no more. On this, the plants rose and flourished (the post about clusterizers was written a long time ago, you can see how many of them have appeared since then).

For online stores, large portals, catalogs, tagging is the most effective and reasonable way to generate traffic from search engines. Even before it became a trend and was talked about publicly and often, I was already practicing this approach. As one of the best applications, I published and clearly showed how it contributes to traffic.

A number of agencies and studios practice SEO filters, and a number of sites with deep semantics have already accumulated. In Moscow and other great places, everything is covered in competitive topics; there, variable tagging is no longer an innovation, as it puts you ahead of your competitors, and yet the test does not hold up. In the regions, it’s simpler, thoughtful SEO to blame competitors, otherwise the end will come.

Just then, there were feelings, saying that Yandex is going to punish for the carelessness and unjustified generation of such SEO filters, as for the unclear marking of the page (guess the hours of the AGS). The forest on the right fell silent, and I couldn’t stop myself from the terrible attack of punishment. Yandex's motives have become clear - no one needs categories, not even a few products, because the products will not correspond to the categories. Let's live in peace.

As I already said, SEO filters need to go beyond the connection between product category and various authorities. The widest filter butt is brandy. It is easiest to notice in the case of consumer technology, for example, televisions, that connections with brands may have a higher frequency than the lower frequency of non-branded messages. Next go to the authorities, authorities and singing categories of goods, in connection with Telecom: matrix type (LED, OLED, LCD, plasma), resolution (Full HD, 4K, 8K), technology (3D, Smart TV, Android), type (curved , with podsvichuvannyam) etc. Such filters can be easily seen from the product specification, or you can extract “national filters” from wordstat. They often use over-the-top filters - for example, linking authorities with brands - Samsung 4k TV, Philips TV with Ambilight.

Such filters are created for SEO, and they obviously require the preparation and optimization of pages - headings, meta tags, descriptions. Postings on such pages go directly from the filter block, or are created outside of subcategories, all due to the complexity of technical implementation:

Online store Technopark began to furiously nerd through the filters. All filters in the sidebar are clickable and go to separate highly publicized pages. There is no other way, competition is fierce!

There are fewer sophisticated solutions, just a random set sent to the filter for suitable sound queries. Yak on Wikimart. Not bad at all:

Another bad butt. I know this side of the list in the top 10 in Moscow by asking “buy a TV.” I think it is not the overall category of TVs that is ranked, but the “cheap” tag, which was left behind empty:

Well, we talked about tagging, we talked about sending to the filter block in categories. It’s not difficult to know the application of implementation - take any site from the top in Moscow for a hidden question.
I especially appreciate the need to go further and earn something that doesn’t discourage anyone. I have completely burned out the TOP50 of Moscow by electronic mail and don’t know much about what I want to show you - sent to SEO tags from the characteristics of the product. In spite of the respect of our clients, I only remember one site where I was working on a great implementation, SotMarket, which was a waste of shit outside, turning into a street. Prote, there is a lot of glory left in the city:

Return your attention to the text with the support - this is sent to external SEO filters. I dare to admit that in some cases it may be harmful to live participants.

There is an obvious advantage for the sounding robots - the large number of internal messages gives a great static effect of the sides and will trimate them in the index. In short, a cool solution, but not easy to implement, at least our clients pay a pittance for such efforts to their programs and contractors. Believe it or not!

Verdict: linking is good!

You read the Great Lent with joy and lively butts, with which I would like to end, but believe that it would be wrong to take it this way and deprive you of your thoughts, nourishments and, perhaps, doubts. So let’s put together a summary + short food tips that were not discussed:

It is absolutely possible to state increased indexation for linking links- often pages are not indexed or fall out of the index due to lack of clarity; in fact, they simply discard your input, and we will not give internal messages to this input.

Thickness sent for linking It doesn’t matter - there’s no exact song number sent from the side, as it would be considered normal. Please be sure to ensure that there are enough live visitors to the site for comfortable navigation through the site. Go to the Metrics WebViewer and look at dozens of records of merchant behavior. You will be delighted with the results!

How does internal linking flow into positions? Absolutely not. Otherwise, when linking, the pages tend to get stuck in the index, and for the sake of a large static page, the pages are more likely to be ranked for all purposes, and not justified by any queries. Please remember what we used to say about online stores and automatic linking from menus, filters, blocks and everything else that we talked about earlier.

