Get a robot that will help you like this. Get a robot that will help such people. Robots are in order

I marveled at childhood "Dawns of the War", Batching robots C3Po and R2D2 and talking about your powerful robots. This eggplant became even more valuable if I "The Jetsons" the family robot-housekeeper Rosie, who was silently working on the rule. I have always realized that a personal robot can serve as a powerful chef, trainer and friend. It seems that the future has come into our lives, and now more and more advanced models of robots for everyday life are appearing on the market and are being sold cheaper, not even the iPhone or MacBook. Let's take a look at 12 personal robots for everyday life: some of them are more similar to people, others are less, but all of them can make your life more enjoyable.

PepperviewSoftBank Robotics

Pepper is one of a line of robots that are most similar to humans. It seems that this robot is designed to recognize human emotions. Pepper senses your emotions and responds to them with an appropriate attitude. Today, Pepper robots are used for various commercial purposes in Japan, but they can also become a good friend of the daytime.


Jibo is a cute little robot that resembles the robot Wall-I from the Pixar film of the same name. It does not dry out on its own, but this family robot begins with everyone who comes together with it - and remembers all those who share with it. Will talk to you the next time you enter the room, and don’t be surprised at how you can let off the heat.

Kuri viewMayfield Robotics

Kuri is a cheerful friend and a good companion with serious technological benefits. The robot is mobile, equipped with WiFi, Bluetooth, a 1080p camera and a feature recognition function. There is also the possibility of telepresence, which allows you to communicate through the robot with other people at home. You can move around the hut, keeping an eye out for critters and pets, and furthermore play the role of a home alarm system, as long as you can sense everything that comes into the hut. Kuri has a lot of sound signals similar to R2D2 "Zoryanikh Voen". Kuri can take photos and save content every day on your phone - where you can view, edit and send this content to friends.

Zenbo viewAsus

Zenbo is an intelligent mobile robot that can sleep, help and inspire you whenever necessary. While you are at home, Zenbo will learn and adapt to you, and if necessary, share its emotions. Zenbo can help with fortune-telling, manage home appliances, operate while you are on the security system, and delight children by reading stories to them.

Lynx viewUbtech

Lynx is a humanoid robot that provides mobility to the Alexa voice assistant. Lynx can buy the products you need directly from the Amazon website with the help of simple voice commands. Lynx is equipped with feature recognition and personalized privacy features. You can play music and ensure the safety of the broadcasts that are broadcast in the wake-up call while you are on the clock.

Budgee view 5Elements Robotics

Are you looking for another pair of hands to help you carry things around the house or in the yard? Then you need Budgee. Budgee is a kind, practical robot that helps with speech.

Hub RobotviewLG

Hub Robot from LG is a smart home assistant powered by the Alexa voice service. With this help, you can make your alarm smarter by simply installing the robot in the most active place in your home. The robot responds to your hands with nods and simple comments. You can talk about everything: from setting the mood and playing music to turning on and turning off the air conditioner. The interactive display displays notifications, videos and photos. Using the personality recognition feature, Hub Robot can recognize family members. At this time, this robot is not yet available for sale, but we suspect that it will appear soon, since in 2017 it was first demonstrated at the exhibition of live electronics.

Olly RobotviewEmotech

The Olly robot is a mix of a smart home hub and a personal robot. This is a complete desktop device for making your day more enjoyable. Olly is a robot startup based in London that discovers how you would like to drink, and then sends your power to your device and controls your device's connection.

Robo Temi

Temi is a personal robot for waking up: it is a smart, lower robot with a telepresence function, so it can take on the role of a special assistant on wheels. Temi there will be splits in the video chat and music machine - so that you are encouraged and forfeited to connect. Temi runs on the Android operating system, so it has a lot of your favorite add-ons.

Aido viewIngen Dynamic

Aido is a family home robot that can move around the house, help and make your life better. Aido can do everything from playing with your children to helping around the house to managing everything you have planned. Aido can support communication and security in your wake-up with your mobile and visual abilities.

Personal Robot viewRobot Base

There are a lot of creative names for this robot. As we have already said before, the Personal Robot is equipped with all the basic functions, such as: person recognition, photography capabilities, alarm clock, personal recognition and autonomous navigation. In addition, you can create a map of your home using additional navigation and mapping algorithms. Personal Robot also interacts with other home devices, such as the smart Nest thermostat and others, to help automate your wake-up call.

