Samsung Galaxy phone is vibing. Why do smartphone batteries swell and why do they disappear? Why do batteries swell?

Legal authority illustrations Reuters Image caption Samsung tried to further test a new smartphone model, but began to receive reports of problems again

Samsung announced the second-largest number of all sales of the new model of its Galaxy Note smartphone due to information about those devices that continue to be used after repairs.

The company also called on its partners, who had already added a new model, not to take advantage of it and turn on life, while the representatives are trying to get back to the reasons for the scam.

What is expected?

Samsung presented the Galaxy Note 7 at Serpni. This smartphone was called one of the greatest phones based on Android. It has become the main competitor of Apple's iPhone 7.

However, buyers began to suddenly find money on defective batteries that swelled during charging. According to Samsung's data, there are only 35 drops in sales for 2.5 million devices.

As a result, Samsung invited the entire batch and released a colored model of the smartphone. Then the company began to sing that after correcting the equipment, it is safe to use the equipment.

But at the moment we already know about two types of borrowing of devices, which workers see in place of defective ones.

Buyers who have an original Galaxy Note 7 or an updated model in their hands are advised to turn on the device, not to use it, and not to try to fix the defect on their own.

Samsung has asked all of its wholesale and distribution partners around the world to limit sales and exchanges of Galaxy Note 7 while the investigation is ongoing.

According to the thoughts of the Koreans, in the near future Samsung will be able to blame all the rest for the sales of the new smartphone.

Legal authority illustrations AFP Image caption The smartphone scandal could seriously damage Samsung's reputation.

Why are there such stinks?

Samsung is using standard lithium-ion batteries, which power all the devices - why make their desktops unsafe?

It is important to understand the specific design of batteries. It stinks of the cathode, anode and lithium.

The cathode and anode are divided into an organic rare electrolyte and a porous separator membrane.

Lithium moves through the pores of the membrane between the cathode and anode.

If the battery is charging too quickly, a great amount of heat will be generated, and small pieces of light may form around the anode, which can lead to a short circuit.

Other defects that can lead to short-circuiting include the presence of obstructions in the appearance of a small amount of metal or miniature openings on the smartphone body, which develop after repeated charging as a result of temperature deformations .

How did this appear on the company?

The smartphone scandal has already caused a collapse in the capitalization of the Korean company.

Just two days after the start of the scandal, Samsung shares fell by 158 dollars. With the protection of the number of shares that are in stock, the company's market value fell by over 22 billion dollars at the beginning of the spring.

On Tuesday, due to news about the re-clicking of defective phones, the company's shares fell by 8%.

As food technology analyst Andrew Milrow points out, the phone scandal is exploding, coming at a particularly awkward moment for Samsung.

“Samsung needs to stand out from its competitors. This is a disastrous deal in the face of serious disruption to the company entering the smartphone market,” Milrow said in an interview with the BBC.

This fiasco, according to experts, can have an extremely negative impact on the level of trust of residents in the company’s products.

At the same time, the TV channel was filled with rants about the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 – why is the smartphone swaying in front of this company and screaming, is it true?

Indeed, the trivale of the super-nature of the Korean Samsung and the American iPhone has once ended with the practical desires of the Koreans. The new flagship Galaxy Note 7 was literally a bomb. And many wearers of this brand now need to know: why is Samsung shaking and what is working?

What is the problem with Samsung Galaxy Note 7?

Well, the beginning of 2016 was marked by the release of thirty-five Korean Galaxy Note 7s from Samsung directly into the hands of private citizens. And already before the end of the month, the main part of the forward marriage, from Russia, was added. And just a day later, information appeared about the growing number of defective models. Such a complex situation arose among Korean friends. And what will happen now...

And then - more. The first days of spring were marked by increased sales of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in ten major resident countries and the beginning of a large-scale campaign to solicit prepayments for the settlement and replacement of sold devices. Almost a thousand people in Russia have started to work on the new wireless flagship Note 7.

Why are Samsung smartphones vibing? Maybe this is the action of terrorists or the approach of competitors? Not everything is too trivial. The problem lies in the high-capacity batteries that are defective.

The company, naturally, having slowed down sales, immediately began a thorough investigation into the breakdowns of self-loaning and monitoring of battery failures in the Galaxy Note 7. Safety first! Well, let me tell you from the family of a Korean who died in 2007 due to a bulging LG phone. Yoma's leg was torn and his spine was broken. Of course, Samsung is not up to this point, but the trust is falling away from any smartphone.

That is why, as if a similar incident took place here at the edge of the third world, at the “left” printer. Samsung is the leader in the smartphone market. According to statistics, perhaps a quarter of people in the world own a smartphone of this brand. The one has less - and security is next to none. Bye...

