Blogs show business. The remaining secular news about Russian stars. Stars are coming

Social measures People and celebrities compete: politicians, athletes, actors, musicians and other show business personalities. On official pages they post photos, share news “from the first word”, and calm down the troublemakers. It’s no less true that some of the mercenaries, using false tactics, create fake stories in the names of idols or simply famous people from whom they want to make money. Here we will list the addresses of the official pages of celebrities registered on VKontakte.

Official page . Kirilo is a young Belarusian actor. Born in 1992 in a small town with the lyrical name Birch.

Starting in 2013, he appears in melodramatic TV series. It was also noted that in 2014 he became a winner of the first human beauty contest “Mister Belarus”. On Kiril's page VKontakte 641 friends and 2933 prepayers.

Official page . For a long time, Sergiy Lazarev was known as a member of the duet “Smash!!”, but also as a solo singer, as well as an actor in theater and cinema. Sergius was born in Moscow in 1983 and became involved in creativity from childhood. At 12 rocks, becoming a member of the famous ensemble "Neposidi".

There are no shortage of recorded albums and dozens of hits. And in 2016, Sergiy took part in the international song competition “Eurobachenya”, where he took third place, having completed the song You Are the Only One. On Sergiy's side VKontakte 17 friends, then prepaid 196,000.

Official page . Danilo Kozlovsky is the most popular actor in Russian cinema. He is responsible for his roles in the films “Legend No. 17”, “Viking”, “Crew” and many others. The same actor periodically appears in American film studios.

The actor’s filmography includes 15 films and Kozlovsky continues to actively promote. Recently, Danilo fell asleep and listened to the musical show “The Great World of the Extraordinary People.” On the page Danila VKontakte 1348 friends and 21000 pre-payers.

Official page . Oleksiy is a talented young singer of chanson. Rock was born in 1981 near Voronezh. In 2007 and 2010, Bryantsev together with Irina Krug, the widow of the famous Mikhail Krug, released two albums, which were immediately bought up by fans.

And in 2012, the family of spivak released a solo album, “Your Dikhannya,” which was also deserved by the shanuvalniks. Number of friends on Bryantsev’s page VKontakte is approaching 8000, and the number of prepayers has exceeded 5200.

Official page . Ani Lorak, whose passport is Karolina Kuek, is a popular Ukrainian singer, People's Artist of Ukraine. These songs are well known to Russian pranksters. Anya has released more than a dozen albums in Russian, Ukrainian and English language. They want to play the most popular radio stations.

Shchoroka Lorak wins musical awards, including the Golden Gramophone, Song of Rock, Muz-TV awards and others. And, as before, we continue to delight fans with new songs and clips. In 2008, Ani Lorak became a participant in “Eurobachenya” from Ukraine. Having recently finished the song Shady Lady, she went to another place. To the official page Lorak VKontakte 7966 people signed up.

Official page . Dmitro Bjola is a talented Russian actor who was born in Tallinn in his Russian homeland in 1984. Dmitro appears in TV series and films, and also plays in the theater.

The actor’s greatest popularity came from a film called “Turn My Cohanna.” Nina has 10 works in the filmography of the actor. To the side VKontakte Bjolie has 10,000 people subscribed, and friends have 848 people.

Official page . Volodymyr Yepifantsev is a Russian theater and film actor, director and TV presenter. Rock was born in 1971 in Moscow. Over the course of his career, he has played and starred in over 70 films. Volodymyr could also be seen in the TV projects “King of the Ring”, “Dancing with Stars” and “Polyglot”.

As a director, Epifantsev worked on six films, including “Kremin”, “Amateur” and others. VKontakte One can say that Volodymyr is a very eccentric person, which is why he attracts an army of fans, the number of which will soon reach 10 thousand. And among the actor’s friends there are 4044 individuals.

Official page . So if Dmitro was an ordinary Russian football player, a member of Lokomotiv, it would not have been his love (which had already broken up) that brought him great popularity.

