Firefox writes a lot of data on an SSD. How to fix it? Soon Firefox Browser Write more data on ssd

Have a good time, dear friends, readers, seeing and other individuals.

Today we'll talk about such a thing as transferring the browser cache to another disk. What else can you need? Well, for example: with the method of optimization (for example, transferring yoga, say, to an SSD), the robots of the browsers themselves, or to save money on the hard drive (for example, as a mythical rank, you have enough space on the hard drive ), and you can spend an hour of your life about what we wrote in our recent article.

Zagalom, I think, that you should know your own power in a practical way to feed yourself, and for the time being, we just share a tool for instilling into reality. Tim is bigger, so that we practically stick to all adequate current browsers, which means that practically nothing is lost in the image.

Let's get started.

Mozilla FireFox Browser Cache Migration

Probably from my love, but from the FF browser itself. I especially transferring your profile + cache (the same distribution kit) to a RAM disk, which is good for you.
Vlasne, the axis is like a sequence of diy we have to go:

With changes within the system, maybe that's all. Now it is necessary to explain to the browser that we have transferred the yoga profile and cache in another place.

Two words like so. Let's move on to other browsers.

Migrating Google Chrome Browser Cache

It is practically similar to the transfer of the FireFox profile, only a little more swedish and simpler:

Like bachite, there’s nothing folding.
Well, for a snack, let's talk about the black browser.

Transferring the cache to the profile of the Opera browser

For the "red" browser, everything is similar to the transfer of Google Chrome:

On whom everything. The axis is so simple and fast.


Axis so pies. I am sure that this information turned out to be valuable for you.
Well, well, as it was said on the cob of the article, - zastosuvannya kozhen, I guess, know yourself.

If it’s for sure, if it’s a food, supplement it otherwise, then leave it in the comments before the next entry.

PS: Ways to save cash for locking can be changed in different versions of the program
PS2: Transferring the cache by assigning a parameter to a shortcut is only possible when starting through the whole shortcut, and in other cases, the shortcut is used for locking (

I have a theory. In order to break the monopoly, the popular browsers are constantly changing for functionality, by virtue of becoming the top ones, so that we can fix it later, and the most tolerant koristuvachs switched to another browser. And so without a break. Firefox is clearly taking its fate from someone, who for days fahіvets has shown that the program is more than likely to look at the SSD.

Why rob Firefox?

The director of the distribution of an unnamed company, Sergiy Bobik, for the help of the SSDLife program, showed this. Firefox, for the benefit of active koristuvannya, created a great file with a size of 12 GB, although the koristuvach himself didn’t zavantazhuvav anything, there are more files in the great rozmіru.

After a lot of revisions from Resource Monitor, Sergius was in the distance to signify where the free space goes. On the right, Firefox was writing the “recovery.js” file from 300 KB to 2 MB, and by the end of the day it was filling the entire vision space.

Tobto bіda pov'yazana іz backup system, from which the browser in vіdnovlyuє sіdovlyuє sієyu at raptovym pripinіnі work. On the back of the FF settings, set the update parameter, which lasts 15 seconds. The specialist recommended that you know yoga at the address "about: config" with the name:


I set yoga equal 30 hvilin. Seriously change the blockage of the free space by the browser. At the moment, a similar Google Chrome test is being conducted.

Solid-state storage devices have become available for more solid-state laptops and PCs. The stench may have a lot of advantages, the main ones are high productivity, and ale є th nedolіki. To nedolіkіv vіdnestі vіdnesti menshu in pіvnіnі z HDD znosostіykіst (recording resource). Truthfully, in today's solid-state accumulators, the term of service outweighs the terms of moral antiquity.

The new potential of the hard drive is expanding like a system disk. In this configuration, the operating system is installed on the system disk with programs to read and write data to a solid-state storage device. Yak, the Mozilla Firefox browser today writes a great deal of data, lower the SSD resource.