Well, let’s face it, why is Samsung Galaxy being so popular? The company initially tried to put all the charge on the original charging device. Mayachnya! The first time people charged their phones, it happened. And it’s wonderful for the virobniks to know about it. And there may be some question about the original, since Samsung does not produce charging blocks on its own, purchasing them from other manufacturers. Moreover, many companies have an agreement on the production of smartphones with a new charging connector.

These charging devices, in principle, do not carry such serious loads – they are standard 5V and 2A. So, of course, there is a device for advanced battery replenishment. Perhaps they move with tension, rather than with tension.

Moreover, all modern smartphones are equipped with a special controller. If the model does not support fast charging, it will not work. Additional stench does not allow reloading - which is extremely critical for anyone.

The sign indicates that the correct device will not allow harm when charging, unless there are connections to any device. And here the first defects were revealed - the controller could go out of order. And in the Samsung Note models from the first batch they were not present!

After recharging, the battery's electrolyte was drained, and a high volume of gas was visible. Naturally, the pressure on the smartphone’s body has grown to a critical point - and the axis of the resulting microvibrations with fragments of the body is scattered in different directions. A real “bomb” of enhanced action. Once you get ready to exercise, sit down and wait until it “arrives.” This is sabotage! You can find out that the axis is like this, having bought a 12-way bottom smartphone, and having swelled and surrounded it with a hail of tricks...

The iPhone, for example, most often has a different problem - no.

I yakbi vin vibuhav too much for exercises. So, no, they quickly disintegrate right in your hands. How can I explain this? Why do Samsung phones vibrate even after charging? This is a completely true version. On the right, the battery of this Samsung does not show overheating at all and when the temperature of the processor in the smartphone increases, it swells! As usual, a series of vibrations fell during the summer month. Completely believe in it.

Or maybe the situation is just heating up here and it’s not possible to take it seriously? Kozhen himself thinks how to react. Just know that flying with a smartphone battery, when occupied, reaches a temperature of 1339 ° C, and baked goods fly on all sides, burning the entire hard surface, not even talking about human skin. Before that, the popularity of the world has increased significantly. And tricks to the body can damage the ear drum or damage the carotid artery. It is not important to detect the legacy of such damage.

How to avoid getting lost in Samsung Galaxy Note 7?

Why is the Samsung Notebook vibrating, so what should I do now? The greatest benefit is not to use smartphones and never leave the house. It's so safe. And for those who do not want to go to such radical methods, you can get a drone-free headset and receive notifications. Please, live in constant fear that your electronic lover might somehow swell, it seems unreasonable.

Tim, who flies often, might want to think about a special thermal container in which a potential “saboteur” can be transferred for an hour. Also, Russian companies do not recommend soaking it for an hour and then avoid charging it again. And now, perhaps, I’ll be able to walk around wearing bulletproof vests.

The danger came out, but the signs did not check. I will give you not Alkaida or EGIL, but a powerful smartphone! I'm glad that the advance is expanding even more on the Samsung Note 7 model, adding until another day this spring and then outside Russia. There was never any official sale of this batch in the Russian Federation. Good luck!

And so, the Russian Federation simply does not stop fear - it brings the truth to the testimony of its American colleagues. There, one high-profile American had a Samsung that started smoking right on board the plane at the Louisville airport. Why is it unimportant - that’s why this big man was informed about the scam and simply exchanged the old model for a new one. This did not ensure that the passengers could disembark from the plane at the same time directly in front of the villiot. Why did you miss it? Do you want some Korean exotica?

P.S. Samsung has launched not only the Note 7 smartphones. And nutrition, which is why most Samsung machines are booming, has also become relevant. True, it is important to know about the vibrations of the Asian markets in the States - they are now, melodiously, singing through the shoals of Korean “bombers”. That’s also why the company’s products became “unsafe.” I want, for example, to establish myself as a miracle device!

I would like to believe that the brand will renew its reputation. Even his products have always been inspired by their brilliance and reliability.

Video from youtube - “Note 7 at the fire: Samsung calls out the Galaxy flagship”:

Please share, as it is fitting:

Would it be helpful for you to know:

MOSCOW, 2 ver - RIA Novini. Last month, Samsung announced a decrease in sales of its new Galaxy Note 7 phablet, which appeared on shelves in 10 countries since 19. The main reason for which the president of the mobile device, Dong Jin Koh, has already been killed is that the batteries swell during charging.

Samsung may be shutting down all of its Galaxy Note 7s due to battery problemsIt appears that Samsung will announce the results of its investigation into the causes of battery problems, as well as announce a low level of comprehensive approaches to the problem, either at the end or at the beginning of the coming period.

As if it weren’t there, this misfortune has been plaguing lithium-ion batteries for three decades now. And because of this, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) has immediately banned the transport of Li-ion batteries on passenger flights, since the stench is not present in any device.

