Pokrokove nalashtuvannya oblіkovogo record Microsoft. Creation of an oblіkovogo record behind the help of the browser. Creation of a new physical record based on your e-mail address or from scratch

Take for example the Skype program, as it is recognized so that people can communicate freely with friends and colleagues. It is our fault to create oblique records in order to be able to know your acquaintances, call and send them notifications in real time. Zavdyaki public record, Skype remembers and saves the entire list of our contacts, information, PIB and other our data.

What is Microsoft's physical record?

While the most famous Skype record would be considered a person's passport, Microsoft's physical record could be called a foreign passport. On the right, for the help of Microsoft's cloud record, we can authorize that profile not only in Skype, but also on Outlook.com, OneDrive, Xbox and Windows 8. Wait a minute, it's more convenient and safer.

How else do you need the login and password for the public record?

The login and password are needed in order to be able to see us in Skype - if we enter the login and password, Skype checks the data and the stench is avoided, you will be aware that you are in charge of the cloud record. The password is only needed for which process, which sound is called authorization. To see the password, the login is checked and for other managers, for example, if you want to know the person and add it to the list of contacts. Knowing less than PIB, we definitely can’t know yoga in Skype, because it’s the same way to know Ivan Vasilovich in Moscow. Ale for help login, which is unique, we can easily know the needs of a person. The same practice and navpak - knowing your login, other people can easily know us.

Come out, here is the password?

So, so and so. Aje, our login is vidomy usim plus yogo can easily be found in the Skype browser. The axis of why the password can be collapsible - not too short, but obvious, and it’s important to twist different chaotic symbols. To create collapsible passwords, it's best to twist the password generator and write down the password deletion so that you don't forget it.

How to create and manage oblіkovy record?

The creation of a visual record is the process of filling a special form with all the necessary data. However, on the skin site or service, the process of creating a physical record will be three times cooler, but as a result, everything will be brought up to the point where you need to enter a login, create a password, enter some other data and more details, enter the code correctly d robotіv (Such as vіdoma yak captcha). After filling in that corrected form, you can take access to your new oblique record (although in some cases, especially if you need to enter your email, you must confirm that you entered your email address). I’ll try to show you a sample of applications below, how you can create cloud records on different sites, and also for the skin of them, add a request for authorization and password renewal of your cloud record:

Skype Recording

. Description:

The face recording of Skype is bred only so that people can speed up Skype and communicate one by one. Obviously, all for the sake of it, don't waste a penny.

. Leave:

To get away, you are to blame for the cost-free Skype and run yoga on your computer or phone. If you want to go to the site and edit your profile, follow the instructions login.skype.com/login

. Remarks:

If you forgot your Skype password, restore it on the side login.skype.com/recovery

. Vilucity:

It is necessary to go back to support2.microsoft.com/skype/hostpage...wfname=skype service because you can't see your physical record on your own.

Microsoft cloud record

. Description:

The physical record of Microsoft is necessary for people to be able to use all the facilities and services of the corporation. For additional Microsoft cloud recording, you can access Skype, OneDrive, Windows 8, Office 365, Xbox Live, Outlook.com or Windows Phone.

. Create:

You can create a Microsoft signup form at signup.live.com/signup.aspx, where you need to complete the form with the following fields:
  1. Call of that name: Your Knowers can check your name on all Microsoft services.
  2. Im'ya Koristuvacha: win your favorite email or create a new one
  3. Password: not less than 8 characters, which is guilty of revenge letters, numbers and symbols
  4. Date of birth: it is necessary to adjust the deed parameters appropriately to your age
  5. Become: if you do not want to indicate your position, select the item "Not specified"
  6. Captcha: just enter all the characters you want in the image

After filling in all the obligatory fields, press the button "Create a face record".

. Leave:

To go to your Microsoft account, go to login.live.com/login.srf

. Vilucity:

You can see your Microsoft public record on the side of account.live.com/closeaccount.aspx

Facebook post

. Description:

A facebook Facebook record allows you not only to hide your profile on the site facebook.com, but also to log in to anonymous other sites and services (including Skype).

. Create:

To create a post for Facebook, you need to fill in all the fields on the side facebook.com/r.php
  1. I'm that call: so that others know who you could know you
  2. Email address or mobile phone number: to restore access
  3. Password: be-like dovzhina that be-like symbols
  4. Date of birth: to designate your age group

After entering the data, press the button "Registration"

. Leave:

To authorize on Facebook, go to the next side

"Microsoft" that role won't win. On the right, in that the software giant, having united the mass of core services and servers, can gain access to all kinds of projects with the help of a single registration.