Personal robotQ. Bowith a secret exit code

Are you looking for 2 in 1: both a personal robot and a robot for experiments? Get to know Q.Bo - a robot with an open source code that allows you to add necessary functions, and thus create a highly customizable robot. Q.Bo is equipped with basic functions and technical capabilities, but they can be expanded. This robot is perfect for children, parents and teachers - and from this you can create and customize the kind of personal robot you want.


Erica - Japanese robot based on Android

This robot is not yet being produced for a mass audience, I was just thinking about what to include in the list to demonstrate directly how robots fail. Erica guesses the bad robot from the series “The Light of the Wild Sunset.” It is entirely possible that soon robots will be more like humans, like Erika, and they will be able to walk among us, and maybe the stench will be among us - the evil music will go away.
We are still in the early stages of artificial intelligence and personal robots for everyday life. I believe that this group of robots, which at this time looks like a new HTML web page in the wake of the Internet revolution, will become more prominent in their efforts. Prote, I want to watch out for this, as everything is collapsing in the direction of the future - towards what we watched on the great screens, and what we watched with impatience for the remaining decades.

"Robotologist" having attended a class on robotics and heard what the students of the "Robot and I" club are talking about.

Little roboticists already in 7 years know 3 types of important things (can you guess?) And for a lesson they select ready-made robots. Guys should make sure that batteries are disposed of in a special box and not in a trash can. The stench, as they have grown up, grows until the payment is made only by name, or by “vi”.

And you also know that if the virus rises, it will prompt robots to help humanity. Young engineers are determined to conquer space, overcome enemies and disruptors of order. Well, win in the games of robots. The “robotic scientist” took up a job in robotics and recorded food tips about what kind of robots the boys create.

Dima Tatarinov, 8 roki

“I don’t yet know what kind of robot I want to create. But he will definitely help humanity. For example, work for children and fly to distant planets. If he arrives on a new planet, he will put a Russian ensign there.”

Misha Fedorov, 10 rokiv

"I want to make a robot on the radio -controlled. At the Polti Bode Ekran, Yaki Bode Shortati, de Robot іda і yaki vena Robit. Tsey Robot Bude Strafi for the wrong parking. So I need to stop and hand out fines before the offender leaves."

Artem Solovyov, 8 roki

“This will be a tank that can drive without water. They won’t bother anyone, I will create such a system so that the tank itself knows what to do. We will transmit the picture to the headquarters and in any case, we can take the caravan on the remote control. Pull the shell of the I am a self -willed sensor. "

Maxim Khotuntsev, 10 rokiv

“Well, I wouldn’t say that you will be a robot. I would like to create a costume. On the sleeves it will have acidic things, on the legs (like Tony Stark) there will be flying things. There will be two masks on the outside, the inner one will be scary, Zvati is possible for Rospilyuvati toxin, the worships of the worship of it, they are in the way, the sword is in the way. Black Adam," he is such a pirate.

And someone else will have something to tell you about the hour. As soon as we fly here and there at great speed, then as soon as possible a time-hour portal will be created in this place and, singly, I will be able to finish the next day. Shvidshe for everything."

Timofiy Kuznetsov, 10 rokiv

“My robot will help track down the black devils. People are afraid to fly there, no one knows what’s there. And the robot can be sent to the black devil. Well, as a human being, if you think for yourself, someone will have a unique intelligence. hotiv develop a piece of intelligence for yourself."

Serhiy Zbroyariv, 9 rokiv

"I'm dreaming of choosing a robot that can be easily stolen from the filthy guys. But it won't be a robot, but a robotic suit. It will take everything in, turn into a machine and use batteries. That's what it'll be called - "Zhisnik."

Sasha Fedorov, 8 rokiv

“I want to find a robot football player for our teams. He himself will be about 50 cm and can carry the ball up to 1 meter in height. Maybe I’ll get a few more of them, a whole team. These robots will play football, Don't run out of battery yet. I think I can get these robots at 10 or 12."

Arseniy Rodkina, 7 roki

“My robot will help people in the future so that the future can come sooner. He will create new technologies himself.

And at school, I painted a pen, as if I were writing, a backpack was flying and sewing, as I was writing for the teacher! "

Styopa Yeshukov, 11 roki

"What kind of robot do I want to find? Wonder about this topic. For our games (based on the club "Robot and I" - editor's note) for football - one, for the battle of robots - another. For the battle, I want to get a great robot, Yaky їzdi on the caterpillars not on plastmasovikh, the plastmas will be sorely at the nog, the nib. Inshi Model , just look at the tap.

In football businesses, management is more important, so that the model itself does not become too stale.

