Customize window 8 1 for yourself. Change the interface, usability and functionality. There are ways to change the original screen and background

Dosit is a specific topic, but for Russia, I guess, it will be relevant. Let's say you installed Windows Enterprise, activated it with a crack and calmly played with it for many hours: installed programs, customized it for yourself, etc. Once in a while, you realize that you want to switch to a license, and there is a dilemma here, since the Enterpise version costs quite a few pennies, and for home wikis you can download the Proffessional or the Core version. But here there is a question about activating and changing the key, since simply changing the key to reduce the output will not work. There are two options: completely reinstall the system or try to downgrade the operating system using additional instructions. So, what do we need for this:

1) All further actions can render your operating system unusable, so I recommend creating an image of the system using a manual program for you, for example, Acronis True Image.

2) If you have already prepared, open the register. For whom is it embossed? Win+R i enter regedit.

3) Let’s go to the next step:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

And here we have the following parameters:

4) Set us the following parameters:


And in order to change the release of the operating system, we need to change them.

For Windows 8.1 Enterprise standard values ​​as in the screenshot:

EditionID = Enterprise
ProductName = Windows 8.1 Enterprise

Yakshcho mi want to lower to Windows 8.1 Professional, then the values ​​of the attack parameters can be changed:

EditionID = Professional
ProductName = Windows 8.1 Pro

If we want to downgrade to Windows 8.1 Core (professional can also be downgraded to the Base version):

EditionID = Core
ProductName = Windows 8.1

I change it to prepare for installing the pro version.

3) Next, when you turn on the operating system, you need to insert the disk or mount an image of the Windows 8.1 installation disk for the edition you need. When choosing an installation method, select “Save Windows settings, special files and programs.”

Shortly after the release of Windows 8, Microsoft introduced a fully functional older version of Windows 8.1. This is an unavoidable fact, because Windows 8.1 has more, less well-known service packages that are expected to bring corrections (and rarely functional changes). In this situation, it is correct to speak about the complete updating of the OS, in the sense that one is, say, familiar with mobile platforms. Zokrema, Windows 8 users can get rid of Windows 8.1 without any problems. Steve Ballmer called this approach “rapid releases”, although without specifying how fast they appear. So it is still unclear whether we will use Windows 8.2 or the upcoming version will be 9.0. This is not to tell fortunes, but to learn about the innovations of Windows 8.1 Preview.


both a new and an increasingly important maintenance disc. For Windows 8 users, the first option is a bit more difficult, Microsoft warns about the impossibility of further updating Windows 8.1 Preview before the final release (with the savings of third-party software), it is also impossible to uninstall it, so it is unlikely to experiment install varto on work PCs.

Minimal system features for Windows 8.1 Preview look like this:

  • CPU 1 GHz;
  • RAM 1 GB (for a 32-bit system) or 2 GB (for a 64-bit system);
  • disk space 16 GB (for a 32-bit system) or 20 GB (for a 64-bit system);
  • Graphics adapter supported by Microsoft DirectX 9 and WDDM driver.

In theory, Windows 8.1 Preview can successfully perform in the same way as Windows 8, and then Windows 7. Of course, this rule has its own faults. For example, they say that tablets and PCs on the new 32-bit Atom processors will require advanced graphics driver updates.

Installing Windows 8.1 Preview from a backup disk repeats the procedure for Windows 8 with minimal effort. On the cob, we are familiar with the betta fish, which has already become a symbol of the latest versions of Windows:

Also, the list of parameters regulated at the initial stage has also expanded, increasing respect for the future importance of forecasting pages, as appeared in Internet Explorer 11:

Finally, you can immediately connect SkyDrive as a desktop client for its service (with synchronization and others) integrations in Windows 8.1.


The main changes in Windows 8.1 Preview have been transferred to the new Metro interface. Microsoft has earned a lot of nods from those who fought for the tougher subfield of Metro and Desktop, but not at all insignificant. The policy is based on the primary support for touch control and mobility, and in this context everything is logical. Those who own desktop PCs and non-touch laptops, as before, will be hesitant to put up with the dualism of the OS or lose Windows 7, which Microsoft will not harm.

