Chi does not change the name in contact with others. What work is it that does not change the name, nickname VKontakte, accept the application? How to replace the name and nickname in the social. Merezhi in Latin

Name and name can be changed through editing the sidebar, in the settings, in the distribution "Basically". You can show your side and press "Redaguwati" under your head photo, or once again, enter the settings for the following commands: Basic adjustments. It is also called the "profile editing menu".

If you remember, press the button at the bottom "Save".

On the phone through the mobile add-on VK

  1. P'yata button in the bottom row.
  2. "Go to profile" under your names.
  3. "Redaguwati".
  4. "Basically".

If you remember, press on the right side of the mountain checkmark button or "Ready" for saving.

How do you change your name, nickname in VK?

Vіdkrivshi settings, ty pobachish im'ya і ghost in the fields. You can change only your name, only a name, or else your name is a name. For example, to change the nickname, press on the old nickname, write a new one. When everything is ready, press the button "Save"(In the mobile addendum - tick or "Ready").

According to the rules of the site VKontakte, you can only state your correct name and name and only as the stench is written in your documents. Im'ya not guilty buti vigadanim. How do you value your side, victorious right name and name. Otherwise, if you happen to restore access quickly, you will have problems.

At the same time, you can change your family camp, so that you have become a foreigner and changed your nickname. For some troch below, you need to know the point "Family camp" and click (in the mobile addendum - on the new one, in the latest version of the site - right-handed in the new one). With the first onslaught, you will be shown all the options, for the other onslaught you will choose one of the options: for example, bulo "Nezamіzhnya", and you choose "Zamizhnya". Once again, we guess what the change is, it is necessary to press the button below "Save".

Name (calling) does not change at once. And when?

When do they remember my name (nickname)?

Іm'ya or the name is remembered not once. The application can be looked at, the exact term cannot be said. As if everything is fine, as a rule, by stretching dekіlkoh dib you will appear on your side with a new name, or a name, as if you showed it in the nalashtuvannyah. As if they don’t change for a long time and you’re turbulent, you’re in a podtrimka for the help of these: Fix the problem for them (In the mobile addendum, you may not be able to, required via browser). Ale vіdpovіdі happen to bud.

What work, if not change the name, nickname, approve the application?

All causes and ways to solve the problem are here:

Why am I guilty of vindicating my right name on VKontakte?

These are the rules of the site, please wait for any disturbances during registration. The skin is registered with its real names and nicknames. See paragraph 5.3 of the rules:

5.3. When registering on the Site Koristuvach goiter, submit [...] reliable and up-to-date information including [...] the name of that name.

The presence of a real name and name on the side (as well as a real photo) is necessary for renewing access to the side through the support service, as well as the name of the victim.

Try the best way to enter your VKontakte side!

Є nadіyna start page "Enter", through the yak you enter the site VKontakte, or on any other one onslaught. Through the "Enter" you can be invisible to everyone and with all the bachiti that you see in VK. Try it, price-free and reliable site:

Put "Enter" as the start page in your browser (the button will be in the upper left corner).

Vitayu, dear friends! Today we will talk about changing our data in the social media Vkontakte. For our particular type of mova pіde pro іm'ya that prizvishcha.

Why might you need it? Well, basically, a change of name may be needed, as a girl came to the world and took the name of a man. Nav_scho minyati іm'ya, the axis for me was not particularly clear. Є pripuschennya, that people want to remember it, so that none of them will be secreted) In such situations, the presence is simply empty, if the lads just want to replace the name, insert like their nicknames, etc. Why not just start a small party for the whole wasteland - I didn’t understand. Well, okay, everything is not mine on the right. My task is to explain to you how everything changes, and in some situations you can avoid moderation. So, so, just change your name and nickname in VK, you may not see it. The one who is in the most vipadkiv, so change the moderator, and the wine is alive, the person is not enough, you can hit him in the head.

Minyaemo im'ya and nickname in the latest version

And so, we go to our Vkontakte account and under the avatar we press on the “Edit side” message:

In our case, at the end, at the “Basic” tab, we can immediately post the fields for entering the name and nickname, and right there, we can erase the old name or the nickname and enter new data:

Minyaєmo and read a hint, in which they write to us, what is my name and guilt, but in correct and written in Russian letters:

My opinion was to change my name without rechecking the administrator. It was through those that I introduced insignificant corrections, and remembering Anya for Anna. It is not included that if you change names in a similar style, for example, Ira to Irina, then you will also miss the re-verification of the administration.