How to correctly select the circuit - linking from product cards to categories, from categories to product cards, or from products to products? Previously, there have been a lot of discussions on this topic and, finally, they came to a logical conclusion: since the greatest traffic potential is on the product card side, then all the effort must be devoted to dividing them into categories, then maximizing the number of product cards Link to category. I’ll give you an example: when buying a laptop or phone, a large part of people ask for a specific model of laptop or phone, which obviously has the greatest potential for the product cards themselves. As people search for tapestries, for example, unknown items or the names of specific collections of tapestries, they search for “buy tapestries” that give the maximum amount of color or power (vinyl, non-woven, prefabricated). This application potentially includes categories, subcategories and SEO filters. Some types of pages need to be shown absolutely clearly, in which case I emphasize the need to directly put more information, and some types of pages need to be spared. In my work, I follow the schemes I described, but they do not change in the degree of delay in the type of sides that stick through.

Manual linking for online stores is inaccurate. In one place, where you can benefit from manual work - the information section, there is a reasonable requirement to put contextual messages on the separate sections and cards of the product, and provide product information. In other places in Denmark, the type of slave labor is not very common :)

Finish everything, I'm done. If I find useful foods in the comments, I will add examples of them to my list. In the meantime, thank you for your respect!

The windows and doors in the windows should be of a smaller size, lower in the main living areas: this makes it easier for the heat to escape. The doors, as a rule, are single-frame and open on the side.

The doors in the manhole can be designed in different ways. One of the options is doors made of planks, the doors are like a kind of insulation, and the middle is covered with drying oil, thin waterproof plywood or fiberboard.

Another option for the entrance is manual and warm panel doors, made from two wooden frames of different sizes (the inner frame must easily fit into the outer one). For a tight fit, the outer frame must strictly correspond to the dimensions of the door jamb, and its edges are slightly beveled. The frames are covered with fiberboard on both sides and covered with heat-insulating material. Then insert the inner frame into the outer one and secure it with screws.

In the sink room you can install a vapor- and moisture-resistant door with one frame, attaching plastic sheets to it with screws on both sides. The space between the sheets was filled with light heat-insulating material.

Lock the doors and call the beast below. Downstairs, for this purpose, you can use any kind of metal latch, and up above, constipation is caused by wooden ones, so as not to worry about it.

The door handles can be made of wood. For their preparation, you can use any available material, even until branches and roots of a chimeric form are found in the forest. Before installing, coat the door handles with drying oil and dry thoroughly.

The windows in the window of the guilty mother look like straight cutlets drawn horizontally, since this very form allows for better heat loss in the room. Windows can be created both in walls and in doors. The area of ​​the bath window can vary depending on how it appears, but, as a rule, it does not exceed 5-7% of the surface area. Everything is arranged in such a way that you can be surprised while sitting or lying in the room or standing in the room.

And with a double frame, and with a single frame, the window in the window is made of a double, hermetically sealed slide (on a single frame, the sides are attached to each other). It is important to get an apartment in such a window, but it will also make it easier to ventilate the area.

The glass windows in the glass windows should be made from sloping blocks. Give light to the light, do not require curtains, more hygienic and less important.

For individual lightening of the sun, choose vikorist sealed anti-fog lampshades in yellow and milky colors.

To ensure fire ventilation above the top shelf, create a vent - a small straight or round hole in the wall. It is closed with a small plug covered with soft material, with a handle or a durable wooden shutter.

With this method, in the lower part of the doors or in the fireplace stove at a height of 25-50 cm above the substrate, create a high-pressure ventilation hole. You can also cover it with a lid or a seal.

The offensive stage of the internal control of the army is the preparation of regiments in the steam room. Because there is so much space, there could be 2 or 3 regiments.

The largest of the upper ones, on which you want to take a steam bath, are lying down, the lower ones are still a little bit thinner. Rotate the police one above the other or the letter “G” (the remaining version is pre-verbal in laznya with the combination of steam room and mine).

So that on the upper shelf it is necessary to steam the seated ones, the height of the floor should be 115-120 cm, and between the upper and middle shelves - 40 cm. The lower shelf should be placed at a height of 20-25 cm logs In addition, it is necessary to tighten those that the upper surface is at least 50-100 cm thicker than the upper stones.