If you use touch screens, you will find that Metro changes are brown. At first glance, the Windows 8.1 Preview start screen differs little from Windows 8:

Please note that there are new types of tiles - four times larger or fewer square ones.

However, as they were divided in the front assemblies, single tiles can be pulled across the middle on the start screen. However, there is a special mode for its adjustment, where you can drag groups of tiles, or give them a different name.

At the bottom of the start screen there is a button with a down arrow, which, in the style of Windows Phone, leads to a complete list of installed programs. For this you need to click on it with a mouse or click on the throat from below to above:

The list can be ordered according to a number of criteria. If you want the new additions to be installed only here, you need to specially pin them on the start screen:

In the settings (the right panel of the “Wonder Buttons”), a personalization section has appeared, where you can change the color scheme and wallpaper of the start screen – previously for which you had to switch to the desktop:

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that similar applications of additional insulation Metro and Desktop have appeared, so it will be possible to switch back and forth sooner, which, perhaps, will help rich people come to terms with based on the OS interface.

Metro: PC settings

The parameters in the Metro analysis Panel have been significantly expanded. Now the smells are grouped into 9 main categories and 42 subcategories:

In a word, it is clear that there are so many more of them, so to describe every single one would be a task beyond measure. However, the most valuable thing is not their sheerness, but those that in the most extensive scenarios you won’t be able to deprive Metro, which can be simply unmanageable, for example, during an hour of work with a tablet on a vase. So, now, right in Metro, you can adjust the individual screen settings,

vibrati movu,

recognize the main programs for the minds,

adjust file history,

specify proxy server,

select SkyDrive as your main destination for saving files,

but otherwise.


The capabilities of multiple tasks and one-hour display on the screen of Metro add-ons have been significantly expanded, although in Windows 8.1 Preview they were modest, lower in the previous builds. First of all, Snap now works with a screen width of 1024 pixels. In this case, two programs share the screen - no options. Alternatively, for greater resolutions, the screen can be divided into larger proportions by simply tightening the cordon at the required position. The presence, however, is that the area white in the middle of the screen is “protected” (that is, the size of the programs cannot be created at all, less than a few or more than half), as well as a boundary for a minimum size that can be kept in a separate building screen. Thirdly, on large screens you can simultaneously accommodate up to four additional elements - for example, 1680 horizontal pixels allow three:

Naturally, as in the original Windows 8, the handiness of robots with “powerful” additions depends heavily on how correctly and intelligently they react to such a situation. For example, the Metro version of Internet Explorer 11 now has the ability to display multiple tab pages in parallel:

Although some sites in such minds change their layout, others simply scale up to a practically unreadable form:

Nowadays, it is necessary to correctly implement different screen resolutions not only in Windows 8, but also on mobile devices, so that the situation will be gradually corrected.


Windows 8.1 Preview comes with Windows Search and Bing integration. When running Windows 8, you will be prompted to immediately access all possible information from all available places. Thus, for fun, let’s say, without local documents, you need to select the option:

The results of the search should be combined with a “never-ending” horizontal stitch and further grouped. Some sound tools are present in most standard Metro add-ons, the rest can be displayed in the results in the form of similar icons - clicking on them opens the program with information that confirms the request. For example, the Pink Floyd store has seen a number of applets, starting with an informer about the activities of the legendary group.

Some observers sense the accumulation of a new search, although, of course, not to be shy about anything miraculous. However, in some episodes you can speed up a lot of pain with your finger or finger. For proper integration with Bing, you can enable:


An applet for robots with a program store as well as re-productions. You may find that your primary screen displays less information than in Windows 8, perhaps instead of focusing on the most popular programs:

And you don’t need to quickly go to select the required category (right mouse button or scroll through the screen):

Program inventories have become richer in reporting, with horizontal larynxes (like Pogodi):


Seemingly powerful, application programs do not work well with the OS of the expected quality, but in Windows 8/8.1 the stink, in addition, calls serve as a butt for third-party vendors. Perhaps all the old Metro add-ons have been further developed in the same way - for example, Photos have gained several editing tools to create images and create artistic effects. A bunch of new ones also appeared.

