How to unmute or unmute the merged adapter in Windows. How to install the twill adapter Optimal setting of the tether adapter on a PC

Often the situation is blamed, if, with the correct connection of the router or the modem to the PC, the lower end of the computer monitor does not have an icon for the wireless connection of windows 7. If the links are not bridging the wire, the “connection connections” do not work. At such a time, it is necessary to put “cable robots” and reverify (possibly, reset) the parameters of the connection to the local line for a certain hour.

Installed connection to windows 7

  • 1. Click the left button of the mouse (give the whole hour to the left, as it is not indicated otherwise) the Start menu button.
  • 2. Select the "Control Panel" icon.
  • 3. At the “Keruvannya Panel” there is a click “Merezha and the Internet” - “I will look again and see that day” (yes, do not bachite - switch the review mode to the “Category” view).

4. Go to the "Change adapter parameters" menu.

5. Right-click the mouse on the icon "Connecting local networks", select "Authority" from the context menu.

6. Under the clapping of the power of "Internet protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)".

7. The first ensign is changed to the position: "Opt the IP address automatically", the other one to "Opt the DNS address automatically".

8. If the ensigns were already at the appointed position, then change the first one at the position: "Victory will come to the IP address."

We set the following values: IP addresses:, "Mention mask", "Main gateway":; "Master DNS Server":

Do not forget to press the "OK" button at all windows when you have completed the setup, in order to save the installed settings.

Connected to windows 8:

In general, the installation parameters for the connection here are the same as before the previous version of the OS. A single nuance: you don’t know how to open the connection in Windows 8. At this stage, we’ll make a report:

1. Click with the right mouse button on the "Start" menu and select "All add-ons" in the menu

2. At the "Programs" menu, click on the "Currature Panel" icon.

3. Click on the "Merezha and the Internet" icon.

5. We know that it’s pressing “Changing the parameters of the adapter” (evil in the mountains).

Further on, fix it in the same way as before the “sim card”: click on points from 5 to 8 and reverse the connection according to the measure - the icon at the lower end of the monitor is to blame.

What is the work, what is the daily driver of the measure

Later, you installed Windows 7 again. To the right, behind the malim, you lost the driver installation, fixed the working middle and ... But unfortunately, the disk with the drivers can’t be found by hand. Where to take? Less on the Internet. However, there is a problem on the Internet, even if access is not achieved. Tse your vpadok? So, it’s time to do yoga nalashtuvannyam.

Just so that the operating system, "bumped" the adapter without a driver, you can't get into it. However, there is no driver - it does not mean that there is no way out: one-time access to the Internet can be taken with the help of a portable USB-tethering adapter (basic and wireless models). This device is starting to work on Windows 7 immediately after the connection.

These attachments can be built inexpensively and are practically sold in any computer store. With help, you can connect the provider's cable to the computer or connect to the Wi-Fi access point of the network and access the Internet.

We check the readiness of the tidying adapter before working

If you don't remember that the driver for the replacement stream adapter is installed, look in the device manager.

Expand the list “Merezhnі adapters”. If the wine is not empty and not filled with "unknown outbuildings", then you will need drivers for the field. You can go to nalashtuvan.

Important moment. On large laptops in the case of wire meshes, the Wi-Fi adapter is activated and vibrated by the onslaught of a given combination of keys (for example, Fn + F12) or buttons on the case. If you choose to set up a non-rotor connection, change your mind that the fault is not removed.

Connecting to a dartless tether

To connect to a Wi-Fi (droneless) fence, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour deployment, there are access points that are responsible - public (for example, near a cafe) or private (your router). To look at them, click on the pictogram of the border - the “monitor” in the area of ​​the task panel.

The available measures are displayed next to the list of non-drotov z'ednan. Skin white - “Connection” button.

When hovering the cursor over the area of ​​the selected line, the values ​​of authority are displayed:

  • equal to the signal (for a stable connection, a good signal is needed);
  • security type;
  • radio type;
  • and SSID (im'ya merezhі).

The type of security that im'ya merezhі is assigned to the hour of the meeting.

To create a connection, you need to press the name of the selected link and enter the password. Configuring the connection (IP, DNS, etc.) your third party adapter is removed automatically. To look at them, use the right mouse button to click on the connection context menu and select the “Stan” item.

At the onset of the future, press “Vidomosti”.

Here you can see the parameters, like the DHCP server of the internal network, recognizing your PC. The access point acts as a DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configuration Server).

