TLauncher has a lot of problems. Does Forge not start? Galmuє gra? Is it flying? Possesses the biggest problems Forge lacks management. Forge does not download Misha, keyboard or gamepad. Decision

Unfortunately, there are problems in games: glitches, low FPS, crashes, freezing, bugs and other things that are not even good. Often problems begin even before the start of the game, if it is not installed, is not installed and is not downloaded. The same computer itself is amazing, and then Forge instead of the picture has a black screen, it doesn’t work, there’s no sound, or anything else.

What to do for us ahead

  1. Entertain and launch worldwide video CCleaner(zavantazhite for direct messages) - this is a program that cleans your computer of unnecessary dirt, as a result of which the system works faster after the first reinstallation;
  2. Update all drivers in the system using additional programs Driver Updater(please contact us directly) - it will scan your computer and update all drivers to the latest version for 5 rubles;
  3. Install Advanced System Optimizer(watch for direct messages) and turn on the game mode, which will stop all background processes before starting the game and increase the productivity of the game.

Forge system benefits

Another thing you can do if you have any problems with Forge is to avoid dealing with system malware. It is important to do your due diligence even before purchasing, so as not to feel bad about wasted money.

Minimal system benefits of Forge:

Windows XP, Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 Gb RAM, 6 Gb HDD, nVidia GeForce 8800 Video memory: 512 Mb

Every gamer wants to know a little about the components, knowing that you will still need a video card, a processor and other things in the system unit.

Files, drivers and libraries

Almost every device on a computer will require special software. These are drivers, libraries and other files that ensure the correct operation of the computer.

Start the software from the drivers for your video card. Today's graphics cards are produced by almost two great companies - Nvidia and AMD. Having learned which product to use, spin the coolers in the system unit, go to the official website and download a package of new drivers:

An essential requirement for the successful functioning of Forge is the availability of the latest drivers for all devices on the system. Pretend the utility Driver Updater, to easily and quickly download the remaining versions of drivers and install them with one click:

If Forge does not start, we recommend that you try disabling your antivirus or setting the game to disable the antivirus, and also once again check the system functionality and if your build does not work Yes, then, if possible, you can decorate your PC by purchasing additional components.

Forge black screen, white screen, color screen. Decision

Problems with screens of different colors can be intelligently divided into two categories.

First of all, problems are often associated with the corruption of two video cards. For example, if your motherboard has a built-in video card, but you play on a discrete one, then Forge can be launched first on the installed one, but you won’t get hurt, even monitor connections to a discrete video card.

Otherwise, color screens sometimes have problems with displaying images on the screen. This may happen for a variety of reasons. For example, Forge cannot work with the robot through an outdated driver or does not support the video card. Also, a black/white screen may be displayed during operation at resolutions that are not supported by the game.

Forge is flying. The singing chi has a moment of fall. Decision

You play on your own, play and then - bam! - everything goes out, and the work table is already in front of you without any pressure on the ground. Why are you so excited? For the most serious problem, try to figure out what the nature of the problem is.

If it occurs at an episodic moment without any pattern, then with 99% certainty we can say that this is a loss of the game itself. In this case, it’s very important to correct this, and it’s best to simply install Forge and finish the patch.

However, if you know exactly at what moments a winner is expected, you can continue the game, unless there is a situation that provokes a fight.

However, if you know exactly at what moments a winner is expected, you can continue the game, unless there is a situation that provokes a fight. In addition, you can take advantage of the Forge savings and bypass the village.

Forge freezes. The picture catches me. Decision

The situation is approximately the same as with villots: a lot depends on the game itself, and, more importantly, on the mercy of the player when it is created. However, it is often found that a picture can become a starting point for investigating the deplorable state of a video card or processor.

So if the picture in Forge catches you, then use programs to display statistics from the acquisition of components. Perhaps your video card has long exhausted its working life and the processor is heating up to unsafe temperatures?

The easiest way to check the temperature settings for your video card and processor is with the MSI Afterburner program. For Forge, you can display many other parameters on top of the Forge image.