The closest shelves are made of linden, aspen or poplar boards: they are receptive to the body, dry easily and do not accumulate resins.

To cut the shelves on the frames from the beams, spread the planks across the frames so that there is a small gap. In this case, the boards are fastened with stainless steel screws to the side of the beams so that their droplets do not burn the body.

For greater ease of use, the upper and middle posts can be placed on stationary supports, and the lower ones can be placed on the side of a portable bench.

However, it is important to remember that all the elements of this installation are the least likely to be convex and there is a small gap for smooth drainage of water.

It is necessary to know about accessories that will help create maximum comfort in the lounge: wooden grates on the base, shelves for the bath station, foot rests.

Do not cover wooden surfaces with tarpaulin or varnish, as the wood will immediately lose heat and its natural appearance.


The floor in the lazne also needs to be insulated, in addition, there is no leakage of roofs and beams, as they will gradually succumb to the influx of high temperatures and moisture. Insulation materials can be highly flexible (cloth, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, foam rubber). For smut - so that the stench is safe to wear in the fire and lasts until it rots.

Before hemming the frame, make sure to cut planed boards and cover the area between the door and the frame with vapor barrier material. It could be a special material or just polyethylene melt. Once the axis has been installed, you can’t wait to see how much heat it retains. Such a test fire will allow you to identify all the shortcomings of your work, and, the parts of your work that are not yet completed, quickly correct them.

Do-it-yourself bathhouse. Internal finishing (video):

The internal sewerage system under its structure is practically not affected by anything. It’s easier to work in real moments.

First of all, most of the pipes are not 110, but 50-size (internal diameter in millimeters). In other words, it is much easier to tighten these pipes yourself without the help of another person. Thirdly, the smell is clearer and easier. Before the speech, they cut both wide and thin pipes with an ordinary wood knife with roasted teeth from the Nimechchini extraction industry.

The main sense of the internal sewerage is the same as that of the external one. Horizontal plots must be laid with a thin layer. In pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, it is necessary to work 1 cm more. For every meter of pipe, the thickness is 4 centimeters (in pipes with a diameter of 110 mm, the thickness becomes 3 centimeters).

Why do we need such a specific hitch, why is it not possible to get 10 or 15 centimeters per 1 meter, and even the more hitch, the better the water will flow? That's right, the water will flow better, if only we had poured only water into the sewer. On the right, if the horizontal sewer section is too much, the water will flow too quickly and it will appear that the water will get angry, and other solid particles of the mixture may get lost in the pipe. This is especially important for sewer pipes through which toilet outlets pass. In this situation, since the great one has gone crazy, the water goes and the poop))) gets lost in the pipe.

I would like to immediately respect that it is possible to allow care in accordance with the norms of injuries, but only in areas no more than 1.5 meters. If you need to change the angle for a small distance up to 1.5 meters, then you can safely work in the larger direction. This is what I was told, these are the norms.

Just like when laying large pipes, all 90-degree elbows can be replaced with two 45-degree elbows. This is 2 times more expensive per elbow, but then your sewage system will be protected from detection.

It is also important when laying sewerage on long horizontal plots to install, so called, inspections. What's this? Let's say it on the butt. From the sink and dishwasher from the kitchen there is a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, which is about 7 meters long. So, approximately in the middle of the plot, I twisted the pipe uphill to the level of the base. This icon will be on par with a clean cover with a plug. I was killed in the corridor, all the way to the wall itself. Then they will stand there, either as a shawl or as a mirror. However, if the sewerage becomes clogged, it will be very difficult to break through a 7-meter plot. And with such revisions everything will be much simpler. I hope that you won’t be in trouble, or better yet, let it be. This is exactly how we recommend working for.

All internal sewage pipes were placed in a dug trench and covered with sand. Then you need to spill it with water, thoroughly compact the sand under the pipes with your hands, and then add sand, pour in more water and move around.

That's all. Now photocall:

Plіva: black, the thin pipe itself is water supply; the current pipe is restored to the level for inspection to clean the sewer; The middle pipe is a substructure for the washing machine. On the right: a fitting for a toilet and a riser on top of the other. On the right in the closet: a vanity for the sink in the toilet. Note: this furnace and toilet are on the first version. There will be a partition between them in the near future.

Renovations in the kitchen for cooking and dishwashing are more than equal. The one who may be there will still have alignment in both directions