Tsiliy svіt in our hands

The creation of a Microsoft public record (Live ID) is necessary for such services as SkyDrive, Xbox LIVE, Messenger, Hotmail, Outlook, as well as Windows Phone and Windows 8 systems.

Since the end of 2013, registration in the WP SDK can also be done for the additional Microsoft physical record. The SDK toolkit gives all the developers the ability to install, whether it be programs that can extend XAP on communicators under WP 8.

Details about registration

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to create a physical record "Microsoft" (Live ID). We go to the official website at login.live.com, click on "Register" - the button on the main page below. Before us, we see in the end, in the yak it is necessary to introduce special data. Return respect for the distribution, in a way Ide about the shortest option for entering the service.

Here we are asked to send us a new address, so we choose the appropriate letter. The invention of the login is guilty of revenge, including the Latin letters, which are worth the other part of the login, rather choose windowslive or live. Dali mi vigaduєmo that is entered yogo at the transfer for tsієї mark the field.

Don't forget about security

Do not ignore the special password change section. For information on the shortest way to reset your password, choose the one that works best for you.

For example, you can select a control power supply or indicate that you have an alternative e-mail. Remember, the Microsoft Windows image record is guilty of theft as much as possible, otherwise in the future you can take away additional turbos.

On the stepping krozi, it is possible to indicate the country and index. If you don't enter the next numbers, you won't get through, even if Microsoft has a database of postal indexes for the skin edge. Confirm that you are not a robot, entering a special field of symbols that appear in the pictures, then press on "I accept". Since then, all the fields have been filled in correctly, a new record of "Microsoft" has been created, the registration, like Bachimo, was successful.

Additional physical record

So, how do you create a Microsoft facebook for Windows 8? Here, a new panel has been added under the name "PC Settings", which allows you to create local appearances of records or link the system to an online Microsoft account.

Once you have an online account, you can synchronize all your personal data, installed metro add-ons and other important system settings with whatever computer you plan to log into the system. Again, in the "PC settings" window, give "Settings", after which "Change computer settings". Vіdkriєtsya specially vіkno, at the new vibiraєmo distributed "Koristuvachі", press "Add koristuvacha". In order to win an online account, it is necessary to enter the correct email address (how to create a mail, we have seen more), press "Dali". After the completion of the work of the master, it is necessary to change the onslaught of the "Done" button. At the first hour of the first entrance to the system, for the help of a new oblіkovogo record, you need to actively connect to the Internet.

To create an oblique record locally, at the first screen select "Login without Microsoft oblique record", then press the button "Local oblіkovy record". Enter the name of the koristuvach, enter the password, as well as a hint, change it with the "Dal" button, and then - "Done". Tools for visualizing or changing the cloud records of your files in "PC Settings" in Windows versions daily.

For this reason, it is recommended to select the "Control Panel", item "Recording Clouds". We select the necessary record for the translation of the most recent correspondents, then we can see it, change it or change the type. You can also disable the Batkiv control, as well as change or create a password.

How do I create a Microsoft Vision Record for Windows 8.1?

On your desktop in Windows 8.1, move to the top right corner or press the Win + C keys and select "Settings". Press "Change PC parameters". Vіkno, scho vіdkrylos, vkazuє, under what type of oblіkovogo record we entered the system: oblіkovy record or local record.

To go through the record "Microsoft" or create yoga, select "Connect to the record "Microsoft". Click "Create a new record".

Then follow all the instructions of the system, and through a sprig of whilin you will become the master of your own cloud record, which will help you connect with your computer and open the way to new opportunities in the software giant, which has no peers in the world and computers. Let's hope, ours will be gracious to you. Dyakuёmo for the respect of the skin reader!

Working with Microsoft's official record, you can interact with a variety of devices and programs, giving a copy of data, which you can find when you look at the notifications on the email mail. At the same time, it is necessary to create an oblique record of Microsoft. Microsoft oblikovy record maintains full confidentiality for its customers, as it hopes to have a special non-repeatable password, it may be possible to pass the code only to the owner of the oblikovy record. The use of public recording in conjunction with such programs as Skype, Office, as well as a package of services to include the capture of game content, music, photos and video recordings. In the public record, there is also a unique OneDrive repository, where you can always save files.

The program is given on many positive sides, but on the main one, those who look at the data and edit the account, can be assisted by any kind of attachment, so that the physical record is synchronized with a lot of electronic gadgets.

To create an oblique record of Microsoft, it is recommended to return to the official instructions. Registration of a physical record in windows 8 requires the registration of handwriting data of a company client on the Internet.

A window will appear on the screen:

After seeing the necessary vikna, the splitter appears, at which next click on the top row.