And for racing I want to get a Swedish car and a good caravan model. I'll put the gearbox on high speed, on the rear wheels, and keep the front wheels low. It will still be necessary to further examine it. "

The rural dominion is transforming at an incredible pace. Robotics are starting to automate farm processes and, time after time, machines for collecting fruits and vegetables are being created. A farm in New Zealand plans to launch a robot that will pick apples from trees. Next time we need to tell us about the machines that will help us grow the harvest in the future.

Your apples will soon be picked by robots

Anna Samoydyuk

The robot, developed by the company Abundant Robotics, moves along the rows between apple trees using a lidar or light radar, and searches for fruit using a machine tank.

“The robot recognizes the apple in real time. “When the fruit is ripe, the computer system tells the machine to pick it up,” explains Dan Steer, CEO of Abundant. Of course, there is no harm in it; quickly, with a more forged hand, vikorist a vacuum tube, which helps “wet” the fruit from the tree. Then the apple goes onto the conveyor, and the star falls into the bucket. The robot can work completely.

There are many logical and technical reasons why such a robot did not appear earlier. Whenever you talk about the evolution of rural automation, you should imagine machetes rather than knives. Combine harvesters are widely used on farms to harvest wheat or grain. Apple trees are like trees, and you can’t just drive a tractor over them to pick the fruits. “You cannot damage either a tree or a fruit. This requires a much more complex process,” explains Steer.

Automation of apple picking depends on the fact that the robot not only selects fruits, but also analyzes their ripeness. Having been pleased with the farmer, the operator can adjust the system so that the robot focuses on a specific color that will symbolize the ripeness of the apple.

You, melodiously, think that the end of human farming is near. Let us first begin to sound the alarm about the fact that robots save us from robots, but remember that automation is far from new, especially in the rural state. Think about what happened to the wheat. Before the advent of combine harvesters, thousands of farmers harvested entire fields by hand. Thus, there is nothing surprising in the fact that apples and other crops can quickly benefit from automation.

People will always have enough time to work, and they will not need to do physically important work. To replace this stench, they can either control the robot as it moves around the garden every hour, or pick up the fruit it missed. This result is very important for the rural government, since the industry is aware of the great shortage of human hands. Automation is simply necessary in order to prosper all humanity.

It is also the case that we can now adapt the harvest to machines. However, apple trees in New Zealand are not similar to those that grow in your dacha. At that time, like the original trees are voluminous and round, apple trees in New Zealand are flat. The stinks look like vines. This form of tree has a faceless advantage: in addition, it is easier for people and robots to reach the fruit, and the apples consume more sunny light. In this manner, we must repair not only the machines for the harvest, but the harvest for the machines.

So, until the present world, rural robots will begin to adapt to some kind of middle ground. However, it is definitely not possible to create one universal machine for collecting fruits - the harvest is simply very varied. In addition, robots will soon be able to discover things that are inaccessible to humans - for example, superpowers. In the end, they will help us ensure a reliable food production system on a changing planet.

It's easier to be a human being than to be a human being. Take, for example, the process of hitting the ball while growing up with one. By distributing this activity around biological functions, there will no longer be downtime. You will need sensors, transmissions and effectors. You need to learn how to hit the ball hard so that there is a distance between you and your companion. You need to take care of sleepy lights, wind speed and everything that can be turned out. You need to figure out how the ball wraps and how you need to catch it. And there is no room for third-party scenarios: what if the ball flies over your head? Fly over the parkan? Vib'e vikno susida?

These data demonstrate how to deal with some of the most pressing problems in robotics, and also lay the foundation for our gateway research. Here is a list of the ten most complex speeches that robots need to learn. There are dozens of things to overcome, if you want to implement the ideas developed by Bradbury, Dikiy, Asimov, Clark and other science fiction writers, as it was obvious that machines are like people.

Damn the way

Transferring from point A to point B was something we could forgive for our childishness. Mi, people, robimo tse shodnya, shogodini. For a robot, however, navigation - especially through a single middle, which is gradually changing, and through a middle, which has not previously been formed - is even more complex. First of all, the robot is responsible for taking in too much of the middle part, as well as understanding all the input data.

Roboticists are tackling this problem by outfitting their machines with an array of sensors, scanners, cameras and other high-tech tools that help the robots assess their skill. Laser scanners are becoming increasingly popular, although they cannot be detected in water through those that are very susceptible to problems in water. Sonar technology appears to be a viable alternative for underwater robots, but is far less accurate in land-based systems. In addition, the robot is helped to “scan” its landscape by a technical vision system, which consists of a set of integrated stereoscopic cameras.

