Interferon and immune system. What is interferon? The importance of short-term interferons compared to other types

The most important functions of interferon (ifn): antiviral, anti-tumor, immunomodulatory and radioprotective. There are three separate interferon (ifn):

a-IFN synthesize peripheral blood leukocytes (formerly known as leukocyte IFN);

b-IFN synthesize fibroblasts (previously known as fibroblastic IFN);

u-IFN- a product of stimulated T-lymphocytes, NK-clinin and (possibly) macrophages (previously known as immune IFN).

The method of illumination differs IFN type I(it is established in the response to the production of cells by viruses, RNA molecules, polynucleotides and a number of low-molecular natural and synthetic compounds) and IFN type II(produced by lymphocytes and macrophages activated by various inducers; acts as a cytokine).

IFN species-specific. The biological species of the skin, created before its creation, produces its own unique products, similar in structure and power, rather than exhibiting an excessive antiviral effect (that is, activities in the minds of an organism of a different species).

Mechanism of antiviral action of interferon (IFN)

Interferon (IFN) induce antiviral activity in cells (resistance before penetration or blockade of viral reproduction). The blockade of reproductive processes when cells are infected with the virus is due to suppressed translation of viral mRNA. What is the anti-russian effect? interferon (ifn) not directed against specific viruses; so that IFNs do not carry virus specificity. This has a universally wide range of antiviral activity. IFN interacts with intact cells and not yet infected cells, shifting the implementation of the reproductive cycle of viruses to the activation of cell enzymes (protein kinases).

Natural killers Natural killer cells (NK cells) are large granular lymphocytes that exhibit cytotoxicity against swollen cells and cells infected with viruses. None of the NK cells are considered a separate class of lymphocytes. NK has cytotoxic and cytokine-producing functions. NK is one of the components of cell-derived innate immunity.

NK is a complex system of receptors that recognizes the body's molecules of moisture cells. In addition, NK binds without receptors to stress-induced cell ligands, which indicates deterioration of the cell. These receptors are preceded by natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCRs), NKG2D, which activate the cytotoxic functions of NK.

42. Conversion of nitrogen-bearing compounds by microorganisms. Emergencies of processes, amonification, denitrification and nitrogen fixation.

The nitrogen cycle is formed by the process of microbial fixation of the atmosphere and the inclusion of nitrogen-bound in a small biological cycle, which is seen as the destruction of nitrogen-containing organic compounds to amino acids ku ( amonification), oxidation of amica to nitric acid ( nitrification), the upcoming renewal to free nitrogen ( denitrification), which enters the atmosphere. . During the biological cycle, nitrate – ions (NO3-) and ammonium ions (NH4+), absorbed by soil waters, are converted into proteins, nucleic acids, etc. Then the exits appear in the form of dead organisms, which are the objects of life of other bacteria and fungi that convert them in ammonia. This is how a new cycle begins.

Nitrogen makes up 80% of the earth's atmosphere; The amount of nitrogen in the circulation is estimated at 108-109 tons per river. As a gas, nitrogen is chemically inert; You can’t constantly deal with plants, creatures and most microorganisms.

Nitrogen fixation is called the reduction of molecular nitrogen (N2) to ammonia by the enzyme nitrogenase in the cells of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Nitrogen fixation in nature occurs both through long-lived microorganisms (non-biotic nitrogen fixation) and bacteria that occur in association with plants (symbiotic nitrogen fixation).

Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation contains bacteria of the genus Azotobacter, which fix about 20 mg of nitrogen per 1 g of vicor, anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, cyanobacteria, cl. ions, methane-genic and sulfate-reducing bacteria).

Symbiotic nitrogen fixation affected by bacteria of the genus Rhizobium(call out for the creation of bulblets in legumes), actinomycetes of the genus France(symbionts of tropical plants), cyanobacteria Anabaena azollae, Nostoc punctiforme.

Cream of nitrogen fixers (nitrogen bacteria, anaerobic bacteria) and symbiotic (bulboid bacteria), also revealed associative and endophytic diazotrophs. Associative diazotrophs (scurry on the roots and stems of growing plants, which are photosynthetic products that are excreted externally. Endophytic diazotrophs are found in the intercellular spaces of growing tissues and produce photosynthetic products, which Stay in Russia.

When vegetable and cooked proteins are laid out, the soil becomes amoniac. Amonification- The breakdown of organic nitrogenous compounds with dissolved ammonia Amonifications are promoted by proteins, peptones, peptides, nucleic acids, sechoic acid and hipuric acid. Presence of amonification of power in a wide range of microorganisms - bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes.

The deposition of proteins is carried out by aerobic and anaerobic non-spore-forming and spore-forming bacteria, spores Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aerugi^ pose, P.fluorescens, Clostndium tetani, C. putrificum, C.sporogenes, Bacillus subtilis, B.mycoides, B.cereus and others, as well as mushrooms.

Vlasna amonification process understanding the activity of various fungi and bacteria (Bacillus cereus, Proteus vulgaris, pseudomonads, etc.). If the soil has enough sourness, the ammonium can be nitrified.

Nitrification called oxidation of ammonia to nitrogen і nitric acid. First phase. Oxidation NH4* is expected to involve hydroxylamine oxidoreduct gases. The first phase of nitrification involves gram-negative unicellular bacteria that are brought to class Proteobacteria. RodyNitrosomonas (N.europea), Nitrosococcus, Nitrosospira, Nitrosolobus, Nitrosovibrio. Another phase of nitrification" lies in oxidized nitrite to nitrate and is described as follows: N02+2H2O^N03+2i-r+2e. The reaction is catalyzed by membrane-bound nitrite oxidoreductase.

Nitrogen is produced by two microorganisms that oxidize ammonia to nitrite (Nitrosomonas, Nitrosococcus, Nitrosospira, Nitrosolobus species) and nitrate to nitrate (Nitrobacter, Nitrospina, Nitrococcus). Often, nitrification occurs with the participation of heterotrophic bacteria (Arthrobacter species), which convert nitrite to ammonium, and fungi, which oxidize ammonium to nitrate. However, the fluidity nitrification in heterotrophic bacteria there are 103-104 times less, and less in autotrophic ones.

Nitrate- is the main source of nitrogen in the soil, which is absorbed by algae during the growth process. The practice of fertilizing soils with pus is based on the presence of microorganisms up to mineralization of organic nitrogen. Nitrate It is easy to spread out from the soil and, in this way, part of the nitrogen-bound appearance of salt minerals is released from the continents into the ocean.

Nitrogen, necessary for the growth of plants, is removed from the soil and during the process denitrification To remove toxic nitrates and mutagenic nitrites from fresh water in denitrification reactions until the drinking water becomes red. Also, microorganisms are natural regulators of the amount of nitrogen associated with (then available to life) nitrogen in nature.

Denitrification(disimilation nitrate reduction). This process is ensured by soil bacteria - denitrifiers. NO3 (nitrate) → NO2 (nitrite) → NO → N2O → N2. Most dentures are chemoorganoheterotrophs, facultative anaerobes. Nitrate is used as a terminal electron acceptor when organic substrates are oxidized to CO2 and H2O. Bacteria switch not by denitrification only for the amount of O2. The head metadenite is E, and the terminal product is molecular nitrogen. There is a lot of time before denitrification facultative aerobic bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. stutzeri, P. fluorescens, Bacillus Ucheniformis, Paracoccus denitrificans, Thiobacillus denitrificans). Asimilation of nitrate reduction is characteristic of most microorganisms and plants. Nitrate is a source of nitrogen to stimulate the tissue components. Nitrogen for plants and microorganisms may contain ammonia, which is absorbed by them in the process of ammonia assimilation.

43. Provide evidence that viruses are living objects.

Discussions have more than once centered on the question of whether viruses are alive or not, organisms or organisms.