Axis which means the main parameters of these parameters:

  • Description - the adapter model of your PC.
  • Physical addresses – mac-addresses of the merging adapter.
  • IPv4 addresses - addresses of your PC in local networks.
  • Standard Gateway - access point addresses in the local area.
  • DHCP and DNS servers - also local addresses of the access point, the functions of these nodes take over (the DNS server takes care of setting domain names and IP addresses - for example, for the resource, the address is

The skin patching of the group is set optimally, and it is not possible to change anything here without destroying the order.

Setting up a virtual access point

Through a computer from Windows7, connected to the Internet, you can access the global network and other attachments - for which you need to create a new virtual access point. Functions of an access point with a wireless (Wi-Fi) network adapter - on Windows 7 and 8 systems, it can work as a router. For laptops, the Wi-Fi adapter sounds like a real є, and to a stationary PC, you can connect it OK.

Setting up an access point is easy. For this creation, no additional software is required - there are many possibilities provided by Windows 7 console utility Netshell (Netsh.exe).

  • Run a notepad or a program that replaces yoga.
  • Enter next rows in the document: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=” Im'ya_merezhi ”key=” your password ”keyUsage=persistent
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork

It is necessary for the first row to change, so that you indicate your own lines (SSID) - a word, for which your rootless line is recognized, and the password for access to it. It is allowed to have a long password in the type of security measure. Rootless barriers on Windows 7 are created according to the WPA 2-Personal standard, the password can be as long as 8 characters.

Another row ensures that the virtual access point is launched.

  • Save the creations file on the desktop. Give it a new name (or you can change it to something else) and extension.bat (command file). By running this file in the name of the administrator, you will create an access point, so you can check the list of rootless connections.

On whom the lashing mayzhe is completed. It has lost its ability to allow plug-ins to access the Internet. For whom:

  • by clicking on the link icon in the tray, open the list of available connections;
  • to know among them the connection to the Internet and to open it to power;
  • open the “Access” tab, select from the list of links, if you want to allow access to the Internet, then check the box “Allow other short-term links to connect…”

Setting up a virtual access point with an exit to the global network has been created.

Setting up a dart connection

Installed on Windows 7, the data is richly folded, lower than those that we have already sorted out. At the same time, it is necessary to install a physical connection between computers one by one, a router, a switch, or other nodes of the network behind an auxiliary cable (twisted bet).

If everything is set up correctly, the “Merezhni connection” folder will have the “Connection through a local connection” element. To get to the folder in Windows 7, open “Creation center with shared access” -> “Change adapter settings”.

On the "Merezha" tab, click on the item "Internet protocol version 4" and the "Power" button.

At the next meeting, the main parameters of the PC are adjusted: recognition of the IP address, the main gateway (router) and the DNS server.

  • As an IP, enter one address in the local range ( -, -, -
  • By the main gateway (attachment, through which PC to access the Internet), write down the IP of the router.
  • You can revoke the DNS address automatically. If you want to change it, if you want to change the DNS, enter the address of the main gateway, and if the alternative one - nothing else, you will get your ISP's DNS.

After pressing the OK button, this connection is completed.

Give respect: In most cases, it is not necessary to manually configure the tether adapter, because in our tether it is transferred automatically to see the parameters of TCP / IP for computers. Read this instruction again for the obvious problems with the robotic computer system.

1. Log in "Control Panel": open the menu "Start" and choose an item "Control Panel".

2. If the window does not look the same, as shown in the little one below, then go to the view «Dribni badges», select the default item on the menu "Revision". Visit at "Center for Management of Merezhami and Sleeping Access".


Don't cheat functions Decommissioning of the head of IPsec or TCP Chimney promotion. These technologies are outdated in Windows Server 2016 and may negatively affect the server and the productivity of the network. In addition, these technologies may not be endorsed by Microsoft in the future.

For example, the inclusion of segmentation expansion can reduce the maximum throughput of certain fencing adapters through the exchange of hardware resources. However, in order to reduce throughput will not be bridging, you should turn on the bridging function for that type of merging adapter.


Some fencing adapters of the separation function need to include an okremo for repairing that route.

Increased scaling (RSS) for web servers on the receiving side

RSS can improve web scalability and productivity if the number of network adapters is less than the logical processors on the server. If web traffic passes through the RSS-enabled adapters, web requests from different days can be processed by different CPUs at once.