What temperatures are unsafe? Processors and video cards have different operating temperatures. For video cards, the temperature should be 60-80 degrees Celsius. Processors have a slightly lower temperature – 40-70 degrees. If the processor temperature is higher, you should check the thermal paste. It is possible that it has already dried out and will require replacement.

If the video card heats up, you can speed it up with the driver or the official utility from the driver. It is necessary to increase the number of cooler wraps and check that the operating temperature will decrease.

Forge is galmu. Low FPS. Frame rate drop. Decision

With glitches and low frame rates in Forge, you should first lower the graphics settings. Of course, it’s important to first reduce everything quickly and find out how these other parameters affect productivity.

Expanding the screen. In short, there are a number of points from which a picture of the image is formed. The greater the number of separate buildings, the greater the demand for a video card. However, the increase in importance is insignificant, so reduce the separation of the screen only in the end, if everything else no longer helps.

Texture vibrancy. As a rule, this parameter indicates the separate creation of texture files. Reduce the intensity of trace textures because the video card has a small amount of video memory (less than 4 GB) or because even an old hard disk is being used, the spindle speed of which is less than 7200.

Type of models(Sometimes just detailing). This setting determines which set of 3D models will be available in the game. The more acidity there is, the more polygons there are. Apparently, high-poly models require greater computational load on the video card (do not mess with the video memory volume!), which means reducing this trace parameter on video cards with a low core frequency or memory.

Tini. They are sold in different ways. In some games, shadows are created dynamically, so that you can see them in real time at every second. Such dynamic colors will captivate the processor and video card. With this optimization, developers often look like full-fledged renderers and add pre-render shadows to the game. They are more static, because they are just textures that are superimposed on top of the main textures, which means they consume memory, and not the video card core.

Often, researchers add additional adjustments related to the shadows:

  • The separateness of the shadows indicates how detailed the shadow that is cast by the object will be. If it has dynamic shades, then it takes over the video card core, and if the rendering is created behind the scenes, then it “has” video memory.
  • Soft shadows - smoothing out unevenness in the shadows themselves, this option is available simultaneously with dynamic shadows. Regardless of the type of shadows, it affects the video card in real time.

Zgladzhuvannya. Allows you to eliminate dark spots on the edges of the objects by using a special algorithm, the essence of which is to generate a single image and display them, making the most “smooth” picture possible. There are a lot of different anti-aliasing algorithms that are being introduced to Forge software.

For example, MSAA works “head-on”, creating 2, 4 or 8 renderings, so the frame rate decreases exponentially for 2, 4 or 8 renders. Algorithms such as FXAA and TAA work a little differently, aiming at smoothing images by adjusting, including edges, and with the help of many other tricks. The stench doesn't reduce productivity that much.

Lighting. As with smoothing, there are different algorithms for lightening effects: SSAO, HBAO, HDAO. All of them use up video card resources, rather than reduce the amount of time spent on the video card. On the right, the HBAO algorithm was used mainly on video cards from Nvidia (GeForce line), and it works best on green ones. HDAO, however, is optimized for AMD video cards. SSAO is the simplest type of lighting, it uses the fewest resources, so you can switch to a new one at Forge.

What should we lower ourselves in advance? As a rule, shadows, smoothing and brightening effects are the most important, so it’s best to start with them.

Gamers often have to optimize Forge themselves. Almost with all major releases, there are various types of forums where people share their ways of increasing productivity.

One of them is a special program called Advanced System Optimizer. It is specially designed for those who do not want to manually clean the computer of various time-sensitive files, delete unnecessary registry entries and edit the auto-access list. Advanced System Optimizer does this and also analyzes your computer to see how you can improve productivity in apps and games.

Forge treasure. There is a lot of shading under the hour. Decision

Many people confuse the “galma” with the “lags”, but the problems may have different causes. Forge sucks if the frame rate at which the image is displayed on the monitor decreases, and if the delay when uploading to the server or other host is too high.

Moreover, the “lags” may be less in intermediate games. Reasons for the massacre: corrupted border code, physical distance from servers, border encroachment, incorrect router, low Internet connection.