Collect data about the excessive middle course - only correct it. A much more difficult task would be processing this data and selecting it to make decisions. There are plenty of robbers who carry out their robots, vikorist’s designated map or folding them onto the lot. In robotics it is known as SLAM - a method of one-hour navigation and folding map. The folding of the card here means how the robot transforms the information captured by the sensors into a simple form. Navigation is based on how the robot positions itself according to the map. In practice, two important processes proceed simultaneously, in the form of “hicks and eggs”, which is only possible with the help of hard-working computers and advanced algorithms that calculate positions on the basis of compatibility.

demonstrate intimacy

Robots have been picking packages and parts from factories and warehouses for many years. However, in such situations, stinks, as a rule, do not interact with people and practically always work with new objects in a safe environment. The life of such a robot in a factory is tedious and rough. If the robot wants to work at home or in a doctor’s office, for which he will need to stick a stick in his hand, the ability to identify people nearby and an unpredicted relish in choosing actions.

It’s easy for beginners to learn the robot. Make sure you don't start using robots that are setting them up to fail if they come into contact with another object. However, over the last five years or so, significant successes have been achieved in the acquisition of flexible robots and artificial skins. Compliance is comparable to the flexibility of a robot. Flexible cars are more flexible, rigid cars are less flexible.

In 2013, researchers from Georgia Tech created a robotic manipulator with spring arms that allow the manipulator to bend and interact with objects, similar to a human hand. Then the stinks covered everything with a “skin”, recognizable as a pressure or a dot. All types of robots' skins contain hexagonal microcircuits, each of which is equipped with an infrared sensor that detects proximity within a centimeter. Others are equipped with electronic “finger pads” - a ribbed and short surface, which flattens the joints and makes signal processing easier.

Combine these high-tech manipulators with a wide-eyed system - and you will find a robot that can perform a gentle massage or sort through a folder of documents, selecting the one you need from a large collection.

Support Rozmova

Alan Turing, one of the founders of computer science, made a bold prediction in 1950: one day machines will be able to speak so clearly that you will not be able to recognize them as humans. It’s a pity that robots (like Siri) haven’t truly achieved Turing’s achievement yet. All that the recognition of language is significantly enhanced by the processing of natural language - something to loosen our minds, viscous sensations from words and propositions in the process of conversation.

At first they thought that repeating it would be as simple as connecting the rules of grammar to the memory of the machine. However, my attempt to program grammatical applications for the skin language simply failed. It turned out to be difficult to figure out the meaning of the following words (and there is also such a thing as homonyms - a door key and a violin key, for example). People have learned to understand the meaning of these words in context, resting on their own rationality, apologizing for the many fateful fates of evolution, and not breaking them down into the rules that can be put on the code, it turned out to be simply impossible.

As a result, today a lot of people work on language, relying on statistics. They continue to produce large texts as corpuses, and then allow computers to break up long texts into pieces to figure out which words often go together and in what order. This allows the robot to “read” the language based on statistical analysis.

learn something new

It is obvious that someone who is not at all good at golf, having learned to swing a key. You can read a book about it, and then try or watch it as a golfer practices, and then try it on your own. At any time, it will be possible to master Azi simply and quickly.

Robotics engineers face a number of problems when trying to create an autonomous machine and learn new skills. One approach, like the golf game, is to break down the activity into precise steps and then program them into the robot's brain. This conveys that the skin aspect of activity needs to be divided, described and encoded so that it is not easy to develop. There are singing aspects in the swinging golf key that are difficult to describe in words. For example, the interaction between the wrist and the elbow. These fine details are easier to show and easier to describe.

Over the past years, robots have achieved great success in the area of ​​robots imitating human operators. The stench is called either imitative or demonstration (LfD technique). How can you stop the stink? The machines are equipped with arrays of wide-angle and zoom cameras. This property allows the robot to “learn” the teacher, which results in active processes. Initial algorithms process this data to create a mathematical map with a function that combines visual input and action. Naturally, LfD robots are guilty of ignoring the singing aspects of their master's behavior - on the planet or the undead - and coping with similar problems that arise due to the difference in the anatomy of a robot and a human.


In fact, the art of deception developed even among creatures in order to bypass competitors and not be caught by crooks. In practice, deception as a mystic of survival can be a great and very effective mechanism of self-preservation.