Please note that through RSS and hypertext transfers, it is important to the protocol (HTTP) to change the traffic, productivity can be significantly reduced, as it does not support the RSS tether adapter web traffic on the server, with the support of RSS adapters. In this mode, it is necessary to use merging adapters to support RSS, or turn off RSS in the merging adapter's power settings dodatkovі power tab. To determine whether the adapter is based on the RSS feed, you can look at the RSS feed about the power of the twill adapter dodatkovі power tab.

Profiles RSS and Charts RSS

Zooming RSS profile behind locking is NUMA Static, which changes the standard behavior of previous versions of the operating system. In order to understand the work with RSS profiles, you can familiarize yourself with the available profiles, to understand if the stench will be bad and how the stink will be stagnant to the point of possession.

For example, if you open the task manager and look at the logical processors on the server, if there is not enough traffic received, you can try to increase the number of RSS numbers from the standard value of 2 to the maximum, which is supported by a smaller adapter. The Merezhevy adapter can have parameters to change the RSS number of the driver.

More resources for mesh adapters

For smaller adapters, they allow you to manually configure resources, such as trimming and editing buffers, so you can see more resources.

Deyakі mezhezhі adapters are small buffers to receive for saving the seen memory from the node. Tse vede before spending the packets and the decrease in productivity. Therefore, for scenarios with intensive reception, it is recommended to increase the value of the receive buffer to the maximum.


If the adapter is not set manually, it will either change its dynamically resources, or the resources will be set to fixed values, as it cannot be changed.

Appreciation of the management of interruptions

To manage the transfers, in some fencing adapters, different transfers are made, the parameters of the buffer pooling (one or the other for the buffer to receive that transfer), or insults.

It is recommended to control the interruption for the workloads associated with the CPU and to balance the balance between the economy of the node's processor resources and the thimble and the greater economy of the node's processor resources, through a greater number of interruptions and a decrease in the thrum. Even though the fencing adapter does not handle overrides, but instead of adding buffers, combining, increasing the number of combined buffers allows you to combine buffers for boosting or removing them, which increases productivity.

Improvement of productivity for processing bags from low trims

A lot of interfacing adapters allow parameters for optimizing the shading, cycling of the operating system. Zatrimka - the same hour between processing the input package by the driver and editing the package back. Ring out the hour in microseconds. To match the hour of transferring packets over long distances, ring out in milliseconds (larger) order. Tsya installation does not pass an hour, which is seen on the package for the hour of transmission.

Below are some propositions for measuring microseconds to improve productivity.

One of the problems, for which you can get stuck after reinstalling Windows - there is a driver for the merger adapter (merezhny driver) for the dart box.

And if you don’t have a disk with drivers by hand, then you have to find a driver and grab it, vikoristovuyuchi another attachment, which can go to the Internet.

In these articles, we can look at the algorithm, which allows you to solve problems, which can be blamed after installing the OS.

What is a driver?

This program, for the additional operating system of the computer, interfacing with the hardware security of the annex (motherboard, video card, card, printer, scanner, MFP, etc.).

Drivers are distributed by companies that produce computer components and peripherals that are compatible with PCs (for example, office equipment).

Most of the modern operating systems (including i) can already have a set of drivers that allow you to work with the main components of the computer, it is easy to see if there are no such programs.

The peculiarity of the situation, if the merging driver is not installed, depending on the availability of the software for automatic installation of drivers, the shards of all stinks for their work will be installed on the Internet, and the shards of the merged driver are not installed, then access to the Internet.

With the installation of the driver for the tie adapter, the coristuvach, as a rule, sticks in such situations:

1. After the arrival of a new computer and the availability of a new installed OS.

3. After an adapter driver failure.

In order to solve problems, which are blamed on the first turn, it is necessary to look for disks, so go to the kit with a computer.

In the rest of the years, a trend has been clearly formed, which transfers the majority of optical drives to not only among laptops, but also to desktop PCs.

Koristuvachі, yakі independently select components, from which will be selected їх computer, also vіdmovlyayutsya vіd vstanovleniâ DVD-drive.

Please! It is recommended to put all necessary drivers (and not just hacks) into an okremium directory on a hard drive and/or a flash drive. To allow the situation to disappear, if after the installation of the operating system it will be necessary to send a drive or a PC (tablet, phone), to get the driver from the disk or the Internet.

Installing the merging driver

Having purchased the program, you can start before installation.

The same will be in the case of the upgrade of the merging driver.

To install/update the merging adapter driver, you need to go to the Attachment Manager as described earlier.