There is a hypothesis about those viruses that are similar to the “leakage” of nucleic acid, that is, nucleic acids that are able to replicate independently from those cells, which cause death, but which are transmitted , that such DNA is replicated from different structures of both cells and other cells.

On the platform, filtration through graduated linear filters was monitored by the size of viruses. It turned out that the size of the largest of them became 20-30 nanometers, and the largest - 300-400 nanometers.

During the process of further evolution, viruses changed into a larger, less chemical form. In this way, viruses seem to resemble cellular organisms.

Insanely, viruses threaten the basic power of all other forms of life - the ability to multiply, decline, diversity, adherence to the minds of the modern middle class; They occupy an important ecological niche; they expand the laws of evolution of the organic light of the earth. Therefore, until the mid-40s, the concept of viruses as simple microorganisms arose. A logical development of these views was the popularization of the term “virion”, which meant a specific viral individual. However, with the development of research on the molecular biology of viruses, facts have begun to accumulate that support the understanding of viruses as organisms.

The presence of protein-synthesizing systems, the disjunctive method of reproduction, integration with the cellular genome, the creation of satellite viruses and defective viruses, the phenomena of multiple reactivation and complementation ї – still little investment is made in the statements about viruses as organisms. The data loses even more sense if it reaches virus-like structures - plasmids, viruses and agents like the virus.

Plasmids(Other names - episomes, epiviruses) represent double parts of cellular DNA with a molecular weight of several million, which are replicated by cells. The smell was initially detected in prokaryotes, and from their findings is associated with the different power of bacteria, for example, resistance to antibiotics. Plasmid fragments are not associated with the bacterial chromosome (although many of them were created before integration), they are influenced by extrachromosomal factors of spasticity.

Plasmids have been detected in eukaryotes (yeasts and other fungi), moreover, primary viruses of living creatures can also be found in the form of plasmids, such as circular DNA, containing moisture proteins and replicas forged by cell enzymes for DNA synthesis. Zokrema, in the form of plasmids, can infect measles papilloma viruses, MAVP 40 virus (8U40). When the herpes virus persists in a culture of cells, plasmids—circular DNA—can be fermented, thereby depriving part of the genome of the virus.

Coming to viruses Viruses- Agents who report that certain plants are infected and are transmitted as primary infectious viruses. Their experiments revealed that the molecules of supercoiled circular RNA, which are relatively small in size, are composed of only 300-400 nucleotides. The mechanism of virus replication is not entirely clear.

Let's find out about the scrapie agent - the cause of the development of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy in sheep. It is likely that similar agents also cause other forms of spongiform encephalopathy in animals and humans, which are based on the progressive degeneration of nerve cells, as a result of which the cerebrum becomes spongiform (spongioform) structures The squeegee agent is protein in nature and has given up its special name - prion(Vіd slіv rgo1eshaseosh shgesyosh; ragys1e - protein infectious part). This protein is transferred simultaneously as both an inducer and a product of any cell gene, becoming autonomous and being released under regulation (“gene that wills”).

All viruses, including satellites and defective viruses, plasmids, viruses and scraping agents (their genes), can be found in one place, which will merge with them. All the stinks autonomous genetic structures, which function and reproduce in the host cells of creatures, plants, protozoa, fungi, bacteria. Obviously, the most hidden significance that allows us to christen the kingdom of viruses. On the basis of the formulated meaning, viruses, not being organisms, are a kind of life form and therefore obey the laws of evolution of organic light on earth.

    Morphological structure of the immune system. Primary (central) and secondary organs of the immune system. (Div.95)

The human immune system and other spinal cords are a complex of organs and cells that perform immunological functions. First, the immune system produces leukocytes. Most cells of the immune system come from blood-forming tissues. In adult people, the development of these cells begins at the cerebellum. Only T-lymphocytes differentiate in the middle of the thymus (thymus gland). Mature cells settle in the lymphoid organs and on the interstitial tissue, skin or mucous membranes.

    Cytoplasm and internal cellular structures of prokaryotes. Nuclear apparatus of bacteria. Inclusion of microbial cells.

Cytoplasm of bacteria It is a colloidal matrix, which serves for the implementation of important life functions. In prokaryotic cells, there is an endoplasmic boundary, and ribosomes float freely in the cytoplasm. Prokaryotes do not have mitochondria; Their functions are often determined by the cell membrane. Cytoplasm Most bacteria remove DNA, ribosomes and storage granules; Most of the space is occupied by the columnar phase. Its main storage facilities are various enzymes and various RNAs (mRNA and tRNA). Various organelles, characteristic of eukaryotic cells, are present in bacteria every day, which functions as a function of the bacterial CPM, which reinforces the cytoplasm from the cell wall. An important number of bacteria cytoplasm is clearly intact, but species of Streptococcus, Proteus, Clostridium have special tubes - rapidosomes, similar to the microtubules of protozoa.

There is a lot to write and talk about interferony. Sometimes they attribute the power of a panacea to various illnesses, if they are influenced by the unconfirmed fantasies of others. Let’s try to figure out what these medications are, and you can and should seek their help.

Interferons are chains of protein nature, which are looming under the influence of evil powers. Stinks are produced by cells in the body in the form of viral pathogenic viruses. These proteins themselves act as a natural barrier that prevents the virus from penetrating into the human body.

The fate of interferon was recognized in 1957. British virologist A. Isaac and his colleague Swiss Dr. D. Lindeman carried out further studies on mice infected with viral diseases. During the course of the experiments, a surprising pattern was observed: even mice infected with one type of virus were not susceptible to infection by other viruses. The phenomenon had a name - interference (this is a natural defense). This word is similar to the original name of interferons.

Over the years, interferons, which are generated by human cells, have been divided into groups. The classification is based on the types of cells that interferons exhibit.

This is how they showed up:

  • Interferon (ITF) alpha(leukocyte, vibrated by leukocytes);
  • Interferon (ITF) beta(fibroblastic, which is produced by cells of healthy tissue - fibroblasts);
  • Interferon (ITF) gamma(Immunium is vibrolyzed by lymphocytes, macrophages and natural killer cells).

The most commonly used drugs in medicine are alpha group interferons. The stink itself takes part in the majority of viral pathologies. ITP-beta has been tested in the treatment of clinical manifestations of multiple sclerosis.

How do I get interferon

Recommended reading:

When pathogenic viruses enter the body, they penetrate the body and begin the active process of creation. Affected by the pathogenic cob, the tissue structure begins to produce interferons, which act in the middle and go beyond their boundaries to transmit information to the “sustaining” cells. Interferon is not designed to detect viruses, and its function is based on the stream of active reproduction of viral particles and their production before re-drying.

The mechanism of action of interferon:

  • actively reduces the processes of virus synthesis;
  • it triggers the activation of cell enzymes protein kinase R and ribonuclease-L, which inhibits the production of protein molecules to the virus, as well as splits RNA in cells (including viruses);
  • It initiates the synthesis of the p53 protein, which may lead to the death of the affected cell.

As a matter of fact, interferons in the world are destroying the structures of human cells, like alien viruses.

Lipid cream for the reproduction of viral interferon bodies stimulates immune reactions. Stimulation of cell enzymes leads to antiviral activation of blood cells (T-helpers, macrophages, cells).

The activity and aggressiveness of interferons is very high. However, one piece of interferon can completely ensure the resistance of cells to unwanted influxes of viruses, as well as reduce their multiplication by 50%.

Restore respect:It takes about 4 years for interferon preparations to completely cure.

The accompanying effects include the creation of ITF to the suppression of the cells of malignant fluff.

