Running Excel programs. Yak run the Excel program Distributing books in the XLStart folder

As soon as your computer has already installed the Microsoft Office 2013 software package, you can immediately start the Microsoft Excel 2013 program and start before the universal vaccination. You just have to get it up and get up to the statty about the installation. There you can see in detail the process of installing Microsoft Office 2013. You can see the launch of Microsoft Excel 2013 and the main power supply, as well as the establishment of documents.

As soon as you have installed Windows 8 on your computer, to run Microsoft Excel 2013, you need to scroll to the right on the cob screen for the help of smog (you need to move the tiles, but they did not fit on the screen) and on the keyboard screen. green color). The butt of the roztashuvannya tsyogo badge on the cob screen of indications in Fig. 1.1.

Well, you are using the Windows 7 operating system, click on the buttons Start, In the menu - on the Microsoft Office 2013 folder, and then in the list, then I open my face - on the Excel 2013 item (Fig. 1.2). As a result of this process, the start screen appears in Microsoft Excel (Fig. 1.3).

Here it is necessary to immediately clarify that the document, when viewed in Microsoft Excel, is called a book. At the start of the window, you can vibrate the book, as you have seen it earlier, in the list in the left part of the window, or open a new book. Moreover, you can open an empty book, or you can open a book based on a template. sample- the whole preparation of the book from in advance by the introduction of writing and інshi elements. Templates can help you quickly create documents of the same type. The first time you open the book, click on the element Empty book, as shown in Fig. 1.3.

See the text in the title Book 1- Excel and we clean it with arkush from the distribution with a sieve in the working area of ​​the window. You can get down to the robot.

The price is short for the curriculum, and it is used for those who insert VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) code into an Excel workbook, and how to run the insertion macros for displaying new projects on the whole arkushi.

Most of them are not Microsoft Office gurus. It may not smell like the nobility of all the delicate robots of this function, and you cannot be informed about food, as you can see the feedback to the VBA macro in Excel 2010 and 2013. Bagato is just a good tool for Excel, for example.

It is permissible that it is necessary to change the tribute to the Excel arch by the singing rank. We didn’t google it and knew the VBA macro, which is the first thing to do. However, our knowledge of VBA needs a little more. The axis is here and when you come to the aid of the instructions, for the help of which it is possible to win the knowledge of the code.

Inserting mo VBA code into an Excel workbook

For all applications, we will be able to use VBA macros, which you see transferring rows from the middle of an Excel flow sheet.

  1. onslaught Alt + Q Then close the VBA editor window and turn to the Excel workbook.

Runєmo VBA macro in Excel

Schob run, add macro, press Alt + F8... View dialogue window Macro(Macro). In the list i'm macro(Macro name) vibrate the required macro and press the button viconati(Run).

First, you can start to work with Microsoft Office Excel, you can create it like this, when you start Excel, a book is automatically displayed, either a book template, or a template for archives with the same parameters. If you don't want to open the book anymore, you can download it when you start Excel.

Whenever a book is displayed when starting Excel, it will reveal automatic macros, such as Auto_open, and macros will be displayed when a book is opened. If necessary, you can automatically start the fence when you start Excel.


    You can also customize the way to start Excel by adding the parameters of the command row and parameters to the command for launching.

    Additional information can be found in the section Parameters of the command line for Microsoft Office products.

Automatic start of Excel for additional empty workbook

In Excel 2013 and in the latest versions of Excel, the image of the cob screen with the remaining books, roztashuvannya and templates when starting up is replaced by an image of a cob screen. This parameter can be changed so that you do not use the screen and open the empty book. Axis yak tse zroiti.

    clink parameters _yt_ file.

    In razdіlі zagalny, And then in the razdilі parameters when launching check great-priest show the cob screen when launching the addon.

    Push the button OK.

Push the XLStart folder

All books, templates and file of the work area, which you put in the XLStart folder, will automatically be displayed when you start Excel. Schob d_znatisya go to the XLStart folder, turn the parameters to the control center without baking. Axis yak tse zroiti.

    Oberit file > parameters.

    clink bake-free management center, And then in the razdilі bake-free control center Microsoft Office Excel select item Parameters for the control center without baking.