Select the required item and in the context menu, if available by clicking the right mouse button, select the item "Update drivers ...".

Select "Vikonati search for drivers on my computer".

Let's go to the directory, in which we recently zavantage all the necessary things, scurrying with the "Look" button, pressing "Dali" that checks for the completion of the driver installation process.

I also think that when you upgrade (reinstall) the merging driver, you need to remove the old one first, after which you should install the new one.

Important! To view the already installed driver, you need to go to the “Additional Manager”, select the adapter of the device, right-click on the mouse and select “Visibility” in the context menu. Let the system get ahead of those that I will install the driver will be seen, if you press "OK".

Driver Updater for Carambis

As you need to ask for universal programs, how to build functions on different operating systems: toiling about the removal of utilities for setting group policies, programs for cleaning the system from viruses and, obviously, software for robots with OS drivers - the best solutions will be to program Carambis driver updater.

Zavdyaki Driver Updater, you can not only take care of the necessary software security, but save it well.

Even one purchase of a subscription allows you to connect two computers at once.

As much as the robotic process needs, the utility copes wonderfully with the set tasks.

Now on the computer it is not necessary to correct the pardons of the connected hardware components.

The installation of an automatic search and the installation of an update is now independently updating all the outbuildings.

Ale, if you need to speed up the computer's robot, it is recommended to speed it up with one more utility like a forger.

Її possibility:

  • Comprehensive optimization of the robotic operating system;
  • Possibility of remote components and time files, which are no longer vikoristovuyutsya and are not needed for OS robots;
  • Seeing all the news about OS pardons;
  • Shvidke cleaning registry;
  • Possibility of remote files, yakі viber koristuvach;
  • View installed programs at the head window for help decal clicks.

Remember, files deleted by the program can no longer be restored (on the vіdmіnu vіd izvchaynoї procedure vіdalennya for help vbudovanih OS functions).

Carry out diagnostics of the computer for a few times a month, in order to improve the system in a normal state.

How to Install Merezhnoy Adapter Driver Without Internet Access

Driver for lace adapter - detailed instructions for installation

This article will help you with a fast answer to the food that you have winickly. Also, you can read the material again, so that you can take into account the outside information about the improvement of Windows 7.


Buying an operating system Windows 7, the koristuvach is guilty of buti getting ready before he gets in front of him early in the setup of the operating system. For deyakah tse zavdannya there is nothing folding. As a rule, the installation of that fixed system in Windows 7 is the next step immediately after the installation of Windows 7 ( If you haven't installed Windows 7 yet and don't know the details you need, then you should learn the following: Installing Windows 7).

The stage of setting up the measures is necessary for the upcoming installations of the krokiv:

  • access to the Internet for up-to-date distributions of anti-virus programs;
  • capture of the remaining versions of the video program, web browser;
  • for the consumption of driver fees for some add-ons of your computer (as the stench was not automatically installed, or as the installation disks are daily);
  • vikoristannya consoles XBOX;
  • exchange of documents and quick access to global resources of a number of computers and laptops. In this way, in order to get through the Internet, it is necessary to fix a dart or a dart-free lace. As a rule, there is one computer or a laptop, which is distributed to the Internet for all other computers.
It is possible to fix the mesh behind an additional panel of keruvannya. There, for consumption, you can connect to a local or all-world network. You can find all the parameters of the connection at the type of distribution of the Panel keruvannya. More coristuvachіv stverdzhuє, scho to follow the instructions and not to engage in inappropriate experiments, connect easily and easily. Windows 7, due to its connection parameters, is a little different from the more early, but even more popular and expanded among the whole world of OS Windows XP. For example, setting an IP address in Windows 7 may not be the same as setting it in Windows XP.

So on the right with MAC addresses and pidmerezh masks. All the parameters of the adjustment have become too much, the stench has long been known to the coristuvachi. Deyakі zmіni bumped hiba scho to the interface of the Panel keruvannya and її points, for the help of which they go to the parameters in the border. Reshta without any changes. There is one more flawless plus of Windows 7. Koristuvachi, who previously won Windows XP, can easily be installed in the new operating system. As a rule, setting up a local network in such popular operating systems as Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008/2008 R2, starts with such a component of the configuration of border authorities, like "".

Tsey zasіb for configuring the authorities allows you to choose the layout of the layout, to create a shared access to the printers and files and to look at the map of the array. You can also follow the camp of the usіh merezhnyh connections. Tse duzhe zruchno that is practical.

Yak i de vіdkriti component "Center for keruvannya merezhami and svіlnym access".