Now fans are even more keen to follow Dmitry’s life, but rather praise their achievements on the football field rather than especially the athlete’s relationship with his new girlfriend. Prote on your page VKontakte Dmytro publishes photos not only from everyday life, but also from training camps and matches. And 1,809 friends and 1,962 prepayers follow him.

Official page . Marilyn Kerro was born in 1988 in Estonia. From early life, the girl became obsessed with extrasensory perception. As Marilyn herself confirms, at 6 o'clock she suffered a blow from the flashlight and began to grow in the future. With this long time ago Kerro tested the model, because The girls' current data is even kinder.

Marilyn became known to the general public in 2013 when she took part in the famous project “Battle of Psychics.” Under the hour of Kerro's participation, a lot of testing took place, resulting in indetailed shock and burying among those who had left. As a result of the “Battle,” Marilyn settled in another place. On the official page of the clairvoyant

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    Do you want to stay up to date with the latest news about stars? Do you like to marvel at photographs of celebrities? On our portal you will find out about everything you need: photos of celebrities, especially life in show business, entertainment, interviews, photo reports from other places. The stars of show business are respected by everyone, but we will never know a little more about them. With us you will find out for yourself remaining information And you will be able to rub your hand on the pulse again. We feel confident about the show business: radio, TV, the Internet and glossy magazines simply provide information about the lives of our idols. However, this topic, as before, is deprived of importance to us. Reading such news is not just a way to spend an hour and a few moments to escape from pressing problems. Living with the eyes of show business is a butt for every one of us. Anyone try for themselves about proper eating in front of their favorite actress and, perhaps, inhaling her butt, introduce themselves to yoga or kickboxing. I would like to take the resilience of the character of the target actor as an example. If you want to look like your idol and decide to embrace your own style in clothing. Whom to click on the list of celebrity photos real life and in a glossy image, as well as photographs in which the ideal heroine of society chronicles poses without makeup, and this will lead you to think about what is not necessary for us to be idealized in the same way and very similar to them? Even though they are, in essence, different people, it is not good to reproach yourself for the fact that your figure is not similar to that of Kardashian and your hair is not as luscious as Vera Brezhneva’s. However, you can glean new ideas for a healthy life from photographs of celebrities. You know how to suffocate and begin to change your life for the better. Our site will be of such miraculous help, even if we publish photos of naked celebrities from the red roads! Here you will find biographies of film actors, famous TV presenters, singers and other representatives of the world of show business. On our portal you can read biographies of both well-known social party-goers and information about the lives of those who prefer not to devote too much attention to the details of their special lives. Here you will find stories that have created a lot of noise, and rare facts that deserve respect. Read the biographies of actors and actresses, and perhaps you will find something useful for yourself. Should we allow you to discover new facets of your idol, get to know your “lover” closer, and perhaps you will find a few previously unknown characters who value your respect? Perhaps you would like to marvel at the films for their participation? Read books written by them? Adopt the features of their style? All this is to expand your horizons of power - and without any fuss. Or maybe some tragic evidence will help you find a way out of an important life situation? In certain situations, the evidence of other people may become even more apparent and may be perceived as the development of a powerful, everyday information. The biography of the actors in this plan is simply a source of information, and, most importantly, it is worthwhile to get rid of it. Reading the biographies of film actors is still a tedious process that may be impossible to cope with. Find out who were the first khans of your idol, what was the fate of the forgotten women, and formerly popular artists, what did the rich and famous of the world look like in their childhood, about what they died, what did they forget? How to live at once? What are we dying about? What principles are instilled in medicated children? How do you save money with your other half? How to cope with the stress that is simply inevitable through their busy schedule? You can find out about everything on our portal. The stars of show business are people whose lives are always under the gaze of dozens of cameras. However, on our portal you will always find something new and useful. We publish the latest information: the latest news, news from the photo shoot and, for example, unknown photographs of past fates, details of a special life, as well as few people know facts about Please take care of yourself and talk about your life, your reported biographies. such a mass of all the good things - it’s impossible to get through!

    Social networking service "VKontakte" is becoming increasingly popular: the number of prepaid users is growing every day, and among them there are already world-class celebrities. Who from the “star factory” became a member of the Russian social media – read in our material.



