Long Island bugs. Check out the live menu for Long Island. The beauty of wild nature - here it is, de usamіtnitis

Near the peninsular part of Long Island there is a miss called Santa Maria, on which the similar and western shores of the island converge.

Miss Santa Maria is famous for its beach of ideally white color, which stretches for not a few dozen meters. Tsei beach is rightfully included to the most beautiful beaches in the usa zahіdnoi pіvkulі. Those who hope for a miraculous opportunity to posture behind the beauty of the underwater kingdom for an hour of swimming with a mask.

Long Island

Long Island - found the island of the Bahamas archipelago (the length is over 100 kilometers, the width is close to five kilometers). One of the most beautiful, romantic islands in the Bahamas. Amazingly rising hills and sandy beaches, rocky shores, blown by surf, the cave and the supra-evidence flora and fauna are hostile to the discovery of the wild nature. The rest here are not so rich, and they allow you to choose not only for the mischief of the world, but also for people.

The most popular water sports on the island are snorkeling and diving. Long Island is also loved by those who bring satisfaction to go to sea on yachts - there are a lot of dazzling places for such walks.

The headland of the island, Stella Maris, is a small, but with a large population point, the starting point for diving and fishing expeditions.

At the back of Mackens Bay, on the western coast, there is a groggily beautiful beach, sheltered by high sand dunes, which are framed by numerous lagoons with loud bird life.

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Inlet Mckens Bay

Long Island is one of the largest islands in the Bahamas. Despite the fact that there is such a wonderful nature on the island of miracle beaches, there are not many tourists here.

One of the most popular destinations on the island is the Mckens Bay inlet, which is located on the shores of Long Island. Food beaches with dunes, clear sea, calm black lagoons, yak like birds, - this month is miraculously suitable for a calm, water-reinforced spring.

The most popular memos of Longue with descriptions and photographs for any relish. Choose the best places for visiting the city of Long on our website.

Long Island (Long Island), which in the translation means “long-term island”, is most likely to be found in the Bahamas. You will enjoy wonderful beach waters, diving, fishing, sightseeing of ancient monuments, eco-tourism, space for water sports, sea trips and a lot of other things.

Cho varto marvel

  • Shards of the islands were discovered by Christopher Columbus, then on his honor a monument was erected with an observant Maidanchik, for which you can enjoy the panorama of Long Island, which you can see.
  • Near the capital, Clarence Town, you can see the amazing whites of the Twin Churches.

But the main beauty of the island was created by nature itself - the houses of the furnace of Hamilton, the black dira of Dean, the clear underwater light, the majestic highlands, the white beaches, the blue sea and the bright weather. The island attracts lovers of beach recreation, water sports and eco-tourists.

There are practically no historical monuments on the island, at night life is even present, but it is richly calm, lower at the shores of Europe and America.

Tourist infrastructure

Irrespective of those that the island is not large beyond the area, on the territory of which there are many hotels of various levels and restaurants with light kitchens, you can easily rent a car, boat or a boat, equipment for diving, fishing, etc.

How to reach

  • On the flight, it is necessary to travel to the capitals of the Bahamas - Nissau, and then by domestic flights Bahamas Air or Southern Air to fly to one of the airports of Long Island.
  • You can also fly with British Airways with a change in London.

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QSL via home call, LOTW.

Long Island Bahamas

Lang Island is ready to receive hundreds of tourists. However, most of the time, take care of the empty ones, and the calm tropical jungle is less likely to break the twinkling laughter of the breathtaking ones. Why is such an opulent resort not worthy of fame and demand?

Long Island - pearl of the Bahamas

Long (and this is how they call their lands, the inhabitants of the area) is one of the islands of the Bahamas archipelago, which is hidden in the interweaving of coral reefs. The Chudernatsky form of the island was signified by its name - the length of the coastal line is 100 km, and the width is only 6 km at the widest part. І on this high territory there will be skelyasta, take care of the beaches, low hillocks and numerous stoves. The very diversity of the relief and making Long Island one of the largest huts in the Bahamas archipelago. On a relatively small territory, it seems to be an extraordinary rank to judge the unoccupied space of civilization and the current urbanization of the city.

Regardless of the scorching tropical climate due to the average summer temperature of up to 33 degrees, the sinter on the island is practically unfamiliar to the windy seas, which are from the Atlantic Ocean. The best time to see the island is autumn-spring. And in the mid-season, you are risky to spend some money, you don’t get stuck for a few days. Obviously, such a picture has its own beauty. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy all the beauty of the island in rainy weather.

The beauty of wild nature - here it is, de usamіtnitis

The western part of the island is lined for a tourist vіdpochinku - there are impersonal beaches with clear exits to the ocean. And a part of the greater world is left wild - a high skelyasty coast with whistles, which are broken about the new one, creating an atmosphere of day with nature. To that, as you can find a place for a romantic walk, Long Island is supposed to be even better.

The most popular place on the island is Miss Santa Maria, the most popular place in Longa. Here, two shores are chirping and rising - a gently sloping shore and a sloping slope. And on the stick of two elements, the beach peacefully rose from white sand and black water to the ocean.

Another favorite place for tourists is the inlet of Mackens Bay. Specially possessing a beach with handy tapchans and a faceless cafe you will feel the unoccupied dunes from one side and a black lagoon from the other side. Here you can marvel at the horizon line for years, and you will have romantic plans for the future.