Alarm. Behind the madness there is a timer and a stopwatch:

Cooking: not just a collection of recipes and goodies (unfortunately, the content is English), but a personal shopping planner and kitchen references:

Health and fitness: all about training, healthy eating, getting sick, tools for controlling your power over your body, basic textbooks (also all in English):

You can return to reading at any time, and the relevant bookmark of the program is automatically opened in Snap mode:


Contrary to what could be seen, the “old-regime” interface of the client has also undergone some changes. The first thing that attracts attention is that when you turn the Start button, it simply replaces the large sketch of the start screen and switches to the new one:

There is, of course, no great sense in such a decision, since the main complaints were related to the versatility of the button, the lack of power, and the Start menu, which allowed working in one context and not having to switch to Metro to launch new add-ons. Timing is not less, as it is useful: in a virtual machine, for example, it is harder to click on the visible button than on the invisible (merging) sketch.

You can also find more information in the customized settings panel, on the Navigation tab:

As you can see, here you can turn on the hot stoves, work on the desktop and start screen, activate the attraction window on the desktop, and so on.

Right-clicking on the Start button will take you to the system menu, where many things have also changed. Zokrema, we got the point of vimknennya PC:

Please note that the command line has been replaced with the PowerShell console (can be changed in the customized command panel) - perhaps to emphasize that the entire menu (and along with it the Desktop) is designed more for professionals.

The first illustration of this section also shows the conductor indications. It is noteworthy that in Windows 8.1 Preview libraries are not displayed for any purpose. Luckily, the stink has not gone anywhere - just go to the View menu and look at the Navigation area submenu.

Internet Explorer 11

Windows 8.1 Preview has a new version of the Microsoft browser, which you’ve already noticed many times while looking around. Zokrema, Metro version has changed a few times (the tabs are at the bottom, not at the top), and also began to display a number of tabs at once.

Ale tabletop option was created in the right way. For example, the discussion about support in the new WebGL has been going on for a long time, but it seems to have been too inconsistent with the numerous official statements of Microsoft representatives about the unsafe decision (due to the fact that the hardware-accelerated WebGL browser actually directly interacts with Yes, with a driver that may be damaged, (This is also how DirectX provides additional proshark). Prote tse truth:

It’s hard to say whether there are more real-life applications, since the IE11 virtual machine works without hardware acceleration (although it’s still supported). Some people complained about the lack of support for WebGL, which is outdated. The official WebGL Conformance Test (Kronos Group) gives the following results for IE11:
14799 of 20574 passed, 12 timed out

And for Chrome 27 - this:
5242 of 6345 passed, 70 timed out

The results may even be different because Chrome is otherwise experiencing a stuck WebGL engine and is seeing new delays. But in any case, it’s clear that Microsoft has hit a nerve.

It is noteworthy that, presenting Windows 8.1 Preview on stage at the Build conference, Antoine Leblond, vice president of Microsoft, spoke about efforts to push standards, although the W3C is in no hurry to look at WebGL. Tim not less, Windows 8.1 Preview WebGL is available not only in web, but, as Leblon said, and in native programs. It’s not clear that he’s on the same page as his demo of Metro - perhaps WebGL will compete even with WinRT.

On WebGL, however, the surprises did not end. The offensive appeared in the settings of IE11:

The SPDY protocol, Google's creation for accelerating the popularity of web pages, denying wide support in “alternative” browsers, is also far from formal standardization, although it is included in the IETF guidelines. It is possible that this nod was made by Microsoft to regulate some other power from Google, but is not turned off, and is simply under the pressure of competition - Google previously supported SPDY on its servers and promotes Chrome as the optimal connection Item for power services.

Also, IE11 showed an increased interest in the next pages behind the instructions from the in-line one. Similar functions are available in other browsers and are available in other plugins. The mother needs to be respectful that, given the unobvious effectiveness of the stench, it attracts increased traffic, so on connections that are charged, they may be turned off.

U nadrah

A quick glance, and, of course, it is not possible to identify all the innovations, especially since there are a lot of things to see through the eyes of the merchant. For example, at the Build conference, where Windows 8.1 Preview was presented, a 3D hand was demonstrated - the point is that Windows 8.1 will have an infrastructure to support such capabilities, and, apparently, it will be much easier for developers you driver.