The first step is to speed up the new functionality for the creation of parameters in the dimension, it is necessary to know that value. One of the next steps on your choice will help you to correctly select the active window. Center for management of facilities and bedroom access»:

If you remember, if we respect and read everything, then with the help of the component "Measurement Management Center and Shared Access", the everyday problems are not to blame. The next step is to specify that for the expansion of the ranges of the IP address that are selected in Windows 7, the newest addition to the IPv4 protocol is IPv6. It's true, yoga providers haven't stopped yet, if it becomes unbearable. Shvidshe for everything, the authors of Windows 7 were playing for viperedzhennya.
Figure 1. The illustration shows the window "Center for control of gates and access".

What does the computer roztashuvannya mean?

Get to know what is Merezhev”, It is necessary to the cob of work with zim an important component. For all computers, this parameter will be automatically displayed at the first connection to the selected link. It also costs a firewall and security parameters chosen to connect the network. All stinks are also configured automatically at the first hour of the first connection of the computer or laptop to the next door.

Windows 7 supports a few active profiles at once. This allows you, with the greatest safety, to tie a sprat of lace adapters, as they can be connected to different ties.
Speaking of which, Windows Vista wins the best firewall profile for all services. Maybe Vista is not as popular as Windows 7.

Can you name some of the main types of fencing:

The first type is tse home merezha. Already s name it becomes clear what is the least roztashuvannya recognized for the computer, as it is rooted in the minds of the home. Vikoristovuєtsya also at the merezhakh, de all coristuvachi good to know one of one. Such computers can not only work together, but also join home groups. As a rule, for the sake of transparency of coristuvachіv in case of domestic fencing, the revealed fringe is switched on automatically. Household Merezhy provide our computers with the same access to the Merezhy.
Another type - ce merezh pripriemstva chi organization. This type of merging also allows merging to be merged automatically. Vіdminnіst vіd domoyї ї merezhі polyaє in the fact that in the vіdmіnі pridpriєmstva it's impossible to join or create a computer to the home group. Merezha is recognized exclusively for professional activity at the enterprise, in the organization and office. This type is called shorthand (SOHO), so it wins at the small office.
The third type is the bulky merezha. Cafes, airports, train stations and other urban areas - the computers themselves use the third type of stitching. For moving in to which region, it is possible to join home groups. It is also vimkneno mezheve vyyavlennya. Without further ado, we can say that it is the most profitable.
The fourth type is the ce-domain mesh. The domain type of roztashuvannya merezhі mayzhe does not look like a working mesh. Behind the blame is the fact that in the domain type the configuration of the network and the Windows firewall are assigned by the group policy. The cost of the mesh card. In order for the tiering to automatically remove the type of tiering "Domain", the computer is no longer responsible for joining the Active Directory domain. Tіlki at tsomu vipadku merezha can become a domain.

Figure 2. Computer selection.

Merge map.

In order to roztashuvannya all outbuildings that enter at a specific local yard, the yard card is fixed. Tse graphіchne vyavlennya kakі enter at merezhu pristroїv і scheme, kakoyu stench connected to each other.

You can check the map of the fence all the same in the same window “Center for management of fences and open access”. It's true, here it seems that there is only a local part on the lace card. Її laying down without intermediary in the form of open fencing connections. At the left upper corner, you can watch the computer, on which the card is drawn. Zliva can help you to ferment other computers that come in to the next door.

3. The butt of the card merezhі.
You can look at the map of the border at any hour. Truth, only for such pretentiousness, like "Home merezha" and "Merezha pripriestva". If at the koristuvach vinikne tsіkavіst look at the cards for roztashuvannya "Domova merezha" or "Gromadska merezha", voucher for assistance, which merezhnya podomlennya for zamovchuvannyam included by the administrator. Merezhevy administrator can add a statement for additional group policy.

Windows 7 has not one, but two components for the work of cards. Tse Link layer(Link Layer Topology Discover Mapper - LLTD Mapper). The most important component will require merezhі pristroy for their inclusion in the map.

Merezhevy connection.

At the vikni " Merezhevy connection» You can download the entire set of data, as necessary for connecting a computer to the Internet, a local network or another computer from a home network.

These data are available for inspection only after installing all the necessary drivers for the skin lace adapter on Windows 7 and after automatically configuring all the lace connections on a specific local computer or laptop.