Make the most of the old reminders of Long Island.

A unique and unique place is the capital of Long Island, Stella Maris. The natural landscape of this place is hostile to bring forth boldness. Here there is a rocky coast, and beautiful food beaches, and high hillocks, which can be smoothly crossed at the level.

On the island of leather, a tourist can find himself busy with relish. Fishing lovers can take a look at the unique view of tropical ribs. Divers discover new horizons of the underwater world. A lot of yacht clubs for the sake of new breeders. And there is more room for hiking under the windows, less enough. Ideal naturalness of nature, unique flora and unique fauna. And everything is washed by the purest waters of the Atlantic. Isn't it so great of us to reveal a piece of paradise on earth?

As well as the purpose of your visit to Long Island is not only a change, but also a cultural development, it is recommended to see the sights of the island. So, near the small place of Salt Pond you can see the St. Joseph Church. And on the reef of Death's Cay - buti similar to the right ruins of old zanedbanih plantations. On the island's pіvdnі є impersonal caves, yakі richly stolіl thаt bеl lіnіantsіv іndiansіv, аnd today they have been dominated by the porches of thousands of kazhanіv.

What is uncharacteristic for a tropical resort is the flourishing pottery art. On Long Island, there is a world-famous clay pottery. So, the merchants of the small village of Pettiz are already busy making pottery out of clay. And tourists can not only have mercy on their masterpieces, but they were most honored to come.

As if you were tired of the grand streets of the great metropolis, wandering around the Kremlin for a calm and peaceful place, Long Island is the ideal option to forget about all worldly problems.

Video Long Island Bahamas

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The island of Long Island (abo Long, as it is called shortly) may have a different shape - with a length of one hundred kilometers, the width becomes less than five kilometers. However, such an extraordinary look does not make you one of the most beautiful islands in the Bahamas. Mіstseva nature - tse marvelous podednannya pagorbіv and pіschanih plyaіv, skelyastih shores, rozmitih surf that cave. In a wondrous rank, the impersonal space of an unoccupied civilization, and a whole lot of modern places, will go together. Before that, the tropical climate near the complex with the waters of the Atlantic Ocean slackens on the right: there is no speck here. This marvelous beauty is harmoniously distributed on Long Island - the western part of the island is occupied by beaches with a gentle slope to the sea, and at the convergence of the waves of the ocean they break with noise against the rocky shore. Regardless of everything, there are not a lot of tourists here - for those who love to celebrate or want to spend a romantic wedding, this island will become the best place for your vacation.

On Long Island, there is a tropical pastoral climate, which is why the temperature rises and waters are saved by approximately the same stretch of earth: the charge drops slightly to +24 degrees, and the wind warms up to +30. The temperature of the water in the ocean is in the average +27 degrees in the air, the temperature of the troch is lower - about +23 degrees. The most comfortable and accommodating period is autumn-spring, which is not too spicy at this hour. Every once in a while the boards go - at the spring-zhovtnі and grass-chervnі. Call the most beloved and most respected city on the whole island, respect Miss Santa Maria, which is near the winery part of Longa. It can be said that here the skelyasty and the gently sloping west coast are rushing. Why is cei mis so popular? All on the right, in a completely soft and white sand - this beach, which is rotting on a stick of two shores, is considered one of the most beautiful in all zahіdnіy pivkuli. The inlet of Mackens Bay is also worth seeing - even more calmly, after drinking on the beach, weeping dunes and framing from the other side with a black lagoon.

The capital of the island is Stella Maris. The landscape of the city of the whole Long - here are selected all the most attractive rices of the island: i pagorbi, i vnini, i pishchani beaches, and rose rocks. It is wonderful to spend an hour here for lovers of fishing and underwater swimming - even if it’s completely garna, nature miraculously joins the ocean with its supernatural flora and fauna. Moreover, we live our lives in unbelievably clear waters of the Atlantic, and you can enjoy yourself as a diver. Snorkeling and diving are the most popular water sports on the island. Long Island is also loved by those who bring satisfaction to go to sea on yachts - there are a lot of dazzling places for such walks. After spending some time on the island, you can see the small town of Salt Pond - one of Long's main monuments - the Anglican Church of St. Joseph - is located here. And here are other important reminders, to accentuate your respect on the yakі varto: for example, on the reefs of Diedmens Cay, which is located twenty-four kilometers a day, you will have the opportunity to visit the ruins of the right old plantation. So on the feast of the Salt Pond, the ovens are roaring, as if the Indians victoriously lived, and the ninth is the home for a few hundred kazhaniv - tse Cartwrights Cave.

Long Island is also famous for its ceramic pots, which are made in the clay pots of the Wild Tamarind Potter Studio, which were baked in the village of Pettiz, which lie near the capital. Until then, you can not only have mercy on them, with such a maisternist, the masters of the mind prepare dishes, but also buy a river that you are worthy of - to take you to the riddle about this lovely island. Having drank on the Long, you will see what it means eternal summer, you will see all the enchanting power of the warm turquoise ocean and the fabulous beaches, enjoy the miraculous beauty of the underwater world and the calm calm island place - and you will forget about all your problems. Aja itself here can inspire a quiet and calm rhythm, for which the axis is already richly able to live the inhabitants of the city. If you check your own vіdpochinku tsgogo - then you go to Long Island.