Internet search systems: a look at new solutions. What is the social search system? Social networks and search engines on the Internet are protected

In one of our previous articles we briefly talked about the social search launched by Yahoo.

Yahoo has learned not just to provide information, but to share it. Now koristuvach can remove the comment to the side, which is important to you, as well as add additional brown content.

During the process of conducting a web search in a social search engine, not only algorithmic data is searched, but also information that is placed in personalized tags that the user saves.

Social Poshukova system presents personalized search results based on people's knowledge.

Proteus, as it turned out, Yahoo is not the only search system that promotes “social search”. A new search system called AnooX has announced the release of a new version of social search. to the thought of Anoox, the search system is significant better yet Traditional poshuk system.

AnooX is equipped with a democratic search system. Representatives of the company confirm that wired search systems, including those from Yahoo and Google, rely exclusively on the results generated by the systems; the individual knowledge of people is absolutely not insured. The results are generated in a mysterious way. People (and you may as well!) do not take a part in this process. In other words, sound systems produce ready-made results, and you, as a contractor, cannot and do not have the right to make changes in any way before the information is removed.

AnooX declares that it will become the best sound system, regardless of the fact that many wired sound systems have significant advantages. According to AnooX, the success of many sound systems is due to solid funding. Google and Yahoo have raised billions of dollars for purchases computer resources, about how AnooX can only die When Yahoo and Google began to develop, they had a mission song: increase capital. AnooX, thank you for everything, please don’t overturn the superniks.

How does AnooX work?

First of all, AnooX generates search results, vikoryst and power search robots. The search results on Anoox are very bad, on par with Yahoo and Google, and the capabilities of AnooX do not interfere. Simple koristuvachi are looming a miraculous chance to transform themselves into koristuvachs with the right to vote.

The results of the AnooX search are clearer. Poshuk’s system stands as a fundamentally democratic system, which respects the thoughts of each of its guides.

How do you know that the other result is the most effective?

How does the AnooX search system achieve maximum objectivity?

AnooX, being a social search system, carefully verifies the user's ID, first of all, allowing you to vote for any other information you might like.

To be honest, people who define their thoughts or evaluate these and other results will not be objective, as long as they are human by nature - the essence is subjective.

Intelligent and sophisticated traders will always find a way to manipulate the results.

Thus, the methodology of social research becomes a problem for industry sound optimization like this. Now the optimization process is based not only on the satisfaction of search algorithms, but also on the visibility of the “voices” of friends and colleagues, which will give “positive feedback” for your sites in the results, such as for the year and relevant results Please ask until the end.

Another very important food is fasting. How do the new results reach the top rows? If your site is new and you haven’t voted for anyone yet, you won’t be too far away from the decision, not caring about those who want more recent and current information? It turns out that if the voters do not know the results of the year, the people who vote for it will seem like a swindler.

AnooX presents an upcoming scenario. For example, your request is “Hotels near Paris”, and you are presented with 10,000 catalogs. In your opinion, the catalog “Hotel France”, which ranks 46th, deserves better results. You press the “Vote” button, as it is located opposite this catalog. Over the course of 15 minutes, from the moment you vote for this catalog, there will be an update with the resolution of all the votes that were received over the course of 15 minutes. In this way, since someone else entered the Gothel in Paris, the results of the search in AnooX will vouch for your vote, raising it in the position of Gothel France, with the assurance that this catalog will appear as one, having eliminated the vote behind this query.

One of the shortcomings of this scenario is the possibility of easy manipulation of the search results. Because the site does not remove the voice for 15 minutes, when there is an attack phrasing drink His position will not change.

Let's conduct a small historical analysis of social search on Yahoo and AnooX.

First of all, let’s take a look at some of the most recent social searches on Yahoo and AnooX:

The influx of “sleepiness” plays in both sound systems;

The results are searched and manipulated;

Sound systems initially rely on an algorithmic way of collecting results.