Robots will learn to deceive people or other robots, which can be incredibly difficult (and, perhaps, good for you and me). Deception requires obviousness - the ability to formulate ideas or images of external objects that are not associated with feelings - and the machine, as a rule, does not have it. They are strongest in direct processing of data from sensors, cameras and scanners, but cannot formulate concepts that go beyond sensory data.

On the other hand, robots of the future may be better able to understand deception. Recently, Georgia Tech was able to transfer its protein deception skills to robots in the laboratory. From now on, the stench has attracted cunning rodents who steal their nests from hedgehogs, luring competitors into old and non-vikorized beasts. Then they encoded this behavior into simple rules and captured it in the mind of their robots. Machines were able to use these algorithms to determine if deception could be useful in a particular situation. Well, they could have fooled their companion by luring him to another place, in which there is nothing valuable.

Transfer these people

In The Jetsons, Rose's robotic room was used to facilitate conversation, cook food, clean, and help George, Jane, Judy, and Elroy. To understand the beauty of Rose's collection, try to guess one of the original episodes: Mr. Spacely, George's boss, comes to the Jetsons' booth for dinner. After the meal, she picks up a cigar and places it in her mouth, and Rosie rushes forward with the lighter. This simple action is a complex behavior of a person - to predict what will happen next, based on what has just happened.

As well as deception, the transfer of human actions is reflected in the robotic manifestation of the future. He is guilty of saying: “I think that I can earn money from A, which means that I can, on the basis of the past evidence, have already paid for everything, I can earn money from B.” In robotics, this point will be extremely foldable, but people will hesitate to make progress. A team at Cornell University has developed an autonomous robot that can respond based on how its companion interacts with environmental objects. For this purpose, we use a pair of 3D cameras to capture sharp images. Then the algorithm identifies key objects in the room and displays them among others. Then, based on the large amount of information captured as a result of the previous training, the robot generates a set of new findings from the person and objects it is picking up. The robot will work again so that it will be further, and it will be true.

Sometimes Cornell's robots show mercy, but still stick forward, even as camera technology gets worse.

Coordinate activities with other robots

The creation of a single large-scale machine - an android, if you like - requires a serious investment of time, energy and money. Another approach is to grow an army of simple robots that can work at once to accomplish complex tasks.

A number of problems arise. A robot that operates as a team must be mindful of positioning itself well in connection with its comrades and being able to effectively interact with other machines and the human operator. For the most important problems, comas have been brought to light, as they develop complex swarm behavior to search for hedgehogs and create misfortunes, which bring measles to all colonies. For example, it has become increasingly clear that individuals use pheromone to communicate one after another.

Robots can use this same “pheromone logic”, only rely on light, and not on chemical words, when sputtered. It goes like this: a group of creepy robots are surrounded in an enclosed space. The first stench explores this area in a stepwise manner until one comes across a light trace that was missing by another bot. He knows that he needs to follow the trail, and when he goes, he loses his trail. In the world, as the tracks become angry at one, more and more robots follow one after another after one.


The Lord said to Adam and Eve: “Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth.” A robot who, having rejected such a command, felt either angry or disappointed. Why? Because they are not good at multiplying. The one on the right is to create a robot, or, quite differently, to create a robot that can make copies of itself or regenerate damaged or damaged components.

What is noteworthy is that robots may not take humans for the butt of the reproductive model. Perhaps you noticed that we cannot be divided into two parts. The simplest thing, however, is not to worry about it. Relatives of jellyfish - hydrya - practice a form of non-state reproduction, known as budding: a small bag is separated from the body of the father, and then ripened to become a new, genetically identical individual.

They are still working on robots that can perform the same simple cloning procedure. Many of these robots are made from repeating elements, usually cubes, which are formed in the same way as one cube, and also carry out a self-replication program. The cubes have magnets on the surface, so smells can attach and be absorbed by other cubes nearby. The skin cube is divided into two parts diagonally, so the skin half can be removed independently. The whole robot will put together a bunch of cubes, collected into a single figure.

Actions based on principle

When we talk to people every day, we make hundreds of decisions. Everyone knows our choice, which means what is good and what is bad, honest and dishonest. If the robots wanted to be like us, they would need to understand ethics.

And just like in my opinion, it is difficult to code ethical behavior with the head principle that there is no single set of universally accepted ethical principles. Different countries have different rules of behavior and different systems of laws. In other cultures, regional differences may influence the way people value and value their own actions and those of others. Trying to write a global ethics that is common to all robots appears to be practically impossible.