Immediately, I try to change Anna to Annette, and immediately send me to moderation.

If your application will be approved by the administrator, then try to entrust your photo with a document that certifies your person, to prove that I am right about you.

How to change your name in English

Here you can look at the uvazi, that it’s guilty, but it’s written in Latin letters. Oskіlki in the social dimension it is written that the names of the guilt are written in Russian letters, but there can be problems in the name change. However, try to explain to the moderator what you need. For example, write that you were in power in a foreign company and you want to list with your colleagues, and your name is written there in Latin letters.

Today we tell you how you can remember and change your name in the social network of VKontakte, you know how to grow without rechecking the administrator. We see on the main nutrition of the name of the change of title, for example, how to put a nickname in the VC in English, or how to look at applications for a change of titles for a long time.

We encourage you to be familiar with our article, as you have no more food on this subject of obov'yazkovo write in the comments.

How to change a nickname in VK?

Some of the deakers of the social network of "VKontakte" need to change their nickname in terms of terms. There can be a lot of reasons, the prote administrator is not kind, he does not allow changing the name, for a number of reasons. In such a state of mind, the blame is given: “How can I change my nickname in VK without rechecking the administrator?”. Infection and know.

In some ways, it is allowed to change the nickname?

Let's take a look at you in some ways and without any problems you can remember the nickname in VKontakte. Let's look at your own legal attitude, under any circumstances, the administration will not be able to guide you in change:

  • Your previous nickname had a pardon or a pardon
  • Changed the name in real life and took away a new passport confirming
  • You became a foreigner, got married and took the title of a man
  • Your nickname has non-normative vocabulary;
  • Your name is already old and you have changed it to a more simple version (butt of the local gymnast of the USSR Arkhinevolokotocherepopіndrikovskaya)

In all your more rehabilitated moods, you do not have the right to change your titles, but now let's marvel at how you can grow.

How to quickly change your name in VK

In the popular social media "Vkontakte" there are impersonal koristuvachiv, as if they do not show their own special data, and to this they register under a different nickname. Ale, it’s early, it’s too early, they blame the bazhannya to change their tributes. If you want to show your right name and nickname, then you need to name a couple of names.

Respect for the change of title can be corrected at the discretion of the administration, as it can take up to 24 years!

After that, as you know all these things, the information on your side will change. If something didn’t happen, then you will happen to recover for another hour.

How to change your nickname in VK into English

Even more often we need to set the power of our readers as a way to remember the name or name of VKontakte in English without rechecking the VKontakte administrator. We review all forums and sites. We talked about technical support and want to embarrass you.

It is not possible to change the name of VKontakte in 2019 in English without re-verification of the administrator.

UPD We knew the method that works, sorry, it doesn’t work for all of our payers

The method itself is not new, but there are a number of improvements and additions.

Write in the comments how it went for you and you faced some difficulties

How to remember a nickname in VK without checking the administrator

As you have already understood the loopholes є skrіz і zavzhdi, let's marvel at you how to change the name of VKontakte without rechecking the administrator.

If you change the name for one of the popular ones, we will list them below, the change will be taken at once and without any changes and pull.

The axis is a list of such names:

  • Vasiliev, Filatov, Andriev, Sokolov
  • Ivanov, Cat, Gusev, Goose, Kurochkin, Ivanov
  • Semenov, Safarov, Maksimov, Kuzmin
  • Yusupov, Maltsev, Bikov, Kolesnikov
  • Kulikov, Kharchenko, Zubov, Korniev
  • Tikhonov, Vinogradiv, Malikov, Markelov
  • Nikitin, Golubev, Golub, Petrov, Sidorov

Well, if you know in this list the nickname for which you want to change, then you can safely change any of the reversals. But why do you need to change to another language? Wihid e.

Axis vlasne self way:

The axis is so easy to bypass the moderation check on VKontakte

In what ways does the administrator change the change of name and nickname?