    Viber item nadіynі roztashuvannya and turn the paths to the XLStart folder in the list of top rosters.

    Oberit file > parameters > dodatkovo.

    In razdіlі zagalny by the field when you start vibrate View all files in enter a new path to the folder, as you want to vicoristovuvati in the alternative folder of auto-safeguarding.

    Excel Oscillations will try to open a skin file in an alternative auto-mailing folder, change the folder, how to revenge only files, as Excel can be opened.


    Viconite one of these diy.

    • To vikoristovuvat the template of the book, to fold the book, how to revenge the sheets, the text for the suggestions (for example, the titles of the pages, name the stovpts and the rows), formulas, macros, styles and parameters of the format.

      Schob vikoristovuvati the template of the sheet, fold the book, yak to revenge one sheet. On the archives Give the formatting, styles, text and views that are to be displayed on all new archives, which will be displayed on the template of the sheet.

      • Formats on middle and on sheets.

        Format the sides and parameters of the area for the skin arcus.

        Style comic.

        Number and type of sheets in the bottom.

        Stolen areas of the book. You can pick up leaves, rows and a hundred and a fence to change the middle of a leaf.

        The text that you want to repeat, for example the page titles, name the rows and stovps.

        Dani, babies, formulas, diagrams and іnshі dans.

        Parameters of inversion of tributes.

        The parameters are calculated in the bottom and the parameters are shown.

    on deposit file vibrate command Save the yak.

    At the floor File type select item sample.

  1. At the floor im'ya file vikonayte one of these diy.

    • Open the template of standard contacts, enter book.

      To open the sheet template, which is victorious for the suggestions, enter sheet.

      If you want to set up the template for the book, you can enter it, if you want to vikoristovuvati.

  2. Push the button file _yt_ Close.

Automatic display of the songbook when starting Excel

The program will automatically open the book when you start Excel, you can put it into the XLStart folder or you can find an alternative folder for auto-mailing to add to the XLStart folder.

Distribution of books in the XLStart papacy

All books, templates and file of the work area, which you put in the XLStart folder, will automatically be displayed when you start Excel. The XLStart folder was opened when Excel was installed and should be in one of the lower values.

Vikoristannya alternative folder auto-mailing

Note: As the book with the same im'yam is in the folder XLStart and in the additional folder of the auto-enrollment, the file is displayed in the folder XLStart.

How to read the songbook display when starting Excel

If the book is left out of the way, it will automatically open when you start Excel, select one of these, so that the book will not open on startup anymore.

Automatically displaying the book template abo arkusha when starting Excel

You can often pick up the parameters of the book in the book template, and then automatically open the book template when you start Excel on the skin.

Enabling the automatic launch of macros when starting Excel

Automatic macros (for example, Auto_open), which are written in the book, which are displayed when Excel starts, will automatically start as soon as the book is displayed.

    Shcheb will automatically start macros, when starting Excel, use SHIFT.

When working in Microsoft Excel, you need to display more than one document or the same file in the windows. Older versions and versions that can be repaired with Excel 2013 have no particular problems. It is just that the files are displayed in a standard way, and they can be launched in a new window. Alle the axis in the versions of the supplement 2007 - 2010 a new document is being displayed for the suggestions in the Batkivskyi wiki. Such a reason to save the system resources of the computer, but at the same hour, there are a number of inconsistencies. For example, if a koristuvach wants to make two documents, rostašuvavshi vіkna on the screen of the handbook, then with standard adjustments, the price will not wipe out. It is easy to see how the price can be created using the available methods.

If in versions Excel 2007 - 2010 you have already opened the document, if you try to launch the file, then you will be shown in the same batkiv's window, simply replacing the original document with a new one. If you can switch to the first run of the file. For the whole, it is necessary to place the cursor on the Excel icon on the panel. There is not a great deal to show up for a front view of all running files. You can go to a specific document simply by clicking on such a conclusion. It won't be the same, and not the decryption of the screen, so you can't immediately bring them to the screen in this way.

Ale іsnu kіlka received, for the help of which it is possible to display a number of documents in Excel 2007 - 2010 on the screen at once.