More powerful PCs know that browsers record a lot of data on a hard disk or HDD. Ale skilki? Sergiy Bobik thought about it, having installed a cost-free version of SSDLife on his computer. This software allows you to evaluate the state of the SSD and show the approximate hour of life of the accumulator.

For two days, Sergiy didn’t work for anything, let’s go around the browser and e-mail. First of all, if it was recognized that 12 GB of data was recorded on a solid-state storage device of one of these two days. Shards of the old volume files of the wines were not captured, and the working sites could not give a cache of such a volume, they failed to know the reason for what happened.

Sergiy Bobik is vigilant for statistics, given a program, stretching two days. As it turned out, if the computer was not processed (although it was not switched on), large amounts of data up to 10 GB were captured on a solid-state accumulator.

The main culprit of what happened was the Firefox browser. Vіn zavantazhuvav vіd 300 KB to 2 MB schomitі. The recording was carried out in a file called recovery.js. As it turned out, the Firefox session was backed up. Vaughn vikoristovuetsya in that fall, as if the browser is falling or the operating system. Tse Korisna, but a resource function. And just to lie to those that the SSD has a resource, then it’s already necessary to check for yourself, what’s the best thing - a working disk or a streaming session of the browser after the fall.

Sergei write that the problem is not only in one file. In order to resurrect the problem more, to win over the kіlka of the supplementary diy:
1. By setting the browser.sessionstore.interval value to 15000 ms and closing all browser tabs;
2. Open a single tab from by checking the sprat of whilin and closing it;
3. Reopen the browser and recheck recovery.js. Changed to 5 KB instead of 900 KB;
4. Vіdkriv kіlka glancing around the various annexes at two windows. Poshukav looked around that vіdkriv Poshukov vidachu at new tabs;
5. Open the third window of the browser, open the list of websites in the tabs of this window;
6. Launch Process Monitor and open recovery.js files and cookies*.

7. Cleaning up log logs from File->Capture Events. Also cleared the clear logs;
8. Re-activating log logs at "File->Capture Events". Having filled in the inclusions of three options, the browser window for 45 minutes. For the whole hour, Sergiy raised for the needs of Chrome;
9. Looking at the browser statistics in Tools->File Summary.

As it turned out, Firefox wrote 1.1 GB of data to disk in one hour. The main message is cookies*.

With this file, after all the manipulations of the virus, it is less than 1.3 MB.

Sergiy turned to Firefox and in one of the vicons opened a mailed screenshot in Having cleared all logs from Process Monitor, I started monitoring again. How many times did you freeze Firefox without doing more than 10 minutes. After the recovery.js was expanded to 1.5 MB. The cookies have taken over hundreds of megabytes on the SSD again.

According to the words of the author of the robot, the browser can write a bunch of data from the recovery.js file, cookies, or write information at once, and there, and there. If we take 1.1 GB of Firefox data records as a constant, then for a working day, we can see a total of 35 GB of information records, so we don’t mimic the system. After vimiriv, it turned out that the recovery.js file is being written to with a speed of 2 MB / s.

What can you rob?

If you have a great hard drive, you don't have to worry too much. Also, as a system install SSD, varto vikonati a number of others, so you can download the data flow that is generated by the Firefox browser.

Headline - tweaking one of Firefox's settings, browser.sessionstore.interval. This parameter is available for the hour when the "about:config" command is displayed in the address bar. For umovchannyam vіn dorivnyuє 15 seconds. The hourly interval can be increased up to 30 minutes. For some reason, the amount of Firefox that is generated decreases from 10-15 GB to 2 GB per day. Tse all the same rich, ale in a kіlka razіv less, nіzh to vykonannya nalashtuvannya browser.

The resource of deyaky spozhivchih SSD - less than 20 GB of data recording per day. Firefox can claim half of that resource. If your browser is constantly displaying anonymous vicons, and if you work with "important" sites, then even more Firefox entries will be found, lower ones are more.