The mechanism of action of the medicinal drug – Interferon – is discussed by an immunologist-alergologist, a specialist in the Department of Immunology of the Russian National Research University. N.I Pirogova Bella Bragvadze:

Methods of obtaining interferons, classification

To stop interferon, use the following methods:

  • Infection of human factors for blood hemorrhage(lymphocytes, leukocytes), mild harmless strains of viruses. Then the interferon, which appears in cells, undergoes technological processing methods and is converted into a medicinal form;
  • gene engineering(Recombinant) - a unique growth of bacteria (most often coliforms), with an obvious interferon gene in the DNA. The name of the interferon that is produced for this method is patented – Reaferon.

Restore respect:The production of "Reaferon" is much cheaper for leukocyte interferon, and the effectiveness may be greater. Recombinant interferon becomes stagnant when viral illnesses are treated.

Coming from the extracted information, apparently the main types of interferon:

  1. Lymphoblastoid ITF- Made from natural materials.
  2. Recombinant ITF– synthetic analogues of human interferons.
  3. Pegiliovani ITF– synthesized simultaneously from polyethylene glycol, which allows interferons to act beyond their normal duration. The stench smells of a strong sense of celebration.

When it is necessary to stagnate interferon

The earlier treatment with interferon is used, the best results can be achieved. This pattern itself is consistent with the prophylactic use of these drugs.

Interferon is present in a complex of therapeutic treatments for viral, herpetic diseases, multiple sclerosis, malignant neoplasms, and immunodeficiency diseases.

Restore respect:Leukocyte interferons have now practically emerged from stagnation due to possible side effects and instability of storage, as well as the high cost of drug production.

Forms of congestion of interferons

Due to the fact that interference with protein structures occurs in the scolio-intestinal tract, the optimal method of their administration is parenteral (injections in meat). In this type of treatment, the drugs are absorbed almost completely and have the maximum effect. The division of the fabrics of medicinal products is different. Low concentrations of ITP are observed in the nervous system and tissues of the eye organs. Show your faces with a stove and nirki.

The most commonly used medicinal forms:

  • interferon in candles,
  • Interferon appears to be dripping from us,
  • Interferon in ampoules for injection.

Side effects of treatment with interferons

The presence of interferons on the cob may provoke:

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • more in meats, apples;
  • weakness and heaviness in the body, appearing to be broken;

If side effects occur early, you should go quickly and require additional treatment.

Later terms may be used:

  • Change in the quantity of erythrocytes, platelets . You can also avoid the appearance of pathological forms of blood cells;
  • disturbed sleep, mood swings, judgmental thoughts, confusion, information problems;
  • past damage to cerebral blood flow;
  • problems with the eyes (causes of stench and problems in the vessels, such as eye problems, eye sores and excess tissue);
  • showing cardiac arrhythmias, decreased tension; in some cases, myocardial infarction develops;
  • I see different coughs with ulcers in the buttocks; Vipadok zupinki dikhannya is described;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland;
  • skins withered;
  • problems with appetite, which are accompanied by indigestion, vomiting, and sometimes intestinal bleeding;
  • the appearance of activity of liver transaminases (enzymes that indicate problems in liver tissue);
  • vipadki vipadannya hair.

Interferon preparations to prevent infection

The current pharmaceutical industry supplies the pharmaceutical market with a wide range of lymphoblastoid, recombinant and pegylated interferons:

  1. Lymphoblastoid:
  • “Wellferon” – indicated for leukemia, viral hepatitis, breast cancer and condylomatosis;
  • Reaferon is similar to Wellferon. Suspension for viral and swelling pathologies.
  1. Recombinant:
  • Laferobion.
  • Roferon.
  • Realdiron.
  • Viferon.
  • Gripferon.
  • Genferon.
  • Ingaron.

All recombinant medicinal products have been used for viral diseases and have advanced to the complex treatment of oncological problems, herpetic infections, deprivation, which is operated on, and multiple sclerosis.

Available in sterile forms for injections, ointments, drops for the nose and eyes. Skin treatment with interferon preparations should be followed by instructions from stagnation.

For any illnesses, interferon medications are indicated

The treatment of ITF stands for all conditions associated with interferon deficiency.

Most often these drugs are effective for:

  • infections, HRV;
  • gostria hepatitis C;
  • chronic hepatitis (B, C, D);
  • Immunodeficiency conditions.

What are contraindications before using interferons?

Actions and illnesses do not allow the preparation of ITF to stagnate.

Interferons should not be taken into account when:

  • severe mental illnesses, judgment camps;
  • with blood loss;
  • decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular and vascular systems;
  • illnesses of the liver, which proceed from a severe form of cirrhosis;
  • important forms;

In case of pregnancy and breast conditions, ITF is prescribed only in cases of urgent need or for vital indications.

Status of interferons in children's practice

Interferon will not last long for children. For older children, the skin preparation is selected individually, depending on the age and severity of the child’s illness.

Pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky talks about the specifics of interferon and other antiviral drugs for children in this video:

This group of drugs does not use interferons, but rather stimulates the reaction of the metabolism of ITP.

Inducers began to develop in the 70s of the last century, but they have not yet reached clinical practice due to low efficiency and high toxicity, which can lead to serious adverse reactions. At this time, problems are practically rising, and inductors have taken their place in medical medicine.

There are two groups of interferon inducers:

  • natural growth (viration from yeast products and bacteriophages);
  • synthetic (preparations of acridonuctic acid and fluorenone).

Important:Between Russia and other countries, SND inductors of ITF are not stagnate due to the abundance of evidence of their clinical activity.

Currently, more than 10 drugs have been developed that have low antigenic power, which has significantly expanded the possibilities of their application.

The most significant inducers of interferons are:

  • Amiksin- The most important physician of this group. It is available in tablet form and has a potent effect. Penetrates the tissue of the brain, intestines and liver, which relieves stagnation during severe illnesses.
  • Neovir- It is possible to activate natural healing agents. Available in ampoules for injections. Suspension for viral hepatitis, flu, swelling.
  • Cycloferon- Enhances the visibility of all types of interferons in the body . Available in ampoules that look like retail powder for injection.
    Indicated for viral forms of liver inflammation, cytomegalovirus, tick-borne encephalitis, herpetic infections. For this drug, medicinal treatment regimens have been developed and tested in clinics.
  • Napivdan (polyadenur)- Known mainly in ophthalmology. Indicated for herpetic eye diseases.
  • Polyguacil- It has good penetration into parenchymal tissues, and also stiffens when spoken.
  • Kagotsil– pours especially onto the blood, spleen, liver, lower parts of the body and organs that replace lymphoid tissue. This peculiarity allows it to stagnate during local viral outbreaks.
  • Rogasin– a current form of interferon inducers, effective against viral hepatitis and a new creation.

Lotin Oleksandr, radiologist, narcologist

Interferon is a natural protein that blocks the expansion of the virus by suppressing the synthesis of virus shell proteins, as well as the synthesis of viral RNA. The antiviral action of interferons is based on the activation of the internal cellular enzymes protein kinase and adenylate synthetase. Protein kinase inhibits protein synthesis for the virus; adenylate synthetase injects the “cut” RNA into the virus.

Interferon plays a significant role in the functioning of the immune system. However, their body often does not synthesize enough of them to ward off a severe infection. In addition, interferons begin to vibrate only after the virus has entered the body. Therefore, for the prevention and treatment of influenza, medicinal methods are used to stimulate the immune system: in various ways, interferons are introduced into the body or drugs that stimulate the production of the body's interferons.

Interferon is carried to important dry proteins of the immune system. In cases of virus interference, i.e., animals and cell cultures infected with one virus became insensitive until infected with another virus. It turned out that the interference is caused by protein, which is created under the influence of the dry anti-virus power. This protein was called interferon.

Interferon is a family of glycoprotein proteins that are synthesized by cells of the immune system and tissues. Depending on the type of cells that synthesize interferon, there are three types: α, β and γ-interferon.

Alpha interferon is produced by leukocytes, and is not called leukocyte; beta interferon is called fibroblastic, its fragments are synthesized by fibroblasts - cells of healthy tissue, and interferon gamma is called immune, its fragments are synthesized by activated T-lymphocytes, macrophages, natural cells, immune cells.