However, the rest will be closest. In online games, the connection between the client and the server involves the exchange of very short messages, so 10 MB per second can be used up.

Forge has no sound. Nothing is noticeable. Decision

Forge works, but I hate not to sound - this is another problem that gamers are stuck with. Of course, you can play like this, but it’s still better to turn around, in what is on the right.

The next step is to understand the scale of the problem. There is no sound at all - have you ever been on a computer? If only the gamers have it, this may be due to the fact that the sound card is very old and does not support DirectX.

As there is no sound to the sound, on the right it is definitely in the configured computer. It is possible that the sound card driver was installed incorrectly, or there may be no sound due to some specific modification of our beloved Windows OS.

Forge doesn't do keruvannya. Forge does not download Misha, keyboard or gamepad. Decision

How to grati, how impossibly keruvati process? The problems of supporting specific devices are not clear here, even if we are talking about basic devices - the keyboard, the mouse and the controller.

Thus, amends are practically turned off in the game, and perhaps the problem will always be on the side of the koristuvach. You can change it in different ways, otherwise you may end up getting to the driver. Therefore, when you connect a new device, the operating system is immediately forced to use one of the standard drivers, as well as various models of keyboards, mice and gamepads that do not work with them.

Therefore, you need to find out the exact model of the device and try to find the driver itself. Devices from popular gaming brands often come with different software packages, since the standard Windows driver simply cannot ensure the correct operation of all functions of that device.

If you don’t really want to search for drivers for all devices, then you can quickly use the program Driver Updater. It is designed to automatically search for drivers, which will require you to check the scan results and select the required drivers in the program interface.

Often Galma Forge can be infected with viruses. In this case, it makes no difference how heavy the video card is on the system unit. You can check your computer and clean it of viruses and other unnecessary software using additional special programs. For example NOD32. The antivirus has proven itself very well and has received praise from millions of customers around the world.

ZoneAlarm is suitable for both individual users and small businesses, designed to hijack a computer running Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP from any attacks: phishing, viruses, malicious programs, spyware programs and other cyber threats. New customers are given a 30-day no-cash period.

Nod32 is an antivirus from the ESET company, which has been awarded many awards for its contributions to security developments. On the retailer's website there are available versions of antivirus programs for both PCs and mobile devices, a 30-day trial version is available. A special mind for business.

Forge, addicted to torrenting, not working. Decision

If the distribution kit is downloaded via torrent, then in principle there are no guarantees for the work. Torrents and repacks are almost never updated through official programs and do not operate at any time, so that in the course of evil hackers deviate from all the functions that are often used to verify the license.

Such versions of games are not only cumbersome to use, but also dangerous, and even often a lot of files are changed in them. For example, to protect yourself from piracy, you need to modify the EXE file. In this case, no one knows what to smell anymore. Perhaps, there is a problem with the security program that is being installed. For example, when you first launch the game, it will be injected into the system and a lot of resources to ensure the goodness of hackers. Or, it gives access to the computer to third parties. There are no and no guarantees here.

Before that, the pirated version of pirated versions is, in our opinion, a theft. The distributors spent many hours on the project, investing their fortunes in hopes that their child would pay off. And the skin care may be paid for.

Therefore, if you have any problems with games downloaded from torrents or hacked using these or other methods, you should immediately remove the “pirate”, clean your computer with an additional antivirus and a licensed copy of the game. This is not only to avoid dubious software security, but rather to force updates for the game and to remove official support from its creators.

Forge shows a notice about the presence of the DLL file. Decision

As a rule, problems related to the number of DLLs occur when Forge is launched, otherwise the game can expand to the previous DLLs in a process that does not know them, and then crashes.

To correct this problem, you need to find the required DLL and install it in the system. The easiest way to earn money is with additional programs DLL-fixer, which scans the system and helps you quickly find libraries.

If your problem turned out to be more specific or the method of deducing this article was not helpful, then you can ask other correspondents in our “” section. Vony Shvidko will help you!

Thank you for your respect!