At the beginning of the creation of the physical record, Microsoft expects the client to have an additional (local) physical record, wanting more coristuvachіv volіє koristuvatisya first version. It is well synchronized with the new Windows 8, and may function as a low Internet - additional Windows Live, this parameter is also safe when creating an oblique record. The Microsoft addendum record does not support the functionality of this addendum.

The public record is a call center that you can check with other Microsoft products.

Programs for any required Microsoft accounts

Program for non-commercial communication with friends and relatives Skype

One of the best and best services to save your data and files skydrive

Strengthening that otrimannya podomlenya for the help of a non-lethal postal assistant hot mail

Finding all the core features of one of the largest MSN information resources, getting help from Xbox Live, buying new products and necessary programs from Windows Phone

Creation of a new Microsoft facebook

The main positive features of the visual record on uvaz. Having clicked on the row "ADD THE KORISTUVACH", the client needs to enter his/her special data and email address, as the zazdalegid bula was registered for the work with an oblique record. At the next stage, you need to confirm that you are a person and enter a clumsy code at the captcha and click on the “STOP CITY” icon. Mustaches are displayed on the images.

  • The date is announced on a special basis due to the reliability of the e-mail address. For whom it is necessary to go to your e-mail in the section "INTERNATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS".
  • We have given you the acknowledgment from Microsoft, which confirms the registration of the oblique record. At this page, you should enter the code that was sent to your mobile number.

After entering the code, click on the “VERIFY” icon, after which you should be notified about the successful registration of the Microsoft observable record. Now you can send a robot with an account.

Warto give respect!

To the client on his computer, it is recommended in the "PARAMETERS" section to select the "CHANGING COMPUTER PARAMETERS" function, select special add-ons, select a photo for oblique recording, synchronize updates, for normal operation all public record services.

Also, we have learned aspects of the successful creation of Microsoft's physical record.

Privacy and security

The skin of the Microsoft client is guilty of any theft in the event of possible insecurity that may arise from the position. Mustaches are responsible for informing about possible hacker activities.

You, as a full-fledged Microsoft correspondent, will need to go through the stage of filing special data in order to confirm the right to certifying with a formal record.

For the purpose of maintaining this confidentiality, a password is created, which is composed of low numbers and letters. The system will automatically inform you about the foldability of the invented password and the security of the password. When you enter a light password, you will be prompted to change more folded letters and numbers.

It is also a traditional operation for the safety of the security - the observation of a secret food. Sounds ask questions about the girl's name of the mother, the beloved creature and other.

The next step is to enter your phone number and email address, which is often tricky. In an extreme situation, you can always turn to the operators of technical assistance, to give advice on food, to get drunk, quickly and clearly and to help solve problems.

It's simple to change the chances of evildoers to an evil oblique account, and once you enter the password, you can quickly turn access to the oblique account. To recover the password, you need to enter your phone number and send the address, for a short period of time you will receive an unlock code. After logging in to the security of your account, you can look like this:

  • For registration of a physical record on Nokia Lumiya next vikoristovuvaty tips from splicing veins.
  • At your disposal is a report instruction from images, for quick and secure registration of Microsoft's physical record with additional help you can save your time.

With the method of safety, if the computer is corrupted by a sprig of errors, or for an hour of work at the enterprise, it’s important for the skin coristuvach to create an okrem appearance, so that the skin will have access to its documents, browser-based setup and work table. Such a separation will appear even more crooked.

Navit on one computer dekіlka oblіkovіv vіvіv form an orderly picture for the work, the shards form the necessary coristuvacha at the entrance to the OS, and take away all the delimitation and privileges, files and other ob'єkti coristuvacha, and at the robotіp you can follow your public record here but to look at your own appearance and go to the other appearance record, as it is necessary for the coristuvachev. Today, I'll tell you about how to create a Microsoft face record on a PC under Windows 10, how to change that vision.

In the Windows 10 operating environment, there are two types of appearances: local and Microsoft. Local oblikovka die only on the computer, on which you created it, and you can enter it without a password. The Microsoft public record can expand the rights and possibilities, under it you can get out of any computer based on Windows 10, and gain access to the same programs and programs, with which you have worked (toil on your own, less Microsoft programs - Skype, OneDrive, Outlook too.).

To log in to the Microsoft public record, as a rule, you need to enter your login or phone number. In this article, I will stick out more than the physical record of Microsoft, having worked with it, that technique and change that remoteness. Read how to create a local oblіkovogo record.

Microsoft's physical record creation

Method 1 - for the help of the form to fix Windows 10

Press the start button “Start” and select the “Parameters” item from the splicing menu.

Obov'yazykovoy umom for the creation of the oblіkovogo record Microsoft є forward entry to the oblіkovomu record Microsoft vіdpovіdno (such a pun viyshov, don't you know). If you logged into the system from a local account, the system will also accept you as a local account and you will not be able to create a new Microsoft cloud account.