Interferon is synthesized in the body gradually, and its concentration in the blood is approximately 2 IO/ml (1 international unit - IU - this is the amount of interferon that protects the culture of clitis in 1 CPP 50 to the virus). Interferon production increases sharply when infected with viruses, as well as when interferon inducers, such as RNA, DNA, and folding polymers are present. Such interferon inducers were called Interferonogens.

The antiviral cream interferon has anti-tumor protection, as it inhibits the proliferation (reproduction) of tumor cells, as well as immunomodulatory activity, stimulating phagocytosis, natural killers, regulating anti-antibodies B-clins, activating the expression of the head complex.

The mechanism of action of interferon is foldable. Interferon does not act directly on the virus, but binds to special receptors on the cell and enters into the process of reproduction of the virus in the cell at the stage of protein synthesis.

Interferon administration

Interferon is more effective when it begins to synthesize and enter the body earlier. Therefore, it is recommended to use it as a preventive method for many viral infections, such as influenza, as well as for chronic viral infections, such as parenteral hepatitis (B, C, D), herpes, This sclerosis is the same. Interferon gives positive results in the treatment of malignant tumors and illnesses associated with immunodeficiencies.

Interferons may be species specific, so human interferons are less effective for animals and for that matter. However, this species specificity is significant.

Removal of interferon

There are two ways to remove interferon:

a) the fuel -up of the іnfіkuvannya leukocytiv abstrus of blood people with a nonsense virus, vnaslіdok chogo іnfіkovanі Klitini synthesis, Yaky Potim Vidylulyat the constellation of the same drug,

b) using a genetic engineering method - by cultivating recombinant strains of bacteria in the vicinity of bacteria that produce interferon.

Use recombinant strains of pseudomonads and coliform bacteria with interferon DNA genes injected into them. Interferon, removed by genetic engineering, is called recombinant. In our country, recombinant interferon has been removed from the official name Reaferon. The virus production of this drug is significantly more effective and cheaper than that of leukocytes.

Recombinant interferon is widely used in medicine as a preventive and curative treatment for viral infections, new infections and immunodeficiencies.

Interferon drugs against influenza

Leukocyte interferon alpha. According to the data of medicinal patients, instillation of interferon into the nose at a dose of 2 ml (3-4 doses) on the 1st–2nd day of illness can eliminate the advanced development of HRV influenza.

Grippferon – interferon-alpha, eliminated using genetic engineering methods (recombinant). To stagnate at the sight of the droplets at us. It may occur in young children and in children susceptible to allergic reactions.

Interferon inducers that prevent flu
Interferon inducers are drugs that stimulate the body’s production of interferons. When allergenicity, interferon inducers are treated with greater safety, since the body, when administered these drugs, vibrates its own interferon proteins, rather than rejecting foreign ones. This means that such interferon does not have antigenicity - the risk of allergic reactions is minimized. However, interferon inducers should not be allowed to accumulate uncontrollably, as they may cause side effects. Interferon inducers can be combined with drugs from other groups - antiviral, anti-inflammatory, etc.

For the treatment and prevention of influenza, synthetic interferon inducers are most often used.

Amizon - in addition to antiviral activity, also exhibits an effect such as an increase in the level of interferon in blood plasma. Take the middle.
Arbidol is also something that inhibits the reproduction of the virus, then. It is antiviral, the drug is also an interferon inducer. Take the middle.
Amiksin – stimulates the creation of all types of interferon. Mean internally; indications before use in children aged 7 years.
Neovir (oxodihydroacridinyl sodium acetate) – used for the treatment of influenza, HRV. Treat injectively (internally) for severe forms of influenza and more complex ones.
Cycloferon is a low-molecular-weight compound that inhibits the production of interferons in lymphoid tissues: the spleen, liver, leg, mucous membrane of the small intestine. When you have the flu, it is important to take the tablets internally.
Cytovir-3 is the active component of the drug, which induces the production of endogenous interferon. Take the middle.

The abnormally hot summer also contributed to people's weakened immunity. How to improve the body's dry strength and improve its immunity before the autumn-winter season?

Vitamins against colds

It has long been known that vitamins activate enzymatic processes and thus vitally require the body. The demand increases with extreme neuropsychic, physical demands and during illness.

Studies conducted in various countries have shown that vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, have a significant preventive effect during epidemics of infectious diseases. For example, in one of them, 200 mg of vitamin C was tested over a period of 6 months. As a result, in the last group, no one fell ill with inflammation, while in the control group, which did not take vitamin min, the disease was recorded in 17 individuals 1000.

The effect of ascorbic acid stagnation increases with increasing dosage. Thus, when taking ascorbic acid at a dose of 90 mg, the risk of getting sick from influenza is reduced by 3%, 200 mg – by 15%, and 400 mg – by 30%.

Russian doctors also respect that vitamins C, B1, B2, calcium pangamate, riboflavin, as well as multivitamin preparations promote antimicrobial immunity, so they can be taken prophylactically Yes, especially in the autumn-winter period.

Interferon protects from fire

Interferon, as a factor of non-specific protection, is produced by certain cells in the body in response to exposure to new pathogenic agents. It protects not yet damaged cells from infection with various viruses (not least those that were mentioned in our video).

Trival investigations in our country and behind the cordon allowed us to withdraw the drug to remove interferon, which interacts with the drug. In the end, a large number of interferon inducers are being generated - chemical drugs that stimulate its creation in the body, similar to before viruses. It is recommended to take them during an epidemic of influenza and HRZ in order to boost immunity.

The same herbs, such as mother-and-mother, mistletoe, arnica, and yellow cup, can help vibrate interferon. Add chasnik, kvass, grape must, soybeans, cibul extract, aloe, citrus and red wine before the interferonogens (that is, until the interferon is vibrated). Chasnik and tsybula are natural antibiotics, eliminating phytoncides that have a direct antimicrobial effect.

We choose what we need for immunity

Many other plants also suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, which contributes to weakened immunity.

A large number of species of microbes were found in burnet, wild pionia, clematis, laurel, dill, yoke, plantain, bird cherry, poplar, eucalyptus and other trees. Primary vegetable crops - horseradish, radish, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, corn, red pepper, celery, parsley and others - are antimicrobial. The infestation of all these plants promotes the development of infectious diseases.

The body contains an important enzyme, lysozyme, which ensures the bactericidal properties of the blood and biological secretions (mucus, slime). A number of trees growing near their warehouse essential oils(Cloves, geranium, lavender, anise), stimulate the synthesis of yogurt in the body. However, it is important to remember that you can only extract essential oils from these plants with the help of fats, so they can be stagnated in the form of oil extracts.

Є growths that promote susceptibility to infection through additional mechanisms. At home, the body contains special proteins. Once installed, there is at least 18. There is no need to install a system called the complement system (called “on the wing”). Vaughn plays the role of a facilitator in many ways of dry reactions in the body. This system includes forest mallow (mallow) and savory.

There are also medicinal plants that may promote the activity of phagocytosis (the elimination of anything foreign by phagocyte cells). The stench is caused by silicic acids, zinc or polyphenolic compounds. Tseshabelnik, St. John's worb, Yalivets, bird's knotweed, stableweed, barberry, black elderberry, celandine.

To correct the damage to the cell wall, immunity, and the functions of B- and T-lymphocytes, you can use milk oregano, dithorn, jasmine, orchard marjoram.

The humoral (primary) level of the immune system, to which antibodies (special proteins that are destroyed by microorganisms) are present, will help to “correct” such plants as licorice, European euonymus, and other

In this way, by using a natural pharmacy, you can effectively reduce a person’s resistance to illness.