If you have noticed that Forge crashes, crashes, Forge does not start, Forge does not install, Forge does not operate, there is no sound, there are no errors, Forge does not save savings - we present you with the most extensive ways to solve these problems.

First, check whether the characteristics of your PC match the minimum system features:

  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo 2 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB (4 GB – Vista/7)
  • Video: 512 MB (Nvidia GeForce 8800)
  • HDD: 6 GB
  • DirectX: 9.0c

It is difficult to update video card drivers and other software

Before you can learn the best words and learn them from many retailers, do not forget to go to the official website of your video card manufacturer and download the latest drivers. Most often, before the release of games, specially optimized drivers are prepared. You can also try installing a later version of the drivers, if the problem does not occur with the current version installed.

It is important to remember that you will not be able to download the remaining versions of video cards - be careful not to abuse beta versions, as they may contain a large number of bugs that are not detected.

Do not forget that for stable operation of the game you often need to install the remaining version of DirectX, which can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

Forge won't start

Many problems with launching games are caused by incorrect installation. Make sure that there were no bugs during installation, try uninstalling the program and running the installer again, having first turned on the antivirus - often the files are deleted smoothly. It is also important to remember that there are no Cyrillic characters in the folder with the installed game - use the Latin alphabet and numbers for catalog names.

It’s still a good idea to check what space is available on the HDD for installation. You can try running the game as Administrator in Composite mode with different versions of Windows.

Forge is galmu. Low FPS. Lags. Freezy. Freezes

The first thing is to install new drivers on the video card, from which the FPS in the game can significantly increase. Also change the computer's settings in the task manager (open by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESCAPE). If you know before starting the game that any process requires a lot of resources, exit the program or simply end the process from the task manager.

Then proceed to adjust the graphics in the game. Before turning on smoothing, try lowering the adjustment, which indicates post-processing. If they have a lot of resources and their connections, it will significantly increase productivity without greatly affecting the picture’s clarity.

Forge flies to the desktop

If Forge often crashes on your work slot, try troubleshooting the problem with reduced graphics performance. It is possible that your computer is simply not being productive and the game cannot run correctly. It’s also important to check for updates – most of the current games have a system for automatically installing new patches. Please check if this option is not selected in settings.

Black screen at Forge

The most common problem with a black screen is a problem with the graphics processor. Check to see if your video card has minimal functionality and install the latest drivers. Sometimes the black screen is due to insufficient CPU performance.

If everything is fine when you log in, and you are satisfied with minimal benefits, try switching to another window (ALT+TAB), and then turning back to the game window.

Forge won't install. Installation stuck

First of all, check to see what space you have on the HDD for installation. Remember that for correct installation of the required applications, there is space plus 1-2 gigabytes of free space on the system disk. Now, remember the rule - you will always want 2 gigabytes of free space on the system disk for time-sensitive files. Otherwise, both games and programs may not run correctly, or they may not start.

Installation problems can also occur due to a poor Internet connection or an unstable computer. Also, do not forget to stop the robot antivirus for the hour of installation - sometimes it ensures the correct copying of files or removes them without any viruses.

Forge doesn't offer savings

By analogy with previous solutions, check the availability of free space on the HDD - both on the one where the game is installed and on the system disk. Often, files are saved in the document folder, which is separated from the background.

Forge has no control

Sometimes, the heating system does not work through the connections of several devices at the same time. Try plugging in the gamepad, or if for some reason you have two keyboards or mice connected, remove just one pair of devices. If you don't have a gamepad, remember - only controllers that are identified as Xbox joysticks support games. If your controller is recognized differently, try speeding up programs that support Xbox joysticks (for example, x360ce).

Forge doesn't produce sound

Check whether the sound is produced in other programs. After you turn it around, you have not turned off the sound in the settings of the game itself and you have selected a device for sound there, to which your speakers or headset are connected. Next time, open the mixer and check that the sound is not muted there.

If you are using an external sound card, check the availability of new drivers on the manufacturer's website.

If you have problems with power supply when using our TLauncher, then in this new product we have collected the most common problems and their most common ones.


- Is it paid?
No, it's free.