One of the best options once and if you see a problem with Windows screen displays in Excel is to install the Microsoft EasyFix50801.msi patch. Alas, it's a pity that Microsoft has stopped processing all Easy Fix solutions, including the guessing product. Tom download yogo on the official site at once is not possible. If you are bored, it is possible, on your own fear and risk, to build up the security and install a patch from other web resources, but at the same time you can use these steps to provide your system without security.

Method 1: taskbar

One of the simplest options for displaying a decile screen is for displaying a given operation through the context menu of the icon on the factory panel.

  1. In addition, as one Excel document is already launched, the cursor is placed on the icon of the program, which is placed on the panel of the factory. Kilkoma on nіy right button misі. Run the context menu. Have a new vibraєmo in the fallow from the version of the program point "Microsoft Excel 2007" abo Microsoft Excel 2010.

    You can change the click on the Excel icon on the panel of the factory with the left button of the bear when the key is pressed Shift... Another option is to simply hover the cursor over the icon and click the bear with the stick. The effect will be the same for all vipads, but you do not need to activate the context menu.

  2. There is a clean arkush Eksel in the vicinity of the window. In order to display a specific document, go to the tab "File" new win and onslaught "Vidkriti".
  3. When launching the screen, the file goes to the director, de-inserting the required document, seeing and embossing the button "Vidkriti".
  4. You can write your documents right away in two windows. The same rank, if necessary, can be launched and a larger number.

    Option 2: Vikonati window

    Another way of transferring a message through a window "Viconati".

    1. Typed on the keyboard combination of keyboard Win + R.
    2. to be active "Viconati"... Type the command in the field Excel.

    It’s new to start, but in order to see it in a new required file, it’s just like that, but in the foreground.

    Method 3: Start Menu

    The onset method is only for Windows 7 or for more early versions of the operating system.

    If you want to start a new program, you can open the file in a standard way.

    Method 4: Label on the work table

    To start the Excel program in a new window, you need to click on the shortcut with the programs on the work table. If it’s dumb, then it’s necessary to set the jarlik into such a vypad.

    Now you can start new windows through the shortcut programs on the work table.

    Method 5: display via context menu

    All methods, such as descriptions of a visce, allow for the launch of a new Excel window, and even later through the tab "File" displaying a new document, which є can be completed using a non-manual procedure. Alternatively, you can easily display documents in the context menu.

    The document will be launched in a new window.

    Once you have visited the operation with the addition of the shortcut to the folder "SendTo", We have rendered the possibility of permanently displaying Excel files in a new window through the context menu.

    Method 6: changes in the system registry

    Alternatively, you can expand the display of Excel files in a simpler format. When the procedure, as described below, is described below, by a certain rank, all documents will be launched, displayed in a very specific way, so that the subordinate claps of the mischief are made. True, the procedure for transferring manipulation to the system register. Tse means that it will be necessary to play in our own, first we should not brother for it, so as if it were a wrong crochet it could be fatally naughty for the system as a whole. In order to, in case of problems, it is possible to correct the situation, before the cob of manipulation to develop the point of updating the system.

    If you want to display a given procedure, files in xlsx format can be displayed in a new window.

    Method 7: Excel parameters

    The display of decal files in new windows can also be adjusted through the Excel parameters.

    When a new file is launched, it will be displayed in the windows. At the same hour, before the completion of the robot in Excel, it is recommended to uncheck the box "Ignore DDE-feed from other dodats" So, when the program starts offensively, it’s possible to diagnose problems with the file display.

    To that, before the singing world, Daniy is a way of being less efficient than before.

    Method 8: displaying one file as a single file

    As a matter of fact, use the Excel program not to display one and the same file in two windows. Tim is not the least, the chain can be changed.

    Yak Bachimo, I would like for the changes in Excel 2007 and 2010, when launching decal files, will be displayed in one and the same mother's window, there are no simple ways to launch them in new windows. Koristuvach can itself vibrate more, suitable for your needs.

MS Excel 2007

Use electronic tables for help

Electronic Excel spreadsheets - a friend for the significant program, which is included in the Microsoft Office software package. At the same time, there is a simple and simple program from a distance, intuitively, intelligently, with an interface. If you just started the Excel program, then wait a minute, so you can see the newcomer in the first glance in this new folding mute.