However, in case of seriously impaired immunity, you need to contact an immunologist and perform an analysis of your immune status. Tim more, which means that the first place in Lancia is immune damage, and secondly, sometimes it’s not easy to tell the fahivtsa.

Olena Potyavina, Candidate of Medical Sciences

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Interferon and immune system

In the cold season, the problem of immunity and disease resistance comes to the fore. Everyone knows the word “immunity”, but not many people know how complex the rich system is, which turns on until this understanding. In addition, it is important for everyone that the child is sick, which means that the immunity of the child needs to be boosted. Whenever the doctor is terrified, it is imperative to give the child a wonderful pill for any illness, as it improves the immune system. So, there are no such pills, and in most cases of illness, children do not need any changes - they just need rationality and adequate help with the treatment and treatment of the illness. The immune system can be trained and molded in the same way as the flesh of the body, which should be dealt with by doctors and fathers, and not by jokes about wonder-walkers.

What is the immune system?

Immunity is the resistance of the human body to infectious and non-infectious agents. The immune system not only fights viruses, bacteria, but also attacks worms and cancer cells in the body. It’s a pity that germs and viruses can most often invade on their own, but the axis of worms and swelling on the surface is still uncontrollable.

Immunity is usually divided into large groups. One of them is natural immunity. If the body, through its genetic characteristics, cannot suffer from any disease, for example, people do not suffer from canine distemper. These features are fixed in the same genes and are passed on from fathers to children. Another part of the immune system is that it is the same thing about what is bad and is spoken about, knowing this word.

Added immunity is divided into large groups - passive and active.

Passive immunity is when the body maintains ready-made antibodies before infection through additional injection of a special serum or from the mother to the fetus and child with breast milk.

Active immunity develops over the course of life as a result of illness or vaccination (vaccination). The body produces special substances - antibodies - that bind to antigens. An antigen for the body can be a virus, a microbe, or, more simply, it can induce components of the body’s tissues, such as illnesses, diseases and health, in case of breakdowns in the immune system. Antigen-antibody complexes are not harmful to the body, as they are usually broken down in the blood plasma and eliminated from the body through the skin or liver. The body of an adult or child relies on infection for its immune system. As a result of the weakening of our immune system, our temperature rises, inflammation develops, and as a result of our immune system, symptoms develop (allergies). It’s just that the mechanisms of immunity of a skin attack are different.

The main cells of the immune system are white blood cells – leukocytes and lymphocytes. Often the mechanisms of immunity involve platelets. In addition, the formed immune system is affected by a large number of biological substances and substances - mucus, mucus, gut and intestinal mucus, food and blood.

Leukocytes are concentrated in hot zones. There, where the pollen penetrates and destroys the tissues of the body, the stinks mold (eat) damaged tissue, microbes and form rotten and inflamed matter. Lymphocytes carry out the synthesis of immunoglobulins - special substances that take part in everyday life and remember them on the next day. This allows you to develop a long-lasting immune system - if you drink it again, the illness will not go away. The level of these immunoglobulins today also indicates the evidence of immunity to the disease and the effectiveness of vaccination.

In addition to immunoglobulins, the body produces low biologically active substances that help resist infection. These are interferons, lysozyme, the complement system and others.

We'll talk about the interferon system in the report...

How does interferon work? Interferon is a product of the body itself. It has been established that interferon is generated by cells in the body as a result of the introduction into the cell of genetically foreign agents (antigens), foreign proteins and nucleic acids in the first year. Cells synthesize interferon especially intensively during pregnancy, when viruses are detected by such antigens.

After the cell is infected with the virus, the virus begins to multiply, and immediately with the virus, the cell begins to produce and eliminate the appearance of interferons. The cells are affected by the virus through the penetration of the virus, and in this case the protection of the tissue cells from the viruses is enhanced. It appears that interferon in the blood cell retraces viruses that infect blood cells. After contact with interferon, the skin tissue immediately loses the virus that has penetrated it, but the virus does not prevent offspring. Interferon does not penetrate the body, but flows onto special receptors on membranes. As a result, the production of special substances in these cells inhibits the multiplication of viruses. And the cells become unsuitable for living with the virus. A cell that is infected with a virus, a virus, because there is a virus in it, which protects other cells. Interferon, which is seen, is combined with the virus. And if it penetrates into another cell, it will die, preventing the virus from reproducing offspring. In addition, interferon is carried through the bloodstream by the body, affecting the immune system and the production of antibodies.

Interferon itself does not act on the virus, but rather helps cells to actively protect themselves from infection by viral particles. It is enough to target one interferon molecule to the skin for protection, because interferon has high biological activity.

It is important to understand here that interferon is non-specific, but universal, and is not selective against any virus, but protects the body from any viruses (in addition to rich immunoglobulins , which are very specific for a particular virus or bacteria). It develops in response to any influx, no matter what it is, a virus, a microbe or a cell degeneration. Ale, in turn, the help of interferons is extremely necessary for the body, etc. The synthesis of antibodies in a type of viral infection is greatly delayed. Antibodies begin to be actively directed through the cell, at which time interferons begin to fight the infection. The stench begins to appear in the first years of illness and its concentration progressively increases.

Interferon can be isolated individually by culturing it on special blood cells. This allowed yogo to be used as a healing drug. However, remember that in large doses of wine there is an increase in the differentiation of all types of cells in the body, and not less plump ones. When interferons are present, the smell practically does not prevent the development of a viral infection, but rather speeds up the hour of illness and its severity.

Interferon is removed by extracting leukocytes from human donor blood. It is purified from waste and unsafe substances, then concentrated and added with highly active substances. This gives you the ability to conquer your success.

In connection with such difficulties, special speeches began to emerge - inducers (stimulators) of the production of interferon in the body. Some of these drugs are Kagocel, Amixin, Cycloferon, etc.

The most promising and safest option today is the use of synthetic, separated with the help of special recombinant genetic engineering technologies. The stench does not impair the theoretical chance of transmitting the infection through the blood.

Our country has permission to use two generations of interferon drugs in health care practice. Before the first generation preparations there should be preparations of natural origin, extracted from donor blood (dry human leukocyte interferon for intranasal administration; human leukocyte interferon, suppositories; human leukocyte interferon purification concentrations su hiy "Lokferon"). Before drugs of another generation, there are drugs of recombinant human interferon alpha-2: Reaferon-ES, Interal, Viferon, Kipferon, Genferon, Reaferon-ES-Lipint, Infagel and etc. Interferons are produced today in various medicinal forms - injections for injections, drops and eyes, suppositories and ointments, gels, sprits, tablets, aerosols. Natural interferon quickly disappears and is eliminated from the human body. When it is administered by injection, it loses activity within a year, so for the best effect to occur, it must be administered frequently. It should be noted that recombinant interferons (Reaferon, Roferon, Intron-A, Viferon, Genferon and Welferon) are more stable, less “natural”, so they can be administered less frequently (2-3 times per dose) and can be administered rectally.

First of all remember what it is medicinal facilities, which may cause side effects, and stagnation of stench is solely to blame for the doctor’s prescription.

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Anastasia Oleksandrivno, what are your special instructions before vaccination? In your opinion, is the national calendar of professional development comprehensive and sufficient?

Marie, hello! I encourage preventive surgeries for children. The world has great overpopulation, which is subject to a large population of unvaccinated people (both children and adults). There is a possibility of becoming infected with illnesses from the prof. calendar. the chips are real. And also, in my opinion, it is better to train the child’s immunity on the weakened, killed then. illnesses (in vaccines), which can be tolerated and treated with aggressive illnesses by way of infection from real illnesses. Naturally, the risk of infection is not great, which can be avoided, but it is probable, especially since parents with children plan to increase the price greatly... Well, before the transfer of necessary wood chips and sufficiency, then I can say that Perhaps the chips are not interconnected by the sparkle of the prof. calendar. . A competent pediatrician, in response to epidemiological situations and seasonal outbreaks of illness, with the care of the patient’s place of residence, additional vaccinations can be administered. For example, in meningitis, tick-borne encephalitis, etc. In case of influenza, seasonal infections are tested regularly. Also, to protect the child, they often get sick and often suffer from illnesses, for example, the broncholegene system of the drug can be used to treat the child against pneumococcal infections. He makes a decision about vaccinating his child, of course, dad. Without your permission, there is no right to vaccinate a child.