In fact, robots have been on the rise for a long time, interspersing the scale of the ethical problem. For example, if the machine will operate in a common environment - in the kitchen, say, or in a patient's room - it will have far fewer rules of conduct and fewer laws for the praise of ethically committed decisions. To achieve this goal, robotics engineers enter the reasons for these choices into the machine's startup algorithm. This choice is based on three little minds: what a good result this action will be, what harm will it give to the world of justice. Using this type of artificial intelligence, your new home robot can accurately determine who in the home is responsible for washing the dishes, and who will get the TV remote control at night.

feel the emotions

“My secret is very simple: it’s only the heart that hurts. You can’t help the biggest eye.”

If the respect the Fox has for “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is true, then one cannot ignore the most beautiful and beautiful thing in this world. Unfortunately, they constantly probe the light around them, otherwise they cannot transform sensory data into specific emotions. The stench cannot capture the smile of a shady person and sense joy, or capture the angry grimace of a stranger and freeze in fear.

The very thing, more or less on our list, encourages people from machines. How to get started with a robot? How to program disappointment, anger, surprise or pity? Have you ever wanted to get drunk?

People think what’s wrong. They hope that robots in the future will enhance cognitive and emotional systems, which means they will be more efficient, more aware, and more effective in interacting with people. Indeed, prototypes of such robots are already emerging, and they can detect a range of human emotions. Nao, a robot, divided by European traditions, bears the emotional urges of a single-faced child. You can express happiness, anger, fear and pride, accompanying your emotions with gestures. And the whole cob.

Gru 24, 2017 Gennadiy


Which module do you know:

How to compete with robots in industry;
how robots help to trace the sky, earth and water;
in which area are robots more effective than humans;
This robot can help doctors and nurses;
how robots immerse us in everyday life;
How can robots be entirely virtual?

In this video course mentor Mikola Pak reveals how robots are widely used in industry, why they have come to the fore in science, what tasks robots can take on in medicine and how to make our everyday life easier. In the front parts of the modules, the skin of these areas will be discussed in detail.

When you marvel at the video, show respect:

    Which Mikola plant should be used as a butt, as robotic production?

    What is the name of the robot surgeon?

Robot robots

Vantazhniki, sorters and selectors

Robots do not have to deal with monotonous tasks, they can increase work volume and work efficiently, and they do not need weekend breaks or lunch breaks. It’s not surprising that various industries themselves (from everyday goods to aircraft and spacecraft) “hire” robots with wide-ranging scopes. Below we have selected the most typical applications of robots in manufacturing.

    The manipulator is the same robotic “hands” that we see in photographs and videos from current factories and factories. They are equipped with a variety of sensors so that they can detect and connect parts, control the quality of products, package them, etc.

    Sorting robots help relieve people from important and monotonous tasks that require great concentration. Their sensors are ready 24/7 to analyze the type of parts and elements lying on the conveyor, and distribute them into different categories. For example, today's sorting robots often disassemble the waste, and even this can be re-sorted or processed.

    Vantage robots make it necessary for people to move whatever is there - from papers to volumetric vantage. For example, in the archives of the Oschadbank there are required boxes with documents to find and move special robotic stacking cranes. And the giants of online trading Amazon and Alibaba tried to compete with commercial robots, so that they could take 70% of routine work on themselves and be even more independent (for example, they can navigate the warehouse, as the plan there will change uvannya).

From specific tasks to the whole day

Everyday work has the same value as in industry: it takes on physically important, unsafe and monotonous tasks. Moreover, they are not afraid of bad weather: the pace of their work will not fall through the cold or the board.

    The wake-up robot is an excellent example of the fact that robots do one-man tasks much faster than people. Thus, the alarm robot from Fastbrick Robotics works 20 times faster than a regular stonemason and can lay the foundation of a private alarm in just two days. With it, alarm workers can build 150 targeted booths per river - they will be deprived of communication and social work.

    The robot for laying the cable makes its way through the channels that have already been cut for pipes, and pulls behind it a telephone or optical cable. This means that for laying the cable you do not need to dig at all, you can dig up the prepared pipes. Moreover, breakdowns can be detected more easily: such robots can monitor pipelines with additional cameras and lighting.

    The Brokk robot excavator from Sweden can perform a wide variety of tasks: digging, lifting and carrying objects, dismantling structures from reinforced concrete, targets and metal, removing balls of plaster wall, drill open, etc.

    In 2019, in Amsterdam, they plan to install a place for the entire production of steel using the 3D method, right in the world. Two robots begin their work on the opposite banks and push forward along the already completed part, meeting in the middle of the already completed bridge. Robotic systems will attach all the bridge parts directly to the site, without having to transport them. Your daily living foxes, or more precisely, the structures that absorb their moisture, will also create stinks themselves.