A few words about responsibilities:

AnooX kindly respects that the right one is the greater part, which, in turn, influences the results of the search. For Yahoo, the idea of ​​greatness is not authoritative;

AnooX sets its tasks to achieve similar results to achieve the most objective results;

Search results in Yahoo can be found in less than one second. On AnnoX, search results can be checked for more than 10 seconds.

AnooX is still at the development stage, so at this stage it is possible to work out some of the overspilled parts, while AnooX is currently working on their improvements.

Social search systems, which have brought a new trend to the world of Internet search, are still facing a lot of problems. Manipulating search results in social search systems is much simpler than in search systems, which is carried out entirely by computer algorithms. However, without the use of new systems, the fragments of the sound system are gradually modernizing and increasing the strength of their technology.

Today we are talking about social sound systems with frequent advances, but this does not mean that everything will not change in a few months.

For information

, Nigma, Klasti, Kvintura, as well as business and flickr. It adapts to the user's preferences and allows you to enter authoritative sites behind each keyword. The candles sound like veki, fragments of offensive technology vikorist the sleepy activity of the participants in the sleepiness. Other customized sounding machines can provide tags and sites to the owner for customization.

The song can be adapted to the theme of the song and to the fullness of the song. Sviki system

  1. itself begins with the history of drinks of koristuvachs
  2. shows results that are more relevant to your topic
  3. shows the gloom of popular queries

The search form will be added to the site or blog, and you can later add settings and filters for the created search machine: keywords or addresses of sites closest to the site, blogs, categories, exclusion sites. On the side, the result of the skin tone can be “raised” or “lowered”.

Metaposhuku Nigma has the ability to turn off the types of sites that are included in song clusters. The process is simple: unneeded clusters are marked with a checkmark and the view is updated.

Kvintura (Russia)

Quintura(Quintura) is a joke system based on the ideology of visual joke and the “darkness of tags”. Russia is becoming disorganized.

  • displays the search query on a visual map and allows you to click on the card and edit the search query for a different mouse.
  • Analyzes contextual relationships between words, further helping to determine the correct context and precise meaning of the query.
  • a group of data on the go for the changes and the clicks of the mouse.
  • shows the keywords that are in your search, and helps you include or remove new words from your search with just one click.



Service for searching for a group of sites. For example, you can search for sites in Intel centers or NFPK or search for sites in the region.

  1. Sites can be assigned a different rating, thereby influencing the relevance of documents and their popularity in search engines.
  2. An easy way to install a search engine on any website. To place a sound system on your website, you just need to insert a few rows of HTML code.
  3. A lot of work on the joke. Before you start working, you can make friends, and your little one has different skin rights.

The procedure for adding to the site before transferring materials to search for is similar to the procedure for placing bookmarks at Delishesya. Koristuvach is obliged to supplement the message with a short summary of the site and keywords.

What kind of sound systems do you use or know, then most likely you will probably not hesitate: Google, Yandex, Bing, Yahoo. However, the Internet is a great place, where you can find even more sound systems that provide the best benefits for a merchant.

Worldwide sound systems

In this list we will not look at sound systems that are visible to the skin, and then you will not see such names as: Google, Yandex, Yahoo, Bing. A list of completely anonymous alternative sound systems.

The system below is intended for children who have not reached adulthood.

  • KidRex

Search systems of social measures

Social Mention– search for riddles in ZMI and development of suspinal tendencies.

Spokeo collects all data from online and offline devices and allows you to search for vikory names, email, contact number, telephone number and address.

  • Digg - kokopuchuvach ta skhovishche novin.
  • YouGotTheNews – Poshukova system of new articles of the USA.
  • NewsLookup- Search the rest of the news all over the world.
  • Elephind- Poshukov’s system of historical novelties.
  • NewsLibrary- Poshuk's system of knowledge of facts and novelties.

Search systems for blogs

The sound system is a database of good singing information on the Internet. Many koristuvachs respect that as soon as you enter a power in the search system, you immediately begin scanning the entire Internet, but that’s not the case at all. The Internet is scanned continuously, a lot of programs, data about sites are entered into a database, and according to the same criteria, all sites and all their pages are divided into different lists and databases. This is a kind of card index of data and searches that is not obtained from the Internet, but from this card index.