Finally, Windows 8.1 Preview demonstrates a lot of new products. Thus, printers supported by Wi-Fi Direct can be used directly without installing drivers. A special NFC tag on any printer allows you to automatically connect it to a laptop or tablet with an associated reader.

System administrators like the Workplace Join function, which allows users to use the rights of an authenticated account manager whether they are connecting from an already registered device or a new one. Work Folders allow your mobile phone to automatically synchronize your work files with other corporate resources, including via the Internet or Workplace Join.

Windows 8.1 Preview has a truly expanded support for 3G/4G modems, so when equipped with them, a laptop can play the role of a drone-free access point, similar to how you use today’s smartphones.

Windows 8.1 Preview has introduced an attempt to resolve the interface scaling issue on displays with different PPI displays. By introducing a standard scale of 200%, windows are automatically scaled when moved between displays.

This is, of course, not a complete list, and, of course, it will need to be adjusted before release.


Thus, Windows 8.1 will definitely complement the original (especially through cost-free) updates of Windows 8. However, we do not know, of course, the main power supply to this OS - the integrity of interface dualism. It is difficult to see how Metro can interfere with the use of a desktop computer. On the right are current hybrid devices that can act as either a tablet or a laptop. Microsoft reported a lot of effort to make the transition from one mode to another as comfortable as possible for this scenario. The two interfaces are not completely separated, but have become much more independent than in the original Windows 8. The robotic mouse is organized more clearly, and the touch functions are significantly reduced. As a result, the popularity of Windows 8.1 on its associated devices, which were demonstrated at Build 2013 across all price categories, is steadily growing.

Here you will lose the nutritional status without any type of headache.
How to change the background color of a window in Windows 8.1
For rich users of this operating system -
The background color of the window is associated with the background color of the window
Simply called a hidden folder in common parlance.

Nostalgia Windows XP

How awesome is this thing - Windows XP. It didn’t have shadows at all and little circles on the buttons and sliders, but all the smells - well, absolutely everything - were on the screen and didn’t hover over the edges. Moreover, this absolutely did not lie within the established resolution of the monitor itself and the user was free to choose it to his liking. What cannot be said about Seven and, especially, Visimka.

Windows 8.1 has completely changed the approach to adjusting the new look of the Windows desktop and Explorer folders. Now and forever, for our dear and dearly beloved conductor, in such a necessary and indispensable conductor, which we called simply a folder - it is no longer possible to change, no font size, no fill color, no pink a world of icons, not much else that is possible Learn your taste from an old pig (Windows XP).

Images of Uncle Bill

Beginning with Windows Vista, Microsoft began a merciless and unreconciled fight against its foundation, on the basis of which all its operating systems were created and developed - system windows (Windows). More precisely, not with the windows themselves, but with the adjustments of their external appearance or, as they usually say, with the themes of design.

With every new model (version) of Windows, you can change the appearance of your desktop and change it to zero. It's not surprising. The operating system is increasingly oriented toward tablets and high-end mobile devices, where the need to adjust the appearance of the desktop appears to be limited. It’s just not clear what people need to do to spend 12 years a day on desktop computers.

In the future, such a feeling is developing that Microsoft Corporation will no longer need either its children or its hordes of rogues. I, won (corporation) - is always trying to stimulate the transition of its peers to other types of operating systems, such as Linux. There is no other way to explain the systematic decline of all virtual devices, which have been heard for so long, and have separated Microsoft Windows from its analogues. This means that the famous “Start” menu has been removed for the first time. Then, we cleaned up the screen adjustment system. And what did you lose? A banal video camera and a tetris game for tablets - they created it with a revolutionary operating system. Well, that's okay. The essence of this publication is to shed at least a little clarity on the screen adjustment drive in Windows 8.1, or, as it is now proudly called, personalization.

Customizing the screen (personalization) in Windows 8.1

My struggle with Windows 8.1 began as soon as I got it. The system is incredibly inaccessible for robots. Not at all. Therefore, to marvel at the goodness and hammati on Visimtsi is also bad. Unfortunately, Uncle Bill needed 20 developments to prepare such an incomparable new product as Windows 8.1.