The very idea of ​​electronic tables, it seems, came to the mind of the programmers, who will guess about school books with sheets in a box, in which manual work is done in a variety of ways: from folding into a stack of great tables. As a matter of fact, Excel programs are even more similar to a very special arcade from zoshita.

Well, you can work for additional electronic tables?

Everything you need for robotics and technology. oh navit You can choose to replace the extra calculator. However, the Excel program was developed for the development of the most popular economics and science establishments, for those who are pleased to be stuck everywhere, it would be necessary to carry out awkward, albeit bagatorazovy, repetitive calculations: robotized robotic balances, robotic results and laboratory results. ...

Robots in Excel are intuitively intelligent, as in these automated mathematical operations, as everything is taught in schools. Prior to that, Excel on the view of all products of the Microsoft corporation was a very compact and non-confusing system. However, for larger robots in Excel, it is necessary to know the types of operations in Excel, to improve the comfort of the robot and to allow automatization of the routine. In addition, to learn the "secrets" of Excel, it will take a long time to reach any of the koristuvach independently. And the stench is serious to lay down the life of the pre-admitted corystyas and additionally help them to find them at the victorious electronic tables.

To start the program, know the icon with the Microsoft Office Excel 2007 signature on the Work Table. 1.1. Book 1 - Microsoft Excel will be written at the title of the window, and on the taskbar there will be a button with an Excel pictogram and written Book 1. This means that a new empty document (electronic spreadsheet) has been created in the Excel program.

Files of documents in Excel programs are called books. Traditions for personal computers to display, close and save files in Excel, are downloaded from books.

The book is stored in robotic arkushiv. A leather working leaf can be im'ya, as it appears on the yogi label. For the replacement, the sheets are called: Sheet1, Arkush2 etc. To activate the list, you need to click on its shortcut.

Working area dermal sheet є table. Hundreds of tables are entitled by Latin letters і, dalі, dvolіternі by іnanny. All in the working arch - 256 hundred pts (from A before IV). Rows are numbered from 1 to 65536.

The minimal element of zberigannya danih є komirka .

Commercial addresses - the whole heading of the row and the number of the row, on the cross-lines of the same roztashovana the commissary, for example, A2, B25, C65.

One of the intermediate ones is active (in-line) and is seen by a frame. Operations introduced and edited are always carried out in the active community. You can actively create a clip (move the cursor frame) in several ways:

click the mishey in the required sequence;

vikoristovuvati navigation keys;

natisnut clavishu < Enter> .

From the panels and tools to the Excel window row of formulas .
At the left part of the row, the addresses of the flow commerce (or її іm'ya) are displayed, in the right part - instead of the flow commerce. Between the address field and the field instead of the re-inserted buttons:

- a list of new names is displayed (for a quick transition to them), and when the formula is entered - a list of 10 functions that were left behind;

- wiklikє wіkno Maistra functions,

When you enter the tribute from the keyboard in the row, two more buttons appear in the row of formulas:

- skasuvannya introduction (equivalently key ).

- the introduction of tribute to the middle (equivalent ).

Dovidkova system

Dovidkovo system in the software packages Microsoft Office 2007 to put a number of additional information, rozrakhovano yak on pochatkiv koristuvachiv, as well as on professionals. The first time you use Excel, you will easily know the description of the simplest robotics. As soon as you have є access to robots in Excel, then the advanced system will become a manual tool for every kind of performance. A professional will be able to readily use the pre-wired system, if it is necessary to know the reason for this highly vicious formula, or to specify a number of subtle programs in the electronic tables.

The most advanced level of the previdkova system - tse contextual clue(It is not very spicy). Vona is very useful for newbies, as well as for quiet, who worked with the previous versions of Excel programs. To reject the report pre-informational information, it is customary for computer programs to use a guide with hyperpowers and thematic distributions.


The Excel program has a functional F1 key on the keyboard, for which you can click on the pre-existing system. If you don’t know if you are robotizing and eating, then you’ll press the key.

In foldable situations, you can enter in a row (you can change it from the Poshuk button) a word or a few words, which may be related to your problem. Pressing the push of a button Send a message to a message A message will be sent to a hyperpower on a theme for you.