Google is the most popular search engine in the world.

In addition to the sound system, Google offers a number of additional services, hardware security software, such as an email service, the Google Chrome browser, the largest YouTube video library and many other projects. Google is stingy with a lot of projects that bring in great profits. Most services are not directed to a direct merchant, but to making money on the Internet and integrated with a sensitivity to the interests of European and American merchants.

Mail is a search system, popular mainly through the mail service.

There are no additional services, the key ones being Mail, Danish moment Mail company to social network Odnoklassniki, social network “My World”, Groshi-mail service, bezlich online igor, three practically new browsers with different names. All add-ons and services have a lot of advertising content. The social network “VKonatkte” blocks direct transitions to Mail services, due to a large number of viruses.


Wikipedia is a search engine.

The non-profit search system, which is based on private donations, does not fill the pages with advertising. A rich project, which aims to create a new pre-science encyclopedia for the entire world. There are no singers, but they are filled with volunteers from all over the world. Kozhen koristuvach can write this way and edit the article.

Official page -

Youtube is the largest library of video files.

Video hosting with elements of social networking, where users can upload videos. Once they have been added to Google Ink, registration for YouTube is not required; you just need to register in the Google mail service.

Official page -

Yahoo! - a friend of the significance of the joke system in the world.

And additional services, most familiar of which are Yahoo mail. As part of reducing the capacity of the search engine, Yahoo is transmitting data about merchants and their requests to Microsoft. From these data, statements about the interests of investors are formed, and the advertising market is also formed. Yahoo's search system, likewise, deals with the search for other companies, for example, Yahoo lies sound service Altavista is the website of the electronic commerce Alibaba.

Official website -

WDL – digital library.

Books are collected from the library to add cultural value to the digital image. The main meta is the advancement of the cultural space of the Internet. Access to the library is free of charge.

Official website -

Bing is a search engine developed by Microsoft.

Official website -

Sound systems of Russia

Rambler is a “pro-American” search system.

From the beginning it was created as a media Internet portal. Like many other search systems, there are search services for pictures, video files, maps, weather forecasts, new sections and much more. You have also seen the use of the free Rambler-Nichrome browser.

Official website -

Nigma is an intelligent search system.

The sound system is more user-friendly due to the presence of faceless filters and adjustment. The interface allows you to enable or disable the pronunciation of similar values ​​in search of more clear results. Also, when the result is returned, the search allows you to use information from other great search systems.

Official website -

Aport - online product catalog.

In the past, the Shukov system, and after developments and innovations were introduced, quickly created positions. IN present moment Aport є trading Maidan, where products from over 1,500 companies are represented.

Official website -

Suputnik is a national search system and Internet portal.

Created by Rostelecom. Nina is at the testing stage.

Official website -

Metabot is a search system that is still being developed.

Metabot's tasks are to create a sound system behind all other sound systems, creating positions based on the results of the data for the entire list of sound systems. Tobto tse poshukovaya system z poshukovaya systems.

Official website -

The operation of the sound system has been reduced.

Official website -

KM is a multiportal.

From the beginning the site was a multiportal with a remote search engine system. Searches can be carried out both on the site and on all other sites on the Runet.

Official website -

Gogo - does not work, redirects to search engine.

Official website -

The Russian multiportal, which is not very popular, will require further investigation. Before the sound system, news, TV, games, and a map are included.

Official website -

The Poshuk system does not work; retailers are trying to quickly use the Poshuk system.

In fact, Bush's idea was implemented by others. From 1963 to 1969, rocks have been working on a new concept of information transfer with the help of computer network.

And only until the end of the 1980s. The idea of ​​​​creating a computer network was resurrected at several universities in the USA. The 90s rock. When the rapid development of the Internet began, and since 1993, just like Marc Andreessen, having completed the first version of the prototype of modern browsers, the Internet began to reach the masses.

In the mid-90s there was a rock search required information We worked for additional placement of sites in directories, of which there were few at that time. Before the speech, in 1993. There were already three robotic sound systems in the area. These were non-commercial developments and with the influx of a great amount of information, they did not penetrate and appeared in the turbulent development of the Internet.