Well, now - all the famous Microsoft personalization of the computer in Windows 8.1 comes down to my Primus marvel at the unregulated oak screen. Now, personalization koristuvach is guilty, like the Radyansky idalni - sacrifices that give. That’s the same setup for the screen that the operating system set up during its installation - that’s all personalization. As the famous movie hero said, your axle is a sickle and your axle is a hammer. If you want, rip, but if you want, bite.

Now users can’t selectively choose fonts or backgrounds for writing on the top of a folder or other working Windows add-on, and it’s now impossible to set up a new operating system for such a sweet heart of the menu. I have selected the koristuvach options, as was the case in Windows XP and in classic Windows 7 theme.

For the sake of greater objectivity, it should be noted that in Sevener the function of adjusting the new appearance of the program window was already defective and only worked in the classic design theme. And Visimtsa’s axle doesn’t have anything like that. Instead of a compact final menu, there are now simple adjustment buttons and text for selecting themes for the visual design of the screen, which are scattered throughout the entire field of the monitor. Look, everything is clear and understandable. Even Visimka was created for tablets, whose screen scales are completely different and fundamentally different from those of a desktop (desktop) computer. But it’s not any easier for me. Just like thousands of other business owners, they marvel at the slick flies of inscriptions and buttons scattered around the corners of their screen.

We have a lot to say about the visual design of the desktop in Windows 8.1 - you can also try using the button to change the color of the window. Only, on closer inspection, it appears that this is a button for selecting a rich palette of colors for the FRAME window, and not a background color. When you first try to adjust it, the operating system will kindly inform you that certain control elements can be located behind the screen. So don’t touch anything better than him. Otherwise, when setting up or launching add-ons, you will have to press the “OK” button or something like that for a long time.

Why Windows 8.1 does not regulate screen settings

All this is due to the fact that Microsoft has turned off the classic theme from the OS kernel and installed an old engine for its design, which allows us to reverse the classic theme and regulation. So, the only thing you can do now is to come to terms with such a state of affairs and still try to adapt the new operating system to your needs. To add and install different themes - it’s clear that all the pieces, at their core, represent simply sets of ionic pictures for the desktop.

Download the classic theme for Windows 8.1

You will always be interested in the idea and install a classic design theme on your computer. Such propositions are generously flavored with salty baked goods in the face of all troubles and cheers, to the point that everything is good, as everything is great. Because buyers remember the classic design theme of Windows XP and Windows 7. In this case, buyers firmly believe that by installing such a theme on their computer they can turn the operating system around while adjusting no fonts or other attributes. It's a pity.

I strongly do not recommend downloading or installing such a guide on your computer, for one simple reason - the proposed panacea does not exist in the nature of Microsoft. If the developer himself has verified the old engine, which was serviced by those design, then how will the software that is installed be serviced?

Under the guise of a classic theme, in fact, the most beautiful high-contrast theme is downloaded, which is the default theme for Windows 8.1, with different color schemes. Hello, it’s time to download some crap, since this theme is installed on all OSes? If anyone needs it, you can simply move on and relax. Without thirsty attraction.

In order to cool down the fuse for a little while, discuss this topic, I will teach you the basics of programming and color design to the elements of design for the program window (programs). So, it is obvious that if the program has explicitly set and specified the design colors for the objects of its program, then all these objects will be the mother of color tasks, no matter what. I can’t help with the design theme here. More precisely, she helped earlier. If there is an old two at the kernel of the operating system. The axis of the engine itself and reworking the parameters of all elements of the window, bringing them into line with detailed adjustments. And now there is no such engine. Oh, what a pity. Before speaking, the very absence of this engine itself explains the inaccessibility of fonts and other computer windows in the new Windows. Since there is no sampler, this means that all the elements look alike. No, well, Uncle Bill came up with some fonts there, but they’re not the same, not the same, sir. Hepati and scale all fonts at once - not the same ones we dream about.

Well... The axis is bad luck. Thus, it turns out that there is no standard way to change the background color of the desktop application window in Windows 8.1 and create an individual font size for that window. And, at the very least, richly (closely and me) - the blinding white background tones of Explorer folders and office applications, visually - Word and notepad (Notepad) are used to deception. If you sit at such a white desktop all day, then closer to the evening you will almost certainly have to drink a glass of dark beer. But it’s not “Gut”. Tse, navit - not “Zer gut”. And what are you doing here?