Use a sprinkling of simple and accessible methods, for the help of which you can easily find it quickly. Merezhevy connection»:

  • Vіdkrivaєmo vіkno " Center for management of facilities and bedroom access» that we pass for posilannyam « Change adapter parameters"(div. baby 4);

Center for management of facilities and bedroom access""." href="/upload/nastroika-windows-7/windows-7-nastroika-seti-img-7.png"> Figure 4 Merezhevy connection" through " Center for management of facilities and bedroom access».
  • We press the “Start” button and if the menu is displayed, in the field of the request we enter “Review of the merging connections”. When you know the results, select the program “Revision of the Mere Connections” ( the best way);
  • You can also speed up the classic combination of keys Win+R. After what the dialogue of "Vikonati" is observed. In the "Vidkriti" field, as it is in the "Vikonati" dialog box, you need to enter the following command: ncpa.cpl or control network connection. Zrobivshi tse, it is necessary to press the "OK" button.

Figure 5. “Merezhnі connections” window
Vikno " Center for management of facilities and bedroom access» similarly to Windows XP. All reported information about the connection tether can be removed by selecting the “Power” option for a specific tether adapter (div. baby 6). In Windows 7, in order to establish a connection to the network, you need to select "Internet protocol version 4" in the Vlastivost window. In addition, you can also configure the necessary settings for gateways, media masks, DNS servers, and the IP address. All services can be taken from the provider, who can provide access to the Internet.

Malyunok 6. Detailed information about the connection to the line.

Rename the merging adapter.

Windows 7 rozrobniks told about those that the operating system itself assigns to all merging connections the names “Connection by local tier” or another option - “Connection to a dartless tile”. If there is more than one connection on the computer of the correspondent, the system will give the connection number. There are three ways to change the name of any connection you have created.

  1. First method. We select the connection line and click on the button “Rename connection”, expanded on the toolbar. After entering a new name, press the key Enter;
  2. Another way. Help button F2: onslaught, we introduce new im'ya and take it for help those keys Enter;
  3. Third way. To rename the reversed list of the link, click on the new one with the right mouse button, select the “Rename” command from the context menu, change and select the change for the help of the other known keys Enter;

Stan merezhi.

Crimea can change the connection, at whom you can also find out about the camp of the fence. Vikoristovuyuchi tse vikno, as it is called “Stan Merezh”, at any time you can not only look at the data about the connection, but also know such details, like MAC-addresses, IP-addresses, and richly different brown and yellow information.

Іsnuyut providers, yakі vіdkrivayut koristuvachami access to the Internet, vikorivuyuchi MAC-address of the merging card. For some reason, if there was a change in the merging card or a change in the entire computer, then the MAC address may change, and access to the Internet will be pinned down. For a new connection to the Internet, you need to set the required physical address (MAC address).

How to look at the MAC address of a merged card in Windows 7?

I want to look at the streaming MAC address, as well as other information about the connection, you need to right-click on the connection to the local link, after which select the "Stan" item from the context menu (div. baby 7).

Figure 8. How to change the MAC address of a tethered card (tethering adapter).

Merezha diagnostics.

As if the situation was blamed, if there were no pardons or failures in the robot of your merezhny connection, you can use them for additional diagnostics of the connection. You can find out the details of diagnostics at the window "Merezhni podklyuchennya".

Choose a window " Usunennya malfunctions”, as if, analyzing the connection, propagating on the choice of possible inaccuracies and ways of fixing inaccuracies. To perform diagnostics, right-click the mouse on the connection to the connection to the link and select the "Diagnostics" command in the context menu.

figure 9
Another way to check the parameters of a tie connection is to select the required tie and press the button "Diagnostic Connection". The button can be clicked on the toolbar.
At the dialogue point, for the diagnosis of the connection, to follow up on the mayor's orders for pardons and inaccuracies. Nothing complicated.

Vimknennya tethered outbuilding (trim adapter).

Sometimes blame the situation, if the problems with the connections to the merger are not due to the help of the master for the forgiveness, but we will simply turn on the tether adapter from the computer. Tse can easily be broken by typing one of the points below:

  1. Select the tie wire and click on the button "Open the tie wire" button, sorted out on the toolbar;
  2. Right-click the mouse on the connection boundary and select the “Unplug” command in the context menu;
Offending ways can lead you to a bad result. Priestry will be victorious.


At the article, the methods of improving, connecting and diagnosing merging connections are reported.
As you have blamed the doubts on the powers that be for the establishment of that connection, it is better to turn around for help to the fahivtsiv, but once again it is respectful to read the article.