Good day! on Narazi I'm in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. At the very hour I’m practically not sick, everything turns out like this: my feet and legs burn all evening, and in the morning I’m a healthy person again (good luck to those who are sick with high temperature And I can’t get up from lying down – I still want a turbo.) The infection is a little more complex: and the feet are burning, I don’t know the best place to lie down, but (yesterday) the temperature rises (not high, the maximum was 37.9), and when the feet start to burn, the temperature drops. Before speaking, I noted the reaction of the body with the feet to burn, and when the Viferon suppository was introduced, if in the past the pregnancy lay on the floor in the bed and, there, an epidemic began. I understand that this is how my body reacts to the proliferation of interferon, right? I’m sad, because I didn’t have any affection for anyone I knew - no one was stuck with this, so that the feet and bottoms burn. Before speaking, I don’t give children more medicines, which are prescribed by a doctor for colds (I try to take antipyretics between them) and this has borne fruit - the eldest from 7 to 11 years old is not sick due to colds (only recently, It was so easy to bear! The temperature did not rise much) and the whole day again - then we just went to school).

Hello, Oleno! All the symptoms you describe can be characterized as an individual reaction to the drug. However, it should be noted that interferon drugs (especially when we are talking about high-impact doses of interferon drugs for intravenous administration of severe viral illnesses) may have a lot of side effects (sometimes important tolerable) significant effects. Elevation of temperature, sometimes locally (in your case – feet, hands) is not a rare reaction to light interferon drugs (Viferon, Genferon), especially if the dose of the drug is greater than 1-6 million units/dose. Similar reactions do not occur in everyone; in case of your illness, I would be careful before them and would not stop them without the clear recommendations of a doctor or a doctor who treats you. When under stress, the body may behave in a non-standard manner and exhibit untransferable reactions. Be healthy!


Mikolaeva Anastasia Oleksandrivna pediatrician

Doctor of the pediatric therapeutic department of the Federal Budgetary Institution "Central Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic" UDP of the Russian Federation, author of numerous publications on medical topics for fathers.

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Interferon is a potent immunomodulatory factor

Interferon is a low molecular weight protein that has antiviral, as well as high immunomodulatory and other biological properties, including anti-tumor activity.

Interferon was first discovered in 1957, when it was discovered that this immunomodulator actively passed on to the multiplied influenza virus that entered the human body. The more interferon is generated in the body, the more it is lost due to viral infection. It was later revealed that a number of viruses that produce interferon in the body may be caused by many other microorganisms and actions, which are removed by synthetic coating and are called inducers terferon. These active speeches ruined the lives of a small number of people who fell ill with the flu. Let's stretch out a lot of rocks different views Interferons, which are either synthesized by the body or introduced into a new system in the form of drugs, have begun to be successfully used not only as immune-stimulating agents, but also as anti-puffy eyes.

There are several types of interferons that are generated in the body (and also created by synthetic substances) by special cells in human tissues. Thus, α-interferon is produced by β-lymphocytes of peripheral blood, β-interferon – by fibroblasts. The active part of vibrolated interferon is taken from the blood cells - T-lymphocytes, which reliably protect the body not only from viral infection, influenza, but also from other viral illnesses, including fluff natural nature. Interferon is active in a number of skin diseases caused by pathogenic viruses. The greatest effect is produced by interferon when taken prophylactically.

The interferon reaction of leukocytes in a number of viral infections is considered to be an indicator of the immunoreactivity of the body.

The pharmaceutical drug interferon is produced in ampoules with a capacity of 2 ml (in dry form). Store it in a protected place in a light place at a temperature of +4 to +10 °C.

Preparations from the powder of this ampoules of roses (in distillation or boiled water at room temperature) have a red color (with opalescence); This can be saved in the cold for 1-2 dB.

How to prepare interferon at home

It turns out that instead of spending pennies on buying pharmaceutical interferon (which the doctor recommended to you), you can prepare such drugs at home. And my friend Dyakov from m. Korolyov, Moscow region, will share this secret with you (her stink recipe was sent to popular newspaper"Healthy lifestyle", de vin i buv publications). Authors quoted:

“Even the students at the department of infectious diseases learned about self-prepared interferon. Since that time, this recipe has been used more than once by us and our children during the flu and GRZ.

The antiviral agent interferon is synthesized in the blood in response to an invading infection and begins to fight it. It doesn’t take long until there is enough interferon to stop the illness. Pharmacy interferon is obtained from leukocytes of a healthy person. It turned out that you can prepare the very same preparation from a typical chicken egg, which is so tasty.

Take 2 fresh (one-day old) eggs from a domestic chicken. Place the egg white in glass or enamel dishes, add half a lemon and stir (do not beat!) for 12 minutes. Then add 400 ml of chilled boiled water and place on a small fire, stirring continuously. Lower the thermometer in the background. Once the temperature reaches 52 degrees, quickly remove from heat and place the enamel saucepan filled with liquid in a bowl of cold water. Strain the mixture through 4 balls of gauze to remove any whites that have flared. Rida, which has disappeared, will take revenge on the interferon that was seen from the protein. Add the juice of the other half of the lemon and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey (cucru can be used).

Drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons through the skin for 2-3 years, and prevention - three times a day. Children need to change the dose. You can save interferon in no more than two cups in the refrigerator; warm it up before eating.”

Tags: immunity, interferon

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Interferon. How to boost the body's immunity?

These are groups of proteins that appear in all living organisms, as they react to being infected by a new virus. What does interferon need to destroy proteins? They block the virus-infected cells and suppress them in healthy ones, using complex syntheses to suppress the diseased cells and vibrate the speech, which prevents the virus from multiplying and expanding its cells. And healthy cells stimulate the production of hormones, which improve vitality and immunity. This means: the body needs interferon to fight the virus and turn on the necessary interferon before the active phase of the immune system. And the advertised “Interferon” walks actually significantly boost the immune system, but they can have a lot of side effects, and serious ones at that. These include cardiovascular problems, intestinal disorders, malfunctions of the nervous and central systems, bleeding and another bouquet of risks. In addition to side effects, the body quickly responds to interferon in tablets and, having reached “easy living”, turns on the function of self-generation of interferon protein, which significantly reduces production It is possible for the body to resist viruses and bacteria.

Interferon, in essence, is an immunostimulant. What kind of ailments can the use of this and other immunostimulants lead to in the future? Especially children, and even their fathers, are the first to be “snatched” from colds for the help of immune-boosting creams without a prescription.

  • all types of bronchial asthma and allergic gait.

For all these risks, you should take immune-stimulating medications, or you could simply include in the menu products that stimulate the immune system, such as: fresh cabbage, white cabbage, chasnik, honey, white radish, horseradish, beetroot and the fruits of the thorn tree. To improve the body's immunity, zinc is necessary, which is abundant in kvass, peas, and buckwheat. Black currants, carrots and bell peppers are rich in zinc. Necessary for the body's production of antibodies, selenium is present in hunger, chamomile, mother-y-machusia and Chinese lemongrass. Why do you care about making tea? To develop antibodies in the body, cells need magnesium, which is sufficiently found in broccoli, corn, buckwheat, wheat, barley and oatmeal. Hair and hazel peas, barley and cauliflower are rich in magnesium. The reason for the decrease in immunity may be nervous stress in the body during the depressive autumn period. Teas with linden blossom, motherwort, St. John's wort, lemon balm, lungwort and hops, either one component at a time or in combination, will help you to calm down and boost your immune system. The sweetest and most potent natural immunostimulant is natural honey. The record holder has vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, K and C, provitamin A – carotene, folic acid, mass of microelements, beryl, potassium, boron, calcium, nickel, zinc, lithium, oh, phosphorus and a lot others If you are not allergic to honey, there is no other immunostimulant, take a tablespoon of tricha per day and you will not be afraid of the virus, children can take one teaspoon per day. The most popular immunostimulant is propolis, a sticky mixture of brown-green adhesives; Prepare a tincture from this and drink it by the spoonful in the evening.