If we look at the root of the problem, then the Windows OS is not to blame at all. Because all serious daily programs and third-party programs are now adjusting their power to the background color of their work window. The Microsoft axis and having considered it, is it going to be stressed?

We are losing the office programs of the Microsoft company itself, which were previously regulated by system settings, and now I feel like Uncle Bill would not be able to connect them to those for visual design. It has become possible that in America, already in kindergarten, everyone is reading the Windows registry, so everything is regulated.

Change the background color of the Word window and notepad (Notepad)

Change the background color of the Word window and Notepad (Notepad) - we can do it for you.

It’s impossible to cover this, but you can’t do it without going to the Windows registry.

  • Launch the registry editor – regedit.exe. For this, open the “Viconati” window or simply press the key combination Win+Rr. In the window, enter regedit.exe and put it into the Windows Registry Editor.
  • Next, go to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors
  • Next, select the Window parameter and change the color, indicating instead of 255255255 (white color), for example, 200200200 (gray color, in RGB). You can select different shades of color in any raster graphics editor, such as Photoshop.
  • Log out of Windows (restart) and log in again

Given this decision, we will be less frequent. As has already been said, many programs no longer support the color of the Windows window and put a different color on the interface. Also, other security programs need to be adjusted carefully. Most often, this color is regulated by adjusting the styles of the program itself.

Thus, the results can only be extended to both programs and programs such as using the Window parameter to display the background color of your window. There are fewer and fewer such programs every day. The Windows Explorer itself does not follow its registry and may, in addition to adjusting the background color of the folder window.

How to change the color of the Explorer window (folder) Windows 8.1

To change the color of the Explorer window (folder) in Windows 8.1, you need to be aware that it is the same program as everyone else that programs have created. This means that she will reap the rewards of these same laws. Since there are no such adjustments, then in order to change the background color of the window, you will need to go to the Windows registry, adjust the type of window of a specific program and “colupate” already there.

However, one more power is lost - the color of the window of the Windows Explorer, through which all the si-bor and flared up.

This instruction will show you step by step how to change the local account name, as well as your Microsoft account name in Windows 8.1, and then we will explain in detail how to change the account folder if necessary. Identity.

If you need to change the name in the Microsoft online cloud account in Windows 8.1, then you can do it like this:

The axis is ready, now we call you differently.

How to change the name of the Koristuvach folder in Windows 8.1

As I already wrote, the easiest way to change the names of your personal folders is to create a new account with the required names, for which all the necessary folders will be automatically created.

If you need to rename the folder from an obvious accountant, here are the steps that will help you do this:

If, after re-enablement, you see your “old account” Windows 8.1, you will already have a folder with a new name and a new username, without any side effects (although they may be reset bathroom decoration). Since you will no longer need the administrator's account account for these changes, you can delete it through the Account Panel - Account Records - Account Management with another account account - Viewing the account account (or by running netplwiz).

Windows 8.1 version has nearly 50 new features and improvements. Let's get to know the greatest of them. I think there are now a lot of hackers who want to hack the remaining versions of software products.

There is plenty of opportunity to upgrade to Windows 8.1 (for desktop PCs) and Windows RT 8.1 (for tablets). These versions are based on Windows 8 and demonstrate new capabilities for work, development and completion of other tasks.

What happens to files and programs after upgrading Windows to version 8.1

You will be able to save the following data when updating your Windows version:

  • Windows 8- OS parameters, special files, more add-ons
  • Windows RT- OS parameters, special files and a large number of programs
  • Windows 7- Feature files
  • Windows XP- nothing can be saved. It is necessary to reinstall the system and perform a clean installation.

Changes in the Windows 8.1 interface

Microsoft developers paid the most respect to their favorite – the tiled Metro interface. The evolution of tiles will continue! Now their size varies from a small square (like on Windows Phone) to a large one, on two wide tiles.

The small panel displays a program icon with little information, while the large panel displays a decent amount of information. A large size can be set for the tile of any Microsoft program, as this is important for it, since the program can display a lot of information on the tile, for example, like a weather informer.

To change the size of a tile, click on it with the right mouse button, then press the “Change size” button at the bottom of the screen and select the desired position in the list.