Follow-up robots

Follower robots are indispensable when visiting locations and objects that are unsafe for humans, as well as where great precision or physical strength is required. Stinks can get into places where people want to wash up: deep under water, into the mouth of a volcano, or, for example, onto the surface of organs and inflict damage on the cells of a living organism.

On the ground

    Boat. Robotic boats monitor and navigate rivers, lakes and seas. The stench of brisket is especially strong in extreme minds - for example, in the ice of the Far Night. They can operate independently, or they can operate at the commands of an operator via remote control. Since control is carried out via radios, the operator may have to work far away from the robot. At the other end, the place is of medium size.

    Bathyscaphe / glider. Robotic bathyscaphes and robotic gliders with different principles provide us with invaluable assistance in exploring the depths of the sea. It’s too early to send people there: for long-term tired people, the device needs to be great and expensive. Do you need it to be possible to create a robot of any shape from materials that are resistant to low temperatures, equip it with manipulators, sensors, provide it with a camera and monitor depths without causing human insecurity?

    Station. Robotic underwater and bottom stations monitor the ecology and geology of the depths and help monitor the ecological, geological, ice and other conditions in areas inaccessible to humans And in different minds. For example, a deep-sea expedition to the Mariana Trench by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) revealed no new biological species using a remote-controlled camera no. As long as they are equipped with a battery, such stations can operate from several days to several days.

    Volcano. There are other places on the planet where people cannot go (for example, volcanoes and geysers). The robot is designed to carry out investigations of materials resistant to high temperatures and free gases at the moment of peak seismic activity. NASA has already developed two such robots: one moves on wheels, and the other has the arms of a robot and with its arms can move along straight, rocky rocks.

In space

    Curiosity, a third-generation Mars rover launched by NASA in 2011, is essentially an autonomous chemical laboratory that monitors the soil and atmosphere of Mars.

    Robotic assistants have already appeared on the ISS, and soon robots will perform the simplest routine duties of astronauts: for example, troubleshooting problems with control panels during automation, which is changing their station, or installing space units original stations. The Russian segment of the ISS will also benefit from the space manipulator ERA today. Or maybe astronauts and everyone else will be replaced by electronic colleagues in the near future? development of robotic astronauts is underway. There is no need to train anyone, and there is no danger for people.

    Satellites in Earth orbit provide us with communications, weather monitoring and navigation. There are already hundreds of them, and they are so important, that back in 2016, the Pentagon began to develop a project for an adjacent satellite for the repair of satellites - a kind of airborne assistance at an altitude of 36 thousand kilometers iv. These devices have a powerful function, ways to collect information about the outside world, algorithms of action and control, which are used to implement these actions, which means they are respected by robots.

Robot assistants in dribnitsy

Lawn mowers, tree stands and nannies

In the first module we talked about how many robots today can make day-to-day life easier for people: a robotic cleaner, voice assistants and washing machines, when looked at with respect, turned out to be robots. In this part, let's see what other tasks can be automated.

    The cleaning robot is not as compact and cute as its distant relative the robot cleaner, but it can work in bad weather and cope with more serious enemies: road saws, leaves, snow and ice. It is important to grind the wheels and tracks before the task.

    The robotic lawnmower looks like a small vehicle on wheels or tracks, with an electric or diesel engine. In the same way, like a robotic cleaner, a lawnmower goes around the water, leaves the garden and turns to the base. The spaces between the plots are marked with a cable, the pieces are thrown into the ground, and when turned back to the base, infrared sensors help.

    A robot has also been invented to fight mosquitoes. Chinese engineers have developed a miniature tank that detects mosquitoes with detectors, and then “shoots” them with a laser beam.

    Cleaning a pool is not a very tedious task, which means there is also room for automation. The first type of cleaning robots floats on the surface and collects waste. The other one can move along the walls and bottom just like a tray in an aquarium - and clean the pond in the same way.

    The robot suitcase holds 15 to 30 kg of speech and is able to follow the owner, or more precisely, the beacon in his gut. If you get lost, you can give a sound signal, and sensors help you not to bump into people or fall. When you leave, they can’t keep up with you until you can, but to move around the airport - these are all you need.

    There will soon be no need for a special assistant. As the world progresses, the assistant robot will learn to maintain the daily routine, search for information, keep track of the weather and traffic jams, and help with household chores. You can already see a lot of things - for example, the Zenbo robot from ASUS replaces the desktop, manages the “smart wake-up”, provides nutritional information, takes photos and videos.