The essence of the problem

The lithium-ion battery, despite all its achievements, is still a nice element. The charging process follows a complex algorithm and is controlled by a special microcontroller, which continuously monitors the temperature and other parameters of the battery. There are also a lot of restrictions on its operation and conservation. Such batteries cannot tolerate deep discharge or are heated or exposed to negative temperatures. Therefore, almost all devices have special controllers that monitor their work and turn off the battery whenever the indicators exceed critical values.

However, making a lithium-ion battery safely is not so difficult. Due to the current trends of changing the size of batteries and their forms, and experiments with chemical storage are now turning distributors into output positions. The main problem is overheating of the central parts of the battery due to temperature rise or short circuit in the middle of the battery. A box that overheats can trigger the Lanzug reaction. And due to the fact that the necessary metal is lithium, which enters the battery warehouse, it is easy to obtain, the consequences may be the worst: sudden swelling, overheating, or even leakage.

ZMI: over a million hoverboards are recruited from the United States through the borrowing riskThe US Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) praised the demand for 501 thousand hoverboards (self-balancing scooters) due to the high borrowing risk.

Ale kozhen krok robots batteries vіdstezhuyut controllers, why the stink? The reasons could be a few.

Among the main ones is the hygroscopic connection, in which the ball of insulator between the middles is an insufficient item.

Also dangerous are impacts or physical damage to the battery and simple overheating. For example, if the battery has suffered minor damage due to falling from a low height, the battery may not be damaged due to damage, otherwise the battery may become damaged. You can get away with it, perhaps without reaching your temperature limit.

The problem can be solved by tougher regulations. This will increase the price of all products and increase the use of new technologies. However, companies simply cannot compete for the minds of constant competition. Those who live with them will have to come to terms with the fact that, in addition to the fallout, they can and will continue to rely on the products of well-known brands, such as Apple, Samsung and others.

Batteries have recently been created so that they do not swell when overheatedPhysicists at Stanford have created a new type of lithium-ion batteries that automatically turn on when unsafe temperatures are reached, thereby avoiding vibration when overheating, and automatically turn back on after cooling.

Meanwhile, at the beginning of this fate, American physicists and Stanford announced the creation of a special protector for batteries. The battery is made up of nickel nanoparticles inserted into a thin sheet of plastic and graphene, which automatically turns on the battery without any reaction from the controller. Regardless of simplicity, the cost of development is lost under the power supply, leaving the batteries unprotected in hundreds of hundreds of voltages, otherwise leading to a further increase in price.

Batteries are one of the main stock of modern electronic gadgets. Over the past years, engineers have achieved a significant increase in their capacity with a constant or smaller size. It is now possible to achieve a complete stagnation of folding technologies to ensure maximum battery charge. Prote at once, it seems, the virobniki have pressed against the bar'er, and it may be dangerous to move.

Why is your battery crushed?

These days, most electronic gadgets use lithium batteries. The signals are formed from electrodes placed in a sealed housing with current-carrying terminals. The charge carrier is the positive charge of the battery, which is indicated in the name of the battery.

The characteristics and operational components of lithium batteries are largely stored in the chemical warehouse of recycled materials. Initially, as a negative plate, metal lithium stagnated, then rock coal coke began to vikorize. Graphite is the most commonly contaminated material.

There is a mixture of purely “chemical” filling in the battery and electronic components. The case is equipped with a charge controller, which protects the battery from excess voltage during charging. This component monitors the temperature of the battery to turn it off if it overheats.

Why do batteries swell?

The most unsafe element of the battery design is the electrolyte, which is extremely chemically active. Since the design of the battery has a soft or technological shield, the battery case may not be damaged. Then drain the hot electrolyte first, so that, with your own money, you will use your gadget. Let's look at the main reasons why this may be happening.

Overheating and overcharging

Recently, for one of the most widespread reasons, the batteries were failing. If the controller breaks down, the pump will continue to charge only if the battery is already charged. The battery will become heated and will continue to burn.

Warto remember that overheating and burning of the battery as a result of “thermal breakdown” can happen very quickly, literally in a pinch. Fortunately, battery monitoring systems are becoming more and more sophisticated. As long as you are not exposed to a lot of cheap viruses, this type of harm will practically not threaten you.

Mechanical maintenance

Today's gadgets are becoming increasingly thin and light, so special lightweight designs are used in these batteries, which, unfortunately, may not always provide sufficient value. If the partition between the electrodes in the battery is damaged, there will be a short circuit that will cause the battery to overheat and burn.

The thin outer shell of the battery can also cause problems. The point is that while charging the battery, you can experience a lot of pressure. If the battery operator is familiar with the safety rules in pursuit of low voltage, then such a battery can very quickly swell.