With the updated version of Windows 8.1, you can transfer the operating system directly to the desktop, bypassing the front screen. However, this option is not enabled explicitly. Right-click on the task panel on the desktop. Select Authorities, go to the Navigation tab and set the order. At the hour of entry, open the desktop instead of the original screen.

Porada. The new version of Windows 8.1 allows you to connect the system directly to the “Desktop”. If you don't need the original screen, you can turn it off completely. You can use the additional software Metro Ul Tweaker for Windows 8. Just select the required option in the dialog box.

In Windows 8.1, it became possible to use the wallpaper of the “Desktop” as the background of the screen. Third-party add-ons are no longer required for this.

To set a single background image for both Desktop interfaces, right-click on the Settings panel. Then select the “Authority” item, go to the “Navigation” tab and set the “Display desktop background” option on the original screen. Click on the “Freeze” buttons and the background - and the exact wallpaper of the “Desktop” will appear on the main screen. The background will be slightly darkened so that the tiles don’t get angry behind it. Another option for setting a single background: on the original screen, open the button bar, click the “Options” button, then select the “Personalization” menu item. Select an icon from the images of continuous trellises “Working table” (the rest of the list).

Before the release of Windows 8.1, customers rubbed their hands, waiting for the triumphant turning of the Start button. However, they were overcome with intense disappointment. So, the button is located at the right place - at the bottom left corner of the “Desktop”. It looks and works differently than before.

Instead of the original round button, there is an unforgettable logo of the new Windows 8.1. When you click on it, you will not see the Start menu with a list of installed programs, but will open an additional menu that you can right-click, which will give you quick access to a number of settings, as well as to “Explorer,” “Task Manager,” and “Panel.” whether management"

The only way to get out of the Start menu, as in the screenshot, is to open the settings: go to the “Navigation” tab in the “Desktop” menu and select the option “When you go to the main screen, automatically open the “Programs” section.”

on Windows 8.1 lock screen Now you can run a slide show with photos that are saved on your PC’s hard drive or on your SkyDrive storage device. In addition, it is now possible to receive Skype calls from the blocking screen or turn off the webcam. In Windows 8, all parameters related to the lock screen were collected in the “Personalization” section, and in Windows 8.1 they moved to the “Computer” section and devices. Here you can change the background of the lock screen, and new options have been expanded below. Move the switch to the right so that the images appear in the same order. After installation, the operating system will take them from the Images folder, but there is also the ability to add other folders - not only local ones, but also those in the dark SkyDrive analogy. To place a shortcut to launch the camera and remove the ability to receive Skype calls directly from the lock screen, drag the right hand button.

A new button has appeared on the main screen, which can be pressed to display a new list of installed add-ons on your computer.

The list can be sorted by criteria. A special mode has appeared for moving tiles and renaming groups. To click on it, you need to see the tile and click on the special button in the lower right corner of the initial screen.

In Windows 8.1, the PC settings panel has changed: the often-used elements of the classic control panel have migrated. Now, when the “Computer Settings” panel is open, the user will be taken to a new start screen, with the remaining and frequently adjusted settings selected, including the jumpers.

A button has been removed from the title to quickly search for the required parameters. Before speaking, the “Computer Settings” tile can be pinned directly on the main screen. To start working on the original screen, right-click next to the “Computer Settings” item and select the “On the original screen” item from the list.

Enhanced functionality of Windows 8.1

Search for more details

Now the Windows 8.1 search feature is tightly integrated with the Bing search engine. The search is limited not only to the computer’s file system, but also to the SkyDrive and Internet connections, and across all sections. The results of the search are displayed on the main panel: first in the list are files, programs and parameters found on the local computer and then identified in the mix. If you click on one of them, the Bing program will launch with the results of the search for the selected search.

Integration with the online system SkyDrive

One of the important features of Windows 8.1 was the integration of the operating system with the powerful SkyDrive data saving service. On this resource, users can work with the best versions of Microsoft Office Web Apps, creating and editing documents online (7 GB available for saving data). A one-time supplement allows:

  • save the files of the correspondent in the dark and deny access to them from any place;
  • look at the files that are saved by you (including those that other clients have given access to);
  • encrypt files and savings on your computer, or something else, to deny access to them from your smartphone, tablet, or other devices;
  • Transfer files from SkyDrive to your local computer or device.