Some people trap in such a way that at the first hour of changing your special tributes to the beast, they are informed, in which they are reminded that your application will be reviewed for a long period of days. Sound this process takes a day, or even two, but not rare fluctuations, if you are forced into it. Reasoned for two important reasons:

  • Your application is being looked at for a long time, to that your name and nickname is not expanded, and that moderator needs an hour, so that everything is known;
  • Possibly, you already tried to change your data for a few times. It's an hour for someone to see.
  • You are trying to change your nickname into English

It’s a pity that in VK you can write names only for your Russian mother, you can only turn off in that case as if you were a foreigner, or else you came to zamіzh for foreigners and took that nickname!

Can you bypass the system?

On the Internet, you can find a great amount of information about those, as for help with other programs or a couple of others, you can change your data. There are a number of different screenshots that clearly show how everything works, but it's all bullshit.

No matter how much it was worth it, but it’s impossible to get around, or it’s impossible to fool the system. As if you didn’t try to find out the necessary method, you won’t know anything, for that there is no reliable information about those, how to change your name and there is no name.

Why does the administrator change the title?

It would seem that the profession of an administrator or a moderator is easy, but not so. On this day, people look at thousands and thousands of applications, sometimes they take the final “Tak”, and sometimes they get embarrassed, having chimed “Hi”. Tim isn't smaller, don't get mad at them, they just do their job and shy away like that, like breaking the rules.

If you have stumbled upon it that you were not rightfully ordered to change your titles, then you need to return to the support service, adding all the necessary evidence to the supremacy sheet.

Write directly to the support service, you can ask for help

And one more simple article - instructions for the site, in which we learn how to change the name in the profile. For the help of these procedures, we can add a nickname, for example, with our nickname, for some friends that we know it will be easier to recognize us in the vastness of the boundless social network.

First, change your name in VKontakte, rather than think about it once - but don’t you get lost in such a change of our real friends? Even though they knew our profile earlier under the old name, as it was easily found by searching the list of friends, now these parameters will be replaced. Vtіm, zovsіm neobov'yazkovo povnіstyu change the name and іm'ya, і \u200b\u200bmi mingling with only small additions to these tributes.

Zokrema, within the framework of the article “How to remember a name in VK”, we will consider a simple example of adding a new nickname to a real name (like we won’t change) a new nickname. Tim, we ourselves promote our recognition in the social dimension, but we do not introduce friends and acquaintances into Oman. Don't you know what the language is about? Read the lower instructions for protection, and you will all be in your place!

How to change your name in VK: instruction manual

1. We enter the special profile of a VK correspondent for an additional login and password.

2. Go to the menu of the main page, item "Edit".

3. We get to the “Basic” section and first, what do we do here, why do I have that PRIZE.

4. May the cursor be in the Ім'я field (clicking on the new one), after the main name of the koristuvach, appended in Russian letters through a hyphen bazhany nіk. We have added to our name the signature “Webmaster”.

IMPORTANT: when adding a nickname, options are not rich. First, it is necessary to win TILKI Russian letters, plus, get confirmation of the moderators. Whether it be applications for changing the name, vikoristovuyut latin (english) letters, they are immediately inspired!

So it has already happened in VK, that the names of that nickname are responsible, but the right one, in our case, the application went to confirm the administration.

5. Scroll down the side to the "Save" button, for help confirming all victorious operations.

6. Reviewing the negative result. Well, the application was sent to the administration for confirmation (as in our opinion), check whether it is a positive or a negative decision.

In this manner, for a few seconds, we were able to change our name in VK, which made our profile more familiar. And as if someone from the impersonal social networks will turn aside on the phrase "Webmaster", in general, find us in the list of search results!

Similarly, the situation with a nickname will be applied. Having added to your name a nickname, or a little better, we’ll learn more about your account, which it looks like in a joke by nickname, and it’ll be easier for friends to tell us. United Umov - to win only Russian letters without third-party symbols and signs.

Hello friends.

We continue to increase the possibility of loving the social measure. For those who want to add a touch of diversity to the design of their side, an article has recently been published about those.