What does TLauncher and Minecraft seem to work like?
1) Reinstall Java from the site
2) Download the remaining version of TLauncher:
3) Vidality file configured ~/.tlauncher/
4) Visibility folder ~/.minecraft/ (div. point 5)
5) Directions to required folders:
- For Windows: ...\%Koristuvach folder%\AppData\Roaming\
- For Linux: /home/%Im'ya koristuvach%/
- For MacOS: /home/%Im'ya koristuvach%/Library/Application Support/
(!) If you have important files in your Minecraft folder, make a backup copy of it.

The game does not start in the console in the remaining rows:
The problem was resolved within an hour of VM initialization
Could not reserve enough space for 1048576KB object heap
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM warning: using incremental CMS

The problem is related to the memory of the launcher. For the highest level, press “Adjustment” -> “Addatkovo”, find the entry “Memory Vision”, try to change the values ​​until the game starts, especially after the skin change, save and try to start.

* in the screenshot, the amount of memory that appears to be used for the butt, you may only run on other values.

What's wrong if TLauncher doesn't start?
1) Re-enable the launcher, as this may be related to the issue when downloading/updating the file that is being saved.
2) Move the compiled TLauncher file to a folder containing no special. characters (!, ?, @...) and characters that are not supported by the ASCII standard (such as Cyrillic, hieroglyphs and other non-Latin letters).
3) Uninstall Java and download the new version. Since there is no such thing, just rearrange it explicitly.

How to install 32-bit/64-bit Java on Windows?
1) Open the attraction page:
Java 7: .
Java 8: .
2) Click “Accept License Agreement”
3) Select and download the required version
For Java 7: Windows xAA jre-7uNN-windows-xAA.exe
For Java 8: Windows xAA jre-8uNN-windows-xAA.exe
...where AA is the capacity (32 or 64, select the required one), NN is the update number (the larger, the shorter and the newer).
4) Install as a default program.
5) Done!

How to install the skin?
Buy the game and install it from your profile on the official website.

Why does my skin appear crooked?
Starting with version 1.8, a different skin format is introduced that is not supported in previous versions.

Why is my skin – Baba Alex?
The skin is credited to your nickname ID. The skin type can be changed only from a special account to the one for which you need to add a group.

I put the skin behind no one, why doesn’t it show up?
With the introduction of the new skin system (version 1.7.5+), skins will no longer appear on pirates.

Where to take Modi?
On our website, in the section.

How to install modi?
Read the instructions in the latest news and fashion.

Where is the "bin" folder, the "minecraft.jar" file?
After the release of Minecraft 1.6 (as it came out more fatefully, slow), the "bin" folder was replaced with the "versions/Version_Number/" folder, and "minecraft.jar" with "versions/Version_Number/Version_Number.jar" obviously.

Versions with Forge (before 1.7.10) do not launch at all. Otherwise, when you launch it, the launcher restarts (closes and opens again).
Perhaps you have one of the Java 8 updates installed, which may be a known software bug.

Patching Forge
1) Download one of the recovered files:
- For Forge 1.6.4 #965: .
– For Forge 1.7.2 #1121/#1147: .
- For Forge 1.7.10 #1208: .

(!) For new versions of Forge 1.7.10 the patch is not required.
2) Open the Minecraft folder by clicking on the folder icon in the TLauncher main menu.
3) Go to the folder libraries/net/minecraftforge/minecraftforge/
4) Find the folder whose name ends with the patch number.
For example, if you downloaded the patch for Forge 1.7.2 #1121 / #1147: you will need to open the folder 1.7.2- (or 1.7.2-, as it happens; if it offends the folder, lock the patch)
5) Open the JAR file that is in this folder as an archiver. Visible folder META-INF/. Open the folder cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/ and copy the file you downloaded from it. Wait until you replace it and close the archiver.
6) Done :)

Java 7 installed.
1) Have seen Java 8:
- Control Panel -> Programs and Components -> Java 8 Update xx -> Vidality
2) Install Java 7 if it is not installed:
– Go to the simulator:

– Click “Accept License Agreement”
- If you have a 64-bit system, select "Windows x64 (jre-7uXX-windows-x64.exe)". Otherwise, select "Windows x86 Offline (jre-7uXX-windows-i586.exe)".
* At the place XX is a double-digit number ranging from 51 to 99.
– Run the enchantment file

– I can’t play on the server!
1) If you see that the error is “related to java”, try turning on your antivirus and/or firewall and switching your connection to the Internet.
2) If the ban “Bad Login” or “Invalid session” comes out, then the ban is due to the fact that the server has a premium authorization model, so that pirates (or just people with other launchers) on this server don't let in. Try to go to this server, the vikoryst launcher, which is advertised on the website/page of this server, or try the official vikoryst one.

I can’t play with a local limit: write “Unacceptable session”
Only premium members can open the server for monitoring. Create a new server (We have an article) and write online-mode=false in your settings

Antivirus avast! blocks TLauncher traffic. What is it timid?
Setup -> Active protection -> Web screen -> Scan traffic only through external browsers

Kaspersky Antivirus blocks resource consumption. What is it timid?
Add to the white list the Anti-banner address:*

What is the problem with "Minecraft closed with exit code: -805306369"?
The launcher itself advises you on your nutrition

This pardon has no strictly logical reason.
I know what's going on there:
- Important on versions >1.6.4
- If you try, the gold will break down
- After installing the texture pack (from the server)
- Technical reason: through memory clearing (PermGen, see here).

Possible solutions:
- Check the "New client" checkbox and click "Reinstall". In this way, you give the launcher a chance to detect corrupted files and re-enable them.
- View mods and resource packs. So, they can also lay their paws on the situation that has developed
- You can turn on the sound from the settings of Minecraft itself. You play without sound, you play without villots.

- How to install Forge independently?
1. Go to this site:

2. Find the required version of Forge
3. Select "Installer" for the selected version
4. Launch it, click "OK"
5. ???
6. Profit! Forge versions installed this way will appear at the end of the list of versions.

How can I install OptiFine myself?
1. Go to this site:

2. Find the required version of OptiFine and install it. Recommended edition: "Ultra"
3. Launch the file, click “Install”
4. ???
5. Profit!

How to install LiteLoader on your own?
1. Follow these steps:

2. Find the version you need and download it
3. Launch the downloaded file and select the version you would like to install LiteLoader. Note: If you installed Forge using the above method, the installer will automatically detect it. So, if you want to use Forge and LiteLoader, then either select Forge from the list of versions, or click on the Chain to Minecraft Forge checkbox.

How can I install ForgeOptiFine (or OptiForgeLiteLoader) on my own?
1. Download Forge, OptiFine and LiteLoader (for each) the versions you need (wonderful)
2. Install and launch Forge (obviously), LiteLoader (for basic)
3. Place OptiFine in the mods/ folder
4. ???
5. Profit! When launching Forge, OptiFine and LiteLoader (including) enable mutual loading mode (either)

I updated the launcher, and all the cloud records/savings/servers/buns were in me. What is it timid?
The bottom line is that nothing was missing. Just the launcher and just a few of your configuration files have been updated.
Better yet, place the Minecraft folder not in the standard directory, but in some other place. Guess where everything was on the right, and in the settings of the launcher in the “Directory” field, point to him. Nothing complicated. The launcher is starting to work again in the old way.

How to report a problem:

0) Read the FAQ first and try all the options to solve the most common problems. If it didn’t help, then read on.

1) Launch TLauncher.

1. Download the remaining version and save it to your desktop.
2. Open notepad and enter:
java -jar TLauncher.jar

3. Save the file on your desktop under the name “TLauncher.bat”. First of all, don’t forget to enter “File type → All files (.*)”
4. Try running the saving file. If the launcher does not start, copy (or, at the extreme end, take a screenshot) the entire command row instead.

2) Collect information about the problem.

1. Open the settings:

2. Open the “Addatkovo” tab.

3. Go to the “TLauncher Customization” tab.

4. Select the retailer's console.

5. Save your money.