Increase the browser.sessionstore.interval parameter to change the way you have a normal HDD as a system disk. On the right, in that the post-write to disk reduces productivity, and the PC can become a little faster, so that the post-write data is cleaned up by the browser.

Firefox retailers seem to be aware of the problem, but until it's impossible, it's impossible to replicate the principle of Session Restore functionality.

Specially shukav tsyu topic on Habrі, but I know only a recipe for a ready-made portable Firefox.
Minuses yoga vіdomi - wine is not official, henceforth, it is updated with delays, right up to the omission of some intermediate versions.
Tozh virishiv write about your small dosvid. It is broken already at home, on a laptop, on a robot - it works miraculously.

The task was to transfer the FF itself and the profile to a virtual disk for the most secure work.

I will describe the home option, like tricks.
On a machine (win 7) there is a virtual disk like DATARAM, with a size of 1 gigabyte - just for such purposes - to save and often encrypt.
The image of the virtual disk lies on the encrypted (true type) disk.
Once on the doba, the image of the virtual disk is thrown into the backup. Also, a virtual disk is saved when the computer is disabled.

The first option, which is more suitable for this, is to simply transfer the folder with the profile and the folder with Firefox itself to a virtual disk, leaving ntfs links on the new one. Solution in 5 seconds, but don't forget that when you work with files (for example, cache with a bunch of other pictures), you will still be able to quickly mitigate a hard disk, which is where the path starts.
Well, and constantly remember about the links - it’s not good either.

Therefore, robimo maximally transfers:

Transferring the victorious part:
When installing a new Firefox, everything is easy - just put it on a virtual disk.
When transferring - copy the folder " x:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\ to our virtual disk, and just run firefox.exe from new. Vіn immediately zaproponuє become a browser for zamovchuvannyam. We say “So” and we use shortcuts for a quick call, we have a stench (working steel, a quick launch panel, etc.).
We pass by the register and right way at a few places. I’ve succeeded, that most of the keys are up to the old versions, and the most important thing has changed itself, if we reassigned the browser to locks, but still I recommend the registry to be rewritten - you can search directly on the new path. x:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox".
Rename the old folder, for example, Mozilla Firefox.old, if the experiment is successful, you can see it.

Profile now migrated
This folder ("x:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox") has profiles.ini, as described, as profiles, and de stink roztashovani. Transfer the profiles.ini itself, so that when you start FF, nothing, the virtual disk, didn’t fade away:

After editing, profiles.ini looks like an upcoming rank:

StartWithLastProfile=1 // start with the last running profile(1), or open the profile manager window (0)

// profile0, profile1, profilexxx
Name=USER // profile name
IsRelative=0 // path to the profile is absolute. Set 0
Path=V:\Profiles\Mozilla\user // choose our path to the profile
Default=1 // This profile will be called for locking

The profile itself is located at %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles, which is copied to our virtual disk, and the folder %APPDATA%\Mozilla changeable to %APPDATA%\Mozilla.old. Pіznіshe її viluchimo zovsіm.

Mayzhe mittevo starts up, first for everything on the working table, it starts up in 3-5 seconds.
The entire cache is stored on a virtual disk, but hdd (sdd) is not soldered in the process of surfing - for those who do not need an increase in speed, but SDD can also be taken into account.
Dataram I've had a chance to save a backup image once in a while - for me it's more than enough.

In the process of moving, I know a bunch of old profiles, some of the old versions were messed up, even more, if I want to, I carefully put myself before what I put on my machine, and for a moment it seemed to me that transferring the profile beyond the size of the buv is rich less quiet , since they haven’t been tagged for a long time, but all the necessary information (tabs, bookmarks, passwords, settings) was transferred correctly, having already cleaned the smittya, which is not tagged. At a time, the profile is borrowed from the force of 50 megabytes, plus 50 megabytes is borrowed by itself FF So, especially for surfing, the size of the virtual disk can be expanded a little less.