Since 1995, search systems have assumed their supremacy over the global Internet, as they have since become great. Google, Yahoo on the Internet and Yandex, Rambler on the RuNet.

For beginners

Spring 1997 rock Russian Merezha was able to download With my glance, I tried to evaluate this resource. By right, it can be considered the most successful Russian Internet project. Unique security software(The powerful algorithm) allowed the project to gain a foothold in the Russian sound segment of the Internet at the dawn of the creation of the system.

Currently, based on statistics, Yandex accounts for 80% of search traffic on Runet websites. That's why 8 out of 10 people, who are scratching their heads in search of a joke, go to hell on this site! I appreciate your success!

The main advantages of this search server can be summarized below:

    large index base;

    I’ll ask a joke about Russian morphology;

    a large number of additional resources;

    high speed of indexation and re-indexation of pages;

    sleek design

    Swedish news updates on the site

And in my opinion, the main advantage of the site is only 5 characters: It would seem like a simple resource at the moment, more than half of the Runet is used!!!

Before the minuses, I would like to add the mail, which is popular for hackers (not a treasure for spammers).

Podsumok: Yandex - select more than half of the RuNet users and stay safe!

Yahoo! He is one of the most reliable and authoritative experts on the World Wide Web. The catalog of the DVI basic pass:- the value of the deposit (for the sabotage is closely 2 miliion, the site of the bilsh 25 is the science of the vicoristovannaya schemes of the classifіkatsya. For this reason, all known issues are objectively displayed in the browser without any prioritization. Great ceremony? On one side there is a great plus, but on the other hand there is a minus, which replaces it... In the case of a direct joke, “information noise” is to blame! Just after the sound of the frames, listen, then go to the singing section (Sports Ave.).

Due to the enormous popularity of doctors and, therefore, the popularity of Yahoo!, the rest of the world's leaders are giving more and more respect to side services, including electronic stores, auctions, news services, high-priced agencies, etc. The government agent occupies a more modest place at the interface of the server's home page. Operating the video home trademarks Without the support of a high level of appreciation for the main product, the authority of Yahoo! as a wired witness, and in the near future this galusia will not suffer cardinal losses, its popularity will decrease, regardless of its importance.

Also, recently, a Russian version has appeared.

Pouch: the site is popular, but it doesn’t live up to its famous name.

Sound system, launched in 1998 by the one-time leader of global sound systems significant parameters. Google's main achievement is its commitment to its index file, which allows it to create today over 4.2 billion web pages and articles with a group of news of interest.

Others without doubt Google's advantage- the importance of indexing documents is not less obvious HTML file ov, but also documents in PDF formats, RTF, PS, DOC, XLS, PPT, WP5 and others. In this case, Google allows you to instantly convert pages in specified formats from the original HTML file, which eliminates the need for a special software program to access the file.

Google recognizes the high level of relevance of the information found to the interests of the customer. This result can be achieved, however, through the use of a special subsystem to protect the user from sites that use other unscrupulous methods.

Google is considered a high level of comfort for the customer. Regardless of the fact that this is a global joke system, users from non-English countries are automatically redirected to the interface of their native land. Russian interface, zokrema, located at the address The complexity of the process in most cases does not exceed ONE SECONDS, regardless of the high cost of the system’s index file (so this site can be opened immediately, but not for clients with high connection to the Internet).

First interface Google pages- today there are no competitors in Merezhi.

In addition to searching for textual materials, Google can best search for illustrations today using the “Search for Images” mode. Its database contains over 880 thousand illustrations, the investigation of which is carried out in a similar way to the search text documents with the ability to change the size, format or color of graphic files – all through the “Image Search Extensions” option.

Pouch: The first place in the light arena from all sides, the shortest display, but for the sake of searching there is doubt.