Then, let's say you did it, vikonali entered the Microsoft-object and went into the PC parameters in the required distribution. Here you see two divisions: “Your family” and “Other people”. At the first branch (zocrema, your family) you can create a Microsoft face record for another member of your family. The stench will be synchronized with Microsoft and for the skin one you can install the function of the father's control.

Distributed "Other people" of appointments for public records of third-party koristuvachiv, as if not to belong to your homeland. The stench is also controlled by Microsoft, and can be both local and online.

We will speed up with the first step, if you want to add a shape for one more member of your family. Press the button "Add a member of this family".

Choose for whom you want to add a look: for a child, or for an adult, enter the email of a new koristuvach. When everything is ready, go straight ahead by clicking "Dal".

Confirm your choice by pressing the "Confirm" button in the upcoming date.

After confirmation, the request will come to the electronic screen of the given koristuvach, as it is necessary to confirm it. Zrobimo tse, having logged in to the e-mail, having waited to accept the request.

What opportunities will be available to us after requesting as a new koristuvach PC child?

  • first, you can save your child's money so that you can buy in Xbox and Windows stores without a credit card;
  • in a different way, you can marvel at how children made them on the outbuilding, how they bathed stinks with programs, and how they stored them at the smell system;
  • one more function, which cannot be overestimated, is the installation of age-old restrictions for content, which is evaluated - television programs, films, video clips, games and supplements;
  • Such a function is the installation of an environment for trivality of robots on an active device for children;
  • nareshti, ostannya, but not less important feature - tse znakhodzhennya ditini on the card, so you win a smartphone based on the "dozens".

Later, after the arrival of the child is confirmed, data about his appearance and the ability to enter the system will appear in the parameters menu of the appearance record.

Now dodamo koristuvacha, which does not lie close to your homeland. For a new one, it can be created as a local appearance, as well as a Microsoft appearance record. Press the button "Add a card for this PC" at the "Other people" branch.

To add a Microsoft physical record, you need to enter the e-mail address of the koristuvach, under which you want to log into the system. Like an electronic mail, a person can’t, a box happens to be created. Otherwise, everything, on which we can support, is an entire local account without the possibility of synchronization.

Let's assume that the e-mail (on that Outlook.com) was created by us. Let's introduce yoga name on the offensive form, which was revealed.

Well, you're all set! Koristuvacha mi have done, scho certify the offensive active form.

Now you can see your account under the system and freely download Win 10 from the same add-on.
For ablutions, when creating a new look, її refurbishment. To change the koristuvach to an administrator, click his name on the parameter form, the button "Change the type of observable record" will appear. Hurry up with her and remember the deadly type for the administrator.

You can log in to the system under a new account by making a public entry in the list of active accounts in the "Start" menu and clicking on its name.

Another option is to complete the robot and enter the system by entering a new password and entering the system login.

Method 2 - for the help of the control userpasswords2 command

Victory combination of keys And in the field for entering commands, enter the value "control userpasswords2".

There is a form “Coristuvach Record Forms”, which represents all forms of coristuvach available in the system (both locally and online or, in other words, Microsoft). Speed ​​up with the "Add" button.

As a result, a window will appear for the introduction of an electronic screen of a new koristuvach. I absolutely conform to the form, but to the ale vikonan in a different design, we worked it out earlier, speeding up the first way in our article.

As if the physical record of the new koristuvach has already been created, we introduce the name of the electronic screen in the proponated field. As such at the time of registration, select the button to open a new electronic screen.

Away, the procedure is not particularly original in any way - we all worked out earlier, in the Windows operating system, so we can’t introduce ourselves to anything new here.

How can I see a Microsoft face record?

It is speeded up by the same command control userpasswords2, described in the mechanics of creating an oblique record of a koristuvach. We select the appearance, which we would like to clean up, and press the "Vidality" button, stash it under the list of controllable records.

How do I reset the password for a Microsoft account?

After logging in under your public record, go to the new system settings menu in “ten”, select the “Record public” section and go to the “Login parameters” subcategory. Click on the button "Change the password of the oblique record" in the middle part of the form and then finish reading the instructions of the master.

The Microsoft cloud record is used in all programs and services of the Redmond software giant: starting with the Xbox Live look, which is won to enter the exclusive service of the Xbox game console, and ending with the mobile version of Windows 10 installed on smartphones and mobile gadgets from Microsoft.

Now you can hack all apps that hack a similar authentication algorithm, with the same customizations and parameters, connecting to the Microsoft cloud record of any of your gadgets or accessories based on Windows 10. Yak why don't you just need such ability, wink zamіst tsgogo zvichaynu local form of Microsoft, without password and synchronization.