Now the client for "Desktop" integrations with "Windows Explorer". The SkyDrive Windows program was installed. The wrong components are part of the system and cannot be removed. Setting up SkyDrive includes an entire section in the Computer Settings panel. There you can find out how much space is available and purchase additional disk space. Apparently, you can save documents, photos and videos with SkyDrive. To save traffic, you can automatically change the brightness of photos and protect communications via mobile connections.

A boost to portrait mode

Another notable change in Windows 8.1 compared to Windows 8 and RT was the enhancement of portrait mode. This function has been developed specifically for seven- and eight-inch tablets. Portrait mode is intended for reading and is available for all interfaces and installed programs.

Scaling the “Desktop”

Nowadays, there are more and more fragments of different smartphones and other mobile devices with overhead displays, and consumers continue to use them with desktop programs, When Windows 8.1 was released, special attention was paid to the display scaling. The maximum scaling factor has been increased to 500%.

Section “This computer”

Windows 8.1 has simplified the standard File Explorer mode. They reluctantly added their name to “Libraries”, and instead of the “Computer” section, “This computer” appeared, which contained six new folders.

Another new feature of the latest Windows update: all functions of updating the system and reinstalling Windows are now expanded in the computer settings.

Turning the Start button

The stumble stone - the "Start button" - did not appear in the new version of the OS in its original form. Fortunately for those who are nostalgic, the Classic Shell program allows you to open the classic Start menu and close settings. After installing the program, click on the “Start Menu Settings” icon to add the Start menu to the “Desktop”. On the "Start Menu Style" tab, select a menu design option.

On the "Basic Setting" tab you can fine-tune the interface. Indicate the action that can be completed after left-clicking on the Start button. If you want the Start menu to open, activate the "Classic start menu" radio button. If you have a Windows 8 original screen, select the Windows Start Screen option. Set the function of the Win button in the Windows key open: item. This will help you switch between the “Desktop” and the main screen. Click on the radio button “Display as a menu” to show the control panel in the menu view.

The version of Internet Explorer 11 for personal computers has not changed, but the version for touch devices, according to the developers, has become a revolutionary update of the web browser. The eleventh version of Internet Explorer is much improved and is also optimized for touch screens.

Let's take a look at the most important improvements and innovations in the “mobile” version of the viewer that we have known for a long time.

  • Enhanced touchscreen functionality - the browser responds more quickly to touchscreen touches. The address row is optimized for torkannyam keruvannya. When you enter the address, you will see options for completion (sent to different sites, Bing search results and Windows Store programs). The scroll gesture allows you to move forward and backward side by side. When you hover your finger over an item, the associated menu appears.
  • The central part of the screen is dedicated to displaying websites, and the tabs and address row are located at the bottom to make the sensory experience easier.
  • You can open 100 tabs in one window. When you switch to a new tab, other tabs will be pinned to the robot so as not to waste battery power.
  • A new parameter has been added that enables the permanent display of tabs in the address row.
  • Selected sites are now sorted into folders with pictures
  • The shortcuts for the acquisition manager: it allows you to view the downloaded files, close them, and open the folder containing them.
  • A function has appeared called Protection from restrictions - now services that can monitor the actions of a banker at the edge are blocked.

New programs for Windows 8.1

An addition for people who lead a healthy way of life. List of rights, diet, training and articles from the Internet on the topic of sports and health

A collection of recipes from the Bing search engine. It is possible to add delicious recipes and create a shopping list for today.

As the name suggests, the program is designed for scanning documents and images.

Voice recorder program: records sound, opens recordings and cuts them. You can delete and rename sound files directly from the program window.

The program has alarms, a timer and a stopwatch. For the alarm clock, you can set the alarm hour, days and frequency. Moreover, as an alarm clock for “institutions”, you can display notifications on the lock screen.

The design of the “Store” is completely over-processed. On the start screen we are surrounded by icons of the most popular add-ons, and one of them is displayed in front of a large evil tile. The description of the programs has become more informative: you can see its rating, short and long description, overview of the main functions, and in the center and right hand screenshots and information about the manufacturer, size, category, etc. are displayed.

Windows 8.1 Video