This site was created in America and everything is edited, formatted, kept clean and orderly there. After I first came across this resource, I was disappointed that the site would be forgiven for use. Sorry, let's go with Rodzinka! Thus, it has a welcoming design, the head side is placed completely on the screen, and the edges in search of the standard ones (The Web, Top News, Reference Travel & Hotels, Celebrity Gossip, Home Repair, Health, Tech News, Parenting Sites). The English people are not yet so good as to be able to easily navigate the English-language resource. Having climbed through the transfers, I caught a couple of “rodzins”. First of all, it’s important to have a wider range of searches (previously I only included those that were on the page) Dashboard – this is sent to main page I will really help people, as they say, it’s definitely more accurate! You can also create a Vlas system to search... Searchroll. Once you get involved in their culture, they will open up “new horizons” for you in the world of information. You can create your own search engine from sites that you trust or use often! In Russia I have not yet learned this! The site also works with Russian writers. Є a message to tags that are often entered... (Americans already love computer games)

Podsumok: Website dosit garniy. The obvious disadvantage is that he is English-speaking, but there are plenty of advantages!

According to Shukov, the Nigma system was launched on a significant day - April 12, 2005 - Cosmonautics Day. Let us immediately select a date to launch the sound system, history will cover, and those who will soon speak of the scientific directness of Nigmi are a fact.

The leader of the project is Viktor Lavrenko, former vice president of the company. From the very beginning, Volodymyr Chernishov, also a student of the department, helped me. computing technology and cybernetics MDU. As of today, the Nigma sound system project employs about 15 people.

The main feature of Nigmi is its scientific and applied nature: it is a kind of advanced laboratory for students and postgraduate students of the MDU. On this basis, various diplomas and dissertations are already being stolen. But the creators of Nigmi do not forget about the commercial warehouse project. Thus, on the pages of the search engine Nigmi there is advertising from Yandex.Direct. Meanwhile, Viktor Lavrenko himself says that a commercial tax on the project is far from a bad idea. Golovne – tse pobudova effective search with the understanding of new search algorithms: zokrema, tse method, basis on document clustering.

Nigma contains an index database of several search engines: Google, Yahoo, MSN, Yandex, Rambler, Altavista, Aport. There is also a rich documentary base. During the sound recording of the koristuvach, a number of documents are formed, which are grouped in thematic classes, which create a song description. In this way, the singer can clarify his thoughts by selecting clusters from each song (checking the boxes in front of their names).

The main audience of the Nigma sound system, according to Viktor Lavrenok, is students. And the main “trick” of the joke, which attracts new and new clients, is the clustering of documents. The extreme popularity among the RuNet communities is lost to a low level. Thus, according to LiveInternet statistics, in the first half of 2007 the share of transitions from Nigmi among other search engines was 0.4%. Ale is even more valuable for a share of 0.3% of the oldest Runet joker - Aporta. It cannot be said that Nigmi’s business does not see frequent visits due to the increasing popularity of its sounding machine. However, as a scientific technology, Nigma will require testers, who are its primary contributors. In order to obtain new members, various approaches were carried out. So, from early 2006 to early 2007, Nigma was advertised in Yandex.Direct, which brought in over 1,100 thousand. transitions. After which the Yandex administration respected the unreasonableness of advertising its competitor. There was also a small radio advertising campaign that brought in new recruits.

Z Lipnya 2007 Roku Nigma conduct new promotion, directly increasing the popularity of your joker. Players who often profit from the results of Nigmi's search can once be blessed with the message “You won the computer.” Prote, don’t give it away for free – the automatic selection system is important to keep an eye out for those who are trying to fool the search system. In addition, the results of the automatic selection of players who won can be adjusted manually.

Koristuvachy Nigmi can get rid of the trashy search results directly on the page of the search view, using a special form. In addition, the development of new services and algorithms is “facilitated” with ordinary traders for the help of various experiments.

Thus, one of Nigmi’s innovations was the system for correcting the drinks in the drinks, which was divided and introduced itself through parts of the skarga from the side of the koristuvachs. Moreover, due to its effectiveness and capabilities, it overcomes the developments of both our and foreign sound systems.

In this way, one can be sure that the helmsmen will listen to the thoughts of their mercenaries, which, undoubtedly, will make them more popular.