And today we will be arranging how to change the name of VKontakte. Such a need can be attributed to various reasons: change of name, bazhannya to provide correct passport data, add according to the father, switch from PIB, written in Latin, to Cyrillic and navpaki. Whatever the reason, today you know how to change in VK profiles.

To change the data on the side of the VK, click on your avatar in the upper corner of the right-handed screen. Select “Edit” from the list.

I immediately have 2 graphs at the vіknі bachimo: “Im'ya” and “Prizvische”, as well as other statements about myself, as you can remember, see, or rewrite. Enter new data and click on the "Save" button below. Now ask for a change to get to the moderators. After re-verification and acknowledgment of the information in the profile, it is automatically remembered.

In some cases, the application is accepted

For all your requests, it will be carefully reviewed and changed to come into force, so you:

  • change the writing from Latin to Cyrillic;
  • deputy short name you want to say outside;
  • pardoned in writing at registration;
  • wiyshli zamіzh.

If I joined the club, I indicated the status of “Zamіzhnya” in the profile and wrote 2 nicknames: for a man and a girl. The axis is so indicated by PIB on my side.

And the axis looks like this in the editor.

If now I’ll take the girl away and leave only a new nickname, then I think the administration will not repeat it. But I don’t care, otherwise I won’t know school friends and girlfriends.

Why blame the difficulties of renaming and work

If you want to see your right name and replace the new one on the side of the vigadan, then it’s small that it’s such a trick to get into. Please, as we accept, registering with VKontakte, it is written that it is necessary to indicate real data in the questionnaire. For this reason, we will ask for a replacement for the names of others, but we will come up with more, the administration will be against it.

So in times of skargi like coristuvachiv, that under the eye of one person, there is someone else, the page may be blocked. І in tsomu є sens. And raptom in the account of a little girl-child sit a grown-up man with mental refreshments. Zagalom, remember PIB on whether you are not viide. Ale try vee, obviously you can.

If you provide your reference data, if you don’t want to go through the check, follow 4 simple steps:

Krok 1. Click on the avatar in the right corner of the screen and go to the “Help” section.

Krok 2. In a row, write the word “Im'ya” and in the list of food, click on “How can I change my name and name?”

Krok 4. At the form that appeared, describe the situation that has developed, attach a photo of the passport, forwarding the series and number in the graphic editor. Good, as the photo in the profile is taken from the photo in the document, otherwise the application can be renewed again.

After completing the information, emboss "Vidpravity". Better for everything, by stretching out the application will be reviewed and the information on your side will be changed.

Effectively win an hour without rechecking - a trick for girls

If you indicate the status of "Zamіzhnya" or "Zakokhana", then you can change the nickname without moderation. When it’s not obov'yazkovo, you come out to be true. You can go home with one, explaining your motives.

To do this little trick, you need to click on your changed photo at the top of the screen and go to the profile editor. At the county's family camp, one of the options is selected:

  • zamіzhnya,
  • in a civilized way,
  • zakokhana.

Now in the field below, enter the account of a person or a person.

Save your data by pressing the button at the bottom of the form, and later change your name. Anew to confirm new information and go to the main page of the profile. Changes immediately due to come into force without re-verification.

Ale vrahuyte, that it is often not possible to edit special data, so as not to call the site administrators suspect. Otherwise, such a possibility will be blocked to complete the trial term. Think ahead, what specific information you want to get on the side.

How to write im'ya in Latin

Before, there were no problems, you can choose whether you like it or whatever you want. But at the same time, the administration may not accept the English writing of PIB.

Better for everything, this format will automatically be translated into Cyrillic, koristuvach otrimaє vіdmova in the registry or replace data. If you still want to make these changes, try the trick:

  • go to edit side and rename;
  • save change.

Tell me in the comments, no matter what.


I’m sorry, you took a break for food so that you can remember your name on VKontakte and how to grow.

Once again I will briefly describe the options:

  1. You can change it without any problems, as it is correct PIB. In other ways, it is not a fact that the changes will be accepted by the moderators of the social network.
  2. If you want to change your nickname without re-verification, please ask another family camp in your profile.
  3. To write a nickname in Latin, try changing your IP to foreign.

I have everything on this topic. If you have something to add, I will be glad to comment. All the best, friends. Until the new season.