Six ways to improve your immunity

Method No. 1. A healthy body has a healthy mind

It’s not for nothing that the USSR promoted exercise this way. It is important to re-evaluate the cost of a simple, daily life. Judge for yourself - apart from a portion of willpower, it does not require anything and is absolutely harmless. With a good charge, as banal as it may sound, a person begins to feel better - the circulatory system begins to function better, and therefore the entire body, including the immune system. As a bonus, after a couple of rounds of regular exercise, you will achieve not only a healthier, but also a healthier body.

Method No. 2. About the relish and korisna of the hedgehog

A fully balanced diet is one of the keys to a good immune system. Apparently, for normal functioning the body requires a large amount of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the human body. The functioning of the immune system plays a significant role in the balance of life. If the body senses a lack of this or other language, it inevitably affects the immune system, reducing its effectiveness.

Unfortunately, following a healthy lifestyle does not protect against decreased immunity. Health can cause injury, chronic illness Or it’s just a lack of time to charge and put together a shortened menu. Fortunately, the immune system can be stimulated in an indirect, but completely obvious way.

Method No. 3. Natural immune stimulants

These and other plants help against illness. In this case, several plants are natural immunomodulators. The list of natural immune modulators is long, including dozens of them:

At a daily pharmacy it is not important to know the treasured counter with herbal teas, infusions and mixtures.

Method No. 4. Multipolyvitaminization

Especially for those who are unable to eat whole vegetables, oranges, pineapples and spinach have been invented to formulate essential components of food. First of all, we need to consider various multivitamin complexes and daily cocktails, which will provide the body with everything necessary for proper functioning. Unfortunately, most people do not select vitamins and microelements depending on the characteristics of their body and diet. Encourage people to take care of the bright packaging or, at the very least, please the pharmacist

It’s not always possible to get tired of just drinking herbal tea or infusion - whether you are susceptible to allergic reactions, whether you simply don’t like the taste of “herbs”, and whether you even believe in the science that has been achieved. And when a patient is told to simply “drink tea” instead of miraculous pills, then most of the time he will not listen to his wishes, and at worst he will doubt the professionalism of the doctor. Special medications were also used to stimulate the immune system.

Method No. 5. Interferoni

The discovery of interferon in the mid-20th century became one of the great discoveries in biology and medicine. Interferon preparations were isolated from leukocytes of donor blood - 1st generation leukocyte interferons. To obtain 1 g of interferon, it is necessary to obtain donor blood from the patient. The next stage was the creation of recombinant and genetically engineered interferons of the 2nd generation. They will provide the human body with ready-made immunity, during the entire period. In addition, the introduction of such interferons (exogenous interferons) into the body can lead to the appearance of unwanted side reactions such as influenza-like syndrome.

Method No. 6 Piece immunomodulators

In parallel with the development and stagnation of interferons, work was carried out to identify their inducers - synthetic and natural compounds, which are responsible for the production of moisture (endogenous) interferon in the body.

Interferons are the secret name for proteins that show up in the body when it responds to an invading virus.

There are three types of interferons. Alpha-beta interferons have an antiviral effect, protecting healthy cells from the penetration of viruses into them, thereby causing further infections, and also stimulating other cells of the immune type . Gamma interferons are regulators of the immune system, they are responsible for the vibration of chemical factors in parts necessary for the body.

Nowadays more meaning Immunomodulators arise, the principle of which is that they are superior to other immunoregulators due to the fact that they ensure the synthesis of interferons: alpha, beta and gamma.

If you want to think about how to boost your immunity yourself, then it’s not a good idea to immediately run to the store for shopping. Perhaps a simple exercise and a small portion of broccoli for snack will be enough for you.

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How to boost your immune system

How to improve immunity without changing radically? And how can you earn money two or three years before the season of cold weather, rains and epidemics arrives?

Whether you want it or not, you need to exercise your dog, so if you want to spend more than an hour in the fresh air to improve your immunity, make a four-footed friend!

Pharmacological action of immunomodulators.

Immunomodulators of microbial activity.

In the body, the main target for immunomodulators of microbial activity is phagocytic cells. With the infusion of these drugs, the functional power of phagocytes increases (phagocytosis and intracellular killing of clayey bacteria are in progress), the production of proinflammatory cytokines, necessary for cessations of humoral and cellular immunity. As a result, the production of antibodies may increase and the production of antigen-specific T-helpers and T-killers will be activated.

Immunomodulators of thymic gait.

Naturally, the main target for immunomodulators of thymic activity is T-lymphocytes. When the levels of the drug appear to decrease, the strength of T-cells and their functional activity are promoted. The pharmacological action of the synthetic thymic dipeptide Thymogen is based on the increased level of cyclic nucleotides, similar to the effect of the thymic hormone thymopoietin, leading to stimulation of differentiation and proliferation of T- clitis in mature lymphocytes.

Immunomodulators of cysto-cerebral gait.

To immunomodulators contained in the bone marrow of patients (pigs or calves), myelopid is used. The myelopid contains six immune mediators specific to the cerebrospinal fluid, called myelopeptides (MPs). These words may stimulate various parts of the immune system, especially humoral immunity. Skin myelopeptide has a distinct biological effect, the totality of which forms its clinical effect. MP-1 restores the normal balance of activity of T-helpers and T-suppressors. MP-2 suppresses the proliferation of malignant cells and significantly reduces the ability of plump cells to produce toxic substances, which suppresses the functional activity of T-lymphocytes. MP-3 stimulates the activity of the phagocytic line of the immune system and, therefore, promotes anti-infective immunity. MP-4 contributes to the differentiation of hematopoietic cells, which are more susceptible to their rapid maturation, and thus has a leukopoietic effect. . In immunodeficient countries, the drug restores the indicators of the B- and T-systems of the immune system, stimulates the production of antibodies and the functional activity of immunocompetent cells, and improves low other indicators of the humoral immune system. toilet.

Cytokines are low molecular weight hormone-like biomolecules that are produced by activated immunocompetent cells and regulators of interclinary interactions. There are several groups - interleukins, growth factors (epidermal, nerve growth factor), colony-stimulating factors, chemotactic factors, tissue necrosis factor. Interleukemia is the main participant in the development of the immune response to the invasion of microorganisms, the formation of an inflammatory reaction, the development of anti-tumor immunity, etc.

Chemically pure immunomodulators

The mechanisms of action of these drugs can be best seen from the example of Polyoxidonium. This high-molecular immunomodulator is characterized by a wide range of pharmacological effects on the body, including immunomodulatory, antioxidant, detoxifying and membrane-protective effects.

Interferons and interferon inducers.

Interferons are dry substances of protein nature, which are produced by cells during the penetration of viruses, and induce the influx of other natural and synthetic compounds (interferon inducers). Interferons are factors of non-specific protection against the body such as viruses, bacteria, chlamydia, pathogenic fungi, puffy cells, and may also act as regulators of intercellular interactions in the immune system . From this position, stench lies before endogenous immunomodulators.