After the test, you can see the .old folders.
For an hour I was afraid of the glitches of the virtual disk, so my old folders sagged for months, but I never needed one.

P.S. Until the speech, so the Opera itself was transferred, but then I continue to see a few seconds. Why is it related - I don’t know.

P.P.S. "Portable" for those special indications at the paws. that, in the process of transferring, it happened to get to the registry, and hence this option is not purely portable. Ale, as a mother on the street, less than a profile - that’s not food.

Would you like to use a solid-state accumulating SSD for a long time?
It is necessary to change the number of write cycles so that the ssd disk does not viroble the resource.
Configuring Windows 8 to change the SSD is enabled for disabled services of the operating system and applications software.

The robot has a Vertex 450 128GB SSD.
The first step is to turn on the cache in browsers, so that the browser does not write files to disk.

How about?

Custom browsers

We need to fix two: save files on the D drive, enable caching of the sites' sides.
Existing values: for the "Zavantazhennya" folder 135 MB of information, for the google chrome browser's Cache folder 87.4 MB of small sites, you don't need them.

To that, how to beat a hard disk like a treasure, you can without sussing an ssd disk in the form of unnecessary recording cycles.

Changing Firefox
Let's create a folder called "Important" on drive D.

1. Open Firefox, click "Firefox/Setup/Setup".
2. At the window "Nalashtuvannya" on the tab "Basic" at the frame "Problem", click on the button "Look around".
3. If possible, I created the "Process" folder earlier, and then on the logical disk D.

Folder selection - Entry

(Malyunok 1)
4. Press "ok"

5. Open the window "Nalashtuvannya" - "Firefox/Nalashtuvannya/Nalashtuvannya" and go to the "Additional" tab, open the "Merezha" tab.
6. Set the flag opposite to the attribute "Turn off automatically clearing the cache"
7. We select the value of the parameter "Victory cache no more than MB on disk" - set to 0.

(Malyunok 2)

8. Press "ok"

We repeat the same setup for Google Chrome
1. In the address bar, type chrome://settings/
2. Pressing on the strength of "Additional improvement".

(Malyunok 3)

3. Click the button "Change" near the frame "Enterprise".

Button - change

(Malyunok 4)

4. At a glance Look through the folders, the directory tree is expanded and the folder Entries is found on the D drive.

5. Please specify the folder and press it.

(Malyunok 5)

6. To enable the cache, we know on the working table the shortcut of the Google Chrome browser, hover over the new mouse pointer, right-click and select Power in the context menu.

(Malyunok 6)

7. On the "Yarlik" tab, near the "Object" field, add a row after paws -disk-cache-size=0 -media-cache-size=0

(Malyunok 7)

8. Press "OK".

Save documents to drive D

Navitat koristuvachі-pochatkіvtsі after ours nalashtuvan save all the documents on disk D.
To do this, you need to create two folders on disk D - the "Document" folder and the "Zalni" folder.

1. Open "My Computer", hover over the "Documents" folder and press the right mouse button to click the context menu. We choose "Power".

Power folders - documents

(Malyunok 8)

2. You can see the addresses of the folders, as there already є i add by clicking on the button "Add" those folders, which we did.

3. Specify the folder for saving documents by seeing the folder "Documents" and pressing the button "Set the folder for saving".

4. It is possible to save the folder, having seen it and pressing the button “Set a safe folder for safekeeping”.

5. Press "Zastosuvati".

(Malyunok 9)

Including index

If you don't chime in with a joke or chirp rarely, you can turn off the index.
However, we will not disable the Windows Search service.
Just turn on "My Computer" and turn on the index on the C drive.
1. We go in as disk Z.

2. On the “Zagalni” tab, select the ensign for the attribute “Allow files to be indexed on this disk for an additional file authority”

3. Press "OK".

(Malyunok 10)


At what stage we could change only the deeds of nalashtuvannya.
Changes made allow you to save space on the C drive and do not overwrite the ssd drive.
Other adjustments will be added if necessary.