How to avoid battery problems

No one, obviously, can absolutely guarantee that you will not have any defects or a poorly designed battery. However, following these rules can significantly reduce the risk of fire or battery drain on your smartphone.

  • Try to find a unique selection of budget models and unknown manufacturers. In order to win the price race, stinks can be found on literally everything, including the battery. The inconsistency of the actual and declared capacity is still far from the worst. It’s much worse if the battery has a daily temperature sensor or a charge controller from the last century.
  • Check out the included chargers. In case of waste or damage, do not buy copied Chinese chargers, but give preference to a verified generator. Pay attention to the amount of charge that is recommended for your gadget.
  • Whenever you need to replace it, use the original battery. So, bad batteries can cost a lot less, but this savings can literally burn your smartphone.
  • Before charging your smartphone, apply water to prevent it from overheating. Remove the cover from the cover, pull it out from under the pillow and do not cover it with the carpet. New smartphones especially benefit from the fast charging feature.
  • Be careful to protect the battery from mechanical damage. It is completely clear that you will not play football with it, otherwise a banal fall on a forgery could be fatal for the battery. If a sign of deformation is detected (bloating, peroxide), replace the battery with a new one.

Have you ever slept or shorted the battery? Maybe I'll blow it? Tell us about it in the comments.

The problem was corrected in new batches, but the majority of them burned.

While the world is talking about the iPhone 7 Plus, which, having swelled, we decided to guess about the problems with a particularly dangerous device - the Samsung Galaxy Note7.

The Korean company missed the Note 6 model from its line, importantly, because the number of changes in the new smartphone allows you to “re-cut” one assembly. Buti can, Wasn’t it possible to rot the gods of arithmetic and logic?

Samsung sold nearly 2.5 million Galaxy Note7 units, and a couple of years later launched a campaign based on their advertising. It was not possible to do this quickly, and almost every day we hear news about the affected Note7 users.

Everything began practically immediately after the official start of sales.

1. After being busy, the booths don’t burn out enough

School teacher Park Soo-Jung was worried about losing her bed if she didn’t like the new Galaxy Note7, sleeping and filling her bedroom with smoke. The reader woke up with a nap and light blues after falling from her bed.

2. Blogger demonstrates a burning Galaxy Note7

On to your Youtube channel Koristuvach Ariel Gonzalez has included a video that shows a fire burning directly on a Samsung Galaxy Note7 charger. In addition, Gonzales is in negotiations with Samsung to resolve the issue.

3. Together with Note7 I will burn down the garage

Wesley Hartzog stopped charging his smartphone in the garage, which resulted in a net gain. Behind Vesley's words, we missed the news that Samsung is linking its new product to the problem of battery burning.

4. Note7 became the reason for the employment of a nobleman

American Nathan Dornacher lost charge of his Galaxy Note7 from a Jeep Grand Cherokee. An hour later, he felt the alarming bark of the dog, looked out onto the street and saw his jeep in the buried half.

5. The man is left without pants. It could have been worse

Floridian Jonathan Strobel took the precautions of another step when the Samsung Galaxy Note7 swelled at the front of his pants. Jonathan plans to sue the Korean company for 15 thousand dollars.

6. Ditina suffered while borrowing Note7

A six-year-old boy from Brooklyn took off the light grips of his hands after the Samsung Galaxy Note7 burned right into his hands. According to the words of the grandmother, the incident began when she watched the video on her smartphone while it was charging.

7. Samsung smartphone damaged MacBook Pro

Chinese Hui Renjie cut off the insignificant functions of two fingers and damaged his MacBook as if he were charging the evil Galaxy Note7. Tsikavo, according to the words of the Chinese merchant, the device comes from the new “safe” party.

7. Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge may also be unsafe

For days, I became another victim of my Samsung smartphone. How many times was the cause of the fire Galaxy S7 Edge. The smartphone has fallen asleep and remains on charge. The owner of the cabin, Danielle Boutilier, was alarmed by the firemen’s call. In these words, until the moment of use, the smartphone was gradually overheating. It's a shame that all the Galaxy S7 are not safe yet.

Of course, the number of vibrations and problems with the fiery flagship Samsung Galaxy Note7 number in the dozens. We chose those who were widely visible in the press.

The biggest failure of the mobile industry

On June 2, the president of Samsung Mobile, Koh Dong Jin, was publicly accused of taking out a Galaxy Note7.

Today, many airlines have asked passengers to buy a Samsung Galaxy Note7 smartphone. Capitalization of Samsung fell by $22 billion In this case, analysts predict that the company’s expenses will be even greater. It's not just about wasting your contacts with contacts, but also about wasting the opportunity and prestige of the company.

Sales of Galaxy Note7 have been renewed all over the world since yesterday. Are you afraid of buying something now?