Three types of human interferons have been observed: a-interferon (leukocyte), b-interferon (fibroblastic) and g-interferon (immune). g- Interferon has less antiviral activity, but plays a more important immunoregulatory role. Schematically, the mechanism of action of interferon can be described as follows: interferon binds to a specific receptor in the cell, which leads to the synthesis of about thirty proteins by the cell, which ensure the effect called interferon u. Zokrem synthesizes regulatory peptides that interfere with the penetration of the virus into the cell, the synthesis of new viruses in the cell, and stimulate the activity of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and macrophages.

In Russia, the history of the creation of interferon drugs begins in 1967, which precedes the creation and introduction into clinical practice for the prevention and treatment of influenza and human leukocyte interferon. Currently, a number of daily alpha-interferon preparations are being produced in Russia, which, based on technology, are divided into natural and recombinant ones.

Interferon inducers are synthetic immunomodulators. Interferon inducers are a diverse family of high- and low-molecular synthetic and natural compounds, which combine to produce high-volume (endogenous) interferon in the body. Interferon inducers have anti-virus, immunomodulatory and other effects characteristic of interferon.

Napivdan (a complex of polyadenylic and polyuridonic acids) is one of the leading interferon inducers that has been established since the 70s. Its interferon-inducing activity is low. Napivdan vikorista appears in the form of eye drops and injections under the conjunctiva in case of herpetic keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis, as well as in the form of application in case of herpetic vulvovaginitis and colpitis.

Amiksin is a low-molecular-weight interferon inducer that belongs to the class of fluoreons. Amixin stimulates the creation of all types of interferons in the body: a, b and g. The maximum level of interferon in the blood is reached 24 years after taking Amixin, moving up to the same level as its output values ​​by tens of times. An important feature of amixin is the trival circulation (up to 8 days) of the therapeutic concentration of interferon after a course of taking the drug. It is significant that Amixin’s stimulation of the vibration of endogenous interferon will ensure its universally wide range of antiviral activity. Amixin also stimulates the humoral immune response, increasing the production of IgM and IgG, renewing the T-helper/T-suppressor response. Amixin is used for the prevention of influenza and other GRV, treatment of important forms of influenza, acute and chronic hepatitis B and C, recurrent genital herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, chlamydia, multiple sclerosis u.

Interferons are a group of proteins with antiviral activity that are produced by eukaryotic cells due to the introduction of low biological agents into them - interferonogens. A family of glycoprotein proteins with a molecular weight of 15 to 70 kDa. Depending on the type of cells that synthesize interferon, there are three types: α, β and γ.

Alpha interferon is produced by leukocytes, beta-fibroblasts, and gamma is produced by activated T-lymphocytes, macrophages, natural killer cells, and immune cells.

The antiviral cream interferon has an anti-tumor effect, which inhibits the proliferation of tumor cells, as well as immunomodulatory activity, stimulating phagocytosis, natural cellulitis, regulating anti-antibodies cells, activating the expression of the head histosuiciency complex.

The mechanism of action of interferon is foldable. Interferon does not act directly on the virus, but binds to special receptors on the cell and enters into the process of reproduction of the virus in the cell at the stage of protein synthesis.

Interferon is more effective when it begins to synthesize and enter the body earlier. Therefore, you should use a preventive method for many viral infections, such as influenza, as well as a preventive method for chronic viral infections (hepatitis, herpes, multiple sclerosis)

Interferons may be species specific, so human interferons are less effective for animals and for that matter.

Reduce interferon in two ways: a) by infecting a culture of human leukocytes or lymphocytes with a harmless virus, as a result of which the infected cells synthesize interferon, which they then see and construct from a new drug for interferon.

b) using a genetic engineering method - by cultivating recombinant strains of bacteria in the vicinity of bacteria that produce interferon. Use recombinant strains of Pseudomonas, Escherichia coli with interferon genes inserted into the DNA. Recombinant interferon is widely used in medicine as a preventive and therapeutic treatment for viral infections and immunodeficiencies.

Interferonogens are factors that induce the synthesis of interferons in the cells of spinal animals. Such natural agents include RNA and DNA genomic viruses, various types of bacteria, actinomycetes, ricketsia, chlamydia, mycoplasma, toxoplasma, plasmodia, PC, lipopolysaccharide bacteria, mushroom saccharides, natural fields. From synthetic compounds, the synthesis of interferons is induced by polyphosphates, polycarboxylates, propandiamine, and basic barberries.

12. Normogram of resistance.

Mechanisms of antimicrobial protection

1. Concept of antimicrobial resistance

2. Nonspecific microbial resistance

3. Phagocytosis

1. One of the primary factors that plays a role in the development of infection and similar infectious diseases is a susceptible macroorganism. The totality of mechanisms that indicate the organism’s resistance (resistance) to the action of any microbial agent is designated by the term “antimicrobial (antimicrobial) resistance.” This is one of the manifestations of underlying physiological reactivity to the macroorganism, whose reaction is a reaction of its own - a microbial agent.

Antimicrobial resistance is completely individual, and it is determined by the genotype of the body, age, lifestyle, etc.

The addition of a wide range of factors to non-specific zakhistu, zocrema, is administered before breastfeeding and breastfeeding.

The specificity of the mechanisms of antimicrobial protection is divided into:

On non-specific – the first level of protection from microbial agents;

Specificity is another level of protection that is ensured by the immune system. It's implemented like this:

Through antibodies – humoral immunity; .

Through the function of cellin-effectors (T-killers and macrophages) – cell immunity.

The first and the other are closely related to each other through macrophages.

Nonspecific and specific mechanisms of antimicrobial protection can be tissue (associated with cells) or humoral.

2. Non-specific microbial resistance - this is an innate power of the macroorganism, which is ensured by transmission during recessions by numerous mechanisms, which are divided into the following types:



Visible (functional).

The tissue mechanisms of nonspecific natural antimicrobial protection are related to:

Barrier function of the skin and mucous membranes;

Colonization resistance, which ensures normal microflora;

Inflammation and phagocytosis (may also share the fate of a specific immune system);

Barrier fixes the function of lymph nodes;

areactivity of cells;

Function of natural killers.

The first barrier to the penetration of microbes into the internal middle of the body is the skin and mucous membrane. A healthy, untreated skin and mucus are impenetrable to most microorganisms. However, all types of daily infectious diseases and illnesses pass through them. Such alarms are considered especially dangerous; they include alarms of plague, tularemia, anthrax, some mycoses and viral infections. Work with them is carried out in special dry suits or even in specially equipped laboratories.

In addition to a purely mechanical function, the skin and mucous membranes can have an antimicrobial effect - bacteria (for example, coliform) applied to the skin can quickly die. The bacterial content of the skin and mucous membranes is ensured by:

The microflora is normal (the function of colonization resistance);

Secretions of sweat (lactic acid) and sebaceous (fatty acids) secretions;

Lysozyme of mucus, mucus, etc.

When the epithelium acts as a dermal-mucous barrier, it consumes the dermal cellulose/submucosal ball, where one of the main non-specific tissue mechanisms of protection is realized - combustion. As a result of the development of the ignition, the following occurs:

Intervention of the deposits of the multiplied tissue from excess tissues;

This is the problem with the place;

Advanced reproduction;

Zreshta - this is the death and destruction of the body.

3. During the development of inflammation, another universal tissue mechanism of nonspecific protection is realized - phagocytosis.

The phenomenon of phagocytosis was discovered and taught by the great Russian scientist I. I. Mechnikov.

The basis of these rich works was the phagocytic theory of immunity, created by Swordsmen who received the Nobel Prize.

The phagocytic mechanism of healing consists of several subsequent phases:





Internal cell poisoning.

Phagocytosis in all stages is called completion. If the phases of killing and internal cell poisoning do not occur, then phagocytosis becomes incomplete. In case of incomplete phagocytosis, microorganisms are stored in the middle of leukocytes and are simultaneously distributed throughout the body. Thus, incomplete phagocytosis, instead of the healing mechanism, is transformed into a new one, helping microorganisms to protect themselves from the influx of the macroorganism and expand into the new one.