    The robot nanny will help the dads keep an eye on the baby: the camera will show you what the baby is doing, and the microphone will help you almost without crying. You can talk to your baby through the speakers, and the remote control system will help you move the robot around the house. You can ask the babysitter to show the children pictures and cartoons (obviously, like dad).

Robots - medical assistants

Substitute for scalpel, nurse and donor

In medicine, such advantages of robots as accuracy, ease of processing without pain and absence of emotions come to the fore. The introduction of robots into medicine may be expected immediately. First of all, people will no longer have the opportunity to do routine work, for example, see the medical records of the sick. In other words, robots will help doctors perform high-precision operations that were previously impossible. The robot does not get embarrassed, does not allow mercy and is always ready before the robot.

    Robot nurse. Robots can monitor patients, perform tasks in the registry, follow up with prescribed treatments (for example, as part of an automated system for prescribing medications from pharmacies), pick up in the treatment room and bring supplies to patients Ibni faces. One of these robots, created to monitor children and elderly patients, is called Robear - which was introduced in Japan back in 2015.

    Robot surgeon. Today, a robot surgeon is an aid in complex operations that require delicate and heavy robots. Thus, a disaggregated Da Vinci robot: a set of cameras and manipulators, which operate under the supervision of a surgical operator. Having improved the distance treatment, engineers will ensure that the doctor and the patient will have to carefully focus on the directions for the operation, since the surgeon will complete all manipulations at a distance. The Versius surgical robot helps doctors perform the most advanced type of surgery, when all manipulation is performed through a critical incision. This method gives the patient less pain and less scars, and also benefits from jewel-like precision and a whole range of technologies.

    Organ printer The price is for the 3D printer base, only in some material for “hand” vicorization of the patient’s skin. In this way, internal organs, skin, body parts (ears and noses), cysts and cartilage have already been created and successfully transplanted. Very soon, the search for an organ donor will be in the past - we already see the results of successful blood vessels, heart valves, skin, grown in the laboratory.

    Robot diagnostician. Robots are already actively helping doctors make decisions: the doctor enters data, the system helps make a diagnosis or write out a diagnosis. The next step is supercomputers equipped with artificial intelligence. Thus, the robotic oncologist IBM Watson uses 600 thousand documents and scientific work to analyze all the information about the patient in a few minutes and suggest options for the diagnosis. It is important that such robots in no way replace a doctor, they only help him analyze information and suggest better options. For example, the robot does not interpret an X-ray image, but only shows that people with similar symptoms have a definite diagnosis, and then proceed with treatment.

    Exoskeleton. The device is not science fiction, but a way to recover after injury or surgery. The ExoAtlet exoskeleton is a rigid frame with engines and software. He encourages patients to stand upright and roll as if he were doing it himself. Special sensors read the movements of the body and boost their motors, so that a person walks on his own, but spends a lot less effort.

Robotic program

We already talked about the fact that robots can look ahead. The time has come to realize that the stinks may not appear at all. Golovne - so that they follow their function according to a given algorithm, and the result of their work will be a distinct pose of the virtual world.

robot Vira

Oleksandr Uraksin and his colleagues developed the robot Vira, which takes on the routine tasks of recruiters. Listen to Oleksandr's talk about how Vira helps Rostelecom hire new employees. What kind of task does the robot make?

Automation by robots

One of the other types of software robots, such as robots that do not move their bodies, is the automation of business processes with the help of robots or artificial intelligence. This technology is called “process automation by robots” (in English Robotic process automation - RPA). The bottom line is that the program initially monitors the account manager’s actions, and then automates them and begins to process them on its own.

One of the applications of such automation is the robot Vera, which you are already familiar with.

One of the Chinese insurance companies automated the process of processing insurance claims. Before automation, there was manual work: scanning applications, archiving papers, entering data from applications into cloud systems for analysis by various subdivisions. On average, the number of such applications per day was 70 to 125. If the process was automated, it was impossible to scan documents. After this, the image recognition system began to “itself” enter data into the system and into archives in accordance with all company rules and legislation. The entire process of processing took place closely in the hands of the hvilini.

One of the pharmaceutical holdings used RPA to analyze customer complaints. The system automatically receives, verifies and processes customer complaints. For the advanced algorithm, the robot praises or submits the application, and then moves on to the next step. The company receives approximately 5,000 units per month, and requires 45 operators for manual processing. The development, improvement and testing of the robot took two months, after which the same number of applications can be processed by one operator.