Tip: for those who are not in control of the results of searching for “monsters” on the Runet - Google and Yandex, they can try Nigma as a source of information.

(This article is about to appear)

For students

Hm. The impact of sound systems for schoolchildren and students is the replacement of the library, the “right hand” of the teacher. A student without a joker cannot be detected, just like without a student (to be honest, but truthfully)

We have all known for a long time that the computer has unwittingly affected the children of the youthful age. VKontakte, Online games, Chat, music, movies, links - all this and a lot of other things bother young people every day when they come home and sit at the computer. At the moment, the most serious problem of children and their fathers is emerging. Rozzhzhnost, welding - the legacy of finding a child in front of the monitor. It’s especially important because we’re putting this in perspective 20 years later. So should you prevent your children from spending 2/3 of their free time sitting in front of a screen? It’s really cool.

An hour passes, and the computer develops. It’s hard to imagine what will happen in 10 years, since at this rate the computer is literally replacing life. system unit). TV, library, rozvagi, earning pennies, OCVITA... Retailers add us here, explaining this with the help of some of the future!

Hm. What is the progress of my project? So! I want to see sound systems as a plus for all of us! Even in rich families, the struggle with the computer is troubling, but to the next level we are included in sound systems! I don’t know about you, but for example, since 2002 (the appearance of the first computer), the fathers began to “fight” with me and the electronic screen, but again, if there is a need for homework (abstracts, fathers’ evidence) give up the road And they will guide you to this “box”, and more precisely to the sound systems. Do you think that I am helping by writing articles about Google, Yandex, and the history of the Shukovites? Vlasna knowledge? Maybe, or maybe I can describe the “obolonka”, but the inner space needs to be known right away! Library? Even if I’m in it and haven’t already been 5(), I don’t think I’ll know anything about Yahoo,, YouTube. I’ll reveal my secret – I’m a victor! Hostile really?

Axis I have experienced a great minus after my loud promos, where would I be without anything... I’ll explain in order. Many students, especially grades 5-8, have poor abstracts, evidence, and acquire information thoughtlessly, reading the title and each paragraph in one row. And the next day, the biology reader accepts the difference between the registration of the certificate and, however, the replacement. This is what I call the “first-time problem.” Learners need to process information. They imagined how much it would take to sit at a book in order to write this essay and spend all this time looking for more information and structure... I think the teacher hung this work in front of his desk near the gold frame so that everyone could understand to this folding mysticism. I'm looking for information about five times! Just as fate would have it, readers asked after the abstract to remove data about those who had taken the information. Now I think everything has become clearer.

What to do with libraries? You can take a look at such a small lance... 10 reasons for this - you can’t go anywhere without books, 5 reasons for this - abstracts can be done on a computer, today - what else is needed? And in fact, now you only go there for a novel, a song, a story from a writer, whatever you are going through literature. I will say more, only after the great works of the authors (War and Peace, Eugene Onegin, Evil and Punishment). I would like to prepare it on sheets of A4 size. The library is deprived of a wonderful option for quiet reading or creative writing, as all readers have already learned from the copying from the Internet (I doubt it).

There is a problem that is so important with the Internet and search engines in general, especially for uninformed traders, sites with a large number of leaking windows or bad viruses! It is not immediately possible to press the search result on everything after sending. First of all, look at the address of the site where you want to go (addresses are listed under the title). The leaking window is an advertisement that clearly appears, which can be closed only by pressing on it ... but it can lead to a site that contains descriptions on this advertisement, or simply ignores the site (often this leads to the removal of a virus). After the results of your search, you should look at the first page of results, some of the sites will be repeated with the same information, otherwise they will not be relevant to your topic!

Well, to sum it up, I would like to say that without sound systems, a student, an adult, “won’t go far”! Sound systems - tse



    great amount of information

    minimum hour spent

    burial of great nobles

    I accept permission

And there is only one obvious minus - the poor processing of information... in my opinion, it’s just the laziness of young people who have become tired after negative work with a computer (games, chats).