    The singer is popular, or more precisely, her PR team is active in social media. On the main page of Bi you can find all sorts of videos, photos and family snapshots that you can quickly update - with a small window of updates on Twitter and Facebook. It’s true that Beyonce’s “VKontakte” has a lot less pre-payers, and less than 135 thousand on social media.

    Victoria Beckham

    Fashionista Victoria created a special account on VKontakte to promote her brand of fashionable VB clothing, knitwear with shanks. On the page there are photographs from fashion shows and photographs of models and Beckham herself demonstrating cloth from other collections. Vicki Beckham's partnership has 110 thousand. koristuvachiv.

    Tom Cruise

    The actor recently registered, and nearly 98 thousand people have already subscribed to his page. Cruise's PR team duly responds to all the requests and comments of the campaigners, although with minor delays. The reason for this: the weak knowledge of the Russian language team of the actor, about which they wrote on the page: “Guys, we wanted to let you know that unfortunately, our Russian isn't what it should be"). The page is constantly updated with movie announcements and footage from significant Maidan films. in any case Cruz.


    And the axis of the Shakiri team has dealt with the Russian beauty. On the page the posts appear simultaneously in English and Russian language. Published in full force great content: clips, promotions, initial notifications and a large number of albums. It is not possible to delete comments on the site, only likes and posting new items. The group has approximately 290 thousand. osib.

    Kevin Costner

    The actor is completely new to VKontakte - so far there are only 500 prepaid members, but it seems that his PR team will be pushing harder. Apparently, Kevin is now more interested in music, but also in cinema: in 2007, the actor joined the group of Kevin Costner & Modern West and now tours around the world. Just a moment, the nearest future will have its way to Moscow.

    Enrique Iglesias

    It looks like they haven’t completely forgotten about the singing. Enrique is active in promoting his shanuvalniks in Russian and English languages ​​in social media and has already collected a maximum of 120 thousand shanuvalniks. It is possible that his girlfriend Ganna Kournikova will join forces with Russian fans.

    Sophie Elis-Bextor

    The British sleepwalker is almost as popular on VKontakte as Victoria Beckham: Sophia has 107 thousand in prepaid accounts. osib. The sleeper periodically posts her photos and exchanges information with her shamans.


    Mysterious and talented Mobi is also among the members of VKontakte. This creativity can now be classified as “not for everyone”, but this did not induce Mobi to take 63 thousand shamans from his sleep. Active activity and songwriting in the room is not prevented, but the page is still periodically updated with useful photographs and DJ tracks.

    The Prodigy

    The cult group informs its members on VKontakte about upcoming concerts, posting announcements, and also posts photographs and videos. There is no active leafing in the community, what is important is positive news about the group and the exchange of new products.


    On the page of the British rock band you will find announcements, new releases and competitions associated with the band. Coldplay will also share photo albums with their fans, of which there are already 11 pieces. and over 20 videos. The group has 120 thousand prepayers. osib.

    The latest news in Russian show business, photos of celebrities in life and work, scandals in Hollywood - you will find a lot more in the online magazine site! Our editors keep an eye on the latest and greatest news that is being discovered in the world and world of show business, so as to be deprived of the first ones who can share with our readers all the new and great news!

    Why should every woman keep up with the latest news in the world of show business? Today's news about the stars lifts the veil of secular life, tells us about what is fashionable this season, and better yet, how they will be mutual. You can learn about the new things that happen in the world about family and work scandals, and then talk about them over coffee with your girlfriends.

    Stars are coming

    The deep respect of the press for the life of the world of Russia guarantees that the remaining news of secular life will appear in the press and on the Internet. Which tabloid will share reliable news, unique data, taken from dubious sources? The website publishes news, first-hand news, exclusive footage and reports - all about the lives of celebrities.

    Millions of fashion lovers around the world are catching new skin updates about their idols, fashionistas are following the shows of their favorite couture, and music lovers are eager to watch the new clip of their favorite Vikonite - you will find everything on our portal.

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